#fnaf would be on here but I wouldn’t really call it a special interest
sapphymayeyeplease · 10 months
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
30 asks! :0000 Mostly Mario stuff :}
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My hopes were dropped even lower tbh
Hot take, but I don’t like the personality they’ve given Peach. She just feels like a cookie cutter tough woman character that you see in like every movie now a days. It feels like they didn’t put any heart into her. They just made her a tough woman lead and called it a day. She’s more than that you guys common!
Peach is already full of personality, why change her? She’s sassy, she’s classy, she’s emotional, she’s unique. Why changer her? Why make her dress up in armor wielding an axe to go fight Bowser? That’s not what she’s like, If anything she’d strut out there in her dress and all to go fight Bowser.
Here’s an idea you guys, keep Peach the way she is in canon. Why? Because that’s the personality she’s had for years. It would also make her much more interesting in the movie. And get this! We already love canon Peach.
Aside from that. I wasn’t a fan of the whole go-cart thing, it felt out of place for what the rest of the trailer looked like. But idk maybe it makes sense in the movie. Jeez, there’s a lot about these trailers that I don’t like-
BUT, I can say that I LOVE what they seem to be doing with Mario and Luigi. Mario reaching out and grasping Luigi’s hand, that whole scene makes me think that we might get some brotherly moments between the bros. Which I am all for!
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Like if you drew my version of Donkey Kong. Where he’s big and red with long fur, or drew the designs I made for Peach and Daisy’s dress’s, that wouldn’t be so cash money. 
I wouldn’t be happy if someone drew fanart of something I designed basically. Which includes my Mario AU..
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The things I had in mind was if Mario and Luigi are in a public place, Mario would try to keep people from interacting with Luigi. Like, if someone tried to talk to them, Mario would step forward and do all the talking and answer questions on Luigi’s behalf. 
If Luigi just needs some time away from all the noise. Mario will find a way to get him out of there, even if it means he needs to cause a scene to allow Luigi to escape unnoticed.
Sometimes though that doesn’t Work. Sometimes Luigi cant get away or his anxiety just keeps rising.. if that happens Mario will discreetly hold his hand, and squeeze it tightly. Just knowing that Mario is there usually keeps him calm enough that they can wait out the stressful situation and get away.
Now when they’re in private? Luigi’s anxiety is a lot easier to deal with.
Mario can openly hold Luigi’s hand and comfort him without any risk of judgmental stares. Mario can talk to him in what ever language he wants because no one can hear them. Usually Luigi just parks somewhere on like a couch or a bed, gets some water and they ride the out anxiety together.
Heh, and here Mario thinks he’s not the best brother he can be, smh.
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Oh I’m sorry, buuuuuut Peach cant use Power-ups in this AU. So no cat Peach this time.. 😅
Also I don’t know anything about Cappy or his species, so he has not been added to my AU...
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aaaaa, they cannot use Power-ups either! In my AU only humans can use powerups. Peach and Daisy are not human, and obviously neither are the Toads-
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I think if the poison Mushroom was a thing, it wouldn’t be a Power-up or anything special. Just these bright toxic Mushrooms that make anyone who eat it very sick..
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I have played none of those games, and thus am unfamiliar with the villains and did not add them to my AU..😅
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XD I love drawing sad brothers what can I say?
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mmmmno, not really :/ I’m still trying to fix my FNAF AU and save my energy for those long comics.
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I’m not familiar with that.. Power-up..? I didn’t know it existed and thus, didn’t add it to my AU..
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I have some ideas in mind for those actually! Although they’re not super ironed out..
The Shy guys might be this spooky tribe in the woods somewhere. They don’t work for Bowser, they just kind’a do their own thing. And I imagined that they’d be cursed, or at the very least people fear them because of all the horrors and death that seem to follow them..
The chain chomps were supposed to be giant hunks of metal, that Kamek used his powers to cast a curse on. This curse brought them to life. The curse of hunger.
The Piranha plants are supposed to be just a rather dangerous species of plant that live all over the place. But Bowser feeds the ones that grow near his kingdom. Thus making them bigger.. and bigger... and bigger. Until their roots are strong enough that they can relocate themselves where ever they want..
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Aw, thank you! :D
Also, my only tips is to use references of the real deal. Because I myself also struggle with the Koopalings/Bowser and have to heavily reference in order to get them to look right 😭
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Uhg, that’s frustrating as always. 
Report them if you can, comment that its stolen if you’d like, thanks for letting me know.
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They are all Bowsers blood children in my AU. And they have no role in his army or anything like that.
My idea is that there is a hidden home/castle somewhere on Bowsers land that is guarded heavily by Blue shelled Para troopas. In this home is where his kids, Kamek and Kammy all reside. Where they are kept hidden and safe from anything or anyone that might try to harm them.
I don’t have any plans for them in this AU, although they do exist!
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XDDD Norton is trying to protect you from the angst-
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I’m not familiar with any of the Mario Galaxy Power-ups.. But! Rosalina does exist in my AU! Although the story of her game does not take place. :(
I actually have some sketches in my folders of her that I should get around to drawing sometime.. 🤔
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Daisy and Peach think the Boos are little pests. They cant actually really hurt anyone, but they love to sneak into their kingdoms and scare their civilians. Super annoying 🙄
As for if you’re not scared of them, they might be offended or upset. In which King Boo well.. he doesn’t like people makin his Boos upsetti spaghetti
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XD If you tried to hug them or befriend them, I imagine King Boo would be suspicious of you and keep you at arms length. Or just trap you in a painting-
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I imagine the Toads know of the Mega mushrooms and can tell them apart from regular trees.. but I doubt they would have a way to move the wild ones since they don’t have Yoshi’s anymore. So they probably have a garden of Mega Mushrooms somewhere in the kingdom just waiting to be tested on.
Buuuuut, they were saving those for another day. Assuming just by size alone, that they weren’t safe to test within Kingdom grounds.
