#ft. lia reed
nicocastillo · 2 years
LOCATION: Echo Acres hiking trails TIME: August Full Moon, any time before moonrise WHO: -CLOSED/CAPPED-
Returning to Lunar Cove just in time for a full moon was either going to be a blessing or a curse, and Nico didn’t expect any middle ground between the two. He’d made his way through addressing the pack—picking up on a lot of eyebrows and speculation as he did. Although, it really didn’t go as badly as he’d feared, and there seemed to be more relief on faces than there was doubt about his abilities. That all could change in a moment once the moon rose, though. For so long now it had just been him and Esha, out alone and doing their best to manage the changes wherever they were—hiding in caves in national parks, sticking to the edges of small towns, and on more than one miserable occasion they’d had to make do with a fortified basement or cellar. He was glad those days were behind him, but if someone was going to test his strength as Alpha, he feared that tonight might be their opening. 
But he remembered a lot of the routine his mother had drilled into him like it was yesterday. A good Alpha, she would say, doesn’t just concern herself with how the pack functions on a full moon, but also secures the area before they change, to make sure no one wanders where they shouldn’t. The pack runs were reserved for their use alone, but it was important to double-check the surrounding area just in case. With that in mind, he approved scouts to head out to the various borders of the runs, checking to make sure the trails were well and truly emptied. They’d reported back a few stragglers, escorted them out to safety. Now he was making his own rounds, skirting the edges of the woods with his senses sharp. He picked up a scent, and walked towards it, hands in his pockets and a smile on his face as he approached a figure turned away from him. “Hey, there. I’m a volunteer with the park staff. These trails are closed for the night, do you need help finding your way out?” he offered casually. His mother had always said it was fine to frighten them a bit if it got the job done, but Nico wanted to avoid that if he could. It always left a sour taste in his mouth.
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moonglowmagic · 2 years
Who: @cantfightmoonlight (Jasmine) @aequinoctium (Lia), @viclentxdelights​ (Forrest) Where: The Emerald Hotel
Poppy had been ready to end the party and start the coven initiation when all hell had started to break loose and those who were dead appeared among them. Rather than wait around Poppy began looking for two people in particular Rohan and Jasmine, figuring if anyone could help control the dead it was them. Moving through the crowd of people quickly before anyone could get in her way as she saw the familiar cape. “Jasmine!” Poppy called out to her sister, ran towards her. “Hey, umm... do you know what the fuck is going on and why there’s suddenly so many dead people around?” She asked with slight worry in her voice, the last thing she wanted to do was panic her sister or the coven, but she didn’t know why any of these people were here. “Also can you help I don’t know get them out of here?” Poppy practically pleaded with her sister. “Just let me know what you need...” She trailed off as another voice yelled her name, she turned around slightly startled. As she came face to face with the woman who said her name she felt a sharp stab in the stomach.
Poppy was greeted with a knife from the previous supreme, as she let out a gasp the other woman jammed it in further. “Nothing personal Poppy, just I died too soon and you took my rightful spot.” Raven informed her as she pulled the sharp knife out. Looking down at the emptiness in her stomach, she felt numb from the overwhelming amount of pain. Putting a hand to her stomach as if it wasn’t real, she could feel the hole in her dress and the liquid pouring out over her hand. “I---” Poppy stuttered out, but any full sentences were unable to be made. Stumbling back as she tried to get away from Raven who was raising her knife once more, to protect her sister from being one of Raven’s casualties. “Jasmine go.” She warned, even though she had stumbled into Jasmine for support. 
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moonglowmagic · 2 years
Who: @aequinoctium​ (Lia Reed)
Where: The Emerald Hotel
When: Halloween Event - After the outfit change 
After Poppy had slipped into more comfortable clothing that didn’t leave her twinning with her younger sister, it was finally time to approach her. Grabbing one of the alcoholic potions, she carried it over to her sister who she knew from a mile away. “I’m glad to see you came out and supported the coven.” Poppy said with a half awkward smile. “You look really nice.” Complimenting her as she gave her sisters dress a once over once more, she’d already seen the dress more than a handful time. “I love the dress.” Adding on as she shifted weight from one heel to another. “Oh this is for you too- promise it’s just alcohol and not any of the others.” 
