#flirting with each other on the bench since '05
tennis-kittens · 2 years
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Ah, yes... The 'let me invade your personal space by pointing at something very important on your shoe' flirting technic.
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aperrywilliams · 3 years
New blurbs-series: 10 days to my birthday!! (Day 5)
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(Not my gif)
Author Masterlist - Series Masterlist
My birthday will be in 5 days from now. So I’m going to celebrate myself with 10 Spencer Reid’s blurbs. Enjoy! (This one is longer too)
Day 10 | Day 09 | Day 08 | Day 07 | Day 06 | Day 05 | Day 04 | Day 03 | Day 02 | Day 01
Day 05: Spencer Reid asks you out in a date for the first time.
You could have done it, but you didn't dare. Maybe you were misreading the signs. The dance with Spencer at Rossi's had passed two weeks ago, but neither you nor Spencer addressed the matter afterwards. Yes, you were definitely misinterpreting things, he didn't like you and there was no sense for you thinking about it. That's why you preferred to continue as if nothing had happened and resume your relationship as before: as good friends.
You were willing to forget the issue and apparently Spencer was too. You both kept talking and forging your friendship as if nothing had happened. You both kept inviting each other for coffee and meeting outside of work to watch a movie or just chat.
One morning when you got to work, Penelope was quick to tell everyone that there was a new case. When you were all gathered in the conference room, Garcia started by saying that it was a case in Kansas City. As she delivered the details of the case, you could see Derek looking at Spencer with a wicked smile. While Spencer looked uncomfortable in his chair.
You didn’t give it much importance until you arrived at the police station in Kansas City. There, detective Harrison who was in charge of the case upon seeing you arrive immediately addressed Spencer.
“Dr. Spencer Reid, I knew you were coming. It's been quite a few weeks since you even called me on the phone”. You could see Spencer blush, Hotch frowned and Derek grinned. “Sorry, I didn't mean to make the doctor uncomfortable. Thank you all so much for coming,” she said while pointing the way to the office where all of you should set up.
You looked at Spencer and he shrugged as the rest of the team shook their heads. They all knew something that you clearly didn't.
Within hours you found out, because you had to question Garcia on the phone, that Detective Harrison had been a classmate of Spencer from college and that they were old friends. Well, at least that's what he stated, because according to the rumors it was said that Spencer and Harrison liked each other.
When you found out about that, it was as if you had been hit in the head leaving you stunned. Harrison was an attractive and intelligent woman and Spencer looked nervous and in awe around her, indeed he couldn't take his eyes off her. It was evidence that they liked each other. Harrison flirtatiously teased Spencer all day at the station and it was clear they had a close relationship too.
If you had any hope that Spencer might have feelings for you, that was scuttled that day. And more so when you heard Spencer talking to Derek in one of the corners of the police station.
“Why you just do it? It’s not complicate Reid. Just ask her,” Derek encouraged.
“No. I can’t do that… no, I can´t…”. Spencer seemed to be very distressed and shook his head, trying not to listen to Morgan's proposal.
“Why not? You like her. And she like you, it’s obvious!.” Morgan vowed.
“Yeah, I like her. It's been a long time since I've figured that out, but I don't want to ruin it. And if she says no?, I couldn't take it…”
“Don't be dramatic Reid, obviously she will tell you yes. Have you noticed how she looks at you? It's obvious to me she likes you. Just ask her out,” Derek insisted.
You couldn't keep listening. Reid had been nervous all day because in his head he was searching for a way to ask Harrison out. With that, you left the station defeated and sat on one of the benches in the courtyard to shed a few tears.
Several minutes passed and while you were trying to focus again, you saw how Spencer Reid himself approached where you were and looked at you with concern. ‘Fuck’ you thought.
“(Y/N)?, what's wrong?... we have been looking for you...,” Spencer told you as he sat next to you on the bench.
“Nothing’s wrong… I’m coming Spencer. Just needed a minute,” you replied as you tried to dry your tears. That made Spencer more concerned.
“Are you sure?... if something happened you can tell me... you don't look good and I'm worried,” he tried to insist, getting closer to you, but you got up quickly from the bench.
“You shouldn't. You have more important issues to take care, haven’t you ?,” you said sarcastically. You were already fed up with the situation and you didn't care about anything.
“What are you talking about?,” Spencer asked confused. It was clear that you were assuming something that he didn’t know.
“Nothing... forget it”. It was the last thing you said before turning and starting to walk back to the station.
