snowmaniaph · 1 year
Snow Man’s Snow Life #132 - Wishes for Tanabata
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It’s Tanabata soon. This year Fukazawa Tatsuya, Abe Ryohei, and Meguro Ren make an appearance in their yukata. When we asked about their wishes an unexpected common point...
Meguro: My wish is for the nine of us to play baseball!
Abe: What should I do if Fukka starts trying to make himself look good...?
These three’s common wish is that adult sports!
These three people’s dazzling appearance while wearing yukata. What are their wishes for the upcoming Tanabata?
Fukazawa: Fuu- <3
Abe: 2 years ago I also had the chance to be part of a photoshoot while wearing a yukata. That time Sakuma (Daisuke) wrote this wish in a tanzaku (thin rectangular paper): “I want to do an anime theme song”. And that wish came true!
Fukazawa: How nice!! What did you wish for that time, Abe-chan?
Abe: I want someone to say “Snow Man is popular!” (Abe-chan used “kiterune” means “to arrive” or “to be popular”, but it’s also the title of Abe-chan’s segment in the morning show “ZIP!”)
Meguro: Did this wish come true? (laughs)
Of course, it came true!
Fukazawa: Thanks! We are happy if you’re saying that from an objective point of view.
Meguro: Well, we want that wish to continue being granted, right?
Abe: Yeah! It’s important that we maintain and don’t lose it!
Fukazawa: ...and I thought of something! The three of us together for this year’s Tanabata means that the wish we want to be granted is “that” right?
Meguro: Please say it!
Fukazawa: One, two, three-!!
All: Golf!
Meguro: The members who said they wanted to start playing golf are conveniently us three. If we add Sakuma-kun, right now, there are four members who want to play golf.
Abe: That’s right! Meme (Meguro) said he wanted to try it. Then the two of us joined in saying “Me too! Me too!”. At first, it was just us three. Well, it was just at the level of “I want to go to a golf range” at the beginning.
Fukazawa: Everyone is a beginner after all.
Meguro: We want to go to a course where we can get some results within the limitations of our abilities.
Abe: Because the three of us are at the level of “Can we even hit properly?”
Golf is a place for adults to socialize. Is a place like that necessary for your future?
Fukazawa: Necessary!
Meguro: Using our situation of being beginners, I want to invite a senpai and have him look after me (laughs).
Abe: That’s nice!
Meguro: Going to a golf course is good because it’s also a place where we can appreciate nature.
Abe: It would be nice if our wish of getting better in golf, to the point that we can say “Should we go to a golf course?” when we have some time, comes true this year.
What are your wishes as a group (for this year’s Tanabata)?
Fukazawa: If we talk about golf then everyone would go “Me too! Me too!”, then it would probably end with everyone playing golf.
Abe: Then that’s just golf with everyone.
Meguro: Wishes? I do have some...
Fukazawa: Maybe for “SoreSuno” (TBS) to get the golden timeslot?
Meguro: I want that to come true!
Abe: Getting the noon slot is also interesting, but I do have thoughts of wanting the show to be more popular.
How about SoreSuno staying in the noon slot and getting a new program in the golden timeslot?
All: No!!! (immediate objection)
Abe: First of all, SoreSuno is the show that it is now because the 9 members and the staff worked hard together and became a team!
Meguro: It’s not “It would be nice if we became popular”, it’s “We have no choice but to work hard to make it popular!”
Fukazawa: Exactly!
Abe: I also want to treasure the School Project.
Meguro: The radiance of the people in the middle of their youth is amazing!
Fukazawa: A project like “Let’s Go To School!” (1997-2005) is nice so we definitely want to inherit it!
Abe: “Snow Man is included in the memories of my youth”, it would be amazing if they thought of that.
Meguro: We got a nice project!
What are your personal wishes for Tanabata?
Meguro: It’s still playing baseball with the 9 members (laughs). It has to be baseball. It’s exactly because Snow Man has 9 members that I want this to come true.
Fukazawa: I will save money. I would have to use what I need, but I intend to improve my skills while also saving money, like learning how to cook!
Meguro: That’s nice!
Fukazawa: I want to increase the situations where I can say “I could do this myself!”
Abe: What should I do if Fukka completely starts to try to make himself look good...?
Fukazawa: Honestly, you’re taken aback right?
Abe: Ahahaha! I wrote down “May everyone’s wishes come true” (smiles)!
Fukazawa: ...damn! (laughs)
Meguro: The way you said it... was amazing!
Abe: I wrote “May it come true!” in the tanzaku (sparkle).
Meguro: That’s exactly the way it’s said (laughs).
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