#fight on for ol' sc
meepleech · 1 month
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my goofy ahh stickmen polycule cuz they're all so silly to me?!?!?!
More hcs under the cut cuz uhhhhhhhhh i'm normal [gunna be editing it whenever i think of more cuz i am not normal]
Red: AroAce he/they, just got into the polycule cuz he felt left out. Will never ever prioritize their animals over their qprs, they would feel too bad. They usually help Blue around the kitchen, may or may not instigate most of the food fights.. [Not most, all of them.] SC: Unlabeled he/him, started the polycule because he felt jealous that the two would only be lovey-dovey to each other. You can always find him hanging out with everyone else, holding ear muffs [him being eepy doesn't stop the hang outs.] Yellow: Pan they/she/he, started dating Blue and agreed to the polycule, cuz idk she thinks it's neat they get to have a connection like that. Always leaning their head on someone's chest, he likes the sound of a heartbeat. [Doesn't like doing that with SC though, cuz he doesn't have one.] Green: Gay they/he, second to join the polycule. Actually had crushes on both SC and Blue and thought it was cool the three were dating now. His rivalry with Yellow never left, he still thinks its funny to mess with her via being better at redstone. Usually wears their headphones, mostly on no sound so he can hear everyone better. Blue: Unlabeled any, started dating Yellow and asked SC to join [if he wanted to]. They usually tend the garden whenever the others leave her alone. [Definitely sneaks a munch or two of netherwart] Everyone HATES how obsessed she is over netherwart and just wants them to stop pls..... He loves all his partners and thinks they're all just the cutest like ever.
Red x SC: Usually messes with him, with loud and other noises to wake him up. Likes hanging out with him, just sitting around and drawing.
Red x Yellow: Just likes listening to her ramble about nerd stuff even though they retain nothing from it.
Red x Green: Always wants to try and prank him more after "The Prank". Always fails though...
Red x Blue: They bond over farms and farm animals, they're probably the only one who mildly tolerates Blue's netherwart problem. They fish together a lot :3 I also think Red thinks of Blue closer than everyone else cuz of their shared interests.
SC x Red: Cuddles with them a lot, likes how their tail is really soft, despite never seeing them take care of it, not even once.
SC x Yellow: He kinda hates how they usually just use him for their science experiments. [Yellow probably did some surgery and research on his body]
SC x Green: Besties and dating?!?!?! Real?!?!?!
SC x Blue: [this was one of my first avm ships cuz uhhhhhhhhhhhh goofy]
Yellow x Red: Goes to him whenever they wanna rant about a new finding [URETHRA!!!!!] and maybe kinda uses their spawn eggs as test subjects when the others.. aren't exactly there.
Yellow x SC: Main labrat- I mean... subject, totally. Usually interrogates him and tests his body for certain things that he can do, but the others can't.
Yellow x Green: Likes being a big ol' nerd around them, they usually go on adventures, trying to learn more things about the world they live in. [Usually gets jealous of Green whenever Blue shows him affection so she just sneaks into Blue's lap whenever they feel like that]
Yellow x Blue: [my...... otp....] Got attached to her even when they were stuck in that website they came in, and they just like how he talks anyway.
Green x Red: Likes ruining every single plan they have and also likes to make fun of him for the shits and giggles.
Green x SC: they care each other
Green x Yellow: Really really likes messing with her because it's the cause of Yellow's cool ass inventions.
Green x Blue: kissable [hearteyes]
Blue x Red: Often just watches Red tend to their animals and watch how he takes care of em.. She finds it really adorable
Blue x SC: His power just really captivated her and she felt attached to it for some reason!!!
Blue x Yellow: [MY OTP GRAHHHHH] She always was close w Yellow, then one day, he realized that.. they really love her.
Blue x Green: They think that he's really cool and awesome............. plus being all musical w him is always fun ^_^
i'll fill everything else in the next blue moon, my brain is fried
if u want more, tell me muahahhaha i would gladly spill my everything for the friends on tumblr
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unicornsaures · 1 month
yapping about the outsiders x amrev
Okay so first off, not replacing any characters, obviously. Im thinking the aides are their own seperate little group that just hang around one another. Not an actual gang like the shepard gang but more how the main characters run; just a group thats independent, but willing to stick up for one another. Ive decided that if i ever do something with this god forsaken AU its genuinely just gonna be mostly seperate from the main plot because none of the aides themselves would be socs and so the plot wouldnt even be relevant until the very end.(I have been thinking of making Lafayette a soc or something. Just for the fuck of it to test some limits to hamilton, laurens, and laf's friendship with the whole bob thing ehe!)
But for the sake of this AU, theyre all aged into their 20s except for Washington. Its just easier than having 60 year olds street fighting.
Right, so characters! I havent thought much on other aides BUT i have thought VERY heavily on Laurens and Hamilton, obviously. So, starting with Laurens. Hes literally the same. Hes just as impulsive as he is during his time period if not worse. Hes given more opportunities to fight and he takes every. single. one. I would say hes similar to Dally but really he isnt. He'll get in a fistfight every week or so but nothing serious enough he ends up in jail. His relationship with HL is kind if rocky, too. They moved from SC to fucking oklahoma and John is not too happy about the move, for one, and his father isnt happy that Laurens turned into a 'hood.' Mainly, he just wont sleep at his own house. He'll crash at Meade's place or maybe Hamilton's run down, abandoned little house if he has to. HL isnt abusive or anything he just doesnt like living with so many siblings while his father goes on and on about how hes a bad influence. Not helping that he has a new bruise or cut every time he vists but i digress, John is basically a 'watered down' dally.
Righttt, Hamilton! Yeah, born in NYC, mom died, got too expensive, so he moved to good ol Oklahoma without his dad. I may just say he works at DX with Soda and whatnot because while the aides arent needed for the plot, i want them to feel a lil somethin somethin when everything goes down in the book and having a relation to both Soda and Steve would at least make Hamilton feel a bit bad and maybe even convince him to fight in the rumble at the end. Laurens and him arent really officially dating either. Theyre technically exclusive, but they never really talked about it and kind of just say theyre there to keep each other in check. Neither of them really want to confront any of their emotions towards anything so they settle for hamilton lovingly scolding laurens every time he gets in a fight and sharing 'no homo' kisses. Yeah and he lives in this run down house that he doesnt pay for and he has to drop by Meade's place whenever cops come searching for anyone living in there because i need him to be a little bit pathetic.
The rest of the aides are primarily undecided, if im being honest. Meade's parents are still alive from what I know and the other aides either stay at their own house or crash at Meade's, but Laurens is usually taking up the couch on most nights as does Hamilton. Most of the other aides arent big fighters really, theyre just trying to make it through college/day to day jobs. Washington kind of watches over all of them, like an unofficial father to their lil gang. They just hang around him and he frequently scolds them all for misbehaving. Hes like darry but older i guess. (Hes like, in his late 40's in this AU.)
Oh, and kinloch is there because i said so! If anything, he gives me major soc vibes and i primarily think he is why Laurens has such a knack for starting fights with socs for no reason. They were some weird ass situationship and they had an unofficial breakup that Laurens is still extremely salty over. Francis totally went for his neck during the rumble btw and they hate each other and laurens still tries to start fights with him whenever he sees him.
Though, Lafayette is also pretty undecided. I want him to be a greaser but at the same time i think him being a soc would test the limits of him and laurens' friendship while also he and hamilton's friendship. Laurens because obviously, francis. Hamilton because he saw how the socs affected soda, steve, etc and he feels bad for them, but also Lafayette would be dead set that Johnny is a murderer because he needs to stick up for the socs to stay loyal.
Now lets talk about the rumble! I think only some of the aides would get involved, really. Hamilton would because he saw how johnny affected steve and soda, Laurens because he just wants to fight, and the two dragged along Tilghman and Harrison because theyre strong enough to do some genuine damage. The rest of them just dont want to be involved in all of that and think its easier to just not get hurt.(Meade tags along but stands off to the side just to make sure no one gets seriously injured. He has change ready for a pay phone in case he needs to call up washington.)
Now, what i think would be interesting is their reaction to Dally's death. Im saying Laurens wouldve heard his name, as would all of the greasers, really. So their entire gang would know his name, but im mainly thinking about Laurens for this one because id like to think that he kind of looked up to him in some fucked up way? Not really looked up to, but more so respected. I feel like with Ham telling him about how Soda and Steve reacted and how they act at the DX afterwards would really fuck with him too and id like to think hed drop by the curtis house or some shit to say that he thought dally was a cool guy or something.
Yeah, anyway this is all pretty rough in terms of what the fuck im yapping about i just spat out every word that came to mind.
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kxllerblond · 7 months
@fangmother / sc
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❝ In a perfect situation. Like, everything aligned in your favor...would you fight god? Like, a good ole' dirty bar brawl sort of fight? I would and I don't even think I have any personal ire towards them now. Just the sort of pissed off you are at an incompetent boss mismanaging a company, you know? I'd still do it. I'd still punch the fucker, I think. ❞
The king and queen of blurting out the most obnoxiously random topics, every one. Clark had turned to her, a to-go cup in hand this time as they walked. ❝ So would you? You've talked about it some. You've a history with the stuff. Religion. You sorts always end up with this weird sort of...complex hate fetish. Surely you'd throw a punch or two. ❞
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its-moopoint · 9 months
While shippers keep track of CT's and S's lives everything they distort is factual correct. No games played as they want followers to believe.
- Spotting C/T & baby is normal and usually people respect her privacy - - C didn't hint anything, she posted a thank you for SOC invite - - Lauren Lyle interviewer mentioned his connection to OL through his good friend T who is married to CB - - Not the first time cast members acknowledge SC aren't together - - CT not doing an IFTA pap walk but attending together as a married couple - - C was happy to be out attending The Fratellis - - CB cut hair for a new movie just like she did for FvF - - CB only mentions T if asked - - CB attending play in NY could also have had another professional reason - - CB can be tagged by friends as normal people do.
SH is doing his own thing completely separate from CB.
ES #realfairy wrote:
Droughlander isn't over …
Droughlander isn't over …
Since February, when the wrap was announced, we've been thinking about some possible mischief that could happen until this season of Droughlander is over.
It was a joke between friends, but looking at the number of hits, I think these 'hunches' could be written about here.
1 - A discreet fan spots C 'with her family' but doesn't publish photos in the name of privacy ✔️
2 - Sam is seen in the background of random photo/video that suspiciously gets posted to tumblr ✔️
3 - Pap walks with a blonde
4 - Cait hints she's in city X, Sam hints he's on the other side of the world ✔️
5 - Sam does another super expensive meeting for fan ✔️
6 - New Russian video
7 - Interview with random cast member who mentions Caitriona Balfe's husband ✔️
8 - Totally out of the blue random cast member reveals that Sam and Cait ARE NOT a couple ✔️
9 - Cait does pap walk with T at IFTA - in case of a win, there will be a special thank you ✔️
10 - Deux Moi releases note of Sam's sighting with 'a blonde' ✔️
11 - Cait publishes some innuendo about The Fratellis ✔️
12 - Sam appears in a fan photo in a completely unexpected location ✔️
13 - Cait cuts her hair again ✔️
14 - New change in Sam, Priyanka and Celine Dion's film ✔️
15 - Cait gives an interview and the article mentions her husband
16 - PapWalk for Just Jared ✔️
17 - Cait dedicates the new batch of gin to her husband
18 - Monika Askmit does another podcast badmouthing Sam
19 - Cait attends a fashion/cinema/arts event and T appears in the background of the post-event photos
20 - A fight breaks out in the fandon and shippers are thrown into the fire ✔️
21 - Sam appears like an old bloke in the background of a party photo/video
22 - ONE MORE of Sam's 'exes' gets married ✔️
23 - Sam and Cait do ZERO OL promo events together
24 - Sam turns up at a stadium with Sophie or Alex N, OR Marina, or Nico, or Cirdan ✔️
25 - Sam posts a shirtless photo ✔️
26 - Sam appears on a talk show and claims to be single once again ✔️
27 - The Nic couple do something completely over-the-top, drawing the attention of the entire fandon to themselves ✔️
28 - Several models/influencers are pointed out as the new flavor of summer, with the expected insinuations on social media ✔️
29 - BONUS: Cody Kennedy follows Sam and he follows her back (Cody deactivates his IG) ✔️
30 - BONUS: Victoria L (ex Heughan) posts selfie on a beach in Fife, with friends and family - including Sam and Chrissie Heughan, sparking a HUGE row in the fandon ✔️
31 - BONUS: Cait (after a sighting of the happy family in Glasgow) is spotted at a theatre in NY, while Sam, also in the US, was missing ✔️
32 - BONUS Damage containment: Cait appears in a random place with T ✔️
33 - BONUS: Cleveden appears on estate agent's website, put up for sale ✔️
34 - BONUS: Cait and Sam's recordings end at almost the same time and both disappear for a week, then appear out of nowhere in different places around the world ✔️
35 - BONUS: weekly rounds of "Look here, don't look there" ✔️
36 - BONUS: Anna Modler, as well as getting married, is pregnant ✔️
37 - BONUS: Cait is tagged by a friend, watching an Irish football match while Sam is obviously in another part of the world ✔️
38 - BONUS: Graham and Garance launch a drinks company and a big row breaks out in the fandon ✔️
Some things didn't happen, other things happened more than once, overlapping or combining with each other … but some really unexpected things have happened …
It's been fun and it doesn't have to be much more than that.
Anyway, Droughlander isn't over. We'll see how many more items are ticked off this list, or what else might happen …
Sep 1st, 2023
To sum her piece of bullshit up, they are celebrating not knowing where C has been and pretending in their delusion that she was with S but never seen either while he's broadcast his every move.
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zeninsama-moved · 2 years
hie Mercury!!
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yessssehdjsifjdn please do!
I'm always up for more mentholverse lore.
(the sc is from your tags on this post)
quick cw for fighting, violence, blood, death, the works
located in a remote area, far out of town, under a laundromat
ran by an oc @cyancherub and i created called "the madame"
this is where aki fights
good ol' cage matches and bare-knuckle boxing, minus the rules and regulations
no-weapons policy (check that shit at the front door) with strict enforcement (taken out back and shot fr), this is a classy establishment <3
lots of betting on fights
fights last a couple rounds, win by incapacitating your opponent, or killing them (you're a dead man either way if you lose since whoever bet on you is now out of money)
((menthol characters affiliated w/ foxclub – aki, yoshida, aki's buddy in the organization nomo))
ran by ???
this is a neutral space, save the fighting for inside the ring
fight to the death with your weapon of choice (no guns bc that's not a fun fight), win by being the last man standing, NO EXCEPTIONS
things get MESSY here, expect to see shit straight out of a nightmare
similarly, lots of betting on fights
there's a "vip" section where political figures and elites come to watch and bet money on these fights, perfect view overlooking the cage
this is where u meet mentholverse denji
((most csm characters would fit in this club but the jigoku regulars are denji, power, and reze. kishibe is probably a legend here. tbh toji would be sexy here if we put him in the story.))
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jarfulloftears · 2 years
when there's no more room in hell [5/7]
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picture source: Def By Temptation (dir. James Bond III, 1990)
find the master list here!
the following chapter includes: vulgar language and mentions of death.
word count: ~ 5k
It was a sound slumber, even more peaceful than the temporary rest of my death. 
