#fernando lebeis
sweetrocketqueen · 2 years
"He throws two kind of parties: the first one is during daytime, for children, friends' kids and poor kids, abused by their parents, blind... About a hundred kids come to the party, and when they arrive they get amazed. He makes like an amusement park with toys and everything else. The other one is for adults, and [Rolling Stone magazine] said people were hating the party, that we're serving Jose Cuervo when in fact we're serving the best tequila, we serve the best one can buy. We even rented a tequila fountain, but RS didn't mention that. The people who came were the same as every year, they always call a few days before the party asking about it. This is one of the few parties Axl does. People think his house is surrounded by booze and loud music, but that's not true. He only drinks tequila and never gets drunk or mad, he's the most kind person I know. He's always kind to my friends, and every time trouble comes close, he turns around and walks away."
- Fernando Lebeis 2001
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I want to clarify that i didn’t mean to insult you or attack you. I’m sorry if it came across that way. I was just curious about why you (and many other people on this site) like beta and the lebeises so much when they don’t have a good reputation. I liked her at first too until I read more things about them.
Here is the source about her giving Axl the manager ultimatum.
I think many people like Beta because she gave Axl a family. Plus most of us haven't read or remember all the interviews and the things said. Maybe next time you could just be "Hey, heads up, Beta is actually not so cool". Let's remember not all people have access to all information.
Reading the article, from what I got Beta did gave an ultimatum (“We decided, ‘No more managers,’” said Lebeis a few days after the Seattle concert. “Between me and Fernando and my daughter, we’re dealing with the management.” Lebeis added that she characterizes Rose as “more than a son to me,” and that after Katsis’ departure, “I told [Rose] if he hires another manager, I quit.” ) but also before the journalist expanded that Axl had problems with his previous managers, and we can totally argue that is very suspicious wanting to "keep Axl under their control", but I guess we can't know the fully story because we don't know what happens behind closed door.
Eventually I feel like anyone can educate themselves and decide what to feel. For as far as I am concerned, I wanna acknowledge both how Beta might have given Axl happiness and love but also she is not a perfect human being at all, and I might not agree with some her behaviors. Still thank you for the source, I learned something new and that's always a good thing :)
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zinemusical · 4 years
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Sucesso do Guns N’ Roses vira livro infantil
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rediscoverthe80s · 4 years
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Guns N' Roses "Sweet Child O' Mine" Reimagined as a Kid's Book  
One of the most popular '80s songs of all time is being adapted into a children's book. Guns N' Roses "Sweet Child O' Mine", the first '80s music video to hit 1 billion views on YouTube, will be released as a picture book interpreting the lyrics of the song. The book will follow the adventures of two young girls, Maya and Natalia Rose, inspired by the niece and daughter of GNR's longtime manager Fernando Lebeis who grew up touring with the band.
The book is being release by Jimmy Patterson and illustrated by Jennifer Zivoin. Release date is September 1 but preorders are available through Amazon
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gunsnroseschile · 4 years
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Fernando Lebeis Manager de GUNS N ROSES ha vuelto a dar información contestando preguntas a fans que interactuan con el a través de la red social Redit .Despues de varias semanas respondió algunas preguntas y otras No . Aquí te dejamos un resumen con las 15 preguntas y respuestas mas importantes que dio Fernando Lee la nota completa en www.gunsnroseschile.cl & Síguenos en #Facebook como @gnrchileofficial #Instagram @gunsnroseschileofficial Y Tambien en #twitter @Gunsnrosescl GUNS N ROSES CHILE OFFICIAL FANCLUB #Gunsnroses #Chile #gunsnroseschile #gnr #GnFR #AxlRose #Slash #Duffmckagan #frankferrer #richardfortus #MelissaReese ##dizzyreed #GnFnR #traciiguns #bumblefoot #gilbyclarke #tommystinson #apetitefordestruction https://www.instagram.com/p/CDkuBAAAnDt/?igshid=mid8rv7rwbl6
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freeupdate · 4 years
Guns N' Roses Announce Children’s Picture Book
Guns N’ Roses Announce Children’s Picture Book
Guns N’ Roses have announced Sweet Child O’Mine, a new picture book the band created in collaboration with the novelist James Patterson. The Jennifer Zivion-illustrated book pulls its narrative from the lyrics of the Guns N’ Roses song of the same name, and follows the adventures of Maya and Natalia Rose, the niece and daughter of Guns N’ Roses manager Fernando Lebeis, who have grown up…
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New interview with Steven Adler on Eddie Trunk’s show
