#fe3h uni au
shinimout · 7 months
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he’s just a little guy
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roraruu · 1 year
YOTO: April
Ignatz/Dorothea. Canon divergence/“no I’m not dating your brother”.
Derdriu was the last place Ignatz thought he’d ever seen Dorothea Arnault.
It was a momentary glance, as he left a client’s business on behalf of his parents. The gold jingled in his pockets, hitting against his thigh. His eyes trained to the ground, he focused on the salty, sour scent of the nearby sea, the cool winter air, the sounds of merchants advertising their wares and people passing and—
The softest, sweet tone took to the air. He listened harder. He knew that voice.
A pair of jade eyes looked back at him, pleading and overjoyed.
Dorothea is as charming and bewitching as she was in the academy. And she eats—her manners impeccable and conduct befitting of a lady—like she hasn’t seen food in a month.
The restaurant is warm and bustling. After noticing the cut of the dress Dorothea wore and her pale complexion, Ignatz requested a table closest to the hearth and speedily ordered a pot of tea.
She is all graces and thank yous, gentle inclines of her head in which her bangs fall into her eyes and she continuously pushes it behind her ears to stay away from her lovely mouth.
She explains, between a delicate sip of her tea that she had helped with the dispersal of the Enbarr Opera House and the Mittelfrank Opera Company, her alma mater.
“I wanted to help people.” She murmurs. “But…”
“I understand.” Ignatz says as another bowl of bread arrives, and with it another refill of the teapot with hot water..
“My finances aren’t exactly liquid. I managed to find a way from Enbarr to here. Bern was kind enough to convey me, without her father’s knowing, but she couldn’t come with me.”
“Why the Alliance?” Ignatz finds himself asking.
Dorothea’s face takes on a grave countenance. “I love Edie… Loved. But I cannot stand by while she murders innocents.” She says softly. “And the Kingdom did not seem much better.“ She forces, what he expects was to be a chipper giggle, but it’s a defeated chuckle. “I’d probably freeze passing over the border.”
“So you came here.”
“I had the pleasure of taking tea with Claude once or twice, and unfortunately, Lorenz too. They made this place sound beautiful.”
“It is quite breathtaking.” He says, glancing out the far-off window. If he squints, he can catch a glimpse of the grey sea.
“I crossed the Bridge of Myrddin and came here. Most of my funds are gone, but…” She forces a smile. “I’m here.”
“Are you going to stay with Claude?”
“My housing situation is… it isn’t fixed.”
“Well then you must stay with us.”
Ignatz nods. “My family.” He explains. “My brother is studying beneath my father to inherit the business—the Victor Trading Company—and he sends me out on small jobs.” He makes himself sound brighter. “Like today. I had just finished a commission before crossing paths with you.”
“I couldn’t impose.”
“Dorothea,” Ignatz says firmly. She meets his gaze. He notices that she’s grown thinner, her face pale. “I must insist.”
She heaves a sigh, reaches across the table and pats his hand. He feels his face heat. “At least… At least let me ask.”
Ignatz smiles. “Whatever you please.” He agrees and encourages her to take the last sweet bun.
A plan is worked out over steaming cups of tea. It takes a little lying—but with Ignatz’s newfound confidence—it is nothing more than a bent truth.
With his cut from the commission, he puts Dorothea up in an inn for the evening—specifically the Kristen Cottage run by his best friend, Raphael. When the jovial brawler sees Dorothea and Ignatz he pulls her into a bear hug and twirls her around. His little sister, Maya, almost drops her dishes upon seeing the famed Mystical Songstress herself.
Raphael closes the tavern, insists that Ignatz stay for a drink while Maya helps Dorothea upstairs and tends to her. They talk, and when Dorothea returns, she relays her story to the Kirsten siblings. At the end, Raphael asks the crucial question:
“So, what happens now?”
“Well, Raphie, that’s where you come in.” She says. “I need work. Have you any need for entertainment? I can sing, dance, I’ll even help in the kitchen!”
“But what about…” Ignatz falls silent as Dorothea grabs his hand beneath the table.
“Of course we do!” Maya exclaims happily.
“My, Grandpa hasn’t approved—”
Maya turns back to Raphael—she’s tinier than him but just as loud. “Raph! A former opera star in our joint? That would drag! The! Customers! In!”
Dorothea smiles softly. “It would…” she says. “I remember all of my best roles!”
Maya turns to Dorothea, eyes wide. “R-Really? Oh, even as Marguerite?” She asks. “She’s my favourite one of your roles… The songs were all so sad, I cried buckets!”
“Well I hope you have a pail,” says Dorothea with a wink. “if Raphie has me, I’ll sing them all for you.”
“Please?” Maya whines.
Raphael gives in. “Alright, of course.” He says. “But we can only put you up for a while. It’s sorta packed in here tonight. You could stay with us, we’re downstairs in the basement.”
Dorothea’s eyes grew glassy. “It’s more than I could’ve ever hoped for. Thank you Raphael.”
As the night drew to a close, Ignatz begins to say his farewells, promising to check-in on them the following day. Dorothea, unexpectedly, throws her arms around his neck and hugs him tight.
“Thank you Ignatz. For everything.” She whispers softly.
He feels himself blush again and promises anything for her.
Over the course of the next few days, in between Dorothea working tirelessly as the new—and showstopping headliner for the Kirsten Cottage—and Ignatz’s own duties keeping up client communications and other duties, they met a few times in the warm tavern.
It was after close and Ignatz comes for a sole glass of wine. Dorothea sits beside him, humming softly under her breath.
“Do you still draw?”
His ears grow hot. Guiltily, he replies. “W-When I have a moment of privacy, yes. But those moments are few and far between.”
“That’s sad.”
He remains quiet. “It must be gratifying to do what you love as a career.”
“I mean, look where it got me.” Dorothea muses. “Getting into Enbarr during the military lockdown was a nightmare, and then to break up my family… It was hell.”
