#ffxv ocs
agent-jaselin · 8 months
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If Eos can have Audi's Eos can have a dodge ram. Ruby in the back of Tredd's pickup truck, by way of @darkpuck's headcanons
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chocobothis · 1 year
OC Tag Game
I was tagged by @mishwanders
I’m tagging whoever wants to do this!
Favorite OC (Solus Ve’tra/Solly Vetra - Star Wars)
At the end of the day it’s Solus. I feel terrible picking a favorite baby but it’s her. Throughout all of my fandom shifts and hyperfixations my brain returns to her. Even when I intentionally ignored that Star Wars existed (because of the fandom) I still thought about her story. Each time I return to writing her it’s like coming home, ya know? She’s my Smartass, (former) Jedi and Political Terrorist that wanted a quiet life. The Ancestors, the Force, and the Galaxy just had different plans. Because she's an advisor and guide and teacher and so much more. She’s a proud mother, devoutly religious, and so many other things I never thought I’d write positively about and yet here she is.
Newest OC (Ca’tra Skirata - Star Wars)
Cat’ra is the eighteen-ish month old daughter of my OC, Jazari Naaji, and her husband Mereel Skirata. Imagine an adorable little girl with a head full of the wildest, poofiest dark curls and a bright smile. Outwardly, she comes across as a little developmentally delayed because she doesn’t try to speak and barely makes babbling sounds. It’s mostly due to being Force Sensitive and not needing words to communicate how she feels. She toddles after big brother, Grim, so he slows down or carries her. But, she’s a really confident child that’s happy with any of her many, many relatives. One of her cutest habits is “demanding” someone read whatever they’re reading to her. It’s mostly poking or pointing at what has her attention. Sometimes she does the actions with a little head tilt to mean, “Explain?” because she’s so curious.
Oldest OC (Solus Ve’tra/Solly Vetra - Star Wars)
This one is Solus again because I remember the year I made her: 2017. Watching her evolution has been a delightful, if at times frustrating, experience. When I first came up with her character she was drastically different. She was a Padawan from the Mandalore Sector who stayed with the Jedi Order until Order 66. She loathed Pre Vizsla and his ideals leading to them clashing several times throughout. Maybe once she hooked up with Bo-Katan Kryze but her literal endgame ship was Ahsoka Tano/Boba Fett/Herself. Next to none of this is true anymore! She marries Pre and Bo-Katan, joins Death Watching because they’re established and actually fighting to save Mandalore, and demands everyone that isn’t Mandalorian (true outsiders and “Mandalorians” who don’t fit her liberal definition) to stay out of the sector’s affairs. She will spill blood without batting an eye to have this demand met. She’s neutral when interacting with Ahsoka and Boba but inwardly she’s just like, “Wow, you wanna recreate the Order than damned you. And you wanna ignore your heritage but wear out armor. Then again, your father was kind of a failure.”
Meanest OC (Lumi Kirrin - Star Wars)
It is 110% Lumi. I love her to death but she’s intimidating, blunt, and a self-professed Stone Cold Bitch. Her nicer statements are of the “I’m not really a sugarcoater” to her unfiltered opinions that have made people cry. There’s no trying to play it off as humor or sarcasm. Nope. She says it with her whole chest. There’s things like, “Here comes the nosiest bitch in the Order. Wonder what she’s gonna wanna snitch about now?” but she’s just saying that to Kamelia’s face like she isn’t there. Coming on to her has like a 98% failure rate; depending on what you say changes the response. If you mention her physical beauty she will verbally tear you apart. Needless to say, no one sends her as a part of a diplomatic envoy nor does she have to handle politicians. She doesn’t kiss ass. There’s improvements and character growth but at her core she’s Mean.
Softest OC (Alijah Kastor - Star Wars)
She’s one of my softest darlings. Her default state is being this cheerful person that wants everyone to feel valued and included. She wants to help for the sake of helping. Between her personality and empathic abilities, she’s an excellent medic. Think of her as the “Hey, my friend asked for no pickles,” person even if she’s also an actually introverted, anxious mess. She treats waiters, jaintors, and droids of all sorts with the same respect and courtesy she gives to like senators. When she pictured a life after The Clone Wars it was gentle. She would be married to Grey, they’d live on a green planet with a garden, and they could finally rest.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC (Fe Cataegis - Final Fantasy XV)
Even before she knew she was a Messenger of the Astral Shiva she carried herself with this aura of “Do Not Approach.” She knows how to be friendly, play the political game, etc. but her personal default is neutrality a solid ninety percent of the time. As a combat medic, she knows how to work in teams and work well. It’s also not a stretch to call her a skilled leader. However, she also is just as comfortable and competent when left to work alone. When she worked with the Galahdian Resistance she was a medic, yes, but also a sniper. A lot of people get the feeling that she doesn’t need them and it is very true. The fact being Shiva’s Messenger gives her an unprecedented access to Ice Magic also means her actual physical being sometimes has ice cold air rolling off of her. When a room’s temperature drops at her displeasure there’s a chance it’s also literal.
