#fetus bts😭
stobitjin7 · 11 months
Adults say that we have it so easy
They say I'm on my way to happiness...
Then how do you explain my unhappiness?
Who is the one who made us into study machines?
It's either number one- or a failure
They trap us in borders, the adults-
There’s no choice but to consent, it’s the survival of the fittest
Who do you think is the one who makes us step on even our close friends to climb up? What?
Adults tell me that hardships are only momentary...
To "endure" a little more, to do it later
Everybody say NO!
It's not going to work anymore
Dont be captured in others dreams
Everybody say NO!
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I get chills thinking about how I was in the audience at ell*n when BTS performed and the very next day was my reputation show…..if that is not the most invisible string shit—
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vandelopa-x · 4 months
Hiii guys! THEORY TIME
So um I've been thinking quite a lot about the new DS2 trailer, I rewatched it like 20 times and also the first trailer again and I wanna make a theory about the possible timeline of the second game + some other ideas in the middle. It probably won't be accurate at all cause Kojima's brain works in mysterious ways but hey, I wanna try cause I just keep thinking about it night and day.
So! The scenes in trailers aren't really in any order (duh) so I tried to figure out the timeline. 
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This scene. A lot of people were worried that there's no Sam here and is Fragile the one taking care of Lou? I would say that she's just babysitting. Maybe Sam had to leave for something (Go to town grab food, supplies, who knows, maybe it was all planned and someone orchestrated the whole situation so Sam would leave the base so he wouldn't be a threat.) Since Fragile is a person he trusts, he might have asked her to come by and take care of Lou. The place where Sam was cooking food in the 2nd trailer and the place from the 1st one looks similar, so I would say it's the same.
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Listen, I don't know anything about little kids, so I used the internet. The measure here is in inches, and the first smallest handprint is at 18 inches. According to an article I read, newborn girls measure at around 19.4 inches, and Lou was still a fetus when she came out of the pod, so it makes sense she would be a bit smaller. The biggest mark it at 28 inches, and the same article stated that babies can grow 10 inches by their first birthday, so I would say Lou is around 1 years old when the whole attack happened. Is it relevant? Who knows.
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Then we have the whole this situation. By the look of this person, and the color of the gun, it appears to be red. Who else has everything red?
Higgs' lovely cult friends in black masks. I don't think its Higgs himself, it might be someone he send, but also it could he Higgs? I don't know.
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I mean, the hood, the everything, the golden shine on the hands that reflects in the light, his hands appear to be more smooth than fully robotic like the other guys? If you look very hard the crimson color is still there in the first photo, it just appears dark.
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No clue what the hell happened here 😭 But there we see that Lou is on the ground and then she dies? I have a theory that Lou could be a repatriate like Sam. Sam became a repatriant because Amelie/Bridget ressurected him on the beach. If I remember correctly, Sam did the same to Lou when the crater exploded at the beginning of the game. That's why they both "survived it". It could be possible that because of that, Lou also gained the ability to become a repatriant. But what if something went wrong?
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Here we see that Lou "appears" in the pod. But her silhouette looks very similar to a BT. BT's don't age. What if little Lou tried to repatriate by herself but by accident she split her Ha and Ka. Her soul ended up trapped in the pod, or near Sam, and her body was taken by Higgs/to Higgs. He wanted ravage from what was said in the trailer, and what better ravage than taking his beloved kid's life? It would hurt Sam way more than actually doing anything to him directly.
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This is when Sam notices that Lou's soul is trapped in the pod perhaps. See the red lightning? It could be when Sam got back to his base.
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Since after the attack the lights in the base turned red.
If we look at the 2nd trailer more, we can see that Sam I walking with an empty pod, so he is aware that Lou's soul is in the pod, thanks to it Odradek can still detect threat. This is so interesting!
When Sam and Higgs meet and Higgs takes the empty pod in his hands, touches it and feels something, he's like, kinda in awe?
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Then there's the big red cyborg ninja (lmao). It has Odradek's face and we already figured its "possessed" by Lou and tries to protect Sam. I've also seen a theory about Higgs calling himself a ghost and the Ghost in the machine thing, I forgot the user but y'all are genius 🙏🙏
If Higgs is a ghost in a machine, so his soul possesses the cyborg suit, then Lou also can posses a machine, right?
Also I wanna talk about the whole puppet thing and control stuff here because I have thoughts. I don't know if I remember everything correctly 100% so feel free to fix my mistakes, but in the first game Higgs was sort of Amelia's puppet, right? He was the tool she used to get Sam to her, a tool that would push Sam to go thru America and connect it, to connect all the beaches together so she could destroy the world, as it was her destiny. She have Higgs these crazy DOOMS powers. That's why I keep wondering if in the second game Higgs is still a puppet, or did he get tired of it and decided that this time he will be the puppeteer? We see the strings that are on older Lou, we see the strings of the robots that Sam fights with a gun, I'm wondering if Higgs is also pulling the strings of something much bigger.