“But ...,” Spencer tried to get you to stop walking away.
“I said forget it, Spencer,” you yelled already assuming your defeat. And since the situation was like this, you wanted to give him some advice because even if it wasn't with you, you wanted him to be happy. “And you know what?, just ask her out!, sure she is as crazy for you as you for her”. You told him before returning to the station. That's when Spencer started walking behind you to stop you again.
“Who are you talking about? Invite whom to go out?...”. You stopped again, not believing what you were hearing. Was he going to deny the undeniable?
“Ah Spencer. Stop pretending, you don't owe me anything so you can be honest with me. Asking Harrison out, that's what you were talking to Morgan about, right?”
That's when it all made sense to Spencer, and while he was sad to see you hurt by a situation that you had misinterpreted, this was a sign that you cared about him.
“No, no ... no (Y/N), I wasn't talking about that with Derek...,” he defended himself.
“Spencer, don’t lie to me. I eavesdropped… unintentionally, but I did it”. You could feel new tears pushing out.
“No! I mean, yeah. I was talking about it with Morgan... but no, it wasn't about Harrison... it was about you. I was talking about you,” he blurted out. Now it was you who looked at him confused.
“About me?”. You asked him trying to make sense of his words. He nodded shyly. You could see him blush.
“Yeah. Derek was trying to encourage me to ask you out... on a date. And I didn't dare. We're friends (Y/N), but… but I really like you. I like you for a long time and I didn't know how to say it... and after the dance that night at Rossi's I thought maybe something could happen between us... but I didn't want to say anything and you didn't say anything, and I thought you were uncomfortable...,” he rambled. You narrowed your eyes trying to focus, but something still were bugging you.
“But... what about Harrison?,” you asked.
“Harrison is my friend for a long time. Well, we are not best friends but just friends. And she really likes to tease me and flirting with me because she knows I get nervous, but that's all. I don't like her and she just like to tease, nothing else,” he stated shrugging.
“Oh God Spencer, I got it all wrong. Now I feel terrible. I didn't think... I was sure that you...”. Now you were rambling.
“Sure of what, (Y/N)?”. Spencer asked you somewhat confused.
“That there was no possibility of you like me. I mean, I like you a lot and I thought that was clear to you that night we danced. And since you didn't say anything, I didn't either... I don't know, everything was confusion to me after that”.
“I guess we both waited for the other to say something and clearly we didn't,” Spencer told you with a shyly chuckle.
“Yes, I guess the same. But... you mean it?... I mean... that you...”. You trailed off.
“Yeah, I mean it. And... now that we are talking about it... (Y/N)?, would you out on a date with me?”. He asked nervously with his gaze fixed on you. You looked at him smiling and nodded eagerly.
“Yes. I would like that”. His grin was the hugest you saw on him in a long time.
“Perfect! It's a date!”
Permanent Taglist: @dreatine​ @andiebeaword​ @paulaern​
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caelysiiium · 5 years
ma meilleure vie
Spring was finally showing its signs in Paris, the weather warm enough for the majority to tolerate the outdoors without jackets. Unfortunately, with the first week of April came an onslaught of never-ending rain that kept the population cooped up. Everyone was feeling the claustrophobia.
Saturday morning brought the sun at last. Lucas opened his eyes to light filtering through the blinds. He blinked wearily, adjusting to the environment around him. The weight of an arm was slung across his waist, and suddenly the events from the previous night came rushing back to him. He half turned, not wanting to cause too much of a disturbance, and stared at the way the sunlight fell across Eliott’s body next to him. The older boy’s hair was a mess, endearingly splayed across the pillows. Lucas felt an overwhelming surge of warmth and an intense longing to run his hands through it, battling between giving in and letting Eliott sleep a bit longer.
He didn’t have to wait too long, though, for his boyfriend let out a drowsy murmur a moment later. “Staring.”
Lucas flushed as Eliott opened his eyes to grin at him. “I’m not!”
“You’re a terrible liar,” Eliott said, tightening his arms around Lucas.
“Me? I’m a terrible liar? I’m the best liar you’ll ever meet.”
Lucas kissed his smile. Eliott let out a huff of laughter before pulling Lucas on top of him. His legs fell to either side of Eliott’s waist and he sat up to stare down at the boy who changed his life. His t-shirt was wrinkled, and he was sporting the worst bedhead Lucas had ever seen, but he was still so beautiful. He must’ve been silent for too long, because Eliott frowned and a hand came up to cup his cheek. “You okay?”
