#fortnite vindertech
loop-loremaster · 2 years
im typing this while im in the middle of a fortnite match but
I was on Reddit earlier (terrible, I know) and there were two hot posts regarding;
"What's up with those drones that turn you into a bunch of pixels when you die?"
"What are those weird arm things on most skins from Chapter 1 to 2?"
And I thought I'd share the answer with you guys as well! [The two people seated in the audience clap awkwardly.]
(Mainly so I have another excuse to talk about Fortnite lore, and most of this information is referenced/copied from u/All_Skulls_On and the Fortnite Wiki + my private lore doc so I don't have to directly rewrite it ^^)
The drones and arm gear have to do with the original Fortnite story - which was centered around Save the World before they branched to create a Battle Royale.
The premise in STW is that you are a Commander, safe at Homebase, sitting in a control room while hooked up to a Vindertech interface. The little robots; Ray, Lok, Pop, and Kevin are all Vindertech "robot friends" and "assistants". You're sent to assist/control a hero - who is a real person - that is stationed out in the real world fighting the husks/storm. (Apart from when you are required to do a Storm Shield defense, I believe. That's you directly engaging in the mission.)
The hero has a Vindertech module equipped to their right forearm, and since most of the skins in the first chapter came from STW, most of the early outfits have this piece of gear. The module combined with your assistance is what allows for the interface to facilitate building, storing of materials, ammo, weapons, etcetera.
The idea was originally translated to Battle Royale, making the Island's at-first little lore at first seem like a giant war game where Commanders would all battle against each other for training and recreation. The hero, which is you, would be transported to the island by the bot, and then retrieved when defeated or when the game is over.
That was the original lore/premise of the game before what they built upon was scrapped and altered for the Zero Point and the Island that was controlled by the Imagined Order - and anyway, the two game modes were split into two different realities. (BR being Reality Zero, STW residing in a different one.)
In the Save The World reality, Vindertech's original goal was to prevent The Storm from ever happening, but the goal ultimately failed. Leading the little robot, Ray, to take leadership and forming Homebase to rescue Survivors from the Storm. And then Vindertech created the Storm Shield and ATLAS to fight against it the best they could.
But now, the drones are used to transport the Looper in and out of the loop so they can continuously fight, with the arm gear likely to be used just as before; an interface to facilitate building, the storing of materials, ammo, weapons, and so on. And still in STW, the drones are used to "respawn" and pull out your hero in case of emergencies.
RIP the remnants of STW lore in BR, I suppose. 😭
Bonus Fun Fact: V-BUCKS is short for Vindertech-Bucks.
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fortnite-headcanons · 4 months
///Mid-Late game STW Spoilers///
AIME would absolutely be adopted as an honorary Vinderman. Her and Ray would probably bond over their similar circumstances (Female AI assistants whose creators died and the female companion they grew close to ended up sacrificing themselves for the greater good of everybody) and help each other heal from their own personal traumas and issues. Plus, assuming the Seven are alive again since the story was more or less rebooted— they wouldn't even know who she was at this point. So having that found family to rely on would be a lifesaver for her.
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Fortnite Headcanon #127
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distantsonata · 3 months
some of my favorite fortnite skins are locked behind the STW paywall and like I bought the Robot Ray skin and that was like 20 dollars for a skin I'll never use.
the gun girl skin was awesome I loved her but didn't get and now the Vindertech 2.0 skin is pretty goddamned dope but I'm just not gonna drop 20 dollars for a skin and vbucks no thank ya
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primordial-ember · 3 years
The Inconspicuous Rain of Stones
This story contains the following ideas:  -The Primordial Theory (written by myself) -The Android Trio (Oblivion, Criterion, Eon, written by myself) -Fireteam Starforce (written by @askredknight / @star-force-fortnite 
Any references I make are kept to a minimum, out of respect to their respective creators.  I’m not here to force words down anyone's throat nor change their stories to fit my plotline. Should I reference something of yours and you don’t want me to, please let me know so that I can correct and remove it.
