#ffverr reading guides
ffverr · 16 days
hello I come to you with a request. I watched x men 97 recently and was saddened by how little time the whole magneto in charge of the x men storyline got and I know he does this longer in the comics (I can't say why but the phrase "its seven in the morning max..." lives rent free in my brain) so I wanted to ask if you have any recommendation for comics from that era / any recommendations for comics with mister magnet-os because I want to get into x men comics but comics as always are so daunting
It is my great pleasure to answer this!!
Disclaimer 1, I am still going through a lot of the issues of this era but I will try my best to make it as clear a guide as I can for you!
Disclaimer 2, Headmaster of the school and leader of the X-Men are quite different positions that they kind of fused together in the 97 show so I do want to make it clear that magneto in the "seven in the morning" era is headmaster of the school, teaching young kids, while Storm is leading the X-men team and Scott is leading the X-factor team, so with that said:
Magneto's teacher arc starts in uncanny X-Men issues 199 and 200 (iconic issues containing the trial of magneto that was adapted in the show!) And then he is headmaster of the school in the book "The new mutants" by Chris Clermont, from issue 35 to issue 75. It is A LOT I admit and he gets a more minor place considering the book is about the kickass young class of new mutants that he's teaching. But it is worth checking out! Many consider this to kind of be peak magneto because.... he's trying so hard to be a good teacher and to handle all these kids and it's very humanizing for him!
I mean look at him and his 8 kids!
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Now, how to get into Magneto overall? Let's get into it:
I believe it is impossible to get into Magneto without reading his ultimate origin story, Magneto: Testament by Greg Pack. It is a quick intro, it barely features his powers (not an action comic) and it WILL absolutely make you cry. I consider it essential magneto reading!
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Next up: Two One shots if you want to get a quick primer on the character pre moral arc instead of sitting through his few appearances in the Stan Lee comics:
A classic one: X-Men: God Loves, Men Kills by Chris Clermont. It is an iconic comic book one shot that can be read out of continuity just to see what his deal is when he's not necessarily on the side of the X-Men but fighting for his own ideals! It's also a brilliant comic book!
If you want a more recent retelling of the first appearances of magneto you HAVE to read X-Men Mythos that retells magneto's major first appearance in the 60s in quite a beautiful and amazing way! It also has an absolutely insane magneto scene that makes me scream so do check it out as a primer! (So this would "chronologically" come before God loves men Kills)
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Now for his switch from ridiculous villain of the 60s/early 70s to complexe guy in the classic era (80s), read the issues 149 and 150 from the run Uncanny X-Men by Chris Clermont. This is THE pivotal moment for "good guy" Magneto
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(know that after issue 150, somehow he falls in the ocean from asteroid M, is rescued from a shark attack by Scott's girlfriend lee forester. They have a quick relationship where he struggled with his change of morals then he comes to the new mutants)
if you want to continue chronologically you read the issues 199 and 200 that I recommended at the start then go to the new mutants I talked about!
If you want MORE MODERN comics, then I advise you get right into what's happening at the moment!
House of X powers of X are two series that intertwine (you'll easily find them in the right order) by the same writer, Jonathan hickman!
It serves as a status quo change/relaunch of the X-Men universe and it is absolutely brilliant! Magneto plays a big part of the story and it's basically all about the mutants winning for once! Don't worry too much if you don't know most of the history of characters, you'll get used to it quickly (that's what I did!) I'd say it's a bold but very functional intro to X-Men comics!
Then he appears as a major character in the GREAT series X-Men Red by Al Ewing alongside Storm, his eternal equal and great duo in my eyes (funny how when he's peak she's always somewhere around)
In this he is- epic, depressed, suicidal, sassy, it's great magneto stuff! This series is widely regarded as the best X-Men comic out right now!
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(if you want context for this book read the event X of Swords, or I could explain if interested)
That's about all I will lay on you ! If this is hella confusing, don't hesitate to dm me! I can detail more cleanly exactly what you have to read and when!
Good reading!
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