Lucas turned his head slightly to kiss Eliott’s palm in reassurance. “Yeah,” he whispered. “Just never thought I could be this happy.”
Eliott’s eyes crinkled adorably when he smiled again. Lucas couldn’t help but return it as Eliott tugged him gently into a kiss that made his whole body go languid. Their mouths opened to each other and it felt as if the ground split beneath them and he was falling, falling. Eliott’s hands slowly moved up his back, pressing their frames together. Lucas’ fingers were buried in those curls he so desperately wanted to touch since the moment he saw him all those weeks ago in the foyer.
When Eliott shifted below him, Lucas let out a soft moan and immediately felt embarrassed. They’ve only ever let go of their inhibitions when the sun was down, the lighting just enough to see one another as hands and lips roamed everywhere. He felt Eliott’s mouth curl upwards beneath his and kissed him harder, desire driving him to get closer, pushing the taller boy into the sheets as their breaths came out ragged. He felt fingers slip under his shirt, dancing across his lower waist.
The only thing that mattered in the world was this moment, right now—two boys, once so lost, who finally found themselves in each other.
After getting up to make breakfast for a still drowsy Eliott, Lucas left a note on the table saying that he was going to the park to get some fresh air after a week of being indoors. For good measure, he threw on some jogging pants and running shoes, hoping to get a bit of exercise. He was seriously out of shape.
He kept it up for a good thirty minutes before collapsing on his usual bench, exhausted. As he caught his breath, he surveyed his surroundings. There were morning couples out for a stroll, students from the lycée smoking by the fountain. A family of newly-born ducklings and their mother waddled into the pond that reflected trees lining the waters.
A notification came in on his phone. He turned it on and saw the text Yann sent to the group.
[10:53] Yann: Party tonight. Emma’s hosting again. Y’all joining me?
Immediately, Arthur and Basile replied.
[10:54] Basile: Hell yes!
[10:54] Arthur: Do you even have to ask?
Lucas grinned and typed in his own reply.
[10:54] Lucas: We’ll meet you guys at 8? Yann’s?
[10:55] Yann: Parfait
[10:55] Basile: WE! There’s a WE!
[10:55] Arthur: They’re always together, what else do you expect?
[10:55] Eliott: Jealous?
Shaking his head, he left them to it and slipped his phone back into his pocket. Lucas tilted his head back with his eyes closed, letting the sunlight wash over him. He hadn’t felt so relaxed in a long time. Now with nothing to hide from the people in his life that meant the most to him, he felt freer than he’d ever been. Suddenly remembering, he took his phone out again. Ignoring the string of chats between the guys, he sent a text to his mom.
[11:03] Lucas: I’m going out with the guys tonight ok?
[11:05] Maman: Don’t do anything reckless! And don’t forget that you’re joining your father and I for lunch tomorrow.
[11:05] Lucas: I remember.
[11:06] Maman: Have fun! Love you
[11:06] Lucas: Love you too.
“Hey.” An arm went around his shoulders as Eliott dropped onto the bench next to him and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. “What’s up? I could see your smile from across the park,” he said.
Lucas tried to squirm out of his boyfriend’s grasp, complaining that he was sweaty, but Eliott only wrapped his other arm around him and tightened his grip. “You’re suffocating me,” Lucas muttered, voice muffled as he slumped into Eliott’s shoulder. The older boy chuckled and let go, but not before brushing his lips gently across Lucas’ forehead and letting a hand fall to encircle his waist. A few weeks ago he would’ve cared about PDA, but he couldn’t give a flying fuck about what others had to say about him anymore, not when he had this.
They sat in comfortable silence for a minute until: “It was my mom,” Lucas said.
“Oh?” Eliott’s gaze flickered across his face. “I suppose everything’s good, then?”
“Yeah,” Lucas breathed. “Yeah, everything’s great. She told us to have fun tonight and reminded me that we’ll have a little rendezvous with my dad tomorrow at noon.”
“’Fun.’ We’ll definitely be having fun tonight. I’m guessing you didn’t tell her about the alcohol and weed?”
Lucas turned to glare at his boyfriend. “No, because you won’t be getting any.”
“And why is that?” Eliott said, mouth twitching.
“You know it’s not good for you.”
Eliott sighed and nuzzled into Lucas’ neck. “Fair enough. I guess there are other ways to entertain myself.” He kissed the soft area beneath his jaw and Lucas shuddered, face flaming. Eliott pulled back with a wicked grin that made his stomach flip. “I heard from the guys that you were such a flirt at the last party Emma held. What happened to all of that when you met me?” he inquired.