The television played on the kitchen counter as a woman prepped a muffin tray. She lived in a simple home, one she had built up since she had moved to this island so long ago.  Ember stood in her kitchen, gently humming to herself as she started to clean the counter while the muffins were baking.  “-And in other news, another brawl between the hero Carbide and the Villain Omega took a turn as a new face entered the scene. It’s unknown who this female accomplice to Omega is, but the public have taken to calling her by the name ‘Oblivion’ While Carbide was able to successfully defeat the duo, he had suffered serious casualties. When our reporters asked for an interview, Star Force leader refused comment. Does this mean a new wave of villainy is rising? Or is this only another step in Omega’s Pla-” Ember turned the channel, frowning. She knew that she was supposed to stay out of mortal affairs, but that didn’t mean she had to agree with how the humans were living. All the more recently, Humans had been given a rise in violence among the islands. Where once peaceful communities stood, death games had been made by the mortals in an attempt to alleviate their boredom. What was even more concerning was the lack of fear they had towards the Storm king and his powers.  The storm king... Ember hadn’t thought of that in a long time.  “The humans deserve nothing from us!”  Vex shouted at Xev, the two always at perpetual odds. Threats of nuclear war were on the horizon as five of the eight stood at the table. Kevin, as the Lord of Order had recently gone by, sat and watched, his crystalline face devoid of emotion while Charon and Ember watched the twins continue to fight.  “If the humans want war, then they should fight on their own! We agreed to never interfere with inferior beings!”  Xev quickly shot back to his brother. “Then what would you have us do?! Watch idly as the humans destroy all that we have created? To see the world you helped make burn in radioactive fire!” 
Then it happened so quickly. The two attacked each other, falling to earth. Landing in Vindertech industries. The explosion... Let alone the screams as the twins died... Ember could still see the fear and pain on their faces.  By the time she had woken up, Kevin was no where to be seen and Charon simply stared at the being that now roamed the earth. Husks attacked everyone as storm creatures dragged humans away screaming in terror. Then she saw him. The Storm King. The ultimate embodiment of uncaring and uncompromising Malice.
She watched, as the world they had created fell to chaos and ruin. 
Ember was brought back to reality when she realized the small trickle of tears rolling down her cheek. She took a calming breath before looking to the television to see reports of strange meteors raining from the sky.  Ember watched, hoping to see one of her fellows, but with no such luck. She sighed, tired before switching the television off.  She sat in her home, quiet and empty; Alone.  It had all been for the greater good... Right?
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Fortnite V-Buck generator
With regards to an iPhone there are likewise a huge number of players of fortnite are there who utilize their IOS framework or cell phone to play this awesome game.
Our Generator for Free Fortnite V Bucks is likewise good with the IOS stage, which means you can likewise utilize our Generator in your iPhone or MAC working framework. Playing this game in IOS Device and furthermore having a boundless measure of V Bucks can give you an astounding knowledge.
You've gone to the perfect spot on my Fortnite site for players searching with the expectation of complimentary V-Bucks. I can guarantee you that there is no better site that has such a compelling Fortnite V-Buck generator as we do. Our generator fortnite v-bucks works with a very high achievement rate and enables you to get up to 10,000 V-Bucks for nothing in a matter of seconds.
I have opened all things through my Fortnite site by means of V-Bucks in Fortnite and now need to assist different vbucks generator players with getting free Fortnite V-Bucks. All you requirement for our Fortnite Hack is a cell phone, a Fortnite record and web get to.
Most ideal approach to get free V-Bucks in Fortnite Battle Royale game. Get our free V-Bucks with the world-class Fortnite swindles. In case you're searching with the expectation of complimentary V-Bucks on my Fortnite site, you've gone to the ideal spot. Brace yourself for what I'm about to tell you, there is no better site for the Fortnite Generator, where you can promptly get free V-Bucks. Our Fortnite Generator has a choice achievement rate, so you can get up to 13,500 V-Bucks in a matter of seconds. On account of my Fortnite site, I've opened all things through V-Bucks in Fortnite and now I'd like to enable different players to get free Fortnite V-Bucks. All you requirement for our Fortnite V-bucks hack is a cell phone or PC, a Fortnite record and Internet get to.
free vbucks generator no human check is the most effortless strategy to get boundless vbucks in fortnite fight royale. Simply watch the video instructional exercise on getting free v-bucks and effectively sidestep the human confirmation step without spending real cash.
