#festa de la ciencia
worldoceansday · 11 months
 What are the microplastics? Why are they so dangerous for the human health?
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Where do they come from? What can we do to avoid their production? Activity organized by Centre de la Platja inside…
10 JUNE- Festa de la ciència – Petits però perillosos
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wantsallfab · 5 months
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MUSE 3━━ mamma mia! quem vem lá é ANTONINA 'NINA' GENOVESI. ela tem VINTE E CINCO e estuda MEDICINA e é INFLUENCER. é conhecida por ser INTELIGENTE e ANIMADA. mas não se deixe enganar por esse rostinho lindo, ela também consegue ser EGOISTA e MIMADA, mantenha o olho aberto. ela é OLD MONEY e sua família trabalha com MÁFIA AMERICANA/ REDE DE HOTEIS.
*¤°• Comunicação através do discord : sad_heaven
*¤°• 𝐵𝒜𝒮𝐼𝒞
Signo: Peixes (17 de março)
Apelidos: Tonny, Nina, ginger, Barbie
Sexualidade: Birromantica, bissexual
Altura: 1,70
Características: Olhos azuis marcantes, cabelos pintados de ruivo, mas é loira
Tatuagem: Depois do acidente fez uma tatuagem de um girassol amarelo no antebraço para esconder a cicatriz
Gosta: gatos, chás, fazer compras, ajudar quem não tem
Desgosta: machismo, tomar banho em dia frio, bebida amarga
*¤°• 𝐸𝒳𝒯𝑅𝒜
Nina é extremamente sentimental. Quem conhece ela de verdade sabe que se ver um filme triste a menina não consegue ficar sem chorar.
Já teve um gatinho chamado Stark, ela levava pra tudo quanto é lugar. E quando ele morreu, a pouco tempo, ela fez geral vir no enterro dele. #RIP_Stark
É a mais nova de 3, sendo a única menina da família.
Sempre que fica puta com alguma coisa em casa foge para o Grand Hotel Mazzaro Sea Palace, hotel da família, se entocando em qualquer suíte disponível com um nome aleatório, nunca as mais caras, afinal seria muito fácil seu pai a achar.
Todo fim de semana passa algumas horas com os avós, sendo a maior responsável pela saúde e bem estar deles. Nina chora só de pensar deles morrendo.
Desde pequena seu avô a ensinou a atirar e a se defender. Quando ela completou 15 nos a presenteou com uma arma rose gold com madreperola. Nina até hoje carrega arma consigo, mas nunca precisou atirar com ela
Só dez pessoas sabem que ela sofreu o fatídico acidente de carro. Ela mentiu para todos falando que foi num retiro espiritual de autoconhecimento no período de recuperação.
Para um italiano ir para as américas já era difícil, mas voltar delas poderia ser ainda pior. Anthony Strollo Genovesi voltou para a Itália uns 30 anos após a Guerra Castellammarese nos Estados Unidos, seus avós eram procurados por diversos crimes e muito dinheiro desviado, porém voltar para os braços da família foi a melhor escolha no momento. Os contatos foram uteis, o patriarca abriu um hotel de fachada e lá, além de se um ótimo lugar para lavar dinheiro, permitiu que ele organizasse a entrada de drogas e pessoas na Europa. Isso rendeu um rapaz inteligente o suficiente para saber que um simples hotel não seria o suficiente e expandiu o hotel na Sílica e começou por em pratica o plano de ter diversos hotéis, e consequentemente diversos portos, pela Itália. E pouco a pouco o império dos Genovesi ia crescendo longe dos radares da polícia.
Antonina veio na terceira geração que voltou para casa, filha caçula do favorito de Anthony, sempre foi mimada pelos avós a níveis estrondosos. Ainda que seus pais tentassem mantê-la na linha era um desafio complicado, era a preciosa aos olhos do patriarca e nada era impossível quando a menina queria algo, não importava o preço, não importava quem teriam que passar por cima para conseguir. E isso a levou a ser uma menina extremamente fora da casinha, não que ela fosse ruim, mas não sabia o 'preço' das suas ações.
Se opondo a esse lado existia um grande senso de empatia e dedicação extrema aos estudos e, como não era herdeira direta dos hotéis da família, então a faculdade foi uma escolha segura. Ela entrou no curso sem ideia do que faria realmente, passou por administração, fez um período de moda, foi mudando a procura de algo que gostasse realmente, afinal não sabia exatamente no que era boa, nunca teve que se preocupar com aquilo antes...
Porém, em uma das festas de faculdade brigou com o namorado e fez tudo o que não devia fazer, encheu a cara e voltou dirigindo, entre lágrimas, para casa e o resultado foi um acidente com duas pessoas atropeladas e alguns ossos quebrados. Obviamente seu avô interveio, não ia deixar o futuro perfeito da sua querida neta ser manchado por algo assim, ele silenciou as duas vitimas, sumiu com as filmagens e calou todos que tinham visto Nina no local. Mas ainda assim a lembrança do dia marcou a mulher de tal forma que ela virou da agua para o vinho, podia não ser culpada oficialmente por aquilo, mas tomou para si a função de amparar o casal que tinha sofrido tanto por suas mãos
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vetasasawix · 2 years
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topfygad · 4 years
Cheap City Breaks Best Affordable European Destinations 2020
Do you want to travel to Europe? Are you under a small budget? The Gods of travel took care of that already. There are plenty of cheap city breaks in Europe in different affordable European destinations you can choose from.
Don’t break the bank but get the very best in spectacular views, nightlife, history, sightseeing, great beaches, people, alternative activities like a yoga retreat in Europe, or some of the best destinations for Christmas.
Read this for the top 10 safest countries in the world today, and this one for cheap travel destinations in Europe.
Are you are a student who wants to travel? Then this post is for you.
Affordable European Destinations 2020
Cheap European Breaks in Prague, Czech Republic
Porto, Affordable City in Portugal
Cheap City Breaks in Athens, Greece
City Trip to Valencia, Spain
Affordable City Break in Budapest, Hungary
Affordable City Break in Lisbon, Portugal
Istanbul, Turkey, Affordable European Destination
Cheap City Escape in Brussels, Belgium
Cheap City Break in Florence, Italy
Best City Break in Madrid, Spain
Best Cheap Trip to St. Petersburg, Russia
Cheap European Vacations in Rome, Italy
Cheap City Break in Corfu, Greece
Berlin, Germany Cheap Holiday Destination
Seville, Spain Cheap European City
Munich, Germany Cheap Holidays in Europe
Summary of Affordable European Destinations
Affordable European Destinations 2020
There is a secret list of affordable European destinations that frequent travelers know.
Countries and cities included in this list are considered a pivot point for your travel experience. Traveling through these cities gets you acquainted with the essence of Old Europe and its history.
We are here to share these secrets for the best cheap city breaks with you.
Cheap European Breaks in Prague, Czech Republic
Right in the heart of Europe, this spectacular city hides lots of secrets, even a medieval astronomical clock that seems to come from a fiction novel. Read a fascinating post for three days in Prague Itinerary.
What are the best things to do in Prague?
Old Town Square (Staromestské námestí)
Charles Bridge (Karluv most)
Prague Castle
St. Vitus Cathedral (Chrám svatého Víta)
Jewish Quarter (Josefov)
Dancing House
Prague Astronomical Clock
National Theatre (Národní Divadlo)
St. Nicholas Church (Chrám svatého Mikuláse)
When to go to Prague?
To avoid large crowds, better go to Prague in spring and early fall (March-May) when the weather is mild. Avoid the holiday seasons (Christmas, Easter).
During May there is a range of important events taking place too: the Prague Marathon, Czech Beer Festival, Prague Food Festival, Prague International Music Festival.
Prague is fantastic among all European Destinations.
Check accommodation and guided tours/tickets/passes options for Prague.
Porto, Affordable City in Portugal
A stunning coastal city with great architecture, history, food, and museums (museums are free to enter on Sundays). The city hosts the UNESCO World Heritage Ribeira District.
What are the best things to do in Porto?
Dom Luís I Bridge
Sé do Porto (Porto Cathedral)
Jardins do Palácio de Cristal (Crystal Palace Gardens)
Avenida dos Aliados (Avenue of the Allies)
Estação de São Bento (São Bento Railway Station)
Mercado do Bolhão (Bolhão Market)
Porto’s fantastic beaches
Livraria Lello & Irmão (Lello Bookstore)
Igreja de São Francisco (Church of Saint Francis)
Port Wine Tastings & Tours
Palácio da Bolsa (Stock Exchange Palace)
Fundação de Serralves (Serralves Foundation Complex)
Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis (National Museum Soares dos Reis)
Dragão Stadium
When to go to Porto?
From May to September the weather is warm and sunny. Some significant events happening during that time are Optimus Primavera Sound, Serralves em Festa, Festa de São João, Regata dos Rabelos, Festival Mares Vivas.
Porto is one of the best summer European destinations.
Read our post for Porto.
Here are your options for hotels and guided tours/tickets/passes.
Cheap City Breaks in Athens, Greece
There are plenty of things to do in Athens, despite Parthenon and Acropolis. Many prefer this city for two days itinerary but when you read posts like this one, this and this (all Athens section) you will understand that it is for much more.
Due to its geographical location and weather conditions, it is ideal for 10 out of 12 months.
What are the best things to do in Athens?
In short? Read this long post for Athens and things to do if you want more inspiration this post for 40 things to do in Greece and 14-day trips from Athens. You will thank us.
All parks in Athens are free to enter and churches too. Free admission museums are:
The Museum of the History of Greek Costume
The Philatelic and Postal Museum
Railway Museum of Athens
Theatrical Museum of Greece
Natural History Museum of Maroussi
Athens University History Museum
Museum of Greek Folk Instruments
Centre of Folk Art and Tradition
Hellenic Children’s Museum
Free admission holidays
6th of March – Memory of Melina Mercouri
18th of April – International Monument Day
18th of May International Museum Day
5th of June World Environment Day
European Days of Cultural Heritage (The last weekend of September)
27th of September – International Tourism Day
When for Athens?
It’s in Greece! If you avoid December and January, then all other months are fantastic to go to Athens. Even in wintertime, there are ski resorts in less than 2 hours distance from Athens (two in Peloponnese and one in Parnassos mountain). There are options for hiking, all museums are open, and food remains excellent all year long.
Check here for accommodation and available guided tours.
Athens is one of the most fabulous European destinations, as it is a pivot point for the Greek islands.
City Trip to Valencia, Spain
Affordable and easy to reach with a high-speed train from Barcelona or Madrid. A coastal city, vibrant with history and museums. It is famous for its oranges too, so taste some while there.
What are the best things to do in Valencia?
Central Market (Mercado Central)
Plaza Ayuntamiento
Cathedral (Seu)
Fine Art Museum of Valencia (Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia)
Instituto Valencia d’Arte Modern (IVAM)
Albufera Nature Park (Parque Natural de la Albufera)
La Lonja de la Seda
Valencia Beaches
Bioparc Valencia
City of the Arts and Sciences (Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias)
When it is great to go to Valencia?
April to May is best, though there are plenty of visiting in the wintertime. Keep in mind that museums operate under short ours in the winter. Critical events in that period are The Superbike World Championship, Fiesta de San Vicente Ferrer, Holy Week, Festival of Our Lady of the Forsaken.
Check staying prices and guided tours/tickets/passes options for Valencia.
Affordable City Break in Budapest, Hungary
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An aspect of the castle from afar
The city is famous for its food and its baroque, neoclassical and art nouveau architecture. Budapest dates back to the Stone Age and comes with great food options!
What are the best things to do in Budapest?
Fisherman’s Bastion (Halászbástya)
Danube River
Castle Hill (Várhegy)
Széchenyi Chain Bridge (Széchenyi Lánchíd)
Heroes’ Square (Hosök Tere)
St. Stephen’s Basilica (Svent István Bazilika)
Buda Castle (Budai vár)
Matthias Church (Mátyás-Templom)
Dohány Street Synagogue (Dohány Utcai Zsinagóga)
Gellért Hill (Gellért-Hegy)
Hungarian State Opera House (Magyar Állami Operaház)
Hungarian Parliament (Országház)
House of Terror Museum (Terror Háza Múzeum)
Hospital in the Rock Nuclear Bunker Museum (Sziklakórház Atombunker Múzeum)
Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden
Legenda Sightseeing Boats
Thermal Baths
When is it fantastic to be in Budapest?
March to May and September to November is best. That is if you want to avoid huge crowds of tourists (in summertime). The weather is generally mild. Special events happening during these months are:
March to May: Budapest Dance Festival, Macaron Day, Budapest Spring Festival, Budapest100, Rosalia Festival, OTP Bank Gourmet Festival, Budapest Beer Week.
September to November: Jewish Cultural Festival, Budapest Wine Festival, Sweet Days Chocolate, and Candy Festival, Oktoberfest Budapest, Design Week Budapest, Budapest Christmas Markets.
Here is Budapest accommodation options & tours.
Affordable City Break in Lisbon, Portugal
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Belem Tower
The city offers at a fraction of the cost whatever you expect to find in a European city. This is another city that emits mystery from Old-World, despite the growth of the modern building. Read this insider’s guide for things to do in Lisbon.
What are the best things to do in Lisbon?
Torre de Belem and Monument to the Discoveries
Feira da Ladra
Santa Justa Elevator (Elevador de Santa Justa)
St. George’s Castle (Castelo de Sao Jorge)
National Tile Museum (Museu Nacional do Azulejo)
Gulbenkian Museum (Museu Calouste Gulbenkian)
Monastery of St Jerome
Oceanarium (Oceanario de Lisboa)
Taste of Lisboa Food Tours
Lisbon By Boat
Tram 28
When is it best to visit Lisbon?