On when he was first approached about being involved with the GUNS N’ ROSES reunion tour:
Adler: "Well, it was January 2, 2016, and Slash and Duff both texted me and said that they wanted to get together and talk to me.  So I went down to Duff's house and we had a nice little talk. They had me sign some contract thing and whatnot just so they could talk to me, which is cool; I don't care. Then in March I came down to rehearsal, and the second rehearsal, I got a pinched nerve in my L4 in my lower back. But I was only out for ten days. By the time they did The Troubadour show, I was ready to go. I called Duff up and I said, 'Dude, I'm ready to rock. Can I do these shows?' They had The Troubadour and they had, like, seven other shows. And he said, 'No, you're not gonna be part of this.' I was, like, 'Fuck you!' and I hung up on him. And I called him back and I said, 'I'm sorry. I was just angry at myself. I feel like I ruined it for myself, and I was just saying mean things to you because that's how I felt about me.' You know, I [was] trying to move forward. And so one day, I think, like, July 3rd or July 4th, they called me and said, 'You wanna come down to Cincinnati and Nashville?' And I said, 'Yeah. When?' And they said, 'Tomorrow.' So, of course, I got on a plane, I went, I got to jam with them, and it was great. It's just not the same. I was thinking it was gonna be the same as it was twenty-five years ago, but not having Izzy [Stradlin, former GUNS N' ROSES guitarist] there, and just playing one or two songs, it was very hurtful and heartbreaking for me. And Richard [Fortus, current GUNS N' ROSES guitarist] is a phenomenal guitar player — he's a great guitar player — and the crazy thing is, from ten feet away, he fucking looks like Izzy. And they asked me to go to… they said either Japan or Australia or Thailand, and I said I'm not gonna fly twenty thousand miles to play one or two songs. It's just too much."
On whether he was being paid for his guest appearance with GUNS N' ROSES:
Adler: "Oh, yeah. They gave me a couple of bucks. They're good guys with that. But still, to be on the side of the stage and to watch somebody else play the songs, it's heartbreaking."
On why he thinks he wasn't allowed to play more songs and at more shows:
Adler: "Dude, I was in Argentina. Why would they let me play [only] one song? I have no idea.  And out of respect for Fernando [Lebeis, who is part of GUNS N' ROSES' management team], I have nothing negative to say, 'cause I was just so glad to be able to do it. And even though it wasn't what it could be and should be, I got closure. And I feel so much better — like there's a billion-ton weight lifted off of me, where I can move forward again. I can play with other people, I can do other things, and it's the greatest thing. I've been practicing the four agreements [essential steps on the path to personal freedom] for the last three years, and it's changed my life. I'm a totally happier person. I'm the person when I was young, a teenager, and excited, and had dreams and goals and wanted to do things. And I like it. Before, all I wanted to do was do a fucking reunion. And I got to do what I got to do, and I'm thankful for that."
On whether he ever asked the GUNS N' ROSES management team why he couldn't play more songs:
Adler: "Of course! I'd start playing another fucking song, and they'd tell me to get off. They'd say, 'Okay, you're done.' And I'd start playing another song, and they'd just turned the sound of. 'Beat it. You're done.' I was, like, 'Okay. Cool.' I got to do that. It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, and I got to rock with those guys. And I love Slash and Duff and Axl, and I got to meet some great people that are working with them. And Fernando, who is GN'R's main guy, he's got some good ideas for hopefully this summer, for the thirtieth anniversary [of 'Appetite For Destruction'] in July, something for the fans. I don't know what it is, but he's a good guy, and I think he's gonna do the right thing… And there never will be an explanation [for why I can't play more songs with them]. It is what it is, and that's that."
On what it was like seeing Axl Rose for the first time after he came down to play with GUNS N' ROSES in Cincinnati last July:
Adler: "I only talked to Axl for literally ten seconds. The first night I played with them in Cincinnati, I got a fistbump and a little smile, and that was good enough for me. And then at Dodger Stadium [in Los Angeles], I got to give him a little hug and shake his hand and say I love him and he fucking rules and 'thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. I had the greatest time.' And he walked on his way. And I went on with my life. And I've been enjoying it ever since. He's Axl. He does his show and he gets so passionate and such emotion that he really just needs to relax and come down for at least an hour, 'cause he is a monster on stage. And he puts out so much feeling that he becomes those songs. And he's been fabulous at it. And Slash and Duff are so much fun. When we're together at soundheck, the crew was all, 'Jesus Christ! You've gotta come down more, 'cause the only time these guys ever smile or have fun is when you're here.' And I was saying, 'I would love to.' But it is what it is."
