#ftm edgar frog
goblinlovesmusicals · 22 days
Rip Edgar Frog, you would have loved top surgery
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the-comfort-den · 2 years
You can ask for Heacanons of any characters on this list, and the link bellow has info about asks! Please do not ask for anything on the ‘topics i wont do’ section, I will ignore your ask,
Post type masterpost here!
Masterlist here!
Note! i only do male or gender neutral readers!!
Fluffy alphabet(Link here): Open!
SFW alphabet(Link here): Open!
Angst alphabet(Link here): Open!
NSFW alphabet(Link here): Open!
Headcanons(General and x reader): Open!
Headcanon ask additional info(Link here)
Scenarios: Semi-Open!
Imagines: Semi-Open!
Character max: 10(say for bitties)
Topics i wont do: Pregnancy(Uncomfertable), things like incest, anything nsfw with minor characters, things with characters and large age gaps, or unhealthy relationships, unhealthy themes are fine but no abuse with the ships!
I also feel uncomfortable doing much with female readers, tho im afab/transmasc myself and she/her pronouns are hard to write for, i just prefer ftm or amab or gender neurtral/nonbinary readers!
Mythical au(Link here): Open!
Bittybones(ask me for bitty cards and ill give them to you! they count for everyone(and yes i run Fantasy Fields lmfao but the bitty cards here wont be as detailed, and a bit more specific!))
-(character list below!)- (Note, these are all with my headcanons and interpretations and au(with my boyfriend) so they mind not line up to what you your hcs are nor canon)
Creepypasta:(Og au, soft au, chaos au)
Inner world(My oc’s!)(Character post here)
Insanity, Sanity, Morality, Anger, Joy, Sadness, EDD, Paranoia, Anxiety, Depression, Imagination, Fear, ODD, Monophobia, SPD, Enochlophobia, Algophobia, Hyper, Cryophobia, Empathy, Apathy, Disgust, Bipolar, Astraphobia, Thermophobia, Trypanophobia, Athazagoraphobia, Acrophobia, Achluophobia,  Cynophobia,
CountryHumans(Character post here)
America, Australia Canada, China, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Russia, South Korea,
Undertale:(heigh chart/list here)
John Doe: 
John Doe, Human!John Doe
House Hunted: 
Maison Talo(Maison), Soft au!Maison(Talo), Hotel!Maison(Utel), Hospital!Maison(Haigla), Arcade!Maison(Portico), Movie Theater!Maison(Kino), Restaurant!Maison(Etterem), 
ocs(technically): Dom, Inzu, Maja, Hus, Ty, (info about them here!)
Spooky Month:(og au(with headcanons ofc), chaos au, chaos swap au(no swap og for now!),)
The lost boys:(my au, and Sam, Alan, and Edgar are just out of high school(18-19))
David, Paul, Marko, Dwayne, Alan Frog, Edgar frog, Sam Emerson, Michael Emerson,
(other notes: in my au the Emersons are werewolves, as in my au non humans(like werewolves and vampires) are pretty common, so the boys dont have to hide either, Max and Lucy are married and they have a funky mixed family(i will so ramble about my au if you ask)
Hazbin hotel: 
Adam, Lucifer, Alastor, Peter, Vox, Valintino, Lute, Husker,
(notes:(my au) Alastor is Demi/Demi(still ace, and it takes him months to care enough, other than that he’s pan), Val doesnt rape people in my au and prefers things to be consensual, still a hot head though, Lute is trans(ftm) so when writing for him ill be using he/him pronouns)
Helluva boss: 
Stolas, Blitzo, Moxie, Crimson, Wally Wackford, Stricker,
(notes:(my au) Crimson isnt an awful father, he’s not the best but he’s not horrible, he just didnt get Moxie(he was a lot softer than Crim), but he tried and got his son out of the Greed ring so he could be somewhere safer, well, as safe as he could be in hell-,
The Walten files:
Jack Walten, Felix Kranken, Rosemary Walten, Linda Thompson, Susan Woodings, Charles Brook,
(notes:(my au) a lot is different but the main thing is that Jack is an alternate(his mom ended up being infertil despite wanting to be a mom, so she ended up trying something not the best, but she loves her son and she still has her soul(and her husband still loves her lol) i will happily ramble more about this au! 
Also Jack is bi and poly, Rosemary is pan and poly, Linda is also bi and poly, and Felix is gay(panromantic tho) and poly, jack is married to Rosemary and dating Felix, Felix is married to Linda(and loves her romantically) and is dating Jack, Rosmary is Dating Linda and Married to Jack, and ofc Linda is dating Rosemary and married to Felix! Charles is bi and Susan is a lesbian(tho as i dont write for fem readers im willing to bend my own rules lmao this is a place for fuckery and fun not rules XD))
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queenofsantacarla · 3 years
Could you maybe do a lil something for Sam and the Frog brothers group with a ftm best friend if you’re comfy with it? But they find out that he is secretly a vampire and their reactions?
