#family run roofing contractor
fayeandknight · 3 months
I went to check out another house today and oh boy was it a doozy.
It was originally built in 1881 and I could see from the photos that it was not habitable. But it sits on a half acre in an area I'm interested in. Also I can see the charm in the bones, so to speak. Like a half circle window with built in seating, which to me shouts book nook.
I brought my dad because he's knowledgeable about construction and built our family home from scratch.
Got there and it was immediately obvious that this place is way worse than advertised. The second story all season room looks ready to fall off, there's foam patching along sections of the underside of the roof, porch looks like it'd drop you faster than you could curse, etc. It would be a massive undertaking to make it livable.
But the yard is fairly level and partially fenced in from the neighbors. It's set a decent distance from the road and has ample space from neighbors on all sides. This is big for me because I intend to board dogs (through my current job) and I don't want to piss off neighbors with barking dogs.
And while this isn't a basis to buy such a house on, something about it calls to me in a way I haven't experienced before. More on this under the cut because it's spiritual woo woo talk.
When I do a drive by, I literally drive by. I cruise through the neighborhood and take my time. But I don't go up to the house. However between this place clearly not being occupied and my dad having older white dude audacity, we got out and walked around the yard. We went all the way around the house, he pointed out a test patch where someone investigated the siding and it's layers, stomped on the dilapidated porch, and found a well with a hand crank.
At one point I was standing close to the road while he was on the porch reading orange town issued notices posted on the front door. A guy working for the house across the street stopped to stare at us. My dad gave a friendly wave, the contractor returned it, and despite my fears of the cops being called on us, nothing happened.
I thought initially this might be a place that I buy, spend a few months of heavy sweat equity on and hire a contractor or two for major things. But ultimately could make livable while continuing to fix up within three months or so. In addition to major interior work, it needs rewiring/electrical work, a plumbing overhaul, a new roof and gutters, new siding, a new porch, new windows, and most likely just tearing off the all season porch at minimum. So yeah just a fuck ton of work.
My dad and I agreed that this place was pretty far over our ability to renovate. But something makes me want to dig into it deeper anyway. While I highly doubt this place will turn into anything for me. I'm going to look into possible financing options. And I've set my dad to contacting the listing agent and the county office to see what's up.
My next step is digging into a renovation specific loan, the FHA 203k loan. Even though this place probably won't pan out I think it'll serve as a good test run of what I'd need. Cause let's be honest between the current economy and housing market, whatever I end up with will need work.
I don't typically talk about this, but I am pagan and consider myself a spiritual person. And while I don't see the mystical in the mundane everywhere, when I do I, I do.
When I hesitantly stepped onto the property I got a sense of the house. It's got a presence. Something quiet, mostly dormant, and not a little resigned to being torn down. But it's deep, having grown out from the house itself and into the ground around it. It felt like it cracked one eye half way open to regard me. It was very tired. But it also conveyed a feeling that if I restored it, it would be my house.
It would not only protect and shelter me like a good house should. But it would make sure I was happy there. It would pull on its deep connection to the land to make sure this was a place I thrived in. If I invested in it, it would invest in me with the shared goal of quiet, simple joy.
No bombastic promises of glory or great success. But a secure space to sing off tune while I bake bread. Sunny windows to dry herbs in. And love ingrained in the archways of architectures no longer in fashion.
It's not something I'm willing to use as a reason to immediately go all in on. But I'd be lying to myself if I didn't admit that it's part of the reason I'm investigating what it would take to make this place a home.
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winterswhumpblr · 1 year
When we were young
Hua Biao played by Neo Hou
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One of the best drama’s I watched in 2022. The found family in this show is insane. Every single one of the main characters go through a lot, but I’ve only focused on Hua Biao.
Watch on Viki
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01: classmates find out he was kicked from his old school, told he doesn’t belong at the school, arm bitten, in pain,
02: in a fight, wins, manipulated into fighting again, concern for him, hands treated at hospital {flashback: in a fight, bleeding hands} sad upbringing revealed,
03: pushed, almost falls into a nail in the wall, saved, fakes stomach ache, volunteers to take the punishment of his classmates, forced to run 100 laps, tired, sweaty, getting yelled at by principal, helps whole class cheat, gets caught, reprimanded,
04: pranked, panicked, explosion in his home, part of the roof is missing, cleaning up, asking his friend not to tell other people about it, sad, letting his grandma blame him,
05: sleeping, friend finds out secret, mentions of the wounds he’s collected from fixing the roof, falls through roof, sad, unable to buy hearing aids
06: concern for someone,
07: receives the punishment for something his friends did, covered in bruises, doesn’t want to remove his shirt during a basketball game, forcibly gets it removed, anxious, concern for him, teacher pokes bruise, makes up a fake illness as to why he has bruises in the first place, tells his friend the truth,
08: stumbling, exhausted, rushing, sweaty, gets to class late, forced to hold basin of water over head as punishment, rained on, faints, concern for him, dizzy, blurry vision, ears ringing, mentions of him having a slight fever, whining, scared of getting injection, tricked into to taking it <comedic>, concern for him, disoriented, saying the fever fogged his brain,
09: feeling lightheaded, hiding it, paler than usual, light headed, faints, concern for him, malnourished from barely eating and making one meal last multiple, concern for him, being fussed over, friends make him meals and put them in containers so he can eat at home, concern for someone, searching for his granny,
10: {continuation of last episode: search for granny, finds her, concern for someone}worried and anxious, headmaster finds out the truth about tutoring, upset, says he did it because he needs money, asks to be removed as class monitor,
11: love interests family feed him meals, tricked into eating more, separated from friends, concern for someone
12: showing off latest award to parents’ pictures, friends come over to help honour the parents on their anniversary, concern for someone, running, fighting someone, cuts hand, runs after criminal, helps police catch them,
13: jealous, threatened, distracted, sad, can’t find his grandma, worried, running around looking for her, found her, yelling, upset, protecting her, makes a deal, needs money, has three days to get a large sum of money, upset, sad
14: friends help him come up with the money, gives it to contractor, plan goes awry, protecting his friends, glass hits his forehead, teacher found them, yelled at, running away, hiding from security, sleeping in the classroom overnight,
15: nothing
16: worried about someone, sad, keeps hiding a gift he got the love interest, missed his timing multiple times, sad, pretending to sleep, dismissing love interest, wanting to be left alone,
17: helping a friend out, staying with them, getting food for them, trying to coerce them to eat, making sure they’re okay, staying with them, upset, lost his necklace, looking for it, relieved, mentions of what happened to his parents and the importance of his necklace, sleeping,
18: concern for someone, sad, finds out his granny has Alzheimer’s, crying, pretending he’s fine, sad
19: concern for someone, carrying granny on his back, running to the hospital, sad
20: Talks about what his life has been like, applies ointment to granny’s burn, concern for someone, running away, hiding,
21: granny forgets he told her where he was going, police called, scolded, concern for him, sad, concern for someone, concern for him, plan goes wrong, running away,
22: Itchy, tired, concern for someone, hiding his job, being followed, tired, out of breath, covered in dirt from his job, worried, frustrated, upset, confession to love interest, concern for him, exhausted, granny mistakes him for his father, pretends to be his father for her, sad, calming his granny down, friends find out about his job, help him clean, feet being treated, groaning, love interest finds out about his granny’s Alzheimer’s
23: friends help him do his job, let him keep the money, grateful, wants to buy a massage machine to stimulate his gran’s memory, sad, granny forgets him in front of love interest, mistakes him for his dad, emotional, concern for someone, rushing to the hospital, worried
24: looking visibly down, granny doesn’t recognize him, thunder storm, power goes off, calming grandma down, concerned, frantic, rushing to check on grandma, running in the rain to buy a flashlight, grandma doesn’t recognize him, wooden stick held against him, worried, sad, emotional, crying, being slapped repeatedly by grandma, crying, being told to leave his home, upset, walking alone in the rain, sitting alone getting drenched, upset, crying, yelling, being comforted by love interest, sobbing for his grandma, friends are there for him, friends help him with his grandma, hears grandma crying, comforting her, crying silently, says goodbye to his friends/love interest, chooses to not go to college and instead stay with his grandma and travel until she completely loses her memories, sobbing
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captainsimagines · 2 years
the warmth of the future || three
Summary: It’s been two years since you fell in love with Bucky Barnes, and the holidays are just around the corner. With even more love, more friends, and more family in attendance, you and Bucky fully intend to enjoy these days with as little drama as possible. But that’s not always the case with a relationship like yours, is it?
