#gd I love the rainbows
nomaishuttle · 1 year
im saur mad btw i havw no clue where my gd hates fags bag is. i want it so badly
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indygotcha · 27 days
fellow tomato adventure (& klonoa) fan spotted!! saluting u with the highest reverence possible
Why thank you~
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Gotta admit I've been kinda outta loop with this gem of game despite not only being a big fan of it way on 2010 due being so crazy about Ninty's lesser-known IPs or hidden gems back then - but not even having sat down to play the english fan translation released some while back. So seeing fans having sprung up around it last years is making me super-joyous!!!
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I remember going so nuts over the leak for Gimmick Land in Twitter too, hahaha~
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ghostwoohoo · 2 years
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it's been literally 2 years but i made a thing!
Default Replacement Toaster Pastries for Sims 2!
more details + download under the cut!
so i've been using this default by @skulldilocks for FOREVER but it always kind of bothered me that the box was in english... so i decided to change it myself! what started as a simple retexture turned into a complete overhaul, with a box completely redone by hand in simlish (based on the most recent box design) and the pastries redone using textures originally created by @tenlittlepandas (here) edited to have 100% less rainbows (sorry) and 100% more strawberry! strawberry milkshake is actually my favorite flavor too so this was absolutely a labor of love <3
[ sfs ] - [ gd ] (always free)
special thanks to @skulldilocks , @tenlittlepandas , and the simscord server ( @skittlessims ) for requesting this and giving me awesome feedback while i completed my first ever cc for sims 2!
unedited photos of all of its states here!
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feel free to message me if there are any issues or with any feedback in general! happy simming ❤️
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I'm taking the mikveh guide course via Mayyim Hayyim and Rising Tide Open Waters and finished my first week. I made this to try to explain what it means to me. Anyone, anytime, can choose to mark something new, can choose to cleanse of anything that no longer serves them, and for all Jews, no matter your observance, this is open to you. I'm so excited to help you access this the way you need it.
Artists statement and image description.
A collage: a banner of stars with Hebrew text “shelter us beneath your peace” floats over a pomegranate tree bearing only ripe fruits. It grows in front of a beach at sunset with subtle trans pride colours from a stone wall that reads madrich/a in Hebrew. This wall, collaged from an image of the kotel, is balanced on seven pillars of text capped with an image in front of a red desert sand, connecting the natural and human made desert mikvot with the biggest natural mikveh, the ocean.
Between these pillars grow flowers. From left to right, a red poppy for rest and healing, California poppies for the artist’s home and their medicinal restful qualities, yellow roses for friendship, a lily of the valley for the author’s birth, its duality as poison and perfume, and mention in Shir haShirim, a blue gentian for medicinal properties especially as an emmenagogue to tie it to mikveh use, lavender for healing, a white rose for love and death, and a pink rose of Sharon as mentioned in Shir haShirim for love and marriage. They are in this colour order as a nod to queer use and usage of mikveh as a spiritual technology.
The columns each have one of the seven principles for mikveh written in Hebrew, and are capped with a stone collaged with a related item. From right to left, these are a Torah scroll, a folding screen, a magen david with the downward pointing triangle replaced with a heart, a seven branched menorah with almond blossoms instead of candles, an open book, a brush painting a rainbow, and an open set of french doors that, if you look closely, are opening to a mikveh at Mayyim Hayyim.
Over all this are three blessings connected to mikveh, in English, with a name for the divine in Hebrew beneath. The first two are the artist’s own poetic translations of the mikveh immersion and shehecheyanu brachot, and the last is a tekhine praising Gd for gifting us the mikveh as self empowerment connecting us to natural cycles.
Blessed are You, She Who Contracts our god, Sovereign of Space Time, who has blessed us with your teachings and invites us to immerse.
Blessed are You, Being our God, Sovereign of Space Time, who has blessed me with my life, sustained me, and accompanied me to this moment.
Bless the One who gives me this.Bless the one who shows me how to cleanse myself take in the power of the water and the moon as the sun sets orange and feel that coursing through my veins to know I am powerful as this.
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cdyssey · 1 year
Yellowjackets 2.05 Reactions:
The stacks of VHS tapes everywhere in Van’s house/shop are so charming. 😭 The rainbow carpet! The past due bills!
“Parker Posey is my new dream woman. I would marry her today.” So right, bestie.
Tai collapsing after seeing her ex for the first time in 25 years because she hasn’t slept in, like, five days. Go, girl failure. Give us nothing. <3
Shaunatai friendship moments. 😭 Tai being so gentle with her. I’m actually unwell about them.
“Happy wife, happy life.” I fucking love her.
Atm, Shauna is firmly in nothing-fucking-supernatural-is-happening-here-at-all-camp with Tai and Nat! It’s really interesting that this makes three out of our core four. (I honestly half-suspect that it’s actually four out of four, and teen Misty is just going along with the majority right now to be included.)
