#games with cee
simseez · 2 months
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Rest In Peace Mister Cee
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cascader · 1 year
Hana writing YES!!! I want to ask for so many but I will GLADLY take 6- tipsy kiss for Jily!
kelsey!!! <3 thank you for inspiring me to write the most I have in six months (!!!) have some canon-compliant, tipsy, pre-relationship jily <3
“Oh. Oops.” James weakly tries to right the suit of armor he’s just slammed against the wall. Lily winces at the sound of creaking metal as James fumbles it once, twice. 
She mutters a quick Silencio on James and the armor, which may or may not work, and grabs it from him. 
She leans the figure back onto its own two feet handily and surveys the corridor again quickly before casting him a side-long look. “I didn’t realize you were that drunk.”
He scowls. “I’m not. My hand-eye coordination is always the first to go.” 
“That’s… ironic.”
James narrows his eyes at her. They’re warm in the low light. Ever so slightly unfocused, but firmly on her.  “I didn’t realize you were this sober. What, were you tossing out your drinks?”
Before Lily can think: “Out of bed at this hour? I can hear you!”
Lily swears again as Filch’s voice seems to echo down the corridor. “Guess I’m not that sober. Come on, come on.” 
Lily hustles down the corridor, then breaks into a jog, only looking back for James as she turns the corner. He catches up to her easily. 
“We’re on the third floor, right?” James hisses. “He sounded a bit far away — we could probably make it to…”
“I’m thinking!”
“Merlin, Potter, isn’t this your day job?”
“No one asked you to follow me out here. You were being nosy,” he accuses. 
“I was being helpful,” Lily huffs, cutting herself off to take a breath. She casts a glance to James, who’s smirking. “You were trying to break into the Hufflepuff common room drunk—”
“I’m not drunk — I’m not that much of a lightweight!”
“That’s what you object to? You’re not going to defend breaking and entering?”
“I need to know how they beat us! Their defense is bloody awful! It makes no sense.”
“Oh, bloody—” Lily jolts to stop as she rounds a corner and nearly tramples Mrs. Norris. 
The cat blinks at her, then yowls loudly. 
Lily hears a triumphant, responding shout from Filch, sounding somewhere nearby. 
“Okay, where now?” Lily whispers frantically. She holds a hand out like that will placate Mrs. Norris and backs up around the corner again. 
She turns to look up at James, who appears to be thinking more deeply than she’s ever seen him. 
He hesitates, then winces, then closes his eyes. “Where… are we?”
Lily blinks. She surveys the corridor around her. “I…”
“Where are you, my dear?!” Filch sounds far closer. 
“Fuck, he’s fast. I saw a… just come on,” James hisses, grabbing her wrist loosely and taking off back the way they came. Lily nearly trips to catch up with him and he rights her with a clumsy hand.
They round one corner, two — Lily can hear footsteps now, and she and James simultaneously break into a full sprint — before James lets out a little “aha!” and brings her careening to a stop by the shoulder. She feels the heat of his palm through her sleeve and it jerks feeling back into her body in one rush of a second — her legs are tired, her chest is tight, her cheeks are flushed. The air is cold, James is warm.
He jabs his wand against a door she now notices they’ve stopped in front of and grabs her by the hand to push her inside, ahead of him. 
Lily half stumbles into the broom closet he’s found, feels James press in behind her, and hears the door click shut — actually rather slowly, rather quietly. 
Her hip brushes James’s legs as she turns around to face him. Even he’s a little out of breath. His eyes are closed behind his glasses, and he’s leaning his head back against the closed door. 
Suddenly his eyes blink open. They’re quite dark now. He’s quite close. 
“Thank—” he starts.
“Sh!” Lily clamps a hand over his mouth, and mutters out a more focused Silencio. She feels its magic settle over them. 
James watches her, perfectly still. Lily hears movement outside — heavy footfall. Fast, and then slowing to a stop. 
Lily instinctively leans closer to James. She closes her eyes, tilts to the side, and hooks her chin over James’s shoulder. She turns her face toward him so her cheek and ear press into the wood, searching for what’s on the other side. The closet isn’t big enough for her to listen any other way.
“—bloody rats. Next time, next time…” is what she thinks she hears. One second, two seconds. Three. More footsteps, this time getting softer. A faint meow. She counts to twenty. 
“Gone?” James says on an exhale, still against her hand, so quietly she wouldn’t hear it if she weren’t inches from him. His lips feel... soft.
His breath filters through her fingers and fans over her ear, warm but still raising goosebumps along her forearms, and, once more, Lily’s brought back into her body. She realizes James has turned his head toward her, also listening against the door. His chin slots neatly above the top of her head. 
She realizes his right hand hovers over her hip, not touching her. She feels like the moment is coming to her in flashes, in stop motion. 
