#fluffy cringefest
mamahex · 1 year
(Just a bit of Vandermatthews fluff, no actual storyline)
That Beautiful Devil
Dutch was sleeping in the blankets beside me, a lance of sun touching his face, splitting through the tent flap and carrying sparkling dust motes that spun like crushed glass. It lit up his face like a warm caress. His hair was shining, in the light, blue black and curling, at the ends. A stray strand had fallen over his forehead, and I couldn’t help but gently stroke it back behind his ear.
He stirred, briefly, beneath my hand, moaned in his sleep.
I watched his face relax beneath my fingers. I ran my fingertips over his brows, his cheek, his jaw, and simply marvelled that a creature as beautiful as this could possibly be mine.
Stubble darkened his cheeks, and I let my fingers linger there, to rub through the rough. My fingernails crackled. I simply peered down at him as he slept, at the smooth skin, the lack of lines around his young eyes. His youth really struck me then…and how lucky I was that I was allowed to be with someone so young, so utterly beautiful, when I was old, worn and…less.
His full lips were parted, relaxed in sleep, and I could feel his warm breath touching me. I breathed him in, as I watched him, I breathed in his breath and held it inside me; as if I could somehow hold him within me and never let him go.
I leaned in closer, and, as gently as I could, I kissed him. I kissed his thick bottom lip, so gently I barely felt it.
He stirred, again, and closed his mouth, his brows creasing.
I couldn’t help but smile, and I bent again to kiss his furrowed brow, to smooth it.
“Hosea…” he murmured, and his warm hand gently touched my back.
“Sorry,” I said, but I couldn’t stop smiling.
Dutch smiled too, but he didn’t open his eyes. He let his hand slide down my naked back to fall back onto the blanket. “Go back to sleep,” he said, and his voice was thick with sleep, deep and soft.
“I don’t want to miss this,” I said, and again, my fingertips went to caress his face. His eyes flickered open then, and he peered at me, squinting as the shaft of sunlight touched him.
“What am I missing?” he asked.
I chuckled and ran my hand through his hair. “Nothing…I just don’t want to…not be looking at you…”
I watched his face smooth into a smile, and felt my stomach lurch as his cheeks began to glow pink.
“You old romantic…”
I grinned at him stupidly and felt my own face burn. “It’s not my fault that god made you so utterly, breathtakingly beautiful, Dutch Van Der Linde…”
Dutch closed his eyes and sighed, through his nose. “You’re making me blush,” he said, then, faster than I was expecting, hooked his leg over my back and flipped us both, pushing me onto my back and laying on top of me. His naked body was pressed flush against mine, and I could feel the heat of his skin against mine, the moist of sweat and the mess we had made in the night and hadn’t wiped away fully, touching my skin.
“Dutch…” I chided.
“What?” he asked, leaning down to kiss me. It was a slow, deep kiss; his lips were hot and soft and I could taste his sour morning breath, but I didn’t care. It began as gentle kisses, to part, then to lean in again, then again, until we simply didn’t pull apart. Gently, he parted my lips with his tongue and touched mine.
I loved the sounds of our kisses, of our lips working each other’s…such a strange and foreign sound to me. And with the morning birdsong and the gentle breeze touching the trees, the music of our kiss was blissful, was magical.
Dutch pulled away from me, to peer down at me. His black eyes swiftly reached inside of me, striding straight past the walls he had battered down, to rest at the core. “I love you…” he said, and his voice was small, then, tentative, afraid.
I felt my heart lurch. “I love you too,” I said, and my voice came out strange, pushed up through the salty ball that had appeared in my throat.
I reached up and kissed him again, pulled him back down with me, my hand combing through his hair to hold him to me. And a kind of desperation gripped me as I kissed him, as I held him to me. I wrapped my other arm around him and pressed his body onto my own, suddenly and utterly terrified to let him go.
He must have sensed the change in me, for he pulled his lips from mine and looked down at me, his hand going to my hair, my face, to stroke and soothe me.
“Ok?” he asked me.
“No…” The sudden panic gripped me, then, and I reached up to clutch him to me, tightly.