Pairing: DBF James “Bucky” Barnes x (Fem) Reader
Based on the Song: ‘Willow’ by Taylor Swift 
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Warnings: strong language; angst; money talk; mention of dead parents; age difference; accidental voyeurism; unprotected sex
Word Count: 7,130+
Author’s Note: The finale! We’ve come to yet another end for these characters! Love them with all my heart, and I’m so happy (as always) to share them with you. xxMoni
       The firefighters had the fire controlled within thirty minutes of the faulty switch striking a flame. Or rather, they controlled the remaining flames. Apparently the fire started around one in the morning when the fundraiser was still going strong and most of the townspeople were either at the bar or asleep. Someone finally called 911 around twenty minutes later, but by then the fire had consumed every item in the store. And since plant life burns with villainous purpose, the walls didn’t stand much of a chance.
All that remained now was the black outline of the structure, chipped and broken wood sticking in all directions. The couches were charred, as was the register and back office. Clint and Steve carried the burnt safe out into the street so they could load it into Pietro’s truck. Your dad already volunteered to store it in the garage.
It was heartbreaking to see so many flowers burned. Some lifeless, some gone. Bucky had run back home to bring you a heavier jacket and some shoes as he knew you would want to help your friends salvage what they could. Once he saw that you were bundled up and no longer at risk for frostbite, he got to work.
Hours of cleaning, sweeping, calling contractors and customers.
Pietro had released a garbled, angry yell when Wanda mentioned the Christmas Eve and Christmas orders. He rubbed at his temples, then his chest, muttering something along the lines of, We needed that money.
Wanda and Pietro are somewhat paralyzed—Clint at least tried to sprinkle in some jokes here and there—and it’s killing you.
The holidays were always festive. Nothing bad was supposed to happen during the holidays. Because when they do, they’re never the same.
“All the money we raised last night for the roof—I’ll put it toward the store.” You were now all seated at the barstools and booths in Kate’s bar as she made that drastic declaration. She passed Sam a plate of fried eggs and bacon that she had cooked upstairs twenty minutes before, ignoring the way everyone immediately rejected her idea.
“Kate, you spent all that time organizing that event. You earned the money,” you say, stealing a piece of bacon yourself. The shock from the morning finally wore off long enough for you to put some food into your stomach. Bucky adjusts you on his lap as he adds, “You have a business too, Kate. You need to keep it up and running.”
Kate rolls her eyes. “That bucket is holding up just fine.” She points at the bucket near the tiny stage, nearly filled with water.
Wanda sighs, rubbing the tension from her shoulder as her other hand nestles a mug of coffee to her chest. “They’re right, Kate. Besides, I’ve been too lenient on our annual inspections. We were supposed to have a check-up two months ago. I kept pushing it back.”
“Don’t blame yourself,” Pietro orders. “I use the same calendar as you do.”
At that moment, everyone shares a collective sigh. This was bad. Very bad. That shop was Wanda and Pietro’s only source of income. Clint’s, too. It was their parent’s memory.
“What are we going to do?” Wanda whimpers, resting her forehead against Sam’s shoulder. Everyone else shares a look, a look that conveys no answers and no ideas.
After talking logistics and finishing breakfast, everyone begins filing out to get back to work. Sam, Steve, Bucky, and your dad decided they would stay behind, driving anything that wasn’t too badly burned back to the house. Kate offered to bring everyone water and lunch. Clint, Wanda, and Pietro hopped into Pietro’s truck immediately, their list full and priorities straight. Most of their day would be spent out of town, away from the wreckage. You figure that’s convenient—they probably don’t want to stare at what they lost.
Bucky meets you at the bar entrance, kissing your cheek briefly before following Steve.
“Bucky?” He turns, hands in his pockets. “I didn’t get you a present yet.”
His mouth twitches, and something beautiful gleams in his eyes. “You got the money for it, though. Don’t you?”
“You’re gonna make sure their flower orders get out one way or another, aren’t you?”
The fact that he knows you so well has you believing in the concept of soulmates. “Yeah.”
He smiles, at you and at nothing. “You’ve already given me your heart. I would be honored if you used it for this.”
Then he turns, chuckling softly to himself. Rubbing at his chest—rubbing at something in his coat pocket.
     “Don’t take this the wrong way, but when I agreed to a holiday vacay in a town that resembled the set of Gilmore Girls, I didn’t expect to get the ‘Oh, no! Our beloved inn burned down and now I’m unemployed’ storyline.”
Peter’s admission, no matter how inappropriate, evokes a short burst of laughter from your chest. Peter Parker had that ability—make the best out of the worst.
The two of you were driving to the next town over, aiming to cross out the biggest item on the list: find a flower shop that would fulfill the orders. It made a good impression on the customers and could make them donate loads of cash to rebuilding the shop. It was worth it to try.
“I only meant to introduce you to my family and attend the Christmas party. Trust me, this wasn’t planned.”
“You think throwing the party is still a good idea? What if they don’t want to celebrate during a time like this?”
You pull into the parking lot, parking in front of a gothic-style flower shop whose display sign read, Flowers For The Living. “Probably no party. And I think Wanda and Pietro realize they’re getting help whether they like it or not, so they’ll be okay.”
Peter hums, and gets out of the car with you. The shop is smaller, with vintage furniture and flowers ranging from all colors, especially the darker shades. It was a nice contrast to the stereotype that all flower shops had to be these lively, colorful places. There are no holiday decorations, either.
“Hello?” you call out, running your finger along the leaves of black roses.
A tall woman enters from the back office, dusting her pants of lint. She chews the final bites of her food as she answers, “Yes, yes! I’m here, I’m here.”
Peter blinks, his mouth forming a tiny ‘O’ as he takes her in. Quite obviously, you might add.
“Uh, I’m MJ. Who are you?”
When you realize Peter’s mouth isn’t actually going to be forming words anytime soon, you let out the whole spiel. How the only flower shop in your town burned down, how orders needed to start shipping today, how the owners are family and this was the least you could do for them. The woman, MJ, listens. And all the while a small smile creeps onto her face, noticing that your explanation is turning into rambling.
“So, yeah. We’d be honored to buy some flowers from you.”
MJ tilts her head up, biting her bottom lip. “You’re going to buy my flowers and market them as your own?”
Fuck. Okay, backtrack.
But it’s Peter who snaps out of whatever trance he was in, coming up with, “Actually, with your permission, we were hoping that we could attach small notes to every order. Custom-made. Your stamp, your name, and a message from us thanking you for saving the day. It would show that Wanda and Pietro still cared enough to get the orders in and sent out, and you’d get free publicity.”
That right there. That’s why he’s the best assistant.
MJ smirks, fingering the massive bouquet beside the register. She makes a show of thinking about her answer, ignoring the fumbling of your thumbs and Peter’s giant grin.
“When I first set up this shop,” she starts, walking around the register. You don’t miss the way Peter studies her further. You're tempted to hit him upside the head. “I knew jackshit about business. All I knew was that I wanted to have an alternative flower shop where people could buy one-of-a-kind bouquets. Do you have any idea what my first act as a new business owner was?”
Both you and Peter shake your head.
“I bought more inventory before even making a sale.”
“It was Wanda Maximoff who ventured to this part of town, looking for advice on how to darken certain flowers. Where to order them, how to arrange them. I had been open for a week and was already in debt. I gave her all my tips, and she came in the next day with her hair in a scarf, a broom, and a whole itinerary.”
“She did?”
MJ nods, smiling to herself as she remembers the memory. “Wouldn’t take no as an answer. Said her father hammered the rules of business into her head by age twelve and that she would do the same for me. I don’t speak to my parents and I have no siblings, so…”
MJ pauses, then pulls out her notebook, turning to a blank page. “This is the first I’m hearing about the fire.” Sorrow flashes across her features. “So I’ll help her get back on two feet if it’s the last thing I do. Give me the order information. I’ve got a big job ahead of me.”
Wanda had never mentioned MJ, but she did talk about this town and the businesses in it. She often brought home food from family-run restaurants, antiques for her apartment—she just never mentioned making another friend.
Peter snaps his fingers multiple times, cheering as he says, “You got sticky tabs and highlighters?”
MJ lights up. “In the back! Hold on, hold on!”
As she skips back to the office to retrieve more supplies, you turn to Peter. “Match made in Heaven.”
Peter scoffs, shoving your shoulder with his. A blush creeps from the base of his neck to his cheeks. “Everybody likes office supplies. If you don’t, there’s something wrong with you.”
You set the teasing aside for the next two hours, working with MJ on getting the orders fulfilled and loading them up in delivery trucks. By the end, you’ve made a new friend. And you bet Peter Parker will be tagging along on your family vacations every holiday season from now on.
     “This is just shit luck, man.”
Everyone mumbles their agreement to Sam’s comment. They’re currently cleaning glass shards, rolling the shredded curtains, and piling picture frames.
“How long do you think it’ll take to rebuild?” Sam continues, broom in one hand and dustpan in the other.
Bucky sends him a half-hearted glare, wiping his face free of soot. “Considering it just burned down this morning, I’m gonna say a ton of time.”
