northern-punk-lad · 2 years
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Remember this next pride month when FIFA goes all rainbow
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kissmemissme7 · 5 days
Can we play fifa 1vs1? Loser gives oral to the winner 😏
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thesoccerfan · 2 years
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delfiore · 9 months
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pairing: leah williamson x reader
synopsis: a collection of private moments from a relationship between two public figures.
word count: 3.4k
a/n: this fic was proudly sponsored by hozier’s entire discography and my need to get a gf
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ONE. As It Was.
As it always was, London was raining when you came home.
The pitter-patter of the rain hitting the window panes reminded you of childhood, when it was autumn and smelled like the earth, and burying yourself in the piles of dry leaves in the backyard was like swimming in the clouds.
The rain reminded you of love and hot cocoa and scented candles.
The apartment was bathed in an orange hue from the three candles placed neatly on the coffee table when you dragged your suitcase inside. You could still hear the rain when you saw the way her eyes lit up and felt her heart pressed against yours.
You let yourself smile like it was the easiest thing in the world; because it was. You were home because you were with her.
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TWO. Eat Your Young.
“Babe! What d’you want for dinner?” You heard her call from the living room.
You had just finished a chapter from your book. “Eh . . . pasta?”
“We already had pasta last night, love.”
“More pasta?” You smiled sheepishly, seeing the way she rolled her eyes but went along with your idea.
To her, there was never anything she could have the heart to deny you from, especially now that she had you back after having lent you to your work for so long.
You were supposed to be halfway across the world filming your new movie. It was only because of the writer’s strike, an unforeseen event, that gave you back to her. You had flown back from a shoot to be there for her in the days after she ruptured her ACL and when she had her surgery, but she found herself missing you the moment you left for work again.
Music played softly from the speaker on the kitchen counter as you chopped the cherry tomatoes while she boiled the noodles since that was the only thing you were okay with her doing without burning the entire building down.
“Remember to let the water boil first,” you said without turning around.
“I did,” she whined, her words trailing longer than necessary if she was telling the truth.
You stopped chopping and glanced behind your shoulder with a deadpan. “Leah.”
The water was clearly not bubbling, and yet the poor rigatoni noodles were already dunked in the pot.
“I’m sorry, I forgot again,” the girl smiled sheepishly.
You rolled your eyes at her and shook your head as she sidled up behind you with her arms around your waist.
You could never grow tired of being held in her arms like this, the warmth created by her chest pressing up against your back, and the anticipation of her timid kisses against your neck. The knife in your hand had long been set down in fear of injury by your trembling hands. Your footballer always liked to tease you until you had no choice but to submit.
“Am I forgiven?” Her voice was husky in your ear.
You were quick to regain your composure before you turned around. “Depends on if those noodles are edible or not.”
“Or we could just ditch dinner and eat each other instead.”
“Cute,” you grinned and pressed your lips against hers. You heard the slightest whimper when you gathered her bottom lip with your teeth and lightly tugged on it. “Needs some seasoning. Otherwise, good enough.”
“That’s what I meant, obviously.”
In the end, the pasta was long forgotten, and you had to order a pizza instead because, by the time she was done, you could barely walk to the other side of the kitchen.
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THREE. I, Carrion (Icarian).
You had always been uncomfortable with silence. It was why you brought your speaker everywhere, why you preferred the city over the countryside, why you always felt the need to fill the silence in a room with conversation where there were other people. To you, silence meant a weapon, a way of waging war without actually doing it—the cowardice of dishonesty. So any chance you had to snuff out a glimpse of it, you did. Most of the time, though, the only war waged was the one you did to yourself in your mind.
But whenever you are with her, none of those threats present themselves. She has made silence enjoyable and something you wish you had learned to appreciate earlier, not fear it.
She had put on a movie for the both of you to watch on the couch. You usually felt the need to provide commentary were you with friends, but you were content with enjoying the movie in silence, occasionally looking over to your blonde lover to admire her on the other end of the couch. Your left leg was currently stretched across the cushions, as Leah gave you a foot massage whilst watching the movie.