One of these is the way that you can buy a Battle Pass with enough V Bucks. This implies actually you can get Fortnite's next bunches of DLC (Downloadable Content) packs and updates for nothing. Another is the capacity to buy Llama Pinatas at the Vindertech Store
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rockaberryx · 6 years
The path of the red outlander
A fortnite stw fanfic following a day in the life of pathfinder Jess before she was recruited by Ray and the commander (this is my first proper fanfic so apologies for any grammar or sentence structure mistakes) enjoy! 😊
It was a dark and stormy night in the streets of Stonewood. In an abandoned pizzeria a young woman with a striking red Mohawk and a blue scarf was searching near the cash registers for some spare parts. This lady is Jess Thomson, a scavenger who was one of the few survivors of the very first husk storm. Before that catastrophic event she was a thief and a talented inventor, something that became very useful during this thunder apocalypse as she scavenged for parts and created deadly robot bears capable of tearing people apart.
As Jess opened the cash register she saw about $20 worth of money. She thought “hey it may not be valuable anymore but someone’s gotta use them!” Jess took the money with pride in her eyes, it reminded of those days where she buys pepperoni pizzas with her dad as a sort of end of week treat when she was a kid. She puts away the money in her flame pattern rucksack and proceeded to move on to the next cash register.
This time it was a single dollar and a whole bunch of bolts, duct tape and a couple of pistol bullets. At first she thought that it was a little odd that someone would leave all this stuff here but she did felt relieved that she could be able to fix her broken pistol. Jess regretted that time she threw her only gun at that one tiny husk because afterwards it was all battered and and fallen apart. She searched all day for something to fix it and now there is some hope, she could be able to do so.
Jess whipped out her handy screwdriver and the pieces of the once whole pistol and began to use all of the pieces from both the cash register and whatever she had in her rucksack and began to work on fixing it. After 18 minutes the pistol became like new, Jess felt proud of this achievement as she put the pistol back in her holster and walked out of the pizzeria.
As she looked outside she noticed that it is time to get back to her personal hideout as night falls and the storm closes in. She began to run as far as her long skalky legs could handle, that is until she heard a man screamed for help. She usually ignores stuff like this but this was the storm we’re talking about!, she can’t leave this dude to die! Jess decided to take a detour and run on the direction of the frightened voice.
She saw an elderly man on top of a car that was surrounded by husks that are closing in on him. She was in a panicked state, she can’t use her pistol or her knife she had around her leg because she had a few bullets left and there where too many of them for her to fight alone. Jess had one option left, she could use her last T.E.D.D.Y fragment charge to save that old man. She threw the fragment ball onto the ground and out pops a big robotic bear with gattling guns for arms. “I. AM. A. BEAR!” Proclaimed the T.E.D.D.Y as it mowed down the horde of husks to protect the older man.
As the dust settles the T.E.D.D.Y disappears and the man approached the red headed woman to thank her. Gleefully he says “you saved me! You saved me! Thank you so much young lady!” Jess replied “Well technically the bot did all the work but thank you”. The man took a moment to study her appearance and focused on the fist like gadget on her hand.
The man pointed and questioned “that thing on your hand, tell me are you an outlander?” She looks at her mechanised fist with a puzzled look “no I’m not an outlander. Wait, what is an outlander anyway?”. The man answered “well they are part of a group who are saving survivors and bringing them to a protective home base. The outlanders specialises in finding resources and building gadgets to help us.”
Jess was really surprised that there are people just like her protecting people from the husks, she used to think that it was just her since there wasn’t a lot of people around Stonewood anymore. She asks “So people, like me?! Where can I find them?!”. The kind old man gave her a coin with a V on it. “This is a Vindertech buck, you know where the homebase is when you see this symbol”. “Um thanks old guy” said Jess.
As she said goodbye and starts to go back to her hideout she stared at the coin some more. As she studies it Jess wondered “are there really scavengers like me who helped save people from the storm?”
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itsryanbradley · 6 years
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Not sure if you know, but a video game called Fortnite is the latest craze at the minute and even I’m hooked on this battle royale game. I’ve even got half the office to play it! I came across some official Fortnite weapon concepts from EPIC games and this axe above caught my eye. Its from the Vindertech pack. So I have made a hard surface model of the Axe and then I have created a low poly version so I can bake the high poly onto the low poly. After I’ve done that I’ll take it into substance Painter. Here are some quick renders of it. Some parts I will have to clean up but quick fixes.