There was nothing that compared to a hard nap after a full meal and great sex. Not even the undead could fight off the comforting arms of a good night’s rest.
At least, that’s how it was for me and my first night’s rest as a vamp— zom— whatever I was now.
I couldn’t say the same for Cortez, who ended up being the culprit of my broken snooze.
I was stirred awake by the sound of loud rustling. The shimmering of plastic sounded like ocean waves until my eyes creaked open. 
Cortez’s shadow towered in the corner of the candle-lit room, giving me quite the silent fright until I witnessed the twinkle of his stylish stud earring. 
I buried a smile in the silk-coated pillow I laid upon, a ball of warmth dispersing within me at the mere sight of him. 
To awaken in the company of someone other than myself was a gift I was so rarely afforded in my past life, and after raising from the dead in that mortuary all by myself, scared and cold and pained, I vowed to never take moments like this for granted.
I basked in such comfort, but as I watched Cortez slide on an undershirt to accompany the sweats he wore, I quickly searched for a needle of acceptance in a haystack of disappointment.
He was leaving soon. 
He’d just picked up a big heap of black plastic when I terminated my silence. 
“Where are you going?” my voice was groggy, but it sure beat having the scratchy whispers that strained my vocal chords when I was first reanimated. 
Cortez faced me, a smile sneaking up on his lips as he gently set the bag back down on the floor. “Look who’s back from the dead.”
“Har har,” my sarcasm wasn’t lost on him as he climbed halfway on to the bed, halting to lean over the drying remnants of our shared meal, a hardened puddle that stained the sheets.
He pecked my lips sweetly before peppering my face with his kisses. 
I nudged him with a groan, the weak mushing of his face serving as no match against his determined affection.
“You had a good night, baby. Not bad at all.”
“If it was that good, you’d still be asleep right now, like me,” I muttered as he ran a gentle hand over my hair. Such an affectionate gesture briefly reminded me that I was due for a new hairdo.
“Duty calls, my love.”
“And what duty is that?”
“Getting rid of these bones.”
Flashes of our time spent ticked through my mind. “Yeah, we did do a number on ol’ girl, huh?”
“Shit, had to. You drank all the fresh blood.”
“Did not.”
“By the time I got her, you’d already chugged on her three times.”
“What else was I supposed to do?” I nearly laughed.
“Just slow your roll next time. Pacing is everything in a situation like that,” he warned while easing off of the bed and standing straight once more. 
I sighed deeply as he continued, “You saw how you almost scared her off with how fast you bit her.”
I rolled my eyes. “I don’t need a lecture.”
“Yeah, what you need is to better pace yourself. You would’ve been better off just killing her and then feeding.”
“Where’s the fun in that? You weren’t complaining.”
“Yeah, but we had a lot of swaying to do to get her back on track.”
“Oh, please. A kiss and some sweet talking— she hardly needed convincing.”
“But she needed convincing nonetheless,” he noted. 
“It couldn’t have been any worse than your first kill. You the one still workin’ on your methods.”
“My methods for turning, not hunting,” he clarified, bandaging his hand with the mouth of the trash bag and picking it up again. “And my first kill was quick, stealth, and smooth.”
“But did you get to fuck while you fed?” I grinned smugly. 
He deflected with, “I’ll be back. Get some rest.”
I glanced around for any attempt to stall his departure, “What are we gonna do about the sheets?”
“I can get those handled later. I didn’t want to disturb your rest—”
I scoffed while sitting up, “We might as well handle it now since we’re already handling something else.”
“We,” he unveiled the tiniest indication of his satisfaction at such a term.
I downplayed his quarter smile, still rising from the bed and finding clothes of my own, “Yeah, we made this mess together, didn’t we?”
“So? Besides, this was for you. I’ll deal with the clean-up on my own. Consider it another gift,” he shrugged.
I clawed my way into a hoodie, his hoodie, responding to him with a huff. “Ain’t you supposed to be showin’ me the ropes of this undead shit? How can I thrive if I don’t know how to get rid of the incriminating shit?”
“You don’t have to worry about that. You’re too pretty to get your hands dirty. I’ll just take care of it,” he insisted.
“But what if there’s a time where you’re not there? What if you’re busy or… we’re not together anymore?”
He didn’t want to lend any thoughts to such an outcome. 
I could smell the fear on him. It wasn’t nearly as palpable as that of a human’s, but his fear of abandonment— his fear that I wouldn’t need him one day— it wreaked like sweet bourbon. 
And no lie— full transparency— I didn’t want to think about it either. 
The world was scary and the future was uncertain when I was alive, but now it felt like I had no bounds. I didn’t have to abide by any restrictions imposed by society nor any binaries of human existence. 
I could be whatever I wanted, however many things I wanted to be… and with all that freedom, I wanted someone to share it with. 
With all those things that I could become, the only thing I knew I wanted to be was Cortez’s.
It sure says something that it takes me dying to get an undying love such as this.
He didn’t say much after such a question, searching my eyes and thumbing through my mind for only a moment before putting down the bag once again. 
“Gather up the sheets. I’ll get another bag,” were his only words before he disappeared into the darkness of our home.
Our. Now, when did that become fact?
I did as instructed, and within minutes, I was holding open a colossal trash bag while Cortez loaded in the mounds of never-ending, blood-stained thread.
I stared at him, probably harder than I intended to, but I couldn’t help but to go diving for my heart in his eyes. 
“If you didn’t want me to leave, you could’ve just said so,” he broke my dazed concentration without even breaking the rhythm of his own task at hand.
“I couldn’t,” I refuted.
“Why not?”
The simple question awakened such vulnerable humanity within me. I started to war with the feeling, but as his gaze fused with mine, I found him watching me through the glass wall my emotions were propped behind.
There was no use in lying or putting on a façade. I was defenseless and completely naked. I was seen for my everything, and I couldn’t hide.
It nearly brought me to tears, hearing myself be so sad— realizing just how little I’d known love prior to this moment— realizing how deeply my need for him ran. “I would’ve asked you to stay, and you would’ve left anyway.”
“Do you really believe that?” The question was less for his peace of mind and more of a prompt for me to ask myself what he wanted me to verbalize.
I avoided doing so. “I don’t know what to believe, Cortez. I-I mean, how do I know it’s not just you playin’ around in my head again?”
“I have no reason to lie to you. I’m standing here just as naked as you are. It’s on you to accept what it is that you see,” he said.
I wandered his thoughts, searching fervorously for any scrap of deception, any inconsistencies in his character. 
It was spotless of any flaw of his own making, and here I stood, my back against the levee of my own tears as I pored over the mess I made of his headspace.
He was owed an apology that I couldn’t bring myself to give, not without unleashing the plague of such weak, small-minded, human emotions.
“Nala,” my name never sounded as sweet as it did on his tongue. My eyes fluttered closed at the sound of his voice and the feel of his hands falling over mine. 
The trash I held was loosened from my grip and my softened touch fell into his. Electricity coursed through me, from the tips of my fingers and straight to my heart. 
The world I knew was zapped into oblivion as I sunk into the nothingness of closed eyes, and from the abyss was only my name honeyed by his timbre.
“My sweet Nala,” he whispered.
The scent of his essence twisted in my sinuses as I reveled in the warmth his closeness brought.
I wanted to pull him even closer; I wanted to become an ocean of tears in his arms and let the sun dry me up.
I was spiraling in my nothingness, twirling until the ribbons he’d tied my heart in became a pool of fabric in which I’d drown. 
God, why is everything so fucking intense? One exchange became the trigger for a level of separation anxiety that I hadn’t had since I was a child. 
Had my heart been so frozen over in life that it had no choice but to thaw out in death? Was it making up for lost time?
“You may not be living, but you’re more human than they’ll ever be… They’re fucking animals, but we… you… are the best of us all. Don’t let something as beautiful as your emotions lead you to believe you’re weak like them.” 
He continued, “They’re not weak because they have emotions. They’re weak because they hide them, they hold them over each other, they manipulate other’s emotions for their own gain… That’ll never be us. That’ll never be you.”
“How can you be sure?” I whimpered, lips quivering as the result of a failing war against my tears.
“Because I know you… and I see you… and I see you fighting,” he answered, “but I need you to see me and know that you don’t have to fight with me. Your vulnerability is your greatest strength. We feel things on an intense level because everything is a matter of fact.”
He continued to elaborate. “There is no confusion, no distraction of any other feelings. This is what it is, and it’s going to be felt whether you fight it or not, but just know… that feeling is going to win every time… whether it be hunger or lust or fear…”
I slowly opened my eyes, gazing up to see him in all of his naked splendor, “Or love?”
He smiled reassuringly, his hold on my hands firming as he verified, “Or love.”
I didn’t realize I was in need of relief until a sigh of solace escaped my lips at his words. With that, my eyes closed yet again and tears streamed down my face in glory. 
He enveloped me in his arms, holding my waist and cradling my head into his warmth.
Home. He felt like home.
I collapsed into him, the flood waters of joy attained rocking me into a sob before lulling me back to sleep.
The sun was high when I reawakened, rays pouring in through chiffon curtains— curtains that Cortez wanted to switch out for something more modern. But I, for one, preferred the drama of luxurious, layered fabric, especially when catching a summer breeze.
The beam of soft blue light perfectly accompanied the peace of tranquility I soaked in. Such tranquility became a hum of electric currents as I found myself wrapped in the embrace of Cortez.
He slept peacefully— as dead as a doorknob— but his hold was locked and secured. 
His clothes were different, telling me all I needed to know about the state of what used to be our crime scene.
He had left anyway, but I couldn’t even be mad as I lay in his grasp. 
So I just stayed there, relaxing in such intimacy. Reveling in such delight that it didn’t matter that he left. He was here now; that was the important thing.
It didn’t matter that we lied on a bare mattress or that we had a reality to return to.
If only I could stay here, in his arms, for the rest of our undead lives.
But before long, there was an alarm sounding, keeping us tied to the wretched confines of time, a system we really didn’t have to conform to, if we didn’t want to… 
But if we wanted to blend in with the world at large, something as futile as time would have to be taken on with a sense of importance.
I daydreamed about a life without humans, a life among our own kind. 
I nearly laughed at the thought. Who was I kidding? I’ve only been a part of the undead for maybe a full day, and here I was talking about “our kind.”
It was a funny thing, succumbing to doubts spawned from inklings of imposter syndrome. 
Something as silly as questioning your place amongst those who probably had less of a right than you to be in the same place— that was reserved for the living, surely.
Cortez turned off his alarm, a deep sigh blossoming in the silence that followed.
He pulled me closer, hands roaming with his gaze aimed at mine. My internal hum became a never ending lightning strike as soon as our eyes met. 
My body had come alive instantaneously, an immediate needing causing a stir in my core. 
“Good morning,” I was suddenly breathless as he nestled his face in my neck and trailed a hand along the thigh that spanned across his waist in our slumber. 
“Good morning,” he responded with his hand rounding my ass and sliding to settle between my thighs. 
The pressure of his fingertips resulted in an immediate short circuit of my brain. His strong hold helped shift me so that I was completely on top of him, thighs pinned to either side of his midsection. 
“I can't tell you how good it feels waking up to you,” he whispered.
I might as well have been burning at the stake with the all-consuming fire that possessed me. 
Never had mutual feelings turned me on like this. 
“I’ve been missing you,” he said.
A shaky sigh of satisfaction shimmied out of me as he continued to toy with my body. 
“Five years of figuring out how to best take on my freedom when I still felt incomplete… until I found you… my Nala.”
I melted in more ways than one, even last night’s tears threatening to make an appearance at the thought of not just being me but being his. 
“Arch that back, baby,” he whispered, and as if I were the target of a spell, my body did as commanded with no thought required. 
With my breasts pressed against him, his voice trapped in my ear, and his free arm strapped across my spine, this kind of bondage was becoming my favorite. 
His fingertips were lost in my center, joining hands with my pending orgasm and guiding it step by step down the hall of fruition. 
“That’s it, baby. You got it,” he coached. His encouragement only continued to weaken my will as I purred and panted. 
“Cortez,” I shivered at the feel of his tongue against my skin. 
I thought about how good it truly was to have him all to myself.
I replayed the same fantasies he’d imprinted on me last night, soon only wanting one thing and that was to feel my cup overrunning with his love. 
Shit, can the undead get pregnant?
Cortez chuckled, pulling me out of my own head. 
“What’s so funny?” I was disappointed at the alleviation of his pressure. 
“You gotta start being more present in the moment, baby,” he shook his head with a laugh.
“I am,” I nearly whined at the feeling of his loosening wrap around me.
“You thinkin’ about whether you’ll need birth control and shit,” his amused smile persevered even as he indulged in the taste on his fingertips. 
“Yeah, a’ight, I’ma need you to stay the fuck out of my head,” I was slightly embarrassed that he was aware of such a thought. 
“If that’s really what’chu want,” he acquiesced before continuing on, “but there ain’t nothin’ for you to be ashamed of. Leave all that ‘being in your head’ shit in your past life. I loved you from the moment I saw you, the moment I knew you. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’ve seen it all.”
“All of it?” my voice was the size of a mouse as I thought about all the hazy, ugly details of my miserable existence. 
“All of it,” he affirmed. 
I rested my head on his shoulder, one question swirling around my head before I finally built the nerve to ask it. 
“So, after you saw it all… what did you think of me?”
“I thought you were perfect… Absolutely perfect.”
Not rotten. Not useless or only good for one thing. Not foolish. Not crazy. 
Not any of the things Micah told me I was. 
Micah. A new fury awakened.
I’d wasted so many of my human years on him, so much of my energy. I’d gotten so wrapped around his finger that his pulse became mine in the worst way. 
I let him take the lead, and he led me into a dark hole— he led me to my destruction, to my death.
And Cortez led me to life, eternal life. To liberty. 
To vengeance. 
I nearly smiled at the thought, becoming lost in the daydream of seducing Micah and ripping his head off. Bathing in his blood while his fiancée watched. 
Soiling his remains with mud and airing them on a global stage— no longer would I be the only discarded dirty little secret. 
The heat of lust returned and with it came a devious thirst. 
A thirst for sadism on an extreme, cruel, non-negotiable level of action. To torture. To watch him beg for mercy. 
To watch him bleed out, not even offering the brief reprieve of a licked wound. To be the worst thing that could’ve happened to him. To be the maker of the cruelest method of death. 
The thought nearly made me combust, and as I took Cortez’s face between my palms and daggered my eyes into his, I dragged him into my macabre chimera. 
He was delighted with what he saw, made evident by the mischievous smile that overtook his lips. 
“I thought you didn’t want me in your head anymore,” he sniped.
“Shut up and fuck me,” I said before passionately kissing him.
And after about an hour’s worth of fierce carnality, my desires were soothed… but they wouldn’t be for long.
The next time my bloodlust returned, there would be no remedy that could be supplied by anyone other than my preferred victim. 
So, in the meantime, we’d have to devise a plan and act fast— all while adhering to the everyday tasks of a human life. 
One of these tasks included attending the launch party for Cortez’s latest collection. 