Sometimes she didn’t feel real, like it was all a sick and twisted dream waiting to drop you on your head when you wake up. But it never did, because every time you reached for her, she was always there; even when you were timezones apart, she would find a way to be there for you in spirit.
“Babe, watch the movie. I like this one,” she spoke, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“I feel like it should be me giving you a foot massage,” you said, lifting your chin towards her healing knee.
“Nah. You were the one sitting on a 12-hour flight to get back here,” she put pressure in the center of your foot.
With your arm on the backrest, you lifted it to brush the tips of your fingers against her hair, inching closer toward the skin on her neck. She noticed, of course, and sent a cheeky grin your way.
Your lover smiled and laughed like a child does. You loved it whenever she showed her teeth when she smiled, stripping down the front of the stoic and reliable captain of European champions that she had to be. You hated that she always lifted others up, yet put so much pressure on herself. You wished that she would be selfish sometimes, for when you weren’t there to pick up the pieces.
You never fared well, being away from her for long, which was why when she pulled you towards her and closed the distance between the two of you on the couch, you obliged.
“I love you,” she whispered after pressing a slow kiss on your lips.
With a lovesick sigh, you caressed her cheek and repeated her words. You loved the way her blue eyes narrowed watching you when you were so close to her face. The movie was running on the TV, but the only one you wanted to watch was her. You’d have to rewind it later.
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FOUR. To Someone From A Warm Climate (Uiscefhuaraithe).
There was a simplicity in all of it. This aspect of your life that, amidst the chaos and complications and unfairness in the world, was just that. Love. It was simple, it was sweet, it was yours.
It reminded you of a quote you read once: “He is half of my soul, as the poets say.” If anyone asked you why you loved her, you wouldn’t be able to answer. It would simply be that because she was she, and you were you.
Maybe Zeus never intended for soulmates to find each other. He was the one who split them up in the first place because he knew they would be impossible to part if the two halves merged.
She is half of your soul, as the poets say.
There was something so transcending about loving someone, and having it reciprocated. Every part of it; the good, the bad, the ugly. But you wanted all of it. You wanted to experience everything with her, because she was half of your soul, and it was the only way you could ever feel close to whole again before Zeus split you into two.
Your lover was panting quietly on top of you, her golden hair falling over her face like a lion’s mane. Her eyes fluttered close, her lips parted, her skin was hot to the touch. You watched, seeing the slightest shift in her face as she pulled your legs to her chest, the friction of her rocking slowly turning palpable as it fell into a rhythm. You would hold onto her, your fingers pressing down to create temporary craters into her skin, treading lightly, not wanting to disturb her pleasure, like a lone astronaut exploring a rogue planet.
You sighed contentedly hearing her quiet whines, an indication of an impending release. Your lover has never been loud, like she was saving everything she was feeling for you like everything would only be contained in these four walls, only for the both of you to share.
At some point, she had mumbled something and leaned down to flip you on your front. Even while her movements were restricted by her healing knee, she still liked to be as rough as she could, and you liked it, when she was always so sweet and gentle out of bed. It made you feel wanted, the way she pinned you to the bed and pressed herself against you, the way she intertwined your fingers and coaxed you through your high and kissed you until your lips were bruised and pulsating.
She made you feel wanted, even after you both had given each other euphoria, her frantic kisses to your skin always managed to elicit short giggles out of you. You would whisper in her ear after she had rolled over, the bedsheet warm and damp where she lay, holding her lean body close to yours, just like before Zeus had split you in half.
You are half of her soul, as the poets say, and unless a primordial god physically grabbed you by the waist and tore you away from your soulmate, you would stay here, one moment after another, until infinity. After that, you’d wake up the next morning and do it all over again.
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FIVE. Wasteland, Baby!
Your lover was a light sleeper. You had discovered that within the first few months of dating. The way she stirred awake was not dissimilar to how a fussy baby wakes up at the slightest of noises. Usually, she would be quite grumpy as well.