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laughingsquid · 6 years
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Smashing Objects With Fortnite's Vindertech Rocket Hammer in Real Life
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cordie064blog-blog · 5 years
Why isnt my headset working on fortnite
How Fortnite PvE Fans Feel About Battle Royale Taking More than The Game They Like
V-Bucks (quick for VinderTech Bucks) are an in-game currency. Players can seemingly only gift things actively obtainable in the Item Shop, and it is restricted to actual cosmetics. So they cannot gift V-Bucks, Battle Pass Tier bundles, or whole Battle Passes. That limits solutions to outfits, pickaxes, gliders, back bling, and emotes. You acquire experience points and battle stars by surviving longer in game, racking up multiple kills, and finishing weekly and each day challenges. If you attain a new battle pass tier you will see the V-Bucks unlock as quickly as you return from a match.
If youve noticed an provide promising fortnite. By making use of free v bucks you can unlock new cosmetic skins for your glider choose axe and outfits. This site is for everybody who loves to play fortnite or is eager to join the bandwagon sometime soon. Along with it is a new Fortnite Battle Pass as a gateway to new Season 10 skins - provided you then put in the time and effort to then unlock them, of course.
You have to give the Fortnite developers credit for continuing to add creative new modes to the game. Coming in the v5.40 update anticipated to commence rolling out tomorrow, players will be able to check out a new game mode, "Higher Stakes". V-Bucks can be employed to invest in Loot Llamas in Save the Globe PvE. Llamas award you with heroes, defenders, survivors and schematics to craft weapons and traps. It is advisable to save your V-Bucks for Super Llamas and Legendary Troll Llamas which are pricey but grant more products, and may perhaps even guarantee legendaries.
1. The initial and the most clear way is purchasing your V-bucks making use of actual cash, your really hard-earned money. This is the easiest and the least time-consuming way, of course. The rates variety from $10 for 1000 V-Bucks to $one hundred for 10000 V-Bucks. The initial way, that you should be already performing to earn V-Bucks, is by logging into Save the World mode each and every day.
Play to level up your Battle Pass, unlocking more than one hundred rewards worth more than 25,000 V-Bucks (Generally takes 75 to 150 hours of play). The official Twitter account for Fortnite posted: We're aware some players are receiving an error message when attempting to purchase Vbucks or their delivery is delayed. A new Battle Bundle is also getting released, contain a Battle Pass + 25 Tiers (2800 V-Bucks).
T.E.D.D.Y has had his voice module upgraded and will now correctly pronounce Fortnite when analyzing player reports. On somе days or ocasions, Epic Games gives away V-Bucks for thеir playеrs. Somеtimеs thеy givе away rеally Enormous amounts. To get V-Bucks, you just havе to log in to your Fortnite gamе account at thе right momеnt. Playing Fortnite wearing precisely the very same garb as absolutely everyone else isn't going to impact your functionality at all, but let's be honest - it also incredibly a great deal does. It is hard not to really feel somewhat jealous of that other player who's dressed like an anthropomorphic tomato, or looks prepared to hit the disco.
Side quests are an additional set of quests that can be completed to earn V-. Bucks. Not all minor quests will bring V-Bucks, but these who do can bring you up to 150 V-Bucks. To support you get a superior commence on the game, you will get V-Bucks in the initially couple of missions. 30 new tiers have been added to the Fortnite Season three Battle Pass, which is 30 a lot more than incorporated in Season two.
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Just under we've broken down all of the solutions for acquiring no cost V-Bucks that are at present readily available to the playerbase. Criminals are applying Fortnite's in-game currency, V-Bucks, to launder money, British on the web newspaper The Independent reports. Epic Games does not seem to clamp down in any critical way on criminal activity surrounding Fortnite, money laundering or otherwise,” Mr Preminger stated.
The final-man-standing on-line shooter (modeled immediately after PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds ) was grafted onto Fortnite in September 2017. It immediately blew up as a totally free-to-play game on PS4, Xbox One particular and Computer and now it's a lot more common than ever. V bucks is the most important currency utilized in fortnite battle royale. Unlock save the planet or play battle royaleedit the only two methods to earn v bucks without. Events have granted free legendaries as properly as a lot of v bucks when completed.
