#farewell present
juiche · 5 months
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a moment of peace before the whole world shatters 😇
get your own print here ❤️
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starflungwaddledee · 5 months
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alas, it seems the christmas mystery shall remain unsolved 🎁 happy holidays!
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elvisqueso · 5 months
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Love me, love my raccoon [Part 1/3]:
—Biscuits are a love language.
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roncheg · 5 months
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I finished a massive project recently🌳🌲🌳🌲🌳🌲
I'd probably post a more detailed video of the process later(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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rhymaes · 6 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook, Ep. 40 // The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights, John Steinbeck
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godlizzza · 6 months
Had a dream that you finished 90’s Killer and it ended with Strahm being sent back to the future and NOTHING CHANGED, I was so angry
Well damn, there goes my ending.
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I'm so proud of this
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sp1resong · 4 months
what if i made a mechanisms adaptation of razia's shadow. What then
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joyridingmp3 · 6 months
told my 40 year old wine mom coworker who plays candy crush on her lunch break about the post about trans women always becoming beautiful ethereal angels while trans guys are always just. some guy (she's a #ally don't worry) and she thought it was sooo funny and true.
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pirateborn-a · 1 year
I think a normal amount ab how Roger's last words to Rayleigh were "I'll never die partner" and the theme in one piece ab remembering / dying only after you're forgotten and how Roger left a legacy so grand his name is known and said everywhere and—
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canadachronicles · 1 year
Talk about going out with a bang! It moved me to tears watching Keegan Messing skate this program, the emotion he obviously felt doing it, and shared with us, as generously as ever, and the public’s reaction! He’s just such a sweet young man and a beautiful skater, and I got chills watching this on telly! I sure will miss him on the ice too, but what a last dance that was!
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earlgraytay · 2 years
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105ttt · 2 years
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This panel deserves to be redrawn one million times. It's so good.
(Do not tag as Lin//ked Uni//verse or ship. Do not refer to the Links as "Colors" in the tags or replies.)
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datastate · 1 year
however much i love witch’s heart, the similarities between kai and ashe make me want to shove ashe in a blender. this is unallowed. stop this immediately.
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dinosaurchurch · 1 year
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People say that a photo is worth a thousand words, that each and every picture you take says a lot about the person that takes it or the things it captures. I think that's kind of how this is, life has so many moments - some good and some bad. As another year comes to a close there's once again things or people I will have to say goodbye to. It's never easy to mentally tell yourself that there'll be a final time you'll see someone or something that you cherish or at least used to cherish. Memories are sort of like that, they're a snap shot in time that brings you back to a moment that won't happen twice.
I have memories with people that I cherish and hold dear to my heart but I know that nothing lasts forever and there'll come the time that you have to move on. Staying stuck in the past does nothing for no one, you have to continue even if the road is hard or you don't want to. I've had to say my share of farewells over the past few years, it's almost bittersweet seeing this chapter come to a close between the good times I've had and the turbulence I endured on the other.
I've had to overcome some of my deepest fears as much as I didn't want to face them. Standing up to some of my own personal inner demons and addressing what I've needed to is something I didn't want to do but I had to. It means digging back up things I thought I had buried long ago - the insecurities that I tried hide. Even if I mentally prepare myself for the worst of it I'm never truly ready for what I have to face. It's hard seeing the end of the road for someone else when you're still here and have to carry on without them even if you haven't spoken in a while or leaving behind a friend that you wished the best for but didn't think the same for you. It's those types of things - the very emotional that I find the hardest to deal with. It's like I'm still in the dark with it all but at least the more I have to face hard decisions like this the easier it does become but it's still not something I want to do. However that's life.
The decisions I've made I won't rescind. I won't break down and cross my own line because my emotions get in the way. There's times I want to - I want to add more to the conversation but know there's no point. I have to bite my tongue or walk away which is unlike me, I've always been bold - that person that wants to bring forth everything to the table and clear the air. For the longest while I thought people were weak for not being confrontational but there's points where it's the best answer - when it's the last resort for some form of peace for whatever turmoil has happened where no one will listen and everything comes to a standstill.
There's no such thing as 20/20 hindsight for every situation, looking back at how life has unfolded I've come to realize how naïve I've been. Ignorance might be bliss to an extent but the knowledge gained knowing there'll be hardship ahead and things you cannot predict is something I don't think I can put a price on. It's part of the journey of finding yourself, nobody flourishes without conflict.
Guess I have to admit that 2023 is going to have a few hard pills to swallow along the way as I continue to find out more about myself and the world I live in. I miss some of what I used to have but nothing stays the same so it would be wasted time wishing it would. I have to say goodbye to some of what I don't want to let go, some of the emotions I've been holding on to. It's about time I put them to rest...
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enhaheeseung · 2 years
Make sure to get in all your last minute reads I’ll be leaving a farewell message sometime next week to explain things and give my thanks to everyone🤎
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