#fuckijg. putting myself in a clown car & hoping it explodes.
itshomobirb · 1 month
> cat's urinary episode probably caused by stress
> both my parents left for a vacation earlier this week
> the implication that my cat got stressed out from my parents leaving
> which includes my mother, who has [redacted] me and is abusive and just Not a Nice Person
> my mother, who finds fault in litcherally everything i do for the cats. and even if i give in and do what she wants... several months later, she's complaining again
> swapped their litter several months ago to pine pellets. they've adapted nicely. their litter is fine. also doesn't track everywhere (something my mother complained about for MONTHS with their previous litter)
> my mother, unprompted: did the vet say that maybe this could be caused by their new litter?
i fucking hate her.
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