woah this is kind of crazy but i found this cool ass book behind the trees at the back of my garden???? it has like, this black cover and this weird star symbol?? im assuming the people who lived here before were just like,, artists? i havent had the chance to look yet but i brought it inside to look at later,,
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god i am so tired of creepy magic shit just let me live a normal life i beg of you... :<
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hiya uh my name is Felix Laurier (lor-ee-air) and I live in Hatchetfield :) (GO NIGHTHAWKS!!! KEEP CALM AND KILL CLIVESDALE)
they/he/she (genderqueer)
15 years old, turning 16 this summer!!
sapphic ace
I can play guitar, keyboard and the drums when I try
i like painting
fav colour: navy and yellow
cautious optimist
ooc// Felix has teleportation powers but very little/no control over them at the moment :] they're kind of like the hiccups
Currently: Home
Just been: CCRP
open for interaction! do whatever!! (within reason)
ooc + lore dumps + rping info + picrews below vvvv
[OOC] hiya! admin here :>
Please don't send nsfw asks/rps and will probably just delete them if you do, but dirty jokes are a ok
death count is open so do with that what you will :)
this blog is adminned by @frongle444 so hello! (admin pronouns are also they/he/she shhhh)
other stuff [if you need any specific details about felix just dm me :)]
tries very very hard to be cool (and fails often)
nervous wreck 89% of the time
older sister, her name is Maeve (she/they) and they're at hf community college but living away from home
the format for rps is
plain text = speaking
[square brackets] = actions
{italic curly brackets} = thoughts
small yellow text = ooc
if i stop responding for a bit please don't take it personally, rping can get pretty draining for me :)
rp tag: #felixrpshf
ask tag: #felixanswershf
in character post tag: #felixspeakshf
ooc tag: #admin posting and #felixadmintiime
Picrews :33 (admin totally didn't spend a stupid amount of time on making these lmao)
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(yes i am angry about the lack of short low ponytail hairstyles lmao (GIVE ME SOME SPIKYS)
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i like birds a lot
i think the birds like me but i can't read minds. nighthawks are my favourite birds
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do you name trees? I've named the one in my garden. Their name is Woody :]
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Tripped real bad and my knee hurts :') also i must've really tripped because i ended up like a full foot away from before, guess it's just the witchwood again :|
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call me peanuts because i love climbing trees
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isn't it so weird when you're hanging in your yard and shit justs teleports around you? like you wanna go get something and it just jumps towards you? i never hear anyone else talking about this lol
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new icon lets gooooooo
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