scixerboa · 11 months
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Some small joys from the garden. Very kind of it to still give us flowers and spices even though we are neglecting it.
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drhoz · 2 months
#2082 - Galanga labeculata - Spotted Wattle Cicada
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Another Acacia-associated insect from the top of Mt. Ainsley, although it's sometimes found on Eucalypts as well. Found in a broad strip down the east coast, from Brisbane to Victoria. Quite common around Sydney.
The only species in its genus.
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starofsiamtk · 4 months
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Sliced chicken and galanga in light coconut milk with mushroom and bell pepper.
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congliocchidellatigre · 11 months
Metheglin #rossoTorre
#nofilter Il #mosto per il #metheglin acqua bollita e lasciata raffreddare con #timo #Galanga #cannella #chiodidigarofano #anicestellato #giaggiolo #arancioamaro #macis #erbaluigia #rosmarino #salvia #fogliediciliegio #maggiorana #nocidicola #calamoaromatico Sarà un segno il colore che ha assunto? Domani parte la fermentazione e vediamo… #icoloridellidromele #pazzomele #homebrewingexperience…
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blogdaer · 1 year
Conheça "A Lenda de Chico Rei"
Baseado na tradição oral mineira, o filme narra a história de um rei africano que, mesmo escravizado no Brasil, se tornou um líder na luta pela liberdade. O curta tem como propósito perpetuar essa lenda, mantendo-a viva na memória cultural de Minas Gerais. O projeto foi executado com recursos do Fundo Estadual de Cultura da Secretaria de Cultura de Minas. Curta-metragem em animação “A Lenda de…
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L'EFS : un son poignant pour parler des dons de sang
L’EFS : un son poignant pour parler des dons de sang
L’Etablissement Français du Sang diffuse uen musique poignante pour sensibiliser aux dons de sangs rares ! Du 14 au 20 novembre, l’Établissement français du sang (EFS) remet sous le feu des projecteurs un enjeu majeur et lance la deuxième édition de la semaine de sensibilisation aux sangs rares. À cette occasion est né un partenariat insolite avec l’agence Galanga, Sounds So Beautiful, Ali…
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ausetkmt · 1 month
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From my understanding and research, it appears that the Portuguese/Brazilian slave holders possessed this strange propensity to mask their enslaved population.
 One can just imagine the agony of wearing an iron bridle in the subtropic heat, day in and day out.  The utter misery and torment of enslavement coupled with an unbearable  torture devise like the "dirt eating mask" must have yielded untold suffering for those wearing these vile devices.
 Add on to that the burdensome iron slave collar with prongs for extra torture, along with enslavement in perpetuity and the hopeless tyranny of enslavement seems too extreme to wrap your mind around.--Ron Edwards, US Slave Blog
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Escrava Anastacia
So, on with the story from Matt Branson:  "I had lived in Rio De Janero for a few years. One day while out down town, I came across a little head of a black girl wearing an iron mask. I had already collected quite a few strange looking statues and thought she would fit in just fine with the rest of them. She pecked my curiosity and I wanted to know more about her."
The story I discovered concerning this new, small statue, was about a child named Anastacia. A black female slave brought from the west coast of Africa to Brazil. Her mother had been forcibly taken by her white owner for his physical pleasures. A child was conceived, the first black child to be born with blue eyes. The cruelty and guilt of this plantation owner drove him to have the baby sent far away, concealing from his wife his indiscretion as well as his violence.
"A man I had met in Rio first told me the tale of Anastacia and of the church in which her image is honored. The truth is that little remains to prove her existence. Two accounts exist, the one above and the following narrative, both of which explain my interest in this amazing woman. My experiences in life, and particularly in Brazil, leads me to believe she truly was a real person. " -MATTHEW BRANSON The Story of Anastacia - The Slave Girl
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Based on oral tradition and translated from a Brazilian website Worshipped in Brazil as a saint and heroine, Anastacia is considered one of the most important woman in black history within the culture of Rio de Janeiro. "Her story still has the power to move us to awe and compassion and for that reason alone, I want to make her real to those that don't know about her."
Anastacia's birth is linked to the tale of Delminda. Some say Delminda was from the Bantu tribe (originating in about 2,000 B.C.E. in southern Nigeria and Cameroon), a daughter of the royal family of Galanga brought to Brazil in 1740 with a cargo of 112 slaves. One version of the story is as follows. Delminda was extremely pretty. She was sold in the harbour by Antonio Rodrigues Velho.