Ignatz inclines his head. “I’m sorry Dorothea. I should’ve been more prudent.”
“It’s fine.” She says before tapping her nails across the table. “But…”
He looks at her encouragingly. She leans closer, glancing towards the kitchen where the Kirsten siblings clean up for the night. “Somedays I wished I never sang at all.”
“Mmhm.” She nods. “It’s… I love it, but constantly singing over and over… It takes all the meaning out of it.”
“But you do what you love.” He asks, surprised.
“Yes, and I get tired of it.” Dorothea says before hastily adding, “but I’m eternally grateful to Raphael and his family for giving me the work… I just wish… I wish I weren’t so tired of singing.”
“You…” Ignatz murmurs before meeting her gaze. “And it isn’t like you can afford to take a break.”
“No.” She confirms. “Unless I make up a paycheque in another way.”
Silence falls between the two.
“I still… I can’t believe you don’t love singing anymore.”
“I do it so much, the joy is stripped from it.” She confesses quietly to him.
The words stalk him all the way home and up to his room where he gazes at his painting tools before succumbing to sleep.
Ignatz’s mother—Cressida—and his younger sister a year his junior named Celeste—are more shocked when he says he’s met someone.
Cressida’s eyes widen and she lowers her teacup very quickly. Ignatz has always known his mother to be refined and ladylike: calm, quiet, watchful. He feels her brown eyes—the only thing he got from her—on him as Celeste prods him.
“A lady friend?” She smirks, at the age of 19, and still as annoying as she was at seven. “When do I buy a new parasol and lace and welcome a sister?”
Quickly, he insists, “She’s an old friend from Garreg Mach.” Ignatz explains, watching Celeste’s mischievous look.
“Probably some baron’s daughter. You could do worse, I suppose, Brother.”
“She’s passing through Derdriu.”
“Where to?”
“Gloucester. She will be singing for the Count and his son.”
Cressida studies her son’s face. He’s gotten too good with lying; for years, he’d fidget with his hands or look away… A small tic that would render him guilty. “She is a singer?” She inquires.
“Formerly of the Mittelfrank Opera Company.”
Cressida looks intrigued. “Oh. I recall seeing the company when they were in Derdriu before the war and when you were at the Academy.”
“You would have missed her. She was one of my classmates.”
Cressida remains silent.
“So why’s she talking to you?” Celeste prods. “If she’s some big opera star…”
“She confessed that she always enjoyed my company.” He lies. “And I enjoyed hers, so we have spent a little time together.”
Celeste smirks, then murmurs under her breath, “here comes the bride…”
“Celeste.” Cressida says quietly. Celeste stops humming and turns back to her eggs which are now cold.
Her brown eyes fall on Ignatz, encouraging him to go on.
“I would like host her for a meal.“
“Very well.” Cressida agrees. “Your father and Atticus will be dining out tonight, so bring her around.”
Ignatz tenses. The plan was to have both his father and brother around. Without him, his mother will never offer accommodations, at least not without a push.
So Ignatz, for the first time in his life, pushes.
“Might she stay the night?” He asks, his face reddening. Celeste’s eyes go wide as if she’s about to snort at him. “I would like her to meet Father.”
Cressida narrows her gaze on him. “Why?”
“I think they would get along, Mother.”
Cressida pauses, sips her tea and then acquiesces. “Very well. Bring her to the manor at five and no later.”
If there was ever any doubt as to Dorothea’s charms, it was dispelled in the moment she met Cressida.
Ignatz had always known his mother—like his father—as hard-to-please, but Dorothea was the most satisfying creature to her ever. Even Atticus, who had always been her favourite, was quickly forgotten when Dorothea engaged her in conversation.
As Celeste serves the coffee, she murmurs to Ignatz, “Okay, maybe I doubt you, but never again.” She promises. “She’s gorgeous.”
Ignatz acquiesces. “She is. And she’s quite kind.”
Little lies and bent truths are shared that evening. Dorothea explains that she’s passing through to sing for Lorenz and his father—the name drop impresses Cressida—and then she details her roles, and as they sit in the drawing room, Cressida insists that Dorothea sing for her.
“Oh, that’s not necessary,” Ignatz insists, turning to his mother nervously. “We wouldn’t want to impose on our guest…”
“No,” Dorothea says gently. “I’d love to sing for you.”
Ignatz thinks back to the conversation in the tavern. How she began to loathe singing. But as she sings her bars and warms her voice up, Ignatz cannot help but long to paint her. Those jade eyes, that chestnut hair, the willowy frame and ruddy cheeks… She is an artist’s dream, walked off the canvas.
She sings beautifully for almost a half hour. Cressida is highly impressed and gives her ready approval, and even Celeste is shocked when Dorothea proves not only to be witty, beautiful and talented, but also kind.
Cressida insists that she will stay the night and tells Ignatz to set her up in the east wing of the house, prefacing that she may see the lovely sunrise that pales in comparison to her beauty. After they say goodnight, Ignatz offers her his arm and leads her up the staircase.
She reaches for his hand and smiles at him. She gives it a reassuring little squeeze, and he gives one back. As they reach the top of the stairs, Dorothea whispers to him:
“Will you show me your paintings?” She asks quietly. “I know art’s a personal thing… I don’t think I could ever show a half-finished song to someone else…”
“Y-Yes…” He finds himself taking her hand and leading her to his room. The moon streams into through the lone window of his sombre little room.
He turns to the closet and pulls from it a few sketches and his tiny easel which has a half-finished still-life of the view outside his window. Blushing and embarrassed, he practically throws them at Dorothea, hurriedly insisting that he knows they’re not good, that they’re nothing special.
“Ignatz…” Dorothea barely breathes. “These are beautiful.”
He looks up in shock. “B-But…” He scrambles for words. “I was so insensitive to your feelings about art!”
Dorothea smiles gently and touches his hand reassuringly. “Ignatz, I’m not me, and you’re not you.” She says gingerly. “We’re different people with different outlooks… You want to become a painter, right?”