That’s when Mario and Luigi would stumble upon one in the woods without knowing what it is and.. I think you know the rest XD
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Aw, thank you! Also yes! ✊ Another follower dragged into the Mario fandom by my works XDD
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Some of the Boo might be offended to an extent. Like what, we’re not scary to you? Huh? Why aren't you scare of us??
But also some of them might be flustered or surprised. If someone came in and just gushed about how cool they were, they might be inclined to show off a bit. Maybe try to make even scarier faces to look cool.
All in all, I think they’d spare you, and let you leave the Mansion unharmed out of flattery.
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hmmmmm not necessarily..
While yes he would have a fever, which would make them think this is just an illness.. 
Mario’s skin would also begin to burn and fry. Like a sunburn that keeps on burning and burning.. His hair would be singed and start falling out, he would light fire to anything he touches..
Yeah, I think they’d know <XD ...
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Ah, unfortunately Mario only gets his Tanooki abilities when he consumes the Tanooki leaf Power-up. And the form he gets is 100% the animal form. He cannot change it to be anything else.
Without the Power-up in his system, he’s just good ol Mario :/ he doesn’t get the privilege of having just the tail and ears at any point XD
(And also, if you spelled it right- yes and no. The real world animal, Tanuki, is how you spelled it. But for some reason Nintendo spelt the Power-up as “Tanooki”??)
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Either they throw so many fire/ice balls that they eventually just, use up all the flowers power..
Or, they take a huge blow of physical damage, and the fire/ice flower consumes all of its remaining energy trying to protect them from the hit.
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Yeah, it was pretty rough. There were two whole days where Mario was too cold to really do anything other then sleep. And even after he warmed up.. he was too exhausted to move, so he just kept sleeping.
As for the toads.. I think Toadsworth would have been pretty upset at the scientists. And he would tell them that they needed to pace their research better as to not overwork Mario.
He also probably wanted to be present for more of the testing. To insure their hero’s were being given proper treatment. You know, he wanted them to be treated like hero's who were graciously offering their bodies for scientific study. Not guinea pigs.
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I don’t actually know anything about the paper Mario games.. and I didn't have intentions to bring any characters from the spin off games into the AU. Excluding well known spin off characters like Waluigi and Wario of course,
Basically, I don’t know anything about Mr L. And considering if from the paper Mario series.. he might not have a place in the AU..
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I haven’t actually thought that part out yet. And I’m not sure I’ll ever find an explanation.. its as much of a mystery to me as it is to the characters I guess haha <XD ... 
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Well thbnk you for sayinh kind things about me and my art which make me wanna make moraaaaa
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Aw! I’m so glad I inspired you! And these plush toys are awesome! Keep it up! :D
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
So....it looks like Poppy Playtime is getting a movie. And yes, this is legit and not a joke. https://twitter.com/mobgamesstudios/status/1519416447923073024?s=21&t=C-Sj7q-0X2jJ63aeCLyIXw
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So for those who don’t know or aren’t apart of the “horror game” squad, Poppy Playtime is an indie horror game created by a company called “MOB Games”. The story centers around an unnamed protagonist investigating a mystery in an abandoned toy factory. As the player, you roam around the factory and collect VHS tapes to solve the mystery of what happened. So yeah, most people would probably call this a wannabe fnaf game but it IS sort of popular, even one of my favorite YouTuber’s have played it as well as a bunch of others. The game currently has its first chapter out available to play, with Chapter 2 in development and probably coming out soon.
Now despite this being your average basic horror game go brr situation, MOST people seem to well....not like it. Some people think the effects and direction of the game is lazy and difficult, some people think this game is a fnaf ripoff, others don’t like it simply because they’re not interested, but most IMPORTANTLY, it turns out that MOB Games actually has a CONTROVERSY behind it, hence why most people react to this project as a whole with an eye roller. Now...I have to admit now that I’m not entirely sure what the controversy is, other than I HEARD the creators behind this company are jerkasses who have copied other people’s stuff, milk their project, and haven’t treated their employees the best. There’s nothing else I can really say on this subject other than go look it up on YouTube, there are a few videos deep diving into the past of this company. But I don’t really care enough to talk about that, I mean I think the game itself is fine and I’m interested to see where the story goes, and I couldn’t give less of a shit about who the creators are lol, I’m just here to talk about this movie announcement.
So......yeah no surprise this is WAAAAAAAAYYY too early. I mean what are these people thinking? Chapter freaking 2 of the game ISN’T even out yet, they haven’t even tested the waters long enough to see if people like this game as a whole and want to see more so it’s WARRANTED of a movie. I think it’s clear that they’re in it for the money and want to milk this project as MUCH as they can, I mean this is just so BIZARRE it’s hilarious and I wouldn’t be surprised if this decision is going to bite them in the ass at one point. But....”you do you” I guess. As for the game, yeah I’ll still watch gameplays once chapter 2 comes out, I wouldn’t call this game anything special but at least it has my attention, I’m a sucker for this kinda stuff so yeah. Hope these people know what they’re doing.
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theunlimitedskye · 4 years
This is your reminder and a nice lesson on how to be a decent fucking human being in fandoms.
Guess what?
Just because you don't like or don't agree with something doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it.
Just because you're indifferent or uninterested in something doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to see the good things about those subjects or like certain aspects without actually knowing about the subject.
You're allowed to like things. You're allowed to dislike things. It's when you get aggressive and nasty about is when people begin to have negative opinions on you, and by association, the thing you are offending or defending.
I've had so many people who tell me I'm not allowed to like something without knowing it. I've had so many people come to me and tell me that I'm wrong for liking the things that I do. Does liking South Park make me a racist homophobe? Does drawing PewDiePie make me anti-Semitic? Does mentioning a vague interest in Hazbin Hotel without even being in the fandom automatically make me have an interest in pedophilia? According to some of the anons I've had in the past, it does.
But, hey, newsflash guys, I'M ALLOWED TO LIKE THINGS and SO ARE YOU.