“Five months, tops.”
Bucky’s eyes widen at your dad’s declaration. “You’re optimistic.”
Your dad shrugs, sweeping his designated corner. He carefully creates a pile of glass. “Those kids have some otherworldly determination. You remember how they picked up the mantle after their parents died?”
“We helped…” Steve grimaces.
“Nah, they ran that shop like their parents were watching. They did most of it.”
“Think they can do it again?” Sam pushes, curious. He bends down to sweep your dad’s glass pile.
“I know they can do it again. But the emotional toll might just hit harder than last.”
Steve clears his throat, raising his hand like a kid in the classroom. “Hey…Is the party tonight…”
“Cancelled? Most likely,” your dad answers.
Bucky sighs, “Always looked forward to your little shindigs.”
Then Steve says something that makes Bucky think he’s truly gone mad. “Hey…Why don’t we still have it?”
Your dad half-cackles, half-snorts. “Oh, for obvious reasons, Steven! God, you’re even more dense than Bumblebee claimed.” And even as he says it, it’s with love etched into each word.
Steve grumbles, “No, idiot! I mean—Why don’t we bring the decorations here? Make this into something…To tell those kids that we’re going to help them. And that we should celebrate the fact that we know they’ll be okay.”  
To throw a party on the gravesite of their parent’s business…Steve was both dense and confident, Bucky concludes. “Think they’ll go for it?”
“Won’t know unless we try, right?”
Maybe it was a good idea. On a day as gloomy as this one, perhaps a little cheer is what was needed. And who knows? Having it in the center of town could bring a crowd desperate to donate.
“Gonna go drive all we’ve got in the truck back to the house,” your dad announces. “Meet me there in a few hours for the decorations, alright?” Everyone agrees, seemingly excited for the prospect of such a wild idea.
Bucky throws aside some random wood the same moment he catches sight of the one person he really doesn’t want to converse with. “Woah…What are you doing here?”
Quill strolls past the crumbling doorway, hands in his pockets and wearing an expression of shame. “I apologize for last night. I honestly didn’t know, and I thought there was something still between us. Like…some holiday fairytale.”
Bucky cringes, but gives him the benefit of the doubt. His jealousy is still burning in his stomach, but he squashes it long enough to give Quill a proper verbal response. “Okay?”
“I came to offer my assistance. And my men.”
“You don’t have to—”
“I’m already drawing up plans.” And with that, Bucky realizes his jealousy was misplaced. Because even though the thought of another man touching you without his permission gets him heated, he realizes that this was not the situation he thought it was. Quill is not Rumlow. Quill did not force you to do anything, nor has he attempted to contact you afterward. He owes you another apology, sure, but Bucky’s thankful Quill had the gall to apologize at all. “Clint’s an old friend. I don’t hang out much with people anymore. But seeing all of you makes me want to have a social life again.”
And Bucky has to admit, his heart breaks a little. Breaks even more when he understands exactly what Quill means.
Bucky grabs the nearest broom leaning against the wall, holding it out to Quill. “Here…You can help us with that bit over there.”
Quill takes it, gives Bucky a quick and respectful nod, and gets to work. Even with extra hands, the shop wasn’t going to magically rebuild itself in a few weeks. Wanda and Pietro needed income by the end of January or else they risked dipping into their savings. Which, that’s the point of savings, but they didn’t have much. At least, that’s what Pietro mumbled this morning.
So Bucky puts down his broom and tears off his gloves, heading for the crumbling door and to the street.
“Buck, where you going?” Sam calls out.
“You said it yourself: Those kids are gonna need all the help they can get! And I have a favor to cash in!”
     It’s clean. Well, less messy than this morning. Half the town came out to offer some assistance, bringing food and water to everyone working overtime. Clint, Pietro, and Wanda were off being responsible—insurance, their tax guy, going through the documents stored in the safe. Luckily those weren’t too harmed.
You figure helping with the clean up would be too emotional for them. You saw how Pietro was—his face hadn’t fallen that way since he witnessed what Brock Rumlow was planning to do to you two Christmases ago.
“Everything go good at the flower shop?” Your dad’s voice rocks you from your thoughts. You’re currently sitting on the charred front steps, knees tucked high enough that your chin rests on them.
“Yeah. I’m pretty sure my assistant pulled a date, too.”
He laughs, releasing a low grunt as he sits beside you. “Oh, everyone’s falling in love nowadays.”
You allow the silence to fester between you for a while longer. It seems like your dad expects it because he pretends to study the storefronts directly within eyesight, waiting for you to drop the bomb. The bomb he should have dropped months ago when he made up his mind. “When were you going to tell me that you’re going to propose to Monica?”
He dips his head, sighing heavily. A spot of shame tainting his features. “Who told you?”
“Does it matter? You didn’t tell me.”
It’s only been you and your dad since you could remember. Sure, Sam and Bruce were there, raising you like you were their own. Because you were, by some definition. One of their best friends had a child at fifteen, who was then abandoned and left to raise that child alone. They stepped up, as did Steve whenever he visited, and you couldn’t be more thankful.
But even with such a crowd, it was only you two. Sharing inside jokes, downloading the same video games on your phone so you could play together, taking bike rides and trying new foods in the town over. Him not telling you this major milestone hurts.
“Bumblebee…I didn’t mention it for a reason.”
Turning to him, it’s impossible to shield the pain in your eyes. “Did you think I wouldn’t approve? Because I do, a million times yes.”
“I wasn’t doubting that. It just—just wasn’t the right time to bring it up.”
The way he says the right time—he’s hiding something and you know it.
“Then when? The day you proposed?”
Your dad chuckles. “I’m going to propose sometime in the new year. Obviously not at this moment considering I don’t want to steal the spotlight.” He motions to the scene before him, his dark joke landing strong enough that a laugh bursts from your chest. You shake your head, a gesture of half-assed chastising.
“I wanted to tell you in person.”
It makes some sense. But you can’t help the feeling that he’s hiding something big. So you play it off. “Marriage. Wow.”
“Not a fan?” your dad asks, his smile growing.
Marriage. The next milestone that so many people your age conquer. People from high school have been getting married and having children since you were in your early twenties. Sometimes you feel like you’re a little late. But it was never a priority or something with a ticking clock. If it happened, it happened.
“I’ve never really thought of it. Well, I have…but it’s never been a priority.”
“Tell me, Bumblebee—Would you marry James?”
Goddamnit, you would. You would, you would, you would. No other man you’ve dated has ever elicited those feelings. To ponder a life with them. A lifelong commitment. “Would you like me marrying your friend?”
“This isn’t about me. It hasn’t been about me in a long time. So answer the question: Would you marry him?”
“The scary thing is that I think I would.”
“Saying all that, and there’s still a part of you that wants to seek my approval of such a union?” The way he says union makes his statement sound sarcastic.
“Don’t make it into a joke. I care about what you think, Dad.”
His mouth twitches into a small grin, slight wrinkles stretching across his left cheek. “Your only job in this life is to love someone without conditions. Whether it be yourself, a friend, blood, or a partner.”
“Your approval is a condition?”
“My approval is a bonus. But even then, I see how he looks at you. It’s how I used to look at your mother. How I now look at Monica.”
You snort, “My mother isn’t the best example.”
Looking up at the sky, your dad considers his next words carefully. “No but, the love was real. Just because it wasn’t the right person doesn’t mean that my feelings were invalid. We love a lot of people in our lifetime. When you find that you’re capable of it, it’s really easy to recognize it in others.”
“Like Kate and Pietro?” You click your tongue, raising one eyebrow at your dad.
Your dad laughs, rubbing at his chin. “I have seen that boy’s eyes since high school. You won’t believe the amount of talks I’ve had with him.”
“You knew?”
“He didn’t know until earlier this year. Sam made a comment and Pietro had some, out of body realization.”
Did all the adults know? You guess that Wanda didn’t, or maybe she considered it to be mundane or anything but romantic. Boys were attracted to girls all the time—didn’t mean their feelings came from a place of respect and admiration.
“I really do miss a lot by living in New York, huh?”
He throws an arm around your shoulders, tugging you close to his side. Lightly shaking you as he declares, “You’re not allowed to feel guilty about working at your dream job.”
“It’s not that. I just miss you guys all the time.”
“Then visit more often.”
Scoffing, you rest your head on his shoulder. “Being a working girl is tedious.”
“Even I would go crazy with just James and Steven for company.”
You giggle. New York wasn’t all it was jacked up to be, but it was a pleasant place to live. Were you in love with New York before meeting Bucky? Did it hold the same influence over you? Sometimes places aren’t really called home until you have a reason to name it so. It’s the people who make a place, and Bucky is your home.  
“They tell you we’re going to bring the decorations over here?”