He nods sheepishly.
“Then I hope, with all my heart, that you can become one someday.” She turns her eyes back on a sketch of Saint Cethleann. “You’d be a wonderful artist. I’m certain you would be.”
Ignatz blushes softly and moves closer as she asks a question about the next sketch—of Saint Cichol, his wife and their daughter—and he explains the details. His hand brushes against hers, their fingers intertwining briefly—
“And who is this?”
Ignatz jolts at the deep voice, his blood running cold. His face goes red. In the doorway is his elder brother, Atticus. Dorothea glances his way and smiles softly, curtseys and introduces herself as the evening’s guest and her credentials.
Atticus studies Dorothea before making a comment beneath his breath about his “useless drawings” and leaving the two. Dorothea’s smile fades.
“He’s exactly the type of man I’d hate to be with at the opera…” She whispers to him. “And exactly the one who’d pay for a dinner with me.”
Ignatz’s stomach rolls with anxiety.
Dorothea steals a glimpse at his expression and laughs softly. “Don’t worry, I’m not dating your brother.” She promises.
“Thank the goddess…” Ignatz whispers.
She hugs him. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
He hugs her back and smiles. “Anything for you.”
He shows Dorothea her room, and upon returning to his, takes charcoal to paper and attempts to sketch the likeness of her face, falling asleep in his art before long.
Ignatz’s father, Augustus, makes quick decisions. It is, perhaps, what has kept him in business for so long, and flourishing for just as long. And that morning, when Ignatz nervously introduces the two, he immediately takes a liking to Dorothea.
She turns on the charms quickly, and as she’s about to collect her bags and return to the Kirsten’s Cottage, Augustus asks to see her in his study. She winks at Ignatz and he waits nervously outside, in the drawing room with Celeste as the plays the piano.
When Dorothea emerges, she wears a self-assured smile. Ignatz quickly gets up and meets her in the hallway.
“Your father says the garden is pretty. Will you show me?” She asks.
“Of course.” They go outside to the frosty garden and walk a few paces away from the windows.
“Your father… he asked that I shadow you. He thinks that we could be a good selling team.” Dorothea says. “What do you say, Iggy?”
“You needed a nickname. Your name, though it is handsome, is a bit imposing and long.” She says. “You okay with it? You can call me Thea, if you’d like?”
“No no,” He declines respectfully. “Your name is too beautiful to be shortened.”
She smiles softly. “You think so?”
He nods. “I do. And as for the partnership, I don’t think I could ask for a better match.”
Dorothea smiles, and then stands on the tips of her toes and pecks him on the cheek. Ignatz goes bright red.
Gazing at her, he smiles and confesses, “I don’t think I could either.”
In Imperial Year 1185, on the day of promised meeting, Ignatz Victor and Dorothea Arnault arrived at Garreg Mach Monastery together. The three years since their reunion in Derdriu had proved fruitful: Dorothea joined the Victor Trading Company as a sales agent, working alongside Ignatz. She easily used her wit and charms to seal deals with particularly hard-to-please clients. She’d also passed on that charm and confidence to Ignatz, which his former classmates noticed immediately.
In addition to his newfound confidence, Ignatz had gained a deeper reverence for his artistic side. After being found one night attempting to paint Dorothea’s likeness, she modelled for him. His parents, finally understanding the depth of his talent, allowed him time off—though minimal—to study and paint.
In their moments of peace, it was said that Dorothea and Ignatz would share their talents together—Dorothea, who had retired from the stage, would sing only for him, and Ignatz would happily draw anything she wished.
After the war, when Dorothea completed an opera—called the Crimson Flower, based upon her late, dear friend—Ignatz was the one to paint the posters and served as creative consultant. While not singing, Dorothea directed the opera to critical acclaim, and acted as a guardian to the new talent she selected for the show.
When the two had grown tired of the stage, they departed for new lands. Ignatz’s work, which grew in popularity thanks to the production and his own skills, was in demand and often peddled by Dorothea. It was often remarked, by friends and complete strangers, the couple were an odd, but well-suited match.
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lilias42 · 1 year
On se remet au dessin en faisant la tête de Pyrkaïa !
Bon ! Je m'étais dis que j'essayerais de me remettre au dessin alors, j'ai dessiné Pyrkaïa, l'ancêtre de Catherine, dite la Flamme Passionnée et Brave liée au feu ! Son inspiration est surtout à trouver dans la période grecque et la cité de Sparte / Lacédémone.
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Bon, déjà, Pyrkaïa est très musclée ! C'est une sorcière qui s'entraine tous les jours à manier le feu et la chaleur, ainsi qu'une forgeronne qui manie le marteau toute la journée dans des ateliers où il fait très chaud (mais c'est pas elle qui va être gêner par la température) et qui sait se battre pour mener une bataille à elle toute seule à mains nues alors, elle a du muscle Déesse !
En plus, elle est vraiment très grande. Catherine est déjà la plus grande femme jouable du jeu avec son 1m75 mais, elle est limite petite à côté de Pyrkaïa qui fait tout de même 1m90 (ma fanon des Charon, c'est que toutes les femmes de la famille soit très grande, même si c'est souvent moins le cas chez les hommes). Elle est aussi grande qu'Hanneman, Raphaël ou Lambert et dépasse même beaucoup de ses contemporains, ce qui l'aide à obliger les hommes à l'écouter, vu que de toute façon, elle est plus grande et plus forte qu'eux donc, on ne peut pas la faire taire par la force.
Et voici comment elle aime s'habiller quand on ne lui dit rien et qu'on ne lui casse pas les pieds. Sa tenue est composé d'un chiton arrivant à ses genoux qui la laisse libre de ses mouvements, avec très peu d'accessoires ou de fibule pour le tenir mais là, la raison est assez simple : c'est que quand elle utilise ses pouvoirs et sa sorcellerie, elle s'enflamme et la température de son corps augmente beaucoup alors, elle fait fondre à peu près n'importe quoi. C'est aussi la raison pour laquelle, elle se bat toujours à mains nues, elle fait fondre ses armes alors, elle trouve que c'est du métal gâché. Elle préfère donc coudre certains pans de ses vêtements (ça peut arriver avec les vêtements grecques, surtout sur la fin) ou les attacher avec des nœuds, plutôt que de les accrocher avec des fibules qu'elles feraient de toute façon fondre.
