#gay deforest
camyfilms · 11 months
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No, I'm not homeless. I'm just house-less. Not the same thing, right?
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aenslem · 2 months
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We go together or not at all: [56/∞]
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subterraneanna · 1 year
This critique of 1964 deep cut Where Love Has Gone asks of DeForest Kelley’s Sam Corwin: “…is he gay? Impotent? A satyr? Maybe it’s clearer in the book.” Well, you don’t have to read the book to answer one of those:
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✔️He’s a hedonist ✔️He hangs with baddies ✔️He scampers around with panpipes a tobacco pipe ✔️It's implied he's not a real man (so maybe half man?) ✔️He’s preoccupied with sex (and endlessly tries to bang his equally promiscuous married friend with zero discretion) That’s a satyr, folks. And while he’s only drinking in one scene, this randy fellow's natural habitat is a wine-soaked gallery opening so it’s safe to say that’s another box checked off. Most unusual for a satyr, however, is his apparent shape shifting ability as he majestically emerges from his cut-to-the-present chrysalis as an upstanding silver fox, ready to stir up all your daddy issues. 
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This painting is in various states of completion, but I stepped back and got hit with a Dogs Playing Poker vibe 😬 so I think it's time to call it quits. After all, it was only intended to be a 30-minute sketch but somehow turned into a nearly 3-month painting. At some point I realized working this hard on something inspired by an unpopular garbage movie probably wasn't the best use of time, but there was no turning back. Hopefully it finds its way to the small fraction of people who've seen this film. If you're wondering why there are two Sam Corwins, one explanation is that I painted two, couldn't choose between them, and forced both into the composition. But in keeping with WLHG’s trashy, sex-fueled melodrama, let’s instead imagine that after Valerie’s departure, Sam found comfort in the tufts of a wayward tribble (hey, "when you're dying of thirst, you drink from a mudhole"), unleashing a pestilence of bisexually asexually-reproducing, lusty tribble-goat-men upon poor, unsuspecting San Francisco. Could this be the 200-years-in-the-making backstory here? It's all coming full circle. I've never written fanfic, but I'm suddenly giving it some serious consideration... BTW if anyone knows the location of “Dr. Sam’s old stand”, please send the address. I’m just, you know, looking to get a professional review of some, uh, artwork… Obviously. Prints available
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maulthots · 6 months
betcha deforest kelley always won gay chicken. because. well because. let me not speak.
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uquiz "controversial takes" quizzes in a nutshell
question 1: pineapple on pizza is ok
question 2: deforestation is bad
question 3: all gay people should be killed
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bengiyo · 10 months
Stay By My Side Eps 1 & 2 Stray Thoughts
This is about the new BL out of Taiwan. I will not be watching "the half-brothers getting into each other's pants" from China. I've missed Taiwan, and am excited to see them tackle the supernatural.
Episode 1
Every time I see Taipei I think about how deforested my city is. It's so hot here.
Hot boy on a motorcycle!
Well, we're definitely in BL. We already have Crash Into You just after the first minute. You can't fall in love if you ain't clumsy.
What an interesting choice to telegraph all of the upcoming beats with both leads narrating before even the intro.
Is this guy rich or something? Why do they care if this new student is happy?
Damn, bro, you ain't have to stunt on him like that.
This sister seems familiar to me. Ah, she was in Papa & Daddy as Jerry's sister.
I'm with the biker. This room is messy as hell.
I think this guy on the basketball team was the cafe owner in Be Loved In House: I Do.
What's a little light stalking between roommates?
You know, I'm not with Bu Xia at all. It's a dorm. You're gonna be assigned roommates. Don't touch his stuff.
They broke the damn TV! How will we watch our stories??
Only in a Taiwanese BL would kissing your opponent during an arm wrestling match be a reasonable tactic. I'm going to ignore how that angle was likely impossible.
Wait! There were no ghosts in this episode! I get that they're not supposed to show up around Jiang Chi, but I feel like we needed to establish that he's haunted?
Episode 2
Bu Xia does seem to be a genuinely difficult person to live with.
This man is really eating the spilled chips off Jiang Chi's chest. What the hell.
Now he's got Jiang Chi helping him with his essay? Couldn't be me.
Ah, okay. Now it is time for the spooky
I was really blessed with an excellent roommate my first year of college.
Jiang Chi feels kinda gay.
I do feel a little bad for Bu Xia. His sister could have at least warned him.
Okay, the audio cues when he touched Jiang Chi were funny.
Oh next week looks silly.