March to May and September to October is ideal, not excluding other months, too, of course. From March to early June, these events take place: Lisbon Half Marathon, Lisbon Fish & Flavours, Music Days in Belem, IndieLisboa, Festival de Sintra, Out Jazz Festival. On the other hand, the MOTEL X – Lisbon International Film Festival happens in September, while the Out Jazz Festival continues too (May to September).
Read our posts for Lisbon and Lisbon food, Cascais, Sintra, Fatima. There are plenty of day trips from Lisbon to consider.
Book your accommodation early and allow time for guided tours.
Lisbon and the nearby cities make it another great spot among all European destinations.
Istanbul, Turkey, Affordable European Destination
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A jewel of the Orient. A city of thousands of secrets and legends, with different locations that drive your mind to thousands of mystical stories.
Herbs & spices, Bosporus, belly dancing, fantastic architecture, and all kinds of landmarks. Istanbul will fill your days with many things while acting as a pivot point for many nearby cities.
It is famous for Agia Sophia and the Blue Mosque, but that is just a fraction of the things to see and do. Read the post from our trip there. For what to eat in Istanbul, read this.
What are the best things to do in Istanbul?
Blue Mosque (Sultanahmet Camii)
Grand Bazaar (Kapaliçarsi)
Süleymaniye Mosque (Süleymaniye Camii)
Taksim Square
Hagia Sophia Museum (Ayasofya Müzesi)
Istanbul Archaeological Museums (Istanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri)
Topkapi Palace Museum (Topkapi Sarayi Müzesi)
Istanbul Modern Art Museum
Chora Museum (Kariye Müzesi)
Basilica Cistern (Yerebatan Sarnici)
Dolmanbahçe Palace
Galata Tower (Galata Kulesi)
When it is amazing to visit Istanbul?
Best go there from September to November and from March to May. In the first period, you will have the opportunity to attend these too: Contemporary Istanbul, Istanbul International Puppet Festival, Akbank Jazz Festival, Istanbul Theatre Festival.
In the March to May period, these things happen at the Istanbul Film Festival, Istanbul Music Festival.
For hotels in Istanbul, check these options as well as for guided tours.
Cheap City Escape in Brussels, Belgium
If you crave for some delicious chocolate, then you can visit Brussels even for one day. Take the train from Paris or Amsterdam and savor all these from kiosks you will find in all streets.
Restaurants will be pricey, so no need to pay more for chocolate than needed. There are lots of museums and don’t forget that this is a multicultural & multilingual country.
People here speak Dutch, French & English, of course.
What are the best things to do in Brussels?
Manneken Pis
St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral
Royal Museum of the Army and Military History
Palais de Justice
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium
Musical Instruments Museum
Horta Museum
Belgian Comic Strip Center
Cantillon Brewery
When is it nice to be in Brussels?
March to May and September to October is best. In the first case, because it is Springtime while in the second case, prices drop significantly, while the weather stays mild enough.
Check Brussels accommodation prices. Here are the tour options.
Cheap City Break in Florence, Italy
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Have we been to Florence, Italy? Yes, twice. The first one was as part of a road trip that involved crossing Europe to the UK driving at the North.
The second one was as part of another road trip getting from the UK to Greece from the South part fo Europe!!! Read this excellent post for Florence (Firenze).
We have traveled to many cities in Italy (including Sicily island). Read the post for things to do in Sicily.
What are the best things to do in Florence?
Piazzale Michelangelo
Ponte Vecchio
Piazza della Signoria
Duomo (Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore)
Uffizi Gallery (Galleria degli Uffizi)
Baptistry (Battistero)
Galleria dell’Accademia
Palazzo Pitti
Basilica di Santa Croce
Giotto’s Bell Tower (Campanile di Giotto)
Boboli Gardens (Giardino di Boboli)
When it is most nice to visit Florence?
Preferably from May to September. Lots of sunshine, but you need to search thoroughly for accommodation as in touristy places prices get high.
There is no need to stay in, such though as the city is easy to walk. You can quickly get into the historical center with public transportation.
Either way, you will walk all the historical center to see the things mentioned above.
Check this for staying in Florence and all the tickets & passes options.
Florence is one of the best cultural European destinations, that is seen in video games.
Best City Break in Madrid, Spain
There are so many plaza’s (Madrid is Spain’s largest city) that are free to the public. You can spend days just visiting each other.
However, Madrid is far more than that. Read our post for things to do in Madrid and check the list below too.
What are the best things to do in Madrid?
Plaza Mayor
Gateway of the Sun (Puerta del Sol)
Plaza de Cibeles
El Rastro Market
Temple of Debod
Retiro Park (Parque del Retiro)
Royal Palace of Madrid (Palacio Real)
Prado Museum (Museo Nacional del Prado)
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Mercado San Miguel
Sorolla Museum
Bernabéu Stadium
Queen Sofia Arts Center
When is it excellent to visit Madrid?
The March to May and September to November rule holds for Madrid too. The weather temperature is the main reason for this. Summer in Madrid is scorching due to the city’s geographical location. In Autumn, you can attend the Autumn Festival.
Here are the Madrid lodging prices & tours.
Best Cheap Trip to St. Petersburg, Russia
Russia is a destination where you will get reasonable prices if you book early. Most people will visit Moscow, St. Petersburg, or both on a trip.
Moscow is great for New Year’s Eve, too, while St. Petersburg offers an entirely different experience.
What are the best things to do in St. Petersburg?
Hermitage Museum and the Winter Palace
Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood
Grand Market Russia Interactive Museum
St. Isaac’s Cathedral
Summer Garden
Peterhof Palace & Garden
Russian Museum
Yusupov Palace
The Naval Cathedral of Saint Nicholas in Kronstadt
Chapel of St. Xenia of St. Petersburg
Yelagin Island
When is it great to visit St. Petersburg?
Avoid winter. Better to visit from June to September. Hot events taking place are White Nights, International Festival of Choral Art, International Early Music Festival.
Winter is cheaper, but lots of activities are not happening, and cold in Russia is rather extreme.
Check the best accommodation options and guided tours/ticket/passes options for St. Petersburg.
Cheap European Vacations in Rome, Italy
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The famous Vatican stairs: Bramante Staircase
The city of Rome is a living, walk-through museum. It is an unbelievable destination suitable for all seasons (not so good when rains fall but still beautiful).
We have been multiple times in Rome with kids or not. It is suitable for going without kids too. Prepare for lots of walking as a car is useless in the vast historical center which covers most of the city of Rome.
What are the best things to do in Rome?
Trevi Fountain (Fontana di Trevi)
Church of San Luigi Dei Francesi
Santa Maria Della Vittoria
Ancient Appian Way
Basilica di San Clemente
Piazza Navona
Gianicolo Hill
Campo de’ Fiori
Porta Portese
Spanish Steps
Musei Capitolini
St. Peter’s Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro)
Colosseum (Colosseo)
Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel
Roman Forum (Foro Romano)
Palatine Hill
Galleria Borghese
Gruppo Storico Romano Gladiator School
When is it wonderful to visit Rome?
Prices are lower from October to April. The weather is hot in summer, but Rome has free water fountains all over the city, and you will be amazed by the colors of the city with summer light.
You can find lots of affordable accommodations outside of the historical center, but it will still be close to it, so no worries. Better to go there with the sun than rain.
The cold will not be an issue with all the walking (if you plan for winter). Food is affordable if you avoid tourist restaurants.
Check here for where to stay in Rome and all tours with a guide and skip the line tickets.
Cheap City Break in Corfu, Greece
Corfu is a contradictory island, suitable for many different tastes. One of its sides/coasts has lots of beaches while the other one is rocky.
The best beaches will be revealed by the locals when they like you, so make sure they do. This post will be somewhat informative for you.
The islands hold the essence from the Venetian history, and you will notice that in the architecture of its capital.
What are the best things to do in Corfu?
All the beaches
Paleokastritsa Monastery (and beach)
Corfu Donkey Rescue
Church of Saint Spyridon
Corfu Museum of Asian Art
Achillion Palace & Museum
Palaio Frourio (Old Fortress)
Aqualand (lots of fun)
When is it superb to visit Corfu?
Summertime is the best season. In case you want to hit the lowest prices ever then visit Corfu from April to May and September to November.
Corfu is in the West part of Greece, and you can encounter lots of rain during those times. In case you can be there in Orthodox Easter time, you will see lots of local customs happening.
Here is where to stay in Corfu and guided tours.
Berlin, Germany Cheap Holiday Destination
Berlin is a somewhat controversial city with extreme nightlife. If you are after nightlife, then it won’t be very cheap. Many other things come at really affordable prices.
Here is a post with ideas for three days in Berlin and another one for five days in Germany.
What are the best things to do in Berlin?
Brandenburg Gate
Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
Potsdamer Platz
The topography of Terror
East Side (Wall) Gallery
Museum Island
Zoologischer Garten Berlin
Checkpoint Charlie
TV Tower
Charlottenburg Palace
When is it thrilling to visit Berlin?
From May to September, you can additionally attend these events: Formula E ePrix Championship, Carnival of Cultures, Fete de la Musique, Berlin Fashion Week, Lesbian and Gay City Festival, International Berlin Beer Festival, Berlin Marathon.
Berlin is at the center of Germany but also in the North of Europe so that any other months will be rather cold.
Find here the Berlin lodging options & tickets for excellent tours and landmarks.
Seville, Spain Cheap European City
With hotels moving around the USD100 per night, this city is affordable too. There are hostels and such if you want to lower the accommodation fees.
There are lots of parks, promenade locations, museums, bull-fights, and tasty food. See more great places to visit in Spain.
What are the best things to do in Seville?
La Carbonerí
Guadalquivir River Cruise
Metropol Parasol
Museum of Fine Arts
Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza
Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán Stadium
Torre del Oro
Isla Mágica
When it is great to visit Seville?
Better to visit from March to May due to mild temperatures. The famous events of Semana Santa and Feria de Abril, happen in these months.
Where to stay in Seville? Check here. What do in Seville? Click here.
Munich, Germany Cheap Holidays in Europe
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Munich maybe not the first destination that comes in your mind when you plan to visit Europe, but it is a great one.
You can read our experiences in Munich from here, here and here. By the way, beers and food are fantastic.
What are the best things to do in Munich?
English Garden
Church of Our Lady
Nymphenburg Palace Gardens
Biergarten am Chinesischen Turm
St. Michael’s Church
St. Peter’s Church
Deutsches Museum
Residenz Royal Palace
Old Picture Gallery
Bayerische Staatsoper Opera House
Nymphenburg Palace Museum
Modern Picture Gallery
When is it amazing to visit Munich?
March to May is best, though the weather may get a bit chilly. Things are happening in the summertime, but there are lots of crowds too.
Check for accommodation in Munich and all the tours & passes
Summary of Affordable European Destinations
As you see, there are lots and lots of places to visit. This list will expand more in the following days, so make sure you subscribe to it!
Traveling is fun, and budget or/and affordable traveling is preferred by many.
Have fun!
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/3evzYQA via IFTTT
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brainbackupp · 3 years
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aula de balé
caça ao tesouro Waiter, There's a Baby in My Soup
Momma Trauma
limpando o carro com scott brite
observando aves
feira de ciencias
passeio de balao
grama alta
relogio cuco
patinação no gelo
pretend friend / amigo invisivel
passeio no onibus escolar
o sotao da vovov
queda de energia
festa do travesseiro
casa na arvore
fancy dress festança
miss shellfish beach
dona pernas finas
la dentro da cabeça da gente é que nem uma ma qui na
peça da escola bolhas e brilhos
capsula do tempo
museu e leilão
dias quentes
cadeirinha de sapo
melhor amiga pra sempre
Real or Robots? teatro de fantoche
promessa rosa soluço mensagem secreta sapos minhocas e borboletas
se vestindo de adulto
festa da escola
Candy Bar Creep Show maquina de cerebrinho
Monster in the Garage
sopa do dia: fanta laranja e biscoito de vaquinha
diy transplante de coração
flip phone dontcaree oclinho do amor nintendoy2k
apple kewpie rainha do baile funk
curativos curitas bandaginhas neosadinha
i deserve a good laugh chile eu mereço big big e surpresa bichos
hoje eu nao sei de nada, nada mudou, desculpa rouge
heart 'n teddy animo existindo tanto quanto sorvetes yopa
2009 type synthz girl soundz
Fake Chanel nails 1000 segredos
0 notes
vieirosdekakania · 7 years
“Nun século tan axitado como o noso, o dominio da linguaxe apenas pode considerarse unha garantía, mais, polo menos, funda a posibilidade dunha resposta sen a cal os homes están obrigados a seguir sendo escravos da súa propia experiencia”
(Joseph Brodsky, do seu limiar a Unha tumba para Boris Davidovich, de Danilo Kiš)
 Nas palabras de Danilo Kiš pódese sentir o tumulto xordo dunha multitude dirixíndose a unha nada absoluta. Iso podería ser unha imaxe completa (a máis terrible) do século XX. Pero desde esas palabras, que nacen no aillamento e no esgazamento do exilio, desde ese estilo seu, complexo e innovador, o escritor serbio consegue tamén, cunha mestría e cunha capacidade para o asombro extraordinarias, trascender os abismos da Historia e facer desa materia da dor e do esquezo unha literatura estraña e única.
Milan Kundera dixera que Danilo Kiš fora, tal vez, o único escritor da súa xeración que conseguira transformar aquel enorme drama histórico que tivera que presenciar (a II Guerra Mundial, o exterminio do seu pobo, o fascismo, a tiranía, a emigración...) en poesía, en alta poesía. Perante ao uso da linguaxe por parte do cesarismo político dun xeito ruín e uniforme, perante unhas proclamas repetidas e sen alma, ensaiadas desde o Poder como simples consignas de dominación e mentira, o escritor recurre ás tonalidades variadas e exuberantes dunha linguaxe renovada e chea de vida, recurre ao humor, á imaxinación...Opta, en definitiva, por facer literatura, verdadeira literatura.  Como o autor checo afirma tamén: “Fronte ao universo da política, Danilo seguiu sendo obstinada e violentamente un poeta.”
