#fuck off outta my askbox
ask-paradoxus-rex · 5 years
do it you won't
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americachavez · 3 years
Ask and ye shall receive lmao. Anyways this whole wedding shenaniganery takes place like 2 years after the finale. Dean DID get cas outta the empty but he is bad at words so instead of saying anything TO cas he just kinda. Avoided him until he couldn’t stand it anymore and then kissed him. And then fucked him. Dean assumes that cas will be able to interpret this as “I love you but don’t know how to say it”. Cas does NOT interpret it like this. Cas basically thinks that dean is giving him a pity fuck, but doesn’t turn it down because he has massive massive issues and tells himself he is content with whatever scraps of affection dean will give him. This interpretation is reinforced when dean isn’t affectionate outside of sex because he has Issues (internalized homophobia and several complexes about intimacy). Eventually cas is like dean we can’t do this anymore, this meaning their perceived fuck buddy arrangement. But to DEAN they aren’t fuck buddies, they’re dating and in love. So dean takes this. Poorly. And they end up having ANOTHER divorce.
Anyways in this mamma Mia but slightly to the left au dean is Donna, obviously. He is bending over backwards trying to give Sam the perfect wedding because he deserves it, dammit!!! He may not like the idea of a big white wedding but by god sammys wedding is gonna be the best goddamn wedding these stupid motherfuckers have ever SEEN. Sam is Sophie, but instead of inviting three potential dads, he’s inviting cas. Cas is, of course, pierce brosnan.
Some key facts:
-nobody actually KNOWS that dean and cas used to fuck. Dean was way too repressed about it. All anyone knows is that they were extremely close, and then they weren’t. Sam has like. An inkling. But that’s all.
-u know how Sophie is trying to hide her three potential dads from Donna for like half the movie?? Sam is doing that with cas. Everyone else knows cas is there but Sam thinks that if dean finds out he will, quote, “flip his shit”. So he’s just stashing cas in increasingly weird places until dean spots him.
-in this au dean is Donna, which means he retired from hunting and decided to buy a big, old, condemned house and turn it into a bed and breakfast. The house is in idk. Georgia?? Wyoming?? Either way dean found it while he was on a hunt. It was extremely haunted, he un-haunted it, and then impulse bought it for a couple grand.
-it’s a nice house. An extremely nice house. It’s so nice that Sam is having his reception there. The ceremony is at a church in town. I haven’t decided if Sam is catholic or a Unitarian, but either way there is a church, and he is getting married in it.
-the reason dean is planning most of the wedding instead of Sam is because Sam is a bridezilla and needs everything to be perfect, but has no idea WHAT perfect looks like. So every time sam tries to plan the wedding he ends up spending six days looking at napkins. Dean, being a self-sacrificial big brother, basically takes on all the planning duties.
-Eileen does not give a fuck. She’ll marry Sam in a fancy ball gown, she’ll go down to the courthouse, she’ll happily spend the rest of her life living in sin with him if that’s what Sam wants. Eileen is hashtag woke and thinks that marriage is nothing more than paperwork and a couple of tax benefits wrapped in false narratives about romance. She is, of course, extremely right about this.
-rowena tries to upstage Eileen at the wedding because she has winchester derangement syndrome and is acting how we all think Crowley would act at the deancas wedding. It does not work because Eileen is a girlboss.
AnYways dean finds out cas is at the wedding thee NIGHT before and predictably flips his shit. The day of the wedding there’s a winner takes it all type convo right before they head into the church where they’re like *this* close to communicating enough to understand what’s going on between them BUT BEFORE THEY DO, dean storms off.
The church scene plays out EXACTLY like it does in mamma mia. Dean and cas have it out in front of the whole fuckin wedding party. Cas finally realizes that dean thought they were dating the whole time, dean finally realizes that cas DIDNT. During this absolutely insane shouting match it is very clear that they are both still hung up on one another and very much in love. Sam is like actually Eileen I DONT want to get married yet!! I was just doing this because even though it’s been a decade, I still feel like I have to be normal. Only I don’t want to be normal!! I want us to hunt together and live together and maybe one day I want to elope to fuckin. Idk. The Bahamas or some shit.
Meanwhile the poor officiant is like. So... y’all aren’t getting married?? And Sam is like no, sorry. It’s a shame tho bc we spent all this money... and then cas is like wait. Dean. Dean. I know we only just figured out our shit, but I love you. I never stopped. We should get married. And dean is like yeah ok. There’s always divorce right?? And then they get married and go back to deans house and throw the party of the century.
this is probably the most insane thing anyone has ever put in my askbox and I WOULD read 50k of this but I’ll take the nearly 1000 word outline you’ve gifted me. thank you
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HOLY HELLO Sketchy friends, followers, and fans! It's that time again, time for...
The heck is happening here? Here's an FAQ~ Wanna support the event? Here's my Ko-fi!
That's right, it's FINALLY the last Saturday of the month... and I've decided it's high time our Quotable prompt evolved into a Dialog prompt! This is gonna work a lot like previous Quote prompts, but with an extra twist, so please make sure you read the guidelines for a valid request before sending in!
To make a VALID Shippy Saturday request, please send me the following in an ASK to my ASKBOX:
The COUPLE you'd like me to sketch up ---- OC? Heck yes! Canon? Hell yeah! All characters welcome, so long as they're from Fallout ---- OC x OC? Cool! Canon x Canon? SWEET! OC x Canon? DAMN RIGHT.
