lem-argentum · 9 months
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vakariasdragon · 2 months
Zach Finalfantasyseven if he was from New York:
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macarensesangles · 1 year
if my hot slutty little 40something babygirl doesn’t win the poll against sephiroth “hasn’t heard of sex” finalfantasyseven then the consequences will be dire indeed
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chocoborider92 · 3 years
Yes! Askbox open and accepting! 🤩
Sooo... The prompt is simple and SFW (for now 😈): what would be Sephiroth, Genesis and Vincent's reaction to accidentally listen Reader confess about her feelings to someone else?
I mean, the whole accidental eavesdropping because their enhanced abilities.
Feel free to write it as short sentences/drabbles or headcannons.
See ya.
                    Who Lies Beneath First Class
“Genesis Rhapsodos”
You stared at Reno with the most stoic, determined face you could muster and mentally fought your hand from crossing your fingers behind your own back. The cafeteria was extremely loud today, so you knew no one else heard your conversation…or your horrid attempt at a fib.
“Genesis…First class Genesis is taking you to the Annual Shinra Gala?”
The question asked was put forth as more of a statement but a question none the less. Reno had just asked you to attend the ball with him and with no other name on your mind but the one that had been occupying it since you spotted him walking down the hall hot off of an important mission earlier that day; you had no choice but to use his name in your lie. “Yep. It’s true. He asked me….today.”
“Like…in the last two hours? Because he has only been back at headquarters since 11:00 this morning.”
“…I guess he was really excited…to ask me…”
He knew you were lying. Who were you kidding? Reno was a Turk, for heaven sakes. He knew how to tell when someone was lying, it was his job. Of course he knew. Yet, you continued in your defiance, pride fully lifting your chin in an act of rebellion and strength. You were about to add more to the NOT thought-out lie when an arm draped around your shoulders. You had been standing with your back facing the wall of the lunchroom, so you knew no one could have been near enough for you to not notice them sooner, let alone hear the conversation. Yet, when you looked to your left to see who the culprit was, you almost hit the floor. Rhapsodos smirked at Reno as he leaned into his casual embrace, almost as if he had done it a million times before.
“Reno…why are you talking to my date?”
You don’t know who was gaping more openly, Reno or You. He casually looked to his right as if he was now ignoring Reno, and looked fully into your face, causing you to gulp loudly. “My dear, no honor remains. I am terribly sorry to keep you waiting. Please forgive me so that I may still accompany you to the gala.”
You had no idea what to say. What the hell was happening? He couldn’t have heard our conversation, he was nowhere around. Alas, he was here taking full responsibility of the pretend proposal for the following weekend as if it had been planned all along. It had never truly happened…Had it? Am I finally losing my mind? Your thoughts were interrupted with Reno’s apology as he turned and walked away almost embarrassed, a huge break from character for the mighty flirt. Reno had finally met his match.
“You are welcome…”, Genesis whispered in your ear, causing you to jump suddenly and avoid eye contact so that you could at least speak to your noble hero. “Sorry…I…ummm, I guess I just said the first name that entered my mind…” You tried not to squirm as he dropped his arm and fully faced you, melting you under his heated gaze. “Mmmm…first name huh? So tell me, little liar, why are you lying to Mr. Sinclair? Most importantly, why was my name the first you thought of?” The soldier first class was leaving no room for excuses and you had no idea how to escape this awkward situation. “I…saw you come back from Wutai this morning. I guess I just…”
You left the sentence hanging in the air heavily, hoping it would be forgotten as you shrugged your shoulders and mumbled another ‘sorry’ under your breath. You weren’t getting anywhere with this one. “That doesn’t answer my question. Pride is lost. Wings stripped away, the end is nigh… You might as well confess, guilty one. You are not getting away with your lies this time.”
You wanted to die, right there in the middle of the cafeteria. You could not tell him… that you had always found the confident red head handsome since you became employed inside Shinra. The way he stared at you made you feel as if he could read all your insecurities like a book, taking glimpses of the entirety of your soul and deepest thoughts…and desires.
