emiliehenry · 1 year
Weasley kept kissing the back of your neck as you were trying to study. At some point it started to get really distracting.
- “What is it, Garreth?” you finally turned around.
- “I want attention…” the boy pressed his forehead against yours.
- “We are in the middle of the library!” you whispered to him.
- “Please?”
You sighed before grabbing his jaw and lending a peck on his lips.
- “Happy now?” you asked.
- “Not quite.”
Weasley slipped his hand through your hair to the back of your head, bringing you close. His embrace was way more needy. He caressed your bottom lips with his tongue, taking out a small whine out of your mouth as you tried to remain calm. This made him smirk a little in your mouth, kissing you even deeper.
When he finally let you go your ears were bright red.
- “G-Garreth!” you tried.
- “Yes?”
- “Ugh, nothing…”
You attempted to focus back on your work but the boy seemed interested in biting your ears now.
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emiliehenry · 1 year
You were slowly falling asleep on your table in the library. The professors were not hesitant in giving you more homework to make up for your missed years, but the work overload got the best of you. After three hours of studying you fell into Morpheus' arms. The desk's hard wood was not a problem anymore, and your head was lying on your Arithmancy's notes.
Weasley, who had accompanied you and was on the upper floor to get books, came back down to the sight of you snoozing. The ginger chuckled as he sat next to you.
The next hours went by slowly, Weasley timidly stroking your hair every so often. At some point, the sun started to set and it was time to go back to your common rooms.
- "Hey… It is time to wake up." Weasley gently whispered, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
But nothing seemed to work given the deep sleep you were in. Consequently, he took the decision to carry you back to your common room. He carefully lifted you from the seat, and put you against his torso in reverse piggyback. It was the easiest way for him regarding his strength and your current state. However, the manipulation was not done without a little fluster on his side.
He tenderly carried you through the school as his wide hands were resting high on your thighs and soft slippy whines were escaping your mouth directly in his ears.
After quite a long stroll, he finally arrived at your common room and gave you back to one of your dormitory's roommates.
But as he was leaving back to Gryffindor's, his hands were feeling really empty and his freckled face was tainted with red.
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emiliehenry · 1 year
An explosion blowed in the tower of dark arts girl's bathrooms. Coating the walls and ground with lavender foam.
Weasley and you were coughing, completely drenched.
- "I do not understand, it should have worked." Garreth observed the cauldron.
- "Should have for sure, but worked? It clearly did not! You call that a Felix Felicis?" You giggled and threw bubbles in his face.
- "Hey! You cannot do that!" Weasley gasped.
- "Why not?" You did it again.
Garreth attempted to make you stop by grabbing both of your hands but ended up slipping, falling over you. Your back hitting the cold tiles.
- "Ouch!" You let out.
- "Oh sorry! I did not mean to!" Weasley said on an apologetic tone.
He tried to get up in a rush but due to the slipperiness of the floor he lost balance again.
- "AH! Weasley! Are you trying to kill me?" You hissed.
The boy rose his head, wet ginger locks leaving water drops on your face. The proximity with his freckles tainted face made you blush a little.
- "I think the ground is not very dry..."
- "Yes indeed..." You turned your head to hide the embarrassement you were building up.
Weasley finally noticed the position you were in and his face turned as red as his hair.
- "Oh Merlin! I am so sorry!" He gently moved away, avoiding any sudden movements.
Once standing he helped you get up.
- "Well, I think we will have to study now... We cannot count anymore on the poti-". He tried to break the weird tension, but noticed mid sentence your white shirt was now see through.
You follow his eyes and immediatly covered your chest. As your cheeks turned red and started to feel hot you realised you did not brought your robe to the bathrooms. And where now concerned on how you could leave the room.
Weasley started to undress, which was now the apotheosis of your panic.
- "G-Garreth what are you do-" You received a robe straight in the face.
- "So you could cover yourself. Sorry it is not a Hufflepuff one..." He mumbled.
- "Oh... Thanks..." You expressed while putting it on. It was way bigger than your regular garment, but it was warm and comforting.
- "Let's get dried up before we get sick."
Weasley grabbed your hand, as you used to do. However, for some reason, it felt different this time.
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emiliehenry · 1 year
Today’s charm class was about Accio. You were very concentrated on bringing your book back to you, but either the distance or your incompetence prevented you from doing so.
A frustrated groan escaped your mouth and you threw your wand on the table.
- “It is not working!” you snapped.
- “What is the matter?” Natsai asked.
- “I cannot pull out Accio! It is infuriating!” you said bitterly.
- “If you are done being irritated, I could show you.” she proposed.
You managed to calm yourself and accepted her help. Miss Onai was a good teacher, and under her direction you managed to get your book in a couple of minutes.
- “Merlin! It works!” you exclaimed proudly.
- “I told you.” Natsai smirked.
You immediately went to Weasley’s side of the classroom.
- “Garreth look! Accio Weasley's robe!”