She looks down to where their chests and hips and legs don’t touch — Lily’s leaning forward, straining. 
She takes the last half-step toward him and removes her hand from his mouth. She hears his sharp inhale. He’s half-hard already. They’re almost hugging, in a weird sort of way. His hand finally settles on her hip. He’s so warm, everywhere. 
She moves her face away from the door, tilts it up to look at him. His expression is inscrutable. His eyes are rather not. 
“Lily, I—”
She presses onto her toes, and she silences him again.
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sloanerisette · 6 months
Daughters of the Stars Episodes 1 & 2 Release!
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Hello everyone, I know at this point this is mostly a Digimon and/or yuri reblog blog, but today I just released a game! It's called Daughters of the Stars, and it's an episodic magical girl visual novel set in 199X in the Bronx, New York.
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It stars Evelyn Lima, a completely average girl who, on the first day of the second semester of Sophomore year, awakens to magical girl powers. Now she has to try and survive both teenage life and the mysteries of the cosmos alongside her two best friends.
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This release has the first TWO of TWELVE episodes, for $4.99. Buying the game will give you access to ALL EPISODES as/when they release, and the price will slowly raise as more episodes are released.
Last year I released the demo, which featured the first hour~ of the first episode, and this release is sitting at 2 episodes with approximately 40,000 words!
This has been a project I've been conceptualizing since the mid 2010s and have finally pushed through to release the first parts of. It's one of my dream projects and I'm really happy to be able to finally release the first parts of this!
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You can find the game on itch.io HERE: https://sloanerisette.itch.io/daughters-of-the-stars
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c3eshells · 1 year
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Divine rage etc etc
Companion piece to the Patroclus illustration from ye olden days (two weeks ago)
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cee-grice · 4 months
Characters Out Of Context Tag
thanks for the tag @eccaiia!! this one seemed very fun haha
Rules: Include one character quote of your choosing ⁠from each chapter of your WIP (or as many chapters as you'd like). Give absolutely no context, save for what's between two parts of an interrupted sentence, should that occur. You may mention who said it.
softly tagging @balladofaldelis, @tisiphonewolfe, @amaiguri, @pluttskutt, @sam-glade, @pandoras-comment-box and whoever else would wanna play!
I have. a Lot of chapters. so I'll just do the first 3 parts lol
Quil, chapter 1
“I really am no more than a dog to you,” he whispered, “if you’ve managed to delude yourself into believing I’ll answer your beck and call like one.”
Mistress Silvoir, chapter 2
“Do forgive my bluntness, but you would not be questioning our ethics had you not discovered a more humane solution. Let’s not pretend any of us are saints here.”
Quil, chapter 3
“And you need me more than I do you. I think I strike a fair bargain, actually.”
Quil, chapter 4
“No, Headmistress,” he dragged, leaning in closer. “How much do you trust all who know?”
Leanda, chapter 5
“Of course,” she muttered, walking past him to unlock the doors. “I suppose I should appreciate you not making a public scene this time?”
Eli, chapter 6
“You definitely won’t get caught on day one,” they said, “because it will take Madam to notice you’d run away at least two.”
?, chapter 7
‘Your body will not cause your death.’
Quil, chapter 8
“I, personally, can’t detect it,” he conceded, to Endra’s delight. “It’s highly impressive.”
Endra, chapter 9
“Quilin. I don’t have a face. Ethics is really low on my priority list. I told you, as long as you don’t, I don’t know, start chopping my limbs off, I’m fine with whatever you wanna do.”
Rey, chapter 10
“Ah, so we can talk about that. So you— what, destroyed it all before, how do you say, kicking the bucket?”
Florin, chapter 11
“Oh. Oh. Somehow, I’m not surprised. No. I’m…” A pause. “What the fuck. What the fuck.”
Quil, chapter 12
“I’m not,” Quil rushed. “Look at me. Do I look dead? Was my skin cold?”
Celeste, chapter 13
“Oh, that’s not— Um, no, that was me. Yes.” She cleared her throat, properly red now. “It’s— Very not ideal changing your name halfway through your career, let me tell you. Wouldn’t recommend. No, sir.”
Mistress Kaelion, chapter 14
“You’re too polite. A simple ‘your theory is wrong, off to the drawing board with you’ would have sufficed.”
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dukeofdogs · 9 months
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Gwent: The Witcher Card Game | The cards that could’ve been 10/?
I found these in Rogue Mage game files, which wow, I've never seen these before.
Keira Metz (??), Count Linus Maravel (??), Temerian Cavalry (??)
