#fortune lotto ask me fast
mycryptosuite · 4 years
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FORTUNE THURSDAY LOTTO FORECAST – FORTUNE LOTTO Fortune Thursday lotto forecast for today is going to give us the best abc naija lotto because we giving you ghana fortune live with 2-sure numbers. Today’s Ghana fortune live will not fail us as we have done the necessary work that needs to be done before publishing this post. (more…)
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Are you mad at your best friend right now? I have absolutely no reason to be angry with Angela now and certainly not since our last petty childhood fight in like, 2009.
Do you know anybody with a pet snake? I used to know somebody, but she’s since gone off the radar and idek if her pet snake would still be alive at this point.
Do you buy your underwear in a pack or seperately? I can go either way.
Have you ever made fun of anybody and later became their friend? OMG yesss this was the entire background of my friendship with Sofie. Though I wouldn’t say I made fun of her...I just found her really annoying at first, and quite ditzy, too. Then something just clicked and worked out along the way and we ended up being best friends for quite some time until we went our separate ways shortly after college life started.
Is the lamp on in the room you're in? Yes; it’s one of my favorite pieces in my room.
Do you have a pair of shoes that you can only wear with one or two outfits? Nah, not really. I mostly own sneakers, which can go with most things casual.
Is there any drink that you absolutely MUST drink cold? Most drinks, honestly; but mainly, I like my coffee and water cold.
Did you sleep in past noon today? I don’t think I’ve ever done that. The latest I’ve woken up is probably a little over 10.
Did your grandma ever tell you about her love life? Neither of them have.
Have you ever painted anybody's nails aside from your own? Possibly, but I no longer recall it.
Anything exciting happening in the month of September? I don’t think so. There are couple of birthdays in the family, but we don’t have plans for those days yet.
Who is your last missed call from? Some media or blogger I ignored because I don’t take calls.
When was the last time you ate Frosted Flakes? I can’t remember...I don’t really eat cereal.
Did you ever NOT want a substitute in a certain class? Yeah, for classes I hated, like math.
Do you ever donate to the less fortunate? Not regularly. When a homeless person or street child knocks on my car while waiting in traffic I do try to give them some money and/or snack, if I have one in my bag.
Did you buy an American flag after 9/11 to put on your car/house/ whatever? I was barely conscious in 2001. I am also not American.
Do you know any songs that are older than you are? ...Many?
Are there framed pictures of you anywhere in your house? Yeah we have some framed photos going up the staircase. I also have my Prep graduation portrait up in my room.
Compared to other people of your age would you be considered 'NORMAL'? Ugh.
Honestly, do you have any Hilary Duff on your MP3 player? I don’t have an MP3 player but I don’t think I ever had Hilary Duff on any of my music players.
Who is worst in your family about calling people back? Probably Nina as she hates making calls to begin with.
Do you like peanut M&M's? Nah, I hate nuts in my chocolate.
When was the last time you had an ice cream sandwich? Safe to say well over a year ago. It’s not my snack of choice haha I never understood why I had to bite into my ice cream.
When was the last time you ate jelly beans? August 2019.
When was the last time you had hot chocolate? Around a month ago, I’d say? My mom fixes me a mug of hot choco every once in a while.
Have you ever caught a friend cheating on their bf/gf? I haven’t.
What was the last song stuck in your head? I think it had been Rain by BTS.
Do you enjoy doing math? If I know how the math works and have the formulas memorized, I can definitely find it fun. Math had actually been pretty manageable for me in school, at least right until we reached trig and calc which were just bleck.
Do you think your mom has secrets she’s never told you? Oh without a doubt. I’m 200% sure everyone in the family has secrets we never share; we’re not open with each other.
Do you own anything you don’t want your parents to know about? Yes.
Do you pose in your pictures or just smile? I will pose if I’m comfortable but most of the time I just smile.
Are there any colors you will NOT wear? I avoid orange as much as possible.
Do you use scented soap in the shower? Nah, just a normal-scented one.
Did you ever want to be a fashion designer? That was never part of my plans, no. 
Who was the last person you danced with? Enjoyable? Angela and Hans. I was drunk, so yes I had fun lol.
Do you like convertibles? I don’t really care for them, or for cars in general.
Have you ever yelled at the television? So many times, usually when a favorite singer or band is performing OR when I’m watching a really intense sports game - usually basketball or wrestling.
How many songs on your MP3 player are about sex? -
Do you like water parks? I think they are nasty for the most part.
Dark or light colored jeans? Light.
Can you take apart a computer and name all the parts? Nope.
Can you take apart a car and name all the parts? Even more so no.
Would your friends describe you as nerdy? I don’t think they would.
How many different colors are you wearing right now? Five.
Have you ever purchased a lotto ticket? Nope.
Are you double-jointed anywhere? I am not.
What is the longest amount of time you've spent playing Monopoly? You know, I’ve never even understood the rules of Monopoly...I’ve never bothered to play a round of it. Board games are usually too complicated for me lol.
Have you ever witnessed a tornado first-hand? Not a tornado, no. But I’ve experienced countless hurricanes and floods.
Did you play in the sand box as a kid? It was my favorite part of the playground and I was always exclusively found in a sandbox. I liked the texture (still do) + no one was ever there, so as a shy kid it worked out perfectly for me.
How about on the monkey bars? I tried it every now and then but I wasn’t a very active kid, so my arms would feel strained fairly quickly. It was never the first thing I’d run to whenever I got to go to the playground.
Have you ever made an alarm go off? I don’t think so.
Have you ever colored your eyebrows? Nope.
Did you ever own a pop-up book? Many of them, as a kid.
Have you ever honked at a biker? Yes but only whenever they swerve a little bit and are about to hit my car.
Have you ever taken another person's prescribed medication? No?
Have you ever played golf (not miniature golf)? No, I’ve played neither version. The sport doesn’t interest me.
Do you use gel in your hair? Only for formal events where I can’t afford to show up with my hair all frizzy.
Do you own a garden gnome? We don’t.
Are any of the rooms in your house painted blue? Nope, they’re all white. My parents’ room used to be green (came with the house), but it looked gross so it didn’t take long before they hired someone to paint the walls white.
Do you kick off your shoes as soon as you walk in the door? Yes. Actually, since the start of COVID, we’ve taken to removing our shoes even before we enter. We have a mat right by the front door where we can properly take off our shoes and head inside already barefoot.
Have you ever judged a book by its cover? Sometimes, but I don’t let it linger.
What is the most effective device at the gym? I don’t go to the gym.
Can you drive a stick shift? Hahahaha no, and I’m not so sure I’m ever willing to learn.
Have you ever picked on a substitute teacher? That’s mean and no, I haven’t.
How good are you at giving directions? Terrible. As much as possible I don’t do it and just refer the person asking to my nearest friend/companion.
When was the last time you looked out the window nearest you? Just a few minutes ago, actually. I put an arm out to check if it’s chilly outside since it rained all day today.
Have you ever got dressed with the windows open? Never. I make sure to pull down my blinds every time.
Have you ever given a foot massage? No.
Do public restrooms freak you out? They don’t freak me out per se but like I rarely go into them and use them, even before Covid. The idea of sharing a toilet with strangers is super gross lol and many of them don’t even put away their trash properly.
Have you ever taken a shower outside? I may have, but nothing sticks out.
Have you ever been to a junkyard? I don’t think so.
What do you think of Brad Pitt? I don’t really have an opinion...I loved his episode on Friends, but that’s it.
Have you ever watched the History Channel willingly? Yes, a few times.
Have you ever used pennies to pay for something that cost over 50 cents? I don’t speak US currency, but yeah there’ve been around 1-2 times I had to pay for something worth P50 with just coins. It’s always been embarrassing lol so I try to avoid it and be prepared with paper bills as much as I can.
If a place makes you pay for delivery - do you still tip the driver? Yes.
Without the aid of a cell phone - do you know your parents numbers by heart? Just my mom’s. Since my dad is always in and out of the country (at least until the pandemic), I’ve never gotten to memorize his number.
Can you name 10 former presidents? Arroyo, Macapagal, Aquino, another Aquino, Estrada, Ramos, Magsaysay, Quirino, Quezon, Roxas.
But if we’re talking about US presidents...Obama, Trump, Clinton, Roosevelt, another Roosevelt I believe, Nixon, Reagan, Carter, Lincoln, Washington. I hope I got them right hahaha.
Have you ever bought a gift for a teacher? Just as a kid.
Is your bedroom carpeted? Nope.
Right now, what color is your tongue? Pink.
When was the last time you had a Tootsie Pop? Years ago. I don’t have it a lot.
If you could get the cell phone of your choice - what would it be? iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Who is your favorite super hero? I don’t have any.
How about your favorite villain? I don’t really have any, either.
Do you know anybody who works at a bank? Possibly, but I can’t place a name right now.
What do you usually order from your favorite fast food place? That would be KFC, and I usually order either their Zinger or Twister. FUCK now I want to get KFC :((
Do you hand out candy to kids on Halloween? No, because none of them ever reach this part of the village. We never have to prepare any candy lol.
What perfume/cologne do you wear the most? Heat Rush.
Can you name all 7 dwarfs? I always miss out on one or two.
Does the early bird really catch the worm? Idk what this expression is.
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mariestherapeutics · 6 years
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Grey Skies ft. Baekhyun Part 3: (LOTTO Series) I was suddenly inspired to write the next chapter of this while listening to EXO’s song “Electric Kiss.” You should give it a listen if you haven’t already! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You are my sunshine, my only. (There are) grey skies...
(🎵) Is it okay to tease you like this? So electric, so electric yeah!