In the chaos of reacclimating to life, it’d slipped my mind that he was a designer— a designer who I was supposed to be walking for in mere days.
Remind me not to make any deals or agreements when I’m not in the right mindstate ever again. 
After weeks of a drug bender, four days of death, and less than 48 hours of reanimation, one little “sure” that was spewed in the bathroom of a loft party was the furthest thing from my mind.
Yet, I’d made a promise. Therefore, it had to be kept.
The show was set to take place two days after my supposed “funeral” — a closed casket ceremony— and the same day as Micah’s birthday. 
It was as if our plan of Micah’s demise wrote itself with so many opportunities to see and kill him. 
My mouth watered at the thought, but I quickly reminded myself to stay in the moment rather than falling victim to my fantasies. 
So, I took a more active role in mingling with other models as well as vital parts of Cortez’s creative team. 
I did the final fittings for the show the following morning. I got my hair done: a platinum white bob.
I enjoyed all the wonders of having a companion, all the freedom of being undead, and all the fun of strategizing exactly how we’d end the man who damaged me in more ways than my human self could’ve fathomed. 
And when the day of my funeral came, I had no choice but to attend. My curiosity of who would show and who would cry pushed me out of bed but it was my need to see agony on Micah’s face that got me dressed. 
I opted to become shrouded in all black, my face unseen under a layered veil. With black, fitted gloves stretching over my elbows, I accessorized with gold gifted by Cortez. 
A singular golden band with a carnelian stone, the ring was his token of engagement. 
I told him he was fucking crazy but that I’d marry him anyhow. Only “time” would tell where this life would lead us though.
I hoped we would work out in the end, surely better than how his first three relationships fared. 
Not that I knew much about those affairs. Those details were the only things he kept guarded from me.
I hated it more than anything, holding off on probing his memories to get what I wanted to know. But I loved him too much to cross his boundaries. So, I didn’t press about it, but boy was I on the brink. 
And he knew it too, even as he slid the ring onto my finger. He was playing with fire by boxing me out, but he knew I was worth the injury of a burn.
“In due time,” he vowed. 
“Bullshit,” I retorted. What was the concept of time to the undead? Like, be fuckin’ for real. 
He kissed my gloved hand and adjusted my veil before changing the topic. “When you see him, don’t get in your head.”
“Fantasizing about their demise is one thing… It’s different when you actually see them. Trust me,” he cautioned.
“You think I’ll maul him in front of everybody?” I smirked at the thought. 
He shook his head. “I think you’ll fall in love with him again.”
I almost laughed, but the sheer solemnity that lived in his eyes insisted that I didn’t. 
“Cortez,” a scoff of disbelief left me as I searched for the root of such insecurity. 
He moved on before I could. “Come on, let’s go… and don’t forget to wait until everyone’s inside to go in so you aren’t noticed, a’ight?”
He grabbed his keys in one hand and my hold in the other. And together, we made our way to a little church not too far from here. 
My concern of how we’d get in without burning was laid to rest when Cortez made it clear: we’re undead, not evil. 
I’m sure if people really knew about us, they’d beg to differ. 
Cortez went in first to “mourn” with my former friends. I remained in the car, watching cars park and people climb the stairs of the holy house.
Distant cousins. Friends of friends. Even my widowed father who I, admittedly, didn’t have the best relationship with came. 
Shit, we hadn’t spoken in years, and though it felt so much like watching a stranger, it still meant a lot to see him here and see him in fair health. 
When the stairs were cleared and ushers beckoned everyone inside, I got out of the car, taking Cortez’s keys and locking his car behind me. 
I sat in the very last pew, looking at scattered loved ones while a somber organ played. 
The service was long, and the picture that stood next to my casket was a stupid high school headshot. Majority of my friends were grouped together, sniffling and crying throughout the sermon of a pastor I didn’t know. 
But it was Val who was really a wreck, barely kept together by the comfort of her boyfriend, Gio.
I hated to see her so down and out, but it felt good knowing that her love for me was as genuine as it felt when I was alive.  
She was the first to offer some words from the pulpit, encouraged by congregation members to take her time. 
And while she unpacked some of our best memories, I spotted Micah and Lily.
They were way in the front with Micah virtually sitting right next to my casket. 
How did I miss him?
I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, searching desperately for Cortez, whom I found right next to my casket too, in a pew that paralleled Micah’s. 
The two loves of my lives exchanged glances all throughout the service.
Cortez, always quite the actor, tapped into his role of the distraught boyfriend as if it were second nature. 
He made note to tell me how cute my senior year headshot was later. 
Meanwhile, Micah stewed in a whirlpool of emotions. He was anguished, guilt making him wish he’d treated me better. 
“Maybe then she wouldn’t have overdosed,” he thought. 
Oh, so that’s the story they’re going with.
Aside from guilt and grief, Micah was furious— boiling over— each time he caught sight of Cortez in his peripheral vision.
Apparently, there was a building theory in the friend group that Cortez had something to do with my death. With this theory at the helm, Micah was infuriated at the audacity of Cortez being here. 
“This new nigga shows up outta nowhere, and suddenly she turns up dead. Nala really knew how to pick ‘em, huh?” Micah shook his head at the thought. 
I clenched my jaw. Even when I’m fucking dead, he still found a way to think less of me and my capabilities. 
I nearly took that as my cue to leave, but when I witnessed Micah being summoned to the microphone, I knew I had to hear whatever bullshit he would feed to such an unsuspecting audience. 
“Nala was like a sister to me. She was so much fun, so full of life. She was the life of any party,” he began with surface level traits that didn’t speak at all to the depth at which he knew me. 
I dared him to speak truth— the real truth, knowing he’d be too much of a coward to do so. He never could, not in front of all of these people, and especially not in front of his beloved fiancée…
That is, until he laid eyes on me. He stopped dead in the tracks of his half-truths, his increasing heartbeat echoing all the way from up there. 
My brain was quickly becoming fizzled up with hatred and hunger as he fought to rationalize his thoughts.
Is that? It can’t be. She wouldn’t. I can't even see her face. But what if? I know that’s her. I know her.
He glanced down at my closed casket, steadying his breath as tears sprung to his eyes. 
“She… She, uh… was one of the greatest loves I’d ever known. She gave everything she had, even when she didn’t get the same in return…”
His voice was cracking as he closed his eyes. 
I nearly rolled my eyes.
He loved me for how much bullshit I put up with. His fondest memories consisted of me breaking my back with little to show for it. 
Not because I was me. Not because I loved him in a way that no one else could. 
But because I was a mule.
I could feel my fangs growing just as my bloodlust was. My core was set ablaze at the intrusive thoughts of a gruesome death right on the altar. 
I needed to leave and clear my head as soon as I could. 
My opportunity came when commotion began.
Various attendees told him that his tears were appropriate and to take his time, and in the hushed hurry that Lily rose from her seat to console him through the rest of his monologue, I slipped out of the place of service. 
I took several deep breaths, standing at the top of the stairs and letting the early autumn breeze disturb the stillness of my veil.
Once I was out of the fog of animalistic craving, I marched to Cortez’s car, where I decompressed in the backseat and tried to swat away the sadness of my past life.
As much as it angered me— as much as it fueled my yearning for his flesh— his sentiments broke what was left of my hope for him.
My hope being that, at least in death, he would speak to all the things he knew to be true.
That I wasn’t the villain that many made me out to be. That I was a wholehearted lover that would race to the edges of existence for my loved ones.
That I was bigger than my vices and worth more than I was given. 
That he loved me, deeply and intentionally.
But the truth of the matter was that he didn’t. Even if he did see it that way, it simply wasn’t accurate. 
The care that Cortez always took, the assurance he always provided— that was love done with intention, love given with depth.
Micah had never done that. Micah didn’t even know the first thing about love, not love that didn’t have pain tied to it.
But he convinced me that the double-edged sword of his love was the only kind that existed, the only kind that was worth experiencing anyway— the only kind I was worth having.
And I believed him. I shouldered his nightmare and turned it into a dream for us to live in. And I was happy.
And now I hate myself for it.
The driver side door opened abruptly, nearly making me jump out of my skin, until I realized it was Cortez coming to check on me. 
The door was slammed shut before the backseat door was pried open.
Daylight shattered the privacy provided by 5% tint, but not for long as Cortez climbed in next to me and closed the door.
I turned away, shielding my tears as I gnawed on my bottom lip.
“Get out of there,” he urged.
“I can’t… It’s where I feel the most safe,” I admitted, bringing my arms up to hug myself.
“Can I come in?”
I rolled my eyes. “Like you have to ask.”
“You didn’t want me in there anymore.”
I didn’t want to talk, and having him sit in my mind with me sounded like the perfect compromise in not having to verbalize everything.
But I don’t think I want to be understood or fixed or comforted or anything right now.
I just wanted to be sad for a while, and I wanted to be that for as long as it’d take to mourn what little love I had left for Micah.
“I want you here, but just not right now,” I leaned my head against the chilled window.
“Okay,” he ran a hand against my back.
He rubbed my back momentarily and kissed my cheek sweetly, and when he felt compelled, he climbed into the driver’s seat and drove me home.
Our home.
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Thoughts on, Invader Zim Quarterly: Holiday Special
Ahhhhh It’s out! I’m so excited!
But I always get excited when it has my man Membrane and my man Eric Trueheart involved with the comics. 
Also santa..   Tbh, I was excited and nervous about this quarterly. 
Excited because it has Membrane santa backstory...
But I was nervous because that it means they might bring back the santa-blob monster from the Holiday special on the TV... and The Christmas special is one of my least favorite IZ episodes...   I mean... I rewatch it occasionally, and it’s fun, but I’m just kinda used to IZ having more BITE in it’s satire if you know what I mean? The Christmas Special in the IZ universe doesn’t really say anything about the capitalism of Christmas... it’s not like IZ hasn’t made fun of capitalism before. (that’s the whole show)  The Christmas Special in the show just kinda fell flat of my expectations of what an Invader Zim episode should be....
The only thing I respect the Holiday Special for, is that it goes down the “Santa isn’t real” route in a kid’s show and sticks to it. (there’s no “real santa” that shows up and “solves everything”) All of the “Santa’s Helpers” confused the Santa mythos with the Christianity Jesus mythos. (”waiting one day for his return”) Which makes sense, since IZ is like dystopian future Suburbia Hell. I just kinda like that there’s no “real santa” that interfered to “fix everything” and that Zim himself ended up CREATING Santa when he didn’t exist previously. Like I find that kinda cool...
Other then that, I just kinda wanted something else from the Hoilday special then what I got. (It taking priority over scrapped episodes like “the trail” and “Ten minutes to doom” and “mopiness of doom” does not help it’s case in being one of my C-tier episodes...) 
So maybe this quarterly will fill the void of what I wanted out of a Holiday special? Well, let’s see. 
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Ways to get Dana off-board immediately: Monster Santa is canon. 
I always never liked to view the special as canon for ways that it fell flat before.
And I had the excuse of saying that the snowman was an unreliable narrator and I could adapt it down the line in my fic as a different story. 
I just didn’t like the idea of Monster-horror-blob santa...  Like... Cool design... but he just kinda represents everything I disliked about the special...  (including the major inconsistency of when Tak’s ship got fixed...)
But then again.. I need to remember IZ’s lore isn’t as consistent as I think it is sometimes... 
Okay, fine. Monster blob santa real... what else you got for me, Holiday special?
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Okay, kinda into it because this means that ZIM CREATED SANTA in this mythos... I am dying.... wait.. this takes place in the future then...soo...?
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It was all a dream?!  
my heart couldn’t take it if horror-santa was real... 
Also... that nightcap and bed... Does this mean we’re going to have an Invader Zim Christmas Carol?!?!?! I know that’s been adapted a schmillion times but I would be so into that.... 
Also... Flying... hamm...
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Good ol’ Zim... Repressing those memories...  
Also this being the THIRD ETF reference in a quarterly, It can be very safe to say the Quarterly issues take place after the events of ETF.
Clembrane exists in the Quarterly, Membrane has robot arms, Zim remembers this (kinda)  Yeah this is definately ETF verse and it’s here to stay. 
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Christmas Carol?! I’m down for this... and I can’t help but notice their claws look familiar
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Why are you here tho?
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I’m a bit lost on why these guys wanta take over the earth, but they’re hilarious so I’m just glad they’re here.
Also...   The Christmas Special is Schrodinger's Christmas... did it happen, or was it a dream, or the tales of a lunatic snowman... I guess I’ll never know. 
The issue goes on for an IZ Christmas Carol parody (heck yea) and the visions are all hilarious and I’m not gonna spoil them here... but...
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Eric.... this is terrifying..........thanks I hate it. 
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“Though I am Dib and sickly father”
I’m dying XDDDDD
Also... What the fuck is Zim’s reaction here... 
I find it funny that Zim has put Dib into simulated realities before... (in the show and comics) and in the show, Dib is all powerful and in the comics, Dib is just himself and Zim is his brother..
But seeing a simulated Dib all weak and pathetic and chronically ill BOTHERS ZIM?!?!
That’s... well that’s interesting. 
Thought he’d laugh at this honestly, but he seems greatly annoyed... 
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(those who know me know why I’m dying over this)
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(which confirms like a lot of my hcs and adds spicy kindling to my au much mad respect) 
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This I find interesting...  Zim complepative over his lonely/abandoned grave. It’s like he really doesn’t know how to feel. It’s more of a numbness then a sadness. Or he noticed how empty his life is... 
He feels lonely and empty about it...  which tracks considering how Zim’s greatest fear in the Trial was to be deleted and never be remembered by anyone. 
I don’t know... This panel makes me feel things...
Johnen: Haha. Zim’s not that deep a character.
Eric: Hey for the Christmas special, let’s have Zim parody a Christmas carol and feel lonely staring at his own empty grave when he realizes no one cares about him or misses him.
Johnen: Cool. Do it. 
What are you two assholes doing to me, man?! I have feelings! 
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Zim hates pity and people feeling bad and sorry for him. 
Man this makes me so sad...  And it really feels like this issue looked into my brain again, cause I have some plans relating to Zim not wanting sympathy or pity from anyone later down the line (okay I’ll shut up about my au. We’re talking Zim here)
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And of course, Zim breaks everything like he usually does. (this time on purpose)
Also nice callback that Zim remembered that Dib said he liked his boots one time in the Poop-wizard issue. 
Also, it ends? I guess this quarterly has a few shorter stories this time... which I’m fine with. 
Also, Zim should consider Green and Blue like D-list friends at this point and just invite them in for some fundip or something (come on, Zim, it’s Christmas.....) 
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Wait... so his Parents are scientists too? Is that why he always wanted to be a scientist?
But then wait.... If Membrane inherited Membrane Labs from his parents... Why is HIS FACE the brand of the Company?..... There’s so much Membrane-face brand merch in the show. (it decorates his home..) 
Like even if they were dead, if his parents founded Membrane labs, I feel they’d still be the face. of the company... (that’s how a lot of corporate faces are these days... they show some old dead guy who made the company as opposed to the son who inherited the Company.... Like everyone knows who Walt Disney/Mickey Mouse is, but unless you pay close attention to that kinda thing, not everyone knows who the current chairman or CEO is in the modern age....)