The NUMBER of the dialog snippet you'd like me to art them saying ---- Got more than one favorite? You may list up to THREE in your ask, in order of preference, to help the artist avoid repeats <3 ---- Still can't pick? Send in 'Dealer's Choice!' and the artist will pick one for you.... oooor possibly make up some fresh dialog on the spot ;3
What KIND OF RELATIONSHIP your couple has with each other ---- Romantic? Platonic? Professional? Familial? Rivals? Neighbors? Despite it's name, Shippy Saturday is about all kinds of human connections, not just the romantic ones! ---- Is your couple part of a larger OT3 or poly group? Tell me who else is part of the relationship; they probably won't get arted, but they might add their two cents to the scene from off-frame XD
IF YOU'RE SENDING IN AN OC!! ---- Send your request ask FIRST, without reference information ---- THEN send your OC's reference information to me via my Tumblr IM ---- Don't have any reference pictures, but you can type of a written description? Great! I love working from written descriptions! :D [ No, really, I do. Give them to me :D ]
After that, you can leave all the rest to me! :D [ I.e Please do not request poses or specific actions ]
Hokay? HOKAY! With all of that out of the way, let's get onto the dialog snippets! These are taken from various things I enjoy, as well as some of my own work. These quotes have been modified to gender neutral pronouns, to remove most proper nouns, and for brevity.
[ Some of these quotes have multiple speakers! That will be shown like this! "Speaker A" -- "Speaker B" ]
"Yeah, well, I'm a victim of circumstance" -- "... I thought you called it your pecker."
"Here, you look cold."
"You are so lucky I love you." -- "Damn right."
"You know the routine." -- "Yeah! WE do all the work, YOU get all the credit!"
"I want you with me, but... I'm scared." -- "Trust me. Trust me to take care of myself." -- "I trust you, it's the rest of the world I'm terrified of!"
"No breakfast?" -- "I did it yesterday-- bologna and beans, it's your turn." -- "No... It was eggs. I did eggs... over easy." -- "The hell you did! Bologna and beans, it's your turn!"
"I like the kind of person who can handle themselves... think on their feet."
"So you were ahead of me." -- "I don't know about ahead, but I've been behind you ever since you fried those mannequins."
"Don't make me say it out loud..." -- "... I can say it first, if that'll help."
"Nooooooope... five more minutes." -- "We were together all night." -- "Didn't count... I was sleepin'."
"Well, this is very serious" -- "IT IS!" -- "You, you destroyed a door." -- "Colonel, we're talking about a test on an armored vehicle, that will carry people into combat." -- "Right, but this door is property of--" -- "The shell barely penetrated the door." -- "okay, but now it's all bent out of shape. How are you gonna get it back on its hinges?" -- "I'LL BUY THE ARMY A NEW GODDAMN DOOR!"
"Sorry, I thought... I thought you were trying to buy something I'm not selling."
"I'm busy." -- "Too busy to look up?"
"You can't kill people just because you don't agree with them." -- "You see, that was the ONE point me and the doctors could never agree upon."
"Would you ever consider having a drink with an enlisted solider?" -- "Depends... does the enlisted soldier think I need one?" -- "What are they gonna do? Kick you out?"
"Thanks" -- "No problem, anytime."
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up-- one day it's gonna happen to you. Someday someone is gonna ask you, who is it? And a face is gonna jump to the front of your mind, and it's gonna completely sandbag you... I can't wait to watch!"
[to a peacefully sleeping person ] -- "Good moring, Mx. ___, this is your wake-up call. Please move your ass."
"I say we run for it" -- "Running isn't a plan, runnin's what you do when a plan fails!"
"... Normal Illinois, is that on the map?" -- "Yes, Sergeant, it is." -- "... is it normal in Normal?" -- "... Uneventful, I think, is the word."
"Now-- how many brahmin does it take to make a stampede? Is it like... three or more? Is there a minimum speed?" -- "Wish a stampede up your ass."
"I don't mind being a secret of yours."
[Right after THE BIG FUCKING KISS] ".... let's not make it a year before the next one, okay?"
"If we were serious about money, we'd quit being hired hands--" -- "Handymen! We are han-dee-men." -- "Oh whatever! We'd quit this and go find some real money."
"Please... don't go where I can't follow."
"Alone is fine! I can do alone, it's worrying after them that's got me all wound up!" -- "Have you considered that's because alone is NOT FINE and you don't wanna do it anymore?" -- "---!!"
"This is not the first time you've been here." -- "We've been down this road before, that is correct." -- "Several times, in fact." -- "I hadn't been keeping count."
"And you must be ___, I've heard all about you." -- "I deny everything."
"First time I saw you? I thought to myself, that's the kind of person BRICK WALLS jump outta the way of." -- "Figured you'd be safer behind me rather than in front of me?" -- "Damn right."
"Just keep looking at that beautiful sky; that's the sky that'll be over our roof when we're done." -- "What if we don't finish the roof? Then we can look at the sky all the time."
"Yeah, well... maybe a friend is what I need right now."
"Next thing you know the Feds will be at our door; Sorry, time to move out, Eminent Domain." -- "Down honey, down."
"Even a heat-seeking missile can miss a target." -- "... you taped so many hot-plates to the test target you could fry an egg at 20 feet, and it STILL missed by a mile."
"My dear, my darling, love of my life...." -- "What do you want?"
"What I mean to say is... you make here a better place to be. For me. Easier. Does that make sense?"
"Calm down, you make it sound like a war." -- "What do you people have against being prepared?!"
"This is not just a report, it's a deadly weapon." -- "Sir, an M-16 is a deadly weapon. A report is just a pile of paper, unless you plan to inflict a lot of extremely vicious paper cuts."
"Stupid son of a bitch, knocked himself out cold..." -- "Cold my ass, he's dead."
"Y'know, in baseball, a guy who hits .400 is consider pretty damn great." -- "In baseball the losing team isn't killed by their opponents."
"Hey... I love you. Did I tell you that today?"
This post is going online at 8 PM, June 24th, 2021, US Pacific time. The askbox will open for requests until 6 PM, June 25th, 2021, US Pacific Time. Get yours in now!
