fluxbugs · 3 years
would like to thank the owl house for giving us nb x milf representation
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fluxbugs · 3 years
ive been seeing all tomorrows stuff all over my youtube feed, and i just recently read it and loved it a lot. a couple yrs ago i started to develop some little ideas for alien species before but i had no idea that this little interest i had was actually something people have been publishing books about? i had no idea speculative biology/zoology/evolution was the name for what i was looking for... all tomorrows has so many ideas i really want to take inspiration from :) i love that its equally existentially horrifying and hopeful and i love how the main message is how ephemeral life/humanity/sapience is but also how enduring life is. a lot of body horror is like specifically focused on the horror aspect but i like how all tomorrows can show that they are all just different weird cousins where some are still distinctly human and like music, technology, making stuff, and having fun
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