tricorderreading · 7 months
Fotonovel #3 - The Trouble With Tribbles
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I'm not really sure why, but this little scene makes me think of the relationship kirk and spock have at the beginning of tmp. I didn't read the lost years so I don't know what might have happened between them, but spock wanting to pursue the kolinahr is probably a choice that would have injured kirk. It's possible they fought about the decision, but kirk wanting spock to pursue what he wants in life, even if it hurts...
After all, as the rest of the saying goes...
If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it is yours.
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atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year
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Lou Ferrigno - The Incredible Hulk A Video Novel (1979)
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retroscifiart · 2 years
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Ralph Bakshi’s The Lord of the Rings movie ‘Fotonovel’ 1979
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rainbowresurrection · 5 months
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Obsessed with this
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gammasquad · 4 months
I don’t think we talk enough about the last pages of the Star Trek Trouble with Tribes Fotonovel
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male1971 · 10 months
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rickybutlersays · 8 months
my fotonovelisation of A Taste of Armageddon came, and i had forgotten that that was the episode where we were given "why, mr spock, you almost make me believe in miracles" and that page took me off my FEET
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noodlecontinuum · 8 months
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Found at the thrift store today 🥰
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javierlozanozines · 2 years
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La Rubita del Cabanyal
Fotonovel, March 2022
In collaboration with Angela Losa.
Spanish language.
This is the text on the cover:
"La rubita del Cabanyal llegó a nuestras vidas en 2007 a través de un programa de televisión donde entrevistaban a personas pintorescas que encontraban por la calle. Pilar, que así se llama, era una señora entrañable con su perro en brazos. Aquí reproducimos su breve entrevista utilizando para ello unas muñecas recortables y fotos antiguas de Berlín en plena guerra fría."
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spocksocksrock · 8 months
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there are a Lot of funny pages in the fotonovels but this might be my favorite
just look at spock’s face LMAO
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tricorderreading · 8 months
Fotonovel #8: Amok Time
I'm sorry the WHAT??
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mrcowboytoyou · 11 months
Star Trek: The Fotonovel
So TOS fotonovels are a thing that exists. If you've never heard of them- they're comics composed of stills of the show episodes. A couple of the first six movies were also made into fotonovels BUT they're both a little different than the ones based on TOS episodes and I will get to them in due time.
Right off the bat there are a couple of things that need to be said. For one, why do these exist? Well I imagine they made for a good way to consume your fave episode without having to wait for it to come on TV again. With that in mind, these fotonovels work perfectly. They're very true to the episodes with some exceptions. These differences come from the fact that these aren't comics drawn based on an episode, they just take stills directly from the show and the show was not intended to be read/viewed in this way.
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Some things cannot avoid being abridged or compressed in favor of this new format but for the most part this is never really distracting and nor does it take away from the reading experience. After all, it's supposed to be a very detailed reminder of the episode you already know, so you can just relive it with the pictures.
Additionally, sometimes the fotonovels have extra lines and these are mostly found in the way of thought bubbles the characters have. Overall they're very charming but don't have a lot of utility now a days. I own some because I have problems.... They make up almost a fourth of my ST TOS book collection.
If you are interested in them my general thoughts are that the ones made from the episodes are really well done for what they are. They're also basically just some of the most popular episodes from the show using only episodes from the first two seasons. They're delivered in their own order adhering to neither the release of the show nor its intended release.
TITLES (ones i own)
The City on the Edge of Forever
Where No Man Has Gone Before
The Trouble With Tribbles
A Taste of Armageddon
All Our Yesterdays
The Galileo Seven
A piece of the Action
The Devil in the Dark
Day of the Dove
The Deadly Years
Amok Time
Star Trek: The Motion Picture Photostory
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Photostory
Now, you'll notice I said that the ones made for the episodes are good, and so far I have been sure to separate the ones done for the movies. This is because there's a bit of a quality drop.
For starters, they kept them the same length as the fotonovels of the episodes. Right away that presents a pretty big quandary because the movies are over twice as long. So if you're looking for something that adds to the experience of seeing the movies, these last two fotonovels will not do that- rather they will take away. A lot of scenes just don't make it into them and neither of them are adding from the novelizations either.
And then we have their page quality. All but one of these have shiny, coloured pages. Wrath of Khan is unfortunately in black and white and not even composed like a comic but is rather movie stills with accompanying dialogue. That's sort of like a massive let down given how big of a deal that movie is.
I intend to really get into the nitty gritty with each of these- especially the movie adaptions.
And, if you're worried about the loss of homoerotic subtext- you're all good... plus its just a tad funnier this way.
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defconprime · 1 year
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Cover for Star Trek fan fotonovel "Song of the Deep."
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rainbowresurrection · 5 months
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Hm. Okay
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funmedia101 · 4 months
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