Arting will begin at 9 AM tomorrow morning, see you then! :D
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colorseeingchick · 3 years
We talked about this already, so here I am making my humble request to be matched up with a demon slayer boy....
I would include more information here but you know who I actually am 😤
(And I do wanna say congrats on 200!! Ily💕💕)
You’ve subjected yourself to a hell you cannot escape. I’m so very excited to match you up with a boy I know little about from a fandom you know NOTHING about 🤩 I match you with….
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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Now you might be asking, “En, why did you match me with this man?” well, there a couple of reasons. The first one is because you told me a few hours ago “as long as you don’t match me with the odd boar man, it’ll be okay.” While I do think the boar man is your soulmate, Sanemi is another good fit. Sanemi and you would have a wonderful banter established with a lot of play fighting but also a lot of support. Y’all are the types to be strong enough to deal with each other’s bs - and if that’s not love I don’t know what is.
Note to anyone who chooses to read this matchup :know that this shouldn’t be taken seriously LMAO I'm an anime only and know little of Sanemi so far! But I love him SO MUCH AHHH
Also shoutout @hoebirama7 for helping me learn about Sanemi more!
You’d meet Sanemi at the main estate where the head of the demon slayers live. Let’s say you were a demon slayer who was travelling with the main characters, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke (the boar man). You’d get pulled to the main estate with them. When there, you heard about how Sanemi did some crazy things to your little friend Nezuko (just like, stabbing her in front of her brother) and you were like “that’s so much.”
Your next thought was “who the fuck does this man think he is?” From there you swore you’d hate him and you’d square up with him on SIGHT. You were ready to throw verbal insults when you saw him.
He was casually in the Butterfly Estate (where you and the boys were resting to recover) and when you saw him, you just gave him a lookTM. He obviously didn’t take well to being sassed with his eyes, so he asked if you had a problem. And he was surprised when you said yes, said “You’re an ass,” and then you walked away. His eyes went wide and he was ready to throw a sarcastic comment back but you were already gone.
The next time he and you met was in the midst of battle. You were holding off a bunch of demons but accidentally injured your ankle, leaving you in the path of danger. That was when he came swinging in, taking all the demons out, and went to pick you up.
“Do I seem like some damsel in distress to you? I don’t need saving!”
“You don’t? Fine then.” He drops you (yes drops you) and walks away. Out of nowhere, another demon charges in to attack you, and while you prepare for the worst, the demon is beheaded before you realize it.
“Be stubborn later.” He picked you up and smirked a bit as you make a face but don’t reject his offer.
You met him a few days later, once again at the Butterfly Estate while you were healing up. But this time when you passed by him, you stopped him and said, “Hey, I just wanna say I do appreciate you saving me.”
“That’s not what you said the first time we met.”
“Well I still think you’re an ass.”
He scoffed, “Next time I’ll leave you to the demons,” before storming off again.
While you weren’t hesitant to tell him off to his face, you had to admit you did appreciate his muscles the way he saved you. So maybe you could be a little bit nicer to him. Only a little.
He heard of you next when he got a message that his brother was hurt and saved by another member of the corps - that member being you. He contemplated sending his messenger crow to thank you, but then he decided it was a weird thing to want to do, so he just went to go visit his healing brother. Luckily for him, you were there again.
“Are you always injured or…?” He asked when he saw you.
“Funny, because you’re here every time I am too, SO-”
“Brother, are you flirting?”
“Why the fuck are you out of bed? You were weak enough to get injured, and now you have the guts to talk back? Idiot.” Sanemi ripped into his younger brother on the spot before storming off. You ran into him later, and asked him about it. You saw what was going on.
“You care for him, you can admit that, right?”
“What?” He was taken aback.
“I’m the same way with my brothers -except, well, I’m not as… rough I guess. But all little brothers are dumb. But I know you do that outta love.”
You gave a small smile before leaving him be.
Let’s just say you left him a little shocked. He didn’t expect for someone to get it (even if you were skeptical of his method).
You two then got close when you were deployed on the same mission. It was full of a lot of back and forth ‘fighting’ which was banter. But you both agreed you loved hating on Giyuu (the love of my life who you said had a long face >:( ) and it was an odd bonding point for you two.
You found yourself becoming fond of the explosive and skilled man. And as he spent more time with you, listened to your random stories, and realized he saw eye to eye with you (even though you were better at expressing your thoughts), he developed a soft spot for you.
Settling down as a demon slayer was a tough thing to do. And yet, as he finished his mission with you, he realized he didn’t want you to be in anymore danger - and that he’d like to protect you as well.
He wouldn’t really ask you out. Like, it was such an odd thing for him to do. But when another demon slayer was being very flirty with you, he found himself getting ready to fight. Luckily you beat him to the punch by turning down the man.
He asked you why you did.
“Wasn’t interested in being with him.”
“...What about me? Are you, uh… interested in being with me?” He wasn’t used to saying stuff like that at ALLLL.
You’d look at him and go, “I’ll give it a go.”
In a relationship, Sanemi would find you to be surprisingly supportive. You were so good at validating his feelings and actions ( you were his lovely enabler). But you weren’t afraid to question his impulsive decisions, and he came to respect that, too. You were a respectable partner.
You on the other hand would probably appreciate the care he has to give. While he wasn’t a himbo, he had the heart of one. He was surprisingly caring, good at remembering small details, and very observant of your state of being. Though he would never say anything, he’d show it all through his actions. He’d bring you your favorite food, and would always listen to all your crazy mission stories.
He’d even manage to go with you to one of the sports events of the time. Though he didn’t know what was going on, he loved the way your face lit up when you were angry at the players, engaging with the plays, and just overall so lively. He thought it was so fun to see that side of you.
He’d also open up to you about his relationship with his brother. While it was tough, he enjoyed knowing you had his back and continued to share with you. You were a good listener.
When on longer missions apart, you’d send your crows to send updates to one another just to make sure the other was okay.