The poor boy was suddenly dragged to you, stopping him in whatever he was doing. As he reached your level you gently grabbed his shoulders to prevent a possible impact.
- “Natsai teached me the spell!” you beamed.
But Weasley was a blushing mess by now. He did not expect to be pulled away from his station during charm lesson, by you noneless.
- “What do you think?” you looked at him with shiny eyes.
- “It is… nice.” he mumbled while turning his flustered face away.
On the other side of the class Leander joined Natsai.
- “She really is oblivious, isn’t she?” Huffed the boy.
- “She sure is.” Natsai giggled, “And you really are jealous, are you not?”
- “Me? Don’t be ridiculous!” Leander’s cheeks became red.
But he had to admit, Weasley sure was lucky to have been Accio by you. He was blessed to be your favorite.
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emiliehenry · 1 year
It was your first week at Hogwarts and you were asleep in your common room when you heard a knock on the door. Letting out a yawn you walked to the source of the noise and opened the entrance. But to your surprise there was no Hufflepuff.
- "Garreth? What are you doing here this late?"
Without a warning your new ginger friend grabbed your hand and led you outside.
- "Come, quick! I have to show you something amazing!" He whispered.
As you reached the exterior, the bright full moon was lighting up the midnight sky. Hogwarts was illuminated by a dim glow, leaving a wonderful view.
Full moons were a synonym of werewolves, however being in the castle's enclosure reassured you.
- "Is it not beautiful?" Asked Weasley while showing you the light's spectacle.
- "That is so big… Almost as big as your head!" you let out.
- "Hey! My head is not that big!" He argued.
- "Exactly what a big head would say!"
The two of you started to wrestle in the courtyard as the children you were. Your years at Hogwarts were surely going to be wonderful and you were looking forward to every moments.
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emiliehenry · 1 year
Christmas' night of your 7th year. The school was pitch black as you sneaked out of your common room. Luckily you were a master of the disillusionment charm. Using the spell you slipped through Hogwarts, avoiding the prefets, on your way to the Gryffindor common room. Once you reached the location you slightly knocked on the border of the fat lady's frame, hoping she would not awaked. Luckily, the door opened right away.
- "Garreth!"
The boy did not answer and dragged you in before closing the door. Your spine was already resting on the back of it as Weasley's mouth was on yours, slightly sliding his hand on your hips. He finally let go of your lips to stare deeply in your eyes.
- "How did you manage to sneak through school?" he whispered.
- "I have my ways…" you smiled before pressing your lips back on his.
- "You really are mischievous." he huffed in your mouth, taking away a smile from your lips.
Weasley let his hands slide to your thighs before picking you up, reverse piggyback style. A delicate moan escaped your mouth as the ginger boy's ears turned red.
- "Sorry, I shall be more delicate." he muttered.
- "You are too cute, Garreth."
Weasley's kisses went to your neck as he went sitting on the sofa, you above him. The boy's hands were back to your hips, grabbing you firmly as he tried to remain calm. You on the other end, stood upright and placed your hands on his shoulders.
- "What do you have in mind, Darling?" he whispered, his freckled face completely red.
- "You will see…"
You pushed his back on the sofa, completely hovering him. Grabbing both his wrists with your hands.
- "You really are the worst…" he tried to hide his embarrassment.
- "Whatever you say little golden retriever !" you giggle before kissing him again.
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emiliehenry · 1 year
Garreth planted a kiss on your lips, sliping his hands threw your hair and waist. You froze as he started to push his tongue into your mouth.
He waited so long and did not wish to let you go.
Weasley gently pushed your back to the great hall wall, leaving a soft whine in your mouth.
You gave in the moment and started to caress his cheeks.
- "You are so seductive." He finally wispered.
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emiliehenry · 1 year
You were hiding in the closet, awfully close to Garreth Weasley. Almost feeling his breath on the back of your neck.
Professor Sharp finaly walked away and you rushed out of the cramped space, falling in the process.
Garreth caught your waist just in time, preventing you from hitting the ground.
- "Woah! Be careful! You could have hurt yourself." Weasley said in a soft tone.
- "Oh! Um... Sorry..." You stammer.
He let go of your waist as you stood up, leaving a lingering sensation were is hand once were.
- "Now, let's get these fwooper featers!" Garreth whispered while searching the professor office.
By this point, your face started to feel hot for some reason.
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emiliehenry · 1 year
Garreth asked twice already.
Sure, You managed to say no the first one, as you had a hitch professor Sharp was not going to let it slide.
But, the second time, it was harder not to gave in. Garreth's smile and freckles were hard to resist, and he knew how to be persuasive.
My first fanfiction about Garreth Weasley "Potioneer" is available on Wattpad!
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emiliehenry · 1 year
You have been friends with Garreth Weasley since Hogwarts. Although you two had matured and were respectively a potion professor and a healer, you did not have the opportunity to see each other before this day.
I will sort in this Wattpad all of my one-shots smut fanfictions about Garreth Weasley!
All the characters are aged up and adults.
[18+ ONLY]
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