Your circadian rhythm looked more like arrhythmia with the jet lag you were experiencing, in addition to the irregular hours you slept due to having to adjust for filming. Which was why you were in the living room, reading, so your tossing and turning wouldn’t disturb her sleep.
Once again, whenever you were with her, the silence didn’t bother you. Not when you were bathed in her scent wearing her sweater and the premise of her resting a room away from you.
It was around two in the morning when you heard the bedroom door open and close, and the sound of quiet feet shuffling on the floor.
“Hey, you. Why are you awake?” You asked gently, extending a hand out to her.
“I woke up to use the bathroom and you weren’t there,” her bottom lip jutted out like it always did when she wanted your attention.
You stifled a giggle and a coo at how adorable a 26-year-old woman could be. “I just thought I’d leave you be since I couldn’t sleep.”
Without prompting, your lover made herself comfortable on the couch and snuggled into your side. “You’re wearing my jumper.”
You continued reading with one hand while the other rested on her head, and stroking it lightly. “Yeah, found it lying around.” You placed a short kiss on her hair.
“I love this, Y/N,” she said, her words nearly unintelligible from mumbling into the fabric of your sweatshirt. “I made a Pinterest board the other day for our future home.”
“Ooh, tell me more.”
“I’d like to live in the countryside somewhere, with like a farm. It’ll be a cottage with vines all over the walls and everything, wooden kitchen set, a sunroom.”
“I can see that,” you said, “what about the city? You ever dreamed of living in New York? Paris? Hong Kong?”
“I’d feel like a fish out of water. I can barely stomach London. You’d been to all those places.”
You have, but nowhere felt like home unless you were with her. You could make a home in Antarctica if she was there with you.
“All of them are overrated anyway.” You hummed. “I like it wherever I’m with you.”
Her nose crinkled whenever you’d say cheesy stuff like that. You never knew how much those words made her heart skip a beat, as she buried her face in your neck.
“I realized as I said it,” you scrunched your face too.
“Working with Wes Anderson made you a sap now, hasn’t it?” She quite enjoyed this side of you. “It’s fine. I like it.”
Sleep found her again shortly after. In the morning, she woke with a sore back, but her heart was full, realizing she had been tangled in your arms all night.
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SIX. Swan Upon Leda.
To know pain; the kind of pain that cuts through your flesh and leaves you bleeding dry. A stinging sensation that soon turns into agonizing hellfire and the knowing that there are several more spirals of hell still waiting to make you bleed. It was to witness someone who was half of your soul be in pain whilst you were powerless against the evil, and all you could do was pray that it would spare your soulmate and take you instead.
Your hand clasped around hers like iron chains, rubbing her back soothingly, as if the warmth from the back might manifest in her front and assuage the pain. She lay on the bathroom floor, her breathing slow and hard, like she was grappling with the evil that, by the looks of it, was winning. Clutching the heating pad to her stomach, her only lifeline, she curled away from you and into herself even further.
“Love, let’s move you to the bedroom where you can lay comfortably, yeah?” You asked gently.
She huffed and grunted. “Can’t move. Hurts.”
Your lover, your Lioness, Queen of Europe, falling apart by an invisible evil, immobilizing her like a wounded deer. The coldness of the tiles couldn’t have helped, but she couldn’t move.
Spare her. Give me the pain instead.
You leaned down, lowering yourself slowly to the cold, until you were flat on the floor too. Gently, you pulled her to turn to face you. Your Lioness was clenching her jaw, a vein splitting her forehead from how hard she was trying to pretend it didn’t bother her.
And it stung even more when she let out a choked sob.
Then she said with a trembling sigh, “Don’t want you to see me like this.”
Her face was stained with streaks of silent tears, a sign of the raging battle she had to endure for years finally getting the best of her. But the evil had never seen the best of her; she reserved it all for you.
“Oh, baby.” Your hand came up to cup her face, the frame that held the entire world.
It didn’t matter that your lover was curled up on the bathroom floor, she was still your bravest girl, your strongest soldier, and your fiercest Lioness.
“You’re the strongest person I know,” you said sincerely, “and I’m not leaving you, not now, not ever.”