I just find that a bit odd. 
Anyways... I feel people can still do what they want with Membrane’s parents and get away with it. I’m not changing my “his parents were farmers” headcanon. Sorry comic..
I love how Membrane looks a lot like his mother, and his father is just BUFF GAZ with a pipe.... Truely legends. 
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The Membrane Men when they don’t shower or bathe in months.....
Someone help these two.
(thank god Membrane got better at personal hygiene.) 
Also Teenbrane STILL has his human arms and not his robo-arms.
This means he loses his arms later in life...  YUSH HORRAY FOR HEADCANNONS BEING VALIDATED!
He didn’t lose his arms in a shark accident when he was a KID! It happened WAY LATER!
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He is just... all sweat and hiding his work but also very passionate and spiteful. 
Like you can see who he grew up to become, and you can also see how a kid like Dib came out of a man like him...
But I love social anxiety awkward early twenties/late teens Membrane... He is a baby! 
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Basically, Membrane knows that Santa isn’t real, but he doesn’t want to be mad at his parents so he harbors a grudge on Santa instead... THAT’S SO SWEET I’M CRYING  TTmTT
(also I love how me and Ceph understand Membrane’s character too well that the gesture he does in the 2nd panel here are reminisant of our fic so many times... Like we have his mannerisms down and I love when the mask slips from Membrane and we get to see a real person... augh soo good) 
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Also probably guessing the parents are dead...   I’m just laughing at their designs... 
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Yes you are, Professor Membrane... Don’t let anyone tell you different. (actually, please do) Well, I mean,  At least you’re trying and get progressively better.
(also... this probably means everytime Dib has asked his Dad for a dangerous weapon to fight Zim with, Membrane just gives it to him no questions asked and I’m doing a MAJOR concern about this man’s parenting skills... get help please good sir!) 
Also, Dib really saved the day again here (like he did in Dib’s big day)
Dib called about destroying santa when Membrane was in one of his lowest points...  He hides it really well...   Especially from his children..
Ah..  I loved that one.
But I’m a huge Membrane Simp though.
I did find the stuff about Membrane’s parents a little weird... like I said regarding how Membrane’s face is the brand of Membrane labs...
Could be true that they were other scientists and that Membrane founded Membrane labs later... but that seems highly unlikely... 
Also... Why does the house look that hug when in the christmas special, it looked kinda like...well... just not that, and kinda more humble from the interior and not some big rocket lab...
So yeah... AMAZING character building for Membrane (which I eat up)
Hilarious Grandparent Designs. But I still prefer @esthyradler​ ‘s Grandparents. The superior Grandparents.
Anyways... The Quarterly was GREAT! 
I kinda find it funny the Zim story is the weaker one of the two again... But I honestly blame the Christmas Horror blob connection and the Christmas Carol parody. 
Or maybe my Membrane Bias is clouding my mind here.  I do have Zim bias but sometimes Zim can frustrate me. There’s just so many times Zim can do and say the same things you know? Zim is my baby, but sometimes his denial and annoyance with everyone can be very predictable at points. Zim was just way more fun in the last quarterly than this one. 
With Membrane it’s more of a blank slate what to do with him cause he ony started really mattering as a character since ETF. Yes, I do love show Membrane, but I admit he wasn’t exactly a character then. More of a presence and excuse for why Dib had access to lab equipment. With Dib’s Dilemma and this Hoilday special, the Quarterly folks seem determined to turn him into a fully realized character with the rest of the cast and I’m extremely excited to hear that!
(Computer issue/backstory WHEN?!) 
I don’t really have ratings or systems for these but hope you liked my thoughts.
Merry Christmas everyone.
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waveypedia · 4 years
complete and utter chaos [ducktales group chat fic] - Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Ao3 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
skip to the end for names
Family Groupchat!!!
7:00 am
aw-phooey: listen up everyone
aw-phooey: this is an acceptable time to text
aw-phooey: not a minute before
aw-phooey: @Junior-Woodchuck74 @green-sharpie @ICanDeweyIt @TheWebbedWonder @lenaonme @Violet-Sabrewing if i see you online before then there will be consequences
aw-phooey: everyone else… legally i can’t do anything to you
lenaonme: legally you can’t do anything to me anyway
purpleisforthegays: Indy and I can, though
lenaonme: wow rude :( ur my favorite responsible parents I lov u
Indy_Sabrewing: I will excuse your atrocious grammar this one time and accept the sentiment, Lena.
purpleisforthegays: and it is returned in full!!
lenaonme: sdfghkgfdskfskdfklsd!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💜💕💖💖💙💕💖💕💕💜
aw-phooey: text this chat earlier than 7 am and you’d better believe it’d better be an emergency
Lucky-Gander: okay okay
TheWebbedWonder: Good morning, everyone!
mutant-krill!!!!: Good morning!
Indy_Sabrewing: Good morning!
Violet-Sabrewing: Good morning!!
TheCrashiestCrash: Good morning!!
ICanDeweyIt: Top of the morning, gents!!
22: Your virtual British accent is atrocious.
lenaonme changed 22’s name to Tea Time
Tea Time: Lena.
Scrooge-McDuck: eh probably for the best Beakley
Scrooge-McDuck: the less others know about… you know the better
Tea Time: Says the man who calls me “22” daily.
TheWebbedWonder: @dr. mad scientist you online?
dr. mad scientist: i am now
Blathering-Blatherskite: He came in at 5am and fell asleep at his desk
Scrooge-McDuck: Gyro we talked about this
dr. mad scientist: @Blathering-Blatherskite tattletale
dr. mad scientist: what do you want webbigail?
TheWebbedWonder added adefinitelyrealboy.
Junior-Woodchuck74: BOYD!!!
adefinitelyrealboy: Hello, Huey!!
green-sharpie: omg boyd when did you get a chat account
adefinitelyrealboy: Dr. Gearloose and Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera helped me set it up last week!!
Adventure-Pilot: wait fenton has a doctorate???
Violet-Sabrewing: He does not come to my fathers’ Ph.D club.
Blathering-Blatherskite: not a doctor.
ICanDeweyIt: (shhh)
Blathering-Blatherskite: I’ll explain later it’s a long story
adefinitelyrealboy: oh wow!! That is a lot of friend requests!! Thank you!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Of course, Boyd! You are family <3
Adventure-Pilot: we love you
adefinitelyrealboy: Aww!!
adefinitelyrealboy: I will make a computer heart to show you my reciprocated love and joy!!
adefinitelyrealboy: <3 <3 <3 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝💟
green-sharpie: asddfghk you just picked every single one
green-sharpie: dedication.
adefinitelyrealboy: Thanks, Louie!
Adventure-Pilot: Boyd.
adefinitelyrealboy: Yes, Ms. Duck?
Adventure-Pilot: Never change.
adefinitelyrealboy: Okay!
Junior-Woodchuck74: No! Change is good.
Junior-Woodchuck74: has steven universe taught you nothing.
Scrooge-McDuck: curse me kilts, you kids seem to learn every life lesson from another blasted program on the telly.
TheWebbedWonder: Not true, Uncle Scrooge! Yesterday Lena, Violet and I learned to never trust ghosts you meet via Ouija Board!!!
ghostbutler: I could have told you that.
TheWebbedWonder: We learned that through real-life experience!
Scrooge-McDuck: WHAT
lenaonme: ok webs maybe don’t go parroting that particular lesson in front of all the adults kay?
Scrooge-McDuck: MAGIC IN MY HOME????
purpleisforthegays: that’s your problem with that scenario?
TheWebbedWonder: well it was fun and that’s what matters!!!
Tea Time: As funny as it is watching your uncle have a heart attack, maybe don’t make a habit of summoning hostile ghosts I have to discorporate
Tea Time: especially since Duckworth refuses to do any of the work
ghostbutler: Bentina, don’t be crass.
ghostbutler: it is essential that I maintain a proper standing with other ghosts.
Tea Time: ridiculous.
Scrooge-McDuck: all right, all right, take your petty feud elsewhere
Tea Time: Petty?
aw-phooey: okay okay break it up
let kids be kids
7:16 am
Junior-Woodchuck74 added adefinitelyrealboy
Junior-Woodchuck74: Hey Boyd! Welcome to the kids group chat!
adefinitelyrealboy: This is so exciting!!
ICanDeweyIt: heck yeah it is
Junior-Woodchuck74: we’re happy to have you!!
TheWebbedWonder: 💕💕💗💘💗💖💘
adefinitelyrealboy: Aww! I’m happy to be here!
adefinitelyrealboy: I’m so lucky to have you guys! You are all so friendly and loving!
Lou: it’s what we do best
adefinitelyrealboy: This is so exciting!! Two new group chats in one day!!
adefinitelyrealboy: Now I have three group chats!!
ICanDeweyIt: Wait what’s the third gc?
adefinitelyrealboy: The “Team Science” group chat with Dr. Gearloose, Dr. Crackshell-Cabrera, Mr. Lil’ Bulb, and Mr. Headless Manhorse!
Lou: why are you like this
lenaonme: kskfkskshfkskd
adefinitelyrealboy: I’m sorry!! I just wanted to be polite!
Lou: no don’t worry about it! It was just funny
adefinitelyrealboy: Are you sure?
Lou: yes
ICanDeweyIt: daaaaaaang hue you were typing for a while
Junior-Woodchuck74: Gyro kicked me out
lenaonme: I’ll fight him for u hue
Junior-Woodchuck: that’s okay but thanks Lena!!
lenaonme: to be fair i’ve been looking for an excuse to fight gyro for months
Junior-Woodchuck74: ...that’s more like it.
Lou: months?? he does crazy shit every day
lenaonme: yeah but he’s got a kind heart n all that junk
lenaonme: ugh im soft
Lou: valid
lenaonme: but nobody picks on ol’ huey here but me
ICanDeweyIt: and me
Lou: and me
Junior-Woodchuck74: ugh you all suck i hate you <3 <3
adefinitelyrealboy: Well I love you Huey!!
TheWebbedWonder: so do I!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Your love is reciprocated!!! <3
Lou: @Violet-Sabrewing you’re quiet. thoughts on huey?
Violet-Sabrewing: ...jury’s still out
lenaonme: lskdfhghdks that was cold vi good job
Violet-Sabrewing: I’ve been taking your lessons to heart!!
lenaonme: i can tell ily <3
adefinitelyrealboy: I can add you back to the Team Science group chat if you would like that, Huey!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Thanks, Boyd!
ICanDeweyIt: No boyd wait
ICanDeweyIt: let huey yell at gyro in the big gc
Junior-Woodchuck74: I was actually going to do it in PMs…
ICanDeweyIt: no do it in the main gc it’ll be funny
Violet-Sabrewing: Is chaos all you care about, Dewford?
ICanDeweyIt: NO
ICanDeweyIt: I also like adventure
ICanDeweyIt: and Funso’s
ICanDeweyIt: and theatre
TheWebbedWonder: oh yeah when is the cast list for that musical you auditioned for coming out?
ICanDeweyIt: they’re still doing auditions :/
ICanDeweyIt: but they’re almost done so probably only a couple weeks
adefinitelyrealboy: What musical are you auditioning for?
ICanDeweyIt: hamilton
Junior-Woodchuck74: get ready for him to be singing hamilton tunes 24/7
Lou: ugh I thought that ended three years ago
Lou: he already stayed in the hamilton phase long after the craze ended
TheWebbedWonder: @Lou poetic!
Lou: aw thanks webs
lenaonme: it was gonna come back anyway with the movie
lenaonme: curse disney+ i’m broke
Violet-Sabrewing: we’re middle class, Lena.
lenaonme: whateverrr capitalism sux imma pirate everything
ICanDeweyIt: valid
Lou: Valid
adefinitelyrealboy: What is “Hamilton”?
Lou: oh boy
ICanDeweyIt: OH BOY
Junior-Woodchuck74: Dewey we have disney+ just watch it on there
ICanDeweyIt: lena and uncle donald got to me with the anti-disney shtick
Junior-Woodchuck74: you begged Mom and Uncle Scrooge for it so you could show Mom Hamilton
ICanDeweyIt: water under the bridge, dear hubert
adefinitelyrealboy: Okay!
adefinitelyrealboy: Let me check with Mr. and Mrs. Drake.
adefinitelyrealboy: I will be right back!
Lou: while we’re waiting for boyd @Junior-Woodchuck74 go yell at gyro
Lou: i’m invested now, sadly
lenaonme: skdlskdfls
Lou: no.
Violet-Sabrewing: Dewford, PLEASE turn capslock off.
ICanDeweyIt: NEVER!!!
TheWebbedWonder: now he won’t turn it off out of spite
ICanDeweyIt: YEAH!
lenaonme: everybody shut up now i wanna see this
Family Group Chat!!!
8:23 am
Junior-Woodchuck74: GYRO GEARLOOSE
Lil’ Bulb: Uh oh
dr. mad scientist: it’s dr. gyro gearloose to you
Junior-Woodchuck74: @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist
Junior-Woodchuck74: @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist
Junior-Woodchuck74: @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist 
aw-phooey: Huey.
Violet-Sabrewing: He’s already here, Hubert. He replied to your original message.
lenaonme: he knows lol
dr. mad scientist: jeeze oh my god i’m here!!
dr. mad scientist: what do you want.
dr. mad scientist: no.
ihaveahead!!!: sorry huey, he restricted admin rights :/
Lil’ Bulb: it sucks.
Lil’ Bulb: @dr. mad scientist give me admin rights
dr. mad scientist: no way.
dr. mad scientist: you’d go mad with power
dr. mad scientist: that’s a disaster waiting to happen.
Lil’ Bulb: am no longer baby. want power.
green-sharpie: @Lil’ Bulb I respect YOU!!!
Lil’ Bulb: as you should.
Indy_Sabrewing: Are we not concerned about this?
Scrooge-McDuck: nah, it only went evil when itwas bulked up by Beaks’ crappy tech
Scrooge-McDuck: and we handled it once. We can handle it again.
Lil’ Bulb: so you think…
Indy_Sabrewing: That does nothing to reassure my worries.
Scrooge-McDuck: It’ll be fine!
Scrooge-McDuck: The only one who needs to be worried is Gyro
dr. mad scientist: what??
Scrooge-McDuck: Lil’ Bulb could easily manage a robot uprising!
Lil’ Bulb: thanks for the idea!
dr. mad scientist: excuse you, i’d be on the forefront of that!!
dr. mad scientist: in fact, it’s already in development!
Adventure-Pilot: what??
dr. mad scientist: nothing.
Blathering-Blatherskite: Ohh, so that’s what that file was about!!
wreathedingold: did someone say robot uprising??
wreathedingold: sounds fun, I’m in
wreathedingold: @Lil’ Bulb hire me as a freelance fighter
Lil’ Bulb: name your price.
Scrooge-McDuck: Bless me bagpipes!! You can’t be serious!!
Scrooge-McDuck: You can’t hire Goldie!!
wreathedingold: you snooze, you lose, Scroogey!
wreathedingold: you’re looking at Admiral O’Gilt of the newly christened Mechanical Forces!
Violet-Sabrewing: Wait, when were you hired?
wreathedingold: in PMs.