I have plenty of shit that I don't like, but do you see me shitting on everyone? Fuck no. That'd make me a dick, and while I am a dick, I certainly don't want to be one when it comes to other people and what they like. Who the FUCK gave you any right to tell me that I can't like something? Who the FUCK gave you any right to tell ANYONE they can't like something?
If you like something, then you fucking like it! You don't deserve to be judged unless the thing you like is morally or legally wrong. If you like a ship or a fandom or a character then that's fucking fine!! Nobody is allowed to tell you what you can and can't like in these instances. If it makes you happy then it makes you happy! You only deserve to be judged, again, if what you enjoy is wrong by society's standards. Not by the standards of some random chucklefuck on Tumblr.
Another thing. If you're uninterested in or indifferent towards something then that doesn't mean you get to shit on the people who DO like those things. In bird culture, that is considered a dick move. People are allowed to like or dislike things, and if you disagree with their opinions then that's just too fucking bad. You don't get to tell people what they're allowed or not allowed to like, or what they should and shouldn't like. I can give SO many examples of this from my own personal experiences and the fandoms that I'm in, and fandoms that I'm NOT in as well.
Take, for example, the lack of fandoms I've been in. Never have I ever been interested in things like FNAF, BATIM, Undertale or Homestuck. I've never been interested, I've never cared to be interested, and I don't think I ever will be interested. Do I dislike these franchises and fandoms? Do I have some personal vendetta against them or their communities as a whole? No. I'm just uninterested. I'm indifferent. Nothing more.
Now, does being uninterested and uninvolved mean that I can't see the good in these fandoms and projects? Hell no!! They all have immensely unique plotlines from what I've seen, and are each special in their own way. The gaming mechanics that came with FNAF and Undertale are distinguishable and wonderful and should really be considered their own genres, a clear and very large amount of effort went into Homestuck and it definitely shows, and I don't know much about BATIM but I'm sure it's great too.
And hey, guess what? I hardly know ANYTHING about ANY of these franchises. Does that mean I'm not allowed to praise them for what I think are good points and aspects? Does that mean that I'm not allowed to appreciate the time, effort and dedication that went into creating these games, and the sheer love and appreciation that the fandoms give them? Some would say yes. Some would say that if I don't know anything about these things then I should just shut my petty little mouth. But you know what? Fuck you. Just because I never had any participation in these fandoms does NOT mean I can't praise and appreciate them.
And on top of it all, the music for FNAF, BATIM, Undertale and Homestuck fucking SLAP. The canon music and ESPECIALLY, E S P E C I A L L Y the fanmade music. I wouldn't even know about OR3O if it wasn't for All Eyes on Me! The people in these fandoms who dispense such wonderful content and such amazing music deserve to be praised for what they are. They fucking deserve it just as much as the creators of the actual fandoms do.
A few more examples come from the fandoms that I'm actually in, mainly South Park, and mainly regarding a topic that usually can hold a lot of discourse in any fandom: ships.
Now, I don't ship bash. I don't hate people for what they like. I can dislike or hate a ship without hating on the people who ship it. That's called having opinions and being NORMAL about them. I try my best to be open-minded on things like ships and characters. There's quite a bit that I don't ship simply because I'm not interested, and yeah, I'll admit it, there's ships I fucking HATE in this fandom. Rebstella, Jyle, Stangory and Creek are all on my list. I despise these ships for multiple reasons, mainly due to other people cramming them down my throat and not taking it well when I say that I don't really care for the ships.
When it came to things like Rebstella and Stangory, I never used to give a damn. But certain events took place that made me hate these ships with a burning passion. The same with Jyle and the same with Creek. They're the holy rectangle of "get these ships the fuck away from me".
Hate is a strong word, but let me tell you, I mean it with every fibre of my being.
Do I hate these ships? Yes. Do I hate the people who ship them? No. Not in the slightest. I know plenty of people who ship Rebstella and I don't shit on them for it. I just ignore the discussion whenever it's brought up because that's what NORMAL people do.
I know how this world works. I know how this platform works. My opinions are "controversial" and I fucking know I'm going to get people in my inbox screaming at me for what I'm saying regarding these SP ships alone. But you know what? I don't give a fuck.
I don't like Creek. I don't like Rebstella. I don't like Stangory.
Come scream at me and tell me what a horrible cunt I am. See if I give a shit. I'm allowed to have my fucking opinions. That's the entire moral of this goddamn post. I, and other people, can like or dislike things without deserving to be screamed at to conform to the every desire and whim of a souring fandom just because we dare to have different opinions from the rest of the community.
Being uninterested doesn't mean you have to be a prick. I don't ship Pockestella but I have friends who do ship it, and I let them ramble at me about the ship whenever they want to because even if I don't care for the ship, I care for my friend. I don't ship what they ship, but they get happy talking about their ships, so I let them, because I want them to be happy. I don't HAVE to ship what they ship to have a conversation about it.
(Oh, and while we're on the topic of Pockestella, they're not fucking cousins. They're cousins in the book. In the show, they're only stated as playmates. Fuck off.)
The same goes for other ships. Just recently I was scouring the Gregory tags for some nice art to add to my folders, and I found an absolutely spectacular Gregstella piece. A ship that I also don't care for. But the art was superb. It was utterly fantastic and I ADORED the way it was drawn. So you know what I did? I liked the post and saved it to my folder because I liked the art, and I'll probably head back to search the tags for it again so I can reblog it because it was just that good.
I don't ship Kyman, but I love the FUCK out of the Helluva Park AU. Nor do I ship Tyde, but guess who loves the Fleur Bleue AU? This bitch right fucking here. I can appreciate the way things I don't care for are portrayed if they're portrayed nicely or professionally. Does liking an AU where Kyle is a demon make me anti-Semitic? Does liking an AU as fucked up as Fleur Bleue make me some kind of smutty rape fetishizer? Some would say yes. And those people are fucking idiots. Liking something doesn't mean that you support what's portrayed. I've been told I was racist because I liked canon South Park as a whole. If liking South Park makes a person racist then I guess everyone in the fandom is a filthy racist, huh?