Your lover beamed tearfully like sunshine in the rain and clung herself onto you.
Young love was the thing of fairytales. You would never claim to have it all figured out, but if what you had wasn’t love, you didn’t know the half of anything.
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SEVEN. Like Real People Do.
As serious as your lover made herself out to be, she was the biggest goof on the planet the moment a drop of alcohol entered her system. Never acted out of line, never said anything that she’d regret in the morning, just the rowdiest thing that considered waving her arms in the air while wobbling back and forth dancing. It made a spectacular scene to watch, especially whenever she was with her best friend, whom you had to thank for bringing her into your life.
Even the people in her life who knew her as responsible and trustworthy would be concerned at this entirely different side to her, to which you only waved them off with a laugh, and said, “She’ll be fine.”
She would always be because she always had you to take care of her.
“Water, babe?” She knew to listen to you and chugged the whole thing in one breath.
“Come dance with me?” She offered when the DJ slowed the music.
She looked too good not to, so you took her hand and followed her to the dance floor. Once there, she wrapped her arms around your waist and pressed a kiss on your forehead. “Come closer. You smell so good.”
You laughed. “Creep.”
“This is our song,” she chuckled.
The familiar melody elicited distant memories of shy ‘hello’s and stolen glances, her best friend pushing her towards you, and her keeping your number on the phone all night until she finally gathered the courage to press on it.
It was the first song on every playlist you sent each other, like a stamp, a greeting, a confession.
It was the song that played when it was just the two of you alone after she became her country’s pride and joy.
“I remember,” you said, brushing a strand of her hair back from her blue eyes, dazed ones that looked at you like you held the world in your hands. “I thought you’d be more confident, just from seeing how you are on the pitch. It was very endearing.”
“I was nervous, okay?” She groaned, laughing quietly. “I didn’t wanna embarrass myself in front of a movie star.”
“I’m glad you asked me to dance, even though—”
“I’m shit at dancing, yeah.”
You giggled, and bumped her nose. “I feel so lucky to have you in my life.”
She was swaying you back and forth, humming to the song gently, a far cry from the first time you had asked her to dance, and she panicked and said her legs were made for football and not dancing.
“I’m still shit at dancing,” she chuckled.
“I don’t care,” you shook your head. “I still love you.”
“Even if I’ve got two left feet?”
She grinned and kissed you, inhaling deeply. “I can feel Alex taking pictures of us—Yup, her phone is out and it’s pointing at us. Very subtle, Alex.” You laughed when you turned around to see your lover already flipping the bird at her best friend.
“We do have her to thank for getting us to meet.”
“That’s ‘cause she beat me to it first. I would have found a way to you.”
“You didn’t even know me then, babe.”
“Yeah, but I’d still find my way to you.” She was giggling because you had pulled a face. “What? It’s true.”
Leah loved deeply, and boldly. You made her feel special like she was the only person in the world. You also made her feel ordinary, like she wasn’t the face of a nation and only any other stranger walking down the street. Inside the little bubble you were both in, you were just Leah and Y/N, two people in love.
The song had come to its end, and yet she still hadn’t let you go. Three little words sat on the tip of both of your tongues. You pressed a kiss to her lips first. She kissed you back, on the lips, then on the neck softly.
I love you.
I love you.
What you didn’t know was that she planned to make you a promise of forever, with a ring hidden in a drawer waiting at home.
Simple. Sweet. Ours.
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EIGHT. De Selby (Part 1).
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
“Mate, honestly like—“
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thiagodasilva · 1 year
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and when all the girlies run to the stands to make out with their wives and girlfriends on live television then what
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momotonescreaming · 3 months
Modern au Steve not being into video games is out
Modern au Steve who's so good at first person shooters that he annihilates the party every time is in
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maxgirl29 · 10 months
It should not have taken the entire women’s football community voicing the disgust and wrong doing of the RFEF and the public actions of that bald fool for his resignation.
The Jamaican girls should not have had to create a GoFundMe page to get to Australia to compete.
The Canadian team should not have had to go public about their lack of pay.