Dumbest (Affectionate) ) OC (Jai Ve’ra - Star Wars)
This man is a well-known figure within the True Mandalorian community and honestly outside of it as well. He has served as a chief advisor, diplomat, spymaster, and assassin for several Manda’lors. Getting people to like him is as easy as breathing. This man is also a certified, intergalactic dumpster fire. Like, when Jango was making his list of people to have in the Cuy’val Dar he knew Jai would agree as a friend but also because he likely fucked his life up enough to want to hide for an unknown amount of years. And he was right! Javi’s ability to fuck up romantic and familial relationships should be as legendary as his inability to operate a jetpack or fly without a droid’s assistance. This is because his default when he doesn’t know what to do is use the Spymaster Skills. Turns out people don’t like being excluded from decisions involving them. THEN THIS MOTHERFUCKER WILL, AT TIMES, FLEE THE CONSEQUENCES OF HIS ACTION AS IF THEY WILL JUST GO AWAY.
A prime example is how he rejoined the True Mandalorians/House Fett during the Great Clan Wars. He realized he hated his New Mandalorian wife and his daughter wasn’t worth the effort to save her. However, his granddaughter deserved a chance at life and to experience a Mandalore worth growing up in. Which is to say he kidnapped his hour old granddaughter from Kalevala and booked it to his clan’s ancestral stronghold on Krownest. This also bright him back into the arms of his ex-boyfriend turned eventual partner and co-parent. He never once thought about divorcing this woman and disowning his daughter in simple fashion. No. He just went with the impulse of “Solus deserves better.” and acted.
Smartest OC (Veronica “Nico” Bright - Resident Evil Canon Universe)
What counts as intelligent is honestly a very subjective thing but overall I think it’s Nico. She’s not someone who is The Absolute Best in a way that confines her to certain niches. Instead, she’s someone with a huge variety of skills that cover many diverse areas. There’s her primary job of journalist and photography with the subsets of skills to make her super fucking good at it. However, she’s got knowledge of computers, virology, phytobiology, etc. She’s capable of conducting herself as a chameleon that fits in anywhere including keen observation skills. She speaks multiple languages with many of them being self-taught. In fact, her ability to teach herself turns her into a special kind of dangerous but she can and will learn then implement things mid-mission. That being said, she's also not too proud to ask for help or attend classes when she needs it. Finally, her ability to see unique patterns and creative thinking means she’s solving problems in ways next to now one else would have thought of.
For example, if she wanted to track down Albert Wesker she straight up would not have bothered looking for signs of him. He’s too smart to leave tracks that have a direct load to himself. So, she’d focus on key characteristics of him (Intelligent, Massive Ego, etc.) then look for the negative space someone like him could create. If he’s got an ego then he’d want to engineer his own virus instead of picking up samples off of the black market. Enough digging gets her to the failed presentation of Spencer, Marcus, and Bailey about their virus that revives dead cells. Well where did they get ideas? That turns to reading Natural History Conspectus by Henry Travis. The stories of the Ndipaya and their magical flower could have truth. It’s also not difficult to find that Travis’ brother owned the Travis Company. It was rebranded as Tricell and has a pharmaceutical branch. The West African Branch has a new leader that’s barely older than herself. It’s possible she had help and raw biohazardous materials wouldn’t be difficult to hide in the logs at all. They’re also operating in/near the Kijuju Region like where Travis mentioned the flowers. Focusing on Excella is how to potentially find good intel on Wesker or at least a middle man worth checking out.
OC I’d Be Friends With (Jazari Naaji)
She’s a wonderful, gifted slicer that’s a former Jedi Knight and current Mandalorian. Yeah, she can look intimidating with the undercut, black lipstick, and dark eyeliner (and frankly is at times) but she’s mostly just really sweet. She’s the friend who brings you food when you’re hungover or sick, runs errands together as bonding, is ready to shank a bitch, etc. Plus she gives The Best Hugs. She’s got the same “full of so much light flowers grow toward her” energy as Alijah but isn’t as let’s go clubbing, partying, etc. as Alijah can be.
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mondbeere · 2 months
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some pieces I've done for my FFXV vietnamese au,,
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trashasaurusrex · 1 year
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"I'm a monster..."
"No, you're our friend."
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minnieeeworld · 16 days
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new commission sheet and new scrapbook style option :) 🩷🌹 please purchase through kofi and note that my full tos is not pictured!
5 slots open
rbs appreciated!! 🙏🎶
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primamchorus · 1 month
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You are my star You are the one You make me smile when the world's come undone You are the one who sweeps me off of my feet
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blossom-adventures · 8 months
Soppy post incoming! 😅😆
Today is my 1 year Writerversary!
I’ve been sharing my writing publicly on AO3 for a whole year! Which is absolutely insane to warp my head around! In the last year I have achieved so much and I honestly don’t think I could have done it without the friends I’ve made because of my writing!
Before I started sharing my writing, I was alone, with only immediate family to socialise with, but since posting my writing on Tumblr and AO3 I have made so many friends! And it’s because of those friendships that I kept writing and kept sharing!