You physically shook your head and looked down as you confessed…some of your feelings. “I guess I was wishing in the moment…that you were asking me instead of Reno…so I made the whole thing up? In an attempt to avoid his…request. I don’t want to go to the Gala at all but if I had to I…would rather pretend…”
“…That you are going with me? Instead of actually going with Reno?” His loud laugh filled the lunchroom and a few soldiers nearby turned in silence, mid-sentence to see what the commotion was about. “Please, people will hear us!”
“My dear, no one has hearing like mine in this room…well, except for the other firsts and they heard the whole thing already anyhow, as well as the lie itself.”
Hearing like… wait, what??!!
You took a glance at the table hosting the two other firsts and loyal side kick. They gently waved simultaneously, eyes glued to your wide eyed form and attempting to remain expressionless. NOW you really wanted to die…. You dropped your red face to your hands in a groan. A small pat was felt upon your shoulder before he casually strolled away with one more added comment.
“Be ready by 5.”
At that you shot up, gaping once again at his retreating form. He was no longer looking at you so you knew you could gape as much as you liked. Was he actually going to follow through and take you to the gala? That horrid event. The one everyone truly dreaded except for the secretaries who always had arm candy hanging from their clown faces and decorated forms. For janitors, such as yourself, it was an agonizing few hours of being reminded how terribly underpaid, overworked, and unimportant they really were. But this time? You were truly going to be going with a SOLDIER. And not just any SOLDIER…but first class, Genesis Rhapsodos? It couldn’t be…but he said be ready. Would he call and cancel? Turn back and say he was only joking and don’t read into things so much? But…he never did. He only sat down with his friends and began talking as if the whole thing never happened.
 Sephiroth watched from the table, more aware than the other two seemed to be. He had never noticed you before that moment, but the light blush and anxious chew on the lip was almost mesmerizing and he found that he could barely look away. Genesis…was he really going to follow through with his plan at saving you from the Turk? He had never truly cared about a woman enough to follow through with anything he promised…except for the occasional nightly embraces, so why would he now? The girl looked as if she would fall over from shock and when Genesis finally made his way back over to the lunch table, Sephiroth found himself somewhat angry with his friend. He would stand her up…he knew it. He wouldn’t take her to the Gala and it seemed as if Angeal was thinking the same thing.
“Genesis…are you really going to take that girl to the Gala? Didn’t you promise someone else?”
“I don’t recall…I think I have mentioned my accompaniment to many women before today.”
Angeal sighed deeply and shook his head. “So you do not plan on taking her then.”
“I do not know. I may…and then I may not.”
Sephiroth’s eyes left Genesis’s prideful form to rest upon you. Your hair was pulled into a ponytail and you had on the typical janitor outfit, nothing fancy to gaze on at all…but those eyes. They held certain brightness to them that most women didn’t have around Shinra. Most were dull and just working to get through the day. Yours however was radiant, like a drip of caramel atop a vanilla ice cream cone, oozing with sweetness and promise. You stood there dumbfounded before casually strolling away, a little bit of excitement to your step and Sephiroth felt a pang of unfamiliar pity direct itself across the room to see you out. He couldn’t sit there any longer with Genesis’s smug smile and confident air and as Sephiroth jumped out of his seat and strolled out of the cafeteria, he barely heard his friends questioning his actions behind him. He had to return to his office and get his mind off of the situation.
As the week went on and Sephiroth grew closer and closer to the weekend, he found that he had barely stopped thinking about your gentle features and how disappointed you would be when 5 rolled around on Saturday, no Genesis in sight.
5:19 p.m.
