#first artwork on here woa
solemnv0id · 19 days
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farsidejr · 9 months
You're an artist, do you have any advice
(sorry if this cringe)
i do ! it really depends on what you wanna draw buuut here's a few that apply to everything !
also i loooooove giving art help it is NEVER cringe :} if you ever see me draw something and go "woa how did they do that" PLEEAASE ask me !!! i will be more than happy to share my process on individual subjects/techniques/etc
USE REFERENCE IMAGES !!! i know it's always said, but it really helps. HOWEVER what i don't think is emphasized enough is your reference images for shapes, poses, animals, objects etc should be photos, not other people's drawn artwork. with a real life photo, you won't pick up another artist's mistakes and are more likely to be able to develop your own style ! plus, a lot of artists don't appreciate heavily referencing their images, since it can end up getting close to tracing in some cases.
DON'T FORCE A STYLE ! your art style is the way you personally comfortably draw, it's the shortcuts you take that make drawing easier and the details you personally have fun doing. you can definitely get tips on what to try out, take inspiration, etc, but at the end of the day it's just how you draw. everyone who draws has a drawing style, full stop
SKETCH !!! too many artists starting off i see either don't use sketching or use very little. yes, you CAN learn to draw without ever sketching, but it is a huge help. sketch basic 3d shapes overtop reference images to get an understanding of the structure. this is an exception to the first tip i gave, you absolutely can reference the way other artists structure their sketches. later on, you'll be able to eyeball it, for sure, but that takes time n practice
DON'T BE SHY ! this is still something i need to remind myself with. once you know the rules for drawing certain things, don't be shy to break them. exaggerate expressions, stretch or curve things if it makes it look better. don't be shy with shading if you want to do some, i used to shade way too faintly and was too nervous to really darken my shadows n brighten my highlights. most of all don't be shy to ask for help !
i might draw up a few visuals for rules of thumb i follow and reblog this with them later, but for now if you got any more questions feel free to ask :}
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