All in all y’all have a funny banter filled relationship that also was very supportive and soft. It may have started off with you two being enemies, but it ends with lovers HEHE my favorite
Just what you deserve :D
THis is what you asked for Ma'am but I also asked you to send one so I hope you don't hate me indefinitely after this pls continue to beta read my anime content THANK YOUUUU
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tzdkh · 3 years
@immolatic​ is once again, in my askbox, asking for two masked hackers [ meme ]
Their first kiss had been a hot mess, but still a solid seven in Reggie’s book. He’d been high at the time, and probably suffering from a concussion thanks to a semi-poor decision - not to say that Jay had taken advantage of him (Although he could, at any point in time. Back then Wrench was beyond caring as long as he felt something.) but rather that the whole thing was a fucking mess. And, at a seven, it’d been the cause for many a spank bank session after, even long after the marks had faded.
However, a seven was still a fucking seven, and Reg has grown since then. There were things he wanted now in life - a little dose of anarchy, some violence, but most importantly stability and someone to not look at him like he was a constant fuck up. His ego, already as small as it was, had taken one too many beatings in far too a small a time, and for fucking once he wanted something normal, something not-a-seven but maybe an eight, or god fucking forbid a nine.
What he got instead of any of that, at the end of the entire Rampart affair, is a fucking smirk and a ‘you should have killed him.’ Even the Pearces, who had moments before been congratulating him on not murdering his traitor of a business partner, had blinked at that, in unison, and then looked between them before quickly exiting stage left. (And by that, they ducked out the front door after making excuses to talk to them later.)
So, to say that Reginald ‘The Wrench’ Blechman is steaming is an understatement. He’s furious. And weirdly hurt, left in the end of the entire affair feeling like his chest has been crushed in. And he’s fully aware, because he’s not a fucking idiot, that it’s his own damn fault. He had attachment issues even therapists were hesitant to touch, he had trust issues that were only outweighed by Jay’s own trust issues, he was divorced and sad and alone in a country full of people that were teaming together.
He’s also rapidly losing time and excuses, to avoid going home, which was a whole other issue on it’s own, one that he’d put second on his checklist of things he’d put together shortly after Jay’s arrival.
The checklist, for anyone curious, ran a little something like this:    ✓  Murder Fuck over Thomas Rempart    ✓  Avoid going home until he’s ready    ✓  Convince Jackson Pearce to let him be his second uncle    ✓  Give London a little bit of a boost to put itself back together    ✕  Not fall back into like-like (or rebound crush) with JB Markowicz    ✓  Contact Sitara and apologize for being a prick    ✓  Warn Raymond that Jay was very much so still angry about the whole blackout thing
For anyone still hanging on that might have missed it, he’d failed checklist item number five pretty miserably, and that was arguably the most important thing on said list, minus revenge thing. 
Which left him where he was: Chain smoking outside his apartment in the middle of the night, nursing one hell of a hangover, and trying to remember what exactly had been said during his drunken argument with Jay hours before. He’s pretty sure he’d spilled some important figurative (and literal, maybe) beans, but Reggie isn’t quite sure. Hard to be sure when the last thing he remembered was slamming into the apartment like a bat outta hell (which also, what the fuck did a bat outta hell look like, Meatloaf?) and yelling. A lot.
Pretending not to hear the door opening behind him, Reggie kicks his legs over the brick half wall he was sitting on, the picture of absolute ignorance (he hoped) and focuses instead on the smoke in his lungs, and the nicotine he could taste on his tongue.
“Wrench.” Reginald doesn’t turn around, thank you very much, because he’s the peak of maturity and also he wasn’t wearing his mask, ergo, he was not Wrench. He takes another drag of his cigarette, the smile that curls his mouth small and self serving as he hears a sigh and then his legal name. “Reg, you can’t avoid it all fucking night. Again.”
Yes, he could, Mr. Markowicz. Avoidance of subjects such as ‘going home’ and ‘you got your revenge, it’s time to go’ and ‘Marcus hired me to bring you back’ was a fucking skill of his at this point. In fact, it was so high up on his skill list, it was right under ‘Getting inappropriate crushes’ and ‘Breaking (important) things.’
Ashing his cigarette, Reginald turns to give the man a mild look, blinking only once in surprise when it occurs to him that Jay is far closer than he’d thought. One could say, too close. “What?”
“Reg.” A puff of annoyance, and then a glare. And then -
The hackervist had wanted at least a seven-point-five - and maybe a normal fucking kiss - but this was at least a nine and, well, he’d had a mouth full of smoke and Jay to his credit doesn’t even seem mildly put off. In fact, he pulls back, exhales smoke with a raise brow, and then grabs the front of Reggie’s sweater and pulls him back in for a part deux. All teeth and clever tongue and knowledge of things Reggie liked and things Reggie really like-liked.
“Come inside.” Jay says when they part, with only the smallest of bites to Reggie’s poor mouth. “We need to talk and you need to stop fucking sulking.”
In the shuffle to get up, Reggie drops his very expensive imported cigarette. 
He doesn’t even look at it.
(Later, much much later he tells Jay ‘ten point five’ without context, but Jay smirks. Because he knows him in far more detail than anyone should. And then, Reggie tells him ‘First one was a seven’ and he gets punched, which was also fair.)
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
2020 In Review: Wordcount Tag
I was tagged for this by @actualanxiousswampwitch​ , thank you! I’m not sure who’s already done or been tagged for this cause I am, once again, late to the party LOL but I shall (no pressure and sorry if you’ve already done it!) tag: @rainofaugustsith​ , @darth-bagel​ , @thatmmolesbian​ , @thelastenvoyyy​ and anybody else who wants to do this. Yes, I promise I mean you!