It is unclear how a great deal profit criminals had been capable to make through cash laundering, though Sixgill found that Fortnite products grossed additional than $250,000 on eBay in a 60 day period final year. Fortnite is offered on all main gaming platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Computer, and even Mac. You are nevertheless having the same game no matter exactly where you play it, but there are a couple of variables to take into account.
Trevor Pascarelli requires your support with Add Save The Globe to Nintendo Switch Version of Fortnite”. Join Trevor and 4,869 supporters now. Fortnite Season 6 is now effectively underway, so here's a look at all the skins that'll become unlockable when you obtain the Battle Pass. 1. Never Play Every single Fortnite. Play Each and every Day. This is a nice compromise for people who like the gameplay benefits that redeploying your glider offers, though nonetheless helping to even the playing field for players who aren't as skilled. You are going to will need to be on Fortnite v7.20 to see the modifications.
All the things you have to have to know about Fortnite's time travelling new season. For Fortnite, generating vbucks fornite we advocate Android eight. or later. Android 8. and later substantially improves the stability and performance of Fortnite and other games. With earlier versions of Android OS you will encounter important efficiency problems. Epic today announced the return of glider redeploy in Fortnite, a gameplay mechanic that permits you to use your glider to fall safely when jumping from high platforms. The feature was temporarily removed from the game as Epic looked to balance it.
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Fortnite Inside The Vortex Cool How To Outsmart Your Peers On Website When You Talk To Strangers
Fortnite Update 6.02 - Patch Notes with Quad Rocket Launcher and Disco Manner
With Update 6.02 the already declared sport method Disco Dominance is produced. A fresh rocket launcher tends to make brief work of properties.
HOW TO GET V BUCKS IN FORTNITE BATTLE ROYALE-What is local multiplayer game
Update six.02 is here and extended
a strong new weapon as well as a domination video game method with methods. We summarize The most crucial improvements, on site two you will discover the entire German patch notes.
Time restricted match manner: disco dominance
A few days in the past, Epic Online games
Now he has identified his way to Fortnite. In disco dominance, two teams of fifty players Every compete versus one another. Assuming that the storm isn't going to shift, five dance flooring appear around the island. You're taking them by dancing there - not amazingly. Prior to that, nevertheless, you need to get rid of enemy players.
The greater players dance concurrently, the speedier you may seize the zone. The very first workforce to entirely fill its bar wins. As a way to keep a match fascinating until eventually the top, Here are a few special rules later on in the sport.
On the just one hand you're taking dance flooring faster toward the tip of a match. On the other hand, you only respaw until eventually the third eye of the storm - in the event you bless the time following that, you are out. By the way, You cannot Construct on dance floors, however you can Make around them.
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V BUCKS FOR FREE-How fortnite get popular
New Weapon: Quad Rocket Launcher
Rocket launchers are effective weapons for tearing down enemy buildings in an instant or knocking out gamers devoid of cover with the explosion. However, it'll choose you a while to reload after a shot. The brand new quad rocket can you earn v bucks fortnite launcher bypasses this weakness by firing 4 rockets in the row prior to recharging.
The Quadlauncher emerges in epic and legendary form which is found in treasure chests, provides, and vending devices. In his epic Model he deals eighty destruction points, in his legendary a single even eighty four. The explosion radius is 300 units Just about every.
From the video it is possible to see how the quad rocket launcher helps make brief work of properties. Particularly in the endgame the weapon could dominate the game.
Preserve the entire world: Edelwerfer
In spite of its noble title, the Edelwerfer is really a brutal weapon. With it you shoot an Electrical power beam which pierces many shells. The longer you charge the gun, the bigger the beam gets.
In addition, the Vindertech shredder shotgun returns to Rette die Welt, which you'll be able to discover while in the weekly store just like the Edelwerfer. The shotgun shoots an explosive plasma ball.
Battle Royale
Short-term method: disco dominance
It is time for the ultimate dance duel. Dance flooring have appeared all over Struggle Royale Island. Conquer them by driving away all of your enemies after which you can dancing right until a disco ball rises from the ground. The team that fills its ladder the swiftest by conquering and defending the dance flooring wins the match!
Two groups of fifty players Every.
Respawning is activated right up until the 3rd (very last) eye of the storm.
Any time the storm will not go, five dance flooring show up to the map.