You looked at your watch for the fortieth time and sighed. You had a feeling…it was too good to be true that a member of SOLDIER would accompany you, and here you had spent all your gil on the fanciest dress you could find. You were gonna be someone different tonight. You were gonna be classy and sophisticated. You were gonna be…stood up. Yes that was right, of course you were to be stood up. You knew that Genesis had promised another prior because you had overhead some loud mouth announcing it to the break room. Still, you had thought that maybe…just maybe it was your luck that he had broken off that previous engagement. That maybe you were the only woman he had thought of all day. What a simpleton…
Hot tears fell across your face at your own stupidity. To be let down was one thing you could handle. You handled disappointment particularly well, but to believe he would show? What a moron. To be such a naïve fool….That was something you simply couldn’t handle.
To your horror, the doorbell rang and you gasped. Dear heavens he has shown, and you were standing inside your kitchen balling like an idiot. You frantically rubbed the moisture out of your eyes before closing them in an act to compose yourself before throwing the door open wide. Your breath hitched in your throat. There…standing on your front step….dressed in a black tux with hair organized neatly behind his head in a long, low ponytail…was none other than The General himself with a stoic expression painted evenly across his face.
Why the hell is SEPHIROTH on my doorstep??!
You both stared at one another for approximately three seconds before he broke the silence.
“Good evening.”
“Hi…I’m sorry, why are you here?”
Sephiroth took a deep breath in and you wanted to punch yourself in the face at asking something so rude before inviting the handsome man in. “I’m so sorry, please come in…”
You once again opened the door a little wider and allowed him to step inside your tiny apartment. His large form taking up your foyer was almost comical and again, you felt that a long stretch of silence had stretched on before you once again opened your mouth to speak.
“General, what can I help you with? Are you looking for something?”
Maybe he had got lost trying to find his dates house. Wait…did that happen to someone like Sephiroth? Did THE Sephiroth ever lose his way? Surely not….
“Are you trying to find someone?”
“Yes…actually, I was looking for you?”
“Me?!!! Why Me…?”
“I…was wondering….would you like to accompany me tonight…to the Gala.”
His question seemed almost clumsy and coming from HIM of all people, you found the situation once again comical. Yet, you were flabbergasted and this had left your feet and face motionless in such a state. The question in his deep, silky voice had you even more at a standstill and you had to mentally remind yourself to keep breathing and answer the gentleman.
“Oh…I…hadn’t really planned on going…now.”
The statement seemed like a rejection and you raced to correct yourself.
“I mean I would love to go with you! I just…well I wasn’t expecting you to be here…right now…and how did you know where I live? Wait…why are you here? I mean…why are you asking me to go with you to the Gala? Did…anyone ask you to? I…just don’t understand why you want to. Do you really want to?”
To your absolute humiliation, you were unable to keep the words pouring out of your mouth, and the small smirk and deep chuckle coming from the man in question was the only shocking thing that could prevent further questions from disembarking. How could such a simple action seem so foreign on his features; such a simple thing so beautiful and elegant? Truthfully, you had always found the man captivating and if you were being totally honest with yourself, you would have said his name aloud any other day…if it hadn’t been for that damn red head’s face entering your mind as he strolled down the hall in his retreat from Wutai. The fates are truly cruel.
Sephiroth then looked up and it only marked your face in red further to see his slight smile. “Yes…I believe I do.”
The Gala was uneventful. As usual, the most interesting thing was the people instead the party itself. At least the food was exceptional and you found yourself enjoying the wine more than usual in your anxious state. Your hands shook, but a little less with wine as your eyes darted around the room. You were so out of your comfort zone. These were definitely not your people. Most janitors avoided this night like the plague. You had every year except your first when you thought everyone attended, but to your utter embarrassment, only the higher ups, SOLDIER, and their assistants went. You must’ve left after only ten minutes that year.
“Stop panicking…and give me that, how many does that make? I will not have my date intoxicated beyond her ability tonight.”
Sephiroth’s words were sharp but his hand was delicate as he gently removed the glass from your firm grasp. You squeezed your hand tightly twice before lowering. “Sorry…I get really nervous at these types of…things. I don’t really fit in….” Just then, Genesis’ date traipsed coyly by the table as if on cue. “…and it is painstakingly obvious.”