This a little choppy. I'll come back next week, but this feels a bit rough around the edges. I don't think I'm keen on Bu Xia.
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
ok so like here's some JoJo related flight rising stuff I have
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this is Vermarine, which I headcanon (I say headcanon but I literally own the fucking dragon 😭) as having Caesar Zeppeli's dub voice. I know people usually hate dub and have seen some hate on the accents but DAMN if I don't love Caesar's dub voice. Anyway yeah this mf speaks like caesar and is gay (but is married to a women bc he's biromantic look before I hammered out what his sexuality was I had him making babies with a woman so I made him biromantic to make it make some sense)
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this is Rainforest, which is like Kars in my lore but for like. Plants. She's just really bitter about deforestation and wants dragonkind to suffer for it. She also has a poem in her bio that I wrote myself :)
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This is Althea. It (it goes by it/its pronouns bc why not) is known in my lore as the "Midnight Crusader" so. not for any jojo reasons but I see it as like a nomadic deity that doesn't rest in my lore.
I also have a dragon I accidentally made exactly like technoblade but that ain't jojo so unless you tell me you want to know I ain't putting it in ur inbox
👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 p r e t t y
god why is Flight Rising so absolutely gorgeous, the dragons are just So Shaped with such nice colors and I want to put it in my mouth-
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thegeminisage · 6 months
as always my first impressions were typed hastily and in shorthand w typos on my phone and i am translating them to proper readable language
opening scene was very reminiscent of mad max and the sound effects made me think of sybok as darth vader, lol. when i realized he was vulcan i knew exactly who he had to be
the first mind meld scene was like. weirdly sexual. that share your pain thing also reminded me so much of sound of my voice lol
cathy's reaction to the names in the credits: sighing heavily on seeing william shatner's name. no reaction to leonard nimoy's name. delight at seeing deforest kelley.
second scene of the movie i watched while blinded by tears because spock was there. to be fair to me i had been primed by the world's longest rock climbing scene ever in which i glorified in the sheer fact that i was NOT watching tng. i needed this so much. my reward for finishing most of the first two seasons which is some of the worst tv i have ever watched in my entire life.
cat lady with three tits. bill shatner is a fucking freak
every time there's a woman catherine and i have a bit where we gasp and go, in shock, a woman! but when it's a romunlan woman we really are shocked every single time. just like in the enterprise incident, so true
uhura is still super mega fucking hot in these movies btw. she's so beautiful. it's very cute that she's with scotty i guess (and i was really surprised!! i guess this explains why i see them as a side pairing in fics so often) but she could be marrying ME instead
thrilled to learn that bones can cook and that spock is. willing to sample his beans, as it were
i loved the whole camping scene. i understand the Plot of this movie is bad but the character scenes were some of the best in all 5 movies and indeed the entire tos series. like this is the most married those 3 old men have EVER been. "we don't have families but we have each other" THEY WERE LITERALLY DOING THE GAY FOUND FAMILY ON ACCIDENT. HOW DID WILLIAM SHATNER WRITE THIS???
"i've always known i'll die alone" is maybe the worst thing kirk has ever said or will ever say and i don't want to talk about it.
my one point of complaint is "marsh melon" or whatever spock said. it was cute but i know his ass read and pronounced it alone in his quarters like 700 times first. it's like when you make castiel not know what an egg is. maybe he was being silly on purpose to amuse kirk and bones <3
LOVED their singing. i didn't think they'd actually do it but they did. times were different back then
bones was in fine form in this movie. he had a lot to complain about but he also jumped to spock's defense at least once that i remember right off hand. i swear he just gets progressively better with each season/movie the way uhura just keeps getting hotter. some things truly do get better with age ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i loved how when spock had some distress re: potentially recognizing sybok they all had to go in their little longue and have a heart to heart together with him. i don't think this movie ever left anyone out - even in the voyage home, which i LOVE, bones was left out of the kirk-and-spock duo. but almost every single scene they had involved all three of them. truly a win for the throuple enjoyers <3
really mixed feelings about naked uhurua. i'm glad she got to sing her little song. and she is, again, extremely hot. AND i love when she gets to surprprise people even though nothing will ever beat her telling that little ensign to get in the fucking closet. but how could they DOOO that to her william shatner IS going to hell
"hold your horse captain" made me chuckle. also, can you vulcan nerve pinch a fucking HORSE?? i guess you can now. i bet they had to train those horses so well. how often do you see a fucking HORSE play dead
when sybok was like "well spock what do you have to say" and spock, outnumbered 100 to 1, guns pointed at him, obviously in deep turmoil, was silent and expressionless for 5000 years and then replied with "you are are under arrest." KING shit
sorry to be like this but spock with a gun was fucking awesome. i'm glad he didn't shoot his bro but still.