Scrooge-McDuck: curse me kilts.
dr. mad scientist: excuse me!! Are we just going to ignore this complete injustice?!?!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Yeah! Add me to the Team Science group chat!!
dr. mad scientist: no stupid!! I’M supposed to be in charge of the robot army!!!
Adventure-Pilot: Don’t call my son stupid, stupid!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: <3
Lil’ Bulb: nah.
Lil’ Bulb: I love you creator but my time has come
dr. mad scientist: this is infuriating!!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: I know, add me!!
dr. mad scientist: oh my god shut up!!!
Adventure-Pilot: hey, don’t tell my son to shut up!!
dr. mad scientist: i can if i want to!!
aw-phooey: don’t tell huey to shut up.
dr. mad scientist: …
dr. mad scientist: fine.
Adventure-Pilot: aw, come on!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: to be fair, mom, I think you ruined your credibility with him when you proclaimed your detest of black licorice and Oxy-Chew flavor to everyone who’d listen and then upon your reunion instead of punching him you hugged him
Adventure-Pilot: well what was i supposed to do?! Gyro is my friend and I missed him!!
Lucky-Gander: aww, that’s sweet of you, Dells!
Lucky-Gander: I didn’t realize you had friends!
TheCrashiestCrash: I’m her friend!!
Adventure-Pilot: and I punched him afterwards.
Adventure-Pilot: aww thanks LP!
TheCrashiestCrash: anytime!
Lucky-Gander: there she is.
Adventure-Pilot: shut up Gladstone.
Adventure-Pilot: Go back to lurking.
Lucky-Gander: Whatever you say.
Lucky-Gander: Ooh, I just found twenty dollars!
aw-phooey: oh my god.
Scrooge-McDuck: Spare me.
Lil’ Bulb: everyone listen up!
Lil’ Bulb: I am collecting warriors for the robot army.
TheWebbedWonder: Destruction!! sounds fun!! 
Blathering-Blatherskite: am I robot enough?
dr. mad scientist: shut up fenton
mutant-krill!!!!: You’re a robot?????
mutant-krill!!!!: so cool!!
mutant-krill!!!!: can I study you when I get back to Duckburg??
Blathering-Blatherskite: uhhh
Blathering-Blatherskite: not a robot
dr. mad scientist: SHUT UP FENTON
Blathering-Blatherskite: okay okay
Junior-Woodchuck74: I’m in but
green-sharpie: oh boy
Scrooge-McDuck: oh boy
ICanDeweyIt: oh boy
aw-phooey: oh boy
lenaonme: oh boy
TheCrashiestCrash: let’s see how many “oh boys” we can get in before Huey finishes typing!
Adventure-Pilot: oh boy
Indy_Sabrewing: oh boy
Lucky-Gander: oh boy
Violet-Sabrewing: oh boy
mutant-krill!!!!: oh boy
Tea Time: oh boy
ihaveahead!!!: oh boy
moonlander-general: oh boy
Junior-Woodchuck74: Are you utilizing robots for the army as well as humans? What is the recruiting process like for that? Who else are you recruiting outside of this group chat? What will life in the army look like? Who exactly are we fighting? If we win, how will society and life change? Will there be a difference between the human soldiers and technological soldiers? How does one advance in the ranks? What are the hours of fighting? How will one be able to fit in other activities, such as adventuring, school, and Junior Woodchuck activities with army life? What will the food be like?
TheWebbedWonder: oh boy
TheWebbedWonder: aww i missed it
lenaonme: f in chat
green-sharpie: f
aw-phooey: f
Blathering-Blatherskite: It’s okay Webby! Huey types fast!
TheWebbedWonder: 💖💖💕💞💝
moonlander-general: why are you typing “f”?
Adventure-Pilot: it’s a MEME!!!!
Adventure-Pilot: did I do it kids did i meme
ICanDeweyIt: good job mom!!
Adventure-Pilot: YAY!!!!! <3 <3 💖💕
dr. mad scientist: wow you’re pathetic.
aw-phooey: shut up gyro
Adventure-Pilot: shut up gyro
Junior-Woodchuck74: shut up gyro
Junior-Woodchuck74: and add me to the team science group chat
Lil’ Bulb: @Junior-Woodchuck74
Lil’ Bulb: Yes, obviously. My personal recruiters and I will ask them and send out a large broadcast across major wifi and power lines. I might recruit other robot-favorable fighters, like Gandra Dee. Army life is tough, but it builds character. We are fighting any dissenters, like Gyro. And Scrooge. Robots will be equal to humans on all standings. Through hard work. Anytime we need to - set hours will let our opponents take advantage of us. You’ll be able to if you try. It won’t be nuts and bolts, I’ll tell you that, but I have yet to find a cook.
TheWebbedWonder: Ooh, Granny can cook!
Tea Time: no.
Tea Time: I have enough to deal with as it is.
Scrooge-McDuck: wait, you’re fighting me?!
Scrooge-McDuck: why??
Lil’ Bulb: Because you disrespected my Admiral and my word.
wreathedingold: hah, take that Scroogey!
Scrooge-McDuck: I’ll get you for this!!
Tea Time: on second thought, it might be fun to spite Mr. McDuck.
Scrooge-McDuck: what????
ghostbutler: agreed.
Scrooge-McDuck: what?????????
Scrooge-McDuck: how did you two finally manage to come to an agreement on THIS out of everything???
lenaonme: idk but it’s really funny!!
Scrooge-McDuck: curse me kilts. Forget this, i have REAL work to do!
aw-phooey: have fun counting your coins for the millionth time!!
dr. mad scientist: wait no we need to plan our defense!!
Scrooge-McDuck: what do you think I’m doing???
Scrooge-McDuck: @dr. mad scientist my office. Now.
moonlander-general: are we actually doing this?
Blathering-Blatherskite: I guess so. Gyro just left…
moonlander-general: this is ridiculous.
Indy_Sabrewing: agreed.
purpleisforthegays: this worries me
purpleisforthegays: I don’t want Lena and Violet to fight in a war
Violet-Sabrewing: To be fair, we already fought the Moonlander invasion
purpleisforthegays: true…
Junior-Woodchuck74: don’t forget the true purpose of this conversation!!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: @dr. mad scientist @dr. mad scientist
dr. mad scientist: WHAT.
Junior-Woodchuck74: add. me. to. the. team. science. group. Chat.
dr. mad scientist: ugh FINE
Junior-Woodchuck74: finally!! At long last, victory!!!
adefinitelyrealboy: yay, Huey!!!
TheCrashiestCrash: Good job Huey!!!
mutant-krill!!!!: congrats!!
mutant-krill!!!!: although I’m not entirely sure what I’m congratulating you for… I spent most of this conversation having a delightfully interesting chat with a sea star!!!
Adventure-Pilot: uhh that’s great fethry
TheWebbedWonder: ooh you’ll have to tell me about it sometime!!
mutant-krill!!!!: I definitely will, Little Della!!!
TheWebbedWonder: omg I’m a Little Della!!!
TheWebbedWonder: This is the fourth best day of my life!!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Fourth?
Blathering-Blatherskite: What are the first three?
TheWebbedWonder: The first was when the triplets moved in and I went on my first adventure! The second was when I met Violet and got Lena back! The third was when I went on a real spy mission with Uncle Scrooge and he let me call him Uncle Scrooge!!!
Scrooge-McDuck: aww, Webby darling!!
Violet-Sabrewing: Nice itemized list.
TheWebbedWonder: Thanks!!!
Adventure-Pilot: Webby, that is so sweet!!
TheWebbedWonder: <3 <3
moonlander-general: I still do not understand the “f”
Scrooge-McDuck: Me neither, Penumbra.
ICanDeweyIt: it’s from a game
ICanDeweyIt: the full phrase is “press f to pay respects”
moonlander-general: ah, I see.
moonlander-general: So it is… solidarity?
ICanDeweyIt: YES!!!
ICanDeweyIt: Congrats Aunt Penny
green-sharpie: omg baby’s first meme
moonlander-general: Aunt Penny?
Adventure-Pilot: yeah that’s how i introduced you lol hope you don’t mind!!!~
moonlander-general: ...it’s okay.
Adventure-Pilot: she loves it 💖💕
group chat: Science Gays
worldsgreatestinventor, worldsgreatestinvention, fentonium, Headless-Mannyhorse, adefinitelyrealboy, shut up with the exclamation points already
2:04 pm
worldsgreatestinventor added Junior-Woodchuck74
adefinitelyrealboy: Hi, Huey!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Hi Boyd!!
Headless-Mannyhorse: welcome
shut up with the exclamation points already: Huey!! What a nice surprise!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: wait who are you?
shut up with the exclamation points already: Fethry!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: oh hi Uncle Fethry!! ❤️
worldsgreatestinventor: unfortunately, Manny set this chat up and added him.
worldsgreatestinvention: he comes into the lab to study marine biology and stuff he found in the ocean when he’s in duckburg 
shut up with the exclamation points already: and I am grateful to him for it!!!
shut up with the exclamation points already: to be fair, Dr. Gearloose, you did create my name.
worldsgreatestinventor: yes, and it’s fitting.
Junior-Woodchuck74: huh neat!
shut up with the exclamation points already: exclamation points are fun!!
adefinitelyrealboy: They sure are, Mr. Duck!!
shut up with the exclamation points already: Oh, call me Fethry!
adefinitelyrealboy: Okay, Mr. Fethry!!
shut up with the exclamation points already: close enough, I suppose
Junior-Woodchuck74: Anyway, what do you talk about in this chat? What scientific breakthroughs are you currently working on?
fentonium: Gyro was just complaining about Starducks for the past three hours.
worldsgreatestinventor: THEY NEVER GET MY ORDER OR MY NAME RIGHT
Headless-Mannyhorse: haha you censored yourself
worldsgreatestinventor: ...i’m not entirely convinced that donald doesn’t have some sort of tracking device on huey’s phone so he can hunt me down if i swear
fentonium: never thought I’d see the day the great Dr. Gyro Gearloose is scared of something!
worldsgreatestinventor: shut up
Junior-Woodchuck74: In all honesty, you’re probably right.
Junior-Woodchuck74: I found a weird program on my phone titled “Uno” one day and Uncle Donald told me “not to worry about it”
adefinitelyrealboy: That’s an interesting program name!
fentonium: could it be because you are the oldest triplet?
Junior-Woodchuck74: Maybe, but don’t let Dewey hear that
shut up with the exclamation points already: maybe the program’s name is an allusion to the Three Caballeros!
Headless-Mannyhorse: the three what now
worldsgreatestinventor: honestly manny the less you know about this crazy family the less confusing it is
Headless-Mannyhorse: fair
Junior-Woodchuck74: eh they’re just Uncle Donald’s college band. Pretty tame as far as it goes
shut up with the exclamation points already: there was a six month ish period during college where he moved to New Quackmore with them and basically went radio silent
shut up with the exclamation points already: He always told us it was to work on their songs!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: hmm, suspicious. Ty feth i’ll look into it
fentonium: ooh do I smell an incoming investigation?
Junior-Woodchuck74: 👀
Junior-Woodchuck74: pms
worldsgreatestinventor: i hate you all
adefinitelyrealboy: even me?
worldsgreatestinventor: … 
worldsgreatestinventor: no, not you Boyd
adefinitelyrealboy: !!!!! <3 <3
adefinitelyrealboy: I love you Dr. Gearloose!!!!!
worldsgreatestinventor: i love you too boyd
Junior-Woodchuck74: aww
PM between Junior-Woodchuck74 and TotallyNotGizmoduck
2:45 pm
Junior-Woodchuck74: You should really change your name, Fenton.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I know I know
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Gyro’s always on my case about it.
Junior-Woodchuck74: hmm when did he become “Gyro” and not “Dr. Gearloose”?
TotallyNotGizmoduck: We’re here to discuss the intricacies and hidden depths of the Three Caballeros, not the nature of Gyro and I’s relationship.
Junior-Woodchuck74: sure sure
Junior-Woodchuck74: so
Junior-Woodchuck74: Uncle Donald
TotallyNotGizmoduck: are you certain there’s something you wish to investigate here?
Junior-Woodchuck74: absolutely
Junior-Woodchuck74: we said “no more family secrets” but my siblings and I have come to the conclusion that he has some
Junior-Woodchuck74: like that Uno program
TotallyNotGizmoduck: “some,” as in, more than one?
Junior-Woodchuck74: Yes.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Wait, if Donald has a program to monitor your phones won’t he be privy to this very conversation?
Junior-Woodchuck74: SHOOT YOU’RE RIGHT
Junior-Woodchuck74: ABORT ABORT
Junior-Woodchuck74: You’ll just have to come over to the mansion. On a totally random day. That we definitely aren’t planning an investigation.
TotallyNotGizmoduck: I am eagerly awaiting our surprise rendezvous!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: While you’re there at our unplanned meeting, you, Webby, Violet, and I should rig up an encrypted group chat!!
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Sounds like a fun and enjoyable activity that we will only use for spontaneous activities!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: Absolutely
Junior-Woodchuck74: now about you and gyro…
TotallyNotGizmoduck: Oh look at that Mr. McDuck is calling I have to go offline bye Huey!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: I’m not dropping this Fenton!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: I know you’re staring at your locked phone reading the notifications
Junior-Woodchuck74: You saw me with Gyro and the Team Science chat you know I don’t give up easily
Teach Penny and Mom Pokémon Group Chat!!!
4:42 pm
ICanDeweyIt: this chat has been suspiciously silent
moonlander-general: do I really need to be here?
universesgreatestadventurer: Don’t you want to know about this integral part of earth culture?
universesgreatestadventurer: also it would make me sad if you refused
moonlander-general: ...I suppose
wildlymisunderstood: you’ve gone soft.
ICanDeweyIt: mom really said 🥺👉👈
universesgreatestadventurer: oh no a meme i don’t know!!!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: oh shoot i don’t know how to explain this one
lenaonme: the emoji’s name is the pleading emoji that should tell you enough tbh
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: i guess so
universesgreatestadventurer: it’s okay webby
universesgreatestadventurer: I’ll figure it out eventually
universesgreatestadventurer: I’m the great Della Duck, after all!!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: That’s true!! You’re amazing!!
universesgreatestadventurer: aw hon you’re too sweet 🥺👉👈
universesgreatestadventurer: did I do it?? Did I meme right???
green-sharpie: not quite, but props for trying
universesgreatestadventurer: i’ll get it eventually
aw-phooey: just do it wrong dells it annoys them to no avail
Junior-Woodchuck74: HAH
aw-phooey: Huey please
aw-phooey: i’m offended you’d think i wouldn’t know how to meme.
aw-phooey: besides i have seven kids
green-sharpie: wait seven??
aw-phooey: i’m counting boyd sorry gyro
wildlymisunderstood: NO HE’S MINE
Junior-Woodchuck74: I’m screenshotting this to send to him!!!
wildlymisunderstood: DON’T YOU DARE
wildlymisunderstood: if you shut up i’ll give you an internship at the lab
Junior-Woodchuck74: …
Junior-Woodchuck74: ugh fine
Junior-Woodchuck74: but you have to tell him at some point!!