Au début, elle était obligée de se couper les cheveux afin de les tisser, pour se refaire des habits qui supportent la chaleur qu'elle dégage quand elle se bat (ou juste s'énerve quand elle était jeune et qu'elle maitrisait encore un peu mal ses pouvoirs, et même sur la fin de sa vie, son contact devient vraiment brûlant dès qu'elle se prépare au combat). L'étoffe qu'elle porte ici par contre est un cadeau de son mari, un nabatéen qui est arrivé à fabriquer avec l'aide du dragon des flammes (celui qui a l'emblème de Daphnel) un tissu qui supporte les températures extrêmes. C'est pour ça que le motif sur le bas de sa tunique est le même que celui que porte Sothis, Rhéa, Seteth et Byleth, c'est l'étoile céruléenne telle que la représente les nabatéens.
Cela lui a aussi permis de garder ces cheveux très longs comme tous les sorciers car à cette époque, ils pensaient que la magie était stocké dans le corps (ce qui est vrai à Fodlan) alors, plus on aurait les cheveux longs, plus on aurait de place pour la stocker. Elle met donc la grosse majorité de ses cheveux en chignon avec une partie qui retombe dans son dos.
Son chiton est un peu particulier car, l'étoffe est en fait plus longue qu'elle en a l'air, assez pour faire un péplos (la tunique féminine grecque pour faire vite) et dans ces cas-là, elle ressemble plus à ça :
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(en bas à droite, vous avez à peu près l'échelle de taille entre - de droite à gauche - Pyrkaïa, Catherine et Shamir [Pyrkaïa rencontre la femme de sa petite-fille en parlant épée ^^])
La jupe est alors bien plus longue et tombe jusqu'à ses pieds ou un peu plus haut étant donné que c'est tout de même une étoffe principalement drapée alors, c'est assez facile pour elle de l'ajuster. Dans le premier dessin, sa jupe est relevé très haute, d'où la sorte de volant / côté bouffant qui est accroché sur ses hanches avec une première ceinture, puis maintenu près du corps avec une seconde ceinture. C'est pour ça qu'elle en porte deux même en péplos, ça lui permet d'ajuster rapidement ses habits en cas de besoin. Le pan de tissu sur sa tête lui sert à se protéger du soleil d'Almyra, étant donné qu'elle est née là-bas avant qu'une partie de sa cité migre en Fodlan afin de trouver de meilleures terres pour nourrir tout le monde. Elle laisse toujours deux mèches de cheveux s'en échapper, simplement parce qu'elle aime bien et ça permet de montrer sa chevelure blonde assez rare en Almyra, tout comme ses yeux bleux qui vont bien avec son teint assez sombre (elle a la couleur de peau de Cyril, et ça passe pour ses cheveux blonds vu que c'est rare mais, on a tout de même des femmes blondes en Grèce, c'est juste plus rare)
Si elle n'est pas tout le temps en chiton, c'est moins parce qu'elle aime aussi porter un péplos que parce qu'elle veut être tranquille dans sa vie de tous les jours. C'est une périèque (soit des libres sans être citoyen) vivant dans l'équivalent de Lacédémone puis une de ses colonies une fois arrivé en Fodlan donc, ça aurait pu être pire, c'est pas une hilote (donc une esclave avec un statut assez particulier car, Sparte est assez particulière au milieu des cités grecques, j'y reviendrais dans son billet) mais son principal problème qui va la suivre toute son existence longue d'environ 800 ans, c'est que c'est une femme dans une cité grecque. Elle n'a donc pas de statut autre que celui de mineur soumise à son père, puis à son mari (et à la cité si vraiment elle a plus personne). Bon, vu le caractère très volontaire, déterminé et fort qu'elle a - elle ne s'est pas tournée vers la maitrise du feu pour rien), c'est pas elle qui va faire la femme parfaite qui reste gentiment dans le gynécée à s'occuper de l'économie domestique et de la famille (surtout que n'étant pas fille de citoyen, elle n'a pas accès à l'éducation qu'on réserve aux femmes spartiates qui est très musclée pour qu'elles fassent des citoyens forts, même si étant fille d'artisan, son père tenant à elle et qu'il a vite remarqué que sa fille ira loin, elle a eu une bonne éducation, rien que pour avoir un bon mariage) elle va vite envoyer ça sur les roses, même si ça va être un combat permanent afin qu'on la respecte. Elle continue à porter un péplos dans la vie de tous les jours afin de ne pas devoir se justifier à chaque coin de rue. Etant donné que cela ne la gêne pas et que ses vêtements restent solides et mis de manière pratique, ça ne la gêne pas, même si elle a dû se battre pour avoir le droit de porter sa tunique comme les hommes.
Pour ses fiertés, il s'agit de vaisseaux qui traversent tout son corps mais, ça fait comme si elle était craquelé, un peu comme j'ai essayé de le dessiner en haut à droite du deuxième dessin. ça fait vraiment une peau assez épaisse et dure (limite pierreuse à l'aspect) qui est séparé par des veines assez sombre quand elle n'utilise pas sa magie mais, qui se mettent à briller et surtout brûler quand elle commence à l'utiliser ou à s'énerver. ça la rend assez résistante à des coups d'épée vu que sa peau est solide et que de toute façon, elle dégage une telle chaleur qu'elle va surement faire fondre la lame de métal ou réduire le bois en cendre dès qu'on l'attaque. Elle a aussi ses orbes où sa magie se concentre et qui sont également extrêmement chaud. C'est de là que partent ses flammes quand elle attaque ou se défend, ou alors quand elle entoure son corps de flammes pour impressionner son adversaire. Elle ne se voie pas très bien ici mais, son oeil gauche est très souvent enflammé en permanence, même si elle peut l'éteindre au besoin.