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She had been raped by a white man and was sold pregnant to Joaquina Pompeu. Delminda gave birth that same year on the 5th March to the blue eyed Anastacia. She was the first black girl with blue eyes in Brazil. It is at this point the two stories seem to merge. Whether or not she was separated from her mother or remained with Delminda, all seem to agree on what comes next. As she grew up Anasatcia became the obsession of the owner's son, Joaquin Antonio.
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Very beautiful, It is said that all the white women around were jealous of her, so encouraged Joaquin to make her wear the slave mask. As a punishment for repeatedly refusing his advances, he raped her and condemned her to wear the iron mask for the rest of her life, only removing it once a day to eat. She lived for some years before the toxicity of the metal from the mask became poisonous.
Some accounts claim she was performing miracles toward the end of her life. It became gossip amongst the poor that she could heal because she had found it in her heart to forgive the torture she had suffered, and that she even healed her owner's son of some disease. At that moment she became a saint for many of the poor.
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Some continue today petitioning Rome, to have her canonized as St. Anastacia of Rio. There is a statue and a place of worship in Vas Lobo, where pilgrims flock to worship her. She has more than twenty-eight million followers, though I was surprised to find that most of the Brazilian's I have met have never heard of her.
She is exclusive to the poor of Rio and the descendants of slaves. Some link her image with a number of paintings by Etienne Victor Arago (b. 1755 d. 1855), a French watercolourist who traveled in Brazil sometime between 1817-1820. His known works portrayed gold mining slaves who were also forced to wear iron masks, so as not to hide or swallow gold nuggets while they were digging.
She died in Rio after years of agony, her remains were housed in the Church of Rosario, in downtown Rio, but disappeared after a fire. Anastacia became a religious myth, performing miracles, even until today. Many people continue to pray to her when they are sick. Then they are healed.
Punishment for slaves. Painting of African person with neck shackled and mouth muzzled. Jacques Etienne Arago. Castigo de Escravos, 1839. English: Punishiment for slaves. Português: Castigo de Escravo. Museu Afro Brasil (São Paulo).
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Her history was miraculously recovered in 1968, when an exhibition to celebrate 90 years of the abolition of slavery was held in the Church of Rosario. In the back of the church was found a portrait of her by Arago. "As you can see, there are a few different accounts of her existence, of Anastacia, the slave girl. She would have been forgotten entirely if it hadn't been for a portrait by Arago.
Mystery is part of her story as it is part of the life of this French painter who sailed the seas between Australia and South America. There are conflicting tales as to whether or not Arago is buried in Paris or in Rio itself.
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Human Rights are for all of us and slavery is not a condition for humanity. I continuously lived in Brazil from 1985 to 1992. Around 1987, a television news broadcast in Rio said authorities had found a farmer in the middle of nowhere in rural Brazil, who operated his farm with all his workers in chains. He repeatedly advertised jobs through the press in Sao Paulo and when anyone arrived to work, he made a slave of them, one-hundred and ten years after the abolition of slavery.
How can we be so unconscious as to not know about these things? How can we be apathetic to the conditions of others? I would like to put Anastacia into the history books, in Brazil and everywhere else. She represents the suffering of people that have been forgotten and are still being ignored today.
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violentemperor · 3 months
War Scavengers
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With the teaming of three women who are Galanga, the Saiyan who is responsible for deciding if a weapon will be useful on the battlefield. The Empress of the planet known as Sadala, and the scientist whose middle name is Madness, Cassidy. The Scavenger of War has come to life. There are three types of War Scavengers, but before I get to that part. Allow me to explain something important about them. The War Scavengers were made to ensure the survival of the one who wears them. However, this could not be done if it had to consume the user's Ki to function. Therefore, the ingenious Cassidy did the impossible by creating a core of unlimited natural energy because the core is similar to a sun. She mass-produced the sun-like core so that the entire army could have access to it. The Scavengers have the incredible ability to strengthen themselves as the wearer increases their combat power.
Now I am at the part of the talk about the various war scavengers.
Scavenger -XC01: an armor equipped with various tools to help the soldier during battle. A blade, a shield, a missile launcher, heat vision, a self-repairing mechanism, and several bags of Senzu potions in case the wearer is severely injured. This armor, in terms of firepower, is the lowest even when worn by a powerful soldier. It is an armor that is relatively easy to use and is the size of a soldier.
