#favorite character. unironically. i love deeply flawed characters that easily couldve been something else
imjustli · 5 months
Linda Monroe is awful and a terrible person, but have you considered she's also really tragic? That her behaviour is a result of trauma, that she is not starting the abuse, but is repeating a cycle? That she has gotten stuck in the role many women do, where they are not given space to be anything but a mother, and looked down upon if they develop a personality? That she was willing to kill a person, just for her father's love? That all she wanted was to be a figure people look to for guidance, but instead got stuck in a role where her achievements never matter? That her harsh and holier-than-thou exterior is really just an attempt to protect a hurt little girl who never became what she wanted? That only people who had a hole to fill in their soul wanted a wiggly, and she was one of them? That she clearly is unsatisfied with her place in life? That she doesn't get to tell her husband she loves him, because he died for her desperate attempt to be loved by her father? That I love her?
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