#fire emblem sutr
leaf-storm-lurking · 1 year
FEH OCs Part 2 out of ???
Disclaimer: I am going off of my memory, so I will probably miss or misremember several things. This time we're going through the characters introduced in Book 2 (and a little more).
Fjorm: I think she's alright, she apparently has a burning hatred for Sutr, but I never got that vibe from her. Also, it took like 3 years for Nifl to claim her life as she did the rite of ice. Which is weird, but at least it got addressed.
Gunnthra: Fjorm's big sis and she's dead. I think a lot of people forget that part, just like I forgot a lot of her character. Girl deserves to be in some forging bonds, she hasn't been in one since the event dedicated to the Nifl Royal family.
Hrid: Same as Gunnthra, except he's not dead and is ruling Nifl. I feel he could use some more alts or forging bonds events. Also, he tried 1v1 Sutr, but it didn't work out. A for effort though.
Ylgr: I like the kid, she's thrilled to be a hero and go on adventures with her siblings. I also like her relationship with Helbindi, it's the typical tough guy and wide-eyed kid, but it's cute. Also, her weapon is called Sylgr and I find that amusing.
Laegjarn: Caught my attention with her relationship with Laevatain. Gotta enjoy sisterly bonds and all that stuff. Although, I don't understand why she and Fjorm are friends. They barely knew each other and were on opposite sides, then she died and was forced to fight for Muspell. Not a lot of opportunities for meaningful conversation unless it's off-screen.
Laevatain: Imagine being named after the sword you wield, Sutr is a shitty parent, but that's not news. She's reliant on Laegjarn for strategy and planning, but her sister is dead and she is in charge of Muspell. I worry for her.
Helbindi: I feel bad for the dude, he lost his village and sister, and then dies protecting Veronica and Ylgr. One of his castle lines mentions that he doesn't feel he belongs here. Anyways, Duo hero with either Ylgr or Mustafa for him.
Sutr: Generic evil fire guy, and that's fine. He has a kickass design and that one speech where he talks about burning people alive. Kinda disappointed he's not in Book 3 considering there was a xenologue where we got to see Sutr in Hel.
Loki: How are you not a Legendary/Mythic Hero? YOUR SISTER IS ONE. Not crazy about her design though. Also, I'm expecting her to kill the Summoner (Norse mythology is the basis for that claim). Nifl: I don't like her design, it doesn't feel wintery enough to me. Although, I would like to know more about her first love and see her pre-muspellruinedmylife.
Muspell: Not crazy about his design either, his Flame Tribe alt is great though. He doesn't feel as intimidating as Sutr, which is a bit sad. I would like to see him and Nifl singing Snow Miser vs Heat Miser.
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Saw the leaks, and...
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Worst part is seeing as Nifl and Muspell appeared in the TT+ stories and got put into the new heroes banners, there's a high chance that Champion Fjorm will be the same.
On a lighter note, I'm 100% getting that witch hat accessory next heroes journeys. Love that each month the accessory matches the seasonal banner
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montyblanc · 3 years
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solcast59 · 4 years
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It's been 10,000 years...
Henry finally get his weapon refine...I thought IS has forgotten about the raven boy😭😭😭
I am excited for his refine, but yet scared of IS screwing him up again and give him like a gem raven tome 😭
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whoooo-eliwood · 6 years
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Alfonse: oh my god why does she have a knife
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pixel--perfect · 6 years
Me when Sutr became playable and was given a spot in the voting gauntlet
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the-emblem-of-fire · 6 years
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FINALLY YLGR IS HERE!!! She’s a genuinely good character and people should stop complaining about this banner. We just need to have patience for our faves to be added.
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This was so wonderful and precious! 💖 My garbage mode defense team is also a cute theme team!
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leaf-storm-lurking · 1 year
FEH OCs Part 3 out of ???
Disclaimer: I'm going off memory for all of these, so I will get things wrong or forget several important details.
Gustav: A dad in a Fire Emblem game... You all know what happens, poor dude. My feelings on him are mixed, he's a harsh dad towards Alfonse, but if his forging bond accessory is anything to go by, he cares for his son. And I don't think he has ever interacted with Sharena.
Henriette: It's the lady who gives us the mission that kicks off every book. Although, her valentine's quotes make me think that she's hiding some sort of power. I wonder if she's a dragon or something.
Eir: Often considered the best FEH OC and I can see why, her design is nice, and she had an arc where she betrayed her "mother" thanks to friendship. Not sure if I like her regular or ascended outfit more.
Lif: RAAAAAAAAAAAAGH, ONLY WANT ONE FUTURE- When I first heard that Lif was the name of Askr's founder I was like, "Cool, we're going to fight dead characters." I wasn't wrong, just unaware of the multi-verse. Being an unhinged dead Alfonse is pretty cool, and last we heard he's working for Thor or planning to attack the gods. Either way, I hope we see him in the main story again.
Thrasir: Similar to Lif, but with Veronica. She also hasn't gotten as much compared to her partner in crime. Although, how old are Thrasir and Lif compared to Veronica and Alfonse? I'd say several years, but did they age up after they started working for Hel or during their war with her.
Hel: Scary bone lady, killed Alfonse's dad and grandfather (Don't quote me on that one), making Alfonse (and Sharena) a true FE lord. My main complaint is that she didn't use any dead characters outside of Gustav. It would've been cool to fight Laegjarn, Helbindi, Sutr, or Gunnthra. It's also odd that she is one of the few gods that isn't a beast or dragon unit.
Ymir: Holy shit I love her design. Lady screams LIFE, despite being dead... (What is it with feh and killing gods?) Although I find it funny that the goddess of life, kills someone.
Ganglot: Ganglot answers a very important question, who's in charge of Hel after Hel's death? Ganglot is, till Ymir and Eir kill her. So who is in charge now?
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lanonima · 6 years
The reason Bruno hasn’t been in Heroes for so many chapters is that when he’s around Alfonse is too gay to function
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theeldritchmetanoia · 6 years
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littlestgamer · 6 years
Hot take: Ylgr said our name due to a transcript error.
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farishtafyre · 6 years
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Am I going to hell for laughing at this line?
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skully-bones · 6 years
Surtr: let’s burn these people alive lmao
Veronica: but they’re going to be our subjects
Surtr: do u think i give a shit
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summoner-kentauris · 6 years
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Congrats to all the Heroes OCs! Y’all did really good!
almost all top hundred yay!
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