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Commissions by SneaksandSweets
I know I haven’t been as active over the last few months with writing, but I plan to change that, my goal is to get back to regularly posting stories, whether it’s part of one of my long fics (Far Horizons & Ancient Stones, The Blood Prophecy, A Tall Glass of Red Wine or Guard and Glaive) or one of my Bad Things Happen Bingo Prompts, a monthly writing event or just a random One Shot story.
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Art by TheLavenderElf
It is my hope that I am able to share some sort of writing at least once a week because it is my goal in celebration of this milestone that I will be able to balance my time better in the future, which has always been a personal problem for me!
I am determined and hopeful that I will be getting back to regular writing schedules soon!
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Art by thequeenofthewinter
And of course I wouldn’t have been able to get to this milestone without the support of everyone here! You have supported me through the best times and the worst and I couldn’t have done this without you all!
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Art by CrysDrawsThings and Matri4rch
I’d like to take this opportunity to tag a few people, who have been there for me! For being someone I could talk to about anything, screaming about our personal Headcanons over a discord conversation, making amazing art of my characters, or introducing me to a whole new fandom, it’s because of you all that I’m here and I’m still sharing my writing, so, thank you! 💙🌸🫂☺️
@thequeenofthewinter @oblivions-dawn @hauntedadagium @seradyn @savage-rhi @crysdrawsthings @matri4rch @thelavenderelf @sneaksandsweets @andywinter16 @data-hex @amarabliss @awlwren @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @bostoniangirl21 @cheeseandstrawberrytartlover @average-crazy-fangirl @sylvienerevarine @wispstalk @ticklemycucumber
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Art by Amarabliss
You guys… are the best
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lunarlegend · 6 months
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"Ignis, what does this word say?"
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fluoxetinehcl · 3 months
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"Winter Date"
My commissions waitlist are open!
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nemo-in-wonderland · 10 months
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"Tu es brave dans ton amour Vouée à la compassion Plus belle inspiration Tu dis la vérité Sincère dans tes intentions Ton cœur sur la main Mon cœur dans ta main C'est pour ça que je t'aime Il n'y a que toi Il n'y a que toi Qui m'as vu comme ça Et la flamme qui est en moi"
"Partir Avec Moi" - Poets of The Fall
told ya I was back in FFXV.
These two have been wandering my mind for quite sometime, tbh. While I was on "forced leave of absence" without my wifi, I was compelled to draw Luscinia and Ardyn, but felt a little unsure about how to draw them together.
And then, today, inspiration arrived (as always courtesy of the PotF <3), and here is the result of what I did, and I am honestly so happy with how they turned out.
I feel something brewing with these two, something big. I don't know how to explain, but it's just a gut feeling that makes me giddy and happy whenever I think about these two <3
well, I hope you will like this!
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acousticmalta · 1 year
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lovely commission crop 💕
Commissioned by @/PrototypeSigma on Twitter
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agent-jaselin · 8 months
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This one connects to the previous day! Ruby and his adopted dad Tredd on a little road trip in his pick up truck. And we see the design on Ruby's sweatshirt better!
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chocobothis · 11 months
OCs and Writing
My Writing
Main OCs (Star Wars, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy XV)
(under construction as I sort out the fucking layout with this hellsite)
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Solus Ve’tra/Solly Vetra
Ships: LumiSolus, PreSolus, BoSolus, BoPreSolus
Lumi Kirrin
Ships: LumiSolus, FennLumi
Jazari Naaji
Ships: MereelJazari
Alijah Kastor
Ships: GreyAlijah, KananAlijah, HeraAlijah, KanerAlijah
Jila Vizsla
Ships: SoshaJila
Jai Ve’tra
Ships: JaiHarti
Perrine Kryze
Ships: n/a
Kloe Monroww
Ships: n/a
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Veronica “Nico” Bright (Vera Bright)
Ships: Brightfield, Valenbright, Briveira, Weskbright
Javier “Javi” Reyes Valencia
Ships: Reyennedy
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Verena “Vren” Avitus
Ships: Vrenis, Vrenoct, Ravren, IrisVren, PelnaVren
Feronia “Fe” Cataegis
Ships: LibeFe, FeNyx, LunaFe, FeLibertusNyx, FeLunaLibertusNyx
Nereida Sal
Ships: AraneReida
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luxvinova · 1 year
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final fantasy emo band
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ffocarchive · 5 months
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voidwarlock-studios · 10 days
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I've been cooking up some OC (Loran) x Ardyn stuff lately... and I played with the thought of Loran finding Ardyn before Besithia did. It's been fun trying to figure out how to connect everything back to the canon storyline.
If anyone is curious...Loran is an adventurer/scholar who's looking to document everything he finds during his travels. He is a huge risk taker and loves researching particularly mysterious and/or forbidden things...so once he caught wind of the Adagium legend he was immediately trying to find out more about it.
Thanks for listening to me ramble! This stuff has been a huge creative outlet and I'm having a blast.
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