#ff13 liveblog
farfromdaylight · 1 month
some thoughts on the first couple hours of ff13, after picking it up for the first time in a decade
it's fun how much the party 1) doesn't know each other and 2) doesn't like each other! it's very different for a JRPG for the party to just NOT get along to this degree. the only people out of the initial 5 who even know each other are lightning and snow, and lightning has VERY good reason to dislike snow on the outset. the rest are just complete strangers! it's such a fun dynamic.
the dialogue does a perfectly fine job of explaining what l'cie are. like, they explicitly tell you multiple times. fal'cie is a little more murky, but even then, it's not hard to figure out.
that said, the opening is pretty slow in both story and gameplay. not having any magic makes sense for the world, but it makes the game very dull to play for a good 90 minutes. i think if it was remade today they'd streamline it a lot more, because while it's a fine tutorial, there are genuinely too many encounters before you actually get your magic powers.
hope's motivation is pretty thin from the beginning, tbh. watching your mom get killed and being understandably upset about it is perfectly serviceable as a motivation, but then hope runs into snow and doesn't confront him right away. i actually think hope is written quite well, better than i remembered — he comes across as an emotional teenager rather than someone making logical, rational decisions. but if you don't give the character that grace i can understand finding him frustrating.
snow is almost intolerable. i'm really leaning hard on the memory that i liked him a lot more in lightning returns, because he is so fucking annoying in the opening here. calling yourself a hero when there's absolutely no evidence of you being one (and in fact clear evidence that you're NOT a hero) is just obnoxious. also, snow's friend group just comes across as a bunch of weirdos than characters i want to know more about.
vanille is also a weirdo, but at least i know that's wholly intended. i really like the subtle touch of her already having 3 ATB bars when you get to play her initially.
the overall choice to start the game where it does makes sense from a gameplay perspective — it's where the fighting actually starts — but weakens the overall narrative, IMO. FF13 begins in medias res and leans hard on the fact that there were 13 days of prior events that culminated in the Purge... but since the player has no knowledge of all this and a lot of the background isn't immediately clear, it makes for a harder sell. i personally very much enjoy the storytelling in this game, but i can understand why others don't. it requires you to put the narrative together as you go.
once you actually get your magic powers, the game takes off like a rocket. the gameplay remains SO much fucking fun. it's a fascinating evolution of turn-based combat and it works SO well. i do remember how long it'll be until i have 3 party members again, and that part of it is a drag, but the actual combat is so enjoyable i hardly mind.
the game still looks gorgeous. i'm playing on steamdeck and am frequently amazed at how good it looks. obviously the FMVs are still incredible, but the ingame models look SO far ahead of their time, to say nothing of the environments. (also, the fact that i can play a PS3/360 game on handheld and have it Just Work is like magic to me.)
there are so many save points! this is hardly important, but it's making me laugh because i really didn't remember there being a save point around every corner. it's certainly convenient, though!
i don't know how much of it i'm going to play — i'm really supposed to be playing new games right now, not replays — but at the same time i've had SUCH a good time revisiting it that i may carry on for a while yet. we'll see!
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mrmallard · 7 months
After my last post there's clearly something pathological about how I'm approaching FF13, so I'm doing something kinda stupid in hopes of getting some sort of closure.
I used to liveblog my first FF13 playthrough in a forum thread, which is where I had a guy constantly say stuff about how he wished one of the characters would have died halfway through, with nobody commenting on it or caring. Like every time the game came up.
I just posted there for the first time in a while to talk about the game and get a feel for how the crowd feels about it nowadays.
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thegeminisage · 3 years
i jacked my volume up so high so fast
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solatiumsolstice · 4 years
Noooo don't become a Pulse L'Cie you're so sexy haha
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secret-engima · 4 years
Okay so- finally got back to watching FFXIV yesterday. Unfortunately, Tumblr was not in the mood to actually LET ME LIVEBLOG, which was what I wanted to do because hey some of you might find my reactions to the plot funny. So I wrote the below rambles in a doc as I watched so I could at least post my reactions later. Just cause I’m stubborn and Tumblr will not get to deny me my nonsense-posting.
ANYWAY. Finally got to see the Titan fight and wow is he ugly. Bleh. Ugly Titan, go back in your hole and contemplate your shame, you are nothing like FFXV Titan’s awesomeness.
Oh look Lahabrea is back, I forgot you existed until you showed up again. Creep.
Y’shtola I saw you snooping over there, how long have you actually been here watching WoL nearly die so you could spy on Lahabrea and his merry band of nut jobs? WoL could have used you down there. Don’t play innocent with me.