“You—“ Lucas was flustered, eyes flickering everywhere but into Eliott’s. “That’s because—It’s because I wasn’t real before, and although—although it wasn’t easy to lie to myself and to the guys, I could hide and pretend to be someone else.” He swallowed; his throat tightened. “You saw me. You saw straight through me, and it’s terrifying to be seen. But—I realized that I didn’t have to lie around you. I didn’t want to fucking pretend anymore. And everything came so naturally that I didn’t need to hide behind someone I wasn’t. Never again,” he whispered.
He could feel Eliott’s gaze on him but refused to acknowledge it. Eliott stood and crouched down in front of Lucas, hands coming up to gently tilt his head so that their eyes met in a symphony of fathomless blue. “And I wonder how you’re not an L student.”
Lucas huffed out a laugh and encircled his arms around Eliott’s shoulders, squeezing tightly. The taller boy skimmed his hands up his back and flattened them by his shoulder blades, murmuring reassurances by Lucas’ ear. He let himself melt into their embrace and breathed in Eliott’s comforting scent of mild paint and lavender (from the shampoo Mika gifted him a week ago when he had stayed the night after his episode). When they finally moved, Eliott straightened his long legs and pulled Lucas up with him. Their fingers automatically threaded together as they strolled down the pathway that circled the pond.
At 11:45, Lucas’ Instagram updated for the first time in a while. Eliott had been captivated by the family of ducks in the middle of the waters and turned back to point them out to Lucas. One of his hands extended out of sight beneath the frame where it held on to Lucas’. With the sun behind him, his body was cast in just enough backlight to make out a brilliant smile.
Vraiment, je vis ma meilleure vie.
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velvetchen · 7 years
Anonymous | pt. v
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Scenario: Tumblr AU Pairing: Chanyeol/Reader Word Count: 2226 Rating: T
Summary: Can you fall in love with someone you’ve never met? You just shot to tumblr fame when the latest chapter of your webtoon went viral. Messages start flooding in – hundreds of people saying things good and bad alike. One anon catches your eye, and you find you just have to reply to them…
<< previous part x next part >>
[12:03 AM] You: hey C, you awake? [12:05 AM] C: yeah what’s up? [12:05 AM] You: oh cool [12:05 AM] You: what are you doing~~ [12:07 AM] C: you know me, always working [12:08 AM] C: new song [12:08 AM] C: it’s coming along well i don’t want to interrupt it by going to bed [12:09 AM] You: you still haven’t let me hear any of your songs :( [12:10 AM] You: we’ve been texting for a while now and i still don’t even know your name [12:11 AM] You: i mean it’s fine like this but i can’t help but wonder [12:15 AM] C: trust me, S [12:15 AM] C: there’s a reason i’m so private
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Anonymous asked: Lmao you think by blocking me you’re safe? I can do a lot, you know
Oh, you again
Anonymous asked: You don’t seem excited to see me :(
Anonymous asked: I just wanna know who my favorite author is, is that so bad?
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posts about #webtoon and #me
You aren’t following this user. Do you want to report spam?
oo3043j: I know who you are
oo3043j: You think just because we’re your fans, you don’t owe us anything?
oo3043j: Lol bitch
oo3043j: Let me just say I’ve done some research on you
oo3043j: And I don’t just know your name…
oo3043j: I know C’s too
oo3043j: I don’t think it’s a name you want your fans to know. Given how much hate you’re already getting
oo3043j: Do I have your attention yet?
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Meditate on this empty tumblr for a while.
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[8:03 AM] C: hey how’s it going with that anon who was harassing you? :( [8:08 AM] You: oh it’s fine they backed off kinda [8:09 AM] You: well not really but i’m seeing if the cold shoulder works [8:10 AM] C: ahh i see~~ [8:10 AM] You: C just tell me one thing [8:10 AM] You: should i be worried about you? [8:12 AM] C: i get the feeling you’re not asking about my health... [8:13 AM] You: i’m serious [8:13 AM] You: who are you, really [8:16 AM] C: is that anon putting you up to this? [8:17 AM] You: what, i can’t have my doubts? [8:19 AM] C: come on, what are they saying about me [8:25 AM] You: i don’t have to tell you anything
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Posted on 29 November with 44 notes
So, webtoon developments aside (I’ll get to that in my next post, don’t worry) I’m sure all you shortcakes remember C? Yup, the guy who was flirting with S in the old days when SS was just starting to go viral. Yes, him. Well, if you’ve been keeping up with S as obsessively as I have, you probably know that they’ve been DMing ever since. Yup. And S said they’re almost best friends. Yuuuup.