Baekhyun doesn't allow you to throw money at him when he does menial tasks anymore. It's almost nicer for you, having him take care of you without payment made it feel more real to you. Sometimes you wondered why you even let yourself fall under the reign of that man's stunning features in the first place, why you let his arrogant laugh and sultry gaze fill your heart. You always come to the same conclusion: you couldn't help it. You doubt any of the women who frequented the casino did. In fact, while you're there on business and Baekhyun is at home, you hear them gossiping of his whereabouts, why he suddenly was a no show.
He's definitely making less with the fewer jobs, but when he cleans your loft and takes care of bills, cooks the meals, files your bills... it's hard not to give him what he deserves. Despite a drop in workload, you notice the plummeting budget, as well. He was gradually making his fifteen thousand back, meaning he'd soon slip from your grasp, too fast for your liking. Yet, there was nothing you could do. Desperate to find some extra leverage, you declare one morning that you'll be gone all day, granting him the freedom to do as he like around the apartment.
"There's TV and some game consoles, if you like," you wave in their general direction before departing.
In your absence, Baekhyun takes advantage of his new liberties and immediately searches drawers and the like for any kind of blackmail he could use to gain his fortune back quicker. He wasn't expecting an easy find, except... he couldn't find anything at ALL. You possessed no family photos, no knick knacks, gifts from friends, nothing! Bewildered, he was, because not only was that unusual, but also unnatural. Even HE, the wealthy bachelor of the city, had photographs up for display. It struck him that you may not care for intimate relationships with anyone, leaving him thinking once again... what the hell is your problem with him?
When he gives up his raid, he sits comfortably on your couch downstairs, looking at the flat screen TV set up. It doesn't look like it's ever been turned on, let alone touched. He never bothered dusting it since you didn't tell him to, but he didn't realize before how thick of a layer of dust was coated on it until he swiped his finger across it. The same was for the game consoles, it was like no one even lived he before he arrived. He wonders if he actually did find himself in the hands of a murderer, who set up this whole scene to look habitable.
He guesses it worried him more than he thought, because when you arrive back home after midnight, looking drained with your pockets full of cash (that he assumed wasn't his), he asked about it. "Hey," he began, helping you take off your fur coat and hat, "how come you don't have any family pictures? Or ornaments?" The question doesn't really register in your head at first, and he impatiently follows you to the kitchen, where you poor yourself a glass of water. After a few seconds of silence, he asks it again, and you face him in surprise.
"Oh," you mumble, as if you heard him talk for the first time, "well, I'm just," you glance to the side, "not sentimental about that kind of thing," you sip your water and turn away.
Your behavior signaled you weren't telling the truth, but since he didn't care all that much about your personal life, he decided against pressing the topic. If he ever wanted to know anything else, he knows how to manipulate you. For someone who was so sly and cunning in marketing, you were awfully shy and innocent when it came to romance. He wants to test this theory, heading to your bedroom, only remembering you began sleeping on the couch when you brush past him with your sheets. "Wait," he calls out, stopping you in the doorway.
"What?" His arm was directly in front of your face, hand on the jamb. If he followed the line of his forearm, it eventually led to your suspicious eyes. "Did you need something else from me? My shower, perhaps?" With a scoff, you look away and cross your arms, hugging the blanket to your chest, "you already use it anyway. You don't need to ask."
"That's not it," he murmurs, and he knows it's not his imagination when you suddenly color in the face. Ha! He wasn't even trying that hard and he was affecting you? Could you be... no, that didn't make any sense. Sure he had money, but he wasn't THAT famous. Only the people around his parlor knew of him, he wasn't in the business long enough to have any fans. He didn't think so, at least. "I just," he continues, watching you shut your eyes, "there's something--"
"--wrong," you cut him off, "there's something wrong, I feel sick," the sheets drop from your hands as you grab your forehead, "excuse me," you shuffle under his arm and walk downstairs. Okay... maybe he got the wrong idea, then. Thinking he might get in trouble if he didn't check on your well being (it may be a test, for all he knew), he echos your steps to find you almost falling over by the island.
"Hey," he reaches you just barely, helping you stand straight again, but you just flop in his arms now, "hey, what's wrong with you? Are you passing out?" He feels your forehead, which you were still trying to hold, to find it burning. "What the heck happened to you? Are you drugged or something?" Actually, now that he joked about it, it seemed to fit the situation. Suddenly, you started crying.
"My head hurts," you whine, and he pitifully leads you to the staircase, before you try to fight him, "where are we going? My bed is over there," he glances at the couch with guilt.
"You can sleep in your room tonight," he relents. When he tries to bring you up again, you start babbling about how that's not like him, how the "cold and heartless Baekhyun wouldn't ever be so courteous." Sneering, he asks, "just who do you take me for? We're going upstairs and that's the last I wanna hear about it, okay?" Picking you up, he carries you instead and hopes that you don't barf on his shoulder on the way. He asks you to explain why you're in this condition once you're seated on the mattress.
"I don't know," you're still crying at the pain, "I just had a few martini's with some gamblers, that's all," you defend yourself.
"You were definitely roofied. You can barely function right now," he states grudgingly, "this is why you shouldn't trust strangers." Instead of replying, you simply lie back and cover your eyes, wiping your cheeks to suck it up. Baekhyun stands there uncomfortably, not knowing if he should go or stay there for now. Then, "I'm shocked you're even trusting me, considering we barely just met."
"Huh?" You ask, voice higher than he's used to hearing from you, "that's not true. We go waaaay back, Baekkie," for the first time since you came home, you smile, peeking at him through your fingers. The action was so endearing, he found himself staring, "you had a nerdy hair cut before."
"N-Nerdy?" That was back in high school! You didn't attend the same school, did you? Peering at your face harder than he has before, he doesn't recall ever seeing someone like you in his classes.
"G'night," you mumble, waving slightly in dismissal. He feels his prying may go better when you're not foggy in the head. You may be spouting nonsense, after all. Pulling the blankets over your waist, he says "goodnight" before heading to the window seat. He figured he'd give it a try tonight, since he felt obligated to keep an eye on someone who was under the influence.
Briefly, while he's settling against the wall, he eyes the outline of your body, strangely hypnotized as you stretch your limbs. He wonders who exactly was under an influence here.
(Continued in Chapter 4... Grey Skies)
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Ask Me Out Spell
Ask Me Out Spell #love #CelebrityPsychic #psychicMojo #PsychicWebsite #CelebrityTweets #Psychicprayer #love #lovespells #love_spells #love-spells #spells #lovespellBest Spiritual Psychic, Accurate Psychic Readings, Powerful Psychic Has served most successful clientsSpiritualist Guide Angel Psychic Channel Guide Doctor Mojo | , Consultancy, Readings, Directions, Guidance, Advice & Support…
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Please Call Today, Text | Celebrating 30 Years of Astrology and Spiritual ConsultancyGlobal Celebrity PsychicBest Powerful Spiritual HealerEmail: [email protected]’t be discouraged as this might be just the spell caster you Have been searching for. I pray, heal, capture and destroy all sorts of negative magic, witchcraft, bad spirits, evil spells, curses and bring back lost love and luck at the same time. You are in the right place for real magic spells. Talk to Psychic Mojo, a very unusual man with an even more unusual gift of clairvoyance. Psychic Mojo offers you the widest choice of online psychic readings and techniques in the whole world. You will get emphatic and non-judgemental readings today, to uncover the answers to all your questions. List Of My Powerful Love Spells: - Binding Spells - Attraction Spells - Mend A Broken Heart Spells - Marriage Spells - Divorce Spells - Be loved Spells - Cherish Spells - Gay Love Spells - Sexual Attraction Spells - Succeed in Business Spells - Increase Sales Spells - Sandawana Power Oil - Sandawana Skin - Noorani Ring - Magic Sales Spells - Increase Income Spells - Lotto Spells - Pay Increase Spells - Prosperity Spells - Win a Tender Spells - Win a Contract Spells - Voodoo Spells - Revenge Spells - Beauty Spells - Protection Spells - Risky Business Spells - Evil Spirit Banishment Spells - Extreme Respect Spells - Black Magic Spells - Psychic Reading
My Services
Love SpellsLove Spells To Make The One You Desire Fall In Love With You Or To Cause Two Other People To Fall In Love With Each Other. Marriage SpellsMarriage Spells To Make The One You Desire Get Married To You Or To Cause Two Other People To Get Married To Each Other. Divorce SpellsDivorce Spells To End Your Marriage Or The Marriage Of Another Couple. Our Divorce Spells Can Also Be Used To Prevent Divorce. Lottery SpellsLottery Spells To Win Lots Of Money At Any Lotto Jackpot. Get Lotto Winning Numbers The Help Of Our Lottery Spells That Work Fast. Voodoo SpellsVoodoo Love Spells That Work To Retrieve Your Lost Lover, Fix Your Marriage, Strengthen A Relationship Or Prevent A Divorce. Magic RingsMagic Rings For Love, Magic Rings For Wealth, Magic Rings For Power, Magic Rings For Success And To Increase Your Influence. Love Problems SpecialistLove is the base of life. Without love, life is nothing. It provides a lot of peace and relaxes in our mind. For the strong and healthy relationship love is essential because it create the feeling and emotion in the people's heart. Husband and Wife DisputeA husband and a wife are great holder of marriage relation that can make either worse or beautiful examples of marriage relation in other’s mind. In this world every marriage relation has same requirement and feelings... Love Astrology SpecialistFrom being quite eminent in countries of the world over as a veteran and faithful astrologer, Psychic Mojo is also rather renowned as an expert love problem specialist astrologer, who can adroitly offer excellent and expeditious solutions... Extramarital AffairsGet Extramarital Affairs Problem Solution by Psychic Mojo. Your life can take a difficult turn if your partner is involved in unwanted extramarital affairs ruining the sacred institution called marriage. Career Problem SolutionCareer Problem Then you consider solutions to the problem of your career, what my dream does not include reasons. Many people give you a lot of advice, but no one is valid, even if your life to the worst underworld. Finally, from the Internet to your career expert help solve the problem. Love Marriage SpecialistMarriage has a pleasant feel and certainly in the world. Each and every person wants to be in this life. Marriage successful marriage life for planetary survival show in the fifth, seventh and ninth respectively in a Pehoroscope: general success of any marriage and the planets. Intercast Love MarriageThe name of inter caste love marriage as a sin in the society but love is not boundable theme. Love has no relation with the caste in any manner. But in the modern era inter caste marriage is the common aspect. Sometime every inter caste marriage is not success... Ex Love Back SpecialistAs all of us understand in this world of glamour and fashion that has a true love it refers to be very fortunate. Love just experience with the help of which we can cast off colour variations, caste Love Problem Solution Astrologer. Read the full article
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mponyespells1 · 6 years
Use a Magic Rings to Achieve your Goal and Change Your Life Call +27718452838
Spiritual Lucky Oil For Money lucky Lotto casino power ball winning chances , relationships and attraction +27718452838 in Johannesburg, USA, Australia, Canada, Uk ((Worldwide)) Lucky anointing oils are made with genuine roots, herbs, and minerals. They are used to dress candles, anoint the body, and sprinkle on amulets and conjure hands. We prepare these Magical oils on the premises and package them Use the power of spiritual oils for money drawing and luck. Whether you are in your own business, negotiating a raise in pay, playing games of chance in the casino, To win Gambling, Use it for Lover Attraction, Be liked by your Lovers family, playing the lottery, Use it to restore Marriages, Spiritual Money Attraction... there are magical oils for you. Wear magical oils as perfume or cologne, sprinkle on your money and in your shoes, dress your candles, anoint seals or charms, or add these magical oils to your bath water.