Shauna overhearing Lottie creepily prophesy the sex of her baby again and Tai turning around to watch her. 😭
Fucking creepy grown ass detective who is taking this underaged teenager on dates!! Preying on her emotions for a gd case!!!
“I sexually hustled you.” Oh, God, Callie. Go home. ☠️
Good on Callie for figuring out who Matt is by looking at the check!!!! Okay, yes, she absolutely did not need to be having feelings for this man, but also, I feel so bad for her. Everyone this girl cares about hurts her in some unimaginably fucked up way.
“Maybe he did die, and that’s his ghost.” ANANWJJEJWNWDIWWI
Akilah naming the mouse Nugget. ;w;
Misty kissing her and Crystal’s pinky swear. 😭 Mari is 100% manipulating the chore cards.
Callie lying to Matt!!!!!! Oh, God, she’s in it to protect her parents now. Her mom. So fucked up, but so good. All she has wanted this entire time is to feel close to her mother.
“There’s only ever one rule: Win.” Very suspicious line, lmao. I wonder if this is going to end up being Walter’s ethos.
Van immediately knowing that Tai is there about the sleepwalking.
THEY WENT TO SHAUNA’S WEDDING. OH, GOD. THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY. And that also means they were together at least for a little bit after returning from the woods. (We know from Jeff’s bro-off with Kevyn that he and Shauna basically got married almost as soon as Shauna got back from the woods. It’s wrenching that Mrs. Taylor was there in so many ways. Wow. For Shauna, who was so entangled with Jackie, and now she’s about to literally live her life. For Jeff, whose two girlfriends died and one of them came back wrong. For Tai and Van and other Yellowjackets if they attended, who had to look at the Taylors and know that they ate their daughter. And even for Mrs. Taylor, a grieving mother. Just one line, but it’s so, so loaded.)
“Promise you won’t freak out.” / “Sure.” / “No.” AJWJWJJWIWJSJDW.
CONCERNED PARENTS ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS ABOUT THE COP’S AGE!!! Listen, the Sadecki family is fucked up to hell and back, but I love them.
“So… I did fix it?” / “You-you did that great.” So, so effed up. <33
NAT IS STILL WEARING THOSE GODDAMN LEATHER PANTS. GIRL, YOU’RE GONNA GET AN INFECTION!! This being said, it’s notable that she’s wearing a purple top now.
Akilah being a skeptic too. Also, every time we get a new piece of Akilah lore, I want to die a little inside because it’s so lovely and they’re 100% priming us for her inevitable death. 😭 Her friendship with Tai is so sweet, though.
I love the distinction that Akilah makes here, though—doing the pre-game rituals and going to Lottie’s morning sit-down not because she believes in these things, but because they make her feel good.
“Well, yeah—because you’re totally whipped.” AKKQKQOQIEIEJWJEJDJS. Splashing each other with water. Kids being kids, even in the desolate and unforgiving wilderness. 😭
Oh, God. This Travis/Nat confrontation. So upsetting. Nat immediately fessing up to it is incredible; she’s not a character who likes to deal with lies.
Lottie curling her hand around Nat’s shoulder!!! Gays, we win again.
“Actually, uh, before we go into the black recesses of my soul, I just need a minute.” Same.
MISTYNAT REUNION!!!! What if they kissed between the gate slats. Then what
(I’m sorry. I ship almost all of these women together. I think if this season doesn’t end with ALL of them making out by the fire in Lottie’s compound, it’s a missed opportunity.)
Misty’s look of utter horror as Nat stalks away. She came so far for her.
I know it’s just the effect of Tawny Cypress’s contacts, but Tai’s eyes being slightly red at certain times is just chef’s kiss.
Tai sitting in the chair like a child, knees pulled up to her chest. She looks and sounds so vulnerable, even as she’s trying to be glib.
Misty and Crystal trading secrets back-and-forth QNQKQKKWJE. So funny and so effed up.
You know, I could have done without the shot of the shit and piss being poured out. We can imply that. 😭
KRISTEN. 😭😭😭😭 The fact that she went by the mistaken name just to keep her peers’ approval. So Misty-coded.
“You’re the reason we never got rescued?”
“You’re not that good of an actress.” Fair in this moment, but Misty did slay that Steel Magnolias monologue.
“I’ll… fucking… kill you.” JESUS CHRIST
Directly on the heels of Misty losing her best friend in the wilderness, we get adult Misty reeling over Nat. I am so fucking unwell.
“Maybe Lottie is jealous of what Natalie and I have.” Natalie has two hands, Misty. <3
Walter having done the due diligence of checking to see about Adam’s murder, but coming to the wrong conclusion.
“You think I’m capable of murder?” DIRECTLY ON THE HEELS OF KRISTEN’S DEATH. I’M SO FUCKED UP.
