#french fries arent actualy french bla bla bla bla but point still stands
senvurii · 1 year
Uhh, I know it's been a month already, and I don't want to be rude, but, I felt like I should mention... (this is all /nm btw!!)
The term Chinese New Year implies only Chinese people celebrate it, when in fact it's a holiday across Asia. (I'm Korean you see, and my people are kinda sensitive abt this kind of stuff😅) Could you fix it to Lunar New Year or something similar, please?
I'm really sorry if I seem rude, and thank you for sparing the time to read this! (I love your art btw, it's so cute!! And I love the colors!!!)
lunar new year literally originated from china? is it offensive to say french fries because it implies only french people eat it?
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