Scavenger type wall buster -XC75: this armor is designed to get through the other side's line with pure brute force. That is why it is the armor with the highest defense of all the Scavengers. This armor is equipped with a sledgehammer, a force field, and a laser with the firepower to wipe fifteen cities off the map. This armor is fifty meters tall, and actually requires intense mental training and intense practice with it.
Scavenger type automated -XC34: this armor, fully automated, has the ability to become invisible, but also to metamorphose into anything or anyone it scans. It could literally turn into the smallest insect. It exists solely to infiltrate and act as a kamikaze or spy. Therefore, there are two variants, the explosive and the spy. Of course, the spy version has great speed, while the explosive one has great defense, but will also self-destruct if damaged enough. The explosion is just enough to wipe two cities off the map, which is more than enough for the enemy's headquarters.
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hnizbnyh · 1 year
Artikel Ilmiah
"Obat Herbal Pereda ISPA pada Balita"
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Bahan-bahan herbal yang sering dijumpai seperti jahe, kunyit, kencur, dan sebagainya merupakan bahan alam yang selalu menjadi alternatif obat dari berbagai penyakit. Salah satunya ISPA atau Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Atas adalah radang saluran pernapasan atas yang disebabkan oleh infeksi jasad renik atau bakteri, virus, tanpa atau disertai renkim paru-paru. Penyakit ISPA sering terjadi pada anak karena sistem pertahanan tubuh masih rendah. Salah satu tanda dan gejala penyakit ISPA ialah batuk-pilek, kejadian batuk pilek pada anak di Indonesia diperkirakan 3 sampai 6 kali setahun. Influenza merupakan salah satu penyakit ISPA yang mendapat perhatian, karena penyakit ini dapat menimbulkan wabah sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No.1501/Menkes/Per/X/2010 Tentang Jenis Penyakit Menular Tertentu Yang Dapat Menimbulkan Wabah Dan Upaya Penanggulangan (Kementerian Kesehatan, 2013).
ISPA mempunyai gejala yang bervariasi, seperti demam, nyeri tenggorokan, pilek, hidung mampet, batuk kering, batuk berdahak, atau bahkan bisa menimbulkan penyakit komplikasi seperti pneumonia dengan gejala sesak napas. Faktor atau cara penularan ISPA ini dapat ditularkan melalui seseorang yang bersin tanpa menutup mulut dan hidung, air ludah, dan bahkan kurangnya ventilasi dan banyaknya asap, seperti asap rokok atau pun asap dari pembakaran sembarangan.
Obat herbal tradisional bisa menjadi pereda dari penyakit ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Atas) pada balita. Dengan pemanfaatan jahe, kunyit, madu, dan sebagainya, bisa menjadi pereda untuk penderita ISPA khususnya pada balita.
Lalu, apa saja kandungan yang terdapat dalam obat herbal tersebut?
1. Jahe (Zingiber officinale)
Pemberian minuman jahe madu dapat menurunkan keparahan batuk pada anak, karena kandungan minyak atsiri dalam jahe yang merupakan zat aktif yang dapat mengobati batuk. Anak yang telah diberikan minuman jahe madu oleh peneliti gejala keparahan batuk seperti batuk berdahak, pilek, rewel, tidak nafsu makan dan gejala lainnya menjadi berkurang.
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2. Kunyit (Curcuma longa)
Kandungan kunyit adalah minyak atsiri, kurkumin, dimetoksin kurkumin, arbinosa, fruktosa, glukosa, pati, tannin, magnesium besi, kalsium, natrium, dan kalium. Berdasarkan kandungan tersebut maka kunyit memiliki efek herbal atau khasiat untuk menjaga stamina, hepatoprotektor, diuretic, antioksidan anti radang, immunomodulator, dan antikanker. Juga bersifat antiinflamasi, anti hiperkolesterolemia, antiproliferative, dan antitumor. Bubuk kunyit bisa mengobati hidung meler, sakit tenggorokan pada anak ketika balita batuk pilek.
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3. Madu
Kandungan antimikrobanya membantu melawan virus penyebab flu, rasa manis pada madu membantu produk saliva yang bisa mengencerkan lendir sehingga mudah untuk dikeluarkan. Madu mempunyai efek antimikroba yang bertanggung jawab atas aktivitas antibakteri sehingga membantu melawan agen penyebab ISPA.
