#ft. jae
🔪 - protect, attack, fight side-by-side with. (min - jae-sung, jim, lynx)
*Min’s nose just starts bleeding*
Protect - Lynx
Fight Side-by-Side - Jim
Attack - Jae
I have to choose, so this is the answer on paper. But also Jae is the answer to all three options?? If someone were to attack Jae right now would they catch Min’s hands even though Min is very upset with Jae? Yes. Immediately. It would be an impulse, an uncontrollable reaction his body would move to make before he could think about it: protect Jae. I and Min and his robot brain reject this ask actually.
@lxvenderhxzehv ; @oxtofmydcpth
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aslannadir · 10 months
location: jae's place
featuring: @jaehyunxlee
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"Man, your ex, um... what was her name," a pause, "I don't know. The crazy one. Anyway, she was the talk of the Medusa party," he says, chuckling, reaching for two beers, handing Jae one. "I would've perfectly gone through the night without witnessing that."
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graciagallardc · 10 months
location: somewhere idk
featuring: @jaehyunxlee
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"Jae, hi," she says, spotting him down the street and walking over to him. "How are you?" She smiles softly. "Are you going to be at the veterinary clinic later today? Or, maybe tomorrow? I have a puppy now," she announces. She had found the cutest Jack Russell Terrier puppy by the trash bins while she was walking back home last night, and it looked to Gracia like his previous owners had decided to leave him, something which broke her heart. Naturally, she had taken the dog home with her, deciding right away there's no way she won't be giving him a loving home. It seemed like it was a sign, with Nightrest safe again.
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bedaeho · 6 months
THAT FESTIVE FEELING : holiday decorating ft. @bejaehyun
exams were crushing his spirit and dammit if he was going to try to fix that with some tinsel and ornaments. he had maybe gone a little overboard, having a little spending spree at a nearby craft store. he had practically everything the store had that was even vaguely christmas-y. he wanted his apartment to look cute and festive while he was dying inside.
"jae--be careful dude" daeho said when he turned his head and saw jaehyun using what had to be their most unstable chair to decorate above and around the windows in their living room. daeho instantly ran to stabilize the chair and jaehyun himself, grabbing onto his thigh in the process. if he hadn't been worried for jaehyun's safety first and foremost, he might have recognized it as the first time he touched the other's thigh--as well as toned it was. but his mind was more focused on making sure jaehyun didn't fall--he'd be useless as a decorated if he hurt himself (and daeho cared about his health).
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graciagallardc-a · 2 years
starter for: @jaelees​
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“Okay, so I know you’re probably too busy and I’m technically here to get some things for Ollie,” she begins, “but I ended up getting lunch on the way here since it’s lunch time and I don’t know if you had lunch already,” she rambles on, pausing when she realizes she said so many words in a short period of time. She laughs lightly, mostly at herself. She’s a trainwreck. “Oh gosh. Anyway. Um, have you had lunch yet? Do you have time?”
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jaes1lvr · 26 days
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🎉 ˚  ♡   ᶻz HAPPY 1,000 JAE BAES ( >_• ) !!!
— 1K FOLLOWERS??!!! i cant believe its already been a couple years on here 💔😭😭 & with those said couple years, i have grown sm (as a creator and person) & that is all thanks to yall (my dear jae baes) !!! i would have never imagined getting to this important milestone, let alone start making mdbds ⁉️ i thank you all sm, especially to the ppl that have been here from the very beginning! ☝🏽🤓 i have met sooo many amazing & kind ppl in this lovely community & without all the sweet encouragement, i would be nothing without it 😓😣😣 thank yall for helping me keep this silly little blog going & i appreciate each and everyone of you, babies 💌 all 1k of you deserve the world & i hope you continue to stay by my side 😇 wishing you much love, always 💘🫂 <333
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SOME OF MY FAV BLOGS 💐 ˚  ♡   ᶻz
— @dovedi @gigittamic @p-oisn @yeritos @fairytopea @jenfaery @ni-shimura @wiotas @s-heon @haevrrs @sseulr1n @japnz <3
@7hyein @lil-liaa @weishnie @jazzitos @iluvrei @minslune @softkiseu @rkkuri @aiirene @nothanxxxxx @y2jiz @ujitoon
@y-vna @r-omantically@sugarish @eun-luv @mxlly143 @beom-yy @khroem @seulzitos @yeonzzens @thsv
@iluvrei @h-ao @fllsnz @ryeins @lil-liaa @aegsll @chocothread @yrminji @p-osse ( >_• )/♡ (sorry i dont want to tag too many ppl)
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kingliestcustomer · 2 months
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dude… it’s us🫶
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fatebinds · 16 days
starter for @ofvaliancys !!
