#footprints of the traveler
genshinmp3 · 2 years
Beneath the Light of Jadeite from Footprints of the Traveler Yu-Peng Chen, Dimeng Yuan, HOYO-MiX
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viagginterstellari · 5 months
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Tracks - Wahiba Sands, 2019
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female-buckets · 2 years
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life-spire · 3 months
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becca-e-barnes · 2 years
literally every day i think about a free use situation with dbf bucky 🥲 doing the dishes and having him come up behind you, pull your skirt up and panties down, and just take you there immediately bc he knows you’re always wet and ready for him
I've always thought free use sounds like a lot of fun, I gotta say 😏
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And I like the thought of him getting himself all worked up but he knows he can't have you right away. Maybe you have some guests over and even though you've happily been in a free use arrangement, he's got to have a little self-restraint.
He'd be just sitting at the kitchen counter, overhearing the others engage in some polite conversation but he's not really listening. Instead, he's watching how you're just absentmindedly clearing up, slipping dishes into the dishwasher, putting utensils in the sink and wiping down the kitchen counters after dinner.
The hem of your dress comes to just above your knees and he finds he just can't stop staring at your bare legs. He's trailed his lips and tongue up your legs so many times, over the sensitive, slightly ticklish spot at the back of your knee, on his way to a part of your body he wants to kiss so much more.
He can't help himself. He needs you and he knows you'll gladly take him. He just needs all these people to leave first although a little part of him considers getting started with everyone else watching. Particularly Ari. He gets awfully flirty with you but Bucky almost thinks that Ari would probably join, rather than back off. That might not be the worst idea.
As soon as the kitchen clears though, he's on you, his lips on your neck, one hand squeezing your breast, the other holding your hip. "I'm sorry baby, I can't wait." He groans, letting the hand on your hip trail down your thigh, pulling your dress up.
"You don't need to wait. Just be quick." You tease, smiling to yourself at the tiny groan he breathes against your shoulder. He loves knowing he can just take you; that you want him to use you whenever he needs to and he's just as receptive to you when you want him.
"Fuck, you're a dream come true." He whispers, pressing two of his fingers into your hot mouth while he undoes his belt with the other hand. "Get them wet for me, sweetheart."
You suck on them for a few seconds, swirling your tongue around his fingers before they're removed from your mouth. Your panties are pushed to the side, his wet fingertips teasing your entrance before pressing in because despite your rapidly building arousal, you wouldn't have been slick enough to take him without some extra help.
"That's it. Good girl. You're always ready for me in no time, aren't you? You take me whenever I want." He bends you forward slightly for easier access before rubbing the tip of his cock against your soft core.
You stifle a quiet sob, feeling him begin to press inside you. It's not quite the perfect glide he's used to but it's still more than comfortable. "Rub yourself. Get nice and wet for me." He growls in your ear and you can't disobey an order like that. Your own hand slips between your thighs, rubbing your sensitive clit quickly and it doesn't take long for your body to respond.
"Good girl. All wet and messy for me. Shit, you were made for this, weren't you? You were made to be bent over and fucked whenever I want. Hope you know I'm taking your panties. I don't care who sees my cum running down your legs." Something in you loves the thought of that and he knows it. The thought of having to keep your legs crossed to stop his release from dripping. The thought of everyone realising you're not quite as wholesome as they might have thought.
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thethinkingman · 10 months
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Here’s another piece of equipment I moved for a different solar project. This one went from central NC to eastern VA. This was the first of many pieces of equipment that’ll be moved for this project. The carbon footprint created to clear the land, before they can even start building, is pretty impressive.
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c6jpg · 1 year
Parade of Providence from the Version 3.6 Preview Page HOYO-MiX
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comicdiaries · 10 months
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I'll share some of my notes this week on Instagram!
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oldscratches · 2 months
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Easter Aquhorthies, 2016
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Media I Experienced In 2022 That I'm Thankful For
It's certainly been a big year in a lot of ways, and everybody makes sure that everyone else knows that, mostly through top lists and favorites and stuff like that. But I'm not good with favorites or Top 10s and the like, so I prefer to do things a little different. I want to take a look back at the year and look over the animanga that I was really thankful to have experienced this year. Fair warning, there's a lot of reading to do, sorry!