Words: 45,314
Published: 0 (I’m not counting the couple of Six Sentence tags I’ve gotten, they’re snippets of an unfinished piece & are included below instead :), or roleplay replies, cause that feels like cheating lol.) I actually wrote a lot more than I thought I had, this is a rough guesstimate as well, as my oneshot WIPs tend to be all over the place across something like 6 different documents, some of which have existed since 2018, so I had to guess at how far up to count from the end for some of them, but I think it’s a fair guesstimate XD I also have included lore/worldbuilding docs in this because that was a 3-month long Lockdown 1.0 Boredom/”Canon is a trash fire so I’m ignoring that and making up my own lore” passion project and I’m goddamn proud of how much I wrote for that. It’s the most I’ve written in one stretch (think I finished it over a span of 3 nights or so, once I’d done all the research and made all the notes ofc ^^)
Not Published: 45,314
The Breakdown:
swtor - 45,314
for creeping shadows (my main longfic/part one of the subterfugeverse series) - 1,553  - Aria, stop being difficult! *shakes fists* XD
oneshots - 16,223
lore/worldbuilding (for subterfugeverse naturally) - 23,001 (is this ALL tomato alien lore? pretty much, yes, yes it is :’D ~400 words is “the WIP reworked timeline to correlate my worldbuilding with the canon timeline that was released”, but 98% is just...me thinking way too much about Purebloods and how they deserved way better goddamn lore. I blame @fluffynexu ‘s amazing tomato worldbuilding posts,  reading them when I went looking for “canon” lore one day for the rp is what got me started down that rabbithole (it’s awesome and if you haven’t already you should totally go check hers out too :DD), I had a “fuck you then canon I’ll do it myself too >:L” moment and once I started I couldn’t stop until I’d crapped out literally over 20k words on the subject *whispering* thank you LOL)
zephyrverse au bonus oneshots - 4,537 (stuff I wrote to fill in time gaps or “just cause I had a plot bunny”, relating to mine and k-christine’s zephyrverse au rp. None of these will likely be posted publicly, but they still deserve to be counted as words I wrote this year :’D
As you can see, most of my “muse” this year came from sporadic oneshots :’D The Ahaszaai twins also properly plot-bunnied their way into my brain in late 2019 and haven’t stopped making a nuisance of themselves the whole fucking year. Every time I tried to carry on with a chapter, one of the two of them would pop up like “Nooo write about ME! pay attention to ME!” - Yes, Ni’kasi, I will get to you this year, I promise XD
New Things I Tried:
Just Writing. Not worrying about whether “it wasn’t part of the next chapter” or “it comes from a part in the story that I’m nowhere near close to posting yet”. If I felt like writing something, or for a specific pairing/feeling/scene, whatever. I wrote until I ran outta muse juice. Yeah, it meant I didn’t technically “finish” anything this year BUT - the important thing is I wrote stuff. and that’s all that really matters, eh? :’D
Polyam ships! May not seem like a big deal but I spent a long time talking myself out of them because of internalised toxic monogamy and finally saying “you know what, fuck it! I can ship three or more people together and it can still be a perfectly wholesome, healthy and loving relationship and that’s okay” was a BIG thing for me this year.
Dialogue Scripts: which I didn’t count as wordcount because really it’s just word vomit of general tone/inflection and dialogue that I came up with right before falling asleep which I didn’t want to lose. Basically, if an exchange or a particularly punchy or moving line of dialogue popped into my brain but I wasn’t ready to write the whole scene that it fit into out, but didn’t want to forget the line(s). I wrote it out in movie script/script-style roleplay fashion e.g. Character’s Name: (emotion, hand gestures etc.) [Dialogue here] and so on. I know this is probably a well known trick of the trade, but I never took it seriously until this year. Seriously, do it. It’s great.
Favorite Thing I Wrote:
Hmmm, a snippet for Andronikos/Ni’kasi that I started this week which isn’t posted yet (saving it for this week’s Six Sentence Sunday so look out for it! :D) was pretty fun to work on, I love their dynamic and Kas is suprisingly fun to write for.
Also the Aria/Vano proposal scene that I posted a snippet for the week before last. I’m having great fun with that scene, and I really enjoy putting a non-serious spin on the classic “proposal scene” tropes. Can’t wait to finish it, though it may be a while before the full one goes up on AO3, as it depends whether it ends up fitting in as part of the mainfic or as an additional oneshot
And I have a D’leah/Kissai oneshot that I need to give another once-over before I finally yeet it onto AO3 and Tumblr for you guys to see :’D
Favorite Fic I Read:
@sleepswithvillains Eleanora/Quinn fic, Helplessly Hoping. I’m horribly behind on chapters and I gotta catch up and read the finale this week, but it’s been a helluva great ride and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the story! <3
Also The Invitation collab with @tishinada featuring Zas and Fiona had me squealing, I can’t wait to catch up on HH and see more of these two, they’re adorable ;-; @a-muirehen​ ‘s Relu/Merkara series of course! I’m a complete sucker for (friends to lovers to in Ariano’s case but yea pfpfpf) enemies to lovers ships and these two are just so good, I am on the edge of my seat every time we get a new snippet for them, ngl (grimace emoji) @darth-bagel ‘s Sylvas/Graz’zt and Sylvas/Liz/Rilfaen snippets which they’ve been spoiling me with on Discord @mercurypilgrim ‘s Ven’fir/Quinn AU oneshots, Cloudbank (Western was a particular favourite, but all are very good!) and of course @rainofaugustsith ‘s Lana/Viri updates are always fantastic, some personal favourites from this year were Almost There & Memory of Healing :3 (I totally still go back to read Commander & Advisor too sometimes, getting to see Viri be a little diabolical and messing with “MiNiSTeR LoRMaN!” was and still is my favourite thing XD)