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moonglowmagic · 2 years
Where: Coven Headquarters (On the roof)
When: Monday Night
Poppy had to admit things had been tense between her and Lia since she became supreme, as much as she did want to mend it, there was a part of her that didn’t know how too. There was so much in their relationship that needed fixed, now there was an added layer to it considering Jasmine was in the picture. While she wasn’t sure if Jasmine had made her rounds to Lia yet, she still wanted to suss out the situation. So she’d asked Lia to come to neutral ground, which seemed to be headquarters, in effort to not make Lia or their mother more mad. She had a bottle of way too expensive wine waiting on Lia’s appearance. Setting at one of the many empty tables and she took a drink from her wine glass, downed most of it. Hearing the door open though made her eyes shift, she noticed Lia walking in. Standing up as she smoothed out her shirt and pants nervously, half expecting Lia to judge how she was dressed and looked in the moment. “Thanks for meeting me.” She explained with a half smile. “I got us some wine and we can order some food if you’re hungry.” Offering to her if she found herself interested in food, to help hopefully break the ice. “I know I could at least use some rolls or pasta.” She remarked with a laugh. “So how has work been? Or just things for you in general?”
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moonglowmagic · 2 years
Where:  Blush Boutique - Costume Preorders
With: @aequinoctium​ (Lia)
“This is too basic.” Dilan remarked as she looked over the outfit she was currently standing in as she took another once over in the mirror. Sure it was a one of a kind Mad Hatter outfit but it wasn’t the vibe that she wanted. Taking off the hat as she handed it to the shop clerk who was pulling out other options for her to try on. Looking around at the busy shop and she picked out a familiar face. “You,” She pointed, then gestured for the other woman to come closer. “Your opinion should be unbiased considering we’ve had limited interactions so....” Grabbing the next outfit which was a barbie pink cowgirl outfit. “Give me your thoughts on this.” 
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moonglowmagic · 2 years
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Poppy Reed Chamberlain || 34 years old || Witch/The Supreme || Owner of The Starlight Bar || Downtown
Powers: Duplication, Telekinesis, Fire Manipulation, Immortality
Poppy is a twin, she’s five minutes older than her other half. She also has two younger sisters. 
Her father, Silas, is a dark coven leader in Boston who is currently in jail to avoid his magical crimes via The Council for exposing himself to humans. 
Her mother took her away from him as a child, gave them memory charms, and changed their last names as she brought them to Lunar Cove. 
She was always considered the rebel/bad child of the family since she constantly went against her mothers ruling. 
She spent most of her life growing up Downtown since her step father, Miles, was the advisor to the coven.
At 18 she leaped at the chance to leave town and drove off in her little red car, promising to only be gone a year, but that turned into ten. 
She eventually was attacked, returned to Lunar Cove four years ago. Which she was exiled by most of her family and the coven. Which she still rejoined despite how cold they were. 
She recently became supreme, it’s caused her tons more family drama. While she was everyone’s last choice to be supreme, she’s at least trying to be a decent supreme. 
She constantly is working the bar and will gladly listen to your problems, but she is very much a realist.  
She’s spent her whole life wanting to get out of this town and now finds herself stuck in it. 
Poppy refuses to have an actual relationship, instead choses to just have casual hook ups. If you catch feels for her then she’ll ghost you until you realize that she’s not your dream girl. 
She’s always down to have a good time, loves going anywhere but The Starlight Bar when she’s off.  
Which her apartment is above The Starlight Bar, she’s been renovating just as long as she’s had the bar. 
She will constantly duplicate herself so she can be in two places at once and never make anyone the wiser about it. 
Her closet is all black, it is rare to see her in any kind of color. The most adventurous she gets is a graphic on her t shirt or wearing grey. No matter what she is wearing she has her signature moon necklace on. Examples of her fashion can be found here and here.
She has 5 tattoos: 1 -3. A tiny moon and sun for her and her twin; with a star above it for Lia. Other two tba. 
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