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"...i didn't think i'd see you here."
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marianaxrojas · 2 years
location:  reign park open to: @jaelees​
with the shadow back from what it seemed, it scared mariana. though she wouldn't admit it out loud. leaning back on the bench, she watched as lola laid on the grass next to her feet.  most of the time, she would sit, but today she wasn't. eyes wandering around, they stopped when she saw jae walking. "thought you would be working." she called to him. it was in that moment that her corgi, lola went running over to him. she didn't mind it at all either.
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kaloxia · 1 year
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He felt.. odd doing this. It was his first time giving Jae a gift, actually, it was the first time giving someone he likes romantically a gift. It left him nervous, as to why he suggested meeting at his apartment vs anywhere else. At least he would be in his own domain, a place where he always felt comfortable standing inside of. Though, he knew that as soon as Jae knocked on his door, that sense of comfortability left his body and his nerves were back. Opening the door, he tried his best to smile. “Hello, Jae. Please come in.” 
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quietxonxset · 1 year
“How goes it?” 
Gemini wasn’t exactly a spot Art went to often with anyone other than his wife for special occasions and Jae. In fact, Art spent more time with Jae here than with his partner which both she and Art seemed fine with. They didn’t really interact much anymore -- when they did it was only a matter of time before it turned into an argument and that was no fun for any one involved in private let alone in public.
No, Arthur would take Jae over grief. And he was thankful Jae kept agreeing to meet on Ring 3 despite it no doubt being below the chef’s pay grade. Art and his credits appreciated the sacrifice.
“You know you always make me look like a homeless person when we’re together, right?” He held the door open with a foot for Jae, slipping his electronic cigarette into his pocket, “S’a character flaw of yours. I’d work on that.”
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wcnderlxnd · 1 year
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Her sister was working late today, and Gracia didn’t want to stay in in the trailer. It didn't take long for her to decide what to do. It was actually pretty instantaneous for her to text Jae to ask if he wanted to take a walk with her and Ollie. She was hoping he wasn't still busy in his vet clinic or that she wasn't intruding. Safe to say, when he agreed, Gracia smiled to herself. Things had gone back to normal between the two, easily slipping back into their usual dynamic and hanging out every now and then whenever it wasn't too busy for them. The relief she felt was indescribable. She had been too worried things would shift and change for good between them after everything. She puts on Ollie's leash and heads over to Jae's place, knocking and waiting for him to come out. "Hey," she greets him with a smile, before she looks down at her puppy. "Ollie wanted to see you." || @bvrnouts​
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graciagallardc · 10 months
location: medusa
featuring: @jaehyunxlee
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The night at Dilara's started off a little slow for Gracia. Not only was she a little self conscious about her outfit, but she wasn't planning on drinking much. However, as the night passed, she was slowly getting used to everything, enjoying how everyone is gathered in one place after months of devastation. With some encouragement, one drink led to another and another, and soon enough Gracia was considerably more relaxed with everything, thanks to the booze flowing through her veins. "Jae! Hi." She waves at him and moves through a couple of people to get to him, smiling up at him as she wraps her arms around his waist to hug him. "I wasn't sure I'd come to Medusa, but I'm glad I did... People seem to be having fun, right?" She takes a quick look around as she pulls away. "Are you having fun? Cute hat." She giggles a little, tapping it.
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clutchofmuses · 1 year
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‘  will  you  not  tell  me  what  troubles  you  ?  ’ (for Jaehaera) @merelaes
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The girl scowled, the wooden dragon her father gave her in her lap an ill-replacement for Morghul, who was confined to the dragon pit because grandmother said that was appropriate. Pale curls were pulled up neatly on her head so they would not get in the way of her playing and she regarded her uncle with all the solemn seriousness of his own countenance.
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"Septa gets mad when I don't talk much," she said quietly, as was her way. Jaehaera did not enjoy talking and especially despised it when made to. "I don't want to talk to her. I want to talk to you."
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something i love about seventeen is you can have a unit with the two main vocalists & a main dancer and the dancer is doing the high note
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moonlightxandxroses · 2 years
With Opal’s barter system, Jae had been directing most of his time and attention towards admin work that Lana cared little about. Meanwhile, Lana had been sharpening number 2 pencils with razor-edged nails, throwing them up to stick to the ceiling tiles when Jae wasn’t looking.
To put it plainly, she was bored.
And now she was out of pencils.
“If I kill downstairs receptionist. Will you deduct him from paycheck?” Probably. The question was how much the man’s life was worth and if Lana was ok with taking that hit to her salary.
“Hypothetically speaking.”
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