the three of them truly bickered like an old married throuple in the brig. bones coming to spock's defense was so funny he's like fine to gang up on spock until he realizes kirk is genuinely upset and then he switches sides because they're only supposed to gang up on him for fun
"STAND BACK" i knew those idiots weren't going to get the morse code in time and it was still funny. same with scotty like "i know this ship like the back of my hand! [BONK]" anyway he totally came in clutch i love him sm
i don't remember why i wrote "bones is so frail and waiflike" because we said it about 7000 times during this film but it's true
spock's rocket shoes saving the day nearly made me cry again except i got jerked out of it by my SHEER ECSTATIC GLEE that he got to take both kirk and bones ently in his arms while carrying them around. wow <3 love wins <3
"the people of your world once believed it was flat but columbus proved it was round" bitch the fuck he did. i'm blaming william shatner for that one. who knew that in 2023 they would still fucking think the earth was flat
the whole thing with bones's dad was fucking brutal. normally we talk through everything but we were dead silent for that bit. even though i knew what was gonna happen my jaw was on the fucking ground
spock's little baby vulcan ears...wait hold on
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that birth looked brutal. for once i'm giving aos some credit whatever they had going on looked much nicer. sarek seemed less disgusted too. maybe this was just spock's imagination he was like yeah my dad took one look at me when i popped out of the womb and diagnosed me with human cuz i was crying lmao
the second half of this movie was where the plot started getting dicey for me. i didn't really care what was going on before now bc i was having fun but when they started talking about the great barrier i got confused. i thought that was on the outside of the galaxy? and i thought at the center of the galaxy was some fucking anomaly and the devil lived there. cuz that was in the animated series. i know. i watched the whole thing.
like we get there and everyones like wow its so beautiful! like no offense cool rocks bro but ??? there's literally nothing there
the big ribcage rocks popping up out of the ground gave us a laugh. at first were like: hopeful: tentacles? no. just spikes. this place is not a place of honor etc
god as a giant inverted face over white light who shot lasers out of his eyes was the stupidest fucking thing i have ever seen in my life. i laughed so hard. i do love though that kirk is apparently an atheist who enjoys backtalking god. he talked to god the way he talks to computers when he's trying to suicide-bait them
i wish we had gotten some explanation of what that actually was? and why everyone thought it was god? but whatever. apparently this movie was also trying to say something about cults but it didn't. again, whatever, i was mostly having fun with whatever was going on so i didn't care but the plot was really very very bad
at one point in my hysterics i typed "LMAO GOD'S GONNA FUCK THE SHIP" as in "and make jim jealous because that's what he wants to do" but i don't remember why so i'll just leave it as the mystery that it is.
spock's little "get ahold of yourself" when bones started being frantic about jim being al;one down there after the two of them got beamed up. lol.
spock's little "damn you, sir" 🥰
metal as hell and also anime as hell that they killed god. what a ride that was. first i thought kirk was gonna do it. then i thought the klingons did it. then it was SPOCK that did it. i could not have asked for a better outcome
"not in front of the klingons" i finally have context for this. i had seen snatches of it in gifs and videos but it was even gayer than i imagined. WILLIAM SHATNER WROTE THIS???
genuinely in SHOCK they ended it with them camping again. i was like if they start singing i am Going to scream. and you know what they did?? yes. yes. yes.
i don't understand why everyone hates this movie. like, yes, the plot was bad near the end. the villain was bad. the stuff about god being In Your Heart was lame af. but the character moments were PERFECT and the movie was extremely funny and everyone was very charming. it boggles the mind that it almost meant there was no sixth movie. like it wasn't perfect but it had so many redeeming qualities!!
that said. i did watch it after some of the worst tng i have Ever seen AND on the same day i watched into darkness so maybe that has something to do with it lmao
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menalez · 1 year
Is it homophobic to tell a gay guy he has eunuch vibes? Like I kinda guessed he was gay from his mannerisms, but I didn't want to assume so I didn't say anything. Later he mentioned his boyfriend in passing. He's pretty chill except he doesn't get the full gravity of the situation in regards to deforestation. I also told him I was transphobic. He was like 'cool' but I think he was drunk. Anyway my sixth ear piercing is infected and just busted pus all over the mirror in the school bathrooms. Pls give advice.
you: me:
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mcpuliotjr · 9 months
bias tag game!