By using emotes on the dance ground as long as there isn't any opponents close by, the disco ball in the middle of the dance floor is lifted and brought on your workforce.
The greater allied gamers swing the leg, the quicker It's going to be captured.
Once a dance floor has been captured, the staff's "dance bar" about the HUD fills until finally an enemy stands on the dance floor or The existing storm timer expires and also the storm starts to move. The primary crew to fill the dance bar one hundred% wins the match.
The dance flooring in afterwards phases from the match fill the bar more rapidly. So Will not hand over if your workforce falls powering when!
It really is not possible to create on or earlier mentioned dance flooring, but they can be surrounded and guarded by a fortress.
Gliders can not be opened once again Within this method. Push Jump while falling to make use of your glider yet again.
The level of loot and methods is the same as in "50 compared to fifty" mode.
Weapons and Goods
quadruple projector
Fires nearly four missiles in rapid succession. Readily available in epic and famous variations. 80/eighty four fundamental damage per rocket. three hundred models explosion radius. Can be found in treasure chests and in inventory deliveries in addition to bought from vending machines.
The pocket castle is again in the sport and are available as booty.
Pocket castle availability continues to be decreased from two.43% to 1.83%.
Adjustments of loot chances
Chance of common pistol lowered from five.eight% to five.forty seven
Possibility of epic repeating sniper rifle amplified from 0.33% to 0.42%.
Prospect of rare semi-computerized sniffing
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nulledscripts5 · 6 years
INSANE Fortnite Birthday LLAMA OPENING! – I GOT THE SKULL TROOPER In Fortnite Save The World!
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Today it’s Fortnites Birthday! so they have given us the chance to get rare items that you will never be able to get once this event has ended. you can get the skull trooper, scavenger, vindertech and lots more schematics! Watch the video to find out exactly what I get! I hope you enjoy!! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ SOCIAL MEDIA!
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from https://battleroyalefortnite.club/insane-fortnite-birthday-llama-opening-i-got-the-skull-trooper-in-fortnite-save-the-world/
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daefixockd-blog · 7 years
Fortnite añade granadas de humo y armas Vindertech en su nueva actualización
  Epic Games ha lanzado una nueva actualización para Fornite que introduce varias novedades al título. Por un lado tenemos las granadas de humo, las cuales tendrán un papel fundamental en el modo Battle Royale proporcionando cobertura a la línea de visión.     En segundo lugar, se han introducido nueve nuevas armas Vindertech que podéis ver a continuación:   Y finalmente, siendo la actualización…
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fortnite-headcanons · 18 days
Out of all the Vindertech bots, Pop is the tallest at 7'0, and Kevin is the shortest at 4'7. In spite of being one of the youngest robots, Pop will not hesitate to pick and hold up Kevin if he tries to fight anyone at Homebase. This is absolutely a common occurrence.
And for visual reference of what the hell that would look like, have this.
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((To whoever is running this blog, I hope this can give you a quick laugh. You're doing great and it's always awesome to see someone like you in the community. 🩷))
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Fortnite Headcanon #389
Thanks :) I really appreciate it!
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Fortnite Free V Bucks Generator no Human Verification for Ios, Xbox, Ps4, Pc 2019 Upgrade
Fortnite, Battle Royal, has a cult following on the schoolyard and is a  lot of fun to both play and watch. This makes it a great game for teens  and their buddies. It’s possible to team up with friends to complete  missions as a duo or squad of players.
Fortnite V Bucks is short for Fortnite Vindertech Bucks and is an  in-game currency used for purchasing items from the in-game Vindertech  Store.
This immediately adds a social  element to the game and gamers alike can chat through it using their  headsets and microphones. Many kids nowadays are creating Fortnite teams  and spend time practicing and playing the game together.
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saoqfikeajci · 5 years
FORTNITE SAVE THE WORLD | Spectrolite, Moonglow, Rainbow, Vindertech, Honey LOT https://t.co/7kwHipImvo
FORTNITE SAVE THE WORLD | Spectrolite, Moonglow, Rainbow, Vindertech, Honey LOT https://t.co/7kwHipImvo
— Saoqfi.Keajci (@keajci) February 1, 2019
via http://twitter.com/keajci/status/1091130126174220288 from Twitter https://twitter.com/keajci
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