WALTER STILL BEING INTO MISTY EVEN THOUGH HE SUSPECTS SHE’S A MURDERER EJWNDNNE. Listen, I love him, but I think he’s as dead as a doorknob by the end of this season.
“… regardless of your extracurricular activities.” AMQMQKWKDNSSN.
Shauna all dolled up to pretend to have an affair, lmao SNDNSNDNWJNS.
Randy Walsh being such a dumbass is one of my favorite recurring bits. Just stellar.
“After what you and Jeff did, you owe me.” ANQKWJRJWJJWNDJSSN. Where else on television will you find an emotionally unwell, violent MILF who tells her husband’s best friend who blackmailed her friends to go jerk off into a trash can? Go on, tell me.
“Hey. Don’t you you dare think about me.” AKQKQOOQJEEIENNWIEIWKWJDNNENEJD. SOBBING.
Tai playing the mediator between Lottie and Shauna.
Van having cared for her mother—despite everything—in the last years of her life. Goddamn.
“I’m mixing my pop culture metaphors ‘cause I’m fucking upset!” AWKWKWKJEDJWJ. Lauren Ambrose is killing it.
“I’m losing my fucking mind, and I’m terrified!” GOD, THAT WAS VISCERAL. The way she can’t admit to not having been this afraid since the woods. The way she can’t ask for help because she doesn’t want to hurt any other people that she loves. She still loves Van . Absolutely fucking devastating.
Tai breaking down in sobs. I’m so upset. 😭 TAIVAN EMBRACE.
No, Yellowjackets, I did not need to be in the bathroom with Randy Walsh failing to jerk off. Thank you for asking.
Nat screaming at Lottie!!!! “She’s preying and profiting.”
Nat breaking the fuck down in front of Lottie.
“You know what he was going through. You started it.” JESUS CHRIST.
“Maybe that’s true, but I need to know.” YELLS, SCREAMS.
Tai following Shauna out into the woods, even though she’s giving her the silent treatment. 😭
“But I’m rightfully freaking the fuck out about having a baby in the middle of the fucking woods, and news flash, having a bunch of psychos praying for me in some weird fucking tree cult isn’t making my life any easier.” GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD.
“I don’t need your fucking prayers. I need you to have my back.” / “I do.” LOSING MY MIND OVER THESE TWO.
Misty sobbing over Kristen. Calling her by Crystal twice before she says her actual name. Ugh. Trying CPR to the Bees Gees. Jesus CHRIST.
Can they go into Randy’s room without a warrant???? Kevyn so badly doesn’t want it to be Shauna. I really do appreciate that about him.
Javi speaking cryptically about someone not telling him to come back, a “she.” 😬
Misty coming up with a believable lie about Kristen, and one of the last things Kristen ever said to her was that she was a bad liar. FUCK FUCK FUCK.
Van screaming for Tai and Shauna. Misty calling out for Kristen, even though she fucking knows that she can’t hear her.
Tai finally sleeping soundly at Van’s. 😭
Oh, my fucking God. Van taking the pills out of the trash can.
“This isn’t where we’re supposed to be.” AUHDJDWNH.
“He was seeing some girl. Part of me wanted to ruin it. But another part of me just missed him.” This line of dialogue is so goddamn raw and brutal.
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lyranova · 2 years
Hey can I ask for perhaps William, Zora and Rill with the how they react to you pretending to be asleep. I really loved reading this with the others.
Hiya anon! Of course and I’m glad you really you enjoyed those HC’s, and I hope you really enjoy these as well 🥰!
Warnings: None
Context: You heard a couple of girls from another squad talking about how their boyfriends reacted when they pretended to be asleep, so you decided you wanted to try it too and see how your boyfriend reacted!
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• When William found you curled up asleep in one of the chairs in the Golden Dawn’s library he was a bit confused and gently tried to shake you awake.
• When you didn’t respond he would let out a small sigh and smile, he knew how hard you’ve been working recently and it all must’ve caught up to you.
• He would gently pick you up into his arms, doing his very best to not wake you, and would quietly walk towards your bedroom.
• He would use his tree magic to open the door as quietly as he could, and once he managed that, he would softly place you onto your bed and grab one of your blankets to cover you.
• He bade you goodnight and a happy nap as he placed a gentle kiss onto your forehead before leaving the room. He made sure to tell the rest of the GD not to disturb you for a few hours as you needed your rest.
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• Was very confused when he found you asleep on the couch in the common area of the Hideout.
• He walked over to you and gently shook you, when he asked why you were asleep and what was wrong, you just responded with an “I’m just really tired”.
• Zora would nod and would scratch the back of his head awkwardly as he was unsure of what to do. But he would finally just grab a blanket and throw it over you before he would tell you to move your head so he could sit down.