“Hey, hey…what’s wrong?” he asked. I felt him kiss my forehead and hold me, and the feeling surged through me, fierce and terrifying and sudden…it was hot and terrible and far too huge to contain. I felt tears begin to gather, my heart begin to beat me.
“I…I just…love you…” I tried, but my words were simply too small to show him the giant waves that were beginning to crash over and drown me then. “I…please…just don’t leave me alone…please…” I found my arms crushing him against me as panic smothered me.
“Stop…” Dutch spoke gently, and pulled himself from my needy grasp. Gently, he moved himself to lay beside me and pulled me around so we were facing each other. He put his arms back around me and cuddled me against him. He kissed my forehead, my cheek, the bridge of my nose. “I ain’t ever leaving you old girl…shhh, you’re ok…its ok…”
I held onto him, and slowly, slowly, the panic began to ease.
Between forehead kisses, Dutch spoke so gently to me. “I love you too Hosea…I’ve got you…you’re mine…you’re safe…”
I felt myself melting into his arms and I wrapped my arms about him, my legs through his legs. Our hot and naked bodies were pressed so tightly together that we could almost have been one creature, there, one person, one soul.
I caught his face and pressed my lips against his, and Dutch leaned in and kissed me back. The world seemed to melt away to silence, then, to nothingness. All that was there in my world was Him…his lips, so soft and full, sliding against my own, his tongue so gently caressing and playing against mine. His stubble touched me, sending shivers of arousal to run up and down my body. I could feel him breathing through his nose, the sounds of his breaths getting louder as our kisses began to grow more fierce.
When we finally did pull apart, Dutch immediately bent to kiss my face again. He rubbed his nose against mine, gently, before meeting our lips together once more.
He kissed me deeply, slowly…it was a much different kiss than the hungry and frantic kisses we exchanged when we fucked…this was soft, hot, slow…this kiss was love, was safety, was a promise of Forever…
“Look at you…” he said, as he peered at me between kisses.
“What about me?” I asked.
Dutch smiled, his face flushed, sweaty and utterly glorious. “You are so…beautiful…”
I snorted a laugh. “Funny…”
“You are…you really have no idea how handsome you are, do you?”
“This is rich, coming from someone who looks like he’s just…clawed his way up from hell…”
Dutch huffed a laugh, fragrant and hot against my face. “Ain’t that supposed to be, ‘you just fell from heaven’?”
I grinned at him and swept the hair back that had fallen over his face. “No…not you…you’re no angel Dutch. You’re some beautiful fucking devil thats come to corrupt and save me…”
Dutch laughed, his voice deep and rumbling against my body.
“You’re not altogether sane, are you Old Girl?”
I grinned at him and stroked his face. “Not since I met you…”
Dutch grinned wickedly at me. “Well we can be crazy together then."
He leaned over to kiss me again, slow, sensual, loud and wet and perfect.
I could feel him growing hard against me, and I smiled into his mouth. “You just can’t help it, can you?”
Dutch smirked at me, his face utterly evil and sexual and wonderful. And he was mine…that beautiful devil was mine. And I’d never let him go.
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lady-charinette · 5 years
I dare u to write yourself as the maincharacter (ex instead of marinette it's you) in ANY scene (love confession, fluff, angst, action etc..) using description of urself within ANY fandom. Good luck ;)
Oh my god. Alright, anon this is a war lmao XD my one sided annihilation begins now. I swear this will be the ultimate cringefest. I apologize in advance guys, I'm sorry if you have to use bleach on your eyes.
I was tempted to write that fluffy confession/romance stuff (even tho I'm not that good at writing fluff) but I chose the other route because...it's more me lol. Instead of ML, I tried out BNHA. Also, first POV was much too cringey for me.
Turbulent Emotions
She was still just a side-kick for the Big Three, Tamaki more so than Mirio or Nejire.
Even though the ethusiastic girl wanted to have her on the team ('It's about time another girl joins our group!') Mirio advised she was a better match with Tamaki, due to the similarity of their quirks.
Her quirk was something that manifested at a young age, just like with most children.