You blink at him. Bring the decorations over? Over here? In this area of ash and debris? “In what capacity?”
Your dad brings a finger to his lips, miming for you to be quiet. He stands, holding out his hand to help you up. “Stall the three flower nerds. I’ll call you when it’s all ready.”
He starts jogging down the street, completely ignoring your question. You yell out after him, “Is Bucky going to help you?”
“Stall the flower nerds!”
You look around the street, perplexed. Huh?
     To be honest, it didn’t take much to stall the flower nerds. It took a while to locate them around town, anyway. They hadn’t passed by the house or noticed that everyone was driving decorations back and forth. The mini Christmas trees, the lights, the Hanukkah decorations, the food. Many nearby businesses donated tables and chairs, some even offering to keep their doors open tonight so that guests may use the restroom.
It was now a party of not just your friends, neighbors, and family—but of the entire town. A town that came together on Christmas Eve.
“I really don’t feel like seeing the area right now,” Pietro moaned, sitting in the passenger seat as Clint drove his truck.
“I know, but Bucky asked me if we could pick him up there.”
“He’s got one arm, but two legs,” Clint mutters, earning a smack on the shoulder from the backseat.
“Just drive,” you softly order, anticipation simmering in your chest. The town felt empty as you drove through it, as if they all went to sleep. Wanda even commented on it.
When the final turn came about, and your heart was burning a nauseating hole in your mouth, you just prayed these three didn’t outright scream with fury. That the spot in which all their hard work had been was being desecrated—
“What in the—” Clint curses, leaning forward in the driver’s seat to get a better look. Parking across the street, he’s out of the car immediately. Pietro and Wanda follow, hesitant at first.
“Surprise?” you try, cringing at how stupid you sound.
“Is this why you were acting so weird?” Clint asks, eyes wide in what you hope is wonder.
And wonder would be correct. In the last few hours, your friends have managed to turn an area that was burnt to a crisp in the early hours of this morning into something revolutionary. You figure they got the fire department’s permission to add some of these decorations…because oh my god.
Displayed like a grand patio, its deck carried about a dozen tables, each filled with food, flowers, drinks, and mini Christmas trees. Your dad seems to have brought out the Menorah as well, lighting all the candles even if the last candle was still missing. Chairs were spread about, some of the older townspeople seated and comfortable. Music played from two tiny speakers, crackling at a mediocre frequency, but still strong enough to make out the song. It’s then that you recognize the two boys setting them up and tinkering with them—taller than you remember, and looking more like Sarah each day.
Lights are strung in the same zig-zag formation as the ones on the street, flickering red and green and gold. All those damn paper snowflakes rest on the tables, probably mocking Clint since they aren’t currently hanging from a ceiling. Yet it’s the person on the ladder, tightening one of the green bulbs that surprises you. Quill, who looks across the crowd and over at you, smiling shyly as he raises one hand in polite greeting.
“It wasn’t my idea,” you clarify, walking over to the entrance that the guys have simply torn down. The door’s archway is gone—the shop officially starts from scratch. “The orders were sent out, by the way.”
Wanda snaps her head toward you. Then she sees MJ in the crowd, and her shoulders drop.
Steve breaks through the crowd, his flannel shirt still a little dirty from a hard day’s work. Sam and Bucky tilt their heads at him, obviously surprised by his forwardness. The surprise hits you too as Steve strolls forward to none other than Wanda herself.
“I, uh—” Steve blushes, running a hand down the back of his neck. “I thought that a little Christmas cheer might help. I know you’re Jewish and all, but Hanukkah has passed and it seemed…nice.”
You and Clint stare at the two, silent but communicating with your eyes.
He’s flirting.
I can fuckin’ see that. Why is he flirtin’?
He’s blushing.
I can fuckin’ see that! Why is he blushin’?
“You are red.” Wanda’s observation only makes Steve turn even more scarlet.
“I’m a very pale person.”
Pietro—who has decided he doesn’t care if Wanda and Steve flirt—walks toward Kate, who’s dressed as a waiter rather than a guest. Black tie attire, and her combat boots to pull it all together.
“You have a hand in this?” Pietro playfully interrogates, scanning her up and down. It’s the first time Kate’s never worn a dress for a party, and by the look on Pietro’s face, he’s loving it all the same.
She shrugs, like this was all casual. “Who do you think donated all the alcohol?”
Pietro smirks, then runs a slow hand through his white hair. “I’m still going to help fix your roof.”
“Oh, yeah. I’m not letting you off the hook that easily.” Kate goes to step toward him, for a hug no doubt, but he holds out a hand to stop her. Kate looks wounded in that second, before Pietro crouches, onto one knee, to tie her shoe.
Kate blinks, and the world makes sense.
“Merry Christmas!” Clint exclaims, practically sprinting into the crowd. He jumps into the arms of your dad, who somehow anticipated his weight, and screams it over and over again.
The stress of not knowing how they would react disintegrates to dust, releasing its tension from your ribs and shoulders. This isn’t a solution, nor is it the first step, but it is progress. Self-defined progress for the long road ahead.
     “Now…I promised my mother, myself, and God that I would never do this again!” Clint proclaims, gassing himself up as he stands between Sam and Steve, ready to flip. He steadies his hands on the chair in front of him, kicks his legs up, and allows the two veterans to hold them high. Then Kate guides the pump to his mouth, and Clint proceeds to accomplish the most insanely coordinated keg stand in the history of keg stands.
He lasts a total of twenty seconds. When Kate announces that she’s next, you decide it’s time to mingle with other people. Peter speaks with MJ at the drinks table, while Quill chats up that girl from yesterday. Carol, was it? She was twisting the ends of her hair, obviously enjoying Quill's flirting. The hair twirling was encouragement.
Heading over to grab a water bottle, a rare face drops into your peripheral. Tall and handsome, perhaps one of the most beautiful men you’ve ever seen. He grabs the attention of dozens, his elegant face vibrant as his mouth spreads into a smile. He greets everyone who flocked to him with the same grace, with the same delight. A man who hasn’t been seen in this town for a long time.
“Is that the one and only T’Challa?” Monica’s voice booms over the music. You turn to her to see she’s already dragging your dad through the crowd. It clicks through you—the picture in Kate’s bar, the one where Bucky looks like a twenty-year old twink.
Your dad beams, accepting T’Challa's handshake. “This is even rarer than my daughter and James visiting.”
T’Challa laughs, scanning the room as if in search of the man mentioned. Instead, he finds you as you timidly walk over, giving him a good-natured wave in exchange.
“I heard what happened. Plus, my mother still lives here and it was about time I jumped on a plane instead,” T’Challa admits, giving you a slight nod in greeting.
“Have you been in town since this morning?” your dad asks.
“Actually, Barnes called me.”
“He what?” T’Challa nearly laughs again from your shocked expression.
“Did you know that I asked him to be my patient when I came up with the prototype for his arm?”
“Well, no. But it makes sense.”
He finally finds Bucky in the crowd, watching as he jokes around with Steve and Pietro. His eyes never leave him as he confesses, “I gave him his arm without cost. He was my guinea pig, my selfish science experiment when I was in my late twenties. He let me work on him, tear him apart and put him back together, as a favor to me. I owe him for believing in me and my brain.”
“You…owe him?”
He nods. Then, as casual as ever, says, “I’m here to throw my millions of dollars into rebuilding the flower shop.”
Everyone near pauses, the surprise emitting around the room. Even Clint, recovering from his kegs-capades, saddles up beside you. Elbow stabbing your side, being annoying as ever.
“I…don’t think it’ll take a million dollars.”
Clint scoffs, “Shit! I’ll take the million! Don’t listen to her!”
T’Challa chuckles, “Good to see you again, Clint.”
“I’m a pleasure, I know. What’s this about a million?”
“Clint—” Your elbow stabs him this time.
“Monica.” T’Challa turns to her, bowing a little. Clint laughs to himself, like he expected the dismissal. “I’m so glad to see you again. Is your mother doing well?”
“Attached to your mother’s hip as usual,” Monica responds, rolling her eyes at the mental image it causes.
“I’ll see about staying longer this time. My sister can handle everything back in California.” Then, more shyly, he asks, “And how is your friend?”
“Oh, the nurse I work with? Your mother’s nurse?” T’Challa clears his throat awkwardly as Monica continues. “Nakia’s fine. She’s actually around here somewhere—”
T’Challa starts, speechless and stuttering. Both you and Clint look on, the concept of holiday romanticism growing more real by the second. But neither of you say a word, happy to be spectators to yet another love story in the making.
Bystanders. Readers. Onlookers.
When you turn to find Bucky, he’s gone.
      “Are the festivities too much for you?”
Entering the store next door, a rustic cafe, you spot Bucky leaning against the diner and counting his breaths. He blinks one eye open at your question, smiling a little as you cautiously make your way to him. It was your way of non-verbally asking if he wanted you here at all, or truly needed some time to himself.