E é desde esa poesía súa que Danilo Kiš é quen de captar a esencia humana do pasado e os seus dramas. Esa esencia é, seguramente, a parte máis valiosa da memoria, porque é máis fonda e máis determinante có relato oficial desa memoria fría dos datos e a simple correlación de feitos.   
A seguir, ofrecemos a segunda parte desa sorte de “conversa” inventada con Danilo Kiš. O propósito último deste exercicio é, antes de máis, o de mostrar como o estilo literario en si pode ser, para alén doutras consideracións estéticas, unha especie de espello onde atopar a imaxe máis certa dunha actitude vital, dunha pauta ética coa que se confrontar co mundo. 
(Nota: a cada aforismo ou consello de Kiš, séguelle, en letra cursiva, unha resposta ou glosa de autoría propia.)     
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É a ti a quen menos lle custan as palabras.
Habitarás a palabra e a palabra será esa casa á que regresar logo de todas as tormentas.
As túas palabras non teñen prezo.
A verdadeira linguaxe da poesía nunca cotizará en Bolsa. É inútil buscala nos cálculos vantaxistas da especulación e do cinismo.
Non fales en nome da túa nación, porque, quen es ti para pretender representar calquera se non é a ti mesmo?
Max Brod non estaba a pensar en ningunha bandeira cando decidiu salvar os manuscritos do seu amigo máis querido.
Non esteas na oposición, porque non estás enfronte, senón embaixo.
Segue o teu destino e ama as túas rosas, tal e como Pessoa recomendara.
Non esteas do lado do poder e dos príncipes, porque estás por riba deles.
Na Carta X de Séneca a Lucilio pode lerse: "Vive cos homes como se Deus te vise; fálalle a Deus como se os homes te visen"
Loita contra as inxustizas sociais sen facer diso un programa.
Non escribas versos de amor pretendendo ser amable; non escribas da caída dun home querendo salvalo. Deixa que a vida e as palabras queimen.
Cóidate de que a loita contra as inxustizas sociais non te desvíe do teu camiño.
Lección maxistral de Ezra Pound: “A sinceridade dun autor mídese polo seu estilo”.
Coñece o que pensan os outros; logo, esquéceo.
Escribe só se cres que ti tamén podes falar do mundo dicindo algo definitivo acerca del.
Non concibas un programa político, non concibas programa ningún: concibe a partir do magma e do caos do mundo.
Honra os poemas ardendo de Arthur Rimbaud: tenta fuxir do deserto entrando nel.
Gárdate dos que te propoñen solucións finais.
Heine, o lume, as páxinas.
Non sexas o escritor das minorías.
A cegueira homérica ollou con lucidez plena para todas as xeracións vindeiras. Lembra iso.
Así que unha comunidade te faga seu, ponte a ti mesmo en cuestión.
Se vas xogar a ser bufón dalgún amo, polo menos non pretendas ocultarte con acenos do que en realidade non es.
Non escribas para o lector medio: todos os lectores son medios.
Deberías escribir sempre coa conciencia de que as túas palabras son estrañas, case incomprensibles, propias dun tempo que aínda non sucedeu.  
Non escribas para a elite; a elite non existe: ti es a elite.
Na Literatura tes plenos poderes. Por iso estás tamén absolutamente so.
Non penses na morte, pero non esquezas que es mortal.
Parafraseando a Oscar Wilde: a linguaxe, como a beleza, é exactamente aquilo que a morte non poderá derrubar.
Non acredites na inmortalidade do escritor; iso son parvadas de profesores.
Un nome fráxil escrito na tona das augas. Soamente iso quedará.
Non sexas traxicamente serio, porque resulta cómico.
O riso e as bágoas...Ninguén sabe en realidade como as aprendemos.
Non sexas actor, porque os ricos están afeitos a que se lles divirta.
O único escenario é o propio mundo. Esa é quizais a verdade máis fonda coa que o corazón de William Shakespeare nos agasallou.
Non sexas bufón de corte.
Ningún reino será salvado.
Non penses que os escritores son a conciencia da humanidade, ti viches xa crápulas demais.
Shalamov foi negado. A neve seguiu caendo. Todos o sabían e, no entanto, foi negado outra volta. Baixo a neve agardan aínda todos os nomes.
Non te deixes persuadir de que non es nada nin ninguén: ti viches que os ricos teñen medo dos poetas.
O segredo conmovedor da metáfora non pode ser convertido en moeda algunha.
Non vaias á morte por ningunha idea nin convenzas a ninguén de que morra.
Fálalle sempre a Eurídice para que regrese das simas e o desespero.
Non sexas covarde, e despreza os covardes.
A páxina é un campo minado pero non hai outra saída que cruzala.
Non esquezas que o heroísmo se paga caro.
Ninguén honra aos que se deixaron a vida pola escrita.
Non escribas para as festas e os xubileos.
O escritor debería facer a súa aparición, sobre todo, para ser un convidado molesto.
Non escribas panexíricos, porque o lamentarías.
Nas bocas das estatuas a voz é sempre a mesma.
Non escribas oracións fúnebres aos héroes da nación, porque o lamentarías.
Nas lápidas non hai nada xa que mudar.
Se non podes dicir a verdade, cala.
"Non o fagas se non convén, non o digas se non é verdade." (Marco Aurelio)
Gárdate das medias verdades.
Como non contar con todas as palabras a derrota dun home ou a xeografía da éxtase?
Cando se celebra unha festa, non hai razón algunha para que tomes parte nela.
A miúdo a literatura é simplemente un fin de festa moi menor. Algo ruín.
Non prestes servizos nin aos príncipes nin aos ricos.
A tentación do Fausto, o delirio da eternidade.
Non pidas servizos nin aos príncipes nin aos ricos.
Os dominios da linguaxe continuarán logo de ti...Que máis podes logo pedir?
Non sexas tolerante por cortesía.
"Por delicadeza, perdín a miña vida" (Rimbaud)
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 (Edición inglesa das "Meditacións" de Marco Aurelio)
  Non defendas a verdade a calquera prezo: “Non se discute cun imbécil".
Xa nos advertira Anatole France que é preferíbel un malvado a un idiota, porque os malvados, de cando en vez, descansan"
Non te deixes persuadir de que todos temos igualmente razón nin de que os gustos non se discuten.
A verdade das cousas non depende de consenso algún.
“Ser dos a estaren trabucados non quere dicir dous a teren razón” (Popper).
Quen escribe arríscase a que non haxa ninguén que defenda o seu testemuño.
“Admitir que o outro poida ter razón non nos protexe contra un perigo diferente: o de crer que todo o mundo posibelmente ten razón” (Ídem).
Quen fala cando o silencio das sereas se espalla polo mundo?
Non discutas con ignorantes sobre cousas das que, grazas a ti, escoitan falar por vez primeira.
Escribirás porque aínda hai páxinas que soamente viven no teu soño.
Non teñas ningunha misión.
A revelación da Linguaxe carece de modo imperativo.
Gárdate dos que aínda teñen unha misión.
Non hai nada máis insoportable que un moralista mediocre.
Non creas no pensamento científico.
A Ciencia é un mito, no sentido de que é unha tarefa ou un desafío que aínda non concluíu.
Non acredites na intuición.
Evita a fachenda do entusiasmo e esas certezas que apenas se someteron ao escrutinio do tempo e os fracasos.
Gárdate do cinismo, entre outros do teu.
Pero, como Dióxenes, fica moi preto do chan, procurando aquel sol que o aqueza.
Evita os lugares comúns e as citas ideolóxicas.
"Sen incertidume, non hai vida" (Elias Canetti)
Ten o valor de dicir que o poema de Aragón á gloria da G. P. U. é unha infamia.
As derradeiras palabras de Reinaldo Arenas. O resto son proclamas ocas, desvergonza.
Non lle busques circunstancias atenuantes.
Os tiranos están feitos de falsas bandeiras e exércitos de cinza. Iso sempre empeora as cousas.
Non te deixes convencer de que na polémica Sartre-Camus os dous tiñan razón.
Desconfía dos que pontificaban nos cafés como se estivesen desembarcando en Normandía.
Non creas na escritura automática nin no difuminado querido: ti aspiras á claridade.
Para evitar confusións, aprende do anonimato e do oficio calado dos tradutores pobres.
Rexeita as escolas literarias que che son impostas.
Escolle o nome de Scardanelli e esquece todo o demais. Tenta fuxir ao fondo dos bosques.
Perante á soa mención do realismo socialista renuncia a toda discusión.
A dor infinita de Anna Akhmatova. Non esa cegueira compracida de Gorki.
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 (Anna Akhmatova, Odesa, 1889 - Moscova, 1966)
 Sobre o tema da literatura comprometida permanece mudo como un morto: deixa iso aos profesores.
A escrita non está feita precisamente de dogmas, senón máis ben de controversias.
Ao que compare os campos de concentración coa prisión de La Santé, mándao a tomar vento.
Esas cinzas eran os outros, eramos nós, ardendo. Le así a Primo Levi: como quen abraza a un irmán salvado.
Ao que afirme que Kolyma é diferente de Auschwitz, mándao ao inferno.
Presentar o crime como algo inevitábel ou necesario. En calquera dos casos, eis a vergonza, o monstruoso.
Ao que afirme que en Auschwitz soamente se exterminou piollos e non homes, bótao fóra.
Se che cansa escoitar o nome de Auschwitz, entón é que tes un grave problema coa túa conciencia.
Ao que afirme que todo isto representaba unha necesidade histórica, aplícalle o mesmo tratamento.
Non tomes asento no ágape dos asasinos. Nunca.
“Segui il carro e lascia dir le genti” (Dante / Marx ?)*.
Palabra es e só na palabra serás lembrado.
 *Nota do autor: A cita que Danilo Kis atribúe a Dante non é correcta, pois en realidade é unha variante doutra cita, tamén errónea, coa que Marx remata o limiar da primeira edición de Das Kapital (Londres, 25 de xullo de 1867). Marx cita tamén de xeito errado a Dante: "Segui il tuo corso e lascia dir le genti". Mais o que na verdade ordena Virxilio ao Dante na Divina comedia (verso 13, canto V, “Purgatorio”) é: "Ven dietro a me, e lascia dir le genti".
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julidamuseo · 5 years
O racismo no século XIX e a Vênus Negra
O século XIX marcou a história do mundo para sempre. Com o Império Francês derrotado após as Guerras Napoleônicas, a Inglaterra emergiu como uma grande potência, com a Revolução Industrial, os avanços nas áreas da ciência e da medicina mas principalmente, o Neocolonialismo na África. A exploração mortífera do continente fez com que o racismo fosse naturalizado em países e outras colônias ocidentais, apoiando- se na idéia de que os negros eram inferiores aos brancos por não serem adeptos ao capitalismo e ao estilo de vida que preza o consumo de bens. Os negros eram exibidos em festas, circos, shows e até mesmo em zoológicos, atraindo grandes multidões que pagavam, muitas vezes quantias enormes, para ver, tocar ou cutucar esses “Seres Exóticos”. A ciência da Frenologia*, defendida pelo americano George Morton em seu livro “Crania Americana”, foi crucial para que a burguesia européia justificasse tais atrocidades.
