icejinlov3r · 1 month
Okay, I’ve seen several of these challenges, and wanna try it for myself.
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If we can reach that goal, I’ll draw these two in that outfit (I’m intentionally making it small because it looks fun 😁)
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susiceri · 2 years
So! I've finally made an Ao3 account! Yeeey ✨
I'll be updating my main fic as well as the rest of them there and I'm so excited! 🙈🤗 Here you have the beginnig of the Freest/Freerost thingy I've been working on! Let's gooooooo!! 💜💙
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zaphiregz · 2 years
Freerost without context.
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lilfriezatyrant · 3 years
Frieza’s and Frost’s ears (HC)
Frieza and Frost's ears are very different. 
With Frieza, the entrance to his ear canal is visible, unlike Frost. Therefore, I also think that they have a different perception of sounds? 
For example, Frost's hearing reacts more to vibrations (heartbeat, echo, etc.) and Frieza's hearing reacts more to a flow? (Blood flow, wind, waves from a ki, etc.)
of course this HC would be more logical with their final forms.
and @zaphiregz​, yes you again uwu I really started a Freerost thing with you and I never thought I would do this in my life xDDD so thank you for making me thinking of their ears u~u
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icejinlov3r · 13 days
Tender Beginnings
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So, this totally ended up being a lot hotter than I planned, and I love it!
(….great, now I feel like writing a oneshot for them lol)
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icejinlov3r · 3 months
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I apologize for not updating any writing for a couple days (yesterday was absolute shit) so have my favorite boys here to make up for it.
I’ll get back to writing tomorrow, and try to update “Enemies with Benefits”.
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icejinlov3r · 5 months
Frieza/Frost Oneshot Vote
Okay, I haven’t written anything Frieza/Frost for almost four weeks, and the itch is finally becoming unbearable! I’ve been focusing on trying to keep my DBZ requests consistent, but it’s getting harder to focus! I need to write my OTP - so you tell me what you’d wanna see!
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icejinlov3r · 6 months
Pitching and Recieving
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Anyone else wish these two were in that baseball episode? Cause I do! So I drew them in their respective outfits.
Consider it a sneak peek for my next oneshot….😁😁😁
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icejinlov3r · 8 months
Pretty Boys
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I felt like drawing my two favorite boys in pretty outfits. I’m NOT a fashion designer, creating outfits is hard. But I think these turned out surprisingly well. (I’m probably gonna write a spicy oneshot just based off these pictures).
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icejinlov3r · 8 months
So I just realized Halloween is getting SUPER close now - which is encouraging me to start on my Halloween Frieza/Frost oneshot!!
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I’ll hopefully have the first part up later today (because it’s going to have two or three parts - most likely three)
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icejinlov3r · 8 months
Hello how are you??
I wanted to tell you how much I love your fics, whenever a new chapter comes out I read it immediately, I love how you write your fics and how you manage to put the perfect drama in the chapters.
Frieza x Frost is one of the few ships that I thought would have a fic about them, but I confess that as soon as I started reading their fics, I started to really love these two together.
OMG my first message in the inbox!! YAY!!
Ahem, anyway, thank you so much for staying so! When I first got into the Dragon Ball fandom, I fell in love with both Frieza and Frost - then I fell in love with the idea of them being together!
It both surprised and disappointed me that there were hardly any fanfics about this ship (literally, before I made my AO3 account, I could only find maybe two). So I felt inspired to write a BUNCH of my own.
I’m really glad you and other readers really enjoy my writing! I work really hard on everything I update, so that everyone can enjoy them! And I plan to keep doing so in the future 😊.
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icejinlov3r · 9 months
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The title cover to my next project after my break is over! I’m sure you can have a small idea of what it’ll be about….😈😈
Don’t know for sure when the first chapter will be out, but it’ll come.
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icejinlov3r · 9 months
Lacey Outfits
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After updating Melted Passion, suddenly I couldn’t get the image of these two being in lace robes out of my head - so I decided to draw it! Hope you guys like this cute and sexy couple!
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icejinlov3r · 9 months
I just realized it’s been about over a year since I got into the Dragon Ball fandom - yes, I’m still fairly new to this amazing world lol.
For so long, when I first saw bits of DBZ, I always told myself I’d never be interested in it, I just didn’t think it’d be my thing - then one day, my boyfriend randomly throws on Dragon Ball Super because he’s never seen it, and I just happen to watch with him….and holy shit, I got HOOKED! (It’s also why I like DBS the best in the series)
I love all the fun characters and simple storylines. But I gotta say, Frieza and Frost are absolutely the highlights for me (obviously there are other characters I love, but these two just hit me differently). And heres why:
I’m in general a HUGE anime fan. And as such, there have been a handful of ships I totally love. But normally I like them because I liked one character more than the other. For example, in Danganronpa (pretty much my fav right next to DBZ) I love the ship Shuichi/Kokichi. But that’s because I love how it affects my favorite character, Kokichi. Shuichi….he’s just okay.
Frieza and Frost are different. I’ve been obsessed with both of them since first seeing them on screen. And when the idea of them being together came to mind, for the life of me, I couldn’t get them off my mind! They inspired me to get back to writing fan fiction, and create my AO3 account! They’ve been my comfort ship for whenever I’m upset or stressed. And it even led to me making new friends @anonymous-harpy @majinpiccolo
So I’d like to thank DBZ, my two favorite ice lizards, and the entire fandom for affecting me in the best way possible!
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icejinlov3r · 1 year
Frieza x Frost Headcanons
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Not sure why I felt like doing this, but I’ve seen a few of these headcanon lists around and thought “screw it, I wanna do one on my OTP from Dragon Ball”. So, without further ado, here are my headcanons on this rare ship:
If they ever tried getting together in the canon timeline, they’d have initial trust issues (for obvious reasons)
Both would be intersex (as I feel they’re whole species would be) but they both identify as male
Frieza is stern and even cruel to those around him - but when it comes to Frost, he is uncharacteristically gentle and affectionate.
While they both protect each other, more often than not Frieza is Frost’s protector, both physically and mentally.
The two will often have playful banter and mild arguments, but are rarely ever truly angry with one another.
Frost tries to hide it behind confidence and sometimes even anger, but he is more emotionally sensitive than he lets on.
When in bed, Frieza is almost always on top (or is the dominant one), but will occasional allow Frost to switch those positions.
Before being with Frieza, Frost is most likely (or almost certainly) a virgin, but tries hard to hide it.
Frost is surprisingly shy and nervous during sex, mostly because the vulnerability is a big contrast compared to his “on-guard” alertness when on the run.
Frost doesn’t enjoy much pain during sex, and in turn, despite usually enjoying inflicting pain on other, Frieza doesn’t enjoy hurting Frost.
Frieza abnormally viscious when someone harms Frost….whoever hurts him won’t like live.
They’re both wine lovers, and especially enjoy it together.
Despite everything, they both deeply love each other, and always will.
And I think that’s all the ones I can think of right now. Thoughts on my headcanons? Which ones do you agree with? Do you have any different ones? If so, I’d love to hear them!
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icejinlov3r · 5 months
Okay, here's the Frieza/Frost oneshot you guys voted for! I had a blast writing about my favorite ship again! Though keep in mind, it's NSFW (though I'm sure most of you expected that). Hope you guys enjoy it!
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