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4. Kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.)
Kencur dimanfaatkan untuk menyembuhkan batuk, peluruh dahak atau pembersih tenggorokan, menghilangkan lendir yang menyumbat hidung, dan menghangatkan. badan.
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5. Lemon (Citrus limon)
Lemon memiliki kandungan senyawa yang meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dalam melawan sakit dan radikal bebas di dalam tubuh. Perasan jeruk lemon dengan madu merupakan obat herbal untuk meredakan batuk pilek secara efektif.
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6. Bawang Merah (Allium cepa)
Ekstrak bawang merah efektif terhadap bakteri yang terdapat di udara dan salah satu bakteri koinfeksi ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Atas) yang disebabkan oleh virus.
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Bagaimana cara pengolahannya? Menurut buku Ensiklopedi Tanaman Obat Indonesia (Haryanto, 2012)
Salah satu cara membuat ramuan untuk salah satu penyakit ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Atas), yaitu dengan menyiapkan lengkuas; temulawak; halia; keningar; daun pecut kuda; daun iler; dan daun kayu manis secukupnya. Kemudian, semua bahan ditumbuk halus dan direbus dengan 3 gelas sampai air mendidih, dan diminum 2 kali sehari (pagi dan sore). Selain itu, pembuatan obat herbal untuk flu dengan bahan lemon; minyak kayu putih; dan kapur sirih. Lemon dipanggang dan diperas, dan dicampur dengan air dan bahan lainnya, kemudian diaduk sampai merata dan disaring. Cara lainnya yaitu dengan cara minum perasan air lemon dicampur dengan kecap dan garam secukupnya.
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Dengan cara pengolahannya yang mudah diikuti di rumah dan bahan-bahan yang mudah dijangkau, kita bisa membuat obat herbal untuk meredakan ISPA.
Sekian, terima kasih!
Hana Izbiniyah - XI IPA 2
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gourmetsandco · 1 year
Galanga - Chef : Thomas Danigo - Paris (VIIIème)
[author] [author_image timthumb=”on”]http://www.gourmetsandco.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/patrick2.jpg[/author_image] [author_info] Galanga Chef : Thomas Danigo Paris (VIIIème) par Patrick Faus [/author_info] [/author] [learn_more caption=’ ‘] : cuisine sans intérêt : cuisine correcte : cuisine intéressante : cuisine enthousiasmante : cuisine exceptionnelle[/learn_more] Une table et un…
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s1x-foot-deep · 1 year
have you. pondered the vortigaunt bot on character.ai.. galanga moment
JUST SAW THIS i'll be honest i didnt know there was a vort bot......... i think im probably the one guy that doesnt know anything abt any of these character ai things & bots & whatnot,.,.............
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Ce matin, pour pouvoir participer à un cours de cuisine khmer, nous nous levons tôt. Non pas que ce soit un problème, les poules m'ayant réveillée à 5h30 (en même temps que les villageois en fait, qui sont tous levés à cette heure là...).
Nous partons donc préparer un bon curry façon locale, avec petit tour du marché pour faire nos courses ! On passe par la case coco, où surprise, on n'en boit pas l'eau, mais on récolte la chair de façon ... Optimisée.
La préparation du repas se fait sur un tapis par terre, et je découvre au passage que le tamarin tâche les doigts d'un joli orange qui met des heures à disparaitre. Nous passons donc une bonne heure à réduire en bouillie herbes et condiments divers (ail, tamarin, galanga, citronnelle, piment) dans le mortier, c'est cathartique.
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On fait ensuite du lait de coco à partir de la noix de coco râpée (il suffit de rajouter de l'eau et de presser vigoureusement), Clémentine s'en met absolument partout en pressant trop fort entre ses mains, on rigole bien ! (Sauf elle, étonnamment.) On met tout ça à cuire, et on nous annonce que c'est bon, le cours est fini ! Il est donc 9h15, c'était censé durer jusqu'à midi ... Qu'à cela ne tienne, on demande à mettre le curry de côté pour notre repas de midi, et nous partons vaillamment en kayak à l'assaut de la rivière.
Après 30 minutes à s'emmêler les rames, on en a marre, on trouve donc un coin de berge/jardin abandonné pour tirer le kayak et se poser, ... et décidons de partir au bout d'une heure quand la table et les bancs s'écroulent littéralement sous nous.