“Hmph…that is ridiculous. If you didn’t ‘fit in’ as you say, then you would not be here. Nonetheless, I would not have brought you here…with me, especially.”
The sentence was more of a reprimand then a compliment and you found yourself puzzled on how to actually respond. You didn’t have to, for the female who had passed only seconds before was now coming straight for your table with Genesis by her side.
“Sephiroth…I can’t believe you actually came this year…and with a da-” The sentence hung midflight in the space between you as he stared at your uneasy form. Realization hit him and he stood straighter. “….Oh…I did not recognize you for a moment. I see you didn’t need my interference after all.” You tightened your grip on your knee and decided to ignore the situation and pretend it never happened with a smile. “How are you Genesis? Rebekah, you look beautiful.” The question and statement was ignored as he pressed on, this time taking in Sephiroth’s features. “I guess you couldn’t help yourself but to step in and be the hero once again, could you? It is your nature. Tho I have to admit, I can’t believe you decided you come to the Gala no less, with a…janitor, isn’t it? Yes…a janitor.” This time he looked back at you and you wanted to melt to liquid and evaporate right there from your chair as the two men fumed for unknown reasons to you. Surely they were not really upset over this situation alone…were they? No…surely not…
“Genesis…carefully choose your words…”
Sephiroth’s voice had dropped two octaves, a sound that made you tremble, but Genesis barely seemed to notice still deeply absorbed in his leading role as “Jaded Lover”. “Tell me, janitor, why is everyone so enamored with you so suddenly? I mean, how long have you been at Shinra? I know I’ve seen you around for what…four? Five years? Do tell me, how did you possibly happen to land in the Great General’s sights this evening?”
You opened your mouth to speak although your body language was practically screaming that you wanted to hide. However, you didn’t get to do either. Your date’s hand covered your own and Sephiroth leaned forward in finality, bringing victory to your table at ending the conversation. “I believe that is our business. Now if you will excuse us, we have somewhere else we must be.” You were brought to standing and you quickly nodded “farewell” as you were pulled out of the ballroom and into the cold, night air.
Sephiroth pulled you along, one hand in pocket, and you silently wanted to die. You hated when people felt sorry for you and right now, that is how you felt. Sephiroth brought you along because Genesis stood you up. And now, he had been embarrassed by the asshole and angered making him leave altogether. You had barely showed off your new dress.
Tears fell from your eyes and one fell from your face and hit the pavement. The general stopped in his tracks, and tilted his head slightly in your direction. “Please…do not do that.” Oh yes, now you really wanted to die. Sephiroth bringing you to the gala was one thing but now he was witnessing your tears. You wanted to cease existing altogether. “I...I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have come tonight and I made you and Genesis fight…and now your angry and…I’m just so sorry.”
Sephiroth must not have expected that for he was now turned fully towards you with a confused face, something else to find equally comical and suprising. “You are a strange girl. Why would you think that you have been given the right to apologize for something so absurd?” You blinked hard. “I…I am the cause of your fight…you are upset…”
“Hmmm…Genesis and I always end up in a fight. He can’t stand to lose and I never lose. It is inevitable. But what I do not understand is how you believe that you have somehow done something wrong. Or that you did not belong here tonight with me. Tell me…Are you always this self-unrighteous?” You found yourself blinking hard again. Alone, outside of the Shinra tower, you and Sephiroth only stared before he came closer to you with a smirk on his face and eyebrow raised. “You cannot answer that, then tell me this…How can someone so beautiful find themselves so undeserving? So unworthy? Is it simply an act or just your characterization?”
You never considered yourself beautiful. You had many admirers and boys had hinted at asking you to accompany them before, but no one really followed through. No one captured your interest and you never truly captured anyone else’s but…for THE SEPHIROTH to call you beautiful? That was something that had never even come close to happening to you before.