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narisa · 3 years
Mega Millions Lottery Tips - How to Win Millions in a Mega Millions Lottery
The lottery has always been a favorite game for many people around the world. There are several different reasons that have contributed to the tremendous popularity of this exciting game. The primary one is the fast development of computer technology and the growing role of the World Wide Web. The virtual absence of geographical constraints has also led to the exponential growth of individuals who prefer online lottery huay yang  compared to land-based shops.
If you are still a novice when it comes to online lottery, let me enlighten you with a few simple strategies. To increase your chances of winning, you must master the technique of choosing the correct and winning lottery ticket. Unlike the traditional type of lottery, online lottery does not limit the number of tickets that you can play. You can choose from a set of drawings depending on the availability of numbers drawn. In fact, there are more possibilities to win when it comes to online lottery.
Choosing the right lottery ticket is very important. There are several ways to win such as purchasing tickets that have exact matches with your winning numbers. However, if this is your first time to try out this method, it is recommended that you purchase only one or two single tickets. This is because doing so allows you to test how well your knowledge and strategies work. You should purchase multiple tickets in order to gain more information and eventually increase your chances of winning.
Mega Millions and other lotto games are great sources of continuing cash prize if you know how to play. These games allow players to select from several combinations. This is the best method of choosing the winning combinations. This is why many people spend years studying the lottery's mechanics and strategies. In addition, winning a single lottery game is considered as the most rewarding lottery of all.
If you want to participate in a lottery but you don't know how to play, the best option for you is to learn how to play lottery online. The basic idea behind online lottery is to let you play the lottery like professionals. All you need is to log into a lottery system website and choose which software you will use. Once you get set up, you can now choose the numbers and depending on how the software is programmed, you can choose an exact match in your winning combinations. The software will also ask you how many additional digits you want to multiply your winning numbers with in order to make the prize larger.
Although it may not seem like it now, playing in a mega millions lottery is a sure way of earning a fortune. All a player needs to do is to select the winning combination and then play accordingly. Playing these lotto games online enables a player to spend more time enjoying his/her free time instead of worrying about how he/she is going to spend the money won in the lotto game.
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
Fortune Lotto Ask Me Fast - Get Live Banker Here
Fortune Lotto Ask Me Fast – Get Live Banker Here
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Fortune Lotto Ask Me Fast – Get Live Banker Here Fortune lotto ask me fast because, I will deliver the best winning number to you right here without hesitation – fortune thursday lotto reading plans. Fortune thursday lotto reading plans is always the best way to go if you want to win big money on lotto games, especially Ghana lotto. (more…)
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Ask Me Out Spell
Ask Me Out Spell #love #CelebrityPsychic #psychicMojo #PsychicWebsite #CelebrityTweets #Psychicprayer #love #lovespells #love_spells #love-spells #spells #lovespellBest Spiritual Psychic, Accurate Psychic Readings, Powerful Psychic Has served most successful clientsSpiritualist Guide Angel Psychic Channel Guide Doctor Mojo | , Consultancy, Readings, Directions, Guidance, Advice & Support…
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Please Call Today, Text | Celebrating 30 Years of Astrology and Spiritual ConsultancyGlobal Celebrity PsychicBest Powerful Spiritual HealerEmail: [email protected]’t be discouraged as this might be just the spell caster you Have been searching for. I pray, heal, capture and destroy all sorts of negative magic, witchcraft, bad spirits, evil spells, curses and bring back lost love and luck at the same time. You are in the right place for real magic spells. Talk to Psychic Mojo, a very unusual man with an even more unusual gift of clairvoyance. Psychic Mojo offers you the widest choice of online psychic readings and techniques in the whole world. You will get emphatic and non-judgemental readings today, to uncover the answers to all your questions. List Of My Powerful Love Spells: - Binding Spells - Attraction Spells - Mend A Broken Heart Spells - Marriage Spells - Divorce Spells - Be loved Spells - Cherish Spells - Gay Love Spells - Sexual Attraction Spells - Succeed in Business Spells - Increase Sales Spells - Sandawana Power Oil - Sandawana Skin - Noorani Ring - Magic Sales Spells - Increase Income Spells - Lotto Spells - Pay Increase Spells - Prosperity Spells - Win a Tender Spells - Win a Contract Spells - Voodoo Spells - Revenge Spells - Beauty Spells - Protection Spells - Risky Business Spells - Evil Spirit Banishment Spells - Extreme Respect Spells - Black Magic Spells - Psychic Reading
My Services
Love SpellsLove Spells To Make The One You Desire Fall In Love With You Or To Cause Two Other People To Fall In Love With Each Other. Marriage SpellsMarriage Spells To Make The One You Desire Get Married To You Or To Cause Two Other People To Get Married To Each Other. Divorce SpellsDivorce Spells To End Your Marriage Or The Marriage Of Another Couple. Our Divorce Spells Can Also Be Used To Prevent Divorce. Lottery SpellsLottery Spells To Win Lots Of Money At Any Lotto Jackpot. Get Lotto Winning Numbers The Help Of Our Lottery Spells That Work Fast. Voodoo SpellsVoodoo Love Spells That Work To Retrieve Your Lost Lover, Fix Your Marriage, Strengthen A Relationship Or Prevent A Divorce. Magic RingsMagic Rings For Love, Magic Rings For Wealth, Magic Rings For Power, Magic Rings For Success And To Increase Your Influence. Love Problems SpecialistLove is the base of life. Without love, life is nothing. It provides a lot of peace and relaxes in our mind. For the strong and healthy relationship love is essential because it create the feeling and emotion in the people's heart. Husband and Wife DisputeA husband and a wife are great holder of marriage relation that can make either worse or beautiful examples of marriage relation in other’s mind. In this world every marriage relation has same requirement and feelings... Love Astrology SpecialistFrom being quite eminent in countries of the world over as a veteran and faithful astrologer, Psychic Mojo is also rather renowned as an expert love problem specialist astrologer, who can adroitly offer excellent and expeditious solutions... Extramarital AffairsGet Extramarital Affairs Problem Solution by Psychic Mojo. Your life can take a difficult turn if your partner is involved in unwanted extramarital affairs ruining the sacred institution called marriage. Career Problem SolutionCareer Problem Then you consider solutions to the problem of your career, what my dream does not include reasons. Many people give you a lot of advice, but no one is valid, even if your life to the worst underworld. Finally, from the Internet to your career expert help solve the problem. Love Marriage SpecialistMarriage has a pleasant feel and certainly in the world. Each and every person wants to be in this life. Marriage successful marriage life for planetary survival show in the fifth, seventh and ninth respectively in a Pehoroscope: general success of any marriage and the planets. Intercast Love MarriageThe name of inter caste love marriage as a sin in the society but love is not boundable theme. Love has no relation with the caste in any manner. But in the modern era inter caste marriage is the common aspect. Sometime every inter caste marriage is not success... Ex Love Back SpecialistAs all of us understand in this world of glamour and fashion that has a true love it refers to be very fortunate. Love just experience with the help of which we can cast off colour variations, caste Love Problem Solution Astrologer. Read the full article
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eyfey · 7 years
Do you have the full translation for chapter 173? I'm trying to figure out what their conversations were about
I... actually do! I just finished up translating that chapter for PSI Scans a couple weeks ago, so just this once I'll post a chapter transcript for 173
Enjoy! (under the readmore)
Page 007
1: Cafe Mami.
2: Seated at the table farthest from the entrance...
Sign: Cafe Mami.
title: PSI 173: Let’s go! PK Academy PSIkickers!
ai(a): 4:43 pm...
ai(b): Ah! There we are!
ai(a): And here he...
ai(b): Comes!
1: Welcome.
Fx: jingle jingle
sai: Good grief... Here too...?
sai: I don’t know what you’re planning...
sai: But can you stop showing up before me everywhere I go?
ai: Heyo♡
Page 008
top: My fighting technique?
It's nothing really, I'm just
using ESP.
This week’s ESP Haiku model: Saiki Kusuo-san (16)
Sign: Ultimate
title: PSI 137: Let’s go! PK Academy PSIkickers!
Page 009
1: Thanks for waiting.
