#fnaf ctw cruel!au joan anderson
*Joan and Cruel!Millie relaxing in her room, with Joan just holding Cruel!Millie in her lap*
Joan: Lambchop, why do you think your grandpa hates me?
Cruel!Millie, joking: I don’t know, maybe he’s homophobic?
Joan: …babe, I’ve literally caught him on his knees for the animatronic bear that tried to murder you-
Cruel!Millie: What
Joan: What
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JOAN ❤❤❤❤❤💔💔💔💔🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Cruel!Millie, staring at Joan: She could murder me, and I'd thank her
Cruel!Millie's grandpa: I'd thank her too
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What songs do you guys think suit Joan, I need more songs to add to her playlist-
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Joan’s vc is everything ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💕💕💕💕💕🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Since most of my latest Cruel!AU content has just been angst with no happy ending, I finally came up with an actually (somewhat-) wholesome Joan x Cruel!Millie imagine
Following the story of the song Joan and her dad are driving home one night, and Joan sees Cruel!Millie walking down the road, looking like she was crying. She gets her dad to pull over, and gets Cruel!Millie's attention letting her hop in. Joan sits Cruel!Millie in her lap tenderly asking her what's wrong, and stroking her hair. Cruel!Millie eventually tells her what happened as she had a relatively bad night with her grandpa, resulting in him siccing Cruel!CTW Funtime Freddy on her. She escapes, but not unscathed. Cruel!Millie breaks down crying, and tells her what happened. Joan’s dad knew that things weren’t exactly perfect in Cruel!Millie’s house, but he had no idea how bad things were. He wants to call the cops or anyone that could help Cruel!Millie, but Joan knowing how to handle this tells her dad to drive over to Cruel!Millie’s house. After some insistence from Joan, Joan’s dad drives back to Cruel!Millie’s house, stopping out front. Joan gets out, and tells both of them to wait in the truck.
Cruel!Millie hangs onto Joan’s arm begging her to not hurt her grandpa, cuz she still cares for him, and loves him despite all the horrible things he did to her. Joan reluctantly agrees, before stepping out of the truck and walking up to the front door. The two watch as Joan bangs on the door, before kicking it open when there’s no answer. They wait with bated breath for her to come back, Cruel!Millie growing more nervous with each passing second, terrified that something happened to her. Finally Joan stumbles back out, Nightmare with her his claws with fresh blood on them, as well as Joan. Seeing Cruel!Millie’s distraught expression she assures her that she didn’t kill him, and tells her dad to call the cops.
Joan is sentenced to juvie for a few months because of Cruel!Maurice’s good reputation around town, but Cruel!Millie’s testimony during her court case lessens her sentence, and lets everyone know that things aren’t as they seem with her grandfather, Cruel!Maurice’s mask slipping ever so slightly. While she obviously can’t tell exactly what happened to her, it’s more than enough for people to start questioning what happened to her.
When Joan comes back Cruel!Millie is even more clingy to her, and Joan is way more possessive than before, never wanting anyone to ever hurt her girl ever again.
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Help, I need more songs for my Joan x Cruel!Millie playlist-
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So I was messing around with Joan’s design to see what she’d look like with different hairstyles, and ummm…
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…oh god 😳😳😳😳😳
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I lobe her 🖤🖤🖤💜💜💜💜💕💕💕💕💘💘💖💖❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💓❤️‍🔥💜🖤🖤
And this song also reminds me of Joan for some reason-
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Cruel!AU Joan and Cruel!Millie vibesssss 🖤🖤💔💔💔
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This is Joan’s song, not elaborating
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This is now my vc for Joan, and this would be the song that introduces her in the Cruel!AU as a jukebox musical
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This would be Joan confronting Cruel!Maurice in the Cruel!AU as a jukebox musical
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The Cruel!AU: Deals with serious topics such as abuse from a family member, overcoming abuse, and speaking up about it
The videos I make with it:
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Idk why I feel like doing this all of a sudden, but if y'all have any questions about my FNaF ocs, all *looks at smudged writing on palm* three of them, then feel free to send me them!!
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Tell me everything about Joan in the Cruel!AU. As I recall, she's connected to Nightmare, but I dont remember exactly how? Is nightmare an important part of the AU?
Oh yeah! In this AU Nightmare is more like a spirit that takes on the form of an animatronic, than an actual animatronic like in my main AU
In the Cruel!AU the FNaF 4 house is a derelict abandoned house, that people have tried to fix up, but very quickly gave up because of strange happenings that would drive people away.
Joan's dad is a paranormal investigator who gets called to check the house out, but when he's there something goes wrong, which results in a spirit attatching itself to him and following him back home.
Strange things start happening with the entire Anderson family, from the feeling of an unknown source watching the members, to more serious situations like any of the kids' bullies being physically attacked by an unseen source.
Knowing that these things only started happening after Joan's dad took a look at that house, the family moves in hopes of escaping whatever entity followed them, which brings us to the current day of the Cruel!AU.
Joan Anderson is the middle child of the family, and deals with the brunt of the haunting, as it seems whatever followed her family has decided to attach itself to her. After a fight at school ends with her being sent home early for breaking her opponent's arm, which wasn't her but instead the unseen entity. When she gets home she decides to finally confront whatever the entity is, and it finally reveals itself.
The spirit that followed the Anderson family is Nightmare. When Joan's dad stepped foot in the FNaF 4 house, Nightmare instantly picked up on his and the rest of the family's stress uncertainty, and all of their other negative emotions, and when Joan's dad didn't just immediately run off when the paranormal events started happening Nightmare decided to attach himself to him, and see the rest of the family. He was reminded of the house's "past occupants" when he saw the bullying that the Anderson kids had to put up with at their old school, and had an urge to protect them.
Nightmare serves as a guardian angel of sorts for Joan and her family, and also gives Joan the ability to read other's emotions, and sense agony.
This is what draws her to Cruel!Millie
On Joan's first day at her new school when she's being introduced to the class, Cruel!Millie catches her eye sitting at the back of the class, not really paying attention. She can feel the agony coming off of her in waves, which also catches Nightmare's attention. At lunch Joan tries to make sense of what could be causing so much agony to come from one person, and Nightmare simply tells her to focus. She drowns out all of the other sounds and people in the cafeteria the best she can, and just focuses on Cruel!Millie.
And that's when it happens.
Joan sees flashes of what happened that fateful night. From Cruel!CTW Funtime Freddy’s decapitation attempt, to Cruel!Maurice straight up telling Cruel!Millie that nobody cared about her. She ends up doubling over in pain briefly, thanks to a small headache caused from taking in so much agony. Cruel!Millie notices this, and shyly asks if she's alright. After that Cruel!Dylan and Cruel!Brooke invite her to sit with them, and Joan quickly becomes friends with them, but Cruel!Millie is still very quiet and shy around her.
Joan takes it upon herself to find out what exactly happened to Cruel!Millie, and see if she can help her, their relationship developing from there.
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