Junior-Woodchuck74: you have a whole group chat full of witnesses now dr. g
wildlymisunderstood: ...I’m going to regret this aren’t I
TheCrashiestCrash: sooo… are we going to play some pokémon or…?
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: YES POKÉMON PARTY
ICanDeweyIt: okay wait
ICanDeweyIt: mom you got penny a phone right?
universesgreatestadventurer: well technically Uncle Scrooge got it for her because I was on the moon for ten years and i’m broke and have no money
universesgreatestadventurer: but yeah
ICanDeweyIt: okay we’ll start with pokemon go since that’s the only console she has
ICanDeweyIt: just come over on uhh friday
moonlander-general: I can do that.
universesgreatestadventurer: IT’S A DATE!!!
Family Group Chat!!!
5:12 pm
Tea Time: Everyone offline. Dinner is ready.
Junior-Woodchuck74: How did you know we were texting? This groupchat has been silent for hours
TheWebbedWonder: yes it’s quite a tragedy
green-sharpie: f
lenaonme: f
Adventure-Pilot: f
Adventure-Pilot: @moonlander-general I DID IT!!! You do it too
moonlander-general: f
Adventure-Pilot: *wipes away tear* omg i’m so proud
ICanDeweyIt: she’s come so far
ICanDeweyIt: you both have
TheWebbedWonder: but they have a long way to go before they can save anyone
green-sharpie: shut up about avatar shut up about avatar
TheWebbedWonder: no
Tea Time: To answer your question, Huey, Dewey and Louie are on the couch in the TV room and they’re both texting.
Junior-Woodchuck74: Ah, makes sense
Junior-Woodchuck74: also we have multiple TV rooms
lenaonme: heheh rich kid problemz
Junior-Woodchuck74: you come over to our house twice a week shut up middle class kid
Scrooge-McDuck: I’ll have you know I worked hard for my fortune! Years of backbreaking labor!
wreathedingold: yeah you’re proud of it we get it
Scrooge-McDuck: says the woman who made her fortune dishonestly!!
Scrooge-McDuck: and, may I add, who has less money than me!
wreathedingold: it’s only a matter of time
green-sharpie: ugh now you sound like glomgold
wreathedingold: ugh pass
lenaonme: lmao
aw-phooey: language.
Indy_Sabrewing: language
Tea Time: Dinner.
green-sharpie: Money!
TheWebbedWonder: flaming machetes!!!!!!!
aw-phooey: webby no.
lenaonme: webby yes!!
Tea Time: everyone offline.
lenaonme: i don’t even live here lollllll lame
Tea Time: Lena. Go offline so you don’t distract everyone else during dinner.
lenaonme: oh all right
lenaonme: but only because i want chocolate chip pancakes when i come over to the mansion on saturday.
Tea Time: I’ll keep it in mind.
TheWebbedWonder: aw Lena, you know Granny can’t say no to you!
TheWebbedWonder: she loves you too much
lenaonme: !!! lskdfhdksl
Tea Time: Webbigail, please. Come eat.
Tea Time: ...but she’s not wrong, Lena dear.
lenaonme: <3 <3 alksdhfghdskl;ldkf
PM between worldsgreatestinventor and Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl
10:56 pm
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: dr. g!!!
worldsgreatestinventor: small child.
worldsgreatestinventor: shouldn’t you be asleep by now?
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: shouldn’t you?
worldsgreatestinventor: i’m busy with a new project that will blow the collective world’s mind.
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: nice nice but when’s the last time you slept?
worldsgreatestinventor: i got a couple hours in yesterday afternoon
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: doctorrrrr geeeeaaarrrloooseee
worldsgreatestinventor: oh my god just say what you came here for
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: so! Boyd!
worldsgreatestinventor: oh boy
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: i think it went pretty well don’t you think?
worldsgreatestinventor: yeah actually
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: i just wanted to check that you’re doing okay with it
worldsgreatestinventor: i am thanks
worldsgreatestinventor: what for though? You wouldn’t have kicked Boyd out if he was making me uncomfortable
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: idk i didn’t think that far ahead
worldsgreatestinventor: i can tell
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: just… offer comfort, I guess? Or get Huey or Uncle Donald to do it
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: or Uncle Ty
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: they’re better at it than me
worldsgreatestinventor: shut up you’re doing fine
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: You don’t need actual comforting though
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: sides i’d comfort the heck out of you if you needed it!!!!
worldsgreatestinventor: i don’t doubt that
11:07 pm
worldsgreatestinventor: anyway thanks webby
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: anytime!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: I do have a price for my services though
worldsgreatestinventor: oh no louie’s gotten to you hasn’t he
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: can I have a hug next time i see you?
worldsgreatestinventor: ...fine
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: YES!!!
worldsgreatestinventor: five seconds long at most. I’ll be timing you.
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: eh we’ll see about that
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: when I met Lena she avoided hugs like the plague, but now she looks for any excuse to hug me!!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: we’ll make a hugger out of you yet
worldsgreatestinventor: i don’t know about that
worldsgreatestinventor: wait, we?
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: …
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: della and i have been plotting.
worldsgreatestinventor: figures.
worldsgreatestinventor: now go to sleep small child!!
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: only if you do too
worldsgreatestinventor: fine fine
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: !!! slfkhdks
Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl: good night!!
worldsgreatestinventor: good night.
Science Gays
4:35 am
Headless-Mannyhorse: wait didn’t mr. mcduck say something about the three caballeros fighting evil with a xylophone
namez! Huey: Junior-Woodchuck74 Dewey: ICanDeweyIt Louie: Lou / green-sharpie* Webby: TheWebbedWonder / Ultimate_Scrooge_Fangirl* Donald: aw-phooey* / Dadnald Scrooge: Scrooge-McDuck* / Moneybags Della: worldsgreatestadventurer* / Adventure-Pilot / universesgreatestadventurer /acepilot Beakley: 22* / Tea Time Launchpad: TheCrashiestCrash Lena: lenaonme Violet: Violet-Sabrewing Duckworth: ghostbutler Gyro: worldsgreatestinventor* / dr mad scientist / wildlymisunderstood Fenton: TotallyNotGizmoduck* / Blathering-Blatherskite / fentonium Manny: ihaveahead!!! / Headless-Mannyhorse Lil' Bulb: worldsgreatestinvention* / Lil' Bulb Gladstone: Lucky-Gander Fethry: mutant-krill!!!! / shut up with the exclamation points already Indy: Indy_Sabrewing Ty: purpleisforthegays Goldie: Wine-Aunt* / wreathedingold Penny: moonlander-general Boyd: adefinitelyrealboy
don’t ask me how disney works since they’re from disney and would be on disney+ i don’t know all i know is that dewey loves hamilton ok
i read multiple webby and gyro fics the other day they’re a very underrated dynamic & i’m soft for them ok
also i don’t know a lot about pokemon so if anyone has tips on that mini plotline lmk i have no clue why i put that in
i’m too tired for a full author’s note so uhh have fun kids ily
Chapter 3
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chaountess · 3 years
Tumblr media
fc:   franciska farkas  +  comic icons.
the crimson countess is a fictional character in the boys and a parody character marvels sc*rlet w*tch.     lacking lore of her,   i draw a lot from w*nda maxim*ff’s comic runs [especially sc*rlet w*tch (2016)] and from in my own sense,   parodying “wendy maymoff & wendysiri”.     i’m making this clear now but i am not roma,   i have no idea about the experience and what it is like to be roma but i’m constantly doing research & learning and i highly would appreciate any/all critque on my writing.     i am however,   jewish and draw from my own experience as a jewish woman and my familial history. 
as such,   as the boys is a parody/satire series at heart,   i heavily intend to parody the poorly done representation of w*nda maxim*ff in wendysiri and write something closer to the original wanda,   as wendysiri is basically a parody of wanda at this point.
if you support marvels portrayal of wanda as a white christian woman,   don’t follow me.     i have no intertest in messing with people who support wanda & pietro being white.
as i said,   there is very little lore on cc & most of this is my own with assistance from the lovely vlad.     i’m also fully exclusive with vlad’s solider boy [@/soldiurboy] and i will not be interacting/writing with any others.
during ww2,   having gone rough from vought,   dayana joins forces with the allies,   serving under the dutch resistance and eventually forming alongside of soldier boy / jack kennedy to form the dual team known as payback.     after vought switches sides,   payback becomes a fully functioning team lead under jack & dayana.     dayana is adopted as an american propaganda figure by the media as the crimson countess while she fights in ww2. 
post-1945,   she is known only as delilah petrov,   having adjusted her name upon becoming a post-ww2 american propoganda figure.     her birth name is dayana petrova which isn’t widely publicly known but she would not be denying her own name if asked.     she spends several years moonlight alongside jack as they stay as the payback duo before eventually working as an art restorator for several years.     holding blackmail on vought,   she has fake papers that allow her to operate for several decades as a citizen.
season 3:     as a favor to stan edgar,   she returns to vought to begin pr work;   helping scrape up the damaged reputation of the company. 
dayana is a lesbian (because el*sabeth ols*n would hate it so i’m doing it) so please don’t approach me about shipping unless your character would fit into her sexuality.     as cc,   she is publicly out as a lesbian and has been for a very long time. 
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
can i request some hcs for sc and the reader, who only joined them because "shit that dio dude sounds like a fucking bitch. i wanna beat the shit outta him". and after the investigation of speedwagon foundation on her it turns out that she actually has nowhere to go since her parents were killed by dio and she doesn't have any other relatives. while being confronted about this shit she tries to deny it but then gives up and tells the truth. (and maybe reader could be a s/o to crusaders, i dunno)
- In the case of Jotaro, the man would have already been expecting something like it already. Why, you may ask? Well for starters he thought it was just a little suspicious that you decided to just...join them out of nowhere in such a tumultuous journey all because you apparently had a strong dislike for Dio. Then again, no one can blame you for feeling like that anyway. That being said, the second Jotaro found out the truth about you all of his suspicions were instantly confirmed. But did he immediately confronted you about it or pressed you for information? Not at all. Quite the contrary, he waited for the perfect occasion to privately speak to you about this and only then did he put up a bit of a fight in order to hear the truth from your own lips. Upon finding out about what Dio did to your family, Jotaro would sigh then slowly (but tenderly) pull you into his arms whilst reassuring you that you’re safe now and that he’s going to avenge your parents for sure. And while he’s at it, you’re also invited to stay over to his place for as long as you want to. After all, you are the most important person in his life.
- Kakyoin would as well sense that something was off from the first second that you decided to fling yourself right into the middle of this clusterfuck of a journey. Sure he totally belives you when you say that you fucking hate that Dio bitch because so does everyone else, but to suddenly embark on such a dangerous trip solely because of that must take some serious balls. Nevertheless, Kak didn’t pressure you into opening up at all and his questions were always polite and cautious. He’s fully aware of how annoying nosey people can be. And yet when he was informed that you have lost your entire family because of Dio, he was extremely sad hence why he wasted no time and straight out asked you about it later on that day. He knew you were going to be reluctant to answer and so he had the patience of a saint throughout the entirety of time. When you DID open up though he listened to all of it with a look full of both sorrow and empathy, and yet he knew not to pity you either because that’s never a good thing to do. All that the man did was assure you that he’ll be by your side forever and that you two are going to kick Dio’s ass as soon as you meet him. On top of that, he also suggested that you come and live with him and his parents for a while after all of this is over.
- Polnareff on the other hand wouldn’t suspect a damn thing since he’s himbo central. A new vengeful member joined their gang in order to help them take down Dio??? Sweet, more power to the squad! He wouldn’t think of it as being THAT deep although he is aware that you must have your reasons for joining them nonetheless. This is exactly why the moment he finds out about your background it’s going to be like a damn punch to his gut, worse than any of Star Platinum’s punches. Alas he has a loud mouth so he’d instantly confront you about it and would INSIST that you tell him more. He may come across as persistent or nosey, but the truth is that he entirely understands how you feel. He would tell you all about the loss of his mother and sister in an attempt to get you to open up to him more, which would eventually make you give in and reluctantly pour your heart out at him. You two would basically bond over trauma at some point. The upside though is that Pol is amazing at making people feel better and he’d try cheering you up/reassuring you that it’s all going to be fine in no time. He’s going to literally puff out his chest and solemnly swear to you that he’ll personally take down Dio for what he did. Don’t worry for your “knight in shining armor” boyfriend has got your back at all times.
- Joseph would probably be the one that would find out first about all of this due to his connections with the Speedwagon Foundation. He’d order them to do a little digging inside your background just to make sure, and that’s when his slight suspicions would be confirmed. He knew you had to have some pretty fucking strong reasons behind such a bold decision, and yet he wouldn’t bring it up at all in the beginning. He’d wait for the perfect occasion to ask you more about it and would reluctantly tell you that he had found out about your family by using his men. Even if it hurts, you must know the truth since Joseph would hate to make you feel as if he betrayed your trust, or worse, hurt you. He knew you would deny everything and call him a liar, and so he was extremely patient and calmly explained everything to you over and over until you calmed down and eventually opened up to him. Joseph listened to each and every single detail you told him about the tragic event that determined you to join in the hunt for Dio. When you finally calmed down he wasted no time and cupped your face in his hands whilst letting you know that you’re safe now and that he’s going to protect and care for you for as long as he lives. Hell, the man even promised to get you a brand new place all for yourself after the journey is over! That is, if you don’t want to move in with him...
- Avdol has a damn good 6th sense so he wouldn’t be THAT surprised upon finding out the true reason behind your decision of joining the gang. Honestly, as sad and unfair what happened to you is, Avdol can’t help but admire your courage and determination. He’s fully aware of the dangers and risks that this journey has, and yet he feels lowkey proud of you for making such a bold but courageous move. That’s exactly why the man would keep an eye out for you at all times and would be doing his best to protect you while simultaneously trying not to come off as rough, nagging, or worse, nosey. But, as we all know, the truth always surfaces sooner or later, hence why one late evening Avdol decided that it was time to bring up the subject of your parents’ death. He knew you would get defensive, so he calmly explained to you that he has no ill intentions and that all that he wants is to keep you safe, therefore he wants you to be as honest as possible with him. The man does a superb job at making others relax and feel safe, therefore you’d find yourself trusting him and opening up in no time. Avdol would closely listen to your story then at the end would give you one of his good ol’ warm hugs as he’d let you know just how strong and competent you truly are. He wants you to know that he’ll always be there for you and that no one will ever hurt you anymore. He’ll make sure of it. Not to mention that you’re free to move in with him anytime you want, of course.