“The day was a lot.” He loosens a breath that’s both a groan and sigh, then rolls his neck to crack it. “To be honest, I’m surprised my back is still holding out.”
You chuckle lightly. "T'Challa?"
"Ah. So he did come."
Pausing halfway toward him, the red light from outside shining upon the left side of your face, the original question still stands.
“Just let me hold you.” Well, you can certainly give him that.
His words hang in the air as you allow it, melting in his embrace. He’s tired, but he walks you to the wall, providing that extra leverage. Something about the hug turns vibrant, innocence deteriorating quickly as Bucky’s hands begin to wander. As your hands trace up his chest, his neck, his cheeks. Those beautiful, high cheeks that retain the most gorgeous pink. That pink he turns when his blood decides to also travel elsewhere. That pink he turns when he decides his time would be better spent worshiping you.
His emotions get the better of him. Multiplying. He whimpers as he digs his face into the crook of your neck, fisting your velvet dress. Noises that mean he’s desperate. Noises that mean he needs you.
Not wants.
“I—” you choke, a rush of air leaving your lungs as your back meets the wall. He hoists you up, holding your thighs the second you wrap them around his waist. Your high heels knock against each other. Bundling the dress to your waist, Bucky dips his flesh fingers into your heated center.
The heat from this moment and the chill from outside amplifies the pleasure building in your abdomen. The knowledge that anyone could interrupt does so as well. You internally thank Bucky for choosing to fuck you against the wall—that way you won’t be defiling someone’s table.
Bucky draws tight circles against your clit, breathing heavily into your neck. Pushing his body against yours, holding you to him. He leaves your neck, only to rest his forehead against yours, your lips barely touching. Intimate.
“Are you sure?” you drag out, the pressure in your chest increasing.
Bucky nods, mumbling a yes as soft as you’ve ever heard it. He sets you down so he can unzip his pants while you remove your underwear and your heels. Until you’re back in his arms, legs around him, guiding him into you.
You both release a collective sigh of relief, clutching onto each other in a frenzied display of emotion. Your hands in his hair, his lips on your neck, his cock buried deep inside you. It’s not fast and it’s not quick. Instead, it’s slow and deep, stirring your heartstrings and dragging out short whimpers from your chest.
Half of you wants to get this over with as quickly as possible in fear that someone will walk in. The other half wants to experience this forever, bask in the glow of Bucky’s warm embrace. Why he felt the need to be with you right now, you don’t know. But whatever it was, you’re thankful for it.
To feel wanted—that’s a blessing.
“I’m—close,” you push out, gritted teeth making it hard to do so. This angle isn’t the best, but Bucky’s fingers circling your clit adds the necessary pressure. “Bucky.”
“You can come, Doll,” he groans, hiking his hips a little more forceful now. Moaning, you discover that all you can do is listen to him.
You’re on the verge of toppling over that sweet edge, to witnessing those wonderful black dots across your vision, when the door opens and Peter Quill walks through. Stunted, probably here to use the bathroom, staring wide-eyed. Bucky doesn’t seem to notice.
With your eyes locked on Quill’s and him completely paralyzed a few feet away, you come around Bucky’s cock. Eyebrows furrowed, mouth dropped open, silky legs pulling Bucky’s body tighter against you. You fist a handful of Bucky’s hair at the back of his head, grinding your hips down to help him reach his end.
Quill blinks, his eyes scanning from the top of your head to your curling toes. Nothing in his stare gives off jealousy or anger. Instead, his mouth twitches upward and his neck reddens. He gives you a small salute, walking back to the party like he didn’t witness a thing.
Bucky thrusts a few more times, the generosity of his fingers not enough to throw you into a second orgasm, but still pleasurable nonetheless. You hold him, playing with his hair, and smiling to yourself about what just happened.
     The party is still in full swing when you and Bucky decide to take a walk around the block. The snow had stopped falling around mid-day, so the streets weren’t difficult to navigate. The sounds of the party carried on as you two walked, flowing like magic through the street.
“Will this be our tradition then? Visiting every holiday season?” you ask, swinging your conjoined hands back and forth.
Bucky squeezes you. “Families create traditions, don’t they?”
“Am I your family?”
Bucky’s insides turn into heavenly mush. He doesn’t know the exact moment that he considered you more important than himself, but he knows that he considers you to be more important than anything else. Family meant a connection. Not blood—your family can be anybody you choose. He would describe your relationship as an ethereal connection, one molded by sensations he didn’t even know existed.
“Am I yours?”
“We’ve been over this.”
“No, I mean…Will you have me?”
You stop walking, and Bucky accidentally tugs at your arm. It doesn’t hurt, but it does shake you from the shock.
This sounds a lot like a—
You meet his eyes, silver already gleaming in his. Your heart threatens to leap from your chest, too joyful from the mere sight of him. His tall build, his longer hair, his beautiful pink lips.
It’s the very simple fact that you would allow Bucky Barnes to take your hand, guide you through war, and seal your fate. If there was anyone in the world you wanted to be stranded in the middle of the ocean with, fighting the currents with, it would be him. Any person you wanted to climb down balconies with, co-own a bar with, share New York with, it would be him. Any person you wanted to climb trees with, celebrate every holiday with, catch the train for, it would be him. It would always be him.
You know it the moment he bends down to one knee. The moment he pulls a velvet box from his jacket pocket. The moment it’s lifted, revealing a gorgeous emerald ring. The moment his breath hitches and he looks up at you, his blue eyes meeting yours. Blue eyes that are soft and tender.
Then he whispers your full name softly, the sound like marvelous honey, and asks, “Will you marry me?”
This was the grand secret he and everyone else was hiding from you, wasn’t it? The reason your dad wasn’t going to steal Bucky’s thunder by proposing to Monica tonight. Because Bucky Barnes asked for permission, made sure your most annoying friends knew, and waited until he was back in your hometown, his hometown, to buy a ring and propose.
And the stranger yesterday was correct: you know everything the moment a man is on their knees for you. Whatever plans you had before this, they’re all wrecked for the better. Whatever paths that were carved out, new ones have just been made for you. All worries, all questions, have been squashed and answered. The warmth of the future has never felt more inviting.
Bucky Barnes is the man you want to leave the Christmas lights up until January with. The man you want to share a bed with, share breakfast with, share a life with. This man is yours, and you are his.
“Yes.” You mean for it to come out louder, but it’s barely above a whisper. Like your voice is shocked silent. “Yes.”
Bucky expels a quick breath. “Yes?”
With a quick nod, you smile wide. “Yes!"
Bucky bursts up, capturing your lips with his. Overdramatic and true. “Yes,” he repeats against your mouth. “Yes, yes, yes!”
A laugh erupts from your chest, but Bucky just keeps trying to kiss you silent. Or not silent, but attempting to swallow the sound, as if it fuels his soul.
“I love you,” he promises.
Here, in the glistening winter night with flowers barely sprouting from the sidewalk and the town voices in the background, you’ve never felt so happy.
“You make me so happy, Bucky Barnes.”
His smile damn near breaks your heart. Resting his forehead on yours, he vows, “Tell me if that ever changes, Doll. I only ever want to make your heart beat for mine. I only ever want my heart to ache for you. Love of my life, introduce me as yours.”
You giggle, “Poetic, Barnes.”
He smiles again, happy to see his words landing. “Only around you.”
And isn’t that what love is? Spouting random poetic verses because you just can’t help it? Finally meeting the person who prompts you to do so. They don’t have to be pure Shakespeare—the emotion behind the poems is enough.
So you vow to make your life with Bucky Barnes a poem, where each new verse is more beautiful than the last, original and sincere. Endless, and true.
     “Let me see, let me see, let me see!” Kate shouts, jumping up and down, practically shaking the windows of the living room. Everyone’s crowded in your dad’s house for Christmas morning, even Sarah and the boys, Monica, and Peggy. No one tells Kate to calm down, nor do they ask what she’s so excited about.
They saw the ring. They grabbed your hand. They’ve all been screaming just as loud as her.
You didn’t show anyone last night. After Bucky proposed, you had simply gone home and made love again. So the proposal was just yours and his, a secret to keep for a few hours. You basked in the glow, in the knowledge no other human being had. Sure, everyone knew he was going to do it, but they didn’t know if he was going to go through with it.
And when you walked down the stairs, realizing that Steve had not come into your room last night and no one had pulled Bucky out, you know that they all expected.
So you show Kate the ring again, holding your hand out as she tugs you across the living room, modeling you to everyone. Everyone gives their congratulations; everyone looks so damn happy.
Presents are exchanged—you still managed to buy that book for Bucky—plans are discussed, and food is eaten. You look around the room, at your full house, and cannot contain your glee. Turning slightly, you let the tear slip, hoping nobody noticed.