Son autre fierté la plus importante est son sang qui est très chaud en permanence et qui ressemble plus à de la lave à la fin de sa vie. Faites vous toucher par une seule goutte de son sang, et vous serez brûlé au dernier degré, si elle ne s'en sert pas pour vous enflammer au combat. Pyrkaïa le fait rarement mais, elle peut faire tomber quelques gouttes de ses blessures sur le sol, histoire de montrer de quoi son sang est capable et prévenir son adversaire que si elle s'énerve, il n'a aucune chance de s'en ressortir sans séquelles alors, il ferait mieux de s'enfuir. Elle peut être très dure et ne machera pas ses mots mais, elle préfère éviter devoir finir par tuer quelqu'un alors qu'elle aurait pu trouver d'autres solutions. Pendant sa longue vie, elle a vu que c'est souvent quelque chose qui empire la situation plutôt que l'améliorer alors, elle évite un maximum de devoir en arriver à tuer quelqu'un, surtout avec sa sorcellerie où si elle ne tue pas, laisse gravement brûlé et handicapé à vie donc, Pyrkaïa est très prudente avec son utilisation et se contente souvent de sa force et de son endurance surhumaine pour se battre.
En fait, elle est une personne qui détesterait Lonato de toute son âme et n'aurait aucun problème à le défoncer quand il attaque GM : il prend la décision pour tout le monde sans consulter son peuple, les emporte dans sa décision stupide et les fait tuer stupidement en faisant souffrir ceux qu'ils croisent car LUI était en colère. Elle le traiterait surement de connard irresponsable, surtout qu'étant grecque, elle hallucinerait de voir qu'une seule personne peut décider pour tout un peuple sans passer par le vote, qui n'est même pas élu et verrait cette situation comme une tyrannie bonne qu'à être renversée, surtout que les rois de Lacédémone sont extrêmement contrôlés et ont encadré par les lois de la cité et peuvent être puni s'ils se comporte mal, c'est qu'en expédition militaire qu'ils ont beaucoup de pouvoir (ils sont même deux issus de deux familles différentes à Sparte, comme ça, ils se tirent dans les pattes et c'est les éphores et la gérousia qui dirigent la cité en période de paix)... et Déesse, ce serait vraiment la galère autant pour Lonato que pour GM si elle atterrissait en plein milieu de la mission contre lui ! D'un côté, elle serait un excellent élément pour arrêter Lonato vu que comme côté GM, c'est surtout des mineurs et qu'elle sent que Catherine est de sa famille, elle irait se battre pour les protéger mais de l'autre, elle n'aurait aucun état d'âme à affronter des civils, vu que quand c'est la guerre dans le monde grec, c'est les citoyens qui vont défendre la cité selon l'idéal du citoyen-soldat et là, on prend tout le monde vu qu'il n'y a pas d'armée professionnelle (sauf plus ou moins à Sparte mais, là encore, c'est un cas à part) et techniquement, c'est pas un problème pour un grec d'attaquer quelqu'un qui s'enfuit du champ de bataille, c'est même à ce moment qu'on fait des dégâts (cf cette vidéo et allez voir cette chaine, elle est géniale sur l'histoire militaire), même si elle, elle les laisserait s'enfuir sans trop de souci s'il n'y a pas de risque qu'ils reviennent. Et il y aurait surement de belles incompréhensions entre une grecque qui connait le système de la cité avec une certaine forme de démocratie pour tous ses voisins, et des prises de décisions collégiales ou collectives (on vote la guerre à Athènes par exemple, c'est l'ensemble des citoyens qui disent si oui ou non, on fait / continue la guerre ou non), à des monarchies, ça passerait mal et elle aurait beaucoup de mal à comprendre pourquoi ils acceptent cela, même si elle reconnaitrait qu'il doit y avoir des avantages si les habitants de Fodlan ont adopté ce système plutôt qu'un autre.
Pour sa palette de couleur, c'est assez varié étant donné que les grecs adoraient les couleurs vives et que c'était un symbole de richesse d'avoir de belles couleurs. Elle est cependant issus d'un milieu relativement modeste, même si elle n'a pas trop de problème d'argent (elle a réussi à posséder sa propre forge d'où elle tire ses revenues) alors, Pyrkaïa aborde des couleurs relativement courantes et abordables. Pour les tissus que lui a offert son mari, je pense que c'est plus dans les tons de bordeaux avec des motifs blancs à la nabatéenne qui s'accorde avec ses cheveux blonds, ou des bleus qui vont bien avec sa peau sombre et font ressortir ses yeux et ses flammes qui sont devenus bleus tellement elles sont chaudes. Sinon, elles ressemblent énormément à Catherine pour ce qui est du visage et de son apparence générale.
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nerdnag · 11 months
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Thank you for the question @alienducky!! You know most of my WIPs already but I'll answer anyway ^_^
The fic I'm currently working on most actively is The Boundaries of Magic, which is a sequel in my FE3H series in which Constance von Nuvelle delves into dark magic ✨I only have two chapters left to write.