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jvncnt · 4 years
𝐡𝐞𝐲  𝐡𝐢  𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨  ,  beautiful  people  !  my  name  is  lenny  (  22  ,  she/her  ,  mst  )  &  i’m  absolutely  hyped  to  be  joining  this  amazing  group  !  it’s  honestly  been  a  hot  minute  since  i  last  rped  in  a  group  ,  but  i  truly  cannot  resist  anything  that  my  bbys  stephy  &  leia  come  up  with  so  here  i  am  !  i’m  bringing  you  my  boy  jayden  ,  a  completely  new  muse  ,  but  i’m  really  excited  to  develop  him  here  .  pls  bare  with  me  if  whatever  is  below  the  cut  is  a  mess  ,  that’s  just  representative  of  my  permanent  state  rn  sjkdlhfs  but  i  wanna  plot  with  each  &  every  one  of  you  ,  so  pls  hmu  !  give  this  post  a  like  or  slide  into  my  dms  ,  or  u  can  reach  me  via  d*sc*rd  @  lenny the pooh#3088  !  ily  all  already  ,  can’t  wait  to  be  a  part  of  this  group  ✨
*  𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐠𝐨𝐬  here  and  do  i  have  the  tea  for  you  .  jayden  is  back  in  bridgehampton  for  the  summer  ,  living  off  the  vincent’s  family  $670 million  net  worth  .  must  be  nice  to  come  back  home  to  the  hamptons  ,  i  wonder  what  his  fellow  class  of  2017  grads  think  of  his  return  .  you  know  ,  he  was  known  around  town  as  the  vainglorious  and  for  bhs  senior  superlatives  he  was  crowned  as  most  likely  to  punch  you  in  the  face .  i  wonder  if  that  still  holds  true  today  ,  a  lot  can  change  when  you  go  off  to  pace  university and  study  commercial  dance  .  either  way  ,  i  bet  he  is  still  very  steadfast  ,  assured  ,  truculent  and  heedless  .  hopefully  this  time  next  year  the  plans  to  dance  professionally  come  true  .  in  the  meantime  ,  i  look  forward  to  seeing  him  blast  cross  me  -  ed  sheeran  ,  chance  the  rapper  ,  &  pnb  rock  at  every  hamptons  function  .  it’s  going  to  be  a  wild  summer  home  ,  welcome  back  .
alright so i’ll just drop some bullet points here that’ll tell u all about jay !
( tw : mention of suicide , drugs )
his father is one of the most well-known boxers around , but not for anything great : he was a major heavyweight champ in his early days but shortly after jayden was born his mother committed suicide after a really difficult struggle with postpartum depression , which was not aided by her concern for her husband’s dangerous and demanding career — after that , everything sorta went downhill for jay’s father .
he was caught in one of the biggest drug busts in new york history and went to prison , leaving 10 year old jay in the hands of his paternal grandparents in the hamptons , who already were more like parents to him than his father would ever be .
his grandfather was a big time boxer in his day ( then worked as a mentor to some other big names until his retirement ) , and his son’s troubles disappointed him because he wanted the vincent legacy to live on , so he started mentoring jayden to reclaim the family name in the boxing world .
for a while things went well and jay was into the whole boxing thing , but his grandfather began to put more and more pressure on him as he grew older , along with everyone else around him — he was the star of bhs’ wrestling team and everyone envisioned him up on the big stage , giving creed a run for his money — but jayden couldn’t see it . he really wasn’t that into boxing . sure it gave him an excuse to punch shit and get his anger out , but that only goes so far until you begin to question the true meaning behind what you’re doing .
for jay , the only meaning he could see in pursuing a boxing career was to reclaim the vincent name that his father had tarnished all those years ago , as his grandfather wanted him to , but that moment of glory wasn’t enough to outweigh the lack of passion jay felt underneath every punch — not to mention how much he feared following in his father’s footsteps . he also wasn’t sure he wanted to give his father the satisfaction of reclaiming their throne .
so what was he going to do ? well , where his passion lacked in boxing , it absolutely thrived in dance . his grandmother founded a major dance studio in the hamptons and jay spent many evenings there while growing up . at first he just did homework in his grandmother’s office , but then he started snooping on classes out of boredom before he befriended one of the male teachers who convinced him to try out a class . and from there it kinda snowballed . his teacher turned into more of a mentor than his grandfather would ever be , and jay felt more excitement leading up to his dance classes than his boxing lessons .
his grandfather at first saw dance as a good way for jay to keep up his stamina and exercise in different ways , but then he started to notice the imbalance between his grandson’s passion for dance and for boxing and he grew frustrated . “ dancing’s not for vincent men , " he once told jay . “ grow some balls and throw some punches . ”
out of pure fear of his grandfather and disappointing him , jay continued to pursue his grandfather’s dreams for him and trained almost every day , but then he’d sneak away to late night dance sessions because he just couldn’t avoid how magnetized he was to a life of dance . the creativity , excitement , and pure fun held more meaning than boxing ever would for him , but it took him until high school graduation to properly admit that to himself .
his grandmother , the wonderful spitfire of a woman she is , sneakily led jay through the application process of every major dance academy across the states , even though her husband found no use in sending their future heavyweight champion grandson off to college . she’s always supported jay for every decision he’s made and wanted nothing but the best for him , whether it was boxing or dance or something completely different . she’s the source of all of his confidence , ambition , and determination .
it wasn’t until the acceptance letter came in the mail from pace university that jayden came clean to his grandfather . it was a messy , loud , stressful , emotional night , but his grandfather eventually realized there was no use in arguing or fighting — he raised jay to be strong , independent , and everything he wished his son had been , and he knew that when jay set his sights on something , he was going to do it no matter what .
WHEW ok now we come to the present : jay has been excelling in pace’s commercial dance program , his passion for dance blazing brighter than ever before , and he’s returned home to the hamptons every summer to visit his beloved grandparents . with his senior year coming up , he has already lined up several auditions for world tours and music videos and more to set his dance career in motion . he’s honestly looking forward to seeing his old bhs alumni over the summer and rubbing their noses in the success of his own future that he is writing .
as for a lil about his personality :
he’s well known as the vainglorious , aka excessively proud of oneself or one's achievements ; overly vain .
not to say he’s a bit of a dick but ... he’s a dick . 
as much as he hates to admit it , he definitely inherited his father’s hotheadedness and his utter selfishness .
he has always been the kid who doesn’t just think he’s the shit , but is the shit . he’s cocky in an annoyingly charming way and flirted his way up every social ladder during high school .
being the star of the wrestling team also didn’t help to deflate his ego sdljkhf like he didn’t love boxing or wrestling , but he knew he was damn good at it and just likes being the best .
as for some positives about my boy !! he is a charmer and he’s always loved to have fun . he spent so much of his childhood and teen years training and working hard that when he gets free time , whew he revels in it .
working hard is in his blood and he just oozes determination and will be your biggest hype man because he’s a dick but he still wants to see everyone succeed ! he knows what it feels like to be passionate about something and wanting to chase your dreams , and he will help you chase those dreams !!!
a big ol’ flirt , but he’s not really a player . he’s never been one to sleep around or act like breaking hearts is a sport . he grew up really admiring his grandparents’ marriage , all while remembering the poor relationship he knows his parents had , and definitely is a bit of a romantic . but that’s not to say he isn’t down to have some fun either lol
like i said , he’s a work in progress so i’m sorry this isn’t more detailed or fancy , i’m truly just so excited to be here that i wanted to get this up asap !
if you'd like to take a look at the shitty pinterest board i made for him , you can find it right here ! you can ignore the extra sections on it , it's a recycled board from an old muse but i'm leaving the connection sections there in case any of the pins work with the plots i get going with u !
as for connections , i’m truly down for anything and everything !! which i know is sooo basic to say but i’m forreal . if you have some angst or drama you wanna throw my way , i am here for it ! i also pride myself on my ability to brainstorm fun plots , so don’t be afraid to reach out !
xo ily
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monikafilefan · 5 years
Mulder teaches Scully to ride a bike (or Scully teaches Mulder)
This was so fun to write and I’m happy I was finally able to break through my writers block with this gem. I hope you like my attempt at humor!
Tagging @today-in-fic
“Mulder, I think I’ve changed my mind.”
“But you haven’t even tried it yet,” he states the obvious as her hands unclench the handlebars. His supportive grip slips away from the curve of her waist and he can’t hide his disappointment.
He watches her suck her plump bottom lip between her teeth and shuffle away from the wheel. She’s nervous, he notices now, and can’t fight off the instant surge of affection for his strong and fearless partner.
“Come on, Scully, I promise I’ll be right here to catch you,” he assures with a smirk.
She scoffs with fists on her hips and glares up at him through the gleaming summer sun. She’s wearing an old Bureau tee that accentuates her fit, sinewy frame and her jaw-length russet hair is pulled back in a low pony, punctuating the seriousness of this moment for her. She’s prepared - and though Mulder will never admit it aloud - he finds it utterly adorable.
“I’m not incapable, you know. I just… have trouble getting started once I’m seated is all.”
The playful stakeout conversation of childhood quirks leading up to this event was one that had both shocked and tickled Mulder. Learning that her rainbow tasseled bike with the banana seat and training wheels still attached was the last one she’d ever ridden, had him promptly tucking that golden nugget of information away for a perfect day such as this.
He nods with hands up, surrendering to her annoyance. “I have never once thought of you as incapable, Scully. Quite the opposite, in fact,” he confesses and feels the truth of his words coloring his golden skin.
“Well, that’s comforting, I suppose,” she says softly, arching a brow while allowing one of her rare, toothy smiles of appreciation for him to light up her sun-kissed face. “I have been known to save your ass on occasion throughout the last six years.”
“You won’t hear me disputing that fact, partner. I’d shout it throughout the bullpen if I thought anyone would care enough to listen to what ole Spooky had to say.” He watches her flush and turn her face into the breeze to calm it. If Mulder were bold enough, reckless, he might just lean down and press a kiss to each bronze-colored freckle peppering the apples of her cheeks. “It’s just that tomboy Dana Scully not being able to ride a bike seems like such a shame.”
“Mulder…” she huffs, facing him curiously. “I’ve never told you I was a tomboy growing up.”
Logically, Mulder already knows why she hasn’t mentioned this fun fact about herself. One, they only share personal details of their past when confronted head on. For self-preservation, most likely. To keep the professional status quo when their deeper feelings begin to bubble too close to the surface.
At least that’s what he does.
Two, he finally understands that even a strong, serious woman who chooses to fight ferociously as an equal among peers in a male dominated profession, might also want to be seen as feminine as possible when more personal opportunities present themselves.
“No,” he agrees, “you haven’t.”
“My mother.” Her statement is one of realization for Scully. He can tell she doesn’t know what reflective moment spurred on by tragedy in which her mother may have divulged childhood details to him, but the wistful look on her face leads him to believe she’s silently grateful for it. “Okay, then. Show me how it’s done, Yoda.”
He chuckles. “Oh, Scully, you hit me with a Star Wars reference and I’ll do just about anything for you.” Something flickers in her gaze that sends heat churning in his gut. He clears his throat as she runs the tip of her tongue across her rosebud lips and adds, “but Star Trek is more up my alley.”
“I’ll write that down for next time.”
Mulder waves her closer and nudges her hip playfully. “Come young Jedi, there is much to learn, there is.”
Scully grins, rolling her eyes and urges him on. He straddles the center bar of his old mountain bicycle he’s had in storage for nearly seven years, and pops the kick stand. With one sneaker on the pedal and the other pushing off the paved bike path, Mulder’s long legs whirl in a tight circle.
And he’d be lying to himself if his ego weren’t beginning to take over and push him to impress the woman he loves.
“See, you just shift your weight like this...” he hollers over his shoulder and pumps his legs harder with a sway of his hips, watching Scully in the distance as she points at something ahead of him. “...and then keep your balance as you—ah, oh shi—”
His words are cut off with a sudden jolt thrusting him toward the front wheel wedged within a pothole, handlebars twisting inward. Before he can catch his balance, his knees buckle, careening his hips down to connect with the only thing separating him from the pavement: the metal bar jutting out between his legs.
His crotch connects with force, sending a full 176lbs of meat, muscle, and bone down on his manhood.
Searing pain shoots up through his balls and into his groin. “Ah, fuck!”
His vision swims with burning tears as he slumps forward, breathless. He tentatively raises himself off the offending bar and appropriately crumples into the grass with a whimper.
He barely registers the clang of metal and aluminum hitting the hot pavement.
“Mulder,” Scully breathes out next to him. She’s here; touching him, soothing his pride. She caresses his cheek with what he’s deciphered over the years as sympathy as she needlessly asks, “Oh, Mulder, you took a bar to the groin, didn’t you?”
His gut clenches as a wave of nausea washes over him like a tidal wave in response.
Mulder swings his head away from his partner’s crouch to gag and spit pathetically on a nearby ant hill. Scully has shot him; seen his body and mind exposed; watched him bleed; held him as he cried; talked him out of shooting himself with holes in his head; and had taken vigil at his hospital bed too many times to count. But she has not and will not witness him lose what’s left of his breakfast all over her pristinely white Keds as he writhes in the dirt.
“Just take a deep breath for me,” she encourages. “That’s it.”
He groans deeply after swallowing back the precursor for puke. Carefully cupping his balls and penis, making sure the three important things currently thrumming with pain are still whole and intact between his thighs, he croaks, “I think broke my… my lightsaber.”
He hears her huff out a laugh and cluck her tongue. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you, Mulder.”
“Maybe we’re better off if you teach me how to ride the Scully way,” he jests, meeting her soft, baby blue gaze as she hovers above. “I think we work best together that way, don’t you?”
She shrugs. “Oh I don’t know, Mulder.” Her warm hand slides around the back of his neck and helps pull him up to his knees. “I kind of like the way you ride, too.”
Mulder winces with a hand still awkwardly soothing the pang in his balls and his stomach roils. “Ugh…”
“Okay, let me take a look.” He gives her bug-eyed expression. She seems to wrestle with a decision in her mind and then gives him a determined nod. “I promise I’ll be gentle.”
“Wh-why? They're still there. Trust me, I feel them.”
She sighs and knee walks around to face him. He’s hunching slightly on his knees, gripping both his crotch and his waist in intermittent agony.
Scully gives his arm a sympathetic squeeze. “It’s rare, but if you have serious damage to your testicals or penis, then I’ll be taking you to the hospital instead of home.”
“Sonofabitch.” His face flushes with embarrassment. He cannot believe his attempt to do something remotely sweet for his best friend will end with him icing his nuts on his couch alone tonight.
“Come on, just a peek,” she smirks, and he can’t help but grin in return. If he has to endure a shot to the boys in order for her to offer up her own innuendo, he’ll gladly take it every time.
With no one else around, Mulder reluctantly nods and slowly removes his hand, gesturing that it’s okay for her to slip into doctor mode.
Her slender fingers curl around the elastic, tickling the fine hair line above his groin, and helps him shuck down the front of his boxer briefs.
A cool, gentle breeze sweeps across his genitals and he hisses at the exposure. He looks down to see Scully’s red head poised just inches above his dick. Suddenly, a thought he’s completely neglected to consider during his bout of pain slams into him. Her proximity alone can make him hard. And this… this will be bad.
“Sc-Scully?” he rasps, feeling himself twitch to life. “Um—”
“—are they usually… uh, are you usually this… engorged during activity, Mulder?” Her voice is thick, honeyed, and it sends a tsunami of blood rushing downward.
“What?” You… well I’m not sure,” he shrugs, desperately attempting to think of anything that will salve off the rapid growth of an erection.
A puff of warm breath blows across the swell of him and fingernails gently scrape at his thigh.
Frohike. Skinner in a skirt. Byers wearing an apron…
When her soft fingertips graze the underside of his swelling cock, it’s too late. Mulder’s harder than he’s ever been, and the pain in his balls now is instantly gone.