It should not have taken the early departure of the USWNT to get Vlatko out.
The Zambian team should not have had to voice their issues of sexual abuse and misconduct of their coach.
So many other issues out there from so many other countries that should not even be in existence.
It should not take the players announcing to the world that there are issues for them to be taken seriously. Players should be able to feel comfortable enough to speak with their federations about problems and know that changes will be made and that they will not be singled out or become a victim of backlash. Treat female footballers with the same professionalism and respect you treat the males.
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mesxtozil · 2 years
the world cup every 10 minutes:
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queenielacy · 1 year
France really waiting until the last 10 minutes and then remembered they were playing in a World Cup final
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lilydiaone · 1 year
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When you do all the work in a group project but still get a bad grade because of everyone else
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belltaviasbff · 2 years
morocco beating spain AND portugal this world cup:
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[edit 14th dec: france they will be back for you]
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lais-a-ramos · 11 months
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a very happy women's world cup to all who celebrate
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wosoworld · 5 months
The Best-
Alexia Putellas
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Warnings: G!p reader, slight sexual content (it gets a lil spicy👀)
I tightened my hold on Alexia as she tried to get out of bed.
"Nooo" I whined sleepily trying to convince her to stay. She chuckled as she placed her hands on mine that were wrapped around her waist.
"We have to get ready bebé." She said trying to pry my arms off of her making me tighten my hold.
"Five more minutes por favor," I said pulling her back down onto the bed. I heard her sigh and smiled knowing she'd given in.
I pulled her closer placing my head in the crook of her neck. These early morning moments were my favorite, just me and her. No cameras, managers, other players, or fans to worry about. But in these moments it was just us and we could be ourselves. Alexia and I had been dating for three years and she was undoubtedly the love of my life.
I would do anything for this woman and she would do the same for me. We told our family and friends 4 months into the relationship and it only took a couple months before the rest of the world figured it out. What can I say? We weren't as good at hiding it as we thought I guess.
"Te quiero," I said before placing a kiss on her neck. She turned around to face me and smiled. She looked so beautiful even with crazy bed hair. I can't believe she's mine.
"Yo también te quiero, mi amor." She said before placing a kiss on my lips. I moved one of my hands from her waist and brought it up to caress her face deepening the kiss. My tongue exploring her mouth causing her to let out a small moan. I trailed my other hand down her body and to her ass, groping it a little. Alexia let out another moan before pulling away from the kiss.
"Uh uh babe, we have to start getting ready now." She said making me groan.
"Do we really have to go?" I asked brushing a piece of her hair behind her ear.
"Yes. Now come on." She said getting out of bed leaving no room for arguments. I let out a loud groan making her laugh as she headed to the bathroom. A grin took over my face at the sound of her laugh. It was one of my favorite sounds in the world.
I got out of bed with another groan my face twisting as I stretched. I made my way to the bathroom and saw that Alexia was brushing her teeth only in her underwear. She's trying to kill me, isn't she?
I went behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist as I placed my head on her shoulder. She leaned back into me placing one hand on mine as she finished brushing her teeth. She finished brushing her teeth and bent down to rinse out the toothpaste giving me a nice view of her ass.
I started playfully humping her making her laugh and push me back.
"Bebé, can you stop being horny for two seconds?" She whined playfully as she dried her hands making me chuckle and raise my hands in defense.
"My bad, but have you seen yourself," I asked as I wrapped my hands around her waist again. Alexia smiled up at me as I looked at our reflections in the mirror.
"I am pretty hot, aren't I?" She asked with a smirk making me roll my eyes.
"Your fucking gorgeous Ale," I said placing kisses on her neck and behind her ear.
"How about you brush your teeth so you can fuck your gorgeous girlfriend in the shower?" She asked looking up at me. I quickly moved to brush my teeth and I could hear her chuckling as I did making me smile a bit.
After some amazing shower sex, Alexia made breakfast and we got ready for our flight to Paris. She was wearing some black pants and a vest with a white shirt underneath and some Jordans I got her. She looked so good. I seriously can't get enough of this woman.