But I also have some other WIPs that I'm not actively working on right now:
A mini-sequel to Boundaries which will be approximately 6-8 chapters long and star an OC of mine
A FE3H Ashen Wolves modern AU in which the gang become uni roommates and Constance is an app developer looking for her big break
An MtG fanfic about mage students Killian and Dina and how they grow close while struggling with issues regarding family and expectations of others
A fairly short and simple Great Ace Attorney fanfic which follows Ashley Graydon as he grows up in, and gets out of, the slums of London
An interactive novel/game (original work) about personal identity, with mystery aspects
And then there are some loose ideas/half-started fics which have probably been abandoned at this point and can't really be called WIPs but that I'll mention anyway:
A FE3H YuriCoco enemies to lovers FWB fic which has three whole chapters written but is probably way too OOC. But I might use some bits and pieces to build something new from it eventually
A FE3H YuriCoco pirate fic inspired by a comment you made on Boundaries (^_^)
A really really dark FE3H Sylvain fic that I started in 2020 but that will probably never see the light of day
A FE3H crack fic in which Constance is convinced Hapi is the Savage Mockingbird
A FE3H fic that explores Constance's and Jeritza's dissociative similarities
A handful of MTAP fics, most of them about Arlo, but then one which was once a very ambitious political intrigue AU about Ginger as told from Mint's POV
A Death Note fic in which Misa is smart actually and successfully tricks Light into thinking she's not (i.e. a fic giving rational reasons for her canon behavior)
A Death Note fic in which L manages to figure out who Kira is after being introduced to Rem. This one I'm actually pretty happy about because I think I captured L's thought process pretty well so far, so who knows, maybe I'll get back to it someday, or at least post what I do have
An original work taking place in an alternate universe with fantasy/sci-fi aspects, exciting heists and mystery, starring a very competent asexual character who joins a group of criminals to provide for and protect his mother. I started it many years ago and have maybe half of a full draft, but I have realized since then that it may have problematic parts in its core concept. Certain aspects of it were cool though so I might reuse those somehow eventually and rework the rest.
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Headcanon for a FE3H Modern Uni AU:
The Deer are all on sports scholarships except (seemingly) Marianne, who's dragged everywhere by Hilda, and Lysithea, whose limited lifespan led to desperate academic overachieving. Having graduated high school early Lysithea follows the Deer around because Claude once called her a 'child' and in so doing earned himself a personal hater (everyone loves her though). Claude holds all his cards close and is something of a mystery, and Ignatz also has his own (artistic) secrets, but what campus does know is that Claude and Ignatz excell in Archery, Hilda and Raphael dabble in Rugby, Lorenz plays Polo, and Leonie wants to be a Coach. Unbeknownst to all but Hilda and Lorenz, Marianne is a national champion at Dressage.
The Eagles are theatre kids. Everyone on campus knows Ferdinand and Dorothea by name and they're heard singing showtunes before they're seen. Bernadetta is their resident shut-in scriptwriter with Hubert consequently typecast as the villain (critics eventually stop saying he's too 'on the nose'). Dorothea conspired with Bernadetta to make the plays more queer and romantic and, as Director, Edelgard staged a coup against the uni when the Arts Department funding was cut. Meanwhile, Petra, Caspar, and Linhardt play multiple roles per production and regularly go off-script— Petra because she begins to philosophise on newly learned idioms, Caspar because he gets distracted, and Lin because he keeps breaking the fourth wall. This infuriates Ferdinand but delights the audience and is the reason they keep coming back.
The Lions are trust fund political science students. Dimitri, Ashe, and Dedue are the only ones taking the major because they want to. Dimitri because he will serve the estate as best he can. Dedue because he's happy to support Dimitri but he also hopes it'll help his homeland. Meanwhile, Ashe is determined to prove Lanato was right to adopt him. Sylvain, Ingrid, and Annette work diligently regardless of their personal preferences because they want paternal attention (Sylvain and Annette) or grimly accept their family duty (Sylvain and Ingrid)— no one sees Sylvain work so they're surprised when he receives the same marks as Annette. Felix was forced to attend, does not pay attention, joins the Fencing Club, and would be failing if it weren't for Sylvain. Mercedes wants to give back to the Church that helped her and her Mother when they fled her Father— she isn't sure about missionary work but is exploring it nonetheless (most campus charities and, weirdly, ghost tours are started by her).
The Wolf Pack are not students but run the city underground. Yuri denies being anything approaching 'good', however the reason they're pretending to attend the university is so he can better investigate some troubling sexual assault allegations. Balthus infiltrates the Deer, Hapi the Lions, and Constance the Eagles, but conclude that Lorenz, Sylvain, and Linhardt are not actually suspects and pose no danger to anyone but themselves. Linhardt, for his part, wasn't even propositioning anyone but his invasiveness about other people's ancestry was rather suggestive and therefore easily misconstrued.
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nixelspixels1225 · 3 years
I should be working on college work but here I am. Okay but...
FE3H College/University AU: Blue Lions Part 1
Side note: I have a headcanon that Lambert and Rodrigue had a side relationship going on, which applies to this a little bit,,,
Maintains a 3.5 GPA, is an over-achiever, and isn’t ever late to class.
He has therapy dog that’s a boy :) I imagine it’s a White Terrier who kind of has the same personality as him.
He’s apart of the debate team with Felix; is considered the best on the debate team, rivaling with Edelgard’s team.
plays on the baseball team with Sylvain and Felix (more on that in Felix and Sylvain’s portions). Every time he goes to bat, though, he ends up either hitting it out of the park or he breaks a bat somehow. He’s the reason they have to keep buying extra bats. 💀
He commutes from his home and Lambert is/was a well-known big time politician, but Dima inherits it. His uncle Rufus (who he doesn’t like as stated in the game) comes and checks in him every once in a while, but he’s basically a drunken bank owner and doesn’t really care for Dima.
On days he’s at his lowest he brings his dog with him to class. Everyone wants to pet his dog, but the dog is pretty picky with people touching him. When Dimitri raises his hand in class, the dog copies him and raises his paw. 🥺
Everyone assumes he’s gay, but doesn’t make any inclinations on if he actually is or not. He usually sticks to not talking another himself at all. The college/uni has days where students can bring their pets for an outdoor event and Dima almost doesn’t wanna bring his dog because he stubbornly considers his dog a friend over a “pet”
He's definitely a teacher's pet, no doubt.
Attends a small therapy session through the college every two weeks.
You cannot get him to drink alcohol or smoke pot honestly. Maybe unless a certain professor were there and did it first, he may be convinced.
Get ready for Sylvix vibes.