On why he thinks Izzy Stradlin hasn't gotten involved in the GUNS N' ROSES reunion at all:
Adler: "Because he wants to do it like me — the right way or not at all. And the reason I did it and needed to do it was because I got kicked out of the band for reasons I still don't know. To say that I'm a drug addict in that band and getting kicked out for drugs is ridiculous. They were doing drugs way more than me, so it's like calling the kettle black. But it was different stuff. Axl wanted more control of the thing. Then he wanted control of Izzy, and then he wanted control of Slash and Duff, and so one at a time everybody left until it was the Axl Rose band. But he still called it GUNS N' ROSES. And I don't blame him — I would too, 'cause that name is worth billions. So I'd use it if I could myself. [Laughs] I'd get Steven Tyler to sing though. [Laughs] Like I said, [Izzy] wants to do it the right way, with the five of us, and I needed to do it, because I neeed closure. I got kicked out, and all of a sudden… I had a road crew, I had management, I had accountants, I had stage people, I had a band, and then one day, literally in one afternoon, I had nobody — I was all alone. And I was scared shitless. I didn't know what to do. What do I do? All I knew was what I was doing. And then I was left all alone. So being able to at least play the one or two songs at the five shows I did was severe closure for me."
On whether he is open to playing with GUNS N' ROSES again:
Adler: "If we did it the right way, yes. I can't watch somebody… I will share the stage with Frank any day. I'll do the 'Appetite' stuff, which is the great stuff anyways and the fun stuff anyways, and I'll do the 'Lies' stuff, I'll do a couple of 'Illusions' [songs], and let Frank, in the middle of the set, play the 'Chinese Democracy' stuff, some of the 'Illusions' stuff. If we split it, I wouldn't mind sharing the stage with him at all. I mean, if that's what it came down to, I'm cool with that. He's a great guy. [But] I can't [just play one or two songs per show anymore]. It's just too hard. It's too hard. I wanna play more, and I want Izzy to be there. It was the five of us that made magic, and I know we can make that magic again, 'cause it's just who we are. Even though we're twenty-five years older, I know if we got in a room together and started playing, it would be fucking magic."
On whether he would be able to step up and play a full two-hour show with GUNS N' ROSES, if asked, at this point:
Adler: "Oh, God, yes. I wanted to push Frank down the stairs one night, but he's too much of a great guy. I can't do it. I can't push him down the stairs. I'll get my shot this way. One way or another, I'm getting up there and playing more songs. Somebody's going down, and it ain't gonna be me."
On whether he ever rehearsed with the full band at any point:
Adler: "No. Just those two rehearsals before I hurt my back, and that was just with Slash and Duff. Richard wasn't even there."
On whether he had any interaction with the other guys and gals in the band — Dizzy Reed (keyboards), Melissa Reese (keyboards) and Richard — before he walked out on stage with GUNS N' ROSES in Cincinnati:
Adler: "Oh, dude. The reason they fit perfect in that band is 'cause they're like fucking ghosts. 'Cause Axl doesn't wanna see nobody. I would walk into the studio, I'd say hi to them, and then I'd turn around, and they'd be gone. And then when I was done playing, all of a sudden, [they'd be there] again. And I'm, like, 'Where did you go?' Very nice people — very quiet, just the way Axl likes it: nice and quiet."
source: http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/steven-adler-says-he-only-got-to-talk-to-axl-rose-for-ten-seconds-during-not-in-this-lifetime-tour/#DubVvoGEL1OkPB4h.99
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owengeronimopr · 7 years
Guns N' Roses : Exclusive Multi-Brand Retail Experience at Maxfield
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Featuring collaborations with Off-White, AMIRI, Enfant Riches Déprimés, Kelly Cole, Palm Angels, MadeWorn and Harley-Davidson available exclusively at Maxfield
In celebration of the 30th anniversary of their ground-breaking debut album, Appetite for Destruction, Guns N' Roses is pleased to announce 'Guns N' Roses Was Here,' an exclusive retail event in partnership with Maxfield and Bravado that will live in the famed Los Angeles boutique from August 11 -18th.