Com proporções corporais diferentes das mulheres brancas da aristocracia, Saartjie" Baartman foi tirada de uma fazenda onde era criada de holandeses, perto da Cidade do Cabo, e levada à Inglaterra com a promessa de ficar rica, exibindo seu corpo em shows por todo o Reino Unido. Conhecida como “Vênus de Hotentote” ou “Vênus Negra”, ela se apresentava estereotipadamente em festas e reuniões, onde, mediante o pagamento de dinheiro extra,  seus exibidores permitiam aos visitantes tocar-lhe as nádegas, cujo volume parecia estranho e perturbador ao europeu da época.  Nas caricaturas e representações, as características de Baartman eram muitas vezes exageradas para destacar sua diferença em relação às mulheres brancas, consideradas "normais". Esta construção social da imagem visual provavelmente amplificava e reforçava perspectivas racistas.  Entre 1814 e 1870, houve pelo menos sete descrições científicas onde a anatomia dos corpos de mulheres negras eram comparadas. A dissecção de Baartman por Cuvier ajudou a moldar a ciência europeia. Usando a ciência, a elite francesa tentou vencer seus próprios medos às custas de muitos outros infelizes. Baartman, juntamente com várias outras mulheres africanas que foram dissecadas, eram referidos como "hotentotes". A mulher selvagem era muito distinta do feminino civilizado europeu. *Frenologia:  (do Grego: φρήν, phrēn, "mente"; e λόγος, logos, "lógica ou estudo") é uma teoria que reivindica ser capaz de determinar o caráter, características da personalidade, e grau de criminalidade pela forma da cabeça (lendo "caroços ou protuberâncias"). Fonte: Wikipédia O Globo:  Estudo de crânios serviu como base à falha ciência do racismo: https://oglobo.globo.com/sociedade/historia/estudo-de-cranios-serviu-como-base-falha-ciencia-do-racismo-12370323
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La Belle Hottentot, pintura do século XIX de Baartman
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Caricatura de Baartman, desenhada no início do século XIX
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Foto: Google
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Foto: https://flashbak.com/saartjie-baartman-the-hottentot-venus-who-aroused-the-victorians-50638/
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fatosmirabolantes · 5 years
jesus a novela, jesus a luz do mundo, jesus a alegria dos homens, jesus a música, jesus a novela da record, jesus a maior história de todos os tempos, jesus a videira verdadeira, jesus a cura do cego, jesus a cura do monstro, jesus a história do nascimento, jesus vem logo abaixo, jesus acima de tudo, jesus acima de tudo toque de amor, acima da tempestade jesus é maior, jesus nome acima de todos os nomes, jesus grande exaltado acima de todos, jesus além das nuvens, jerusalem reggae, jesus além musica, melo de jesus além, nova jesus além, filme de jesus além, cidade jesus além, desenho de jesus além, jesus o honrarei além do fim, além vai jesus, jesus ante pilato, jesus ante el sanedrin, jesus ante tu nombre todos se postraran, jesus ante caifas, jesus ante poncio pilatos, jesus ante herodes la pasion de cristo, jesus ante los doctores de la ley, jesus ante pilato la pasion de cristo, jesus ante los fariseos, jesus antes e depois, jesus antes de ser crucificado, jesus antes de cristo, jesus antes de jesus, jesus antes de vir a terra, jesus antes dos 30 anos, jesus antes de cristo national geographic, jesus antes da crucificação, jesus antes da fundação do mundo, jesus antes de nascer, jesus ao vivo, jesus ao centro, jesus ao teu lado, jesus ao vivo novela, jesus ao seu lado, jesus ao nosso lado, jesus ao vivo na record, jesus ao teu lado quero sempre estar, jesus ao vivo hoje, jesus ao caminho, jesus aos doze anos, jesus aos doze anos no templo, jesus aos doze anos musica, jesus aos fariseus, jesus aparece aos discipulos, jesus sobe aos céus, jesus fala aos fariseus, jesus fala aos discipulos, jesus pregou aos mortos, jesus ascende aos ceus, jesus manuel apesar de todo, jesus após a ressurreição, lições de jesus através da arqueologia, através de mim jesus clareia, através de mim jesus clareia playback, através de mim jesus clareia letra, através de mim jesus clareia teclado, através de mim jesus clareia cover, através de mim jesus, através de mim jesus clareia violao, através de mim jesus clareia iurd, jesus até o vento se cala pra ouvir tua voz, jesus até o fim, elaine de jesus até o fim, até jesus chorou, se até jesus chorou, até jesus foi traido, jesus me amou até o fim, jesus me amou até a morte, na estrada até jesus, jesus é bom até demais, jesus com jazz, jesus com mel gibson, jesus com letra, jesus com amor se entregou naquela cruz, jesus com nicodemos, jesus com seus discípulos, jesus com a gente a vida é sempre festa, jesus com maria madalena, jesus com os discipulos, jesus com diabo, jesus como amigo, jesus como eu te amo, jesus como ele é, jesus como es lindo, jesus como amigo playback, jesus como você nunca viu, jesus como era, jesus como homem, jesus como ele era, jesus como te amo, jesus contra deuses, jesus contra goku, jesus contra o demônio, jesus contra lúcifer, jesus contra o mal, jesus contra o capeta, jesus contra cultura, jesus contra os judeus, jesus contra fariseus, jesus contra religião, jesus da record, jesus da quebrada, jesus da goiabeira, jesus da lapa, jesus da novela, jesus da glória, jesus da siberia, jesus da treta, jesus da record tv, jesus da dc, jesus das tretas, jesus das cicatrizes, jesus das santas chagas, jesus das tretas felipe neto, jesus das arabias, jesus das quebradas, jesus das trevas tu me livrou, jesus das chagas, jesus das cicatrizes cifra, jesus das licht der welt, jesus de nazaré, jesus de nazaré filme completo, jesus de nazare filme, jesus de desenho, jesus de nazaré arautos do rei, jesus de hoje, jesus de nazaré desenho, jesus de nazareth, jesus de nazaré completo, jesus de ontem, jesus dentro de mim, jesus dentro do barco, jesus esta dentro de mi, dentro de mi jesus adrian romero, jesus está dentro de mim, jesus está dentro de nós, jesus depois da ressurreição, jesus depois da morte, jesus depois da cruz, gabriel jesus depois da copa, filme de jesus depois da ressurreição, antes e depois jesus, depois nasceu jesus o salvador, antes e depois jesus de nazaré, jesus 40 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crosscatbike-blog · 6 years
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Ayer un gran corredor @poupousteph ha ganado la cursa Elite (37a Cursa Festa Major Sants -41è Trofeu Antonio Andrés Sancho). Me sorprende que nadie se ha enterado de quién era... Bravo @poupousteph por tu victoria. Creo que han tenido un privilegio de tenerte aquí como animador de la cursa y ganador! (Pongo aquí por algunos tu palmarés !!!). Es bien que aquí algunos se despiertan para ver y medir la diferencia de nivel que hay entre los Élites de aquí y los de Francia, y sobre todo se ponen las@manos a la obra para trabajar juntos y ayudar los jóvenes de cataluña a conseguir el nivel necesario para ganar cursas al nivel internacional y pasar a profesionales. Por los corredores decepcionados por el sistema de detección, y que buscan un entrenador para ganar cursas al nivel internacional con el objetivo de pasar profesional un día podéis contactar conmigo al 691623223. Emmanuel Batalla Profesional Cycling coach (máster ciencias del deporte) y entrenador de Adrià Moreno. 691623223 #crosscatbike #emmanuelbatalla #ciclismo #ciclisme #ciclismecat #cycling #cyclisme #adriamoreno #vic #olot #Barcelona #girona #catalunya #entrenadordeciclismo #entrenadorpersonal #cyclingcoach #cyclingcoaching #trainingpeaks #coach #coaching @ciclismecat (à Campus de entrenamiento ciclismo Crosscatbike) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnRkILHn2Xi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13encoi75dyju
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praza-catalunya · 6 years
Faraóns, deuses, tumbas
O cinema, a literatura, as artes plásticas alimentaron e alimentan a visión mítica da figura do faraón, o monarca omnímodo e divino do antigo Exipto. Agora é doado aproximarse a unha imaxe deste mandatario máis realista na mostra que Caixaforum brinda con pezas chegadas dos inmensos fondos do British Museum. O reto é comprobar se o acugulo de obras agora exposto permite a desmitificación, ou se polo contrario van seguir tendo vixencia as verbas de Josefina ao despedir a Napoleón cando ía á campaña de Exipto: Se vas a Tebas, non te esquezas de traerme un obelisco.
Lito Caramés
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Deuses, tumbas e faraóns
El fixo reverdecer Exipto máis ca o gran Nilo.
El é a mesma vida que alenta nos condutos nasais;
os tesouros que dá, son alimentos para os seguidores;
O rei é a vida do país, a súa boca é abundancia.
(Fragmento de oración ao faraón Amenenheb -circa 1800 a.n.e.-, recollida en C.W. Ceram, Deuses, tumbas e sabios, 1949).
A historia do Antigo Exipto dura varios milleiros de anos. En tan dilatado espazo de tempo tivo que haber evolucións tanto na economía como no pensamento, na tecnoloxía como nas estruturas de poder. A figura do todo poderoso xefe político, militar e relixioso que rexía o Alto e Baixo Nilo, e as dúas ribeiras do feraz río tamén sufriu variacións. Non é o mesmo un faraón do Antigo Imperio ca un faraón tolemaico, de orixe grego. A vida do faraón era unha vida moi regularizada, sempre ás ordes do cerimonial estipulado. Se tivese que facer todo aquilo ao que estaba obrigado polo cargo non viviría. Cada mañá debía saudar as estatuas dos deuses dos templos de Exipto, tal e como rezan os escritos, pola boa saúde da maat. Os deuses en Exipto contábanse por centos, o mesmo que hai que dicir dos templos. Sorte que ese traballo facíano acotío certos sacerdotes e músicos/as e danzantes. O seu poder omnímodo, loxicamente, viña mediatizado polas obrigas de todo índole.
Exipto é un don do Nilo, escribiu o historiador grego Herodoto no século V a. n. e. Certamente. Daquela as medradas e inundacións que provocaba o río, aportando limos e nutrientes, permitían boas colleitas ao longo das súas ribeiras, axudadas polas obras de enxeñería que ao longo dos séculos se fixeron. O río, dependente das chuvias que se producían no centro de África, inundábase cunha sorprendente regularidade. Se algún ano esas inundacións non chegaban, a fame e a miseria estaban servidas para as poboacións nilóticas. Os exipcios adoraban e temían o río. De igual xeito que non tiñan claro que o sol que morría cada noite polo occidente, se espertase cada mañá polo oriente. Por iso cumpría celebrar e saudar cada mañá –con grandes cerimonias-- ao disco solar de Ra (Ou Amon, ou Amon-Ra), o deus solar que dá luz e calor ás colleitas e ás persoas. Que todo estivese no seu sitio, que cada cousa funcionase dentro da organización social tan clasista do Antigo Exipto, dependía do que eles mesmos denominaban co concepto: maat. Maat é moitas cousas; pero mormente fai referencia á xustiza, á verdade e mais ao orde, tanto cósmico como político e social. Case nada. De que a maatsiga establecida na vida cotiá exipcia encargábase o Faraón, como representante dos deuses na terra, e a si propio deus.
A figura do rei exipcio –fose o que fose ao longo dos tempos-- mudou bastante. Faraón era unha atribución hereditaria, pero as traizóns e asasinatos estiveron ao orde do día, durante períodos longos gobernaron Exipto faraóns estranxeiros (en moitos casos borrados das listas de faraóns polos propios faraóns. Os deuses tiñan moitos templos, os mellores construídos en pedra. Entre todos eles sobresae polas dimensións e importancia que acadou ao longo dos tempos (despois de longos procesos de ampliacións que concedían os faraóns) o templo dedicado a Ra de Karnac, ao pé do que era unha das antigas capitais exipcias: Tebas, e que hoxe recibe o nome de Luxor. Algunhas fontes arqueolóxicas afirman que é o recinto sagrado máis extenso que se chegou a construír na Terra. Da importancia deste centro de poder clerical (chegou a atentar contra a vida de faraóns), e das vellas alianzas monarquía-relixión, fala, por exemplo, o Gran Papiro Harris, cando informa dos regalos que o faraón Ramsés III lle outorgou ao templo de Karnac: 421.362 cabezas de gando, 309.950 sacos de gran, 56 cidades en Exipto e 9 cidades estranxeiras, entre outras dádivas.
Se os deuses tiñan templos sen número, o rei tiña pazos, moitos pazos. A maioría deles confeccionados con adobes, polo que na actualidade se conservan poucos e en mal estado. A eles acudía o faraón nas súas viaxes polo Alto e Baixo Nilo, para asistir a cerimonias ou actos militares. A verba exipcia per-aaera a que definía aos pazos dos faraóns. Literalmente vén dicindo “casa grande”. E o curioso é que a palabra faraón provén de per-aa --pazo--, dos lugares suntuosos que habitaba. Sábese agora que a denominación “faraón” foi serodia, que non se comezou a usar (destinada a designar ao rei) ata o Novo imperio.
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Faraó. Rei d’Egipte, Caixaforum. Os mandados do British Museum
Celebrarase unha festa polo faraón Ptolomeo, o eterno, o amado de Ptah, o Deus Epífanes Eucaristos, anualmente en todos os templos da terra desde o primeiro de Tot durante cinco días nos que se deben lucir grilandas, facer sacrificios e os outros honores habituais; e os sacerdotes deberán ser chamados sacerdotes do Deus Epífanes Eucaristos ademais dos nomes dos outros deuses a quen serven, (Fragmento do texto da Pedra de Rosetta)
Estes meses é doado visitar en Caixaforum Barcelona a mostra Faraó. Rei d’Egipte, escolma de 164 pezas chegadas do British Museum grazas a un convenio formado entre esta institución museística e mais a Fundació La-Caixa. Nas salas da Casa Ramona hai agora estatuas de faraóns e mais de deuses exipcios, relevos e capiteis chegados de templos das ribeiras orientais do Nilo, papiros, alfaias, obxectos rituais, baldosas de pazos. A exposición está comisariada por Marie Vandenbeusch, responsable do Departamento do Antigo Exipto e Sudán do British Museum, como comisaria xefe, e por Neal Spencer, conservador do mesmo departamento e da mesma institución museística.
The British Museum é unha institución museística das más antigas de Europa. Creouse en 1753 para albergar os máis de 80.000 obxectos que procedían da colección privada de sir Hans Sloane, médico e naturalista. O carácter heteroxéneo desta primeira doazón parece definir o futuro contido do British Museum, pois na actualidade alberga obxectos de arqueoloxía, arte, etnografía ou historia (e iso porque a sección de ciencias naturais xa se independizou para conformar o Natural History Museum, outra extraordinaria institución). The British Museum custodia na actualidade máis de 8.000.000 de obxectos. Posúe a colección de arte exipcio máis importante do mundo, despois do Museo Exipcio do Cairo, que conta cunhas 136.000 pezas. Entre as pezas de especial importancia que agora están no British cómpre citar a famosa Pedra de Rosetta, atopada polos científicos franceses que acompañaban a Napoleón na vila de Rosetta, próxima a Alexandría, e coa que se conseguiu descifrar a escritura xeroglífica exipcia. Esta institución tivo que traballar moito para rematar coas falsificacións que entraron nos seus almacéns. Un exemplo, dos centos de momias exipcias que lle venderon a sir Hans Sloane, todas eran falsas. The British Museum é unha institución pública que está aberta aos visitantes todos os días e con acceso de balde. Exemplo a seguir.
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Esta é a terceira colaboración conxunta das dúas entidades (British Museum e Fundació La Caixa) dun total de catro que teñen comprometidas (préstamos do museo londiniense á entidade bancaria catalá). O custo das catro exposicións que chegarán ao público de agora a 2020 son dous millóns de euros. Medio millón de euros por exposición; case nada. As exposicións pactadas son Els Pilars d’Europa. L’Edat Mitjana al British Museum, unha amalgama de obxectos sen demasiado sentido, cunha interpretación da Idade Media europea trasnoitada, etnocéntrica, xa exhibida no ano 2017; a de Agon! A Competición na Antiga Grecia, unha boa panorámica da competitividade na Grecia Clásica, e onde se valoraba tanto a competición dos homes como das mulleres (cousa inusual); agora chega Faraó. Rei d’Egipte, e queda por executar unha sobre O Luxo na Antigüidade, título que non augura nada bo. Non se debe preocupar o público barcelonés, e visitantes, pola próxima finalización da colaboración devandita. Na presentación de Faraó. Rei d’Egipte xa se informou que as dúas entidades están a ultimar a firma dun novo convenio; o culebróndos almacéns e rochos do British Museum continuará. En xuño ambas entidades xa firmaron un novo convenio que incluirá cinco novos proxectos de colaboración, que chegará ata 2024. Entre as novas remesas de fondos do British que se poderán ver por estas latitudes hai reincidencias: momias exipcias (Exipto vende moito), hai exotismos: Oceanía, arte das illas (como non!), haberá deusas, o que será toda unha novidade, ou arte norteamericano.