Whatever it’s not like I can get mad at you anyway.
Yay we survived facing down another Primal! And got another weird crystal thing (also yay???). Now we have to go report to Limsa- Limso- the Pirate Nation of Pirates. It’s been so long since I watched these cutscenes I can’t remember anyone’s names anymore I swear.
Also the Kobolds said something about the Pirate Nation breaking the peace treaty thing FIRST is that something that was discussed earlier in the game and I have forgotten or is this new information? Also is it actually Lahabrea’s fault because this seems like his kind of shenanigans. Then again- Pirate Nation. They could have easily done the crime and refused to own up to it.
PINK LIGHTNING MIQO’TE. Ahem sorry. The cutscene movie I watch isn’t ONLY cutscenes and a player just ran by that looked JUST like FF13 Lightning but as a Miqo’te and it was cool.
Hang on there are unconscious bodies all over the Scion hideout and the lights are out.
Either everyone is drunk or we were just attacked while WoL was out and something horrible is about to happen/be revealed.
WOMAN WITH A GUN FOR AN ARM. Sorta. HOW DARE. Is she Garlean or Ascian? She’s got that mechanical vibe the other Garlean’s do but considering they broke into the Scion base she might be Ascian. Annnnnd she wants WoL. Perfect. Lovely.
WoL can never actually get a nice celebration and pat on the back can they? Always some new disaster waiting around the corner.
Minfilia you are an idiot. I love you and you have a spine of steel. But you are an idiot. Of COURSE the woman with a gun strapped to her arm and a creepy dragon mask wouldn’t agree to those surrender conditions. You should have RUN AWAY. Or fought. Or something. Why surrender before being certain the enemy will adhere to the conditions of it? I mean- just-
Hgfdnhgdhgfd never mind I’m sure you did what you could.
Also there is absolutely a traitor in the Scions for the bad guys to find this place. I think I know who it is. Won’t say who until I’m proven right or wrong.
This Livia woman sounds awfully like Ventress from Star Wars.
…They killed the Slyph.
*Cocks imaginary shotgun* Please tell me WoL gets to go break spines after the church sanctuary business.  P L E A S E.
And Minfilia too I guess. Though she might be able to escape on her own if she starts using that brain of hers.
Oh hey it’s that old guy who hangs out near the graves. I think. *Squints* I sense Plot Things from this one.
Annnnd we’re off to get things for the amnesiac who has Plot Vibes. Cool.
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vapingonland · 7 years
I got ff13 for my birthday and it runs so much better on the ps3 than my computer so look forward to occasional posts abt disturbing monster designs again
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icharchivist · 5 years
ICHA YOURE FINALLY PLAYING MY FAV FF HELL YESS!! All of the babies are incredible and amazing!! My favorite team was Hope/Snow/Lightning or Hope/Snow/Fang. Tho I'll warn you ahead of time, it takes a looong time to get to the part of the game when you can choose your team freely, so you'll get to play with everyone a lot. I hope you like it!!!
It’s terrible tbh I own a few FF so i always get torn over what to play and get advanced onto. I wanted something more dynamic that wasn’t going to kill my PC from killing it and last time i got emotional over a Fanille gifset so ff13 is it :3
But oooh that’s good to know! :O Hope looks like a sweetheart i’m looking forward to his story, and hhh Fang pretty,,, so huh, i, will see what will happen.
And I see! that’s good to know thank you :3c well this long time will get me used to the characters and manage to learn more about them than, huh, “Fang pretty” for exemple. So by the time the character selection happen I will be ready to chose them for characters reasons!
tbh so far i’m super intruiged by the characters. Lightning has such a charisma i want to follow her around, i get all starry eyes when she starts talking, Sazh is dynamic and enjoyable every second he’s on screen and i’m so curious where his story is going especially with his knowledge/Reaction to the plot, i’m still out for Snow bc i’m almost certain his character arc will turn sour (oh spoilers my dear friend) so his happy hero persona is leaving me warry (warry as in “oh i’m gonna get hurt will i”). Hope looks like a sweetheart and I legit left out a sob when he stepped back all trembling after his mom chose to help Snow and that he refused to follow, he looks so distressed with that hell of a situation, it activates my mom instincts. As for Vanille man i already sort of crush on her so seeing her in the flesh is Not Helping, but between her cheerful attitude and the moments of the narrations she gets more serious (like when she tries to cheer up Hope and mentions in the narration she was just as afraid) I already have a lot of affection for her. 