What if Higgs is responsible for APAC? The private corporation, the patron that gave Fragile the money and tech for the ship? They apparently never saw face-to-face (Higgs' mask), Higgs has a factory with tech, he has all kinds of robots, weapons, he has to have money, and in the 1st trailer it's said that APAC made the final decision, whatever it means. If Higgs sponsors the whole thing, he can also make the decisions. But that's just the thought that I had.
Also the "chrysalis" in which Lou'a body was in kinda reminds me of the sarcophagus in which Higgs was in, just a thought.
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Also these weird ass trypophobia inducing things on Lou's arm remind me of the octopus' suction cups on their arms. It's quite similar to the octopus arm in the pod in one of the photos above.
Alright, that's it for now!!! I have no brain cells left, I probably didn't write everything that I wanted cause I forgot, but tell me your ideas if you want, I would love to read your theories!! Does any of it make sense? I don't care because it's a Hideo Kojima game so common sense or any other kind of sense doesn't apply 😍😍
I love analysing this shit it's like crack with some other good stuff
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onlyswan · 6 months
What is your favorite/s from the drabbles I’ve put out this year (Second In Which collection)? — “in which jungkook is giving up on you but you have so much love left to give.” because i love the angst 😞🫶
Themes, lines, paragraphs, or scenes that stood out to you? — i really like when jungkook is possessive over oc or gets jealous 🤭🤭 or angst/smut bc i love yearning and desperation…👀 also! oc getting close to the bts members like jimin n tae <3
Who is your favorite character, OC or Jungkook? — geukie! but i love oc’s depth and overall character, my beloved oc 😭🫶
Which year/s would you like to see more of from 2017-2023? — 2017 or 2018 for nervous fetus oc & jk <3
Which season? — winter is my all time favorite season because the emotions that come with it and you get to cozy up with your loved ones / take care of them when they’re sick but a summer love is also a dream 😣!
AAAAAAA giving up drabble my beloved you are so loved 🥺🥺🥺 the blood sweat and tears it took to write you were so worth it </3
hehe thank you sooooo much for taking the time to answer every question i truly appreciate it a lot !!! 🥺🩵
why is winter being everyone’s favorite season a big news to me omg 😭
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halos-little-freak · 2 years
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🎶Everything’s changed outside🎶
🎶I feel the same inside🎶
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kanmom51 · 2 years
Hello! I really love your blog and I appreciate the time you’ve taken to pull together your master list. I also appreciate that you make time to answer asks and you do so in such a kind and gracious manner- discovering your blog has to be one of my main highlights on here. I’m a new army and by new I mean fetus- level new because I’m only a few months in. I’ve however been a huge K-POP fan for years so I’ve known about BTS since 2016 but didn’t really pay much attention to them because I was preoccupied with Big Bang and ShiNee. I now have to live with my regrets about missing out on all those early years cause OMG how have I lived my life without them all these years😭. The sheer amount of content I’ve consumed in the last few months is also embarrassing to say the least but hey, I’m making up for lost time!
Being this early in though, I’m stumped with all the level of toxicity I’m noticing, like mind boggled at the antis and solos and the toxic shippers and their reasoning (or complete lack of) for their existence! Also struck me that this behaviour is the complete opposite of what the boys are about- their message and what they stand for. It’s such a shame! I’m also a JM/Yoongi bias so seeing all the hate JM gets really saddens me- and it’s almost every 2nd day some form of hate towards him is trending, which I find very alarming! On the anthology album - to be completely honest, I too am disappointed to an extent that we’re not seeing more of JM on the album. But at this point we can really only speculate the reason/s for this as we’re not privy to what goes on/ was discussed behind closed doors. So let’s just enjoy the album and be happy for the boys! They have worked soooo hard all these years, they’re CREATIVE GENIUSES, our super humble- most times chaotic- most times comedic but at ALL TIMES incredible KINGS that have committed years of their lives - putting themselves through mental and physical wringers to make fans happy! Like what more do we want from them ??They deserve all the love, support and success!
Also - Jikook is real!! You’d have to be blind/ ignorant/ homophobic/ never been in a committed LT relationship or just plain dumb to not see it. There is a thick layer of intimacy to their relationship that you only see with with couples (& that isn’t there with other members) - specifically, couples that have been together a while and cohabitate to some extent. The sheer level of domesticity speaks volumes to me and you really get a glimpse of what is likely their at- home/ relationship dynamics). The other members reactions to the shit they get up to speaks volumes. The ITS and BV editing - omg where do we even begin with these editors! It’s a shambles - Jikook must really be putting them through it because all the mismatched edits/ unexplained ‘incidents’ and the shit that gets put in undetected (but noticed by fans)! And if Jikook are indeed not a couple then fine by me - but I will say it’s a missed opportunity 😂 cause them two are 🔥 together!
Preach anon. 😁 
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