Referindo, outra volta, á mostra actual, Faraó. Rei d’Egipte, poida que as persoas que a visiten rematen coa perspectiva de que acaban de asistir a un paseo pola vida do Exipto antigo, máis ca pola figura faraónica como eixo central dunha exposición. En realidade trátase dunha miscelánea de cousas que van desde tamaños mínimos a pezas megalíticas, como un capitel da deusa Hathor; de pedras graníticas a ouro e prata. Traballar cunha institución tan mastodóntica como o British Museum ten as súas peaxes. O British pacta unha exhibición de obxectos dun período ou dun aspecto específico, e logo resolve “que” pezas interesa pór en circulación. Neste caso, Faraó. Rei d’Egipte,  o que acontece ao transitar polas salas de Caixaforum Barcelona (e que dentro duns meses será o de Madrid, ou Sevilla, ... ) é que non se sabe ben se se está a seguir un fío condutor sobre a figura monárquica e teocrática do faraón, ou se se contempla unha panorámica sobre a vida no val do Nilo hai uns cantos milleiros de anos.
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Eternidade, u-la revolución osiriaca? Mulleres faraonas?
Entón, cando fomos arrestados, Khaemipet, o escriba do distrito, arrimouse a min e dinlle 4 kite de ouro, que me corresponderan no reparto. Pero escoitouno Setejmes, o escriba dos arquivos reais, e ameazounos con estas verbas: Vou informar de todo isto ao sumo sacerdote de Amon. Así que trouxemos 3 kite de oure e démosllos a Setejmes, o escriba dos arquivos reais (Fragmento do papiro nº 10054, British Museum).
Os faraóns pasaban a ser definitivamente deuses á súa morte; reencarnábanse en Osiris, o deus da morte, o deus da agricultura; o deus que foi asasinado e logo resucitou grazas ao amor da súa muller, Isis. Para o seu descanso os reis construían monumentos funerarios tan impresionantes como as mastabas e as pirámides, metáforas da escada que sube ao ceo e permite ao faraón ir a carón de Ra, o deus sol. Na concepción dos monumentos funerarios e mais das cerimonias de momificación e similares que se realizaban arredor dos corpos dos faraóns, houbo tamén un importante cambio ao longo dos séculos. No primeiro Período Intermedio, despois do Imperio Antigo, houbo un cambio substancial respecto dos privilexios dos monarcas. Neste período histórico produciuse arevolución osiríaca, que vén representando o cambio de mentalidade polo que non é suficiente con conservar en perfecto estado o corpo do faraón para a outra vida, e con iso xa se salvan todos os seus súbditos. Non. Agora debe ser momificada toda persoa, acompañada de textos que lle axuden a pasar ao outro mundo con éxito. Un dos textos máis coñecido, e máis atopado nos enterramentos é o Libro dos Mortos, un guía de bondades como xeito de convencer ao tribunal do Ka de que a alma a xulgar fora boa nesta vida. Persoas e animais sagrados; a nómina de ibis, gatos, cans, crocodilos e máis animais momificados é incontable.
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Na práctica a revolución osiríaca provocou, tamén, que os monumentos funerarios dos faraóns fosen menos pretensiosos e ostentosos. Quizais a iso tamén axudaron os roubos de tumbas que desde ben antigo xa se producían en Exipto. Ao comezo deste apartado cítase un anaco dun texto que fala dos ladróns de tumbas (incontables), pero tamén da corrupción xeneralizada que, xa daquela, ilustraba toda a administración faraónica. A partir do imperio Medio os enterramentos de faraóns e principais autoridades fanse de xeito discreto, no que se deu en chaman hipoxeos, tumbas baixo terra, disimuladas, como as que había intactas (hoxe violadas reiteradamente) no Val das Raíñas e no Val dos Reis, na ribeira occidental do Nilo, fronte a Tebas. O Nilo, que viaxa de Sur a Norte, dividía a vida dos exipcios: na ribeira oriental --a vida-- establecíanse os templos, os pazos, as grandes cidades; ao oeste, a morte, as necrópoles.
Un dos acertos da mostra Faraó. Rei d’Egipte é facer mención, aínda que non sexa excesivamente, ao feito de que tamén houbo mulleres que exerceron todas as funcións do cargo de faraón. Que houbo faraonas. Un dos casos máis claros, por máis coñecido, é o de Hatshepsut. Sábese que non foi a primeira muller en gobernar Exipto, pero tamén se coñece que esta muller reivindicou a súa condición de “faraón”, e non simplemente de persoa quer provisionalmente ocupa o cargo. Hatshepsut era filla de Tutmosis I, e a muller principal de Tutmosis II, do que enviuvou axiña. Mentres o seu fillastro Tutmosis III foi neno, Hatshepsut asumiu a rexencia, e pouco a pouco foi ocupando todos cos rangos que lle correspondían como “faraón” da dinastía XVIII (circa 1500 a. n. e.). Deste xeito, as súas estatuas mostran fasquías masculinas e a barba postiza que levaban todos os faraóns. Cando deixou de ser faraona, o nome de Hatshepsut foi borrado e esquecido. Curiosa coincidencia co destino das mulleres noutros tempos, noutras latitudes. Outras mulleres da corte real ocuparon cargos de responsabilidade importantes, sen chegar ao título de faraón. A raíña Tiye, muller de Amenhotep III, mantivo correspondencia diplomática con monarcas estranxeiros.
Lito Caramés
EXPOSICIÓN:Faraó. Rei d’Egipte
Caixaforum Barcelona
ata o 16 de setembro de 2018
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12endigital · 7 years
“En un día como hoy, como alcalde de la tercera ciudad de la Comunidad, debo sumar nuestra voz a la del president de la Generalitat, Ximo Puig, reclamando una financiación justa para la Comunidad Valenciana. Urge alcanzar un gran acuerdo político que reforme el sistema de financiación”, señaló esta mañana el alcalde de Elche, Carlos González, durante su discurso en el Gran Teatro con motivo de la celebración del 9 de Octubre.
Carlos González dice en su discurso en el Gran Teatro con motivo del 9 de Octubre que “es fundamental que se resuelva la infrafinanciación” y exige “compensación por la carencia de inversión autonómica”
“Nuestra Comunidad necesita que el Estado ejecute un nivel de inversión anual en infraestructuras equiparable, al menos, al peso poblacional de nuestra Comunidad. Sumamos nuestra voz exigiendo más inversión del Estado para la Comunidad pero también para Elche”, añadió González.
“Pero debo ser también exigente con la Generalitat. Es cierto que el Govern del Botánic ha tomado en serio Elche y sus necesidades desde el primer momento, pero no es menos cierto que esta ciudad ha padecido una falta de inversión autonómica durante dos largas décadas. Elche necesita ser compensada por esa carencia de inversión autonómica. Por ello, es necesario que la Generalitat entieda y asuma el compromiso de reparar y compensar el déficit inversor que esta ciudad ha padecido, algo que en un día tan simbólico como hoy debo reclamar con firmeza”, matizó Carlos González.
El regidor anuncia la congelación de la presión fiscal municipal por tercer año consecutivo y la bajada de los impuestos de vehículos y construcción
La deportista paralímpica Desirée Segarra, la Asociación de Teatro Escolar y la Asociación de Personas Sordas de Elche reciben las distinciones en el Día de la Comunidad
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Diálogo en Cataluña
Después de saludar a los asistentes y felicitar a las personas y asociaciones distinguidas con motivo de la celebración del 9 de Octubre, “una fiesta cívica”, Carlos González hizo referencia al tema de actualidad por excelencia durante los últimos días, la crisis institucional y territorial que vive el país por los acontecimientos que se suceden en Cataluña. “Una crisis qwue ha fracturado la convivencia, que ha generado escenas y momentos muy dolorosos para un país que ama la paz, el pluralismo y la libertad”, señaló el regidor ilicitano.
“Ante esta situación debemos expresar el respaldo a las instituciones democráticas. Solo con el diálogo será posible la vuelta a la normalidad institucional. Es necesario abandonar la calle y las banderas y abrir un espacio para la conversación democrática y para la política, que evite que la brecha se haga más profunda”, expresó Carlos González.
Aumento de los salarios
El alcalde agradeció también “el trabajo de los principales actores socioeconómicos” porque “con su esfuerzo, determinación y talento forja n una ciudad moderna, próspera y solidaria”.
En un repaso a la situación económica del municipio, González indicó que “de forma paulatina los indicadores económicos van retornando a la senda de la normalidad” con el crecimiento de la inversión privada, la afiliación a la Seguridad Social y la recaudación de impuestos ligada a la evolución de la economía.
El alcalde destacó que “aumenta la renta media de los hogares y el empleo experimenta una recuperación continuada desde 2015” pero reclamó un aumento de los salarios “para que las familias recuperen capacidad económica y la salida de la crisis sea una realidad”.
Carlos González subrayó que “es indudable que el pulso de la ciudad ha cambiado” pero, al mismo tiempo, reconoció que “queda mucho por hacer”. Y en ese sentido señaló que “tenemos que seguir manteniendo el esfuerzo inversor en una política social municipal que ayude a afrontar las profundas desigualdades que ha dejado la crisis y, como prioridad, seguir impulsando iniciativas y proyectos que contribuyan a la reactivación económica y a la creación de empleo”.
El alcalde ilicitano hizo mención a la moderación fiscal en el municipio y al pleno extraordinario que se celebrará mañana para abordar las ordenanzas fiscales. “Por tercer año consecutivo las familias y las empresas verán congelada la presión fiscal municipal con la rebaja, incluso, de los impuestos de vehículos y de construcción”.
Proyectos que verán la luz
Carlos González indicó que considera “determinante para el crecimiento y el empleo el impulso de iniciativas estratégicas para la ciudad” y señaló que en los próximos meses verán la luz proyectos como el AVE entre Elche y Madrid; la ampliación del Parque Empresarial; la duplicación de los accesos al aeropuerto; el Campus Tecnológico; la implementación de la estrategia DUSI, que supondrá la inversión de 30 millones de euros en el municipio; la candidatura a “Ciudad de la Ciencia y la Innovación” o el trabajo para que Elche pueda ser declarada Ciudad Verde Europea en 2030.
Son proyectos, subrayó el alcalde, que “junto con la tarea de modernización de lso servicios públicos municipales (transporte, seguridad, limpieza, educación, deportes, cultura…) están encaminados a mejorar la calidad de vida en la ciudad y en los barrios y pedanías y a crear las condiciones para favorecer el crecimiento económico y el empleo”.
El alcalde ilicitano concluyó su intervención señalando que “me siento profundamente orgulloso de ser el alcalde de una ciudad donde sus gentes son ciudadanos con tesón, determinación y talento, que se esfuerzan cada día para conseguir juntos un futuro de progreso, prosperidad y bienestar”.
La celebración en el Gran Teatro contó con la presencia de casi todos los miembros de la Corporación Municipal y de representantes de numerosas entidades de la ciudad, así como ciudadanos que acudieron de forma particular.
El acto fue conducido por el periodista Javier Muñoz y la encargada de glosar a las personas y entidades distinguidas fue la concejala de Relaciones Institucionales Mireia Mollà quien realizó una breve y muy aplaudida intervención con el lenguaje de los signos.
La galardonada con el Ram d’Or ha sido la deportista paralímpica Desirée Segarra, quien acudió con su entrenador, Juan Ayala. El premio fue entregado por el alcalde, Carlos González. Desirée participó en los Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro en la especialidad de Boccia, “juego de lanzamiento de bolas que necesita de una gran precisión y estrategia”, como destacó Mireia Mollà. “Su extraordinario trabajo durante los últimos años ha significado una promoción y una visualización muy imporante del deporte para personas con discapacidad y una gran aportación para la construcción de una sociedad más accesible e igualitaria”, indicó la concejala.
La Medalla del Plata del Bimi.lenari fue entrega por los concejales Jesús Pareja y Antonio García, respectivamente, a la Asociación de Teatro Escolar ATE y a la Asociación de Personas Sordas de Elche APESOELX. Mireia Mollá destacó los valores del proyecto didáctico de la Asociación de Teatro y sobre la Asociación de Sordos señaló que “su compromiso con la sociedad se materializa en orientación, asesoramiento e información sobre recursos existentes con el objetivo de mejorar su calidad de vida”.
Los galardonados agradecieron las distinciones entre numerosos aplausos del público asistente. Lo mismo hicieron previamente Joan Adell Álvarez, premi de Navarrativa Antoni Bru, y Josep Manel Vidal i Juan, premi de Poesía Festa d’Elx, quienes recibieron sendas distinciones por parte del alcalde y de la concejala de Cultura, Patricia Maciá.
El acto empezó con la interpretación del himno de Elche y concluyó con el himno de la Comunidad.
Ofrenda en Jaume I
Una hora antes del inicio del acto institucional en el Gran Teatro, en el parque Jaume I, junto con representantes de El Tempir, Institut d’Estudis Comarcals del Baix Vinalopó y Casal Jaume I d’Elx, se dieron cita los concejales de Cultura, Patricia Maciá; Mantenimiento, Héctor Díaz; Comunicación, Esther Díez; y Participación, Felip Sánchez, para realizar una ofrenda floral junto a la estatua de Jaume I, en un acto de reivindicación del suo de la lengua valenciana.