rules: you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10. then answer the questions below! try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
tagged by my bestie @boobzi 💞💞💞💞💞💞 love u foreeeever
1. mj
2. sua
3. lee know
4. jeonghan
5. momo
6. hani
7. minhyuk
8. yoojung
9. chanhee
10. byeongkwan
1. Between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
minhyuk. i saw a clip where he dropped his phone on his face and i was like oh yea. hes perfect
2. Between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
aaaaaa this ones hard ........ ill go with sua but its very fucking close ok
3. If you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
..... can i pick neither ndnxbdb but if i have to .... lee know bc he might just play on his phone and save me the headache
4. What is your favorite physical feature about 9?
eyebrooooows hes rlly ending twink deforestation
5. What is your favorite part of 6's personality?
the fact that shes so losercore. AND a foodie. the perfect woman
6. If you were to tell 8 anything you wanted, what would you tell them?
7. Between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid?
mjs if only to bring miha endless despair by wearing gods ugliests hats
8. What is a style that you want to see 3 try?
what the fuck kinda style hasnt he tried ...... ill cheat and say whatever as long as there are shorts involved
9. Between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
momo. she has 2 cms on me jdhdhbx
10. Between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
MEAN QUESTION. but ill say a.c.e bc im listening to savage rn actually dndbdb
too lazy to tag anyone else but this was rlly fucking fun dhdhdh
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For Charles
Man Erika is pretty cool. I wish I had a friend like her. She literally is about to make the Amazon deforestation insignificant just to be there for a friend. Do you ever think about a relationship with her? I know she said she’s taken but I feel bad for you after seeing everyone treat you like you’re gay.
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Erika: WHUHZHZHHZH- Charles: ...huh? With her? Erika: WHERE'S ALL THIS SUDDEN LOVE COMING FROM??? Charles: I mean... she's a good friend and all... Erika: ARE YOU FUCKERS FAKING QUESTIONS TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER?! Charles: ...but I don't really see her that way. She's more of a sister to me than a romantic interest. Charles: before you ask. no. i'm not from alabama. can it. Katie: Don't forget, he's gay! Katie: He's not european (i think) so he's garinteed gay! Charles: SHUT IT, FIREMOUTH. Katie: Well, hey! Don't look at me! Charles: Also please... spell. Katie: Whatever you wish! PK FIRE! Charles: NO YOU DON'T! PK THUNDER! Katie: PK FIRESTOR- Charles: Wait, NO- Connection Terminated.
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miss-bibbles · 1 year
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I posted 2,320 times in 2022
That's 2,317 more posts than 2021!
635 posts created (27%)
1,685 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 971 of my posts in 2022
#miss bibbles speaks - 276 posts
#asks - 255 posts
#shitposting - 119 posts
#jegulus - 72 posts
#starchaser - 61 posts
#kai my platonic soulmate - 36 posts
#fic: perfect places - 29 posts
#writing - 29 posts
#yaz tag - 28 posts
#regulus black - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 89 characters
#my friends started calling me that and spamming the elmo gif except it was bibble instead
My Top Posts in 2022:
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jegulus inspired from the kiss by gustav klimt
happy (early) birthday yaz! i am not good with surprises or waiting so here you go bitch @thebattlehamster
622 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
tumblr is sitting on its throne, watching as rich people fight on live tv and swirling a glass of wine between its fingers and saying, "we've been pleased. more. we want more."
939 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
if you speak for gay rights, you're automatically gay. just like everyone who speaks for animal rights is a duck and all those against deforestation are secretly trees hiding in a trenchcoat
986 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
guide to writing a desi james potter (and even for harry)!
(desi is used for south asians. meaning india + pakistan, afghanistan, bangladesh, bhutan, maldives, nepal, sri lanka. now i’m indian so i can only speak about that but a lot of the tips are the same. please research! and be respectful while writing them! i’ll try to include as much as i can here)
i've lived here my entire life so trust me.
and this is gonna be long. under the cut!
1. james potter can remain james potter
we don’t usually anglicize our names. don’t go finding obscure names starting with j that you can anglicize to james.
it kind of perpetuates the stereotype of indian names being very hard to pronounce. and britain fucked us over so no way in hell we'll be changing our own name to something easier for white people to pronounce.
instead you can make potters indian christians. i have a lecturer named veronica so i can assure you people in india have all kinds of names.
its a suggestion of course. but i have read fics where james has very traditional and religious names. no problem with that but its a little out of the loop and old fashioned. but if you want some help with finding names then don’t hesitate to ask.