Jujustu Kaisen 0
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I remember this movie clear as day, come hell or high water I was watching it. It was a cool spring afternoon, I had to reschedule some meetings with professors and even skipped a class so I could drive 20 minutes to go to a theater that was showing it, and I even left early. Of course my luck, a huge traffic accident happened on the highway so there was a massive delay. Do I stick it out or fly down the back roads hoping to make it? Without somehow getting a speeding ticket I made it to my seat in the theater right when the movie started. It was incredible, beautiful even. King Gnu's song for the end credits sticking in my mind even as I went to peruse the bookstore next door with everyone else that watched the movie. Certainly something I'll remember for a very long time.
Heike Monogatari
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Initially, I don't even remember if I was going to check this one out, I only really ended up watching it because a mutual name dropped it saying I would like it. They were absolutely on the money. Such an emotional and modern approach to a traditional and incredibly classic story, Science Saru really outdid themselves. Whenever I think of this show, I think of the prayer to the fallen that ends the series. It's just so incredibly beautiful, it's hard not to get emotional when watching/listening to it each time, or reminiscing over the series in general.
⚠️Warning: Video Contains Spoilers From End of Series⚠️
Sasaki and Miyano
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What a lovely slow burn romance this was. I don't think I really had any sort of expectations for it, but once I got into it, I fell in love. The characters are all so unique and varied, and they work wonders in tackling the endless angles of same-sex romance, both from a personal and exterior perspective. It just sort of opened my eyes to the genre. I never had much experience with BL beforehand, and it doesn't really have the best connotation within the community, but this does wonders to change your mind. It's so fresh, and open, it gives you an entirely new perspective that Rom-Com watchers most likely do not have. Just a lovely approach that compliments the romance and comedy wonderfully.
Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie
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I was feeling very burnt by My Dress Up Darling's approach to a rom-com in the Winter season, so I was originally loathing Shikimori for how "popular" it'd become because of Shikimori. Morbid curiosity deemed that I at least check out a little bit of it and I was stunned. Everything that I despised of Dress Up Darling was rectified here. Warm and positive relationships, more than just the main characters, actual romance and development, hurdles, challenges, the triumph of youthful optimism. It's an incredible blueprint for a post-get together rom com. Izumi and Shikmori aren't just lovey-dovey, they don't get focused on alone, the romance has its challenges and steps forward. It was a shock, I really was shocked. And now I have all the volumes out in English on my shelf. It restored faith in the "traditional" rom com, it was such a breath of fresh air in a very much bogged down genre.
Shadows House Season 2
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This was more so awe. They changed up the ending for S1 in case it didn't get greenlit for a second season, and they kept expectations for it very low. I was stunned when they announced the second season, and was so incredibly excited to get it in Summer of this year. So more than thankful for what Shadows House itself did (though it's an outstanding mystery series), I'm much more thankful that it got its second season (and I'm hopeful of a third!).
Call of The Night
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Yeah, I might be pretty critical on the adaptation for stuff like voice actors, its average creative output, and how much important content it skips, but I'm still thankful for it alongside the manga this year. Some truly incredible character moments in the manga in regards to Ko's development and emotions. It's a beautiful series that takes a look at love and life from an entirely different angle than the norm, and I have to be thankful with the anime encouraging so many people to pick up the manga. And as always, if you want an idea of what the series is like? Listen/look at the lyrics for the song by Creepy Nuts where Call of The Night gets its name from.
Akiba Maid War
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The dark horse of the season, if not the year for me. An Uramichi Oniisan experience, where I saw it and thought, "Well, what's the harm in checking it out?", before being blown away by comedy, action, and camp in equal parts. It's a stellar tale of creativity and passion run wild that results in a compelling and helplessly engaging series that feels criminally underappreciated by the community for what it does. Anime Originals have been really rough, but this Fall 2022 season has given me so much faith via stories like this, or DIY!!. Just a moment of restored faith in the creative process outside big names and big productions, a reminder that creativity is still capable of appearing from anywhere and that it doesn't take a hail mary to get surprisingly good series.