If I’ve left you out I’m sorry!! These were the ones that stuck out in my memory, but I’ve loved everyone’s writing this year, it’s been great :3
Writing Goals:
to actually finish and post chapter 8 & 9 of Creeping Shadows. Then we’ll get to the meat and potatoes of the story and maybe Aria will stop being a brat and fighting me every time I try to stick to a semi-regular update schedule Get off my butt, finalise the name and get started on Ni’kasi’s part of the Subterfugeverse story. Maybe run the updates in-tandem with Creeping Shadows but idk if I want to wait till after CS is done before I start posting Kas’s side, or do them side-by-side yet, we’ll see ;) Keep writing! I know better than to pressure myself by setting a specific word count goal, that’s never worked well in the past
At least 2 chapters of each of the works mentioned above would be great though, more would be better! We’ll see how I go
Words of Thanks:
honestly, to everybody in the fandom I’ve met this year. Anybody that I follow, thank you for being there and engaging with me and/or posting amazing content for me to look at! I came over from deviantART where the SWTOR fandom is incredibly small and generally quite inactive and the contrast since moving over here has been incredibly uplifting. I very nearly cancelled Creeping Shadows and stopped posting fic for my SWTORverse altogether because I got next to no engagement on dA and it was very disheartening to the point where I felt I could enjoy the game and the rp partners I had, but the solo projects I’d put so much thought, time and love into already weren’t worth continuing. You guys took that spark and kept it going and I really don’t have enough words to say how grateful I am for that. Even if I haven’t published much this year, making posts on this tumblr, interacting with everyone and working on lore, plot points and so on for Subterfugeverse has kept me going through the Hellish Year of Nightmares that was 2020 <3
to the amazing new friends I’ve made in this past year, who have listened to me ramble about headcanons, character backstories, writing snippets (and rambled/sent some back), keep being awesome: @walk-ng-d-saster , @darth-bagel , @kyber-heart , @deepseacritter , @thedinalixlegacy to further friends and meme tag buddies, I get so excited every time I see a mention for a new meme or ask game in my inbox, so thank you!! : @mimabeann , @palepinkycat , @a-master-procrastinator , @raven-of-domain-kwaad , @actualanxiousswampwitch , @thatmmolesbian , @a-muirehen to my regular commentors/rebloggers/likers/askbox lurkers, I see every one of you and every time your users pop up I grin like a kid in a toy shop: @starlightjedi , @sparkles-and-rust , @wilvarin-chan , @sunsetofdoom , @ask-an-andalite , @thelastenvoyyy . @lyrishadow and more because Tumblr only goes so far back and I have the memory of Swiss Cheese. If you regularly comment, like, reblog, or anything, from me, know that I see you, and I love and appreciate you for it! <3
I couldn’t possibly remember to tag everyone and I promise if I missed you out it’s not because I hate you! Anxiety just sometimes be a bitch and I don’t wanna look like a clown calling someone a “friend” if I’m not explicitly sure we are, in fact, friends. I think you’re all awesome and I’m so glad to have moved over here and met you all <3
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Just some kpop questions to answer.
I wasn't tagged BUT I want y'all to know how whipped I am for Monsta X 😂😂😂
[Let me know if you would like me to do this for other bands too. Request them if you want, askbox is always open]
>>Admin JiHyeon(previously JiU)<<
Who is your bias?
Minhyuk 110%
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How did you find out he was your bias?
Ya know....I don't know. Changkyun was my bias for the longest time but Minnie came up outta nowhere and hasn't left soooooo.
Who was your first bias?
Shownu actually.
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Who is your bias wrecker?
Mr. Yoo Kihyun, or as I call him Kiki
Why is he your bias wrecker?
Have you seen him? He is adorable. Attractive. Was definitely a stripper in his past life. Bish pulls off pink hair SO WELL. Need I go on?
If he wasn't your first bias wrecker, who was?
It's been Kiki for a while but I think Changkyun was my first bias wrecker tho.
Your bias list order?
This was a hard one.....BUT here it is.
Your favorite song by them?
Favorite music video?
Ummmmm Perfect Girl
Favorite era for the group?
Favorite era for each member?
Oi this is a tough one y'all. Fun fact: I like the shootout era....
Shownu: We Are Here
Wonho: Stuck
Minhyuk: All of them tbh but if I have to choose one I would have to say We Are Here
Hyungwon: Shootout
Kihyun: Stuck
Jooheon: Shootout
Changkyun: Shootout
Favorite album?
We Are Here
Favorite choreography?
Toss up between Stuck and Shootout
A moment that made you cry?
I am going to preemptively say the concert I'm going to on August 6th cause I can't think of any moments right now.
A moment that made you laugh?
Literally any moment. But my fave is the eye contact dance practice of Shootout when Hyungwon grabbed Minnies chest.
What subunit would you like?
Minhyuk and Hyungwon(our no lines boys)
First song you listened to by them?
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Which member you most like?
Minnie. We can be whale buddies. 🐳🐳🐳
What's one thing you share with each member?
Fuck if I know but I'll try....
Shownu: we both love that food tho
Wonho: we both be giggly bitches
Minhyuk: WHALE BUDDIES 🐳🐳🐳
Kihyun: we both do the mom thing with our friends.
Jooheon: we both pout and sulk cause we salty bitches
Changkyun: we are the youngest in our families and video games
Which member deserves more attention?
Top five songs?
1. Fallin
2. Shootout
3. Play It Cool
4. By My Side
5. Alligator
Favorite ship?
MinWon (Minhyuk and Hyungwon)
Vocal or Rapper Line?
Which member is closest to your birthday?
Wonho [he's March 1st I'm March 7th]
Are you the same age as a member?
YES Changkyun and I are 96-liners
Favorite Vocal?
Kihyun usually cause boy can sang. But I love Minnies voice too cause it's so unique 😊😊😊
Favorite rapper?
Favorite dancer?
Hyungwon and Shownu. Can't pick one.
Favorite visual?
Minhyuk cause HAVE YOU SEEN HIS FACE???