El alcalde de Elche reclama más financiación a Valencia y a Madrid DISCURSO DEL ALCALDE DE ELCHE EN EL DÍA DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA: “En un día como hoy, como alcalde de la tercera ciudad de la Comunidad, debo sumar nuestra voz a la del president de la Generalitat, Ximo Puig, reclamando una financiación justa para la Comunidad Valenciana.
0 notes
fox1317-blog · 7 years
o nome da minha ansiedade é sonho/pesadelo #4
Desde de muito criança tenho sonhos muito reais, muito reais porém eu tenho consciencia de que estou sonhando, sonhos normais e pesadelos muito reais. Noite passada tive um "muito real sabendo que estou sonhando". Não lembro o início, mas lembro de estar trabalhando em uma festa e conhecer uma garota que também trabalhava lá, aos poucos fizemos amizade. Não lembro de alguns detalhes, mas combinamos que iriamos curtir o resto da festa. Depois fui mudar o carro de estacionamento e meu carro quebrou, quando finalmente deu tudo certo a festa tinha acabado. Kkkkk Eu iria deixa-la na casa dela, mas por algum motivo fui ela me convidou pra conhecer a família dela e passar algums dias "analisando". Ela morava com os pais e 2 irmãos. Os pais eles eram bem ausentes emocionalmente. Um dos meninos era muito doce, simpático e extrovertido, sempre rodeado de amigos. Os mais novinho era bem diferente, ele era muito fofo, ruivinho e tinha cancer. O tempo todo o ruivinho sentia que era um fardo, sempre repetia que não era tão amado quanto os outros irmãos. Antes de ir embora, os pais me perguntaram o que eu achava esperando que minha resposta fosse polida. Respondi na lata "vocês rejeitam ele emocionalmente". Os pais eram incrivelmente bonitos, a mãe reclamava o quanto o menino tinha a aparencia fragil e quanto queria q fosse mais parecido com o pai, atletico, forte, com o sorriso largo, tipico macho alfa. Eles diziam "tenho que fazer só pq ele é doente", enquanto eu pensava "vcs deveriam fazer isso pq ele é incrivelmente especial e ele já tem total ciencia do pensamento de vcs".
0 notes
topfygad · 4 years
Cheap City Breaks Best Affordable European Destinations 2020
Do you want to travel to Europe? Are you under a small budget? The Gods of travel took care of that already. There are plenty of cheap city breaks in Europe in different affordable European destinations you can choose from.
Don’t break the bank but get the very best in spectacular views, nightlife, history, sightseeing, great beaches, people, alternative activities like a yoga retreat in Europe, or some of the best destinations for Christmas.
Read this for the top 10 safest countries in the world today, and this one for cheap travel destinations in Europe.
Are you are a student who wants to travel? Then this post is for you.
Affordable European Destinations 2020
Cheap European Breaks in Prague, Czech Republic
Porto, Affordable City in Portugal
Cheap City Breaks in Athens, Greece
City Trip to Valencia, Spain
Affordable City Break in Budapest, Hungary
Affordable City Break in Lisbon, Portugal
Istanbul, Turkey, Affordable European Destination
Cheap City Escape in Brussels, Belgium
Cheap City Break in Florence, Italy
Best City Break in Madrid, Spain
Best Cheap Trip to St. Petersburg, Russia
Cheap European Vacations in Rome, Italy
Cheap City Break in Corfu, Greece
Berlin, Germany Cheap Holiday Destination
Seville, Spain Cheap European City
Munich, Germany Cheap Holidays in Europe
Summary of Affordable European Destinations
Affordable European Destinations 2020
There is a secret list of affordable European destinations that frequent travelers know.
Countries and cities included in this list are considered a pivot point for your travel experience. Traveling through these cities gets you acquainted with the essence of Old Europe and its history.
We are here to share these secrets for the best cheap city breaks with you.
Cheap European Breaks in Prague, Czech Republic
Right in the heart of Europe, this spectacular city hides lots of secrets, even a medieval astronomical clock that seems to come from a fiction novel. Read a fascinating post for three days in Prague Itinerary.
What are the best things to do in Prague?
Old Town Square (Staromestské námestí)
Charles Bridge (Karluv most)
Prague Castle
St. Vitus Cathedral (Chrám svatého Víta)
Jewish Quarter (Josefov)
Dancing House
Prague Astronomical Clock
National Theatre (Národní Divadlo)
St. Nicholas Church (Chrám svatého Mikuláse)
When to go to Prague?
To avoid large crowds, better go to Prague in spring and early fall (March-May) when the weather is mild. Avoid the holiday seasons (Christmas, Easter).
During May there is a range of important events taking place too: the Prague Marathon, Czech Beer Festival, Prague Food Festival, Prague International Music Festival.
Prague is fantastic among all European Destinations.
Check accommodation and guided tours/tickets/passes options for Prague.
Porto, Affordable City in Portugal
A stunning coastal city with great architecture, history, food, and museums (museums are free to enter on Sundays). The city hosts the UNESCO World Heritage Ribeira District.
What are the best things to do in Porto?
Dom Luís I Bridge
Sé do Porto (Porto Cathedral)
Jardins do Palácio de Cristal (Crystal Palace Gardens)
Avenida dos Aliados (Avenue of the Allies)
Estação de São Bento (São Bento Railway Station)
Mercado do Bolhão (Bolhão Market)
Porto’s fantastic beaches
Livraria Lello & Irmão (Lello Bookstore)
Igreja de São Francisco (Church of Saint Francis)
Port Wine Tastings & Tours
Palácio da Bolsa (Stock Exchange Palace)
Fundação de Serralves (Serralves Foundation Complex)
Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis (National Museum Soares dos Reis)
Dragão Stadium
When to go to Porto?
From May to September the weather is warm and sunny. Some significant events happening during that time are Optimus Primavera Sound, Serralves em Festa, Festa de São João, Regata dos Rabelos, Festival Mares Vivas.
Porto is one of the best summer European destinations.
Read our post for Porto.
Here are your options for hotels and guided tours/tickets/passes.
Cheap City Breaks in Athens, Greece
There are plenty of things to do in Athens, despite Parthenon and Acropolis. Many prefer this city for two days itinerary but when you read posts like this one, this and this (all Athens section) you will understand that it is for much more.
Due to its geographical location and weather conditions, it is ideal for 10 out of 12 months.
What are the best things to do in Athens?
In short? Read this long post for Athens and things to do if you want more inspiration this post for 40 things to do in Greece and 14-day trips from Athens. You will thank us.
All parks in Athens are free to enter and churches too. Free admission museums are:
The Museum of the History of Greek Costume
The Philatelic and Postal Museum
Railway Museum of Athens
Theatrical Museum of Greece
Natural History Museum of Maroussi
Athens University History Museum
Museum of Greek Folk Instruments
Centre of Folk Art and Tradition
Hellenic Children’s Museum
Free admission holidays
6th of March – Memory of Melina Mercouri
18th of April – International Monument Day
18th of May International Museum Day
5th of June World Environment Day
European Days of Cultural Heritage (The last weekend of September)
27th of September – International Tourism Day
When for Athens?
It’s in Greece! If you avoid December and January, then all other months are fantastic to go to Athens. Even in wintertime, there are ski resorts in less than 2 hours distance from Athens (two in Peloponnese and one in Parnassos mountain). There are options for hiking, all museums are open, and food remains excellent all year long.
Check here for accommodation and available guided tours.
Athens is one of the most fabulous European destinations, as it is a pivot point for the Greek islands.
City Trip to Valencia, Spain
Affordable and easy to reach with a high-speed train from Barcelona or Madrid. A coastal city, vibrant with history and museums. It is famous for its oranges too, so taste some while there.
What are the best things to do in Valencia?
Central Market (Mercado Central)
Plaza Ayuntamiento
Cathedral (Seu)
Fine Art Museum of Valencia (Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia)
Instituto Valencia d’Arte Modern (IVAM)
Albufera Nature Park (Parque Natural de la Albufera)
La Lonja de la Seda
Valencia Beaches
Bioparc Valencia
City of the Arts and Sciences (Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias)
When it is great to go to Valencia?
April to May is best, though there are plenty of visiting in the wintertime. Keep in mind that museums operate under short ours in the winter. Critical events in that period are The Superbike World Championship, Fiesta de San Vicente Ferrer, Holy Week, Festival of Our Lady of the Forsaken.
Check staying prices and guided tours/tickets/passes options for Valencia.
Affordable City Break in Budapest, Hungary
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An aspect of the castle from afar
The city is famous for its food and its baroque, neoclassical and art nouveau architecture. Budapest dates back to the Stone Age and comes with great food options!
What are the best things to do in Budapest?
Fisherman’s Bastion (Halászbástya)
Danube River
Castle Hill (Várhegy)
Széchenyi Chain Bridge (Széchenyi Lánchíd)
Heroes’ Square (Hosök Tere)
St. Stephen’s Basilica (Svent István Bazilika)
Buda Castle (Budai vár)
Matthias Church (Mátyás-Templom)
Dohány Street Synagogue (Dohány Utcai Zsinagóga)
Gellért Hill (Gellért-Hegy)
Hungarian State Opera House (Magyar Állami Operaház)
Hungarian Parliament (Országház)
House of Terror Museum (Terror Háza Múzeum)
Hospital in the Rock Nuclear Bunker Museum (Sziklakórház Atombunker Múzeum)
Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden
Legenda Sightseeing Boats
Thermal Baths
When is it fantastic to be in Budapest?
March to May and September to November is best. That is if you want to avoid huge crowds of tourists (in summertime). The weather is generally mild. Special events happening during these months are:
March to May: Budapest Dance Festival, Macaron Day, Budapest Spring Festival, Budapest100, Rosalia Festival, OTP Bank Gourmet Festival, Budapest Beer Week.
September to November: Jewish Cultural Festival, Budapest Wine Festival, Sweet Days Chocolate, and Candy Festival, Oktoberfest Budapest, Design Week Budapest, Budapest Christmas Markets.
Here is Budapest accommodation options & tours.
Affordable City Break in Lisbon, Portugal
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Belem Tower
The city offers at a fraction of the cost whatever you expect to find in a European city. This is another city that emits mystery from Old-World, despite the growth of the modern building. Read this insider’s guide for things to do in Lisbon.
What are the best things to do in Lisbon?
Torre de Belem and Monument to the Discoveries
Feira da Ladra
Santa Justa Elevator (Elevador de Santa Justa)
St. George’s Castle (Castelo de Sao Jorge)
National Tile Museum (Museu Nacional do Azulejo)
Gulbenkian Museum (Museu Calouste Gulbenkian)
Monastery of St Jerome
Oceanarium (Oceanario de Lisboa)
Taste of Lisboa Food Tours
Lisbon By Boat
Tram 28
When is it best to visit Lisbon?
March to May and September to October is ideal, not excluding other months, too, of course. From March to early June, these events take place: Lisbon Half Marathon, Lisbon Fish & Flavours, Music Days in Belem, IndieLisboa, Festival de Sintra, Out Jazz Festival. On the other hand, the MOTEL X – Lisbon International Film Festival happens in September, while the Out Jazz Festival continues too (May to September).
Read our posts for Lisbon and Lisbon food, Cascais, Sintra, Fatima. There are plenty of day trips from Lisbon to consider.
Book your accommodation early and allow time for guided tours.
Lisbon and the nearby cities make it another great spot among all European destinations.
Istanbul, Turkey, Affordable European Destination
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A jewel of the Orient. A city of thousands of secrets and legends, with different locations that drive your mind to thousands of mystical stories.
Herbs & spices, Bosporus, belly dancing, fantastic architecture, and all kinds of landmarks. Istanbul will fill your days with many things while acting as a pivot point for many nearby cities.
It is famous for Agia Sophia and the Blue Mosque, but that is just a fraction of the things to see and do. Read the post from our trip there. For what to eat in Istanbul, read this.
What are the best things to do in Istanbul?
Blue Mosque (Sultanahmet Camii)
Grand Bazaar (Kapaliçarsi)
Süleymaniye Mosque (Süleymaniye Camii)
Taksim Square
Hagia Sophia Museum (Ayasofya Müzesi)
Istanbul Archaeological Museums (Istanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri)
Topkapi Palace Museum (Topkapi Sarayi Müzesi)
Istanbul Modern Art Museum
Chora Museum (Kariye Müzesi)
Basilica Cistern (Yerebatan Sarnici)
Dolmanbahçe Palace
Galata Tower (Galata Kulesi)
When it is amazing to visit Istanbul?
Best go there from September to November and from March to May. In the first period, you will have the opportunity to attend these too: Contemporary Istanbul, Istanbul International Puppet Festival, Akbank Jazz Festival, Istanbul Theatre Festival.
In the March to May period, these things happen at the Istanbul Film Festival, Istanbul Music Festival.
For hotels in Istanbul, check these options as well as for guided tours.
Cheap City Escape in Brussels, Belgium
If you crave for some delicious chocolate, then you can visit Brussels even for one day. Take the train from Paris or Amsterdam and savor all these from kiosks you will find in all streets.
Restaurants will be pricey, so no need to pay more for chocolate than needed. There are lots of museums and don’t forget that this is a multicultural & multilingual country.
People here speak Dutch, French & English, of course.
What are the best things to do in Brussels?
Manneken Pis
St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral
Royal Museum of the Army and Military History
Palais de Justice
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium
Musical Instruments Museum
Horta Museum
Belgian Comic Strip Center
Cantillon Brewery
When is it nice to be in Brussels?
March to May and September to October is best. In the first case, because it is Springtime while in the second case, prices drop significantly, while the weather stays mild enough.
Check Brussels accommodation prices. Here are the tour options.