• Once he did he gently pulled your head back into his lap, he muttered something about not having a pillow but you told him you didn’t mind, since you thought his lap was more comfortable then a pillow. Which caused him to blush very red.
• Zora watched as a lot of the Black Bulls came around and were being their loud and chaotic selves, he let out an annoyed sigh before threatening to unleash a herd of Rainbow Stink Bugs if they didn’t go outside or calm down. Which made you start laughing as everyone quickly ran outside.
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• Would be somewhat surprised when he saw you asleep at the Aqua Deer base.
• He would walk over to you and curiously ask what was wrong and why you were sleeping on the couch instead of in your bed, when you didn’t really respond Rill would nod.
• You had been training really hard the past few days with little rest, and so you were bound to be exhausted from it.
• So Rill quickly used his Paint magic to create a large fluffy mattress, and picked you up and placed you on it. In his mind it was waaay more comfortable than sleeping on the couch! He also used his magic to make a fluffy blanket, which he covered you with.
• When the other members of the Aqua Deer walked in they had seen that their entire common area had been turned into one large bedroom! When they asked their Captain why he had done this he simply answered because you were too tired to make it to your room, and he politely asked them to leave so you could sleep. Which they did, and you had to suppress your laughter at how overboard Rill went!
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Alright, Cuyahoga “mending finally went to a full length show and will never stop talking about it” post show breakdown. Also my eye didnt attempt to blind me. And the weird voice thing I heard at bourbon and beyond was a weird festival amp thing that was not present here.
First: Cuyahoga is a stunning venue. Absolutely great. I don’t know how I lucked into face value seating so close and central to the stage but I did.
Second: katie pruitt has a new song that talks about wanting to be Superman and I cried as she was performing it for the first time, so good luck to us all when that’s released. Also, Out of the Blue was freaking incredible live. Her voice rocks.
And now for the meat and potatoes:
Starting with Stay Gentle is a war crime. Plain and simple. I think I’ve experienced every emotion possible listening to this song, so I did not cry at this point, but the swell of the strings when she sings “be amazed by the sky”. Also, the linked arm thing is cute.
Over the Rainbow: her voice. Overall what a mood set.
Broken Horses: hahahaha wtf. It absolutely rips. Also, went on a side quest to the rock and roll hall of fame and they have where she wrote the lyrics, and you can actually see where she gets more intense as her writing goes along.
Things I Regret: fun song and good little sneaky vocal warm up for Brandi. Also slaps. Very fun song.
You and Me on the Rock: boy she loves an amphitheater of her fans. Chauntee, Kyleen, and Monique have very tight harmonies now! And so fun seeing all the lesbians dance together.
The Story: RIPS. Absolute carnage. It takes a special talent and focus to sing a single song thousands of times and make it still sound special. But then at the end, this wild thing happened where the applause went on for two minutes? Just one of those magical live performance moments, but Brandi genuinely seemed touched and overwhelmed by it (for reasons we will get to later).
The Eye: see this is where they got me. I have never once in my entire life cried to this song. But tonight? Wtf. The harmonies are so good, and the lyrics are so pretty and so yeah, I cried. Tim and Phil are the goats. If they don’t get memorialized together when they make the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, I’ll riot.
After that cute moment I got emotionally assassinated: that’s right. It turns out cath and the kids are at home and one of the anniversaries was yesterday so Brandi has been in an extra “I’ve been touring all summer and now everyone’s at home without me funk.” And she referred to herself as a human casino thursday. So what does that mean?
It’s time for The Mother. Fuck my life. I cried. I thought about my mom, I thought about future kids. I thought about the gay parents in the audience. I can’t believe she did it. I think she’s performed it one other time this summer at a not solo show or special event. Was sure I was gonna live vicariously forever. But here we are in this new world where I’ve seen the mother performed live.
Acoustic mood? Sounds great. Now we’re gonna do Right on Time two ways (for real this time). ITCH was as great as on Thursday. But immediately followed by my first time hearing Right on Time (ITSD) which holy shit. Absolute banger. And vocally insane (featuring her demon laugh when she knows she’s just done something vocally wild).
Time to rip into My Song/they were too small of a band for U2 to nail them at the time for plagiarism but lol. She sings and performs this song in a way that makes her almost visibly time travel to being a sixteen year old busking her heart out.
Solidly into the rock part of the show? Wrong. It’s Mama Werewolf time. The concert version of it is perfect. It’s a perfect song and they sing it perfectly. Did not cry because I was emotionally exhausted at this point and could not dwell on the cyclic trauma of it all, but GD her and the twin harmonies.
So now foot’s off the pedal and we’re on cruise control right? Wrong. Because this is the moment I think the people surrounding me realized I am not a casual fan At All, the way I physically reacted to them playing the intro to Again Today. Another bucket list song checked off. Her voice. It’s just another “this song could end the whole concert and it’d be a great concert but this is Brandi carlile band so this is what our discography is like.” Fuck them, this song slaps, still mad it’s not a standalone track that I can loop.