'Guns N' Roses Was Here' gives past, present and future GNR fans a new interpretation of their celebrated 1987 album with limited-edition capsule collections. Maxfield and Bravadosought out top collaborators ranging from unexpected streetwear brands to designers deeply rooted in GNR's style, to bring new life to the classic artwork that has transcended time.
Peter Utz, Chief Branding Office of Maxfied said, "Music has been a crucial influence in my life since a very young age. Maxfield's first iteration of this type of model evolved with our close friends Daft Punk and the results surpassed all expectations. After that, it felt natural to try and work with artists I have always admired and Guns N Roses was at the top of that list. Their interpretation of this series will be dedicated to limited-edition pieces created specifically for the occasion. It's been incredible to work with the designers, GNR and their management team to celebrate such an iconic album.  A very special thanks to Fernando Lebeis for all of his dedication to making this happen"
Cult streetwear brands Off-White, Palm Angels, Enfant Riches Déprimés join classic GNR inspired designers AMIRI, Kelly Cole and MadeWorn to create an unprecedented curated collection that will excite long-time fans of the band as well as engage the next generation of fans. "With my capsule collection, which was inspired by the band, my aim is for another generation to feel the impact they had on me, through the clothes" stated Virgil Abloh, Creative Director for Off-White while Francesco Ragazzi of Palm Angel "loves music and being able to have my brand connected to something so iconic like Guns N' Roses is a milestone for me and Palm Angels. It's part of the culture."
As a longtime fan of the brand, Mike Amiri, Founder & Creative Director of AMIRI was especially compelled to participate and stated "As a brand, we rarely find the synergy needed to participate in an effective collaboration. A good amount of the AMIRI aesthetic is directly influenced by my love for the band and I'm really proud to be working on a project so close to my heart. "
As Axl Rose has worn many of Kelly Cole's t-shirt designs, Kelly stated that he "wanted to make something that stayed true to what we do aesthetically, and also bring the GNR feeling and iconography into it. "
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metaladdicts · 6 years
Ex-GUNS N' ROSES Manager Says Another Ex-GN'R Manager Hired 'Satan Specialist' To Cast Spells On Him And AXL ROSE
Ex-GUNS N’ ROSES Manager Says Another Ex-GN’R Manager Hired ‘Satan Specialist’ To Cast Spells On Him And AXL ROSE
Former GUNS N’ ROSES manager Doug Goldstein, who managed the band from 1991 to 2008, has expressed his dissatisfaction over not being thanked in the liner notes of the band’s latest box set.
Doug also said his predecessor Alan Niven, who managed the band between 1987 and 1991, hired “Satan specialist” to cast spells on him.
Goldstein wrote via Twitter:
“[Current GN’R manager] Fernando Lebeis,…
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jdrespling · 7 years
Will AC/DC's ANGUS YOUNG Join GUNS N' ROSES On Stage In Sydney?
Will AC/DC's ANGUS YOUNG Join GUNS N' ROSES On Stage In Sydney?
AC/DC guitarist Angus Young is rumored to be making a guest appearance with GUNS N’ ROSES at their shows in Sydney, Australia Friday and Saturday night.
