#full blanket permission to anyone to steal any of my fanfic ideas forever
kissingcullens · 3 years
If I were the type to write actual, legitimate fanfic, I’d love to write a novel length post-finale Sastiel fanfic about Cas coming back from the Empty with Jack, and both of them showing up on Sam’s doorstep for THE MOST tearful reunion of all time.
And the three of them building a life together, with a very gentle slow build Sastiel romance blooming as they deal with Dean’s death and everything else that happened.
Fluffy plot stuff ensues... Jack comes home holding an enormous dog in his arms that he’s just barely able to carry- “She followed me home!! Can we keep her?? ☺️💜”
Sam goes to an honest to god therapist, and of course he thinks that it won’t be useful because he’s just too broken, but he wants to try because, well… it seems like the kind of thing he SHOULD do?  Especially because he wants to be the best father to Jack that he possibly can be... Sam knows he’s fucked up and he doesn’t want to be like John-
And Sam goes into therapy thinking that his biggest problems come from the obvious; Lucifer, Hell, God, monsters, etc. (I think with how ubiquitous the supernatural is in SPN, there MUST be therapists who know about all that stuff)
and Sam thinks it’s so obvious like.. well DUH- I’m fucked up beyond repair because I was literally tortured by the devil and by God. Open and shut. End of story. Nothing more to say, but I’m SUPPOSED to go to therapy so… here I am…
The first session, Sam’s like, “No disrespect at all, but I had a crap childhood and a crap adulthood and I really don’t know what good it’ll do talking about all that stuff… I’d really appreciate some techniques to manage my nightmares and panic attacks, though? My… son… is having similar problems and I wanna do everything I can to help.”
But in their sessions, Sam finds himself unintentionally talking about Dean… a LOT… which makes sense of course, Dean was his whole life— and Sam is always QUICK to describe Dean as a great person, his best friend- no matter what the story.
-and the therapist will stop Sam mid-story and ask questions like “And you think that was an ok thing for your brother to do/say to you?” “You said you defended your son/your best friend from his outbursts… why was it wrong when Dean threatened them, but you think it was okay for him to say that to you?”
And Sam gets flustered and defensive at first, because SO much of his Self is tied to defending Dean- “It’s not like that.” He insists, over and over. “He did his best…”
But Sam is forced to actually think about it, and now he has time to unpack everything, and he’s got Cas and Jack, and they talk honestly about how they’re all feeling, including about Dean and how he treated them, and Sam apologizes for not protecting Jack better or standing up to Dean more—- And eventually they’re able to kind of deal honestly with how much abuse they suffered at the hands of this man they all loved, even as they mourn him.
B plot about Cas and Sam reconnecting with their faith and doing home improvement projects and Cas raising bees-
And Sam and Cas are slowly falling in love, and of course there’s some angst and confusing feelings and “no I mustn’t, he couldn’t love me, he doesn’t feel the same…” hand-wringing… and eventually a dramatic love confession… in the RAIN! 😂
and anyway that’s my outline lol
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