Maintains about a 3.1–3.4 GPA. Sometimes ends up being late to class, but only if he is just perpetually exhausted.
Is apart of the debate team. He has to be on it because his excuse is that he has to keep an eye on Dimitri (this kinda goes along with my Lambert/Rodrigue headcanon post)
Is also apart of the baseball team but that's because he likes being active. It helps him with his anger issues. He's probably the best player on the team to be completely honest. Short? Runs fast? Well-balanced and strong? Yes.
oh yeah he has anger issues. People have told him to go to therapy but it only pisses him off. His therapist is basically Sylvain. dhebjbhjbhcjjbh
A good majority of people legitimately cannot tell whether or not Felix is aromantic, asexual, straight, or what the hell he is. Sylvain would say he's sexually attracted to anything metal but that's an inside joke between them.
Felix commutes to college/uni. Actually, he doesn't live too far from Dimtiri.
Owns a black cat, originally out of irony, but he ended up growing to be extremely fond of cats. Especially black cats. It has bright green-yellow eyes and is actually very sweet.
Often finds himself in Sylvain's dorm, sometimes sneaking in his cat since they don't allow pets in the dorms due to other students possibly having allergies. He likes to sometimes bring over Mexican food, guacamole and tortilla chips.
When staying up late to study with Sylvain, he'll put his hair in a messy white girl bun. Sylvain teases him that he needs a starbucks coffee, acrylic nails, and a shit ton of makeup and he'll be as good of a white girl as Dorothea or Hilda.
is very oblivious to Sylvain crushing on him, but also is unaware he likes Sylvain a lot. Also. Yes, they will die together. Totally doesn't click that he likes Sylvain.
Calls Sylvain "Idiot" in the streets, but "Syl" in the sheets DJHDEHVEVHJHVJJVH--no they don't actually bang until they get together.
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utatapyon · 4 years
Wow its me I'm alive and thinking about ShinOji.
I've really been wanting to draw some med au and musician au and mafia au and selkie au and FE3H au and tattooist/florist au
Uni life is busy and now that I'm stuck at home studying I feel trapped. Please help me get out of this art block I WANT TO DRAW.
PLEASE PLEASE SOMEONE BUG ME TO DRAW OJIRO OR SHINOJI PLEASE I need to get away from always doing uni work but I just can't get out of this rut. I wanna draw so bad but I'm stuck between studies and this art rut.
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derireo · 3 years
How do you support blogs saying studentleth is bad but you write studentleth
Uhhh, sorry? ^^; I am not sure if this is . towards me, or if you're asking a genuine question but ehhh. I don't...know. I am assuming I did something wrong either recently or in the past.
I know this blog used to be an FE3H one, but I don't really remember if I was someone who said this. I'd be very eager to apologise if I was like this in the past. I only like FE3H art so I don't know about any blogs either.
I'm sure I haven't written any student!byleth either. If you're thinking about my university!au where Byleth is a student, then that would make sense. I honestly don't see the problem with making Byleth a university student as she is at the usual age people would be to attend uni? If I recall she's around 21 and never really aged after timeskip (only celebrating her fake birthday once during the war if I'm correct).
Sorry for going off topic, but! I deeply apologize. I do not remember supporting blogs saying that student!byleth is bad (which is valid, if anything), but I do know that I wrote Byleth as a university student. I guess those two things clashed. FE3H takes place where the Academy works almost like a high school of some sort? At least, there's minors and adults so not really sure if I can call it that. I never intended to write Byleth as a student to age her down/to justify her pre-timeskip relationships. In fact, I don't think I wrote anything pre-timeskip...? Unless I did? Because I don't follow timelines very well;;;. Again, I am really sorry.
I deeply apologise for the trouble I've caused you.
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mirrormyheart · 4 years
STILL in a bit of a fanfic lull in terms of getting it typed out. I’m writing out a semi embarassing (or at least I’m embarassed of the writing) Shadowbringers G’raha Tia x Emet-Selch AU...yes...that’s right...I said it. I am capable, SOMEHOW MAYBE? Of making AUs. I don’t think I currently have any AUs up out of all the fics on my ao3. But anyway, I digress...
So...I’ll probably be typing that up soon, and honestly, when I can get back to typing out ‘Divine’ (FE3H) I will be very happy on that day (when I can get through whatever notes/mess of editing is in my notebook on that.) Applying for school has been an absolute dumpster fire because I JUST tried switching my program to Writing recently and the requirements are STEEP. Hell, I don’t even know if I’m going to be able to get into my other choice of Uni next year but now that I know how ridiculous the requirements are I am certainly going to be contacting them early. In my future tbh i see a lot more doujinshi because I want to improve my art... so like... it seems like the natural course to take? And it would help me improve my graphic novel art, which means I’d then run out of time to make doujin lol. God trying to figure these things out in a timely manner or AT ALL is such a HOT MESS. All in all, clearly the message here is I need to move on from my FF14 freebie drawing (been chipping away at it slowly but steadily!) to move on to better creative things. Honestly if y’all are stuck at home... and you don’t have much better to do...and even between all your adulting/passion projects I hope you find time for your creativity as well cause like, if you have any plans to get better, that shit’s not gonna do itself. I constantly look at and admire so many artists’ work and I look at it all knowing that they worked to get there... That’s...goals... maybe I’m taking the wrong path in school LOL
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i saw you shipped edelgard and felix, could you tell us something more about it ?? 👀👀👀
sure! :D it’ll be under the cut since it’s kinda long
tl;dr: it reminds me of another pairing i like, which i think works because there’s way too much tension between them and being together staves off their loneliness
okay, so to properly explain this i’ll need to dial back to my freshman year of uni, where i took a classics course for mesopotamian and egyptian mythology. our final assignment was to basically write a fanfic using the source material, and i chose to do it on the tale of nergal and ereshkigal. a rough, crude summary of the myth is:
ereshkigal is the ruler of the mesopotamian underworld (irkalla)
she has a strong sense of duty and a powerful presence, but she’s practically alone in irkalla because she’s one of the only deities there and can’t leave the underworld due to the rules of the universe
one day, she’s invited to a party in the heavens. since she can’t go, she sends her vizier, namtar, in her stead
nergal is a stubborn, self-destructive war god who has a mean streak and cannot for the life of him learn when to shut up, so he starts off the whole conflict by disrespecting namtar (therefore ereshkigal) at the party, causing ereshkigal to summon him to irkalla for judgment
depending on the version you read (either the short or long one), nergal can either
a) storm into the underworld and defeat ereshkigal, sparing her life when she takes him as a husband and they become co-rulers. this is the short one
or b) be an absolute idiot because enki (the god of wisdom) warns him to not sit, eat/drink, bathe, or uh, ‘lie in bed’ with ereshkigal during his stay there. this is the long one
nergal manages to resist the other warnings but can’t seem resist ereshkigal herself, so they do the do for six days and he runs away from irkalla on the seventh
this causes ereshkigal to become upset, so she sends namtar to find him and bring him back
he does eventually, on his own(?) accord, but acts like a whole jerk and a half, coming back like an absolute madman and wreaking havoc to poor innocent doormen to get to ereshkigal, where they more-or-less make up and uh, do the do again—this time for seven days, completing the symbolic initiation of his transition to the underworld
and the ruler of the gods says, “okie dokie, he can stay there”
the end of the myth is unfortunately missing, but it’s probably just wrapping everything up so it’s not a major loss
depending on your interpretation, this can be seen as ‘nergal the jerk: the saga’, the submission of a god who gets overpowered and must therefore share their domain, or a romance between two lonely beings who find love in each other. or all three, because they’re not mutually exclusive
(this analysis yonder is a great read that sums up my thoughts on the subject, if you’re curious about reading more on it!)