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loki-cees-all · 5 months
Willy Wonka and the God of Mischief sounds like some shenanigans and hijinks are involved and i am intrigued. tell us more, Cee!
rubs hands mischievously
Okay, so I've been working on this for almost a year now. I swear to God, I will finish it eventually! But it's for a series I was posting solely on AO3 (because it was a challenge dedicated to killing one character 12 different ways, and most people don't wanna read that, which is fine!). I've lost motivation to complete the series, and maybe I'll finish it eventually - but this one will definitely be finished, even if it's the last thing I do.
But it's a one-shot with Thor and Loki, taking place before the events of Thor (2011), and between the chocolate factory's mysterious closure and even more mysterious re-opening.
Basically our favorite brothers are on Midgard during the 1970s, and they hear about an abandoned chocolate factory and a "mysterious wizard". Thor, being the lovely older brother that he is, teases Loki about this wizard being a better sorcerer than Loki. This pushes Loki to go see the abandoned factory to prove Thor's claim is false, and then something dark and magical in the factory calls out to Loki and lures him inside.
So they break in to the factory, meet the mysterious wizard, and Loki ignores Wonka's most important rule. It's...going to end poorly for Loki, I'm not going to lie - but I'm really, really proud of what I came up with to lead Loki to his demise. (The jellybeans are not regular jellybeans.)
And if it helps, I've already come up with a longfic idea that starts immediately after this one-shot, involving Loki and Wonka and exploring their similarities and differences, and parallels with certain other Marvel characters, so Loki's not actually done for after this one-shot.
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kay-elle-cee · 7 months
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Alright! So I wanted to do something to celebrate hitting a big follower milestone during Jilytober and, surprise, I’m indecisive. SO, while my ask box is ALWAYS open, consider this a formal invitation to come in and…
Ask me anything! (about fic, about life, about me, you choose! Check here for past ask game questions if you need inspo!)
Send me prompts from this Taylor Swift list (going to attempt to stick to ~500 words and Jily…also please give me some time 😅)
Talk about my fics with me! I'd love to hear if you remember the first one of mine you read, what your favorites are, and am happy to self-rec for anyone new here. Also always down to share any tiny details or headcanons I can think of. 💕
On or off anon, you choose! It's my birthday week and it just feels nice to have you all here with me 🥰 🥳 Thanks for being here!
(I'll probably reblog this periodically throughout the week...so this is going to be a drawn out thing.)
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thebumblecee · 3 months
Tag Game: Cute Notebooks 💛
Thanks for tagging me @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
I have 100s of notebooks for various things maybe I’ll show you some more one day
This is my scrap journal. It includes letters people send me, cards, tickets, things I find but also when I’m sad I make a themed page. I’ll show you some of them.
I won’t tag any one in particular but it’s open ♥️
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oflightsbeam · 3 months
i bought myself stardew valley yesterday so excuse me if i disappear playing the game instead of writing replies 🫣
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nena-96 · 5 months
Dearest Nena, please don’t make me choose between my two loves: Order Jily and Jily Pride and Prejudice. Can I please know a little about each?? 👀 🧁(cupcake of bribery)
Hey, @kay-elle-cee
Sorry for the late response, and no need for bribery, I gotchu!
Jily Pride and Prejudice
I got an idea of James and Lily during seventh year at Hogwarts. In which, James finds out that Lily had just lost her parents and it’s taking a toll on her, to the point where she sneaks into his dorm, when he’s at Quidditch practice and steals the Marauders Map and the cloak, because she’s determined to leave Hogwarts. One day after rushing out of class, a Muggle book falls out of Lily’s bag and James gets it, instead of giving it back to her he gets this idea of a surprise. Room of Requirements 👀
Order Jily
After a brutal mission, Lily finds herself in a spare room of the Order Headquarters and has a meltdown. It gets to the point where she tries to cast a Patronus and fails every single time. The resolution that comes to mind is that James is better off without a Muggleborn. But she knew that wasn’t true because James loves her, she just knows this….
Next, scene leads up with Alastor holding a meeting that James hadn’t told her about. (I can’t say more because I’ll spoil the rest!)
Thanks for the ask Kelsey, I’m anxious to know what you think of these ❤️
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sloanerisette · 5 months
Daughters of the Stars
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Hey everyone, I've been behind in advertising my game because the beginning of the year (how is this month half over already holy shit) has been super busy buuuuuuuuuut we're back!
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Daughters of the Stars is an episodic magical girl visual novel I released at the end of November last year! It takes place in the Bronx in 199X and the first two episodes are currently available to purchase/download on itch!
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It stars Evelyn Lima, an everygirl in her sophomore year of high school, who wants to just get through her teenage years as simply as possible, only to gain magical girl powers and be opened up to the entire universe and all of its dangers!
Daughters of the Stars is $4.99, and buying it now will not only give you access to both episodes, but it will give you access to ALL episodes as they come out! Yup! Buy now, get all the visual novel as it comes out! There's going to be 12 episodes, and there's currently around 40k words in the first two episodes!