Bocchi The Rock
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I mean, is this any surprise? Bocchi The Rock quite literally rocked the world of viewer's. It quietly appeared to be scheduled for the season, and after that first episode finished, it was pandemonium. Bocchisweep has trended on platforms like Twitter several times over, and it even toppled the most anticipated anime of the season (and perhaps even year) in overall rating (8.85 for Bocchi and 8.82 for CSM at the time of writing this). It's a beacon of hope to the measure of creativity and freedom in the medium, and for that I'm ridiculously thankful for what it came in and did in 12 episodes flat.
Our Not-So-Lonely Planet Travel Guide
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I was getting very tired of the traditional lens of romance and rom coms at the start of this year, so finding this manga alongside Sasaki and Miyano was really a blessing. Adult characters, a mature look at romance, and worldwide travel? It was really great catching up with the 2 volumes currently released (Vol 3 in 2023!), and it brought forward some great thoughts and approaches to LGBTQ+ romance through its main and supporting characters. Plus? It made full use of the locale to sell the story aspect and even inject some beautiful value about the wonders that the world and its people have to offer. Easy recommend to anyone looking for a nice take on romance that doesn't feel inherently gimmicky.
Nightfall Travelers Leave Only Footprints
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You might be thinking, "wow, that's a pretty cover", and you'd be right.... but also wrong. The actual art of the manga is even prettier. It's stunning. It's so unique and incredibly creative.
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I'm very much an impulse buyer with manga, and this ended up being one of those volumes. I saw the art and a brief synopsis, and as weird as it sounds, it was love at first sight. The concept was wonderful, discovering the beauty in horror and deepening an emotional and curious bond. It really is a one of a kind story, and along other very niche and off-color series like Sheeply Horned Witch Romi, is a reminder of the awe-inspiring work that waits patiently to be discovered still.
Everybody always says, "Oh this is gonna be the best year for manga! X is going to give us the greatest chapters of the series and this new (and often times generic) series Y is finally dropping!". In a way, they're not wrong, but I feel like it's a misconstrued reason for their hype. Comparison. Everything is compared to something, everything has a sibling that everyone wants it to perform better than, an author that has to one-up their previous work in every way. It's suffocating, especially with the incredible desire for people to rank and compare things in the first place. The reason each successive year is "going to be better" isn't because of some objective reason, it's because of everybody's perception of it. It's another year that you get to immerse yourself in the hobby and medium, another year that you get to set out and discover new series, new authors, new approaches and genres. It's another year of falling in love with all sorts of things. And I remain incredibly thankful for that opportunity. For all the weird and wacky series that I get to place on my shelf year after year, all the new and unique authors that become staple of my collection, the new genres and expanses that continually widen my horizons.
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genshinmp3 · 2 years
All That Glitters from Footprints of the Traveler Yu-Peng Chen, Dimeng Yuan, Jiade He, HOYO-MiX
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rankpinnacle · 1 month
Explore the captivating blog, 'Wander Wisely: A Guide to Sustainable Travel and Responsible Tourism,' on Toprankings.in. Written by an experienced freelance blogger, this insightful guide delves into eco-friendly travel tips and practices that minimize environmental impact. From sustainable lodging to reducing carbon footprints, the blog offers a comprehensive look at responsible tourism. With practical solutions and engaging anecdotes, this blog stands out as a valuable resource for travellers aiming to make a positive impact. Discover how to wander wisely and contribute to sustainable tourism by reading the full blog here. if you are a blogger and want to share your insights. Share your blog on free submission blog site toprankings.in
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford became the first celebrities to leave their footprints in concrete at Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood on April 30, 1927.
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life-spire · 1 year
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@ dronelencoismaranhenses
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uptonil · 1 month
i always think I can't hate amanda palmer more than I already do, and then she comments on tswift's latest album positively (even tho it's obvious she's lying and really has nothing good to say about it) just because she knows that talking about her will create engagement on social media. how fucking low can you even get woman.
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maddi--paige · 2 months
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a throwback a few weeks ago to when i landed in gag city 📍
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