We made sure we had everything we needed before leaving the apartment. I took her white bag that held her dress for tonight and placed it in the vehicle among the rest of our belongings. I had no idea what the dress looked like because she refused to show it to me. Honestly, I don't even care how it looks because she looks good in everything.
I opened the passenger door open for Alexia before closing it and running around to the driver's side.
"You ready?" I asked looking over at her as she connected her phone to the aux. She nodded with a small smile and leaned over to give me a peck. I smiled and faced forward as I pulled out of the parking lot.
As we arrived at the airport I saw Mapi and Lucy outside with some Barcelona staff. Lucy and Mapi were play fighting making me shake my head. Those two can't ever act right.
I hummed as I tried to find a parking spot. I finally found one close enough to the entrance and turned off the car before getting out and going to Alexia's side to open the door for her.
"Thanks bebé." She said pecking my cheek before moving to the back to get the stuff. I carried both of our duffle bags while she carried her dress in one hand her other hand holding onto mine.
"Hey guys." I said as we approached Lucy, Mapi, and the rest of the passengers going to be on this flight.
"You guys finally arrived," Lucy said hugging both of us before Mapi did the same.
"Believe me I tried to get her up earlier," Alexia said gesturing to me and rolling her eyes as she let go of Mapi. I rolled my eyes at her, it's not my fault she looks so good in the morning.
"Whatever. Let's just get inside." I said as the staff began to make their way into the airport.
I smiled at the camera as I walked up the stairs to get inside the plane, Alexia trailing behind me. As we entered the plane we headed to our seats.
"Bebé you always get the window seat," Alexia whined as she saw me about to sit down there.
"Wha- no I don't, besides you got it last time." She huffed and pouted, looking away as more people boarded the plane. I rolled my eyes knowing I could never resist her pout before moving away from the seat.
"Get in you big baby," I mumbled, gently nudging her into the aisle so she could sit. She smiled brightly at me as she settled into the window seat making me shake my head. I'm really whipped for her.
"Thanks baby." She said leaning over to give me a peck after I settled in my seat.
"Mhm, you know I can't say no to that pout," I said making her smile and give me another kiss. I turned my head to Mapi and Lucy as I heard fake gagging.
"Whipped," Mapi mumbled. I rolled my eyes.
"You guys have no space to talk," I said knowing they acted just like me with their girlfriends.
"Whatever." They said turning away knowing I was right. I turned back to Alexia only to see her dozing off. I knew how tired she had been these past few weeks as she was busy getting ready for this event and she had recently started training again. I guided her head to lean on my shoulder making her wrap her arms around one of mine as she tried to get more comfortable. I smiled as she drifted off into slumber. I made sure she was comfortable before kissing her forehead and leaning back to get some sleep of my own.
I sighed as I twisted in my chair. We had touched down in Paris three hours ago and did some media before we began getting ready for the event. I didn't take long, putting on my suit and shoes and leaving the jacket off so it wouldn't get wrinkled. After getting ready I came to the room where the rest of the girls were getting ready and sat next to Alexia as I watched them do her makeup.
I had some makeup on too but not much just something to look good for the cameras. It was impossible to keep my eyes off Alexia. She was the most gorgeous woman I've ever laid eyes on and no one could convince me otherwise. Feeling my intense stare Alexia looked at me out of the corner of her eye a shy smile coming across her face as she saw the way I was looking at her.
I grinned loving how she still got shy even after being together for three years and knowing each other for much longer. A blush spread across her face and she quickly looked away. God, I love this woman.
"Ok, you're all done for now." The makeup artist said moving away from her and letting her look in the mirror. Her lipstick wasn't on because they didn't want to risk it getting on her dress or something.
She smiled at herself in the mirror thanking the makeup artist before turning to me.
"What do you think?" I stared at her my mind spiraling with thoughts. I was at a loss for words. How could someone be so fucking gorgeous? I can't believe she's mine.
"Y/n?" She asked tilting her head to the side waiting on my response.