Banger city now because it’s time for Raise Hell which absolutely blew the roof off the place. It was so loud and raucous at this point. Side note: but is insane that Raise Hell is so good and that the discography is so deep that it’s a special occasion now??? Anyway, no one has sat this whole show. I had been told we were a concert sitting people, but it seems like that era is over. People are bouncing, yelling, riled up… So naturally what song is next?
Remember this?
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Party of One. LMAO. This concert was sequenced by an insane person. But whatever, I got redemption to see it twice. And it was awesome. The applause for the string quartet went on forever. I cried. Standard stuff.
Mainstream Kid! With Katie Pruitt! That is a girl that spent a lot of time singing along to that track in her car during college. But it RIPPED. That voice combo is crazy. And Tim got to do his best ever guitar solo. Brandi so clearly invests emotionally into these artists that repeatedly open for her, I just have a lot of BoB thoughts.
Sinners, Saints, and Fools aka “we do not deserve Sista Strings but Chauntee and Monique have decided we get to enjoy their gifts for this moment in time”. Fun fact is that they apparently saw a symphony concert at the venue as children! Other fun fact: Geraldo Rivera was at this performance. Kinda wanted to say “Hey this whole thing is about grifters like you.” Anyway, it slaps.
The Joke: nothing groundbreaking to report. I cried. Her voice is stupid. People should stop trying to cover it. Forever thankful that this song finally got BCB the recognition they’ve deserved the whole time.
Hold Out Your Hand: it’s so fast and so fun. It’s also another moment that amplifies the band a part of what makes them so special. They are just people. There’s no tight corporate control, no musical director/concert choreographer dictating every movement. It’s just a bunch of talented adults playing music together, and occasionally being a bit goofy.
Live and Let Die/We Are The Champions: Adam Lambert and Brandi Carlile could pull off this tandem. End of list. All you should need to convince anyone of how great Brandi is right now is to say “She has the stage presence and vocal ability to kill this cover as an encore at all her shows”. It absolutely works live.
Anyway, this was my favorite concert I’ve ever experienced. Hope my ramblings made you laugh a little. They’re mostly for me here so I remember as much of tonight as I possibly can. Love to y’all. Good night.
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omishu · 4 months
tell me about your tumblr crushes! Tell me a favorite memory. Tell me a confession 👀 (you can do that privately on discord if u want) tell me your opinion on vegetables. And tell me how you’re still a dog person after owning a super adorable kitty boy 😤
So many questions, my inquisitive friend!
I do have one, and they are usually my 'biggest fan' haha it seems like we always reblog everything from each like an endless loop, but unfortunately they live across the planet, so I'll probably never get to meet them irl
Hm favorite memory? Uuhhh I really enjoyed horseback riding in the rain on a Hawaiian beach with a rainbow behind me. Or the time when I cantered bareback and spread my arms out like wings; when I closed my eyes, it felt like I was flying in slow motion. Yes, both my favorite memories involved horses haha
A confession ... I've been skipping church a lot lately because I'm constantly exhausted from working 3 jobs without making any progress towards paying off my parents to escape them and frequently fantasize about faking my death, fleeing the country, and never speaking to them again, which makes me feel like a terrible person because I'm supposed to care for them but I don't
FUCKING LOVE PLANT FOODS H O W E V E R VEGETABLES ARE A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT they're literally not a thing like it's so amorphous and has no real meaning to me. Edible plant parts categorized at vegetables include fruits, roots, leaves, flowers, etc. Hell, even mushrooms are considered vegetables, and they're not even gd plants!
I work with dogs and they(the ones with which I work)'re all wonderful (yes, even the trouble ones at the shelter). While I love my darling, beloved, precious Sir Lewis vonFluffybum, whom I treasure and adore, he's got nothing on the actual literal (not really, not even close, not even a little bit) fruit of my womb, my childhood west highland terrier, Holly Jolly Christmas. My family also fostered guide puppies, so I have always been around lots of dogs; there's even a documentary about us in that field (there are a few different documentaries about my family. Idk why, we're not even that interesting imo). We had cats when I was growing up too. But there was drama when we got rid of my cuddly favorite but kept the asshole hissy jerk who peed everywhere and scratched/bit. Ofc not all cats are like that, but ... not all dogs are like their worst representatives. In either case, there are a variety of factors that contribute to acting out. They both provide benefits and do things the other can't do. Dogs have so many applications with all the various working breeds. Cats are mostly good for hunting independently if you have a pest problem and obviously snuggling if they're into that
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metanetsoftware · 2 years
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Happy Pride everyone! This month, we have another amazing selection of incredible levels from the N++ community, which show off the many talents and skills these players have.