Her parents had noticed it the first time when she'd accidentally burned her food (and plate) when the wretched broccolli had found its way on it, something 4-year old her definitely did not like at the time.
The fire licking at the tips of her fingers had causes her to cry, even if the flames didn't burn her nor those she loved around her.
She'd learned her quirk was something tied to her emotions.
She'd use fire when angry, the wrath within her converting into heat. Indifference and passiveness converted into ice, happiness converted into beams of light or flowers.
Sadness turned into water or any other liquidized substances, mud was particularly gruesome (she'd like to throw it at someone but was too sad to and when she would try to get angry, the mud would turn to ash).
It was similar yet different to Tamaki's quirk Manifest, he'd transform his body into anything he ate, hers was transforming her emotions into something tangible.
She supposed she was a good support in a fight, the only real problem was to get her angry. She had a high tolerance for assholes and working with Tamaki, who was the epitome of the complete opposite, wasn't a big help in trying to make her mad.
He flat out refused trying to anger her, even if it was to their benefit and not meant in any serious way. That was a bit of a stitch in their teamwork dynamic.
Like now.
The quirk user quickly deflected another bout of swords aimed at him and his companion, his tentacles covered in resistant scale-like armor (that turtle soup had been a good idea) that caused the blades to harmlessly bounce off him, "N-No!"
She could feel frustration slowly taking over her being, "Tamaki, we don't have time for this! More villains are going to come!" she was virtually useless without high strung emotions, so she tried compensating by training as a close combat fighter.
Uraraka and Gunhead certainly helped there.
She executed a series of kicks and punches to the villain, whose jaw tried snapping at her limbs every chance it got, usually when she performed high jumps and was suspended in mid-air for a few seconds.
Until Tamaki's tentacles snatched her away to his side, his armor thankfully keeping up, "Why?!" her frustrated shout could be heard through the whole park.
She liked Tamaki, he was a sweetheart, but behaving like this was going to get them killed.
Tamaki was powerful in his own right, he'd already taken on several villains on his own but a whole group of them was coming this way and she was nothing but deadweight in a fight if he didn't get her angry this instant.
"Why?! I-I can't just insult you! I won't do it!" his stubborness was surprisingly high during fights, especially if he had the impression any of his friends or teammates were in danger.
The dangerous snapping turtle they were up against didn't help either, digging it's sword-like appendages at Tamaki's armor.
She stomped her foot, slamming it on his transformed claw one and he yelped in pain, "Ow! That-"
She grabbed a hold of his jacket and shouted at his face, her body starting to glow, "If you don't drop your sweetass persona we'll both get bludgeoned! So, I suggest you either talk shit to me or hit me because I'm useless without my goddamn quirk!"
It'd taken a split second for the villain to use a opening in Tamaki's armor, a bladed claw thrusting through and nearly stabbing her, until white hot flames suddenly melted the metal straight off.
The villain cried out, his metal limb still melting in the face of the burning heat radiating off of her body as she began approaching him, a murderous intent making her eyes stand out like those of a demon's.
Tamaki's scales were protecting him well enough, but even he took a step back when the rest of the villains entered the scene.
He had a plan.
Tamaki allowed a small smile to grace his lips and that certainly caught the woman's attention, "Oh, so you're smiling now?! Think you're funny, huh?" she grit her teeth, grabbing the head of the sobbing villain still gingerly holding onto his melting limbs, "You know what else is funny?! Me burning you to fried chicken Tamaki!"
An explosive blast similar to Bakugou's calibre burned a path through the ground, decimating a long line of villains in her way.
It was working.
Tamaki cleared his throat, adopting a innocent expression, "B-But you know I-I can't insult you! And hitting you is definitely out of the question! Y-You're my partner and-"
Her ire grew and she inadvertedly sent another villain flying to the skies when her burning fist swung out in frustration, "Partner my ass!"
Another villain got stomped to the ground brutally.
"I'm useless without my quirk!"
Another villain fell to his knees at the smoking smell and burning sensation of his lower half.
"If I say you have to anger me-"
A villain was about to attack her from her blind spot, but Tamaki's claw easily shoved him out of the way as his partner raged at him.