2. where is he from
okay so now this gets interesting. there are a 28 states and 8 union territories. james potter can be from anywhere and not just gujrat and punjab and tamil nadu.
where’s my james potter from the gorgeous seaside state of goa? from the busy heart of metropolitan mumbai? from the amazing states of northeast? from bengal? from madhya pradesh? from kerela? from-
okay this is not a geography lesson but you get my point! there are so. many. places. he can be from any of them.
3. religion
india has a big population of hindus, muslims, christians, sikhs, zoraostrians, buddhists, jains etc. agnostic and atheist people exist too (hi).
your indian character can be any of those, not just hindu. it affects the indian sounding name you choose for him.
example: goan christian james can be james maharashtrian hindu james can be jai
but being religious or not, it doesn’t stop us from enjoying all the amazing festivals. you don’t know what i’d do to read a jegulus diwali fic ashdjfksdj
4. looks
now i know everyone’s like obsessed with atj (i can’t see him as james at ALL) or for desi james, dev patel (god, he’s the only desi character in all hollywood movies im so sick of his face. i have much better fancasts).
but just like names, our looks are also different. pale, wheatish, dusky complexion. again depending on which state. we usually have dark eyes and hair. and light eyes like blue, green or hazel are pretty rare.
5. food
curry doesn’t exist. repeat after me. curry doesn’t exist.
naan bread isn’t real, naan is A BREAD. and even though butter chicken is tasty asf, we don't eat this on a daily basis, my dudes. (#justiceforpavbhaji). but we do eat a LOT of biryani (its apparently the most ordered meal in india lol)
and i know you want to make the "im very white for spices" jokes but where are my desserts????? rasmalai? gulab jamun? rabdi? so cloyingly sweet ashdj
and we call tea, chai and it can be sweet and spicy.
it would make me so happy seeing names of my favorite food sprinkled through out your fic even if you don't elaborate on his indian heritage much &lt;;3
i can’t list off every single one of them here but my dms are always open if you need any help with them
6. not all of us
it makes me sad reading about fics where james doesn’t like his indian heritage. not all poc characters need an "accepting my culture" arc.
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ozomatli-9 · 2 years
A reminder that carbon emissions are made up gay bull shit. Those that deforest, litter, taint water, kill living beings flagrantly, abuse animals, etc deserve skinning.
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lususrufus · 2 years
Random thoughts i had around the ROTTMNT movie (spoilers and dumb thoghts ahead)
3: The main Kraang was kinda hot and i mean that with my entire chest cavity
4: So the chemical April stole from the school is called a deforestation bomb and they’re being paid by a foreign gov’t to make it. My mind sorta just kept thinking about it.
5: so like...did the foot clan die or at least were permanently mutated cause i don’t think their mutations were as reversible as the others regardless of the Kraang defeat. 
6: I thought their mutated forms were kinda hot aswell and i will not elaborate
7: I found it kinda cute the two who stole the thing was Hypno and Warren. (Be gay do crimes)
8: and btw they stole the super cursed artifact (that the warriors sealed the Kraang in to prevent the destruction of the world that you think would probalby be on the list of things heavily guarded by the generations of trained ninja family like the shredder armor but that’s just me) in a museum that was advertising it as a cursed artifact for this week only. 
9. Why does everything happen in New York. Why can’t the alien invasion artifact be in Ohio for once(no offense to anyone from Ohio). Give the state something interesting besides...
10: What were the yokai doing when this was going down. I get humanity isn’t yokai’s top priority but i doubt the whole movie happened and no yokai was thinking the upstairs neighbors were getting a lil loud.
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thedum1 · 2 years
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It’s not often I share my sims on tumblr but it felt right this time. (Please don’t question the CC, I’m very stupid and forgetful.)
Here we have my (currently) finished Miraculous Ladybug OC and his mothers. The teen is Julien DeForest, my gay (for Chat/Adrien and Nathaniel) florist/part-time artist OC. The woman in the middle is his birth mom, Marie DeForest a lesbian flower shop owner. The last woman is her beautiful wife, Odette DeForest (previously a Gentillion) she helps with the shop and has a small jewelry side business. If anyone remembers (or cares) back in February-ish I did an OC thing. Julien and his step-mom Odette were the first two I drew and wrote for.
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bluberii-i · 2 months
I’ve been making a quote book for the past month, so here are a few of my favorite quotes out of context
“It’s about time they let my gay ass back in the church”
“Don’t worry guys, eyebrow Jesus will save you”
“Moral of life, deforestation”
“Oh, blind me with alcohol”
“Then rob a French bakery, as far as i know the only things stopping you is the law”
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