So if you ship it, oh boy have I got some good news for you. It might not be from the most reliable - or ethical - source, but hey, gossip is gossip, right?
Should I post it on here or do you guys wanna shoot me a DM for the dirt?
I’m doing this for Chi @soldmyseoul …… if I go to jail, it’s her fault okay? Lol
The deets are: someone tracked C’s IP and figured out he’s an idol. A REAL LIFE IDOL.
You better believe it.
Update on this - they actually hacked S’s phone. I don’t know how much I trust this info but yeah they used C’s phone number to verify his location and the address on file for his number is apparently the address of the SM building in Cheongdam-dong, Seoul.  
Like I said this is probably false, they could just be making this up for attention. Everything seems super unlikely.
yeah you’re wrong about it being false. they did hack S’s phone. idk who it was but they leaked some pictures on a blog and it’s since been taken down, but there are a lot of posts about how they hacked into her phone and how she’s a total no good bitch and whatever.... :/
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[1:22 PM] You: C i need you to tell me [1:22 PM] You: i’m honestly getting freaked out [1:23 PM] You: they hacked into my phone and my pictures are being uploaded and i think they might have got your number too [1:29 PM] C: S i really don’t want to tell you [1:29 PM] C: i respect your privacy, don’t i? [1:31 PM] You: privacy isn’t even a goddamn issue here, it’s a matter of my safety [1:31 PM] You: and your safety too [1:32 PM] You: honestly when you’re as famous as i am, nothing is as simple as it sounds [1:33 PM] C: oh you wanna talk to me about fame? [1:33 PM] C: you know nothing about fame, okay [1:34 PM] C: this is nothing. compared to how some people live [1:34 PM] You: oh and how would YOU know
C is typing…
C is typing…
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Anonymous asked: You really think because you’re famous you have a chance with an idol? Back off
I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about?
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oo3043j: Aren’t you wondering how I found your photos? Hahaha
This user has been blocked.
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[6:56 PM] C: okay fine [6:57 PM] C: you deserve to know [6:57 PM] C: meet me at midnight at this address [7:00 PM] C: sent a map location [7:01 PM] C: i’ll explain everything
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[7:12 PM] You: jia he asked me to meet him [7:12 PM] You: should i??? [7:13 PM] You: i mean things are getting absolutely crazy and i just want everything to stop [7:13 PM] You: but what if he’s....you know [7:14 PM] Jia: a serial killer?? Lol [7:15 PM] Jia: i get why you’re worried, i would be too [7:15 PM] Jia: i mean, all this hate stuff started because of him in a way [7:15 PM] Jia: honestly i think you should go [7:16 PM] Jia: it would definitely sort things out [7:16 PM] Jia: i’ll come with you, if that helps [7:17 PM] You: thanks so much jia ;-;
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It was a quarter to eleven when you finally left the house. By some stroke of luck, the location C had chosen happened to be close by. You’d been surprised, and not in a good way. What if he was a stalker? What if you were walking straight into a trap?
You let out a breath. You knew him - from what you had gathered, he was possibly the most harmless person you’d ever seen. Someone who wanted to hurt you wouldn’t have been so nice, would they?
You didn’t know.
The meeting place he’d picked was a children’s park. At night it was eerie, and the sounds of the wind through the metal structures sounded too much like whispers. Were you alone? It certainly didn’t feel like it. It felt like there were eyes on you from every direction. You shivered as you made your way over to a bench and sat down, flinching at the cold metal of it.
It was ten minutes later that you finally saw a figure coming down the pathway to the park, clad in black and making shuffling footsteps that grew louder as he approached. You held your breath. Was it him? Was it C? You wanted to stand up, but decided not to draw attention to yourself. Jia was waiting in the car within screaming distance. If he turned out to be anyone but C - or if he was, and he tried something - you were pretty sure you could make a safe getaway.
He looked right at you when he entered the park, footsteps ceasing as he stepped onto the sand. He wore a hoodie, but you could still make out his features: a round face, high cheekbones, wide eyes. “S?” He said quietly.
You stood up at last. “C? Is that you?”
“Yeah, it’s me.” He sounded exactly like you’d expected. It was definitely him. “You came.”