But Bucky does. With a gentle swipe across your cheek, he reinforces your love for him. Shows his love for you. Fortifies it. Simple, and yet not at all.
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whatthe4355 · 1 year
Scooby Doo Headcannons
since everyones posting theirs, here mine
First off, basic facts.
Everyone except for shaggy attended the same community college, and shaggy worked in the college cafeteria.
Mystery Inc. finds cases bc Shaggy runs the mystery machine as a food truck gathering info on local cases the police wont bother with.
Shaggy funds the mystery solving via a food truck, and a good one at that. Said food truck is the mystery machine, which isnt modified to be a food truck. theres a foldaway tent, chair, stair case, and table that shaggy sets up when running it for food service. These are stored on the roof rack.
Theres a couple of running gags. shaggy locking the mystery machine when something spooky or monsterous shows up. The gang goes to drive the mystery machine w/o freddy b4 remember he made it fucking STICK SHIFT. Fred knows a lot of languages, mostly by accident, but hes only fluent in three. Velma has a large willingness to commit crimes at the drop of a hat. Daphne does get kidnapped, but she escapes off screen and when she returns she tells a very nonchalant story about a very deranged escape attempt, often scaring both the gang and the monster. EX:[ “Well, I was tied up in a tomb. So, I used the pocket knife I keep in my sleeve to undo the knot. Then, I opened the door by melting the lock open” “Daphne what the fuck” “What? Like its hard? It wasn’t even a good knot!” ]
Scooby Doo can talk, but only when its funny
Fred is a mechanical engineer and a mechanic as a hobby. He is mixed, Dad is palestian and mom is hispanic. He is white passing. Parents are supportive but don’t understand why he refuses to work at “a small parts manufacturer”, local to his hometown. They don’t know its actually a defense contractor. This is a running gag where he tries to explain it but he has to keep swapping between three different languages to fully explain. He repaired the mystery machine, got it from an older hippie who was sad it got in this state, but can no longer drive safely due to macular degeneration. The paint job was alright but the engine was bad. Fred electrified it, but kept the manual transmission by choice. He’s the only one who can drive it now, as he learned to drive on the family beater car. Not the brightest man, but has incredible blue collar charisma.
Velma is a comp sci major and a forensics minor. She’s the one who figured out the mystery solving gimmick. Shes passionate about human freedom, but has no filter on how she discusses crimes. She’s black and got into college via stem programs. She chose a smaller community college over a bigger university, as the bigger university kept blocking her applications to more advanced programs. Big into ‘hack the planet’ and that sort of hackivism. After she left her university to go the community college, she hacked the university’s system for revenge. She refunded as many tuitions and finical aid to the students as possible. Lesbianisms.
Daphne is a transwoman who got kicked out of a catholic boys school for coming out. Her mother is irish and had a father who worked in finances. Dad died young, and mom raised “him” as catholic and boy scout. To correct Deviant Morals, as her mother would put it. Catholic raised but not catholic herself. Became a fashion major after moving out of catholic school, and onto the dorms of the community college. Knows a concerning amount about knots, wilderness survival and styrofoam napalm. She helps with the traps before fred and velma realize her plans are INCREDIBLY VIOLENT. Like, she knows way too many ways to cause harm w/o realizing it. Appears bimboish at first pass and disconcertingly violent if you are her friend. Should probably have more therapy but only does the minimum for her hrt. Has an only fans to prey on the wallets of so called chasers. Velma does a lot of behind the scenes work to make sure Daphne doesn’t get doxxed to hell and back.
Shaggy is a foster kid, and no idea who his actual origins are. He prefers to keep it that way. Incredibly ACAB and anxious about the future. He actually does go to therapy, and got prescribed weed gummies for anxiety. Couldn’t afford them but found out the company that makes them was doing poorly. He agreed to help sell their gummies, as long as they came up with a dog safe variant. Turns out they already did, so he sells them at the food truck. He tried to go to culinary school but his anxiety made him drop out. Adopts the attitude of “I’m not fucking with that shit” in terms of ghosts. Hes also a vegetarian. He uses the mystery machine as a food truck with a menu that changes constantly with a couple of signature items that sound batshit crazy but tastes incredible(mole mac n cheese perogies for instance). He usually is the one to find leads from customers, bringing them up when fred comes along to drive and help pack the van up.
Scooby-Doo is a service dog, but flunked out of training late in the stage. Shaggy needed an emotional support dog but couldn’t find any actual ones in his price range. He found Scooby-Doo in a shelter and went “well this is good enough for me”. Adores the gummies so much shaggy nicknamed them after scooby doo. The combination of the nick name and the mascot made the gummies sell like hotcakes at the mystery machine food truck. The company doesn’t actually put weed in the dog safe gummies, but scooby thinks so. Shaggy hides his actual gummies and only sells weed gummies by request (The Scrappy-Dum Snacks). Scooby is mix of pit bull and brown lab for the most part.
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I am the way I am because of my dad. But don't worry this is not a daddy issues post.
When mom got pregnant dad decided he needed to build a house for his family. And mom said "yeah, sure honey," And had no idea what she was getting herself into.
So mom and dad brought property. Not a house. They moved in with my grandparents for a month or so, And dad called in every favor he had to help take a foundation. My dad is a lot like me and a lot of people owe him favors at any given time. But building a house is a lot of work.
There was never a contractor anywhere near the original construction of this house. Dad did nearly work all of my grandparents and most of his friends to death.
There is an excellent picture of my mom, hugely pregnant with me, shoveling snow out of the living room, because they hadn't managed to get the roof on before the weather turned.
This is the house I grew up in. The house was finished shortly before my baby brother was born. And then dad decided that we needed more space for a growing family. So he ripped half the building off, And went at it again.
When I was about 12, dad got into a blood feud with the neighbors. We finished the house, solely so we could move.
When I say we, I mean, Me. I can hang drywall, install outlets, grout and tile, whatever you need. I understand these are not normal skills for preteen girl to acquire, But they're also not that hard.
So we moved.
Do you really think this man bought a house?
Do you think it is finished?
Do you think he unbent enough to hire a contractor?
Why would he do that when he has all of this lovely child labor?
So, as a teenage girl, I learned how to pour concrete, bend rebar, hang siding, run pexpipe, install flooring, the basics of framing, the correct way to rivet a sheet metal roof,and yadda yadda yadda...
This house is still not done. It's been over a decade and his child labor moved out.
Why, yes, my dad has ADHD too.
What made you ask?
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Emergency Roof Repair Services
When it comes to protecting our homes, there's nothing more important than the roof over our heads. But what happens when that very same roof starts to fall apart? Homeowners know all too well the stress and panic that comes with a damaged or leaky roof. That's where emergency roof repair services come in - providing quick, reliable solutions for unexpected roofing issues. In this blog post, we'll explore everything you need to know about emergency roofing services and why they're an essential part of any homeowner's maintenance plan. So grab a cup of coffee and let's dive into the world of emergency roof repairs!
What is emergency roof repair?
Emergency roof repair is a service that provides repairs for roofs that have been damaged by severe weather or other unforeseen circumstances. This type of repair is typically performed by a team of trained professionals who are equipped with the necessary tools and materials to safely and effectively repair the roof. In most cases, emergency roof repair services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. If you have a roof that has been damaged by severe weather or another unforeseen circumstance, it is important to contact a professional emergency roof repair service as soon as possible. Time is of the essence when it comes to repairing a damaged roof, as the longer you wait, the greater the chance of further damage occurring. A professional emergency roof repair service will be able to assess the damage and determine the best course of action for repairs. In many cases, they will be able to perform the repairs on-site, which can save you time and money. It is important to remember that not all roofing companies offer emergency roof repair services. If you find yourself in need of this type of service, be sure to ask if the company you are considering offers this type of service before making your final decision.
What are the benefits of emergency roof repair services?
There are many benefits of emergency roof repair services. The most obvious benefit is that it can help to prevent further damage to your home or business. A leaking roof can cause serious damage to the structure of your building, as well as any belongings inside. Emergency roof repair services can help to seal up any leaks and prevent further water damage. Another benefit of emergency roof repair services is that it can save you money in the long run. If you wait to repair a leaking roof, the damage will only get worse and may eventually require more extensive and expensive repairs. By fixing the problem right away, you can avoid costly future repairs. Emergency roof repair services can also help to improve the appearance of your home or business. A damaged roof can be an eyesore, but a professional repair job can make your property look like new again. This can increase its curb appeal and potentially increase its value.
How to find a reputable emergency roof repair company
If you need emergency roof repair services, it's important to find a reputable company to work with. There are a few things you can do to ensure you find a good roofing contractor: 1. Get referrals from friends or family members who have used emergency roof repair services in the past. 2. Research potential contractors online and read customer reviews. 3. Make sure the contractor is licensed and insured. 4. Get multiple quotes from different contractors before making a decision. 5. Ask the contractor for references from past clients.