i think about their relationship from time to time to wonder about character dynamics, so one day, i was thinking about what roles the fe3h cast would play if they were in nergal and ereshkigal’s place. then i realized wait, aren’t they basically eddie/felix??
ereshkigal: independent, cool-headed, unforgiving to those who have wronged her, an important authority figure
nergal: headstrong, has a sharp tongue that gets him into trouble, likes fighting, runs away from feelings
both: kind of lonely (depends on interpretations!) because they’re alienated from others, extremely powerful, proud, passionate
like, it’s not perfect (eresh is more honest than eddie, nergal is more impulsive than felix), but i can see some parallels between them. and since i’m really fascinated in nergal/ereshkigal’s relationship, i started thinking about eddie/felix too much that it somehow wormed its way into my heart
you see, nergal/ereshkigal’s a fun ride because it’s basically a hollywood drama. the cool ice queen and resident bad boy fall in love but because they’re not good at coming to terms with their feelings, there are some twists and turns before they get together
they have a bumpy start, sure, but from the moment they meet, the tension is almost palpable?? like it’s some kind of instant magnetization. they’re attracted to each other from the start that once they do fall for each other, their whirlwind romance becomes intense and fervent. there’s a similar fire within them that, once the other finds, could potentially draw them together—if i take nergal/ereshkigal into account
the problem is that eddie and felix are different characters from eresh and nergal, so getting together the way the latter two did is probably impossible. for example, i can’t imagine eddie being drawn to felix from the get go, nor can i imagine felix flirting
but! i do think that once they do (no matter how it happens), they could serve as a source of strength for their otherwise isolated selves. both being independent, eddie wouldn’t coddle felix and leaves him alone whenever he needs his space, and felix would let eddie do her own thing because he knows she’s capable. but when they are together, they’d be way too powerful—fit to be rulers on the underworld
i’m actually tempted to rewrite the story so i can insert the students in their place (the childhood squad as enki, one of the black eagles as namtar, etc.), but haha, i dunno if it’d translate well
i hope this answers your question! i’d be pretty pumped if this starts spurning people to make mythoo adaptations for fe3h (pygmalion and galatea au for ingrid and her love interest please and thank you??)
here’s a snippet of the myth fic that i wrote, so you can judge if eddie + felix would fit yourself! (got rid of the names to make it easier to pretend)
“Are you lying to me?”
She was confused. “What are you talking about?”
He trailed a hand across her jawline, landing under her chin as he leaned closer. He seemed angry. “Were you pretending? Treating me like a pity case? Laughing whenever I looked away?”
“What?” she repeated. “No, I—”
He pushed her away. “You and everyone else. I should’ve known.”
Confused, she reached out but he slapped her away. Pain etched in her chest.
“Don’t play with me! I told you why I wasn’t close to anyone! I trusted you!” His voice broke. He sounded miserable. “I thought you were different.”
That did it. She marched right up to him and grabbed his wrists. He escaped her grip. But every time he did, she latched herself onto him again.
“You,” she said, “Are. Acting. Like a child! Listen to me!” When he struggled against her hold, she wrapped her arms around his neck and knocked her head onto his. She felt him take a sharp breath. “What are you trying to say?”
He gritted his teeth. “That you’re faking.”
“Faking what?”
“This.” He placed a hand on her arm. “This.” On her cheek. “This.” On her heart.
Couldn’t he feel it? Her erratic heartbeat? He was being ridiculous. She could hear it in her ears. She started to laugh and he scowled, hurt flashing through his eyes.
She hated it.
So she kissed him.
And when she drew back, her face was flushed and eyes hazed. She asked, “I care for you. More than you realize. Does that answer your question?”
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shinimout · 6 months
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yuri does a thing while trying to get his boyfriends to babysit each other
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shinimout · 9 months
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Claude is 100% aware that the only thing saving their marriage is the fact that Lorenz has yet to score a date with Holst.
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shinimout · 6 months
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shinimout · 6 months
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giving sylvain freckles because i have no self control
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shinimout · 9 months
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“Lorenz? Buddy? …My man?”
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shinimout · 9 months
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I hate Lorenz
He’s been on my mind all day he’s so hsgsugvsugs the things I would do to this man
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