And I didn’t even reach “Fang Pretty” yet so I still have some emotional trip to get through with all of that. And I got giddy just hearing about Serah’s name so i’m so excited to get to meet everyone.
And if for now i’m completely sold with their introductions i can’t WAIT to see their developments and discover more about them! 
So far i’m already emotionally attached to all those i could meet, so yeah perhaps the longer before the party selection the better, else i’ll be in a full crisis of “I want to bring all of them with me leT ME BRING THEM ALL WITH ME”
So the more the game just impose them to me the better xD
Thank you so much for the nice message though! idk how much i’ll liveblog (tbh i actually didn’t expect to liveblog, then some emotional moments caught me off guard so here i am) but i hope it’ll be fun to experience on the other side as well!
Now I just need to hope I won’t procrastinate the hell out of it bc i do that a lot even with games i love (i started ff9 and gave up 4 hours in, although it is linked to the fact my computer crashed and I have to restart it and i’m lazy…. I started ff15 and i’m at chapter 2 but i get frustrated by how it makes my computer crash and lag when I play it so i don’t play it… the only thing I play is ff7 but even there between my computer crashes i had to restart it enough for some parts of the game to at least frustrates me to go back to, or at least not have me as excited as i wish i would have been and was in the past) - I love all of those games but I procrastinate them to hell and forth this is terrible.
I’ll try to not do so with ff13 bc so far it has no reason to crash (my saves are on an external harddrive so even if my computer give up on me i don’t lose them) and it doesn’t make my computer lag (*glares at ff15*) and it is Thanksfully extremely dynamic enough to keep my attention the whole time
So i’ll do my best o/
Thank you so much for the message again and i’ll keep in mind what you told me ;O 
Thank you and I wish you well eheh ❤
Take care!
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thegeminisage · 4 years
pieces of media i want to erase from my memory and do for the first time again:
undertale, as previously mentioned, because it’s one of the best games ever made. also i wish i had had an internet connection when i played deltarune for the first time i wanted to stream it sooo bad
breath of the wild is a really good answer but my first playthrough was so special to me i could never replace it. same for ocarina of time. however i WOULD like to redo skyward sword or majora’s mask
dragon age 2 and ff13, because i had not yet gotten into the habit of liveblogging shit back then and that’s the only way i’ll remember my first times usually. i do remember all of my first ff13 playthrough though. seared into my brain for eternity
i swear these aren’t all video games. tron legacy, but ONLY if i can do it the same way that i did the first time: as my first 3D movie ever, IN a real theater
fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood, so i can liveblog it better, but also so i can live in the moment where they [redacted] mustang in the finale. you spend almost two decades stanning a war criminal and you don’t know he winds up helping kill god while he’s [redacted]??? that was a moment for me. i remember vividly pausing the episode to come make a tumblr post like: i cant believe this is happening. we wrote fic about this in 2005
episode 2.08 of merlin which changed me as a human being. i am not exaggerating. who would i be if that episode had not prompted a 130k fanfic? desolate. that’s the true worst timeline
the oa, because nothing has ever given me physical chills the way that show did
17776 because the summer of 2017 was the last time i was truly happy
animal crossing new horizons bc a lot of the shine has worn off and i DESPERATELY need the dopamine
i would erase the movie interstellar and then just not watch it again. things are better that way
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thegeminisage · 5 years
hi, this might seem weird but I'm a recoded stan that wanted to clear some things up. experiencing recoded through the fm cutscenes is def the WORST way to do imo if ur looking for fun (storywise, I think its about the same?) the actual ds version has p good controls (they fixed the wonkiness from days), challenging fights, and SUCH a variety in gameplay. theres a sidescroller level, rpg based level, shooter level, recoded gets so much flack but I had fun playing, even if the story is a rehash
you know what, that is so valid actually...i feel like a game with somewhat crappy cutscenes but good gameplay always beats a game with great cutscenes but crappy gameplay. that’s part of why i loved ff13 so much despite a lot of people having reservations about the story - even with all its flaws, it absolutely grew on me just because the experience of sitting down to play was so good. i’m unfortunately probably never getting the ds game (i don’t have...money, i’m loaning the collections from my brother) but now i wish they had done a proper port of it and days to give it a fighting chance
AND to be fair kh1 has a great story so a rehash of it isn’t all bad, idk how much of my liveblog you had the misfortune of reading BUT there were parts i quite liked (yeah, mostly the bits with riku, i’m biased). i did warm up to it a little by the end so if there had been like actual good gameplay to pad out the nonsense tbh i might have been more of a fan
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