Basically, the moral of the post is don't be a prick. You can like things without hating on people or being hated on. You're allowed to have your opinions and other people are allowed to have theirs. If they don't shit on you for what you like, don't shit on them for what they like. We're all allowed to have our likes, dislikes, opinions, stances, ships and preferences. If everyone was forced to like the same exact things in a fandom, it would get very boring, wouldn't it? Fandoms need variety.
Don't be afraid to state your opinions because you're afraid someone will dislike what you're saying. Don't hold back on showing love to the things you love because you don't want hate in your inbox. Show love to what you love anyway and disable questions and submissions. It's that easy to ignore the toxicity. Block and delete buttons exist for just these reasons.
You have to be brave and show love for the things you appreciate in fandoms. If someone hates you for what you're saying, so what? If it's an anon or someone you don't know then why the fuck should you care? You don't know them. Let them hate you. If it's someone you consider a friend getting pissy, well, they're not a real friend, are they? If I had a friend getting up in my case over the things I like or support, or the things I don't like and support, I'd drop them faster than the beat drops in a Skrillex song.
Do you like ships that aren't popular? That's fine! Ship them! You don't have to like what everyone else likes if shipping rarepairs makes you happy!
Are you playing a new game without playing the previous games? That's fine! Play the games you like! (I'm looking at you, Animal Crossing fandom. Fuck off the cases of people who are enjoying New Horizons without having played the other games. I just got New Leaf, are you gonna shit on me because I never played Wild World?)
Do you dislike things that everyone else seems to like? That's fine! You can have opinions! You're allowed to dislike things, especially if they're things that the fandom shoves down everyone's throats! Every fandom has things like that. You're allowed to dislike them!
I'll say it real loud for the people in the back.
I NEVER PLAYED FNAF BUT I LOVE THE MUSIC AND I FUCKING HATE CREEK. Are you gonna come yell at me for being brave and telling people my opinions? Are you gonna try and suppress me? Are you gonna try and silence me? To get me to conform to what you like? To tell me that I'm wrong? To manipulate me, gaslight me, threaten me until I step down and admit defeat? If that's your endgame, then find another target, because I don't fucking care. I'm not afraid, and neither should anyone else.
Individuality is key.
This has been your daily reminder on How To Bs a Decent Fucking Human Being in Fandoms.
Love, Skye.
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kyurilin · 4 years
2010-2019 Or The Overly Non Dramatic Story of How Kyuri's Decade Went
Technically this isn't a part of this decade review but I'm posting this on December 24th specifically because 10 years ago today I spoke to @mist-over-water on the phone for the first time after having known her for three years and I'm pretty sure we both cried
met @mist-over-water for the first time in person. Took her to the beach where she promptly got roasted by the sun. Took her to the mountains. Took her out to practice driving in a local high school parking lot because why not. I cried so hard when she had to go home and God help me I'd only known her four years at that point.
Flunked a math class for the first time. Funny enough, it was because I'd been put in the advanced math courses for years and that was the year I both had a teacher I hated and could no longer reasonably fake my way through understanding math. Don't put your kids in advanced courses unless you're certain they can keep up with it people I only really was an advanced reader.
My dog Scruffy passed away :(
Started my senior year of high school
Managed to graduate high school on time despite having to take 2 whole math courses during senior year (and with @mist-over-water 's who will now be referred to as Gabby because simplicity buddies sending me 'GRADUATE' messages so I'd have the motivation to go see her in person)
Got to go to England to see Gabby which, dream come true. Had a blast. Met the two precious nieces she had, her brother who's accent I couldn't understand, her mom who is one of the sweetest people, and her grandparents who I got to watch a lot of old British gameshows with.
Saw Wicked from second row seats in London.
Saw Cars 2 three times with Gabby which is why I'm still emotionally invested in Cars 2 because boy getting to see the sequel movie to the movie that ended up allowing you to cross paths with someone you really clicked with is AN. EXPERIENCE.
Cried when I finally had to leave because I was 18 and terrified of the future and didn't know when or if I'd ever see my friend in person again.
Started at community college in the film and video program
Finished my first year of community college
Wrote my first original novel that will honestly never see the light of day. It's terrible ya'll
Through circumstances I still regret started losing my friendship with Gabby and boy do I hate who I was a person during that time
Started my second year of community college
Worked on the X Factor as a production assistant.
Probably around this time that Gabby and I stopped talking which was better for us at that point. Still took an emotional toll to lose a friend that I'd known for 7 years at that point but in the long run we did need the distance (and I'm sorry to throw it all out here like this Gabby if you want it edited tell me I'm just putting it all out lmao)
Through a cosmic aligning of the universe by which I mean a special interest in both Minecraft and Achievement Hunter at the same time, I found a small Minecraft server that I could play on and met some really great people
Started my third year of community college
Oh yeah met @inspector-starfish from the Minecraft server for the first time in person, me and my brother stole her from her college and took her to the state fair with us.
Started easing into talking to Gabby again (I remember the message with new baby Imogen!!!) Which was a blessing
I can't remember if it was 2014 or 2015 but at some point Gabby also hung out with me on the Minecraft server with my other buddies
Worked on Catfish as a Production Assistant for like 2 days and I still think I was fired lmao
My dad was arrested. Which is... The hardest thing to type out. Because everything before 2014 feels so distant because of the events.
He got put in jail and we bailed him out, but a month later he got arrested again and we couldn't bail him out this time.
God help me I'm so glad I had gotten back to talking to Gabby at this point I vaguely remember a sobbing Skype call between us.
I don't even remember what classes I was in at community college anymore that's how bad it is.
I basically dropped out though.
I stopped writing, I stopped drawing, I stopped... Being. That's really what it narrows down to. Only one of my real life friends knew what happened and I broke down everytime I thought about it so i'm pretty sure at one point I had a panic attack on my way to hang out with Friend A, who knew, and Friend B, who didn't.
