#fully admit to Andrew being my fav Spider-Man
innerslumber ยท 1 year
I went to the Marvel: Universe of Super Heroes exhibit and wanted to share for anyone who has not seen it. I am under the impression that the installation changes from location to location so I wanted to show this snapshot in time. I fully admit to being biased in what I will post so if you want to see a particular character, please let me know! Apologies ahead of time for my crappy photo taking skills.
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
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There was a very large section dedicated to Spider-Man but I saw him scattered all throughout the tour. Which makes sense because he's such a long standing and popular character. Trying to take this picture with no one in the shot was pretty tricky but I did it! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
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I did feel that among superheroes that were living the double life, Spider-Man had it pretty hard. I think most people would already be struggling with school/job/loss of family and then add the vigilante crime fighting? Oof.
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This display was really cool. It showcased the various artists who have drawn Spider-Man, starting with Steve Ditko to Sara Pichelli who drew the Miles Morales version of Spider-Man.
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And speaking of Miles...
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I absolutely adore Spider-Man : Into the Spider-Verse. They had a wall of different concept and character designs too. It's definitely a movie worth multiple repeat watchings.
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And of course they had a Spider-Man suit! This particular one was worn by Tom Holland for Homecoming. The material looked so thin! Omg I think he probably got cold if he was filming anywhere with a cool breeze. The webshooters were pretty neat.
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The image on the left is Spider-Man playing his own console game in 1983. I was cracking up over the magazine name though: Blip. Guess Marvel didn't just pull that term for Thanos.
The picture on the right was an interactive display where you can vote for your favorite character. Guess who was #1?
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Yup! It was Spider-Man! I was surprised to see Groot so high in the ranking but maybe that's just me being salty that he beat Captain America. (And yes I voted for Steve...)
Honestly there was A LOT of Spider-Man through the exhibit and there's no way I could have put it all in here. Have to say though, finishing the tour with the comic panel of Gwen's death was an omfg moment.
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Literally a hallway with giant projected images on both sides and this was the last thing I saw before entering the gift shop! Not me crying my Andrew Garfield tears as I took the pic. Thanks a lot, Marvel exhibit. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
All joking aside, I had a blast! There was a lot of Spider-Man comic book lore that I didn't know about until I saw this exhibit. Educational AND fun! Peter Parker would approve.
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