froglegsblogs · 4 months
Most vampires have specialized hollowed out teeth (and thin tubes lined with an connecting to said teeth that go just over the roof of their mouth and connect to the inside of the throat) most often the top canines for drinking blood directly from a victim though they may drink the blood normally in other circumstances such as from a cup. Because of how these teeth are connected deeper into the head any damage taken to them is extremely painful and proves more difficult to heal often leaving crack like “scars” on the teeth. These teeth are connected to more flexible gum tissue and can move around slightly for easier feeding. (a little bit similar to a snake)
These teeth also inject victims with a small amount of venom that calms and numbs victims when first bitten.
Similar to some venomous snakes this venom is mildly anti coagulant and will thin out blood. (The venom neutralizes in the human body within an hour)
Because of all this vampires have smaller nasal cavities, which isn’t really a big problem seeing that they are dead and don’t need what the nasal cavity offers quite as much. (respiratory protection, breathing, etc.)
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I might make a more anatomically accurate one later but for now you get my scribbles!
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froglegsblogs · 4 months
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When did the world get so big?
I just want to go back home, but it doesn’t exist anymore.
Shilo has quickly become one of my favorite characters to come out of JRWI ever, both Billy and Charlie did an amazing job portraying this massive wave of grief hitting him all at once while he was already struggling. The way Shilo went into a frenzy of just absolute despair and became basically a husk for several days worked so incredibly well and I can’t wait to see where his character goes.
Here’s the close up of Shilo
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froglegsblogs · 3 months
i need to make a version of this image with each of condis jrwi pcs…
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froglegsblogs · 4 months
Y’know I can’t say stuff like “genderfluids your character” or “GENDERFLUID BEAM” because I mean just read that. It 180% sounds like an innuendo, so I propose just saying that you are liquifying a character with no context lol
Or even *puts character into blender*
Anyway, *puts Emizel into a blender*
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froglegsblogs · 4 months
Loving people while on the ace spectrum is like “Nah I don’t wanna fuck, but may I crawl into your rib cage and sleep there”
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froglegsblogs · 4 months
Shilo probably has a bunch of different hobbies that he gathered over the years of being kinda just stuck in place. Imagine he just whips out a sewing kit randomly to fix a tear and adds fun embroidery to it.
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froglegsblogs · 4 months
My ass CANNOT listen to new JRWI episodes while I’m driving I would run into a tree and several pedestrians so quickly
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froglegsblogs · 4 months
I’m wondering if there’s gonna be something slightly off with Grefgor for the rest of the campaign because of how long he was taken by the unseen one. Like some of him got replaced with artificial memories. It’s still Grefgor he’s just not entirely the same person that went in…
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froglegsblogs · 4 months
// Riptide spoilers general + 109 onwards
In D&D magic is very clearly a limited energy source the only way it can be truly “created” is via beings of immense base power. Every other thing that uses magic is tied back in some way to this. (A sorcerer doesn’t cast a spell from nothing it uses slots and their actual energy and connections to said beings via their birth.)
Where I’m going with this is Chip is constantly using that bandana to hide everything eventually it’s gonna start to falter and “glitch” even if he takes it off at night he’s covering up and changing so much stuff that it must be expending a larger amount of energy. Therefore I think it would make sense to have little nods to what he actually looks like with the bandanna on different pigmentation in his skin where there isn’t actually any, hair missing from a portion of his head one of his eyes maybe looking different because underneath it’s just a skull with an empty socket, making his facade glitch or melt. Maybe even having bone like patterns on his skin! Have fun with it my fellow jrwi fanartists
Example with a doodle rq I did on twt earlier
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froglegsblogs · 4 months
“So what are you into, men, women, something else?”
Soda, pointing to Emizel feeding off of a fang in the corner like a feral creature: “Whatever she is”
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froglegsblogs · 4 months
I really wanna know if Shilo can go out in the sun, is he just more prone to sunburns would he be fine with a heavy duty sunscreen? I think he would absolutely adore being out in daylight with all the colors and life
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froglegsblogs · 4 months
Vampires being a carnivorous and predatory species have more mobile ears than humans that can rotate and move to help heighten their hearing for hunting purposes. They also often use their ears in conjunction with other body language to express emotions much like a cat.
This is more noticeable in vampires with longer ears (such as Shilo and his Mother) but it is present in some degree for each subtype.
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froglegsblogs · 3 months
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Thought about Ashe for too long, have some quick doodles of him and his mom +headcanons below cut.
Ashe loves citrus scents and finds them comforting because his mom always put on citrusy perfumes and loved making lemon flavored treats.
Because of this Ashe also grew to like citrus flavors and sour things.
Mark has a similar locket with a picture of both Ashe and his mom.
Ashe grows his hair out longer because it reminds him of his mom.
There was a period of time where Ashe struggled a lot with keeping his hair groomed and cut it shorter after his mom’s death because she would always help him with it when he was younger and it made her absence feel so much bigger to try and do it with her gone.
He makes lemon bars every year on her birthday. They get a little closer to hers every year.
He goes to her grave and will just read his favorite books out loud to her or tell her about what is happening in his life sometimes.
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froglegsblogs · 4 months
Emizel jokingly saying something along the lines of “You’re burning me!” When Soda smiles because his smile is as bright as the sun
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froglegsblogs · 4 months
Since the demons gang just has extra clothes for people to change into at a moments notice, I bet some of them carry around binders for Emizels genderfluid ass. (Headcanon)
Just like-
Emizel: Yeah, no this isn’t the vibe anymore. *snaps*
*At least 5 different demons run over with a binder*
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froglegsblogs · 4 months
Emi is using up his lives just a touch too fast for comfort oh boy oh dear oh my
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