"-Then you have to at least try and anger me Tamaki!"
The male smiled, retracting his tentacles, "I think you did fine on your own." his impish smile, a smile she didn't often see on his nervous and shy face, made her pause.
She turned around, watching the massacre she'd caused.
The villains were still alive, she hoped, but in various states of agony. Some were craddling smoking body parts, others had been flung onto trees and some were laying in heaps of groaning burning flesh on the ground in agony.
She stiffened in embarrassment, "Uh-oopps." she covered her mouth with her hands, her nervousness getting the better of her, "T-T-Ta-Tama-"
The pro-hero walked to her side, patting her shoulder like he did to Kirishima, "You did good." for the first time since he'd started taking on apprentices (not counting Kirishima) he'd felt proud of his shy and mild mannered nature.
He was unable to anger her on purpose, but he could anger her on accident.
She groaned and covered her face, lightly hitting his shoulder, "This wasn't supposed to go like this... Fatgum will kill me."
Tamaki chuckled, "I don't think so, he'll probably scold me though..." he shivered at the memory of entering his agency and getting mocked by Fatgum whenever the hero sung him what he dubbed as 'praises'.
She snorted softly, giggling, "You're a good guy Tamaki, I'm happy you followed your heart and it still worked out in the end." redness spread over her cheeks and she shifted her weight, "Uh...I'm sorry for getting mad at you earlier, I didn't realize your plan..."
The quirk-user shook his head, his tentacles already gathering the fallen villains and tying them with rope for the other pro-heroes, "It's fine, I think Mirio was right."
She rose an eyebrow at his statement.
Tamaki offered a small, kind smile, "I guess we really are a good team."
She grinned in relief, helping him gathering the villains, most of them cowering in fear whenever she moved close to them.
It was a good day.
"Tamaki! Good job out there!" Fatgum roughly patted the youth's back and Tamaki leaned his head against the wall, a dark aura surrounding him.
"Why do you have to mock me all the time..."
Fatgum turned his bright grin towards his new apprentice, "I had no idea Tamaki was such a sly fox, but I admit it was a clever way to make use of your quirk! I'm proud of you." he patted her shoulder and she nodded, bowing.
"Thank you sir!"
Fatgum smiled widely, "No need calling me sir! Let's get some ice-cream as reward!"
Her mood immediately brightened, "Ice-cream?!"
Small petals and flowers immediately manifested and fell over her hair and arms, a petal falling on Tamaki's head and Fatgum and her both laughed at his sigh.
I'm so sorry for this cringe. (Hides)
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mc-dude · 7 years
at what point do u think the CW shows aren't worth watching anymore.... & if you could rewrite any of them from the beginning what are the Big Changes you'd wanna make...
i would just not even start tbh
i thought flash s1 and arrow s2 were okay but they’re so fucking bad now.. supergirl was always bad & made me cringe so hard on every episode i tried to watch.. flash is a whiny entitled whitebread who has to be told what to do every 3 seconds and oliver is a cheap batman knockoff.. legends is a total cringefest also.. I WOULDN’T START TBH IT’S ONLY GONNA MAKE U DEPRESSED..
if i could write them from the beginning i would a) not give barry a 20 person team telling him what to do every 5 seconds.. make him be Smart like he is in the comics.. make him do his own sciencey things.. make his own suit.. that’s important!!.. make him actually like barry?? like make him soft & gentle but fiercely protective.. humble to a fault and actually aware of the consequences of his actions.. sweet & fluffy blond.. we could have had it all.jpg..... b) bring in his best buddy h jordo a few episodes in as a small role and then turn into a recurring character... c) give them a slowburn romance that lasts like 2 seasons............. (sighs a lot)
then they could actually make oliver like..... oliver.... and not some shitty batman ripoff.. and they could do team up shenanigans.. and remove felicity from existence and have dinah & ollie be the duo of their show.. cameos from the birds of prey crew.. arrowfam.. flashfam..
listen there was so much they could have done to not make those shows complete garbage like all they had to do was follow the contents of flash & green lantern: brave & the bold and they would have been 👌 good.. or just followed the comics at all lol
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