Hyung line or Maknae Line?
Both technically.
Which member would you want as a brother?
Jooheon cause we would have so many inside jokes dude you don't even know.
Which member would you want as a best friend?
Hyungwon cause we both have weird senses of humor and have a slight Starbucks obsession.
Are you taller than any member?
Nope am one whole inch shorter than Kihyun and Changkyun
Are they your ultimate group?
No but they are in the top 5
Is your bias your ultimate bias?
No but he is second
Is your bias wrecker your ultimate bias wrecker?
I don't think so no.
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nobodies-png · 5 years
ORG XIII Bullet point lists win. Instant follow. Have you already done a thing about when you [reader] play with their hair. BC BIH I wana get my fingers on Xaldin's sideburns!
hIS SIDEBURNS ? ?  wHAT AN ICON - okay but a lotta dudes in the org have long hair and oH BOY IM JUST HERE LIKE O O F, loVE ME SOME MEN WITH LONG HAIR
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also big soz for the inactivity, i’ve been trying to get a lotta drafts done to fill up the queue and empty the askbox wheeze
Xemnas :
You must have balls of steel if you can ask the s u p e r i o r if you can play with his hair without stuttering - but nonetheless, you manage to do it! And you don’t seem to be in any trouble, considering Xemnas’ intrigued grin. “Go on, then” he’d tell you and you’d just stay there unsure like “Uhhh for real ? right n o w?” He probably gets a kick outta this, seeing how far you’ll go before chickening out (like a c o W A R D).
But you’re way too curious to figure out how the fuck his hair works to back out now. While you occupy yourself unraveling the m y s t e r i e s, he’ll merely watch - maybe chat with you . You know how pretty much everyone has a personal scent ? This guy lives up to his title, cause he’s got none. His hair is also super thin so you feel like you’re just trying to grasp n o t h i n g.
Xigbar :
The first thing he does is nudge your side, jokingly asking you shit like “aren’t we a bit too old for that cutesy shit?” while untying his ponytail and making himself comfortable on your lap. W h a t ? It’s not fair that you’re the only one having fun, right ? You can’t help but just roll your eyes at his smug sneer - maybe you should’ve chosen s o m e o n e else for this.
We know how Xigbar is. He’s not gonna shut the fuck up no matter what you do or how many times you ask him - so you just end up having some s a s s y friendly banter, with you pointing out his grey hairs or giving him ridiculous styles while he pretends to be offended. It’s an overall fun time ! Until he refuses to move from his spot on your lap because he’s “too comfortable there”, that is.
Xaldin :
The chances of him willingly letting you get your way are lower than Demyx’s motivation to work. Unless it’s a life or death situation, he’s not going to let you play with his hair - the trick is to ask him when he’s too busy to actually realize what he just agreed to, catching him by surprise. A promise’s a promise, dude, can’t go back on one !
Unlike many others, he won’t let his hair loose just so you can have the pleasure of playing with it. Xaldin will probably give you like 10 minutes cause he has better things to do than to watch you use his hair as a moustache. If you’re brave enough to go for the sideburns, he’d p a n i c and get slightly flustered cause that shit tickles - but he’d try to endure it until you’re done.
Vexen :
I’m torn between Vexen never noticing whenever someone touches his hair cause it’s suuuper long and he just doesn’t give two fucks about it. Or him being hella aware of it cause LONG LOOSE HAIR IN A LAB IS A DANGER HAZARD AND A CATASTROPHE WAITING TO HAPPEN. So I g u e s s I’ll go with the l a t t e r.
Vexen is used to having his hair toyed with because of Zexion (the boy could be a little r a s c a l when he wanted) so he’s not even surprised when you ask him. Well, okay maybe a little. He’d tell you to do as you please, as long as you don’t distract him from work - in the end, he’d enjoy the feeling of your fingers running through his hair ! Maybe he’ll let you do that more often. Y’know, for s c i e n c e.
Lexaeus :
Lexaeus has no problem letting you play with his hair. His only concern is finding a decent position for you to reach his head, without him having to b r e a k his back bending or you having to do some sick parkour. Once that’s settled, you can do whatever you want while he just silently observes or solves one of his puzzle thingies.
Even though neither of you are talking, the atmosphere it’s pretty pleasant and lighthearted. Sometimes you just call out his name from time to time, to make sure he hasn’t fallen asleep lol. Like Luxord, Lexaeus also thinks this situation is kinda comical - like come on he’s the biggest dude in the Organization and here he is, having his hair played with.
Zexion :
At first he’d be startled and cower away in surprise like “e x c u s e me?? WHAT are you doing ?”. Like he’d gladly let you play with his hair, but he’s not used to people touching him so suddenly - just try to give him a heads up the next time. At first it’ll be awkward, cause he just c a n ‘ t stop fidgeting around, extremely aware of the sudden intimacy and closeness of the situation. No he’s definitely not blushing, get some g l a s s e s.
It might take some time for Zexion to get used to it. Mostly cause he feels so n a k e d with the other half of his face exposed - He’ll have his nose buried in his lexicon to avoid eye contact. I can see him totally warming up to the idea and just letting you mess with his hair while he reads a book outloud for the two of you.
Saix :
If you try to ask for permission, Saix will probably say no, so just go for it and pray that he rolls with it. Surprisingly, he does ! Well, more like he hasn’t bitten your hand off - yet. If he’s in a bad mood, prepare for some q u e s t i o n i n g. A half-assed smart sounding explanation will do the trick. If he’s in a good mood, he’ll let you do your thing as long as you don’t distract him too much.
Most likely to purr or just make barely audible b u t hella cute little noises when you play with his hair (i’m getting Saix Puppy flashbacks now, great) You could probably get away with making little cute braids and he won’t notice at all. Try not to be in his field of vision once he does cause he’ll go b e r s e r k on your ass and take away your hair fiddling privileges.