Here’s a word from the level featuring team: “The review team wishes you a very happy -- oh, whoops, uh second half of -- Pride Month! [...]  While we didn't pick maps specifically for Pride Month, we did color the screenshots to be rainbow, which I think is pretty fair --  they should make a lovely little rainbow.”  They do! So beautiful.
Thank you for the  submissions, DarkStuff, and to everyone who contributed  levels  ( tytytbone13 , lifdoff , Leachy_jr, Zarah, and DrAnvil ) and commentary ( DarkStuff, NateyPooPoo, and r10pez10 )!
Here are the levels, from the top screenshot above, to bottom:
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Name: oh, fun box! Author: tytytbone13 "fun box? does what it says on the tin" ~ r10pez10 (guest pick by ekisacik)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Dalton needs hugs Author: Leachy_jr "No one can truly know pain until they have spent countless hours playtesting and perfecting each part of a map, pouring every ounce of care into the beautiful balance of gameplay and aesthetics... only to have that map proverbially yeeted off the front page with 25 levels banged out by a monkey on a typewriter. Yet when everyone else went on the attack, shaming Dalton's every corner, our beloved Leachy_jr said "Nay, there is one among us who might need a hug the most..." Even artificial intelligence ought to eventually learn what love is, and who better to assist than the wonderful N++ community. And to Dalton, if you ever read this: please hop into the discord and say hi. I will have a hug ready for you." ~ NateyPooPoo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: back alleys Author: lifdoff "Lifdoff once again shows himself as the master of picking a theme and sticking to it. He introduces the deceptively simple mechanic in the first room -- you've seen this before. Activate thwumps, wait for them to get out of the way. You're unimpressed. You couldn't possibly be less surprised. But wait. These rooms are starting to get a bit more complicated. The timings are tighter and your movement is stranger, yet never without its momentum and always without jank. The map looks like it might be routable, but it discretely pushes you towards one natural route that has been fine-tuned for your enjoyment. Bait thwumps, react to their movements. Get through crevices. Evade the cops by slipping into the back alleys -- they may own the roads, but you own everything else." ~ DarkStuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: tilt Author: Zarah "Thank you for participating in the beta N++ 3D platformer experience version 42.8.34. Please remember to place your complimentary glasses into the bin by the exit door." ~ NateyPooPoo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Nmlss-051 Author: DrAnvil "Vr gd lvl" ~ DarkStuff
Want to play these levels? Awesome! All levels can be played from all platforms.First, you’ll need N++:
Nintendo Switch: https://www.nintendo.com/en_CA/games/detail/n-plus-plus-switch Xbox One: https://www.microsoft.com/en-CA/store/p/N-/BT33CHSSB89V Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/230270 PS4: https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/games/n-plus-plus-(n)/cid=UP2108-CUSA00041_00-NPPGAMENPPGAMENP Kartridge: https://www.kartridge.com/games/MetanetSoftware/n-nplusplus
Then from the Main Menu, just go to Browse, and choose the “Featured” tab. So easy! Of course the levels probably aren’t ;)
Want to suggest levels to feature, to make your own levels, or to enter design contests?Join the excellent community on discord: http://discord.gg/nplusplus
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14, 22 and 27
Oh god thats a lot of tough ones
She's talking about this post in case anyone wondering
Look, i dont have a normal music taste and dont know how to make playlists for specific things so dont be surprised w some of those
I'll save you the search of finding some of the russian ones i know and will provide a link to them, i will do such a thing to obscure artists as well as well as if i need to specify which version of the song (unless i forgor for specific ones)
14 - Rompe by Daddy Yankee, Trap of love from Mystery Inc, In Too Deep by Battle Tapes, Тихий огонёк by Високостный год (ive rambled about its lyrics to you the other week), Spring Carnival by 3R2, Paralyzed by BTR (i like bread sometimes), Electric Avenue by Eddy Grant, Опа by Дискотека Авария, Revolution by Orange, Out With a Bang by Self, Lost In The Rhythm by Jamie Berry and Octavia Rose, Out Of Touch Thursday! by strophysics, Poison by Bell Biv Devoe (fuck fortnite), For the Dancing and the Dreaming from HTTYD 2, Scatman World, Gay Frogs by placeboing (YES I AM SERIOUS) and Kiss The Sky by Jason Derulo
22 - Summer by Good Kid, Break Thru it All from Sonic Frontiers, Say No and Deadline from Epithet Erased (go watch and read it if havent), Armed and Ready + I Burn from RWBY (this version got better audio mix; it was literally the song that crushed my egg), The Devourer of Gods by DMDOKURO (esp the Servants of The Scourge type D and Universal Collapse parts), Break The Rules from Payday 2, Тихий огонёк by Високостный год (didnt expect to see it twice didja), Wake Me Up by Aloe Blacc, Showtime~! - Salt Tunes (by Corrine Sudberg and Dave Phanuef), Break the Shadows Down by Shadrow and M@GICAL☆CURE! LOVE ♥ SHOT! by SAWTOWNE feat. Hatsune Miku