"I- you're truly gorgeous mi amor." I breathed out looking into her gorgeous hazel eyes before leaning in to bring her into a kiss. When we broke apart she was grinning.
"Wait until you see my dress." She said making me smile even wider.
"I can't wait," I said giving her another kiss.
"Ugh." I heard behind me. I turned around and saw Mapi looking at us in disgust.
Alexia and I both rolled our eyes before she got up grabbed the dress with the bag and went to get changed.
"You guys are so gross." I heard Lucy say. I turned around in my chair to face them.
"Will you guys ever shut up and leave us alone?" I asked leaning back into my chair and crossing my arms.
"No, but anyways when are you proposing?" Mapi asked. I shot up and covered her mouth looking around to see if Alexia was near.
"Estás loca? What if she heard you?" I whisper yelled as I took my hand off of her mouth.
"She's in the dressing room, chill. I know you have the ring and everything planned but do you know when you're going to do it." Lucy asked.
"I think I'm going to do it after she returns to playing y'know perfect moment," I said making them nod. Right as I finished saying the sentence Alexia texted me telling me to come to the dressing room.
"I gotta go," I said to Mapi and Lucy before getting up and walking toward my destination.
"Don't have sex in there!" Lucy shouted making me suck my teeth and roll my eyes. I could hear her and Mapi laughing at what she just said. Idiotas.
I walked into Alexia's dressing room and stop in my tracks as I saw her. She looked like a goddess. She smiled at me grabbing my hands and pulling me into her and wrapping my arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around my neck.
"Te gusta?" She whispered looking into my eyes.
"Me encanta. Eres guapísima, mi amor. Te quiero." I said placing soft kisses around her face trying not to mess up her makeup. She grinned, a deep blush coming across her face.
"Te quiero mucho." She said pressing a kiss to my cheek.
"This dress is kind of a sneak peek to our wedding don't you think," I said leaning down and placing a kiss on her lips. She threw her head back laughing as I looked at her in admiration. She is so breathtaking.
"You have to ask me first mi amor but I guess you could say that." She said pulling me closer.
She placed a soft kiss on my lips and I quickly deepened it. My hands moved from their position on her waist down to her ass. She groaned into the kiss and I slid my tongue into her mouth. I squeezed her ass and she moaned pulling me closer.
(She said fuck that makeup 😭)
We pulled away for air. Her darkened eyes looked into mine.
I pulled her into another deep kiss one of my hands moving from her neck to cradle the back of her head. I gasped as she picked me up lowering us down onto the couch in the room hovering over me.
"Fuck baby." I moaned as she moved down and began leaving kisses down my chest. Her hands stroking my bare thighs where my dress wasn't covering.
Just as she was about to go further there was a knock on the door and a voice of one of a staff member telling us it was time to go. I honestly forgot about the ceremony for a minute there.
Y/n placed one last kiss on my lips before moving so I could get up. Her hair was messed up a little. I was in the same position. Good thing I decided to put the lipstick on after I put on my dress.
"Forgot about that part of the night huh?" She asked teasingly. I rolled my eyes and playfully pushed her.
The makeup artist entered the room and smirked as she looked at us with a knowing look. I blushed ducking my head while Y/n chuckled.
"Shut up," I mumbled shoving her which made her laugh harder. I rolled my eyes although a small smile took over my face. I love this fool.
"You ready?" The makeup artist asked holding up the lipstick I picked. I nodded and sat in front of the vanity so she could put on the final piece to my look.
We fixed up ourselves before getting ready to leave the room.
I groaned as I struggled to put this damn heel on. Y/n turned to me before wordlessly getting on one knee and helping me put it on. I smiled down at her. I love this woman so much.
She got back up and smiled at me before turning away and heading towards the door. I reached for her hand and pulled her back into me, bringing her into a nasty but passionate kiss. My tongue explored her mouth as she gripped my hips.
(They really don't gaf about that makeup🤦🏾‍♀️)
"We'll finish this when we get home but you might want to fix this..." I said seductively while looking into her eyes trailing off as my hand grazed over her crotch making her breath hitch.