What to expect from an emergency roof repair company
If you are in need of emergency roof repair services, it is important to know what to expect from the company you hire. Here are a few things you can expect from an emergency roof repair company: -24/7 availability: One of the most important things you can expect from an emergency roof repair company is that they will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means that no matter when your roof leaks or collapses, they will be there to help. -Quick response time: Another thing you can expect from an emergency roof repair company is a quick response time. Most companies will aim to arrive at your property within 2 hours of receiving your call. -A free consultation: When you contact an emergency roof repair company, you should expect to receive a free consultation. During this consultation, the roofer will assess the damage and provide you with a quote for the repairs. -Quality repairs: Finally, when you hire an emergency roof repair company, you can expect to receive high-quality repairs. The roofer will use only the best materials and techniques to ensure that your roof is repaired properly and will last for years to come.
How to prepare for emergency roof repairs
When your roof is damaged, it's important to act fast and get emergency roof repairs as soon as possible. But before you call a roofing contractor, there are a few things you can do to prepare for the repair process. 1. Make sure the area around your home is clear of debris. This will help the roofing contractor access your roof quickly and safely. 2. If possible, take photos of the damage to your roof. This will help the contractor assess the extent of the damage and plan for repairs accordingly. 3. Create a list of questions for the contractor. This will help you get all the information you need about the repair process and what to expect. 4. Choose a reputable contractor with experience in emergency roof repairs. Get recommendations from friends or family, or check online reviews to find a reliable company. 5. Have your budget ready before contacting a contractor. Emergency roof repairs can be costly, so it's important to know how much you're willing to spend on repairs ahead of time.
Emergency roof repair services can be a lifesaver when your home's roof has suffered serious damage. A good roofing company will have the expertise, technology and resources necessary to make sure that your roof is repaired quickly and properly so you don't have to worry about further damage. If you ever find yourself in need of emergency roof repair services, make sure to find an experienced professional who can get your home back into shape as soon as possible.
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Profesional Roofing Contractor Replacement
Are you tired of dealing with a leaky roof or outdated shingles? Have no fear, a professional roofing contractor replacement is here! Whether it’s for your home or business, finding the right roofing contractor can make all the difference in the world. So why settle for less when you could have the best? In this blog post, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about hiring a professional roofing contractor for your next project. From selecting materials to understanding industry standards, get ready to become an expert on all things roofing!
What is a professional roofing contractor?
A professional roofing contractor is a company that provides roofing services to commercial and industrial customers. They are also involved in the installation of new roofs, as well as the repair and replacement of existing ones. A professional roofing contractor will have a team of experienced and qualified roofers who can carry out all aspects of the job, from start to finish. This includes the initial survey and assessment of the roof, through to the removal of the old roof, installation of the new one, and any associated repair work. The team will also be able to advise on the best type of roof for your property, taking into account factors such as the climate, the building’s age and condition, and your budget. If you are considering having a new roof installed, or your existing roof replaced, then it is important to use a professional roofing contractor to ensure that the job is carried out properly.
The benefits of hiring a professional roofing contractor
Hiring a professional roofing contractor has many benefits. They have the experience and know-how to do the job right, and they can also help you save money on roofing costs. Here are some of the top benefits of hiring a professional roofing contractor: 1. They Have the Experience: Professional roofing contractors have years of experience installing and repairing roofs. This means that they know exactly what needs to be done to your roof in order to get it back in tip-top shape. They also know how to spot potential problems before they become major issues, which can save you time and money in the long run. 2. They Can Help You Save Money: Many people think that hiring a professional roofing contractor will be more expensive than doing it themselves. However, this is often not the case. Professional roofing contractors have access to discounts on materials and labor, which can save you money on your overall roofing project. In addition, they can often get the job done faster than you could, which can further reduce your costs. 3. They Offer a Warranty: When you hire a professional roofing contractor, you usually get a warranty on their workmanship. This means that if something goes wrong with their work, you won't have to pay for any repairs or replacements out of your own pocket - the contractor will take care of it for you. This can give you peace of mind knowing that your investment is protected.
How to find a reputable roofing contractor
When your roof is in need of repair or replacement, it is important to find a reputable roofing contractor to do the work. There are a few ways to find a reputable contractor: 1. Get referrals from friends, family, or neighbors who have had recent roofing work done. 2. Check online review sites like Angie's List or HomeAdvisor to see what past customers have said about local roofers. 3. Ask the roofing contractor for references from past clients. 4. Make sure the roofing contractor is licensed and insured in your state. 5. Get multiple bids from different contractors before making a decision.
The different types of roofing materials
When it comes to roofing, there are a variety of different materials that can be used. Each type of material has its own set of benefits and drawbacks that should be considered before making a final decision. The most common roofing materials include asphalt shingles, clay tiles, metal roofs, and slate. Asphalt shingles are the most popular type of roofing material in the United States. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to install, making them a good option for those on a budget. However, asphalt shingles don't last as long as some other types of roofing material, so they will need to be replaced more frequently. Clay tiles are another popular roofing option. They are more expensive than asphalt shingles but they last much longer, often up to 50 years. Clay tiles are also very easy to maintain and repair if necessary. One drawback of clay tiles is that they can be heavy, so it's important to make sure your home's framing can support the weight before you have them installed. Metal roofs are becoming increasingly popular due to their durability and fire resistance. Metal roofs can last up to 100 years with proper maintenance, making them a great long-term investment. They are also environmentally friendly since they can be made from recycled materials. However, metal roofs can be very loud during rainstorms or when hail hits them, which can be disruptive for some homeowners. Slate is another durable roofing material that
How to replace your roof
If your roof is damaged or old, replacing it is essential to protecting your home. Here are some tips on how to replace your roof: 1. Choose a professional roofing contractor who is experienced and has a good reputation. Get several quotes before making a decision. 2. Make sure the contractor you choose is licensed and insured. 3. Be sure to get a detailed estimate that includes the cost of materials and labor, as well as a timeline for the project. 4. Once the project is underway, be available to answer any questions the contractor may have and to approve of progress along the way. 5. After the job is completed, inspect the workmanship and make sure you are satisfied with the results before making final payment.
Professional roofing contractors are an invaluable resource for homeowners looking to replace their roofs. With the right contractor, you can get a high-quality job done quickly and affordably. Additionally, experienced professionals will have access to the best materials and offer personalized guidance in selecting products that best suit your needs. Furthermore, hiring a professional will provide peace of mind knowing you'll have someone who stands behind their work every step of the way. Ultimately, finding a professional roofing contractor is one of the most important investments you can make when it comes time to replace your home's roof!
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bowdownbeotches · 1 year
Roof Repair Expert Services
Are you tired of dealing with leaky roofs or worn-out shingles? Do you find yourself in a constant battle against the elements, never feeling quite safe and secure inside your own home? It's time to put those worries to rest and invest in expert roof repair services. With the help of skilled professionals, you can prolong the life of your roof and prevent costly damage down the line. From routine maintenance to emergency repairs, we've got you covered. In this blog post, we'll explore everything you need to know about finding a reliable roof repair company and why it's essential for preserving one of your most significant investments – your home!
roof repair
Roof repair expert services can help to prolong the life of your roof and keep your home or business in top condition. A professional roofing contractor will be able to inspect your roof and make any necessary repairs. They can also advise you on the best course of action to take to prevent further damage.
The Benefits of Hiring a Roof Repair Expert
When your roof is in need of repair, it's important to hire a roof repair expert to ensure the job is done correctly. A roof repair expert has the experience and knowledge necessary to properly assess the damage and make the necessary repairs. Here are some additional benefits of hiring a roof repair expert: 1. They can save you time and money. Roof repair experts can often times save you both time and money. They know what needs to be done and can do it quickly and efficiently. This can help you avoid costly mistakes that could end up costing you more in the long run. 2. They can provide a written estimate. When you hire a roof repair expert, they'll be able to provide you with a written estimate of the cost of the repairs. This written estimate can be helpful in budgeting for the repairs and ensuring that you don't overspend. 3. They offer a warranty on their workmanship. When you hire a roof repair expert, they usually offer some type of warranty on their workmanship. This means that if something goes wrong with the repairs, they'll come back and fix it at no additional cost to you. This can give you peace of mind knowing that your roof is in good hands.