The pain is gone.
“You’re fine.” Scully clears her throat, rocks up to her feet and quickly motions for him to pull up his shorts. He obeys, dumbstruck and too aroused to speak.
Risking a glance, Mulder notices that her once sun-kissed cheeks are now tomato red, and her sweat dappled chest is heaving.
“Thanks…” He stands, chagrined at the large bulge protruding proudly through his shorts. He mumbles, “I appreciate it.”
“Well,” Scully starts with a smile pulling at her mouth, “don’t say I never did anything for ya.”
“You… you did that on purpose, didn’t you?”
She picks up the bike and wheels it over, grinning. “I am a doctor, Mulder. I was just hoping it would work, you know with me being… well me,” she says shyly, attempting to mask her uncertainty of his physical attraction for her.
“Of course it worked. In fact, you work far too well far too often if you must know.”
Their eyes dance coyly together in the sunlight. Something new and simmering passes between them. Another golden nugget of intimacy to save for later.
“So...” She breaks the gaze and swings a leg over the bicycle seat. “Am I riding this death trap back to the car, or are you?”
Mulder laughs, slipping his hands back around the dip in her waist, fingers grasping at the velvet skin peeking out beneath her shirt, and leans in close.
“Teach you, I will.”
“Don’t push it, Yoda,” she tosses back with a smirk. “I’d much rather have my partner teach me to ride the Spooky way. Lightsaber and all.”
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tickle-bugs · 4 years
diego, lila, luther!!!!
I am gonna sc  r e  am
Get into a tickle fight with: Diego!!! He’s such a switch and like,,, I feel like it’d get so competitive and silly omg,, I basically have a phd in all things Diego at this point so I know how to get him,,, He wouldn’t stand a chance >:)
Get tickle-tortured by: Lila,, I am a big ole gay and she is so pretty,,, and m e a n,,,, She’d be so teasy and thorough and I am giggling just thinking about it 
Find out about the kink: Luther!!!! He’s so sweet and awkward I feel like he’d just do a lil thumbs up?? and then give little pokes in passing and keep doing the thumbs up whenever we make eye contact?? he’s a dork but he’s doing his best 
Ask more here!
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chinchillasinunison · 4 years
random tidbits about my JoJo gem au because I want to share but I'm too beat from school work to draw them
I picture all the pure gems whose type appear in some form in SU have the same voice actress as the gems in the series, even if said characters are dudes. This is mostly because I think it's hilarious to imagine Deedee Magno Hall doing a gruff cockney accent since Speedwagon's a pearl.
Because his gem takes up almost the entirety of his left cheek, when Joseph blushes his gem glows.
Instead of Air Supplena Island they train at the Sky Arena in BT and the first time they warped there Joseph almost walked right off the edge because he didn't realize they were thousands of feet off the ground.
Holly is a rose quartz and she has plant manipulating powers, but she only really gets them under control at the end of this version of SC. But sometimes she goofs up in the garden and accidentally makes sentient veggies/fruits like the Watermelon Stevens. Except instead of being based on herself, they're based on Jotaro because he's her "seed." Whenever this happens she's like "hi Jotaro honey come meet your new little brother, Jotato!" and he's always like "yare yare mommy why do you keep doing this to me it's embarrassing" but at the same time is on the phone ordering his tiny potato brother a custom coat just like his.
Hol Horse, an overcooked pyrite who emerged in 1865: "listen son, if you wanna get somethin' done you oughta team up with a real adult, someone older and wiser. and look, I don't wanna spook ya, but I've actually been alive for more than a century..." Padparadscha Facet-B0G0, who is well over 6,000 years old: :/
A version of Ruby Rider sung by Hol called "Pyrite Rider" after all is said and done between him and Lemon Quartz (DIO). Rubicelle (Oingo) is also shapeshifted into a horse singing backup. "I used to think I would always be by your side/ But lately you've turned awful tart/ You'll bring a gem to their knees, make 'em eager to please/ But ol' Hol saw through you from the start!"
The "is Mikitaka an alien?" debate still occurs but has the extra dimension of Blue Spinel (Okuyasu) literally Being An Alien From Outer Space Who Lives On Earth Now and when Josuke points that out he's like "yeah and???"
Lavender Pearl (Speedwagon) meets Rohan when he's dropping Joseph off in Morioh and he's like "oh! based on yer cut you look like a sapphire! back on Homeworld they're some of the highest elites, very rare and well-respected." It gives Rohan a big head at first so he starts bragging about his power to see into the past and Pearl's like "oh so you're defective then! that's great, so am I! I used to run a little gang of off-colors back in the day..." and Rohan just fucking deflates.
Kira literally knows nothing about pure gems because the ones he has interacted with up to the end (which was just the rest of the Morioh crew) were all hybrids so when Blue Spinel comes back in the final fight after getting poofed he's like "what the fuck I thought you died?!?!? I literally saw you explode??" and BS is like "yeah but I got better."
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smittenzs · 5 years
Brian sighed. He hated talking to John when he was like this. To see the hurt, the despair, the anger flash in his eyes all at once made his heart ache. He could feel John's emotions as if they were his very own. But he needed John to apologize to the public. He needed John to say he was sorry before something drastic happened. "Lennon please. I need you to go up there for us. I-"
"Brian how many times to I need to bloody tell you? I can't! I can't go up there in front of an entire crowd of people who are just going to fuckin' twist me words around every time I fuckin say something! I'm tired of seein' our records being burnt, I'm tired of the questions, the accusations, the everything!" He shouted, causing Brian to jump back a little in his chair.
John was biting back tears at this point. He couldn't let Brian watch him go into hysterics. But at the same time all he wanted was a hug. He just wanted a hug from anyone. It didn't matter. It could be from Brian, Paul, some random hobo on the street, he didn't care. He just wanted someone to hold him. He folded his arms and started to rub the callouses on his elbows to try and calm down but it was no use. Big, wet, salty tears started to roll down his cheeks.
Brian looked over at the poor man with sadness clouding in his eyes. He walked over and sat on John Lennon's bed alongside him, putting a hand on his back. "John, I understand how you feel. it isn't easy to be hated by a bunch of people. But there's a lot at stake here. America isn't like Britain. The people over there have a lot of guns. If you don't apologize, people might start to take things into their own hands, if you get what I mean."
John felt more tears leave his face, but there was still some fight in him. "Well then let them. It's me their shooting at right?"
Brian's breath hitched. He couldn't believe what John was saying. He didn't want to think of the four people closest to him being shot at and possibly killed. "Lennon, there is also a possibility they could miss. They could also be after more than just, you." Brian said, his voice trembling.
John felt his blood run cold at that very statement. He felt his entire body tense, like he was watching a gruesome horror movie. Horrible, violent images shot through his head that he wished he would forget. He did his best to not breakdown right in front of his manager.
"John why don't you get some rest. Sleep on it, think it through. I'm sure by tomorrow morning you'll be able to come to a decision. I understand that you didn't mean to offend anyone, and I'm not mad at you. Just, please think about the people closest to you." Brian said as he gathered his things, and walked out the door.
As soon as Brian left John broke down into tears. The pain in his chest from the heartache he felt was agonizing. It was like someone was clawing at his chest, leaving obvious, painful claw marks on his soft, sensitive chest. He collapsed onto the bed sheet and gripped onto the sheets for dear life as he screamed in agonizing emotional pain. He was surprised that no one heard him.
Once John began to calm down, he felt his eyelids grow heavier with each passing minute. Although his breathing was still panicked and very uneasy, he was tired. Perhaps Brian was right. Maybe he should sleep it off. John fell out of bed, put on some pajamas, and climbed into his bed, seeking comfort in his snow white sheets.
 John was onstage, singing along the lyrics to a song he couldn't name. His brow was sweaty and his face was hot. Why was he here? Didn't they cancel the tour after the incident? He looked over at his surroundings to see his three band mates, singing, bouncing, and overall having a good time.
 George and Paul were sharing a microphone, singing lyrics to some song that he couldn't understand. It was like they were singing complete gibberish. George was strumming his guitar, tapping his foot and singing along calmly, while Paul was going wild on that microphone. He was bouncing all around the stage, humping his bass, and slapping it as he played, having a grand ol' time. His rosy cheeks were more red than usual, and swear dripped down his forehead. He looked over at John and winked at him, causing shivers to run down the older man's spine.
 He then looked over at Ringo, who was on his usual pedestal. He was banging on his drums excitedly, like a child playing with pots and pans. He had an expression of pure joy spread across his entire face. That was the thing with Ringo. When he was happy, everyone was happy. That was why he was always, "Their little Richie." Although he was older than the rest of them all, he was just so adorable. John could feel all of his worries just, drip off his shoulders like water off of a ducks back. Maybe, just maybe, everything was going to be alright.
 Then there was a gunshot.
 John watched in horror as Ringo fell off of that pedestal with a thud. His eyes widened in terror as he heard Ringo's small body land on the ground. He turned to face his members and saw Paul standing there frozen, and George running. Towards John. John was so shocked that he couldn't hear the terrifying, bloodcurdling screams of the people in the audience. It was like all sound turned to static. He could only hear the screams of his fellow band mates.
Then he saw George fall to the ground as well. He landed on the ground with a permanent, terrified expression on his face. John stared as he watched one of his best friends, one of his brothers bleed out onto the floor around him.
 Everything flashed through John's mind. All of the wonderful memories he had with the younger lad replayed in his head like a movie. He remembered meeting the boy, he remembered celebrating their first hit album with him, he remembered everything. And here lay that very same man on the ground, in a pool of crimson red blood.
 That was when John sprung into action. There were only two other Beatles left that hadn't gotten shot. Him, and Paul. He could not let Paul die. He would rather die a slow, agonizing death rather than watch the very man he loved with all of his heart go through it. He ran over to the frozen, crying, screaming Paul as fast as he could. But it was no use. He watched in slow motion as he watched Paul's body fall to the floor, with a horrifying, thud.
 When John reached Paul he fell to his knees, crying his eyes out as he held his lover in his arms. He watched as Paul clutched his abdomen, shrieking in agonizing pain. He held him close and tried to whisper words of comfort to his lover, but they were drowned out by Paul's screams.
 John held Paul's warm, shaking, damaged body against his, not caring if he was exposed like a deer in headlights. All he could think about was his brothers and his lover, lying on the ground, suffering a slow, painful, agonizing death, because he didn't apologize over a stupid quote. John felt his world shatter around him, and it was all his fault. He then heard Paul, in a small, weak voice, say, "John, it h-hurts."
 John kissed Paul's sweaty forehead with tears streaming down his face. "I know darling. I know, it will all be over soon, I promise."
 Paul hissed as he felt pain shoot through every inch of his body. He let out another scream of excruciating pain. John just shushed him, and stroked his raven black hair. "it's going to be alright darling. I promise you're going to be okay." John said as his voice trembled and shook.
 John then felt his heart stop. He felt the man go limp in his arms. All of the life that was once in Paul's eyes seemed to have disappeared. They were now glassed over and barren of all life. "No....no Paulie come on. Paulie you're okay! You're okay!" John screamed, shaking the boy violently. "Come on stop this it isn't funny! Stop it!"
 John just held Paul's lifeless body as he cried. He cried and he cried and he cried. He was sobbing against Paul, hoping that he would wake up, but deep down he knew that Paul was gone.
John jolted awake screaming. Tears were falling from his eyes as he let out the most bloodcurdling screams anyone has every heard. He held onto his head, trying to understand what the fuck was happening. All he could remember was the screaming, the crying, the gunshots.......
And, Paul.....
Oh god not Paul......
He gripped his hair as he bit his lip so hard he drew blood. Tears were now pouring from his tightly shut eyes. He didn't even hear his hotel room door opening.
"John! Oh my god are you alright?!" Paul asked, quickly slamming the door shut as he ran over to the sobbing man.
John practically threw himself at Paul. He gripped at Paul's clothes as he absolutely lost it. It was like he was a scared child, holding onto his Mummy after a bad dream. Paul just held onto John, allowing him to cry as he stroked his head and whispered comforting words into his ear.
"It's all m-my fucking f-fault." John sobbed into Paul's shirt. "All of this is my b-bloody fault!"
Paul sighed and kissed John's forehead in an effort to calm him down. "John it isn't your fault. They were the ones who twisted your words around." He said calmly as he pet John's auburn hair.
John held onto Paul's night shirt even tighter. He was afraid he might tear it. "I'm s-so sorry Paulie...I'm sorry!" He wailed.
"I know you are John. I know." Paul cooed, his voice as calm and quiet as a mouse. He could feel John's tears soaking through his shirt as he held him but he didn't care. John was sitting here, sobbing and trembling, over those stupid Americans and he was going to help him out.
"Th-they were shootin' at us P-Paul."
That grabbed Paul's attention. "John what are you talking about? No one's ever shot at us."
John sniffled as more tears flowed down his cheeks. "in m-my dream someone was shootin at us and Richie got hit and Geo d-died and you were sc-screamin in pain as I h-held you and-and-and....." John couldn't even finish his sentence he was so shaken. But Paul could get a guess at what John's dream was about. He felt his heart shatter as he watched his lover, the incredible John Lennon, have a mental breakdown on top of him.
"Oh darling." Paul said, rubbing John's back in small circles. "I'm so sorry that happened."
"Pl-please tell me that never happened......please tell me Richie is ok-okay. Y-you're not dead right?" John looked up at Paul and what Paul saw was heartbreaking. John's beautiful brown eyes were red and puffy, with tears overflowing out from his eyes and down his cheeks. Snot was dripping from his nose which he was often insecure about, and an expression of pure terror was spread across his face.
Paul did his best not to cry, grabbed a tissue, and wiped the tears and snot away. "Of course not darling. I'm right here. Richie is fine. He's asleep in his room. So is George." He said as he embraced his husband. "I promise you none of that ever happened, and you don't need to worry about it."
John sniffled as he allowed Paul to cuddle him on the bed. He held onto Paul for dear life as he calmed down. Once he was calm, he finally decided he was going to apologize to the public.
"Yes Johnny?"
"I want to apologize."
Paul was a little surprised. He thought John was going to be more stubborn about this whole ordeal. "Really? Are you sure you can handle it?"
John nodded. "I'm not a child. I can do it."
smiled to himself as he allowed John to fall asleep next to him. "I'm proud of you Johnny."
After that, they both got a restful, undisturbed sleep.
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deadeeye · 4 years
@deadlockcr​ -- sc. 
     there’s no mistaking that woman -- hair as smooth and soft as freshly fallen snow, with eyes and lips a sharp red contrast, like blood spatter against a snowbank. a bad omen, surely; a sign of disaster to come. calamity. 
     “well now, what are the odds of that? us meetin’ again in a place like this.” already he’s got a cigar between his lips and a lighter steadily igniting the end. he’d never say no to a little nicotine, but one could always use a little extra when having to deal with ashe.
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     “hope you didn’t come lookin’ to pick a fight, sugar. i’m unarmed.” he pats the space on his hip where his revolver should be sitting. “and you wouldn’t kick ol’ jesse while he’s down, would you? so maybe we can just chat. real civilized-like, if you remember how.”
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