He came even closer to your frozen form before whispering and your breathing stopped altogether. “Tell me…should I accompany you home tonight? Or should I invite you to my apartment? Would you even come, considering you find yourself so very much beneath me? Or does that simply mean that I must take control and tell you that you are, in fact, coming home with me tonight?”
How do you even answer something like that? Did he even want you to answer?
You swallowed hard and continued to stare at him, eyes glued to his mouth in surprise.
“Well? How do you plead?”
You thought for a moment. This was it. One of those moments. A moment that you will never get back that could have dire consequences or cause a lifetime of ‘what ifs’ and regret. So for once in your life, you said the thing that was on your mind.
“I guess you could show me what it truly means to be... ‘beneath you”, General.”
And once again, Sephiroth smiled.
 `````````THE END```````````
Tell me if you think it needs more or if the last ending line is corny and needs to be changed.
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First date with Reno Headcanons:
- this is proBably awful, I lost my train of thought at the end I’m sO sorry-
You and Reno have been dating for a good few months
He’s busy a lot so you don’t really get to spend tons of time with him
So the time you do spend with him is always special
You spend every night with him when he’s not on missions but as for dates? Never had one.
You’re first “date” was at his apartment in his bedroom sat on his bed eating take-out and watching a movie.
Onto the headcanon!!!
He’d been thinking a lot about taking you out properly
Giving you a special date, just to show you how much he means to you
He’d been really busy lately with missions and paperwork that he hasn’t been able to spend as much time with you.
But it gives him a chance to plan
He confides in Rude, who of course is all for helping his partner (best friends after all am I right?)
During lunch breaks they sit in the cafeteria planning everything down to a T.
Rude becoming just as invested in this plan as Reno is.
Eventually when the day comes everything is perfectly executed.
He and Rude both managing to get the day off for this to work.
You wake up In the morning and turn over to find Reno sat on the bed, a tray with breakfast balancing in his hands.
You spend most of the day in bed together, cherishing the time you’re getting to spend with your lover.
It gets to 5pm when Reno makes a suggestion that you go and get a shower and get dressed
Confused you turn to him, but before you can even utter a word in response he’s off the bed pulling you into the bathroom.
You perhaps spend a little longer than he’d like in the shower BUT that’s only because upon dragging you into the bathroom you took it as a sign he wanted to do ~other things~ and of course.. even though he had a strict plan he wasn’t going to say no to you.
Eventually you get out of the shower and get ready.
Curiosity covering your face as you notice Reno putting his shoes on, looking up to you he ushers you to do the same.
By 7pm you’re in the car, driving towards????? The helipads??????
Before getting out of the car he runs over to your side, wrapping some unknown fabric around your eyes to stop you from seeing. (Honestly you’re not sure what the fabric was.. it could have been a pair of his boxers.. you wouldn’t be surprised)
You feel a hand placed on the small of your back, the other holding onto your hand guiding you along
You’re surprised he hasn’t made you trip over anything with how fast that boy walks
Eventually you get out into an open area, being able to tell from the way the breeze is blowing your hair about
You hear him tell you to stay still before he lets go, you hear his footsteps run off into the distance
After a short time of deafening silence you hear him shout to you to uncover your eyes
Uncovering your eyes you’re met with Reno, stood outside a helicopter, smile beaming towards you
You glance over to the pilot, noticing the sunglass wearing man you let out a small giggle
Walking towards to helicopter you notice the picnic basket and bottle of wine
This boy has planned a date of eating a meal in the helicopter while looking over the view of Midgar
The date goes amazingly, looking up at your boyfriend who is staring out over the helicopters window, taking in how the lighting is illuminating his features perfectly you smile.
You really are the luckiest girl to have someone like him in your life.