"Wouldn't want anybody to see what's mine right?" I smirked as I placed one last kiss on her stunned face before opening the door. I looked over my shoulder at her to see her standing there with a dazed look.
"You coming?" I asked teasingly my smirk growing.
I looked back at her shocked by her new confidence. I walked up behind her and gripped her waist. Leaning down so that my mouth was level with her ear.
"Fucking tease... you'll pay for that later," I said lowly as I bit her ear before placing a kiss behind her ear and gently nudging her out of the room. I quickly grabbed a piece of tissue and wiped her lipstick off of my lips.
She looked back at me with dark eyes and a heavy blush before we were both ushered off by the staff.
I promise I was trying really hard to pay attention to the ceremony but every couple of minutes my attention would go back to Alexia. She just looked so beautiful, I couldn't take my eyes off her. I placed my hand on her thigh. She looked over at me flashing me a smile before bringing one of her hands to rest on top of my own on her thigh.
It was nearing the end of the ceremony and I had been named in the FIFA Best XI along with Alexia, Mapi, Lucy, Kiera, and six other players. Now it was time for The Best FIFA Women's Player of the Year. I held Alexia's hand as we waited for the winner to be announced.
"The Best FIFA Women's Player of the Year is... Alexia Putellas!"
A wide smile spread across my face as she looked down smiling to herself. She looked up and kissed me before standing. She shook hands with Beth and Alex before moving to retrieve her award. I'm so proud of her. There were moments of serious doubt after she suffered her ACL injury. She worried that she would never be the same player or as good as she was before but I always knew that she would make a comeback and she would come back even better than before.
I grinned as I watched her give her speech tears welling up in my eyes, the pride and love I felt for her taking over me. She eventually made her way back to her seat and turned to look at me.
"I did it!" She said with a large grin on her face.
"I knew you could. I'm so proud of you mi amor." I said before kissing her.
"Te quiero." She whispered her eyes filled with nothing but love and admiration.
"También te quiero, para siempre."
After taking our post-ceremony pictures and socializing, we started preparing to head back to Barcelona. Alexia had changed into her Jordans given the heels were starting to get uncomfortable.
"You ready?" I asked as she zipped up her bag. Everybody else was already gone and we were the last two left.
"Sí" I nodded and took the bags in one hand and held her hand in my other while she held her dress bag and trophy. We walked outside and saw Mapi and Ingrid ahead of us.
Alexis let go of my hand and ran to catch up with Mapi.  A small smile took over my face. She is so cute. I can't wait to marry her.
We eventually got on the plane again and Alexia sat in the window seat again because she damn near shoved me out of the way to get to it. She was currently texting her family and friends that were congratulating her. My hand came to rest on her thigh and she smiled at me before returning to what she was doing. I looked around and saw that almost everybody except a couple of people in the back was sleeping. I began to move my hand up higher. Alexia side-eyed me but then chose to ignore it.
I smirked before moving my hand higher to the point that it was near her pussy. Her breath hitched and she grabbed my hand but didn't move it.
"Bebé! What are you doing? What if someone sees you?!"
"C'mon, no one's watching... and y'know you want it" I whispered in her ear. She shivered her grip on my hand tightened as she looked around.
"Meet me in the bathroom." She said before leaving. I pulled out my phone and pretended to look busy so it wasn't too obvious.
After a couple of minutes, I got up and headed to the bathroom. I knocked on the door softly and almost immediately Alexia opened it. She pulled me inside before pushing me against the door and bringing my head down to connect our lips.
"Someone's eager," I said in between kisses.
"Cállate y fóllame" Shit, she doesn’t have to tell me twice.
Let me know if you guys want a second part with the smut or not.
Te quiero- I love you
Yo también te quiero, mi amor- I love you too, my love
Estás loca?- are you crazy?
Te gusta?- do you like it?
Me encanta. Eres guapísima, mi amor. Te quiero- I love it. You're so gorgeous, my love. I love you
Te quiero mucho- I love you a lot
También te quiero, para siempre- I love you too, forever
Cállate y fóllame- shut up and fuck me
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