#from jerry to rick
There's a lot to say about this week's RnM ep (such as that apparently I get to see this shit 2 days after half of my favorite rnm blogs, so I'm stuck skipping far too many spoilers) but putting aside my actual thoughts on the new shift of toxic dynamics in the family and the way that improved relationships in the Sanchez-Smith clan appears to constantly depend on having someone to blame for anything going wrong:
I am so glad they gave us shirtless no abs rick and all of his weird funky robot limb gadgets
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Can we all appreciate Ian Cardoni's voice acting in the new cold open? It's very impressive how he can do not only Rick's but also Jerry's speech patterns so well and convincingly, especially after having such a short time to re-record all the voice lines. He sounds exactly like Jerry's manner of speech while still doing Rick's voice, which is a famously difficult thing to do anyway, but even more so considering that he hasn't worked closely with Chris Parnell to get his Jerry impression down?
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marsbotz · 7 months
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happy rick and morty episode day. anyone else feel the fear of god
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mindlesscurtains · 26 days
I like Jerbeth to some degree but. I can't stand the fandom either demonizing Jerry or Beth just to prove a point. Both of them are flawed, mentally unstable individuals, but they deserve love as well.
I genuinely believe that they should've stayed divorced though. Rick reentering Beth's live literally exacerbated Jerry and Beth's marriage problems also considering Beth's thinly veiled emotional abuse towards Jerry. I think them being separated would help them in the long run. Maybe they could be friends in the end.
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spamalie · 3 months
i feel like people take rick calling beth “rick’s daughter” in season 3 in a super chauvinistic way but i honestly always read it as his way of emphasizing that beth is an incredibly smart and capable person. like i feel like it’s fair to say “rlck sanchez’s child” holds a certain kind of weight regardless of gender as opposed to necessarily being about ownership esp in the context he was saying it
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lavalave · 11 months
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The Holy Family
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gummidon · 3 months
Pocket mortys
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portofshia · 3 months
Rick and Morty as things My friends and family have said
Summer: Why would you want to swim with sharks? They could kill you.
Rick: Death is fun, why would you not?
Jerry: Hey, what’s this show called again?
Rick: Jupiter’s Legacy
Jerry: Oh do they get their powers from Jupiter or something?
Rick, sarcastically: No they get them from Uranus
Jerry: I always knew my butthole was special
Morty: Rick I don’t think you’re stable right now
Rick: Tell me something I don’t know
Beth: Great. Dead bodies in the fucking pillows. Thanks, dad.
Morty: Dad just walked into my room wearing a strainer and eating yogurt??
Morty: I thought I was special
Beth: You are special
Rick: Definitely belong in the special ed classes, that’s for sure
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birdricks · 7 months
new promo clip from instagram!
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vhvrs · 5 months
i talk abt/ draw summer so little but she is like. my fav fav i love her sooo much n i love the specific niche she presents to the story that i rarely ever see in media but also rnm does a LOT of casual things u rarely see in long form media I LOVE HER!!!!!!!
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evil gang hang out
i saw this and immediately thought of them lol VVV
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scribesynnox · 2 years
That new episode of Rick and Morty, s6 ep05, the one with the fortune cookie and the Rick and Jerry adventure? THAT WAS FUCKIN’ WILD MAN. That was a WILD episode. Holy shit. There is so much character development being shown, I am absolutely Reeling.
Rick apologized. To Jerry. For a slap. Jerry cried and Rick apologized for hitting him. He covered for Jerry to let him not go to the zoo because he was upset and distressed. He helped him out with his fortune problem probability thing. Fuckin’ hell, he CHOSE to save Jerry over all powerful fortune making powers!
And like, I know the signs have been building up for the past few episodes, Rick consistently showing nicer behaviors, but like THIS is what made me sit up and blink. THIS is what’s making me go, “oh shit. Oh shit, Rick’s changing. He’s choosing to care and give a shit and let things matter to him.”
It feels like ever since Morty told Rick, “I don’t know him. You’re my grandpa, Rick”, after everyone settled into their new dimension (where people call parmesan “par-me-sian”), after Summer said that THIS was their new original dimension now, after Rick chose the Smith family over avenging his wife and daughter. After all that. It really feels like Rick is now making the conscious decision to stay and to care and to be a part of the Smith family. And it’s absolutely wild. I look forward to the next episodes, god damn.
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dummy-morty · 1 month
Im sorry to bother you but who gets tired of mortys being weird teenager quicker storage rick or storage morticia?
And does morticia miss her family and home? Once again i hope im not bugging you
Oh man... I feel like Storage Rick gets annoyed pretty frequently, although he's experienced enough to get them to stop without too much trouble. Morticia can put up with her make counterparts for a longer amount of time, but if she gets overwhelmed, she'll snap and start yelling at them. Rick would have to come diffuse the situation anyway. Even though Morticias are supposed to be nicer, D-0770 has probably been bottling down a lot anger from her original Rick leaving her at the citadel alone.
I think it's easier for Morticia to leave her parents behind since they had a relationship of mutual indifference towards each other... She probably misses Summer the most out of everyone in her family. In my canon, Storage Rick has offered multiple times to portal her back home, but Morty always declined because she doesn't want Beth to blame her for Rick bailing on them again.
Jessica and Morticia were also genuine friends in D-0770, with Morty having an unrequited(??) crush on her. She doesn't mind that nothing ever came out of it, but she really misses hanging out with her bff :(
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bolly--quinn · 2 years
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redraw of a happy family
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scoliosisgoblin · 4 months
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Summer and Jacob shit because theyd team up a bunch in S1
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