This has been a long time passion project of mine that I've finally really made come to fruition, and I'm so happy to have it out, and it would mean the world to me if you checked it out!
You can find the game on itch.io HERE: https://sloanerisette.itch.io/daughters-of-the-stars
Also here's a nice meme for you all to enjoy and to entice you all into playing my game:
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c3eshells · 1 year
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“You can’t help but become the sun”
-True Blue, boygenius
Good morning tumblr dot com…Patroclus posting…
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hvndredbattles · 2 months
name / pronouns?: squid! they/them
most active muse(s)?: richie is 110% hogging my muse right now.
rp pet peeves?: mmmm politely declining to answer this one. I'd like to think I'm sweet! But I'm also by default something of an irritable person; I try to ignore my pet peeves because I know they're often unreasonably petty and unkind of my brain.
years of experience?: since I was a wee'un! I was the kind of kid who ran around make-believing that I was a character in the Hardy Boys and stuff like that, and that and creative writing were my pipeline into written rp. I started on forums writing warri/or cat ocs, and it was a whole journey from there. I starting rping on tumblr in 2012.
fluff, angst, or smut?: I like all of them! Angst most of all. I had a period of time where I wasn't writing smut so much, but I'm swinging back into finding it fun to write more regularly. And fluff can be fun! Tho I tend to prefer fluff threads in established dynamics. I think it adds a lil extra depth to it for me.
plots or memes?: Both! I do like memes, though I find the threads have something of a tendency to peter out without any ooc discussion to direct it? Unless you've discussed some kind of dynamic prior to meme-ing back and forth? In which case I think the memes can carry themselves more. If that makes sense?
long or short replies?: I like both! My muse is very fickle, so I never make any promises either was as to which length of reply is more likely to get an answer faster. I try very hard to consistently craft replies I'm proud of; the length is less important to me. I tend toward longer replies when there's more plot behind the thread; otherwise, it's the whims of my muse.
time to write?: it used to be night time (like, 3 or 4 am) but now the best time i have to write is between classes, around noon, or while laying in bed at like, 7 or 8 am before i crash, some "nights".
are you like your muse(s)?: i would say harry is most like me! but i tend away from my own traits in writing characters, as a rule of thumb. it's more fun for me to write someone i don't have as much in common with.
tagged by: i stole it from dash (it's been going around today!) tagging: you!
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cee-grice · 5 months
Heads Up 7 Up
got tagged a while ago by @mrbexwrites (you can find their post here), ty!!
rules: share seven lines of your WIP and tag seven people to do the same.
softly passing this onto @thesorcerersapprentice, @rodentwrites, @abalonetea, @amaiguri, @eccaiia, @pandoras-comment-box, @tisiphonewolfe
these are my last written lines for my wwcc wip rewrite, and they're kinda banger, so wanted to share with the class :)) the fact that this snippet has exactly 7 lines is such a slay lol
“Eventually, of course, things will go wrong, because you were not special. And when they call for your execution, she’ll stand as judge and won’t protest. You won’t say anything, either, because you’ll look at her and see disappointment. She'd put her trust in you, and you’d betrayed it. You’ll accept your punishment and won’t breathe a word of her involvement.” His voice dropped to a hush. “And then, years later, when she drags you back into her games, maybe you’ll decide you’re done being her fucking plaything.”
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rosewaterandivy · 5 months
hello, i hope ur well! for your wip game i wanted to ask about tarnished but so grand, your while you were sleeping au! i was so excited when you put out the first chapters, it's literally one of my favourite movies ever! so charming and wonderful and structured in a way that lends itself to slot into a y/n kind of fic. i was wondering if there was a particular scene you were excited to write, or a particular aspect of the movie itself that inspired you? also, i hope this isn't an over asked or dumb question, and it's totally fine if you don't want to answer it, i was just wondering if your hiatus is occuring currently, and if that means i should expect for the next chapter the come maybe on a longer timescale, which obviously is fine and i totally understand! thank you so much in advance!
Hello darling and thank you for inquiring about Tarnished But So Grand!
While You Were Sleeping is such a solid 90s romcom and my initial inspo came from none other than @bettyfrommars! I saw a gif set from WYWS on her blog and became enchanted with the idea of an au featuring video store Steve, languishing in a dead end job while his rockstar best friend Eddie galavants across the country getting up to some wild debauching.
Betty graciously talked me through some ideas before I could flesh out a coherent outline for the fic and I will always love her for that! As for what I’m looking forward to putting my own spin on, it has to be the leaning scene 😍 That is just so Steve coded in my mind, and I’m so excited (and nervous) to take a crack at it.
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As for my hiatus, yes it is currently ongoing. I may post blurbs of certain things as it strikes me, but I’m working on completing any current series I have before coming back full force. Thanks for understanding! 💜
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