Sign: Cafe Mami
1: Here’s our house coffee jelly.
Sai: What a pain... Even though went out of my way to come on a day when Mera-san wasn’t working...
fx: set
sai: So why is she here? Seriously...
ai(a): I never pegged you as the kind of guy who liked sweets Kusuo. That’s hilarious.
ai(b): Let’s go to a dessert buffet some time.
Sai: Don’t sit next to me. Go sit on the other side.
Fx: click
sai: As for how she knew I was going to be here... I don’t even need to ask.
Ai: Hey, were you surprised that I was here!?
ai: Sorry! I scryed it ♡
ai: Aha,
sai: This is the problem with ESPers.
Fx: Ta-dah★
ai(a): Well, I'm pretty sure you already knew, since you always manage to ditch me at school.
ai(b): You're like, on some whole nother level.
sai: It's because I can hear you with telepathy.
ai: Oh! That looks good!
Page 010
ai: Ahh.
ai(a): Woah!
ai(b): You’re no fun~
sai: nom nom
ai: Well whatever! I already ordered something so I don't care!
Ai: It’s taking forever though! Hey! Is it still not ready yet!?
ai: You've got 10 seconds!
1(a): Yes ma’am! It’s ready now!
1(b): Sorry, but you placed a very complex order!
1: As you requested: One mega serving of coffee jelly everest with caramel sauce, extra chocolate chips, and ice cream super sized.
Ai: Wo-hoah!! This looks totally dope!!
sai: That is incredible.
Fx: ta-dah
ai: You really outdid yourself old man! I’ve changed my mind about you.
1: Ha ha ha I won’t lose out to the young people just yet!
Sai: They’ve become friends.
Fx: yay yay
Page 011
sai: More importantly, why are you going out of your way to foresee where I’m going to be and then wait for me there?
Sai: Didn’t I tell you not to get involved with me...?
Sai: ...though right now not only is she not getting involved, but she’s even completely ignoring me.
Ai: This is going to get so many retweets.
Boss: Yay! Happy joy-py nice to meetcha-py!
Sai: Can I go now?
Fx: click click
sai: Huh!? You want to know why I was waiting for you?
Ai: You don't really need me to say it for you to know, do you?
Fx: tap tap
sai: It’s faster if you just say it though. Honestly...
ai: ...love you...
ai(a): I super love you ♡
ai(b): Super love-love.
ai(c): Pay attention to me ♡
ai: I love love love love you.
ai(a): I love you so much
ai(b): BIG LOVE ♡
ai(c): Wuv you ♡
ai(d): Cutie wootie lovey wuvy ♡
Sai: I still don't understand. I should just leave.
Ai: Huh!? Wait, where are you going!
Fx: clatter
tori: Huh?
Page 012
tori: Huhhh!?
tori: Saiki-san’s on a date!?
Ai: Huh? Who are you?
Sai: The annoyances have increased.
Fx small: run run run run run
fx large: BAM
tori: Woah! You’re the transfer student boob girl!!
ai: Ah! You’re the p*nis aura playboy!!
tori: P*nis aura!?
Ai: Besides, what does a suspicious guy like you want with my boo!?
Tori: Your boo!? Is this for real Saiki-san!?
sai: Shut up.
Ai: Nmph!?
Tori: Fbgh!?
Fx: Slam
fx small: snap
tori: ...!? Wait... what are you doing!? I understand if it was just me, but this girl...
ai: Isn’t that dangerous? Your powers are totally gonna be found out...
Page 013
1: Huh!?
tori: You told tits mcgee about your powers!!??
ai: Huhh!? Why does he know about your powers, Kusuo!!?
sai: I repeat: Shut up.
Fx: boom
ai: I thought it was our special secret!?
Tori(a): But you were trying that hard to hide it...
tori(b): Don’t tell me... you gave in to the power of boobs!?
sai: Lower your voices already.
ai: I mean like, why would you ever tell someone as loose lipped as him!?
boss: They’re pretty noisy over there... I wonder what they’re talking about?
Sai: At this rate one more person is going to know.
Fx: shout shout
fx bot: sneak
sai: You two are the only ones at our school who know.
Sai: and the reason I told is the same for both of you.
text: The same...!?
TextP: Then that means this girl also had her abilities acknowledged by Saiki san and is permitted to be his right hand man...!?
Sai: I haven’t acknowledged anyone and I’m not permitting anything.
text: The same...!?
Text: Then that mean just like me, he thinks Saiki is his soul mate!?
Text: Huh!? BL!?
Sai: No one is anyone’s soul mate and there is no BL.
Page 014
sai: It’s because both of you also have special powers.
Sai: I just figured it would be better to tell you myself then to have you find out with your own abilities.
tori: Huh... So that means you have ESP too...?
ai(a): Huh!?
ai(b): Are you serious right now!? This guy’s obviously just your average joe!
ai(a): Oh, is that it?
ai(b): Is your power that you can tell a girl’s three sizes just by looking?
Tori: Oh come on! Don’t underestimate me! I was born in a temple family!!
tori: Don’t think I'll forgive you just because your bust is 89cm!
sai: So he can tell.
tori: I have the power to see ghosts!
Ai: Huh? Wait, for realsies?
tori: For realsies! I’m a spiritual medium.
Tori: I can talk to ghosts and have them possess my body.
ai(a): Aren’t you just delusional?
ai(b): Shouldn’t you go to the hospital get your head examined?
Tori: I’m not seeing hallucinations!?
Page 015
tori: Well, I’m used to people not believing me, so let me show you some proof.
Tori: Hey.
tori(a): ...mutter... mutter...
tori(b): mutter mutter mutter...
ai: ? Who are you talking to?
tori(a): ...mutter... mutter...
tori(b): ...okay!
Fx: intense intense
tori: Rose pink T-Back...!
Ai: Huh!?
Tori: That’s the underwear you’re wearing right now.
Fx big: Boom
fx small: Swish
tori: I had a ghost check and tell me!
Tori: Well? Was I right?
Fx: ta-dah
tori: If I was, then as proof how about you show
fx: Kick
ai: He was right!
Ai: Tch... These were my fighting panties too...
tori: ...It was too fast, I couldn’t see...
sai: When did ghosts start agreeing to requests like that?
Tori: heheh... I’m not the same as before.
Fx: wobble
tori: I’ve gotten some negotiation material...
tori(a): In exchange for them doing what I ask...
tori(b): Urgh!!
fx: Flinch
Page 016
tori: Mo-poh.
Fx: snap
tori: Yyeeeaaahhh!!!
tori: It’s flesh!! All right!!
fx: ta-dah
tori: Wahaha!! Gravity!!
tori: Gravity is crazy!!
fx: bounce bounce
tori(a): Woohoo! Wind pressure!!
tori(b): I can feel the air!!
fx top: whoosh whoosh
fx bot: spin spin spin spin spin spin
1: Yes yes yes yes yes!!
2: I can’t get enough!!
fx top: Jab jab jab
fx bot: stab stab stab
tori(a): Wahoo... huh!?
tori(b): That’s it!?
Tori: Wait, hold on, just a little l-...
tori(A): ......!
tori(b): Phew...
tori: ...Do you get it now? Saiki-san...
fx: silence...
tori: I got him to tell me the color of her underwear in exchange for me lending him my body...!
Sai: You wanted to know that badly, huh.
Fx big: Ta-dah
fx small: huff huff
Page 017
ai: Hey, this guy might seriously be bad news... you should stop hanging out with him.
Sai: You make an extremely good point.
Tori: There! That’s my power!!
tori: Now it’s your turn, tits mcgee!!
ai: Oh, me?
ai: I’m a fortune teller! I can see the future, the past, or whenever!
Ai: And let me just say, unlike your powers, mine are the real deal! Get it!
Fx: Ta-dah
tori: Fortune telling~? You sure you don't mean body selling?
Ai: I’ll kill you!!
tori: Besides, it’s probably just stuff like Aquariuses will be lucky today, right?
tori: It would be a different story if you could foresee the winning lottery numbers or something, but...
ai: I can.
ai: I can foresee them...
ai: Got a problem with that?
Fx big: ta-dah
fx small: whoosh
tori: ...huh...
tori: Well isn’t that impressive...
fx: whoosh
tori: In that case...
fx: crouch
Page 018
tori: Please make me your disciple!!
ai: No way!!
fx: Boom
tori: I’ll clean, do the laundry, give you massages, provide night service, anything you want!! Please!!
ai(a): Even if you try to butter me up now, it’s no use!!
ai(b): You’re disgusting!!
sai: That’s amazing. So you can even do stuff like that...
ai(a): Huh? Well, I guess?
ai(b): It’s nothing compared to what you can do though Kusuo. ~blush~
sai: No, even I don’t have the ability to predict whatever I want.
Ai: But getting the winning lotto numbers has a high chance of things turning out badly.
ai(a): A person’s luck moves like a wave.
ai(b): Whenever something really lucky happens, something really unlucky is sure to follow so that it always balances out to net 0.
ai: That’s why if you win the lottery, you might just end up dying on the very same day.
ai(a): One time, before I knew about this, I used my powers to win 3 free packets of Yotchan Squid in a row, and the very next day I got hit by a truck.
ai(b): My bones were totally shattered! Lol ♡
sai: That’s not net 0 at all.
Text: Yotchan Squid
Page 019
tori: Woah... what the heck? That means your powers are completely useless...
tori(a): You got your bones broken (lol) just from winning 3 packets of Yotchan Squid? Wow that’s terrible...
tori(b): Can I take back the groveling I did?
Ai: Huh!?
ai(a): Yeah but I can foresee anything about other people!!
ai(b): It’s way more amazing than your stupid power that only let’s you hallucinate!!
tori: Huh!? You don’t understand anything about what makes my power great!!
tori: It seems I have no choice but to make you understand...
tori: just who the weakest, most disgraceful member of the PK Psychic Trio is...!
sai: I don’t remember forming any trios.