I did start talking to @rhysispiecess that year. Through a post on here actually (we were also on the same Minecraft server but because I didn't really play that much that I remember after this whole thing I kinda forgot who he was).
I think (maybe???) I also met @belle-sourires and @youllthinkofsomething that year.
We moved from the house we'd lived in 13 years to a little rental house where we had the sweetest neighbors
I spent a lot of time reading and crying in 2015 lmao
Also spent a lot of time talking to @rhysispiecess (the FNAF AU years God bless them for being a much needed distraction from real life)
Dad went to actual prison and boy that's an experience having to visit him there every week
We moved again this time to a small apartment
Got my first real job that wasn't being a production assistant (the same job I still have!)
Started to make actual attempts at writing again but struggled with it a lot
For the first time since 2014 I actually wrote more than a simple one off story of the course of a month
Saved up my money and went to California to meet @rhysispiecess and @27thousandlizards.
Confused the shit out of Luke's (@27thousandlizards ) grandma
Was so tired I cried when I saw how little Corgi puppies are
Got to see @inspector-starfish and @youllthinkofsomething in San Diego where they were doing a robot thing as usual
Got to see the end bit of Route 66 cause wouldn't you know Rhys lives right near it (and as a huge Cars fan oh my God FATE)
Had an absolute blast with both Rhys and Luke and cried when I had to leave them because boy do I love friends
Cars 3 came out and I transcended to a higher plane of being
Okay not really but I'm sure ya'll remember the days where I was mostly a Cars blog
100% I know I've said this before but all of the Cars movies have hit with specific messages at exactly the point in my life I needed to hear those messages so like. Poetic cinema.
Made some fantastic friends from those days
After 11 years of attempts at writing a redemption arc for a certain Cars character I finally wrote one and IT WAS GREAT
Cars 3 also managed to make me write again which has continued to be a struggle since 2014
Oh yeah became single again I was in a relationship but that ended TIME FOR ALONE (learned I'm still a terrible person who doesn't handle relationships well so hey not bad I'll leave people out of my overly anxious 'they must hate me' mentality)
Fell out of writing again after the Cars 3 hype died down enough lmao
Got to meet @whipplefilter and @the-kings-tail-fin for a road trip around NC which was fantastic
Played way too much Nintendo Switch
Gabby got engaged and I absolutely cried for like an hour because how the fuck do you not cry when someone you've known for so long gets engaged (I'm still so happy for her @onetruejonsey seems like a really wonderful guy)
Oh yeah we moved again we have a real house now but the neighbors are redneck assholes
Thanks to FNAF Help Wanted, I got whiplashed back into that fandom BUT I did start writing pretty regularly again. In fact I've written more this year than all the years since I stopped COMBINED. Which means I was both in the right headspace to actually want to write again as well as being able to keep myself focused on it.
Met Jodie Benson (ARIEL!!!!!!), Daniel Logan (KID BOBA FETT) and Christopher Sabat at GalaxyCon. Right. I went to my first convention despite being terrified of it
I cried like a bitch meeting Jodie Benson and she hugged me. I told Daniel Logan I'd had a crush on him as a kid and that Attack of the Clones was still my favorite Star Wars (which it is I wasn't lying) and he hugged me. Got to hear Sean Schemmel call Christopher Sabat out for being so friendly that his line was ridiculous which was great because boy did I not have enough money to meet more than three people. Christopher Sabat was fantastic too.
Went to DC with my 3 closest IRL buddies I've known since like 2008 and despite some arguments none of us killed each other. Nearly destroyed my feet from all the walking though. Don't know how we'd survive a trip to Japan which they all want to do.
Started formulating my next novel idea
It's been a long decade. Really the first half feels like it happened to another person.
I want to say, more than anything, if it weren't for Gabby I never would have had the courage to meet so many of my other online friends. She flew over here to meet me when I was 17 and she was 15 going on 16. We were so young and my dad and her mom worked so hard to make sure that we could actually meet each other and I'm forever thankful for that. I went across the ocean by myself at 18, an autistic disaster of a human, and somehow I didn't panic or get lost or anything. Without those experiences I never would have had the courage to do a lot of the things I've done since.
I'm still terrified of the future though. I have no idea if I'll even save enough money to go to England to see Gabby again (and God we actually need to talk more because I feel like a terrible friend ALL I DO IS SEND GIRAFFE PHOTOS). I don't even know what I want out of life.
Here's hoping though that I can continue to have some adventures and meet more of my online buddies in the next decade!