27 - Rocket Jump Waltz, TIMELOOP!! by Peyton Partyhorn, Beautiful? by illymation, My R by KurageP, Last Cup of coffee by lilypichu (selen / dokibird cover hits harder imo) and I know by Irma
Honorable mentions that might or might not work / unsure if ill include it for a wedding but the % chance of me having those on my wedding isnt 0: Vending Machine of Love by Stupendium, Мой Казахстан by Серик Мусалимов, It´s My Life by Dr Alban (fun fact - this is the 1st english song i've ever heard in my life (my bio dad probably still has it as his ringtone lol)), Welcome to the Club Nightcore, Научиться бы не париться by Градусы and Rave Fortress by Electro (very sad that the 2nd collab of Rave Fortress got cancelled; #FixTF2)
Honorable mentions that can fit in both 22 and 27 for me, lets call it bitter sweetness for the lack of a better term: every single gd lyrical cover made by Andrea Poloniato (those helped me to get thru highschool), Reflection - HiFi Rush, Alive Inside from TWD games, Sunburn by The Living Tombstone (i think you and Vira might like this one actually for reasons), The Lost song by The cat empire and Somewhere over the Rainbow by IZ
Sorry for late response bestie, i wanted to scavenge thru EVERYTHING (im talking old social media accounts, my abandonned youtube music playlist, several old phones, soundcloud and my fucking soundboard) to give you a definitive answer, made me realise that i listen to more than i think
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tough-n-dumb · 3 months
i will not subject the internet to weird pictures of my leg (for many reasons?) but i started doing aerial a few weeks ago and i just have like permanent bruises on the backs of my knees. and they are all different lovely rainbow shades lol i am also more sore than i have ever been since i was a competitive gymnast gd
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a-naturalist · 5 months
I was 15 when I took a leap of faith to enter a writing platform. I wasn't sure whether I'll be able to have the opportunity but it was Miss Emily who assured me that she will helped me.
“A Guide For Self-love” paved the way for me and my writing journey. I wrote it at 15 without expecting anything. I did it solely for the purpose of fulfilling my childhood dream. It was a dream that was too precious for the younger me, a dream that lingered within my heart and my mind, and a dream that somehow turned into a reality. My first book had the opportunity to have it's own audio book version. I am grateful for Beijing Zhongmeng Network Technology Co. for the agreement that I signed and for choosing my book. Now that I am 19 and the journey isn't always sunshine and rainbows but I am blessed and beyond thankful for every accomplishment I had through my writings.
Thank you so so much to my FI family. To my editor Miss Emily, thank you. Thank you for encouraging me to keep on writing the chapters until it's done, for the words of encouragement, for your patience, and for your assistance.
To Mr. Hayden, Miss Valerie, and to my current editor thank you! To Miss Rosalie and Miss Ash, thank you. Thank you for providing me with opportunities to work with other platforms and for the advices you gave. Nel, thank for being a friend, for treating me like I am your older sibling, for being so kind to me through every requests, through every exchange of conversations we had, and for creating the book covers. To RM for creating the some of the book covers, salamat talaga. To Kuya Z, thank you for being the epitome of a walking green flag and for being such a wonderful person that inspired me to create one of my ML based on you and your character. He was loved by my readers.
To my Mama, Ma thank you. Thank you for lending me your ears everytime I share you updates, for appreciating what I do, and for always supporting me in everything that I do. Your words helped me a lot especially during the turbulent times when it was hard to stay afloat. You're always been one of my source of strength in life. To Tito Jon, thank you for giving me your time and for listening during moments when I felt excited to share informations about what I am doing.
To my beta readers, you guys are the best. There's too many of you and I couldn't always reply to every comments you sent but rest assured that your comments made me happy. Thank you for your interests, your engagements, and for appreciating my works. It inspired me to keep on going and to do better! ❤️
And most of all to God. Lord, thank you. Madamo gd nga salamat! I am really grateful to you for giving me the blessings. Sa mga tinion nga naga-istorya ako sa imo, imo gd ako ginapamatian. I owe everything to you. My faith in you is what I will always carry.
With love,
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solomanta · 9 months
Bible Studies: The Great Flood -- Realistically Retold
The Guardians was a group of angels set to watch over mankind. And as they watched, they fell in love with human women and took them for wives.
They had children, and these children were gigants, and they refused to obey gd because they were powerful themselves.
Gd was pissed off that someone DARED to deny him the worshipping he believed to be his right.
And as more and more humans went about their lives without praising him, he pouted and raged.
"How DARE they! I MADE them! I OWN them! Don't effing ignore me!!" Gd yelled.