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seanplenahan · 5 years
#WIP: 🎮 Final Fantasy VII #yuffie gets some ink done. digital ink that is. 2OI9 exclusive 12"x18" print coming soon at: www.seanplenahan.com (Link in profile) —— #wipwednesday #finalfantasyseven #digitalinking #finalfantasy #ff #ffvii #finalfantasyvii #remake #cloudstrife #ffviiremake #squareenix #tifalockhart #adventchildren #vincent #Sony #video #fastvideo #progressvideo #clipstudiopaint #barrett #catsith #chocobo #bustersword #yuffie #cid #VGArt #Laartist #artistofla https://www.instagram.com/p/B1cSTfBnoZy/?igshid=gmhw4sccdxd2
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cosmicseaturtle · 5 years
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" A girl!! What do you mean by that!?" Here's some more Aerith, this time from Zenkaikon. Photo by @mdavid_photography Wig is a Jeannie in Spanish Brown from @ardawigs #ffvii #finalfantasycosplay #finalfantasy #Aerith #aerithcosplay #finalfantasyseven #ffviicosplay #ancient #aerithff7 #ff7 #cosplayphotography #cosplay #handmadecosplay #cosplaygirl #cosplayersofinstagram #playstationcosplay #throwback #squareenix #finalfantasycosplayer #90scosplay #ardastyle #ardawigs #instacosplay #aerithgainsborough #aerithgainsboroughcosplay #squareenix #zenkaikon #cosplayfun #videogamecosplay #zenkaikon2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/BwJxHHGjoWM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15yro6zcwecqo
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reverendryu · 7 years
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There’s 25% off all my stuff right now, and free shipping worldwide  - that means #FinalFantasy stuff for under 20 bucks! So check out my Final Fantasy collection and grab a bargain! https://society6.com/reverendryu/collection/final-fantasy
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finalomegaproject · 5 years
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OMG! The new Final Fantasy 16 character reveal looks lit! Looks like a Dark Knight/Dragoon/Theif class. Can't wait to play!! 😊 #finalfantasy16 #finalfantasyXVI #SquareEnix #FinalFantasy #finalfantasyremake #videogames #playstation #mmorpg #finalfantasyonline #finalfantasy7 #finalfantasyseven #finalfantasy7remake #cosplay #costumeplay #Momocon https://www.instagram.com/p/B3uDb_KniIQ/?igshid=177ahmsgey5be
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arreis-kurai · 5 years
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Chocobo stud earrings next to arrive in the Etsy shop! #finalfantasyseven #finalfantasyvii #finalfantasy7 #ffvii #ff7 #chocobo #goldsaucer #handmade #handmadegift #etsy #estyshop #shadowsgrasp #adorable #cute #nerdearrings #nerdyearrings #gamerearrings #gameraccessories #studearrings #prismacoloredpencil #coloredpencil #shrinkydink https://www.instagram.com/p/BtttG8ahk6G/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1beezex90f2lo
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sc0nesandc0ffee · 7 years
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Nerd harder than me. #pokemon #dragonite #original150 #og #finalfantasyseven #finalfantasy #originalplayersguide #nerd #nerdgasm #gamer #gamerchick #videogames #gamergirl #gaming
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nicky999doors · 3 years
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@nutricyst tagged me in pictures in my phone that describe me —
I’m tagging @illumineeti @finalfantasyseven and @batekush
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
Phoebe Honeygirl-Finalfantasyseven is so fucking valid. god speed you, funky lil firestarter 💖 💖 💖 💖 I hope you find your Sephiroth and commit [cough cough] perfectly reasonable and legal actions multiple times.
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scalproie · 3 years
Finally figured out why i like Reeves Finalfantasyseven: looks like Daigo
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the-stray-liger · 4 years
what do you think would happen if leon s kennedy, dante dmc, and sephiroth finalfantasyseven were in a room together without any of their weapons
they’d sit down in a circle and play rock paper scissors
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elliottshu · 3 years
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FF7 fanart from early this year when I first got my drawing tablet  #tifa #ff7 #cloud #finalfantasy7 #finalfantasyseven #purpledress #fanart 
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