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blookmallow · 4 years
hello everyone i realized i wasnt gonna get through today without finding something to keep my brain busy so ive been designing a horror theme park in my head all day here r my ideas so far
- there would be two main theaters, a ghostface theater and a pennywise theater (except. imagine they have creative names, ) 
- ghostface theater is a 3D show theater modeled in the like NOW SHOWING: STAB (FILMED IN STABOVISION) tacky retro horror aesthetic from the second movie 
it would show a park-exclusive Scream 3D short, and also would sometimes be used for upcoming horror sneak previews and other shows, along with indie horror spotlights 
sometimes a ghostface park character would sneak in among the guests and sit next to you (all the main slashers would be around as characters to do autographs and pictures and stuff but i think it would b fun for them to also like. peek out of windows or sneak into shows so you never know where they’re gonna be) 
- ghostface also gets a corresponding gift shop for Scream as well as just all things retro horror, vintage posters, art stuff made from horror vhs tapes like these, stuff like that
- the pennywise theater is a circus tent that houses a stage show, decorated with vintage style PENNYWISE THE DANCING CLOWN posters, old dusty flickery carnival lights, creepy pennywise fortune teller machines, etc 
the stage show features highly elaborate puppetry culminating in a HUGE deadlights pennywise about to consume the audience until the Losers appear at the last second to vanquish him, encouraging the audience to shout him down with them to help defeat him 
- also has a babadook photo spot made to look like the pop up illustrations (and sometimes a babadook character actor visits for pictures) 
- nearby there’d be a midway with carnival games, maybe those balloon squirter clown games with classic pennywise, something for Us maybe a mirror maze or something. a sandwich shop called The Sand Witch
- im neglecting most of the major slashers bc i dont really care about them lmfao maybe freddy kreuger gets a funhouse or something. all i remember about him is the wiggly arms and the blood geyser thing 
- id want to do themed outfits for workers like disney where like everyone in the pennywise area are circus performers and scary clowns, some are vampires some are zombies etc 
- i cant think of what to do with childs play, id absolutely want to have a darkride for something but i cant think what would translate best. it’d be cool to have like an interactive animatronic chucky somewhere, like you can ask him questions and stuff (however that roz animatronic and california adventure works, like how she comments on specific guests on the way by so clearly someone’s controlling it but it still sounds like her) 
- i dont generally care about fnaf at all but i think it’d be great as a real freddy fazbear pizza place with the animatronics performing “normally” (but slightly Wrong. big inspiration from these voice acting clips where they’re just a little glitchy and sometimes its like ‘wait what did he just say’) but at certain times there would be staged “glitches” where the robots suddenly go rogue and like. the lights go out or a curtain falls when its “not supposed to” or something and one of the animatronics DISAPPEARS!! and its like “uhhh NOT TO WORRY, FOLKS, EVERYTHING’S ABSOLUTELY FINE...I...uh...[stage whispering into a walkie talkie] where is he. FIND that bear, NOW-” [freddy’s little song starts and you see his face flickering in a window right behind them]
maybe have actors planted as “guests” who get dragged off 
- then theres the shining’s Overlook Hotel and the Bates Motel and my first thought was to do some kind of walkthrough haunted house attraction in the overlook but maybe those are better suited to just being themed actual hotels connected to the park. definitely want the overlook hedge maze though
- anyway also a graveyard garden ft a garden of poisonous plants and a garden of carnivorous plants complete with an animatronic audrey II and other monster plants but also would have real poisonous/carnivorous plants as well 
- and a little witch apothecary shop in there with like. witchy themed candles, teas, bath stuff, etc. an Oddities Emporium somewhere that has weird morbid collectibles from around the world, bones and preserved jar specimens and stuff. some things would be like real collectors items or intricate reconstructions some would be like, models/soap that looks like an alien head in a jar/etc 
- there would be a Dracula’s Castle attraction designed like a classic haunted house ride ft the universal monsters, and a corresponding vampire themed fine dining restaurant with live music at night (or. un-live) 
- maybe some kind of mad science lab themed bar with drinks in test tubes and beakers and stuff
- jigsaw escape room challenge themed for Saw but obviously not ever putting guests in any real danger, im trying to think of how you could recreate the. like. it’s like an escape room puzzle, but when you figure out the answer there’s that moment of “oh fuck. oh god fucking fuck no” when you realize what you have to do, how could you recreate that in a fictional/for-fun setting where the guests know they aren’t really in danger and you’re not actually putting anyone at risk. like maybe gross but safe challenges. i dont know. maybe some kind of system where if you “die” you’re out of the game and there’s some prize if you “survive” to the end so someone might have to “sacrifice” themself but no one’s actually getting hurt 
it’s like how do you balance “you wanna scare people” with “you want them to understand they are in fact actually safe” 
- a special effects workshop that showcases some behind the scenes makeup and practical effects, makeup artists doing horror face paint/etc for guests
- a ghostbusters themed blaster ride (the ones where you shoot targets n get points) (we have ‘ghost blasters’ at the boardwalk here lmao im not gonna pretend that wasnt where i got this idea. look up ‘sally corp ghost blasters’ if you’re interested in that) 
- i really want to say ‘and a Mrs. Lovett’s Meat Pies restaurant’ but would that be Too gross. like obviously it wouldn’t be a Real Cannibalism Restaurant lmao but would the theming put people off too much 
anyway thats what i got hire me to design your theme park i have no experience and no capability of actually realizing any of this but boy do i have ideas 
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dimensionjumphq · 5 years
DJ summary and general info
Please, PLEASE note this is highly messy and all over the place, I’m mostly editing and changing a previous version of this summary from 2015 to save me time so I can get this blog up and running properly. I will recreate this so it’s more organized later on when I have time.
Dimension jump stars my first OC, Arya Swift Runner and Temperance Moon Song, her older sister as the protagonists and their adventures as they’re pulled through many dimensions.
Now, this is going to be ripped from Arya’s Toyhou.se profile to explain some general info.
".... she and her sister are teleported into Equestria with their mother for unknown reasons. Jane was a pegasus made(an alicorn with no horn), her sister a deer pegasus while their mother was an alicorn. When Discord opened up a portal home, instead of going, their mother and the two siblings told him they wanted to stay where they knew they'd be truly happy, fully adopting their ponysonas' names; Regal Dusk, Night Heart and Sky Flare.
After leaving Equestria unwillingly many years later back to their home dimension now with their wings while their mother remains in Equestria, the two are suddenly thrown into yet another dimension, this cycle continued when their adventures in that dimension ended. There they adopted new names they felt were truly theirs: Arya Swift Runner and Temperance Moon Song."
Now, what isn’t stated is there are people behind their being tossed through dimensions.
Asiyah and James.
Their species is as a mystery to you as well as me, they are very powerful human-like beings, but not quite god-like as they're made out to be.
For some backstory as to how they started pulling the siblings through dimensions, one day, James was mucking around in the attic of his comatose parents and found two strange and beautiful necklaces. Curious, he put his on, and that is where DJ truly begins.
First, it's not so bad, he gives Asiyah the other necklace and the two curiously watch other dimensions, as the necklaces had great power imbued in them that allowed this.
But you know that saying?
"Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"?
Such was the case with James, his weak mind was easy to corrupt while Asiyah however, had a good heart and mind that couldn't be corrupted so easily and thus, she remains the same throughout DJ.