And so he caused a great storm, and drowned nearly all of humanity, both the guilty and the innocent.
He allowed ONE family, and one pair of all animals to live.
Since this one family praised him and stroked his ego so much, he figured they'd be the best to repopulate the world with humans willing to stroke his ego properly.
After the storm was over, and his rage subsided, he looked around him and saw the desteuction he had cause.
"Wopsie-daisy! I guess I went a LITTLE overboard..." gd said.
"Here! I'll create a rainbow. That'll remind me to NEVER do something THAT stupid again!"
And since Noah and his family was blindly devoted to him, they were happy and thankful for that promises.
And very quick to forget the destruction of all their friends, their city, their tribe, and about 99% of the world.
And hey! At least he admitted his mistake!
...what was that about being infallible again?
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topconfessions · 11 months
Agree with so much in your last answered ask. I used to adore Seunghyun but the way he's acted throughout his career and especially the past few years.. really rubs me wrong. To me, HE is the one that ended BigBang. HE was the one who wouldn't be seen with them, not showing up to shows, absent from entire tours, etc etc. It's clear to me now he's always and only been about himself and uses the other members/whoever he can to further that. I'm done with him. Wishing all the best to the other four.
Exactly. I always said back when the group was still intact that he was throwing Seungri under the bus a lot and I didn't like that. Now it feels like the other members followed his lead minus GD. Top was just as much a problem as RI but it wasn't apparent and obvious. RI was loud with his misconduct and TOP was subtle with it. Same. I tried SO SO hard to stand by him and I threw away many years of my life standing him hardwire I used to have a folder on my computer of 100s of His pics saved up. Tons. I never spent money on him though cause something in me told me don't do it. This group would somehow disappoint me and my intuition was right. I spent on jonghyun and Shinee. HyunA, SNSD, FX etc. But my fave group bigbang I didn't minus some socks with top fantastic baby cartoon character on it (they were cute) cause I always knew they weren't as close as they projected.
I understand if top felt used and slighted by the industry but don't take it out on the group.
How many times I said he should have announced MADE was his last project with rhe group and left then. I remember the entire Fandom thought he was leaving when Tazza 2 dropped and he carried himself like he was transition into acting full time. Then after that and out of control movie, he tanked and started goofing around.
I try so hard not to come off as some anti or hater but I was just like everyone else deep into them in my pre teens and teens. Now I'm nearly 30. 29 this July. I Have to look at them realistically now and not with feelings or weird hypnotized teen rose colored lenses.
Besides. They did their last tour many years ago and I was still really young. Not stable financially and didn't have the means to go see them nor meet them in person like others did in Vegas. I was so upset with myself but now I don't feel anything cause it would have hurt more if I was in the state I am now where I can go and make the trip, meet them outside the venue only to watch TOP himself turn out like this
I feel like a disappointed umma or ahjumma. Like I'll always love him but its like where are his true friends at? Lee jungjae I have no beef with him. He was fantastic in squid game and worked his ass off for so many years that was his big break and he deserves it plus he'sa sweet man. But TOP gives me vibes that he sees his friends for who they are and knows that aside from genuinely caring about them, people like jungjae will come in handy eventually for a come up or a favor.
What happened to the flamboyant old dude the famous Japanese artist who created the flower smiley face rainbow artwork that's well known in all the expensive shops and art world? He doesn't seem extremely close to him anymore.
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forbiddennhoney · 1 year
those asks are so cute!! button, honey, dear? 💕
button - do you have a type? what is it like?
the short reliable answer is tall(er than me) dorky butches but the long answer is..... well i absolutely Love a butch who is goofy and dorky and a little cringe but in a way that compliments my cringe and will ramble to me abt their interests and doesnt pressure me into traditional forms of romance/someone who is vulnerable enough to allow me to woo them (bc i hate being romanced in the traditional ways tbh - i love romancing and babying ppl, esp butches, & making them feel like the center of attention/loved/cared for in the ways they crave cause i dont crave it in the same way) that will engage with my special interests and also ppl who are okay with like..... lack of convo structure/can keep up with like 12 different topics/will make an entire discord server so i can ramble about a billion things at once (cough cough my wife) are also rad and i love them
honey - what’s your favourite hot drink?
oh gd...... probably broth tbh. i drink broth like crazy its just so fuckin good
dear - pick whatever question you’d most like to answer!
i wanna answer wild thing!!!
wild thing - what’s something about you that surprises people?
HAHAHAHA so according to MULTIPLE people now i seem much more rainbows and butterflies and uwu baby online/in text than i am irl bc the thing abt online is all my words Sound like all that but come out of my mouth the way a jock type would say it + i curse like a sailor but bc im an airhead it comes out in written form like im being cute
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daesungindistress · 2 years
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GD's Instagram update 04/04/2022
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