Fx: menace menace
ai: You're the one who needs to understand..
Ai: We already have our super love love ESPer Combo, so you’re not necessary.
sai: We have no such thing.
Fx: menace
tori: Okay then! Let’s compete to see who’s more worthy of being Saiki-san’s sidekick!!
ai: Bring it on!! You’re going down!!
tori: What should the competition be!?
Sai: Well, I’ve eaten my coffee jelly. Guess I’ll go home.
Fx wht: Shout Shout
fx: Scoot
sai: Seriously. What a waste of time... hm?
Aai: How about... uhhh...
fx: shout shout
sai: Nwah!!
1: What’s wrong!?
Fx: Clatter
Page 020
fxtop: Menace menace
fx left: Boom
tori: Woah! It’s a cockroach!!
ai: Huhh? Ew, you’re right.
Ai: ? Wait, but aren’t you freaking out a little too much?
tori: Stupid! Saiki-san hates bugs enough to pee his pants!!
sai: I didn’t...
tori: All right! Whoever eliminates that bug gets to be the sidekick!!
ai: Huhh!? Hey, wait!!
fx: dash
tori: All right! Let’s go! Are any of you good with bugs!?
1: Not me.
2: I’ll take care of it.
tori: All right! I’ll leave it to you then!! I’m not actually good with bugs myself...
1: Geheheh... Bugs are easy as pie...
text: Possession!!
fx: Boom
1: I’ll turn you into a pancake!!
tori: Huh? Hey, wait... with my bare hand!?
Fx: Whoosh
1: Ah!! It’s escaping!!
fx big: Smack
fx small: flutter flutter
Page 021
1: And now it's going... what!? That girl...
ai: I used foresight to see that it would fly here!!
fx: Ta-dah
Cans: bug spray
ai: Take this! Cockroach repell...
ai: Ew never mind I can’t do this!! I can’t stand bugs either!!
fx top: flap flap flap flap
fx: duck
Can: bug spray
tori: Hey! Why are you running away!! Aren’t you psychic!?
Ai: You do something about it!
Fx: Aaaahhhh
fx: smack
boss: Ahh~ I’m so sorry, I’ll take care of it.
Boss: Even though we just had the place fumigated last week~
tori: ...let’s just call today’s match a draw...
ai: S... Sounds good...
sai: Glad to have you as my sidekick, manager.
Sign: Cafe Mami
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Life is, Perhaps, Maybe, Possibly Less Disastrous and Terrifying Than I Thought - and I Don't Like It
So, starting the next step in my ambitious, “Don’t die a horrible death” project, I met the team that will be overseeing the next phase, located at a large research hospital in Southern California. Which is closer to home than the large research hospital in Northern California, but my mad scientist oncologist didn't think there would be any better or worse outcomes, provided I kept her in the loop.
If there is one thing you take away from these macabre little memoirs, it's that if you get a dangerous disease, don't screw around; do some research and go straight to the best specialists in the field. That's the key step in making a fatal disease into a dangerous disease. And if you have a rare dangerous disease, that talent is usually at a research hospital. I especially recommend research hospitals, because it opens up opportunities that simply aren't available at your local Health Mart. Case in point, my new mad scientist oncologist walked into the room with a clinical trial for some exciting new chemo drug that would probably be just the thing, based on my pathology report. And, I know I won't be getting the placebo, because they're still testing it for side effects and safety. Now, this is an interesting case study in how desperation makes us behave differently, because, under normal circumstances, I would have some choice words for anyone offering to inject me with an unproven, potentially fatal substance (and demanded regular blood samples for the privilege). BUT, the clinical coordinator said the study would require regular check-ins for years, and, right now, the word “years” is unbelievably sexy. So, if I stop updating, there's a solid chance the miracle drug was less miraculous than advertised. And these researchers have some pull; there's a deadline to get into the wonder drug trial (I should be okay, but I'll make it in just under the wire), but I originally wasn't scheduled to meet the radiation team until next week; a call from from my oncologist got me an appointment literally within the hour. It's always good to know your physician has some pull in the hospital (I later looked it up; the neurooncology faculty of the hospital is less than about a dozen, so it was probably less “institutional clout” and more “personal favor”). Which brings up another selling point of research hospitals for the exotically diseased; the rules governing clinical trials are very specific, and very limiting. If you developed some new drug to treat Ebola, you wouldn't be allowed to just fly to a quarantine zone and start administering it; you would only be allowed to test certain patients that had certain qualifications and under certain conditions (this is to protect us from Josef Mengele types). So, when these researchers meet patients who qualify for their trial, they'll move heaven and earth to get you in. Speaking of which, I got a call from the clinical coordinator this morning - not 24 hours after being admitted to the trial - saying that I had an MRI next week, so that I could meet admission deadlines.
Meeting the radiation oncologist was a little less heartening.  She seems perfectly competent and decent, but her assessment was not totally reassuring. She said that my surgeon did a superb job removing the tumor, and that gave me a solid shot at survival (hooray), however, these are extremely invasive, fast-growing, dangerous tumors (no shit, Sherlock), and, to get best results, she'd be nuking rather more of my brain than the surgical borders. And this would probably result in some unpredictable neurocognitive deficits. Holy shit. I know from tumor #1, back in 2002 (again, it is fucked up that I have to specify that), that any time a neurologist says something like that, it's code for, “You will have some sort of post-procedure defects. It could be virtually unnoticeable, you might never walk again, we might lobotomize you; we’re not sure.” In 2002, that meant learning to read again at age 17, and it left me extensive brain damage that actually limited my career options (I'm not exaggerating any of that, and I have the EEGs to prove it). So you can understand why I'm rather skittish about a clinician using the term “brain damage.” But, the radiation oncologist mentioned that she was running a clinical trial to assess cognitive function at various stages of radiation treatment - I leapt on that one, too, because I know from experience, if you lose any IQ points, you want to know about it the minute it happens. And, although I'm upset at the thought of impairment, I do know a neurofeedback therapist. And, fortunately, the chemo drugs I'll be using don't directly kill cancer, but makes them more susceptible to radiation,  which means they'll be less harsh than feared. Somehow, the most upsetting thing she said was that I'd probably lose the hair on the right side of my head. And it may or may not grow back. God damn it. Now, that's not going to make it into my top-ten list of concerns at the moment, but it's like everything else about cancer - another needless cruelty, making the whole thing just a little worse. Life is already far too difficult, even if you don't look like a Bond villain. Even if I limp out of this nightmare, I do not want to start every introduction with, “Oh, yeah, a number of years ago, I survived an awful disease that should - statistically - have killed me. No, they didn't really cure me, this isn't the sort of disease that ever really goes away. I know that because I lived with it for fifteen years before it became dangerous.”
Side note, I believe I previously discussed the rationalization method where you make yourself feel better by comparing yourself to someone who's obviously worse off. All of my physicians tried to do this by comparing me to patients who were worse off - by comparing me to other patients with slightly worse forms of glioblastoma. I guess I should be grateful that I don't have the deadliest form of a deadly disease, but I still have a deadly disease (the same deadly disease as the other patients, in point of fact, just a slightly different breed). It's like pointing it out that the family in “The Shining” have it worse-off than the residents of Derry, Maine. It might be true, but is it too much to ask not to be in a Stephen King novel?
Now, there are way too many moving parts in this scheme for comfort (any Lex Luthor scheme is less convoluted). And there's still an almost-unacceptably high risk of permanent debilitation or death. And no one'll give me a solid prognosis (as Dad pointed out, I've outlived my own life expectancy so long, for so many times, that I'm completely off the charts). And I'm sure there will be at least one major insurance screw-up (there always is, the question is merely if it'll kill me or not). But, overall, I'm feeling 5-10% less terrified than yesterday (I'm still way beyond the normal human experience for fear, but I'm feeling very, very slightly better).
And that has me worried. With the kind of luck I've been having, even the smallest bit of luck has been completely and ridiculously overshadowed by a much greater misfortune. It's like winning $20 from a scratch-off lotto ticket, and finding a $75 parking ticket on your car. So I feel like I might be killed by an asteroid.
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Top 10 Ways to Make Money with Crowd1 Business
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Sure, you can make money with crowd1 online business. There are many ways that you can use to build your network and making money in crowd1 home business. Making an income in crowd1 will require you to make a strong network by building strong down lines.
1.    Build Your Network. Building your network is the surefire way of making a huge income in crowd1. You build your network by inviting other people to join your team. Crowd1 offers a very lucrative yet simple compensation plan. This guarantees anyone can, even when working half as hard, make immense wealth. The Entrepreneurship package sales bonus is simply a binary bonus that pays you every time you introduce a new member that ends up buying an education package. When you recruit a new member, you will place him or her on either right or left of your binary matrix. You need to sell at least 2 packages and place each new member on right or left of the binary to unlock your earnings. Each package bought allocates you certain amount of business points which you accumulate to earn an income. 10 business points equal to 1 euro. So if you sell 2 white packages which come with 90 business points. That totals to 180BP which is equal to 18 euro. 2 Black packages pays you 54 euro while 2 gold packages pay you a total of 144 euro and so on and on.
 2.    Sell Product for Commissions. Crowd1 is a marketing company for 3rd party digital marketing companies. Crowd1 provides its members with mobile apps from these companies to market and make sales commissions from them. When you become a member, crowd1 will give you an opportunity to market any of its 9 products currently. You will need to register for each of these digital products to get an affiliate link and be able to market it. When you market each of these products you can get commission up to 15% of the profits. Crowd1 list of marketing products currently include Lifetrnds, safer, Affilgo, Miggster, Tribute, Crowd1 magazine, Grithub, Miggster premium, Epic lotto among others to be launched soon.