Cheap City Break in Florence, Italy
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Have we been to Florence, Italy? Yes, twice. The first one was as part of a road trip that involved crossing Europe to the UK driving at the North.
The second one was as part of another road trip getting from the UK to Greece from the South part fo Europe!!! Read this excellent post for Florence (Firenze).
We have traveled to many cities in Italy (including Sicily island). Read the post for things to do in Sicily.
What are the best things to do in Florence?
Piazzale Michelangelo
Ponte Vecchio
Piazza della Signoria
Duomo (Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore)
Uffizi Gallery (Galleria degli Uffizi)
Baptistry (Battistero)
Galleria dell’Accademia
Palazzo Pitti
Basilica di Santa Croce
Giotto’s Bell Tower (Campanile di Giotto)
Boboli Gardens (Giardino di Boboli)
When it is most nice to visit Florence?
Preferably from May to September. Lots of sunshine, but you need to search thoroughly for accommodation as in touristy places prices get high.
There is no need to stay in, such though as the city is easy to walk. You can quickly get into the historical center with public transportation.
Either way, you will walk all the historical center to see the things mentioned above.
Check this for staying in Florence and all the tickets & passes options.
Florence is one of the best cultural European destinations, that is seen in video games.
Best City Break in Madrid, Spain
There are so many plaza’s (Madrid is Spain’s largest city) that are free to the public. You can spend days just visiting each other.
However, Madrid is far more than that. Read our post for things to do in Madrid and check the list below too.
What are the best things to do in Madrid?
Plaza Mayor
Gateway of the Sun (Puerta del Sol)
Plaza de Cibeles
El Rastro Market
Temple of Debod
Retiro Park (Parque del Retiro)
Royal Palace of Madrid (Palacio Real)
Prado Museum (Museo Nacional del Prado)
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Mercado San Miguel
Sorolla Museum
Bernabéu Stadium
Queen Sofia Arts Center
When is it excellent to visit Madrid?
The March to May and September to November rule holds for Madrid too. The weather temperature is the main reason for this. Summer in Madrid is scorching due to the city’s geographical location. In Autumn, you can attend the Autumn Festival.
Here are the Madrid lodging prices & tours.
Best Cheap Trip to St. Petersburg, Russia
Russia is a destination where you will get reasonable prices if you book early. Most people will visit Moscow, St. Petersburg, or both on a trip.
Moscow is great for New Year’s Eve, too, while St. Petersburg offers an entirely different experience.
What are the best things to do in St. Petersburg?
Hermitage Museum and the Winter Palace
Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood
Grand Market Russia Interactive Museum
St. Isaac’s Cathedral
Summer Garden
Peterhof Palace & Garden
Russian Museum
Yusupov Palace
The Naval Cathedral of Saint Nicholas in Kronstadt
Chapel of St. Xenia of St. Petersburg
Yelagin Island
When is it great to visit St. Petersburg?
Avoid winter. Better to visit from June to September. Hot events taking place are White Nights, International Festival of Choral Art, International Early Music Festival.
Winter is cheaper, but lots of activities are not happening, and cold in Russia is rather extreme.
Check the best accommodation options and guided tours/ticket/passes options for St. Petersburg.
Cheap European Vacations in Rome, Italy
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The famous Vatican stairs: Bramante Staircase
The city of Rome is a living, walk-through museum. It is an unbelievable destination suitable for all seasons (not so good when rains fall but still beautiful).
We have been multiple times in Rome with kids or not. It is suitable for going without kids too. Prepare for lots of walking as a car is useless in the vast historical center which covers most of the city of Rome.
What are the best things to do in Rome?
Trevi Fountain (Fontana di Trevi)
Church of San Luigi Dei Francesi
Santa Maria Della Vittoria
Ancient Appian Way
Basilica di San Clemente
Piazza Navona
Gianicolo Hill
Campo de’ Fiori
Porta Portese
Spanish Steps
Musei Capitolini
St. Peter’s Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro)
Colosseum (Colosseo)
Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel
Roman Forum (Foro Romano)
Palatine Hill
Galleria Borghese
Gruppo Storico Romano Gladiator School
When is it wonderful to visit Rome?
Prices are lower from October to April. The weather is hot in summer, but Rome has free water fountains all over the city, and you will be amazed by the colors of the city with summer light.
You can find lots of affordable accommodations outside of the historical center, but it will still be close to it, so no worries. Better to go there with the sun than rain.
The cold will not be an issue with all the walking (if you plan for winter). Food is affordable if you avoid tourist restaurants.
Check here for where to stay in Rome and all tours with a guide and skip the line tickets.
Cheap City Break in Corfu, Greece
Corfu is a contradictory island, suitable for many different tastes. One of its sides/coasts has lots of beaches while the other one is rocky.
The best beaches will be revealed by the locals when they like you, so make sure they do. This post will be somewhat informative for you.
The islands hold the essence from the Venetian history, and you will notice that in the architecture of its capital.
What are the best things to do in Corfu?
All the beaches
Paleokastritsa Monastery (and beach)
Corfu Donkey Rescue
Church of Saint Spyridon
Corfu Museum of Asian Art
Achillion Palace & Museum
Palaio Frourio (Old Fortress)
Aqualand (lots of fun)
When is it superb to visit Corfu?
Summertime is the best season. In case you want to hit the lowest prices ever then visit Corfu from April to May and September to November.
Corfu is in the West part of Greece, and you can encounter lots of rain during those times. In case you can be there in Orthodox Easter time, you will see lots of local customs happening.
Here is where to stay in Corfu and guided tours.
Berlin, Germany Cheap Holiday Destination
Berlin is a somewhat controversial city with extreme nightlife. If you are after nightlife, then it won’t be very cheap. Many other things come at really affordable prices.
Here is a post with ideas for three days in Berlin and another one for five days in Germany.
What are the best things to do in Berlin?
Brandenburg Gate
Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
Potsdamer Platz
The topography of Terror
East Side (Wall) Gallery
Museum Island
Zoologischer Garten Berlin
Checkpoint Charlie
TV Tower
Charlottenburg Palace
When is it thrilling to visit Berlin?
From May to September, you can additionally attend these events: Formula E ePrix Championship, Carnival of Cultures, Fete de la Musique, Berlin Fashion Week, Lesbian and Gay City Festival, International Berlin Beer Festival, Berlin Marathon.
Berlin is at the center of Germany but also in the North of Europe so that any other months will be rather cold.
Find here the Berlin lodging options & tickets for excellent tours and landmarks.
Seville, Spain Cheap European City
With hotels moving around the USD100 per night, this city is affordable too. There are hostels and such if you want to lower the accommodation fees.
There are lots of parks, promenade locations, museums, bull-fights, and tasty food. See more great places to visit in Spain.
What are the best things to do in Seville?
La Carbonerí
Guadalquivir River Cruise
Metropol Parasol
Museum of Fine Arts
Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza
Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán Stadium
Torre del Oro
Isla Mágica
When it is great to visit Seville?
Better to visit from March to May due to mild temperatures. The famous events of Semana Santa and Feria de Abril, happen in these months.
Where to stay in Seville? Check here. What do in Seville? Click here.
Munich, Germany Cheap Holidays in Europe
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Munich maybe not the first destination that comes in your mind when you plan to visit Europe, but it is a great one.
You can read our experiences in Munich from here, here and here. By the way, beers and food are fantastic.
What are the best things to do in Munich?
English Garden
Church of Our Lady
Nymphenburg Palace Gardens
Biergarten am Chinesischen Turm
St. Michael’s Church
St. Peter’s Church
Deutsches Museum
Residenz Royal Palace
Old Picture Gallery
Bayerische Staatsoper Opera House
Nymphenburg Palace Museum
Modern Picture Gallery
When is it amazing to visit Munich?
March to May is best, though the weather may get a bit chilly. Things are happening in the summertime, but there are lots of crowds too.
Check for accommodation in Munich and all the tours & passes
Summary of Affordable European Destinations
As you see, there are lots and lots of places to visit. This list will expand more in the following days, so make sure you subscribe to it!
Traveling is fun, and budget or/and affordable traveling is preferred by many.
Have fun!
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/3evzYQA via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
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topfygad · 4 years
Cheap City Breaks Best Affordable European Destinations 2020
Do you want to travel to Europe? Are you under a small budget? The Gods of travel took care of that already. There are plenty of cheap city breaks in Europe in different affordable European destinations you can choose from.
Don’t break the bank but get the very best in spectacular views, nightlife, history, sightseeing, great beaches, people, alternative activities like a yoga retreat in Europe, or some of the best destinations for Christmas.
Read this for the top 10 safest countries in the world today, and this one for cheap travel destinations in Europe.
Are you are a student who wants to travel? Then this post is for you.
Affordable European Destinations 2020
Cheap European Breaks in Prague, Czech Republic
Porto, Affordable City in Portugal
Cheap City Breaks in Athens, Greece
City Trip to Valencia, Spain
Affordable City Break in Budapest, Hungary
Affordable City Break in Lisbon, Portugal
Istanbul, Turkey, Affordable European Destination
Cheap City Escape in Brussels, Belgium
Cheap City Break in Florence, Italy
Best City Break in Madrid, Spain
Best Cheap Trip to St. Petersburg, Russia
Cheap European Vacations in Rome, Italy
Cheap City Break in Corfu, Greece
Berlin, Germany Cheap Holiday Destination
Seville, Spain Cheap European City
Munich, Germany Cheap Holidays in Europe
Summary of Affordable European Destinations
Affordable European Destinations 2020
There is a secret list of affordable European destinations that frequent travelers know.
Countries and cities included in this list are considered a pivot point for your travel experience. Traveling through these cities gets you acquainted with the essence of Old Europe and its history.
We are here to share these secrets for the best cheap city breaks with you.
Cheap European Breaks in Prague, Czech Republic
Right in the heart of Europe, this spectacular city hides lots of secrets, even a medieval astronomical clock that seems to come from a fiction novel. Read a fascinating post for three days in Prague Itinerary.
What are the best things to do in Prague?
Old Town Square (Staromestské námestí)
Charles Bridge (Karluv most)
Prague Castle
St. Vitus Cathedral (Chrám svatého Víta)
Jewish Quarter (Josefov)
Dancing House
Prague Astronomical Clock
National Theatre (Národní Divadlo)
St. Nicholas Church (Chrám svatého Mikuláse)
When to go to Prague?
To avoid large crowds, better go to Prague in spring and early fall (March-May) when the weather is mild. Avoid the holiday seasons (Christmas, Easter).
During May there is a range of important events taking place too: the Prague Marathon, Czech Beer Festival, Prague Food Festival, Prague International Music Festival.
Prague is fantastic among all European Destinations.
Check accommodation and guided tours/tickets/passes options for Prague.
Porto, Affordable City in Portugal
A stunning coastal city with great architecture, history, food, and museums (museums are free to enter on Sundays). The city hosts the UNESCO World Heritage Ribeira District.
What are the best things to do in Porto?
Dom Luís I Bridge
Sé do Porto (Porto Cathedral)
Jardins do Palácio de Cristal (Crystal Palace Gardens)
Avenida dos Aliados (Avenue of the Allies)
Estação de São Bento (São Bento Railway Station)
Mercado do Bolhão (Bolhão Market)
Porto’s fantastic beaches
Livraria Lello & Irmão (Lello Bookstore)
Igreja de São Francisco (Church of Saint Francis)
Port Wine Tastings & Tours
Palácio da Bolsa (Stock Exchange Palace)
Fundação de Serralves (Serralves Foundation Complex)
Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis (National Museum Soares dos Reis)
Dragão Stadium
When to go to Porto?
From May to September the weather is warm and sunny. Some significant events happening during that time are Optimus Primavera Sound, Serralves em Festa, Festa de São João, Regata dos Rabelos, Festival Mares Vivas.
Porto is one of the best summer European destinations.
Read our post for Porto.
Here are your options for hotels and guided tours/tickets/passes.
Cheap City Breaks in Athens, Greece
There are plenty of things to do in Athens, despite Parthenon and Acropolis. Many prefer this city for two days itinerary but when you read posts like this one, this and this (all Athens section) you will understand that it is for much more.
Due to its geographical location and weather conditions, it is ideal for 10 out of 12 months.
What are the best things to do in Athens?
In short? Read this long post for Athens and things to do if you want more inspiration this post for 40 things to do in Greece and 14-day trips from Athens. You will thank us.
All parks in Athens are free to enter and churches too. Free admission museums are:
The Museum of the History of Greek Costume
The Philatelic and Postal Museum
Railway Museum of Athens
Theatrical Museum of Greece
Natural History Museum of Maroussi
Athens University History Museum
Museum of Greek Folk Instruments
Centre of Folk Art and Tradition
Hellenic Children’s Museum
Free admission holidays
6th of March – Memory of Melina Mercouri
18th of April – International Monument Day
18th of May International Museum Day
5th of June World Environment Day
European Days of Cultural Heritage (The last weekend of September)
27th of September – International Tourism Day
When for Athens?
It’s in Greece! If you avoid December and January, then all other months are fantastic to go to Athens. Even in wintertime, there are ski resorts in less than 2 hours distance from Athens (two in Peloponnese and one in Parnassos mountain). There are options for hiking, all museums are open, and food remains excellent all year long.
Check here for accommodation and available guided tours.
Athens is one of the most fabulous European destinations, as it is a pivot point for the Greek islands.
City Trip to Valencia, Spain
Affordable and easy to reach with a high-speed train from Barcelona or Madrid. A coastal city, vibrant with history and museums. It is famous for its oranges too, so taste some while there.
What are the best things to do in Valencia?
Central Market (Mercado Central)
Plaza Ayuntamiento
Cathedral (Seu)
Fine Art Museum of Valencia (Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia)
Instituto Valencia d’Arte Modern (IVAM)
Albufera Nature Park (Parque Natural de la Albufera)
La Lonja de la Seda
Valencia Beaches
Bioparc Valencia
City of the Arts and Sciences (Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias)
When it is great to go to Valencia?