GUNS N’ ROSES bassist Duff McKagan tweeted earlier today that Angus greeted him and his bandmates when they arrived in Sydney. In addition, Fernando Lebeis, who is part of GN’R‘s management team, posted a photo on Instragamof a nice flower…
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styxrose · 6 years
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Melissa and Axl
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Rio de 400 Janeiros - Trilha Sonora do Musical (1965)
Elenco ME-20 This soundtrack has been already presented on Loronix, so you may read Zeca's text about it re-printed on Órfãos do Loronix. You may also read the linear notes, hand signed by someone with not quite legible handwriting. Trilha Sonora do Musical de Carlos Machado, apresentado no Golden Room do Copacabana Palace - Rio de Janeiro Direção Musical e Arranjos: Lindolfo Gaya Côro de Delphino Filho 01. Bossa Nova:       Garota de Ipanema (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)       The Blues Walk (Clifford Brown) 02. Maxixe (Lindolfo Gaya) 03. Samba do Avião (Tom Jobim) 04. Carmen Miranda:       O Que É Que A Baiana Tem (Dorival Caymmi) Lindolfo Gaya / Marion       Pra Você Gostar de Mim (Taí) (Joubert de Carvalho) Lindolfo Gaya / Marion       Diz Que Tem (Haníbal Cruz / Vicente Paiva) Lindolfo Gaya / Marion       Good Bye, Boy (Assis Valente) Lindolfo Gaya / Marion 05. Valsa Debret (Lindolfo Gaya) 06. Rio (Ary Barroso) 07. Praça do Século XVII (Lindolfo Gaya / Chianca de Garcia) 08. Escola de Samba       Tiradentes (Mano Décio da Viola / Penteado / Estanislau Silva)       Chica da Silva (Anescar do Salgueiro / Noel Rosa de Oliveira)       Lá Vem Portela (Billy Blanco)       Exaltação À Mangueira (Enéas Brites da Silva / Aloísio Augusto da Costa) 09. Polka (Lindolfo Gaya) 10. Calendário (Vicente Paiva / Chianca de Garcia) 11. Seresta Imperial (Lindolfo Gaya / Chianca de Garcia) Fernando Lebeis 12. Cidade Maravilhosa (André Filho) 400 JANEIROS Créditos: Pedro & 300discos   THE SIGNATURE by Francisco Miranda: Quanto à assinatura do texto da contracapa, dá pra ver que foi subscrita por Chianca de Garcia (autor de três da faixas); pesquisando a internet, encontramos que ele foi um dramaturgo, jornalista, autor e cineasta português do século XX, nascido em Lisboa (1898) e falecido no Rio de Janeiro (1983). Em Portugal, como jornalista fundou a revista ‘Imagem’ e publicou diversas crônicas históricas durante 20 anos em vários jornais portugueses. Iniciou no teatro e no cinema, vindo depois a se radicar no Brasil em 1940. Aqui foi responsável por roteiros cinematográficos e montagem de espetáculos no Cassino da Urca, do Rio de Janeiro.
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lizwontcry · 10 years
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gunsnroseschile · 4 years
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Fernando Lebeis, (Mánager de #GunsNRoses conversó con el un #podcast con fanáticos en el servidor de Discord "The WAR Room" 2020-05-07 para traernos todas las novedades del nuevo disco que fue afectado por coronavirus, además de otras novedades. Próximos movimientos de Guns N Roses El mánager comentó sobre recientes videos de la gira “…Not in this Lifetime“: “están descargando, hay mucho contenido. El equipo de sonidistas está trabajando en la sincronización. Para ustedes lo más pronto posible es mañana, pero estaría en como dos semanas”. Aclaró que no sería un concierto entero o una transmisión en vivo como hacen otras bandas, pero que serán videos independientes, en otra palabras canciones en específico las cuales serían estrenados semanalmente. Nuevo disco de Guns N Roses Guns N Roses se encuentran en el último tramo de grabación del nuevo disco, el tan esperado sucesor de “Chinese Democracy” (2008), según Fernando Leibeis quien asegura que si no fuera por el coronavirus ya tendríamos canciones estrenadas. “Sé que está por venir. Hablo con los chicos y me dicen que todo va bien. ¿Entienden eso? Entiendo que soy el mánager y tengo el título, pero son los Guns N Roses”, dice el hombre quien pide paciencia a los fanáticos. Esta es la única infromación que dio sobre el disco que se hace esperar por más de 12 años, se mantienen herméticos hasta el nombre de las nuevas canciones para evitar rumores, así como filtraciones. Además, indicó que la banda tiene una dirección artística así como musical que la lidera Axl Rose, aunque no mencionó sobre la libertad creativa que tendrían Slash y Duff McKagan de quienes se espera que suenen en esta nueva etapa. Por otro lado, Fernando Lebeis reveló algo muy interesante: Guns N Roses tiene grabaciones del remake de “Chinese Democracy” (2008): “es depende de Axl quien libertad de explorar otros materiales, antes del nuevo disco”. (Fuente wikirock.net ) Toda la entrevista (En ingles ) la puedes escuchar Aquí https://youtu.be/NycLDY4EUKs Apreciaciones en la entrevista: ✔Parte 1: *Lo primero que va a salir en el canal de youtube es sobre Not in this life time. No shows enteros , sino ...... (Continua en sgte post https://www.instagram.com/p/CAaIsbvA121/?igshid=hkpcf5cx99az
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dont-please-stay-here · 11 years
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Birthday party, 1995
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styxrose · 8 years
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Beta, Fernando, and Axl
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