 3.    Earn Residual Long Term Monthly Income. Crowd 1 also earns money directly its product sales. The company marks up all its products so that when a digital product is sold, part of that money goes back to the company to be redistributed back to the members. The monthly residual income is paid every month on the 15th and is deducted from sales volumes of the previous month. Crowd1 has paid monthly residual income since 15th of May 2020 and continues to pay. Residual income is the biggest payment that is expected to make changes in member’s lives as it replaces their salaries and incomes from other businesses. Monthly residual income payouts have been increasing every month and its expected that the earnings will keep on increasing as the company products range increase and the membership keeps on growing. Residual income represents 40% of all monies earned by crowd1 from sales of mobile applications. It is expected that as new products are launched the residual income for a coordinator 1 star will be anywhere from 100 euro and above per month. This is very possible in the short term.
 4.    Claim your Crowd1 Rewards. As the first network marketing company to do this, crowd1 pays its members weekly crowd1 rewards for all members that join the company globally. This means your stake in the company increases as more and more people join crowd1 and not by your direct efforts. This is called the stream line bonus which pays you crowd1 rewards every Wednesday of each week. You have to claim these crowd1 rewards every week. The crowd1 rewards are similar to internal shares in crowd1. These crowd1 rewards are used to calculate your dividends every 3 months and are therefore very important to claim. The more crowd1 rewards you have accumulated over the months, the more residual income you are paid every quarter.
 5.    Earn Your Fear Of Loss Bonus. This bonus is meant to help you recoup your investment money which you paid to join crowd1. The fear of loss bonus tells you that if you are able to introduce 4 people to join you in crowd1 in the first 2 weeks, you will make euro 125. If you introduce 4 people with a black package, you will earn 375 euro. If you introduce 4 members with a gold package, you will make 1,005 euro in 2 weeks. If you introduce 4 people who join with a titanium package, then you will get to keep 3,150 euro. This bonus is time limited for the first 14 days only. If the 14 days elapse before you qualify, then the bonus is time barred and you continue with your business. Missing to hit the fear of loss bonus does not affect your crowd1 business whatsoever.
 6.    Rank up the Network Levels. If you want to make the serious money in crowd1, you need to build your network day and night and rank up. Crowd 1 has 7 main levels each with 3 stars levels. These are team leader, coordinator, manager, director, president, senior president and ambassador. So in total, there are 21 steps to rank up the leadership levels. When crowd 1 earns money from sale of digital apps, this money is distributed equally among the 21 leadership levels. This means that the people in each of the 21 leadership levels get to share the money equally. It follow then team leader lever which is the first will have many people sharing the same cake as ambassadors, that shows that the piece of cake each member gets at that level will be small as compared to the fewer directors or presidents cake. This is the reason that you should strive to build your network fast, earn points and use those points to rank up very fast towards manager level. You will start making very good money when you reach the manager level.
 7.    Build Leaders in your Network. One of the best ways to ensure you grow and earn good money in crowd1 is to ensure other people below you are making money. The only way you can do that is to help them to create their own networks and start earning. You need to show them the business and ensure they duplicate on how to empower others below them .It is when everyone wins when you yourself will win. The best way I have found to do this is the help each and every member below you to meet their fear of loss bonus as fast as possible. This way they will have money in their accounts and see the business is viable. This also motivates them to keep building and supporting those below them to make money.
 8.    Advertise your Business. The most effective way to earn in crowd1 and grow fast is to ensure you have fresh prospects daily. This means that you need to advertise your business so that you get to meet new people to present the business daily. There are many free and paid ways to advertise your business both online and off-line. For example you can use Facebook network marketing groups to advertise your business and get prospects. Another way is to use paid Facebook adverts, these work very well in contacting people from anywhere in the world. I have used these adverts on Facebook to create teams in 8 countries in less than 1 month. Another way to advertise your business is to post adverts on Google ads. These are expensive but they bring you a lot of traffic and conversions. You can also use fliers and pamphlets and ad-posts on advertising boards in supermarkets and other places.
 9.    Organise one on one business presentations. One-on-one business presentations are easy to plan and you can call someone today and meet them tomorrow for a business meeting. If you make it a habit of meeting at least 2 people daily to explain your business, you will start to grow your business. Doing one-on-one meetings will keep you productive throughout the week. They also convert better since you will give the client all your attention and they are able to ask their questions and get answers there and then. Make a habit to do as many as 4 or 5 one-on-one presentations daily and your business will take off vertically.
 10.Arrange for seminars. Seminars can be small numbers or large hall type of seminars. They require more time to plan and can be costly to hire the hall, equipment and possibly drink. Seminars can be arranged for as few as 10 people all the way to hundreds of people. Seminars are the best and most effective method to present the business and recruit en masse. You and your small team may decide to start small by inviting 10 people and do the business presentation and then grow out from there. Make sure to prepare banners and registration forms where participants can fill in their names and contacts. These will be very important in follow ups to increase signup rates.
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Read about one of the newest and most rewarding work at home business opportunity here: https://howtojoincrowd1.weebly.com/
You can request for more details about crowd1 by sending me an email to [email protected] You can also sign up immediately to crowd1 using my sponsor link here: https://crowd1.com/signup/bazillionaire   Or send me a whatsapp message here +254722661827
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
Fortune Live Unfailing Banker - Fortune Live 2020
Fortune Live Unfailing Banker – Fortune Live 2020
Fortune Live Unfailing Banker – Fortune Live 2020 Fortune live unfailing banker for the year 2020 is now ready for everyone and i believe that ghana lotto vendor 2019 could not give us all we want and 2020 will. Fortune live banker is real and will pay very huge, all you have to do is to make sure you play it with all you have and then seat back and wait for your money. (more…)
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doesitreallywork · 5 years
Want to learn more about Lotto Dominator? Learn how it can help you achieve your goals and drastically improve your life – read how inside!
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Lotto Dominator Review – Does It Really Work?
Evidently the globe currently has cutting edge methods that you can utilize to obtain excellent cash money fast. According to humanity, we so quickly delight however obtaining the cash has actually shown to be more difficult than we assumed.
Amongst these modern as well as resourceful ways are wagering as well as wagering that have actually settled, however not much less than has lotto. Lottery game is the granny of resourceful cash making systems.
If you are fortunate adequate after that your federal government has actually not banned lottery game instead has actually recommended it. You remain in even more good luck since this testimonial will certainly make your name skyrocket high come the days you recognize the video game lotto as a state.
Get this overview that examines Lottery game or Lotto, whichever it would certainly be; they alike. Allow me usher your ignorant methods right into Lotto Dominator which will certainly renew your previous lotto days and also finish your shedding touches.
What is Lotto Dominator by Richard Lustig everything about?
The program; Lotto Dominator: Winning Has Actually Never Ever Been This Easy completely is and also electronic book that is available in PDF layout. The program workbook concentrates completely on offering you the viewers the most up to date, tried-and- examined secret formula that the writer has actually excessively made use of in his days of playing the video game.
Lotto Dominator accepts a mathematical concept which overtime has actually shown to be clever. The procedure that the program welcomes is bound to aid you forecast properly lotto game numbers.
This indicates a tremendous windfall for you if you settle to purchase the program. The item has actually been developed over-time and also the evidence of its performance is the writer’s very own gas mileage, success as well as economic expertise.
Regarding the writer- Richard Lustig
Assumed to apparently be the proprietor of Lotto Dominator, Richard is an Orlando, Florida homeowner. He has actually taped 7 straight victories which stood out the media. Richard has actually just recently included in both nationwide as well as global media.
Afterwards, the writer demanded going far and also a living for himself by cracking you on just how to triumph by far. He has actually marketed the overviews that he produced as well as they educate on exactly how to skillfully wager with your lottery game tickets.
Is Lotto Dominator assured to assist you wager smartly?
The huge concern on the table is whether you can be the following Richard Lustig when you utilize this program. There are 2 chances that the program presents you. They are:
The item itself
The item; Lotto Dominator really claims to open unto you the tricks of this video game’s market. It additionally gives you the devices that the writer suggests you require to control the lottery game, therefore finishing in the opportunity of making a windfall of lottery game payments.
An associate program with Software program Projects
Seemingly to market the item for a portion of the compensation. The specifics of this stated associate program will certainly not so quickly obtainable via the Software program Projects website without you initially taking the motivation to authorize up for an associate subscription.
Such a subscription gives you to name a few associates also the possibility to advertise or offer numerous of Software program Projects’; a big perk if you ask me, various other product or services also, of which there are numerous so you recognize.
The program additionally supplies you 7 added electronic books. They are bound to make you play the video game also better as well as educated. The forecast prices are way reduced therefore you do not have to stress regarding damaging the financial institution or draining your accounts whilst obtaining lotto tickets for the video game.
  The item forecasts 4-6 numbers of your video game ticket, therefore offering you a tidy shot at winning. The item is readily available online and also it can be found in the type of an electronic book. Despite your tool; tablet computer, phone or pad you can download it on any one of these clever gadgets to utilize.
In order to have a tidy chance at winning as well as a tidy touch at that, you should create the previous 7 winning varieties of any type of video game you would love to play. You after that get a ticket based upon either of those numbers which are an outcome of the formulas created by program; remember I pointed out that the program accepts a mathematical procedure.
You can duplicate the procedure as long as you desire and also you will certainly get impressive outcomes. You will certainly be impressed by the long-lasting security it will certainly offer you.
Download and install food selection and also rate of the item
In the event that you are totally blown by this item, allow me inform you just how you can order it with a lot convenience. When you initially go onto the item web site, an appear home window will certainly reveal. It will certainly glow, suggesting that the data is an auto-download model.
The expense of the program likewise is thoughtful. Regardless of what various other testimonials might state in an unfavorable tone, the rate of the item is amazing, thinking about the 7 bonuses that you can purchase with the whole program electronic book.