One day, James proposed taking the Shaw family out of their dimension and throwing them into the MLP universe. Asiyah, blissfully unaware of what's happened to her brother, uneasily agrees.
There's no harm in doing it once, right?
W. R. O. N. G.
I plan to end the MLP story after season six once I actually can stomach writing for it. But there’s some general info on it below.
Now, things change a little when Temperance and Arya, known as Night Heart and Sky Flare here, arrive in that world.
Two new elements of Harmony are created, Trust and Courage. Those two were wielded by Night Gale(Trust) and Spark Harmony(Courage), two characters of mine when Celestia and Luna were in power before Luna turned into Nightmare Moon, acting as advisors to the two before Night Gale and Spark Harmony died from old age, their elements disappearing for centuries.
When Nightmare Moon comes back, it's been around five months since Night, Sky and Regal Dusk(their mother) arrived here and have made friends with some of the mane six.
The two siblings go with the mane six to Everfree Forest, seeing no harm in coming with when, because they knew the MLP series up until Twilight's coronation, they knew what was going to happen.
What they didn't know was they were the new bearers of the hidden elements of Harmony, Trust and Courage.
Night Heart's test of Trust is when she hears Nightmare Moon creeping up on them in a different form(perhaps as Slender Man?) and she tells everypony to just trust her and RUN.
Sky Flare's test of Courage, I haven't figured out yet, but I'm thinking something to do with Nightmare Moon becoming a Cockatrice to scare the mane six.
Now, it's a big fricken surprise when they're called out by Twilight as being the bearers of the two HIDDEN elements.
To save you and me some time, in another post I'll write up all the details of what happens in the MLP verse, but the short version is(Note, HEAVY headcanony things ahead):
When Discord shows up, he reveals that they aren't truly ponies and the three of them stay.
Sky gets together with AJ while Night falls for RD and vise versa. Regal Dusk finds love and companionship in Burnt Oak after he helps her move on from her previous husband who abused her.
Night becomes Luna apprentice and learns how to walk in dreams.
Twilight gets reunited with an old childhood friend from before her and her family moved to Canterlot: Night Ink.
Fluttershy and Rarity begin dating.
The Mirror universe arc from the comics comes into play as well as the newest arc "From Shadows", will probably add the Nightmare Rarity arc too.
Now, I don't have the time, nor the will to list EVERYTHING that happens through ALL those stories in the list above, but I am going to tell you some themes that reoccur many times and some facts about a few of the worlds.
Warehouse 13 is crossed over with Five nights at Freddy's, due to me getting into FnaF at the same time I was watching W13.
A few of the animatronics from Fnaf 2 are there such as Mangle and her twin Fang(really, you should go look at my FnaF folders for more info on that), but most of the Toy animatronics have not been retrieved like the Marionette but all the original ones are in the warehouse kept immobile by a special force field, until Arya breaks said field. Luckily the animatronics aren't out for blood anymore, as they had A LOT of time to think on what they'd done plus they are no longer controlled to the spirits of the children thanks to a certain OC of mine.
In the Inheritance Cycle, Arya takes on the middle name Artemis to be called by so she isn't confused with the elf Arya when said elf is in the room.
Arya and Temperance get small "mementos" from each world, such as their wings from the MLP world, it's also how they get strong magical abilities.
Arya's hairstyle changes throughout the stories, mostly alternating between shoulder length, mid back, long braided, messy ponytail or pixie cut.
One thing I should note before going on is Arya and Temperance confront James and Asiyah in Dragon age 2 and Asiyah betrays her brother before they manage to beat him, his sister taking his necklace so he could never use it again. Asiyah then takes her brother back with her to where they come from to be judged by the higher ups of where they come from, and James is never seen again while Asiyah sometimes comes to visit Arya and Temperance.
Now, Asiyah has a memory altering ability she's had since she was born/created, she doesn't use it much because she'd rather be rid of it honestly.
Now, to someone who is going mad with power, wouldn't you want to ENTERTAIN yourself if you had someone who had that power at your fingertips? James certainly did.
So, he made Asiyah lock away Arya and Temperance's memories of their romantic relationships, making it seem like they stayed single to them, he had actually ordered Asiyah to erase them but she chose to block them instead.
And, as such, they ended up with many people and at the end of their adventures, finally remember when all their love interests come to their recuse during the final story as well as all their friends from previous worlds.
This is due to the Doctor from Doctor Who managing to follow them and picks up their friends along the way as well as love interests, and TRUST ME, at FIRST THEY ALL DISLIKE EACH OTHER AND WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER.
But then they realize that Arya and Temperance wouldn't have fallen for them without a reason, so through the course of the DJ adventures they are getting to know each other and they either begin to like each at best and just learn to tolerate them at worst.
This leads to a HUGE dilemma at the end right before DAI, as Arya ends up pregnant by someone(Asiyah used a spell to freeze the embryo in time when it was conceived so James wouldn't get any ideas, so Arya never knew or showed any signs she was pregnant until Asiyah removed the spell) and she feels pressured to figure out who the other parent is as well as pick just one of them when NONE of them ever suggested such a thing, leading to her running off for some time, ending up in another dimension due to the fact the dimensional barriers are pretty much IN TATTERS which also helped the fact the Fade(where demons and the like in the Dragon Age universe lurk) ripped open in DAI.
Asiyah is doing all she can to fix the barriers, leaving Temperance and her friends out of luck while running about with the Inquisitors(I have two!) trying to patch up the Fade.
I'm still figuring out what exactly happens to Arya while she's gone, but after she ends up in the Hyrule Warriors universe she raises her daughter Alexandria after giving birth, and, due to dimensions having different times so what was a few months in one dimension is several years in another, Alexandria is sixteen by the time of the next events.
After leaving Alexandria in the care of her new friend Zelda, she starts using her own magic to hop through the tears in the dimensions, trying to find her way back so she and her daughter can return and she ends up in the Puella Magi Madoka Magica universe, where she becomes a magical girl and falls for Mami Tomoe.