Ooohoo spooky spooky also this is giving me all sorts of thoughts about the boys having a young teenage vamp bro??? so good
Tw: homophobic and transphobic comments by surf nazis, violence typical of tlb
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The four of you make quite the squad, with Sam's high fashion sense and the Frogs' Rambo gear, and your punk aesthetic. Your little gang sometimes intimidates people on the boardwalk whenever you're out and about. Alan and Edgar couldn't care less, Sam laughs it off, but you bask in it. You're the most badass dude on the boardwalk, everyone should know it!
That's their first hint, they way you seem to enjoy having people slightly fear you.
The next one is that you only come to the comic book store at night. Originally, they chalked it up to school or something, but even during the summer they only see you once the sun goes down.
Then the wheels start turning more and more. The way you laugh mockingly at their vampire comics, the jokes you make about the inaccuracies in them. The way you always make sure you have permission to come into the Emerson house when you guys hang out there. The way you get dodgy about questions regarding your parents or where you live.
Edgar and Alan finally confront Sam and say they have to do the tests on you. Sam vehemently disagrees, there's no way you're a bloodsucker, you're their friend! There's no way you'd hang out with three vamp hunters if you were, right?
Sam eventually caves, and they set up their strategy. The next night you're all hanging out on the beach, the Frogs acting strange. You brush it off pretty easily, but what throws you is the way Sam is acting. He's fidgety and nervous, and doesn't want to look you in the eye. You want to pretend you're too cool to care but it really does hurt. These guys are supposed to be your best friends. You're ready to just head out for the night when a group of surfers end up crossing your path.
They start harassing the four of you, shouting shit and challenging you to a fight. You throw insults right back, happy to defend your friends despite how you're hurting and having plenty of fun with it.
Then they throw a shitty transphobic comment at you. You hesitate, even though you normally wouldn't. Just the doubt and hurt from the night gets to you.
That's when Sam loses it. Vampire or not, no one's gonna talk to you like that. Of course that only riles the surf nazis up more, and they start to give him shit for defending his "boyfriend." One of them goes to punch him, and you see red.
You smack the guy full force across the beach, and your fangs poke out. It doesn't help that you're hungry, and when they start to run it dials your predator instincts up to 100.
When all is said and done you run. You can't face them, now that they know the truth. In truth the boys don't really know what to do. They're dedicated to truth, justice, the American way! But you're their friend, and you've been a vampire the entire time they've known you.
They decide they have to go after you. No man gets left behind. Besides, maybe they can help you. They'll find a way.
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queenofsantacarla · 3 years
Could you maybe do a lil somethin of if the Frog brothers and Sam had a trans (ftm) buddy? Like he just came out to them and their genuine reactions? It doesn’t have to have a happy ending either, im curious as to how you think they’re individual reactions would be supportive or not
Hell yeah babey!!! Also pan!Paul is the good shit i love your icon
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^they're saying trans rights
Sam is most definitely the easiest to come out to, partly because of his own queer identity and partly because he's just a sweet, loving dude. He's really glad you're comfortable enough with him to tell him. Sam will totally let you borrow his clothes or help you make your own if that's your thing. If you also are comfortable with telling Lucy, you better believe she will bust out the sewing kit to help you make some clothes you like. On the other hand, if you would rather this stays between you and Sam, he will keep your secret to the grave
That being said, he'd understand if you're nervous about telling the Frogs. They're a little... rough around the edges, it's easier to talk to Sam. But the four of you are best friends, and you want them to know, so Sam will be right by your side if you want him to be.
Any nerves you had were instantly put to rest when you told Edgar and Alan. There's a big sense of found family between all of you, and you're part of that family. Nothing would change that. You're the Awesome Monster Bashers, you stick together no matter what!
And they are super supportive!! They're gonna get you some camo, a few bandanas. Gotta have that AMB look, as fashionable as Sam is you can't look so flashy all the time.
And if other people disrespect you within earshot of them? Lord help that sucker, the Frogs are rearing to fight. No one is gonna misgender their bro if they can help it. Transphobes don't get comic books ✌
Honestly your coming out might inspire Alan to come out too. Edgar knows of course, but Alan was pretty nervous to tell despite Sam's openness about his identity. You're all one big queer squad of monster hunters and it's rad af
hope you enjoyed lovely 💛💛💛
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