Is Lottery game Dominator in the eco-friendly area or a fraud?
I make certain that you have actually experienced many quit indications stopping you from taking gaming with lotto guidance from this expert. You might as a result intend to make sure whether you wish to get the program or toss it in the wind.
The item functions, felt confident. With a great duty of your thumb, you need to constantly concentrate on winning two times or three times a month. It provides you the tested suggestions, techniques, as well as approaches as validated by the writer to aid you win cash money with a total expert. As long as you adhere to detailed this system, you can rack up gold countless times as long as you are playing the video game on its terms. You have absolutely nothing to shed maybe simply to enjoy.
Final Take
This program deals with difficult objection which brings me to assume; if it is not legitimate, why did the writer obtain a lot attributed lime-light? It could simply be a conspiracy theory to stop the unlimited touch of winning in the video game’s market, in the long-run, it is simply company and also business battles.
The program; Lotto Dominator: Winning Has Actually Never Ever Been This Easy completely is and also electronic book that is available in PDF layout. The training course workbook concentrates totally on providing you the visitor the most up to date, tried-and- checked secret formula that the writer has actually excessively made use of in his days of playing the video game.
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The post Lotto Dominator Review – Does It Really Work? appeared first on Does It Really Work?.
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How to Win Tickets Within the Hamilton Lottery On Broadway
I arrived around 5:10 on a Wednesday for a 5:30 lottery with a 6:00 drawing to try for the 8:00 show. The following day I came at about 4:20 for a 4:30 lottery with a 5:00 drawing to attempt for the 7:00 show. I do know you’re younger, scrappy, and hungry and you do not need to throw away your shot, but even Alexander Hamilton takes a bit advice from Aaron Burr sometimes. It’s time to wait for it, time to talk less and smile more, time to acknowledge that you are the one factor in life you can control. Winners will be notified by way of electronic mail shortly after the lottery closes with a link to purchase the tickets. Winners could have until 4pm to pay for their tickets with a bank card online. Tickets not claimed in this method will probably be forfeited and used as the box office sees fit. The universal favourite has rapidly turn into this performance from just a couple weeks in the past, featuring all three men who have performed King George III in Hamilton performing because the Schuyler Sisters. arkansas.lotterywinn.com off the same old schedule, your finest bet is to maintain tabs of Lin Miranda’s Twitter feed. Once the entries are all collected, there’s a countdown after which a fast recap of how it’s going to work. The history of the California Lottery is a comparatively short one. 27 billion in prize money to profitable lotto players. Approximately 87% of all revenue from lottery ticket gross sales makes its manner back to the California public, with at the least 34 cents in every dollar spent on the lottery being put into the state's classrooms. The Louisiana lottery tried to overturn the legislation by appealing to the federal courts, but in December 1892 the courtroom dominated in favor of the postmaster. After dropping their attraction, lottery representatives asked Louisiana officials to withdraw the modification granting the company an extension of its gaming activities. 1.5 million from the state. His efforts didn't generate adequate gross sales abroad, nevertheless, and the company handed into history by the end of the century. Chambers, Henry E. A Historical past Of Louisiana. White, John T. “The History of the Lottery. These folks want to play on the safe aspect. These people choose to maintain decrease jackpots in place of dropping. Beneath this kind of recreation, the probabilities of successful are 1-1.Eight million, which is approach lower than the previous ones. 200,000 and keep increasing continually if there are no winners. Players can win huge money prizes enjoying Pull Tab and Scratch video games! Please remember to play the lottery games responsibly. Kentucky Decide three lotto and Pick 4 lotto are very related games in structure and payout pattern. For starters, each games are every day games. What’s extra, they are drawn twice daily! You need to very honest with your self and admitting that spending a lot on lottery tickets might also recognize a want for assist. The following part which it's worthwhile to so is to determine a selected purpose you probably have determined the reality of the way in which tons you definitely spent on lottery tickets in conserving with week or on a month-to-month foundation. I've been a gross sales particular person, so I perceive sales goals/quotas; I even have a deep HR background, and so managing human capital could be very dear to me. How many years have you ever been with the Louisiana Lottery Corp.? What are some of the largest adjustments the group has skilled during that time? You probably have any questions or need assistance, please contact any member of the Greenebaum Doll & McDonald Labor and Employment Division. KENTUCKY EMPLOYMENT Law LETTER doesn't try to supply options to particular person issues but relatively to supply information about current developments in Kentucky employment legislation. Questions about particular person issues should be addressed to the employment regulation lawyer of your selection. You possibly can watch live drawings on varied Television stations, hear results on radio broadcasts or verify the lottery web site on the internet. You may take pleasure in watching the live drawing as a result of it actually is quite exciting! The massive Spin - Sat. SuperLotto - Wed. & Sat. The massive Spin - Sat. 16 million Powerball jackpot is a dream for most people. However dropping a fortune by letting these lottery winnings expire is a nightmare — and that is what is going to happen Thursday if somebody doesn't claim the ticket bought in Might at a suburban Tampa, Fla., comfort store. 53 million within the Florida Lotto game. 16 million, and not claim the winnings. 1.Three billion was allotted to the foundation Faculty Fund, which is administered by the Texas Training Agency. The money is used for expenses comparable to teacher salaries, bilingual training and particular education. TEA officials said the inspiration School Program must be thought of “as a huge pot of money” with lottery income being only one contributor to the pot. Each EuroMillions ticket contains the UK Millionaire Maker which is an thrilling addition to EuroMillions and guarantees one player wins £1 million each draw. In case you choose the 5 important numbers and the two Fortunate Star numbers, then you are a EuroMillions jackpot winner. When you match the UK Millionaire Maker code, then you win £1,000,000. It is feasible to win the EuroMillions and the UK Millionaire Maker on one ticket. My customers had been grateful after i tidied up and washed dishes, in addition to taking good care of the youngsters. I ended up working for a family with three kids whereas I was in faculty. Those babysitting days paid off! Please describe for our readers, in just a few sentences, how you bought to where you're right now. What previous experience prepared you for the position of president/CEO? 10 million line of credit.
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justtemporary · 7 years
So, these are the words I couldn’t fully convey to you everytime makigkita ka. I’m sorry kung inarticulate kaayo ko. And if I try to, I’d break down in front of you. It would take a lot of time for me to tell you this. I saw what you did on your profile. Wa ko kabalo unsay purpose ana. We were just fine. But maybe, I did something wrong again. Like always, di nimo iisturya sa ako unsa akong gibuhat and I would go insane thinking all the possibilities I’ve done. Instead of communicating, what I always get is a nevermind attitude. Wa nakoy laing way para mapagawas nako ni tanan. I guess, taman ra gyud kos writing ani. Sa tinuod lang, wa ko kabalo asa magsugod. But if you don’t mind, can I start from our very first major fight as a couple? Okay, here I go:
Katong ni chat ka ni Philline, syempre kinsay di masakitan ato ug magselos. You opened up to me nga crush nimo sya. There’s nothing wrong with that. We all have pasts. Gipangutana tika nganong gibuhat to nimo. And your response was, “Gaaway man ta ato.” December 22, ikaduha natong gi celebrate tong every 22nd of the month tradition nato sa family park. Giingnan tika ato nga undangi nakog sungog ni Anthon. He ghosted me. I’ve moved on. Niingon pod ka nga sukad anang adlawa, di na nimo usbon. DI NATA MAGHISGOT SA PAST. KALIMTAN NA NATO SILA. YOU PROMISED THAT. Despite ana, we were okay. So alright. Pwera lang atong nadakpan ta sa colon, but still nabaon ra man to sa limot. Wa ko kabalo sa imo kung wa ka ganahi ato nga panghitabo, but fuck rules. At least, once in our life we were able to break them. That felt really good. Experience is good. Pagka-ugma (December 23), nilarga ko. We held hands. Padong pa lang ko uli, but gimingaw nakos akong tupad. Fast forward to Christmas and New Year’s Eve, lingaw kayko kay sige tag video call. Nakaila akong friends sa imo. Kajut ra kos Iligan kay excited nako makabalik. Gitiming nako pag January 8. Dugay na gyud ko gaplano adto nga 8 tika sugton mao nakiglaag dayun ko atong adlawa. Wa ko gadahom nga you’ll ask the question. Sorry bitaw adto, awkward kayko. First time pa sad to nga naa koy gisugot. Kabalo man jd ka nga nahulog murag akoy nanguyab sa first relationship diba? Wa ko kasabot nganong dili ‘OO’ dretso akong natubag. I kept thinking about number 8 that day. It turns out ang naingon nako, “Baliha ang 8.” At first dugay kayka kagets, sorry corny kaayo ko. “I mean, ipahigda ang 8.” I added. Nauwaw kaayo ko nimo adto nuon. And then you told me mura kag nakadaog ug lotto. That was a relief. Pagka-sinulog, natinga ko nimo nganong distant kayka. Wa pod ta gaaway. Kalit lang ka nga murag hilaw mamansin. Even si kuya nakabantay. Para di to masira nga adlaw, ako lng gihapon gipadayun ang energy. If you take a look at our Instagram, kadtong pic nato sa Ayala. It seemed like wa ka ganahi. Hilom kayka. I have to force myself nga di mabati ang mood. Good thing nalingaw ra ta sa picture taking. Bisag unsaon, there’s something off from you, but ako ra nang gibalewala hangtud manguli nata. As you remember, kahilantanon si kuya ato. So, we have to think fast. Nagdecide ta nga magbuwag para mangitag taxi. Since 6 ta kabuok, atong giparest si kuya uban ni Rosalita. Si amor ug ang cousin ni Rosy kay ddto sa right (nga street), kitang duha sa left. Fortunately, kitang duha ang nakakita. Nagsabot ta nga sa parkmall mag-abot kay limited rman ang makasakay. Di ta maigo tanan. You offered nga ako na lang ubanan si kuya ug rosy tapos ikaw muapas nila amor. Katong gipasakay nami nimo, dali kong nakaremember nga wala kay load so siguro sa tabang ni wisdom, nakaingon daun ko nga magbaylo tag phone. Wala man kay load ato so unsaon nimo pag contact sila amor. And you never hesitated to do so. On our way back, I felt the urge to check your messenger. I don’t know why. Knowing nga wala kay mobile data. I still opened it. Kay sa akong iphone kung walay data, di man muappear ang msgs. But my gut instinct controlled me, I opened and saw your message. You greeted her on Christmas. Yes, mabaw ra nga rason para masuko. Usa pa mas una nimo syang nakaila. Friends mo daan sa Facebook. BUT ANG POINT NGANONG NASAKITAN KO IS, YOU PROMISED DI NA MAGHISGOT NILA. YOU PROMISED KALIMTAN NA SILA. PERO UNSAY GIBUHAT NIMO, IKAW MISMO NAKIPAG-INTERACT. YOU BROKE THAT PROMISE. THE SECOND THING IS, WHEN I ASKED YOU NGANONG GIBUHAT TO NIMO, GITAGAAN DAYUN KO NIMOG EXCUSE WHICH IS A LIE, A HUGE FUCKING LIE. YOU TOLD ME MAONG NI CHAT KA KAY DOWN KAYKA ATO KAY GAAWAY TA. IN ORDER NGA MALIPAY KA, GUSTO KA MAKAPALIPAY UG LAING TAO. WHAT AM I? SO PLINASTIKAY LANG TONG VIDEO CALLS NATO? NGANGA KAYKO NGA GIINGNAN KO NIMO GAAWAY TA WHEN ACTUALLY WALA. YOU TRIED TO TRICK ME BY MAKING ME BELIEVE GAAWAY TA OR NAA TAY MISUNDERSTANDING. AND USA PA, DOWN MAN DIAY KA ATO NGANONG WALA KA NIINGON SA AKO? I WAS THERE, CHUM. BUT YOU DIDN’T CHOOSE ME. Kaya ra nako limtan tong gibubat nimo pero katong words nga giingon nimo sa ako nagpabilin. I will always think second priority ra ko. I will always think di diay ko usa sa mga tao nga daganan nimo. I will always think I’m not worth the fight. Adto ka mangitag comfort sa lain diay. “Sayop nimo Kring oy. Sala nimo gi invade nimo iyang privacy.” I talked to myself. Pero kung wa kay gitagoan nako, di unta ka protective sa imong phone. Suko kayka nako kay ni vent kuno ko sa barkada nato. Maybe I have, pero they noticed murag wala kos akong sarili perme. I was silent about that. Gipugos lang ko nila nga ishare kesa akong iluom. Although, nagkastorya ta, but I wasn’t ready.Di ko ganahan makigstorya sa chat. Di ko gusto makigstorya nimo nga nasuko pa ko. I waited nga makalma ko. Katong time nga giingnan tika sa akong nakita, imo pa ganing gipakita sila amor while telling them, “Awa! Nasuko na sya ani.” Wa gani ko gasaba nila amor sa akong nakita pero ikaw man diay mismo nagpakita nila ato. Unsay sayop anang nakafeel ko nga nasuko ug selos. Mahadlok lang jd ko mawala ka. Never in my life was I insecure about something or someone. Kaso tungod ani, it felt like you have awaken my demons. Ikaw kuno gwapa, bright, talented kaayo si Philline. Unsa ra may laban nako, Chum? Kung wala atong barkada, dugay na unta tang nagbuwag. Pero sila nagtambag sa ako nga pasayluon ka kay tao ra sad ka nga masayop. Para mapasaylo tika imong gi-unfriend siya tapos nagbuhat na nuon kag bag-ong account. Wala ko nanugo nimo ana pero initiative na nimo. And after ana. We were happy again. Gi surprise na sad tika sa imong birthday. Gidala nako ang barkada just like the first time we celebrated your birthday sa pool. Oo, I want to be alone with you. But I also wanted to remind you that time nga you have friends. I bought a cake. Kay ikaw sigeg padungog-dungog nako nga kakan-unon kag black forest. Gibudget-budget ko lang tawn ako allowance para makapalit ato bahalag perme ko hulman sa akong ante. So, okay na ang tanan.
February 13, gi invite ko ni Mary nga mutan-aw sa ilang fashion show. What’s more exciting also, apil imong ate. Wa ka kabalo unsa ko kalipay adtong adlawa. I get to see your sister on the runway. I hugged you paghatod nimo sa ako. Abot langit akong kalipay ato even though at the back of my mind, birthday sad to ni Philline. But nah, wala rato sa ako. Ang importante nagkaila na sad mo ni Mary and I had a picture with your sister nga dugay na nako gi idolize. Tungod lang kay nakabalo ko nga naa pod syay tumblr. Wala koy kaila nga naggamit ani gud until nakita nako sya. That day di na dayun nako malimtan siya. Dili pa gani ta close friends ato. Before sad ana nga panghitabo diay, nanginvite na si Lea nga mag celebrate ug Valentine’s ila amor. Tapos giignan lang nako daan siya nga, “Dili lang ko musaad kay mag-agad kos plano sa usa (ikaw).“ Siguro assuming lang jd ko noh? Nga we’ll celebrate V-day together, just the two of us. Dili importante nga bongga. Just to spend time with you. And on February 14, nag-agad ko nimo. Gatuo ko manlakaw ta. Maglisod man kog lakaw kung hapon nako mugikan inkaso mudecide ka so ni uban na lang sa ko ila amor. Nagluto si kuya. Lingaw kaayo sila. But ako, perme ra kos naa sa akong phone. Nag-away ta. Wa ko kabalo nganong nasuko ka nako nga okay man ta pagkagahapon. Imo na sang gimention si Anthon. And wa ko kasabot nganong nabalik na sad tang Anthon. Gi-ignan pa ko nimog manggagamit. Manggagamit? In what way tikang gigamit, Chum? Kung nanguwenta ka nako parteg gasto, kabalo jud kang ako pay mu-insist mag tunga ta sa bayrunon kay bisag daghan kag ipon, pareha ra biya ta estudyante. Unsay pasabot nimo manggamit? In terms sa tao? Sukad pagkabata ako pay perme awayon, even in highschool, ang ending ako gatrabaho sa groupwork magsalig sa akoa tanan samot nas bayad. Perme pa ko kasab an nila tatay parte anang dako kaayog gasto sa project. Wa ko kabalo nganong manggagamit nako pag tan aw nimo. Nasuko ka nako nga wa ko kabalo unsay sala nako. Ikaw pa nangaway nako, ako na nuon naay sala. Just like sa first natong away, ingnon nimong naa tay misunderstanding. Ni insist ko nga magkita na lang ta kesa sa chat mag-away pero unsa imo tubag. Excuses na sad telling me wala kay plete kay nagtigom lage ka kay sige na daw kag lakaw. Grbeh noh bisag plete man lang, bisag 20 pesos lang nana kay pang back and forth para ila Amor. Plus ang ending, ako na sad maguilty kay imo gipasanginlan about na sad kay Anthon. Bisag na hit and run na ako manghud ato mas nabalaka pa kos atoang duha. Chum, gaagad ra jd ko perme tug-anan sa tinuod. Tungod kay gibalik nimo na, na recall nasad nako tong una nga away. I asked you again, nganong ni chat ka ni Philline. Abi nako pareha ra imong itubag, pero di diay. You answered, “Pareha man gud mog light.” Chum, di tuod ko dreamgirl type pero gipabati nimo sa akoa nga substitute lang ko ni Philline. Di lang dulot sa heart but dulot sa kinabukugan nako to nga tubag. Wa nako kabalo unsay tuohan nako. But because wa ko nagpadaog sa atong problema, I still accepted you. Bisag gi attempt ko nmo nga makigbuwag, ako na nasakitan ako pa nagmakaawa nga di ta magbuwag. Chum, I’m telling you the truth when I say ‘forgive and forget’ but unsaon nako na pag-implement kung ikaw balik-balik sad ang gibuhat or nana say ipatong nga sakit kaayo nga storya. Beside sa giingnan ko nimo ug “Kung magbuwag ta, okay ra. Kung dili, okay ra pod.” Niingon pa kas ako nga binuang ra tong makigbuwag ka. Unsa na lang diay ko ani, Chum? Pampalipas oras? Di man lang ka maguol mawala ko? After that, na okay ra japun ta. What can I say? I love you.
Gatuo ko okay na, pero dinha na diay magsugod akong doubts. Perme na ta sig away. I don’t know kung wa tika napasaylo or WA LANG GYUD KO NIMO NA RE-ASSURE. Naay kas-a kalit lang ta gaaway. Nalimot nako unsay rason adto or wala lang jud ko kabalo unsay rason just like the usual. Kahilakon kayko naa pa sa skuwelahan daan and I didn’t want to to come home kay di ko gusto magwonder sila sa balay kung naunsa ko. Sa chat na sad ta galalis, niuban lang ko ila rafner ug sa atong classmates para di ko mag inusara. Or para makawifi sad ko para lang makareply sa imo. I requested you nga makigkita para personal ta magstorya pero imong giingon, “Gabie na kaayo, Chum.” Almost 10 pa to. Tinggawas sa studyante. Mao man imo gusto diba. Sa chat ra. Akong kasuko ug kasakit perme ra maipon sa akong mga kamot. Mamugnaw na lang akong tiil ug singot. Wa na gani unta kay plete igasto ato unlike sa before pero wa gihapon. Maayo lang kag musneak sa among balay bisag alas tres sa kadlawon pero kung mag-away ta likay-likayan lang ko nimo. Nabusog na gyudbkag kinaon sa imong gipang ingon sa akoa.
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