La suite de cette histoire variant totalement en fonction du protagoniste, je vous fournirai donc mon point de vue de cette après midi ensoleillée (trop de soleiiil, chauuuuud). Nous décidons avec Dr Rathatton de partir à la recherche d'une jolie cascade située à 5km du centre (selon le plan). La dame de l'accueil nous dit qu'il faut un guide pour y aller parceque ce n'est pas balisé (à 30$ la journée, tu m'étonnes qu'elle ne veuille pas qu'on y aille seules...), On décide de tenter notre chance et de rentrer si on ne s'en sort pas. A notre surprise, le chemin non balisé ressemble à ça :
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Du coup ça va, on se lance sans trop de stress. On tombe sur quelques zones en cours d'exploitation (vive la déforestation à la barbare) qui gâchent un peu le chemin, mais rien de grave. (Enfin rien de grave pour nous hein, parceque en ce qui concerne le paysage, je vous laisse juges ...)
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On n'est pas du tout dans la jungle luxuriante à laquelle on s'attendait, mais la balade reste sympa. On passe d'ailleurs devant des champs (?) de culture de bambous gardés par des chiens très vocaux et très glandus qui se contentent de nous hurler dessus de loin (tant mieux).
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Et puis au bout de 30min de marche, après un mauvais embranchement et un petit retour sur nos pas, mon Dr Rathatton préféré décide que finalement, le hamac de hier la tente vaaaaachement plus que de crapahuter sans certitude de trouver quoi que ce soit, et m'abandonne donc lâchement à mon triste sort. (Je m'en fiche, c'est moi qui ai le goûter et l'anti-moustique dans le sac !)
Étant donné que nous avons estimé une heure et demie pour faire la balade, mon heure limite pour faire demi-tour est 16h30. C'est donc absolument pas stressée, tout à fait sûre de moi, et pas du tout épuisée que j'arrive à la cascade à 16h17, passe 8 minutes sur place, et repars.
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Je regrette juste de ne pas avoir pu m'y poser un peu plus, c'était quand même magnifique !! Niveau animaux sauvages, j'ai vu beaucoup de très beaux papillons sur le chemin, fait fuir des volées de vaches, et esquivé quelques chiens et motards, pas de singe pour aujourd'hui.
Pendant ce temps là, Dr Rathatton glande dans son hamac et ne se soucie pas le moins du monde de sa camarade de marche en train de décéder de déshydratation. Shame.
J'arrive avec le soleil couchant (la cascade était donc à 5km de la rivière, pas du village, ce qui rallonge suffisamment mon temps de trajet pour être obligée de piquer un footing pour arriver dans les temps!), vide la gourde de Clem, et on repart pour le village, où nous attendent un bon repas et une discussion très sympathique avec notre hôtesse (la maîtresse d'école qui fait cours aux enfants de 6-8 ans en bas de chez nous!)
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ianmata1998 · 2 years
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this is a gift i made for a friend with my OC alien. this galanga boy is called RV. he’s a vortigaunt with wig and broken human clothes. she made a pose reference with a 3D program for fun and i take my time to color it and stuff. sorry if this draw looks ugly and that doesn’t make any sense, i forgot to gave him a “no hat / wig” version, but yeah, sometimes he takes off his wig and hat.
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maisondesbieres · 1 month
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Nouveautés 3 Mai
On vous met la table pour cette fin de semaine:
- 3 balles 2 Prise
- Chakwow
NEIPA au galanga
- Mandrill
Saison brett tropicale
- MoMo
- Montagnes Vertes
Pale ale américaine
- Pilz Svetly
Cidres Fleuri
- Colibri bio
Colibri rapide et élégant! Colibri vient de notre désir d’offrir un produit haut de gamme à un prix hors compétition. On utilise des pommes certifiées et en cours de certification afin de créer une offre entrée de gamme avec 100% de notre savoir-faire. Ajout de pommettes, élevage en cuve, grands soins à toutes les étapes de la production, en gros on fait pareil comme avec nos autres bébés…
- Jet Pommettes
Cidre ultra brut élaboré avec 50% de pommettes Dolgo au goût sauvage et 50% de McIntosch.
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bezzia · 1 month
Usos y propiedades de la galanga
La galanga es una raíz picante a la vez que aromática que pertenece a la familia del jengibre. La galanga... http://dlvr.it/T61HxH
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bmrf-official · 3 months
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