Now, due to the sheer amount of MAGIC in her, both her own, some Dimensional and Asiyah's, her soul isn't pulled from her body and instead only her magic is, so she's still alive and kicking and her magic would return to her if her soul gem broke.
After the events of the anime, she along with the remaining Puella Magi as well as her daughter return to the DAI dimension as Wraths were leaking into that world, where they reunite with Temperance.
Of course, Madoka Magica Rebellion has to happen in the middle of this mess, but I'VE FIXED THE CRUMMY ENDING! Homura is no longer obsessed with Madoka, is NOT a demon and falls for Kyoko, Madoka has a physical body and is with Sayaka. That's not all, as it really becomes screwy after Homura steals Madoka before Arya and Temperance intervene and set things right, but that's all I'm saying for now.
After a great big battle with all of Arya and Temperance's friends, as well as some armies from previous dimensions, teaming up against Corypheus and beating him as you do in the game, Arya and Temperance finally settle the love mess they were dealing with thanks to James.
No, they weren't going to pick one or the other, they weren't going to be so cruel as to do that, instead, they would try at Polyamory, so everyone could be happy.
They all end up moving back to Equestria, being the only place Polyarmory was perfectly fine(HELLO! THE PONIES ARE HORSES AND STALLIONS OFTEN HAVE HERDS IRL!).
Trust me, there are a lot of funny stories where it's completely AWKWARD for EVERYONE, but by the time the next DJ series rolls around it's all worked out and fine! They still have problems like EVERY couple, but they work through them and their bonds are the stronger for it. Plus, for their kids having a lot of moms and dads tends to help if one isn't available.
One other thing is that as a result of traveling between dimensions without protection, Arya, Temperance(and everyone else who came to their rescue)'s molecules are frozen, they'll never age and they will never wither or die. Temperance and Arya have constructed devices that will protect someone from these effects, and are working on undoing it for those that don't want to live forever.
As well as this, they have created an advanced city that exists in the space between dimensions, a place where all the dimensions connect and traveling between those worlds is easy so the dimensional barriers aren't ripped to shreds like before, and honestly not all the rips could be fixed. It's generally a normal city with it's share of ups and downs, but it's a pleasant place to live otherwise.
That's all I have to say really about the general plot of the first Dimension Jump series, it's a big mess, but it's the groundwork for my Next Gens and Next Dimension which I’m already adoring writing. There are still some things I haven't mentioned yet, such as who Tempy and Ari fall for, but I'd rather explain those in oneshots/fact lists for each respective fandom.
Now, all I ask is be respectful in the comments and try not to sound hateful, please.
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I’m not exactly sure where I’m gonna go from here, and I don’t exactly know what I am going to do with my life. All I know right now for sure is that I am going to continue attending college until I graduate, and maybe I will figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life. However, if I were to choose what my dream job would be in computer science, I think I would like to create video games. I have multiple reasons why this particular job would be my dream job in computer science. For starters, I really like to play video games. I wouldn’t say I am always good at playing video games, but I find them fascinating, and they also please my particular personality type. Another reason being that I like the satisfaction of finishing a game after many failed attempts, and earning achievements. One final reason would be that I genuinely like the idea of having hidden lore to a game. It usually keeps the players guessing, and them wanting to find out more about it.
One game that really got me even more excited about the possibility of creating video games is Five Nights at Freddy’s. A few reasons why this game has got me interested is because it is an Indie game, the game play, and the hidden lore around this game. This game is theorized a lot, and a YouTube channel who specializes in theorizing about games, The Game Theorists, have  done many theories on this game. The channel even recently put a new video, which is called Game Theory: FNAF, We were WRONG about the Bite (Five Nights at Freddy's). This video discusses why people have been wrong about an accident from the game called The Bite of 87. One fun fact about this video, it also mentions that the creator of the games two websites are having a conversation between each other in the web source code.
On that note, if I were to choose a topic to learn more about, I think I would have to choose either artificial intelligence, also known as AI’s, or algorithms. Considering the fact that my group in class did our topic research on video game AI’s, I guess I would probably lean more towards algorithms. I do have a couple reasons why lean more towards algorithms. One of those reasons would be that there are algorithms used in video games quite a bit, and the other reason being that algorithms are kind of like patterns. Thinking back on it now, I remember mentioning in my first blog of this semester that I was hoping to understand the YouTube algorithm better, but now I have realized that not all algorithms are the same or even similar.
To be honest, I’m not sure what classes I will be looking forward to in the future. Now that I think about it, I am not completely sure what classes that computer science will be offering. To be fair, I had still been trying to decide what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, and I am not allowed to change my major until next semester. Despite that, I do hope and maybe even plan on continuing with computer science next semester.
The textbooks from this semester generally did contribute some sort of information, which ranged from small facts to a certain topic, that had captured my attention. For example, I genuinely found the book 9 Algorithms That Changed the Future because of the use of algorithms. Even more so, what I found interesting about that textbook is chapter 4, which talks about cryptography. The reasons I found this part of the textbook interesting is because it explains cryptography in an interesting way, and it uses multiple examples to help explain it. This was also interesting to me because the examples were shown in such a way that really helped me understand it.
Other than learning more about creating video games, AI’s, and algorithms, I think that I want to learn more about programming. While programming, the person who is doing the programming is generally trying to get the computer to accomplish something. An example of this is shown from the textbook The Pattern on the Stone is from chapter 3. In this chapter, the book gives an example of how using a program, a person can get an imaginary turtle to make a square using certain steps. 
1. Game Theory: FNAF, We were WRONG about the Bite (Five Nights at Freddy's). Dir. Matthew Patrick. Perf. MatPat. YouTube. The Game Theorists, 29 Apr. 2017. Web. 8 May 2017.
2. Hillis, W. Daniel. The Pattern On the Stone. New York: Basic Books, 1998. Print.
3. MacCormick, John. Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future: the Ingenious Ideas That Drive Today’s Computers. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012. Print.
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