April to May is best, though there are plenty of visiting in the wintertime. Keep in mind that museums operate under short ours in the winter. Critical events in that period are The Superbike World Championship, Fiesta de San Vicente Ferrer, Holy Week, Festival of Our Lady of the Forsaken.
Check staying prices and guided tours/tickets/passes options for Valencia.
Affordable City Break in Budapest, Hungary
An aspect of the castle from afar
The city is famous for its food and its baroque, neoclassical and art nouveau architecture. Budapest dates back to the Stone Age and comes with great food options!
What are the best things to do in Budapest?
Fisherman’s Bastion (Halászbástya)
Danube River
Castle Hill (Várhegy)
Széchenyi Chain Bridge (Széchenyi Lánchíd)
Heroes’ Square (Hosök Tere)
St. Stephen’s Basilica (Svent István Bazilika)
Buda Castle (Budai vár)
Matthias Church (Mátyás-Templom)
Dohány Street Synagogue (Dohány Utcai Zsinagóga)
Gellért Hill (Gellért-Hegy)
Hungarian State Opera House (Magyar Állami Operaház)
Hungarian Parliament (Országház)
House of Terror Museum (Terror Háza Múzeum)
Hospital in the Rock Nuclear Bunker Museum (Sziklakórház Atombunker Múzeum)
Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden
Legenda Sightseeing Boats
Thermal Baths
When is it fantastic to be in Budapest?
March to May and September to November is best. That is if you want to avoid huge crowds of tourists (in summertime). The weather is generally mild. Special events happening during these months are:
March to May: Budapest Dance Festival, Macaron Day, Budapest Spring Festival, Budapest100, Rosalia Festival, OTP Bank Gourmet Festival, Budapest Beer Week.
September to November: Jewish Cultural Festival, Budapest Wine Festival, Sweet Days Chocolate, and Candy Festival, Oktoberfest Budapest, Design Week Budapest, Budapest Christmas Markets.
Here is Budapest accommodation options & tours.
Affordable City Break in Lisbon, Portugal
Belem Tower
The city offers at a fraction of the cost whatever you expect to find in a European city. This is another city that emits mystery from Old-World, despite the growth of the modern building. Read this insider’s guide for things to do in Lisbon.
What are the best things to do in Lisbon?
Torre de Belem and Monument to the Discoveries
Feira da Ladra
Santa Justa Elevator (Elevador de Santa Justa)
St. George’s Castle (Castelo de Sao Jorge)
National Tile Museum (Museu Nacional do Azulejo)
Gulbenkian Museum (Museu Calouste Gulbenkian)
Monastery of St Jerome
Oceanarium (Oceanario de Lisboa)
Taste of Lisboa Food Tours
Lisbon By Boat
Tram 28
When is it best to visit Lisbon?
March to May and September to October is ideal, not excluding other months, too, of course. From March to early June, these events take place: Lisbon Half Marathon, Lisbon Fish & Flavours, Music Days in Belem, IndieLisboa, Festival de Sintra, Out Jazz Festival. On the other hand, the MOTEL X – Lisbon International Film Festival happens in September, while the Out Jazz Festival continues too (May to September).
Read our posts for Lisbon and Lisbon food, Cascais, Sintra, Fatima. There are plenty of day trips from Lisbon to consider.
Book your accommodation early and allow time for guided tours.
Lisbon and the nearby cities make it another great spot among all European destinations.
Istanbul, Turkey, Affordable European Destination
A jewel of the Orient. A city of thousands of secrets and legends, with different locations that drive your mind to thousands of mystical stories.
Herbs & spices, Bosporus, belly dancing, fantastic architecture, and all kinds of landmarks. Istanbul will fill your days with many things while acting as a pivot point for many nearby cities.
It is famous for Agia Sophia and the Blue Mosque, but that is just a fraction of the things to see and do. Read the post from our trip there. For what to eat in Istanbul, read this.
What are the best things to do in Istanbul?
Blue Mosque (Sultanahmet Camii)
Grand Bazaar (Kapaliçarsi)
Süleymaniye Mosque (Süleymaniye Camii)
Taksim Square
Hagia Sophia Museum (Ayasofya Müzesi)
Istanbul Archaeological Museums (Istanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri)
Topkapi Palace Museum (Topkapi Sarayi Müzesi)
Istanbul Modern Art Museum
Chora Museum (Kariye Müzesi)
Basilica Cistern (Yerebatan Sarnici)
Dolmanbahçe Palace
Galata Tower (Galata Kulesi)
When it is amazing to visit Istanbul?
Best go there from September to November and from March to May. In the first period, you will have the opportunity to attend these too: Contemporary Istanbul, Istanbul International Puppet Festival, Akbank Jazz Festival, Istanbul Theatre Festival.
In the March to May period, these things happen at the Istanbul Film Festival, Istanbul Music Festival.
For hotels in Istanbul, check these options as well as for guided tours.
Cheap City Escape in Brussels, Belgium
If you crave for some delicious chocolate, then you can visit Brussels even for one day. Take the train from Paris or Amsterdam and savor all these from kiosks you will find in all streets.
Restaurants will be pricey, so no need to pay more for chocolate than needed. There are lots of museums and don’t forget that this is a multicultural & multilingual country.
People here speak Dutch, French & English, of course.
What are the best things to do in Brussels?
Manneken Pis
St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral
Royal Museum of the Army and Military History
Palais de Justice
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium
Musical Instruments Museum
Horta Museum
Belgian Comic Strip Center
Cantillon Brewery
When is it nice to be in Brussels?
March to May and September to October is best. In the first case, because it is Springtime while in the second case, prices drop significantly, while the weather stays mild enough.
Check Brussels accommodation prices. Here are the tour options.
Cheap City Break in Florence, Italy
Have we been to Florence, Italy? Yes, twice. The first one was as part of a road trip that involved crossing Europe to the UK driving at the North.
The second one was as part of another road trip getting from the UK to Greece from the South part fo Europe!!! Read this excellent post for Florence (Firenze).
We have traveled to many cities in Italy (including Sicily island). Read the post for things to do in Sicily.
What are the best things to do in Florence?
Piazzale Michelangelo
Ponte Vecchio
Piazza della Signoria
Duomo (Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore)
Uffizi Gallery (Galleria degli Uffizi)
Baptistry (Battistero)
Galleria dell’Accademia
Palazzo Pitti
Basilica di Santa Croce
Giotto’s Bell Tower (Campanile di Giotto)
Boboli Gardens (Giardino di Boboli)
When it is most nice to visit Florence?
Preferably from May to September. Lots of sunshine, but you need to search thoroughly for accommodation as in touristy places prices get high.
There is no need to stay in, such though as the city is easy to walk. You can quickly get into the historical center with public transportation.
Either way, you will walk all the historical center to see the things mentioned above.
Check this for staying in Florence and all the tickets & passes options.
Florence is one of the best cultural European destinations, that is seen in video games.
Best City Break in Madrid, Spain
There are so many plaza’s (Madrid is Spain’s largest city) that are free to the public. You can spend days just visiting each other.
However, Madrid is far more than that. Read our post for things to do in Madrid and check the list below too.
What are the best things to do in Madrid?
Plaza Mayor
Gateway of the Sun (Puerta del Sol)
Plaza de Cibeles
El Rastro Market
Temple of Debod
Retiro Park (Parque del Retiro)
Royal Palace of Madrid (Palacio Real)
Prado Museum (Museo Nacional del Prado)
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Mercado San Miguel
Sorolla Museum
Bernabéu Stadium
Queen Sofia Arts Center
When is it excellent to visit Madrid?
The March to May and September to November rule holds for Madrid too. The weather temperature is the main reason for this. Summer in Madrid is scorching due to the city’s geographical location. In Autumn, you can attend the Autumn Festival.
Here are the Madrid lodging prices & tours.
Best Cheap Trip to St. Petersburg, Russia
Russia is a destination where you will get reasonable prices if you book early. Most people will visit Moscow, St. Petersburg, or both on a trip.
Moscow is great for New Year’s Eve, too, while St. Petersburg offers an entirely different experience.
What are the best things to do in St. Petersburg?
Hermitage Museum and the Winter Palace
Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood
Grand Market Russia Interactive Museum
St. Isaac’s Cathedral
Summer Garden
Peterhof Palace & Garden
Russian Museum
Yusupov Palace
The Naval Cathedral of Saint Nicholas in Kronstadt
Chapel of St. Xenia of St. Petersburg
Yelagin Island
When is it great to visit St. Petersburg?
Avoid winter. Better to visit from June to September. Hot events taking place are White Nights, International Festival of Choral Art, International Early Music Festival.
Winter is cheaper, but lots of activities are not happening, and cold in Russia is rather extreme.
Check the best accommodation options and guided tours/ticket/passes options for St. Petersburg.
Cheap European Vacations in Rome, Italy
The famous Vatican stairs: Bramante Staircase
The city of Rome is a living, walk-through museum. It is an unbelievable destination suitable for all seasons (not so good when rains fall but still beautiful).
We have been multiple times in Rome with kids or not. It is suitable for going without kids too. Prepare for lots of walking as a car is useless in the vast historical center which covers most of the city of Rome.
What are the best things to do in Rome?
Trevi Fountain (Fontana di Trevi)
Church of San Luigi Dei Francesi
Santa Maria Della Vittoria
Ancient Appian Way
Basilica di San Clemente
Piazza Navona
Gianicolo Hill
Campo de’ Fiori
Porta Portese
Spanish Steps
Musei Capitolini
St. Peter’s Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro)
Colosseum (Colosseo)
Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel
Roman Forum (Foro Romano)
Palatine Hill
Galleria Borghese
Gruppo Storico Romano Gladiator School
When is it wonderful to visit Rome?
Prices are lower from October to April. The weather is hot in summer, but Rome has free water fountains all over the city, and you will be amazed by the colors of the city with summer light.
You can find lots of affordable accommodations outside of the historical center, but it will still be close to it, so no worries. Better to go there with the sun than rain.
The cold will not be an issue with all the walking (if you plan for winter). Food is affordable if you avoid tourist restaurants.
Check here for where to stay in Rome and all tours with a guide and skip the line tickets.
Cheap City Break in Corfu, Greece
Corfu is a contradictory island, suitable for many different tastes. One of its sides/coasts has lots of beaches while the other one is rocky.
The best beaches will be revealed by the locals when they like you, so make sure they do. This post will be somewhat informative for you.
The islands hold the essence from the Venetian history, and you will notice that in the architecture of its capital.
What are the best things to do in Corfu?
All the beaches
Paleokastritsa Monastery (and beach)
Corfu Donkey Rescue
Church of Saint Spyridon
Corfu Museum of Asian Art
Achillion Palace & Museum
Palaio Frourio (Old Fortress)
Aqualand (lots of fun)
When is it superb to visit Corfu?
Summertime is the best season. In case you want to hit the lowest prices ever then visit Corfu from April to May and September to November.
Corfu is in the West part of Greece, and you can encounter lots of rain during those times. In case you can be there in Orthodox Easter time, you will see lots of local customs happening.
Here is where to stay in Corfu and guided tours.
Berlin, Germany Cheap Holiday Destination
Berlin is a somewhat controversial city with extreme nightlife. If you are after nightlife, then it won’t be very cheap. Many other things come at really affordable prices.
Here is a post with ideas for three days in Berlin and another one for five days in Germany.
What are the best things to do in Berlin?
Brandenburg Gate
Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
Potsdamer Platz
The topography of Terror
East Side (Wall) Gallery
Museum Island
Zoologischer Garten Berlin
Checkpoint Charlie
TV Tower
Charlottenburg Palace
When is it thrilling to visit Berlin?
From May to September, you can additionally attend these events: Formula E ePrix Championship, Carnival of Cultures, Fete de la Musique, Berlin Fashion Week, Lesbian and Gay City Festival, International Berlin Beer Festival, Berlin Marathon.
Berlin is at the center of Germany but also in the North of Europe so that any other months will be rather cold.
Find here the Berlin lodging options & tickets for excellent tours and landmarks.
Seville, Spain Cheap European City
With hotels moving around the USD100 per night, this city is affordable too. There are hostels and such if you want to lower the accommodation fees.
There are lots of parks, promenade locations, museums, bull-fights, and tasty food. See more great places to visit in Spain.
What are the best things to do in Seville?
La Carbonerí
Guadalquivir River Cruise
Metropol Parasol
Museum of Fine Arts
Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza
Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán Stadium
Torre del Oro
Isla Mágica
When it is great to visit Seville?
Better to visit from March to May due to mild temperatures. The famous events of Semana Santa and Feria de Abril, happen in these months.
Where to stay in Seville? Check here. What do in Seville? Click here.
Munich, Germany Cheap Holidays in Europe
Munich maybe not the first destination that comes in your mind when you plan to visit Europe, but it is a great one.
You can read our experiences in Munich from here, here and here. By the way, beers and food are fantastic.
What are the best things to do in Munich?
English Garden
Church of Our Lady
Nymphenburg Palace Gardens
Biergarten am Chinesischen Turm
St. Michael’s Church
St. Peter’s Church
Deutsches Museum
Residenz Royal Palace
Old Picture Gallery
Bayerische Staatsoper Opera House
Nymphenburg Palace Museum
Modern Picture Gallery
When is it amazing to visit Munich?
March to May is best, though the weather may get a bit chilly. Things are happening in the summertime, but there are lots of crowds too.
Check for accommodation in Munich and all the tours & passes
Summary of Affordable European Destinations
As you see, there are lots and lots of places to visit. This list will expand more in the following days, so make sure you subscribe to it!
Traveling is fun, and budget or/and affordable traveling is preferred by many.
Have fun!
source http://cheaprtravels.com/cheap-city-breaks-best-affordable-european-destinations-2020/
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crosscatbike-blog · 6 years
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