Axel :
Kinda reluctant. He’d poke fun at your eagerness to play with his hair to cover the fact that he’s KINDA embarrassed about this. Probably will let you have your way but only if you two are alone at the Clock Tower - he doesn’t want Xion or Roxas to try and imitate you if they see you. Like come on, there’s a r e p u t a t i o n here to mantain !
Thanks to the latest KH3 trailers we’ve confirmed that his hair is not just a bunch of deadly spikes stuck with hot glue to his head, but instead it’s S O F  T. So yes, playing with Axel’s hair is f u n - even with that permanent scent of fire and burning wood he emits. He likes to see what kind of new style you can come up with. Manbun ? Pigtails ? Braids ? Valid. He’s partial to the low ponytail and will often wear it around the castle.
Will strongly refuse at first - mostly cause he puts a L O T of time and gel ever day to perfectionate …whatever the fuck his hair even is. And he doesn’t want you ruining it ! With enough nagging and puppy eyes, Demyx will eventually give in and let you do whatever you want. Okay but his hair has a w e i r d texture with all the products he uses ?
Your hand will probably get stuck there too, so you better wait until like, he takes a shower to wash it all off. THEN you can just play with that fluffy mane. Demyx looks like a completely different person with his hair down, so he’ll be a bit hesitant, afraid you’ll laugh at him - but then he’d discover that he l o v e s when you play with his hair ! He’d pester you to do that whenever you two hang out cause it’s so relaxing.
Luxord :
His first reaction is to just laugh. Well, y’know not a full blown laugh but like a Polite Amused British Chuckle™. W h a t could you possibly want to play with ? He doesn’t have crazy long hair like most of the members in the Organization so he finds this kinda silly - buuut if you’re up for a quick game, he might just indulge you. Only if you win of course.
…Obviously, he lets you win. But you c a n ‘ t really complain about it cause now you get to play with his hair ! Huzzah ! Luxord is a talker, so he’ll just ramble on and on about how endearing and funny this situation is, joking about how lucky you are to have this privilege and b l a h b l a h. You don’t have to worry cause you’ll soon start to hear his light snores.
Marluxia :
Marluxia takes pride in his hair and overall appearance, so he k n o w s how badly you wanna play with that p i n k fluffy mane. If you’re gentle, he’ll gladly grant you the honour of touching it, enjoying your little surprised gasps and hearing you mutter things like “so fluffy and soft !” under your breath. It doesn’t matter if you’re his S/O, he’ll never tell you his secrets !
But he will give you some unsolicited tips and advice on how to take care of yours cause that’s just how he is. His smug and condescending attitude slowly dissipate as he starts to relax, though. Like the others, he m i g h t start to doze off while you do your thing, but Marluxia will try to keep up his cool façade - brushing you off with the excuse of being busy, with the sleepiest expression on his face.
Larxene :
Y e a h - No. Larxene refuses to be seen without her iconic hairstyle, she’ll let you play with those w e i r d antennae she’s got going on but that’s it. Take it or leave it. You don’t know if this is just normal or if she does it on purpose, but sometimes you feel a little s h o c k whenever you reach out for those two strands of hair. But hey, you’re the only one allowed to get that close to Larxene so, kudos to you.
You c a n, however, play with her hair while she sleeps ! Don’t worry about waking her up, she’s a heavy sleeper. Unless you come in banging pots and shit, she’s not waking up any time soon. Larxene will unconsciously lean into your touch, her face visibly softening while you mess with her thin locks. Just never tell her that you do this or she’ll forbid you from entering her room ever again.
Roxas :
Roxas is c o n f u s e d, he’ll move away on instinct and ask if you were trying to pull a prank on him or if you stuck something to his hair. When you tell him that you just like playing with it because the spikes are fun to touch, he’ll pout and get slightly flustered - but will let you continue anyway. It doesn’t matter how hard you try to mess up his hairstyle, it always returns to it’s original s t a t e. It’s like m a g i c.
Since you started doing that, he’s noticed he has been paying more attention to his hair. Roxas never cared about appearances, but the fact that you like something so specific as his hair pretty much inflates his ego a bit. He’d put a little bit more care into it, spending more time in front of the mirror every morning - lowkey hoping you’d notice.
Xion :
Also confused, but instead of stopping you, Xion would imitate your actions - twirling one of your locks around her finger with an amused smile on her face. After a while she’d innocently ask “what exactly are we doing?” and you’ll have to explain the entire concept to her between laughs.
When you tell her that you like playing with her hair, she’d totally blush and feel a bit self-conscious. What if your hands get tangled in a knot or something ? Did she brush it properly ? Wait - She doesn’t even have to with how short it is ! Maybe she should try letting it grow - But yeah, Xion would l o v e this. She’d sit on your lap or between your legs letting you make little braids and whatever while you two chill and talk during breaks.
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softuris · 6 years
All those rude anon(s) need to fuck off. Fanfiction ISN'T WROTE FOR THEM. IT'S SHARED WITH THEM. Like have they tried to write a fic before? Come up with a new chapter on the spot?. Shit takes time and motivation. it's hard and it takes more than an hour or whatever the fuck they said. It can take days to a month to write. I'm SO sorry you have to deal with shit people in your Askbox. How about instead of sending hate they can tell you what parts of your story they liked and stuff
(2) You deserve more honestly. I can’t say it enough. Your like the sweetest and kindess person here in the fandom i know. So respectful too. Your so great lovely :). You take your time writing. Write whenever you feel! Not when people tell you. I wanna deck the fuck outta those rude ass anons. They need to leave you alone———it’s alright . everything will be fine(:i hope those that don’t understand my intentions find peace with themselves or with a blog they thoroughly enjoy and is up to their ungodly standards .all is well , sweetheart , i appreciate the support and comfort u always bring me🕊
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