“I did,” you said awkwardly, crossing your arms over your stomach. “Are you going to explain?”
He reached up to run a hand through his hair and in the process knocked back his hood, exposing his bright red hair to the wind. Quickly, he yanked it back up. “I should, shouldn’t I? Sit - sit down, I’ll tell you.” You backed down onto the bench and sat again, pressing yourself to the opposite end to maximize the distance between the both of you.
“My name is Park Chanyeol,” he started, sitting down. The name was familiar - where had you heard it?
“And I’m an idol. I’m Chanyeol from EXO.” He swallowed, the bobbing of his throat visible. Almost imperceptibly, he winced, like he wished he hadn’t told you.
You froze. “You’re...an….idol.”
“I’m an idol.”
“That’s why you were-” you looked away, frowning. “I get it now.”
There was a pause. Even though you knew each other well, meeting him in the flesh was a whole new monster. He felt unreachable after his confession. A million miles away. “Well. Thanks for telling me, I guess. It clears up a lot.”
You stood, making to leave. Chanyeol’s hand shot out to grab your wrist, his eyes flicking from his grip on you to your face and back. “Wait, S, don’t go.”
Unsteadily, you sat back down, not taking your eyes off him. “I...you’ll still talk to me, right? Won’t you?”
You answered truthfully. “I don’t know.”
“Please.” He moved closer to you, eyes pleading.
You wanted to say okay, but you couldn’t believe it. He was an idol, a thousand times removed from your simple life. How could you go on talking to him knowing who he actually was, having met him? Realizing he had talked to you for no other reason than him liking your work and by extension, you? It was overwhelming. “Why?”
“Well, why not?” He grinned, a quick smile that lit up his features and then faded as fast as it had come. “Oh, did I make you feel uncomfortable? I’m sorry. I, uh,” he leaned away, pushing himself to the other end of the bench like you had. “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t realize what it would be like for you. I’m sorry.”
You looked down at your hands. “Do you really want to talk to me?”
That smile was back. “Yeah. Obviously. Otherwise I wouldn’t have messaged you in the first place.” Gaining some sort of courage, he leaned back toward you, his hand lightly covering yours. “I’m just a normal person, S. I swear. You have nothing to be afraid of.”
You met his eyes. “I’m not afraid.”
“Good.” He swallowed again. “So I can go home and expect you to text me back?”
A tiny laugh escaped you. “Okay. Yes. Okay.”
He got up first, holding out his hand to help you, face falling just slightly when you didn’t take it and got up on your own. You might have agreed to keep talking to him, but you weren’t ready for anything else. Despite his assurance that he was just as normal as you, you still couldn’t feel like he was a real person at all. You wished it were easy to accept it - but it wasn’t.
“Did you come by yourself?”
You shook your head. “Oh, good, then. You can make it to the car alone?”
Again speechless, you nodded.
He looked reluctant to let you go. “Okay,” he finally said. “It was nice seeing you.”
“You too,” you choked out, and without another word, turned to leave. You could feel his eyes on you all the way back to your car. When you were out of sight, you ran.
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[12:49 AM] C: did you get home safe? [12:53 AM] You: i did, thank you :) [12:55 AM] C: i should be thanking you [12:55 AM] C: again, i realize you might have been really uncomfortable [12:56 AM] C: shit, all that hate you’re getting is because of me [12:56 AM] C: i’m really sorry :( i didn’t know what i was getting you into [12:57 AM] You: it’s okay [12:57 AM] You: i just still can’t believe [12:57 AM] You: i’m glad you told me, i’m a little more at peace now [12:58 AM] You: there’s still some shit going on but this helps [12:58 AM] C: glad to hear that :)
[1:05 AM] C: by the way, did i mention you’re beautiful? [1:06 AM] C: i meant to tell you after comiccon, but i forgot [1:06 AM] You: don’t say things like that ;;;;; [1:07 AM] C: why not? it’s true [1:07 AM] C: i’ve never seen anyone more beautiful than you [1:08 AM] You: are you just saying that so that i’ll talk to you more? [1:08 AM] C: :) [1:08 AM] C: S, maybe you should know something else too [1:09 AM] You: oh god, what now, you’re a gang leader? [1:10 AM] C: come on [1:10 AM] C: i’m serious, S [1:11 AM] C: i meant to tell you at the park but stopped myself every time [1:11 AM] C: i should’ve told you then [1:12 AM] C: S, i think i’m in love with you
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