How to Find a Roof Repair Expert
When your roof starts showing signs of wear and tear, it's time to start thinking about finding a roof repair expert. But how do you know who to trust with such an important job? Here are a few tips to help you find the right roofer for the job: 1. Get recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors who have recently had their roofs repaired or replaced. They'll be able to give you first-hand insights into the quality of workmanship and customer service they received. 2. Once you have a few names, check out online reviews to see what others are saying about these roofers. Make sure to read both the positive and negative reviews to get a well-rounded idea of each company. 3. Schedule consultations with several different companies so you can compare prices and services side by side. This will help you narrow down your choices and make the best decision for your needs and budget. 4. Finally, don't be afraid to ask questions! A reputable roofing company should be more than happy to answer any questions you have about their services or pricing. following these tips will help ensure that you find a qualified and trustworthy roof repair expert who can get the job done right at a price that fits your budget
What to Expect from a Roof Repair Expert
When you're in need of a roof repair expert, you can expect high-quality workmanship and materials, as well as a warranty on their work. You can also expect them to be up-front and honest with you about the cost of the repairs and the timeline for the project. They should also be able to provide you with a list of references from past clients.
How Much Does a Roof Repair Expert Cost?
While the average cost of a roof repair expert is $1,000, the actual cost will vary depending on the size and scope of your project. For smaller projects, you can expect to pay between $500 and $700. For larger projects, you can expect to pay between $1,500 and $3,000.
FAQs About Roof Repair Experts
1. What is a roof repair expert? A roof repair expert is a professional who specializes in repairing roofs. They have the skills and experience necessary to identify and fix problems with roofs, whether they are made of shingles, tiles, or metal. Roof repair experts can also advise homeowners on the best way to maintain their roofs and prevent future damage. 2. Why do I need a roof repair expert? Your roof is one of the most important components of your home, so it’s important to keep it in good condition. A roof repair expert can help you fix any problems that arise, and they can also provide advice on how to avoid future damage. 3. How much does a roof repair expert cost? The cost of a roof repair expert will vary depending on the scope of work needed. However, most experts charge by the hour, so you can expect to pay around $100 per hour for their services.
How to Prepare for Your Roof Repair Expert
If you're like most homeowners, the thought of having to repair your roof can be a daunting one. After all, your roof is one of the most important parts of your home, and you want to make sure that it's in good hands. Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take to prepare for your roof repair expert before they even arrive. First, it's important that you have a clear understanding of what needs to be done. Do you need a new roof? Or just repairs? What kind of damage does your roof have? Being as specific as possible will help your roofer know exactly what needs to be done, and help them give you an accurate estimate. Next, take some time to clear any debris from your gutters and downspouts. This will not only make the repair process easier, but it will also help prevent any further damage to your roof. Finally, make sure that you have access to any pertinent paperwork, such as your homeowners insurance policy or previous roofing estimates. This will help your roofer understand what coverage you have and what options are available to you. By taking these simple steps, you can rest assured knowing that your roof repair expert will have everything they need to get the job done right.
In conclusion, roof repair is an important service that should not be overlooked when maintaining the overall health of your home. Not only does it protect your property from water damage and deterioration, but it also helps to prevent any potential future problems with your roof. With the right roof repair expert services, you can ensure that all of your repairs are completed safely and efficiently so that you can get back to enjoying your home in no time at all.
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cincinnatiroofing7 · 2 years
9 Tips for Choosing the Right Cincinnati Roofing Contractor
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Choosing to replace your roof is a significant decision. When it comes to hiring a roofing contractor, it's a no-brainer. But how do you know what to look for in the first place?' In most people's lifetimes, they only have to replace their roof once. As a result, you don't want to take any chances when making such a significant purchase. That's exactly what we'll do for you. Onwards!
How do I find a reputable roofing company?
Homeowners are frequently swayed by contractor pricing when making their final decision. Paying more does not always equate to better quality. A roofing company that offers a low price but can't provide a list of satisfied customers is likely to give you a subpar installation.
Before you hire a roofing contractor, here are nine questions to ask:
How long have they been in business?
Taking your car to a mechanic who has only been on the job for two weeks is probably not a good idea. And you probably wouldn't have heart surgery done by a doctor who had just graduated from medical school. There's no sense in hiring a roofing contractor who hasn't proven themselves to be reliable in the past.
Fliers for contractors are well-known for disappearing without paying damages, only to reappear months later with a new name. Working with a company with many years of experience and a good reputation can help you avoid this type of contractor.
Double-check licensing and insurance
We never advise homeowners to do their own roofing because it is such a dangerous job. Equipment, materials, and safety gear are all critical to the success of any project. Additionally, it's crucial to have some prior experience. Roofing contractors who are reputable have all the necessary permits and licences for each job they do.
In the event that a worker is injured during the installation of your roof, a reputable roofing contractor will have all the necessary insurance in place to cover them. An uninsured contractor can put your home and your family at risk, and you should avoid working with them at all costs.
Look at past work
Reputation is everything in the service industry. The internet provides third-party reviews from people who have previously used a company's services. About 81% of shoppers say they do their homework online before making a purchase. You should always do your research before making a large financial commitment.
Is there anything else you'd like to know about the contractor? You can find out if the company has a list of past customers you can call, or you can look up the company's history online.
Price isn’t the only thing that matters
If you've ever planned a home improvement project, you've probably heard the advice to "get three estimates." For some unknown reason, the so-called "three estimates" rule is widely accepted, and no one can explain why three is the magic number.
In fact, there's no reason to limit your search for a roofing contractor to just three estimates, or even more than two. It's better to spend time talking to different roofing companies to get as much information as possible before making a final decision.
Get financing agreements in writing
Every aspect of your roofing installation should be documented by a professional, but understanding the financing terms should be a top priority. A good roofing company will appoint a knowledgeable employee to walk you through the contract and answer any questions you have about payment. There should be no ambiguity in the agreement, and no part of it should be left "in the air."
Ask what happens if you’re unsatisfied with the work
There is always a chance that something will go wrong, no matter how meticulously you plan a task. In the event of a mistake, how will the company handle it? You should be aware of this in advance. Is it going to take you hours on the phone to get through to a customer service rep? Is the company going to run away with your money?
Until you're completely satisfied with your roof, we won't accept any payment from you at Cincinnati Roofing Professionals. And if for any reason you're not satisfied, we'll make it right.
Ask about unplanned repairs
Unexpected repairs and emergencies are far more common than the exception when it comes to home improvement projects, unfortunately. Starting to demolish walls or remove cabinetry will uncover additional issues that must be addressed.
The same can be said for roofs. If the decking has been rotted or damaged by water, the crew will need to repair it before any more moisture seeps into the building. Find out how your roofer deals with unexpected repairs. Regardless of how surprised you may be, you'll have an idea of what to expect.
Will the roofing contractor tear off your old roof?
New shingles can be installed over an old roof by some roofing companies. But this is almost always a bad idea. To begin with, it adds weight to a roof that is likely already worn out and in need of replacement. Another issue is that it fails to address damage that has been covered up by old shingles.
This is akin to applying a Band-Aid to an infected wound when replacing an old roof with new shingles. You hide the damage, but you don't treat the underlying problem. In the short term, it may be an effective and inexpensive solution, but in the long run, it will cost you much more.
Ask if the roofing contractor is an authorized installer
Whether or not the roofing contractor is a preferred partner and authorized installer of the shingle manufacturer is an important question. Manufacturers will not honor warranties if a roof is installed by someone who isn't authorized to do so.
Where can you find the best Cincinnati  Roofing Contractor and the surrounding area?
When it comes to roofing and home remodeling, we've been serving the needs of homeowners in the Cincinnati area for years. Homeowners in Cincinnati, Ohio, and New Jersey have come to rely on us during this time. There's a good chance we've done work in your neighborhood before.
Website: https://cincinnatiroofing.net
Business Details:
Cincinnati Roofing Professionals 112 E Charlton St, Cincinnati, OH 45219, United States +15139934919
Social Media: Facebook
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aaroofingalabama · 24 hours
Roofing Repair in Helena, Alabama: A Comprehensive Guide
Roofing repair is an essential service for homeowners in Helena, Alabama. The roof of your home not only protects you and your family from the elements but also contributes to the overall aesthetic and value of your property. Roofing Repair in Helena Alabama When it comes to roofing repair, it's crucial to choose a reliable and experienced contractor to ensure the job is done correctly. That's where AA Roofing comes in, providing top-notch roofing repair services to the residents of Helena, Alabama.
Why Roofing Repair is Important
Roofs are constantly exposed to harsh weather conditions, including heavy rains, strong winds, and scorching sun. Over time, these elements can cause significant wear and tear, leading to problems such as leaks, damaged shingles, and structural issues. Ignoring these problems can result in more extensive damage and costly repairs in the future.
Key Reasons for Roofing Repair:
Prevent Water Damage: Leaky roofs can cause water to seep into your home, damaging walls, ceilings, and insulation.
Maintain Structural Integrity: Regular repairs help maintain the strength and stability of your roof structure.
Enhance Energy Efficiency: A well-maintained roof can improve your home's energy efficiency by providing better insulation.
Preserve Home Value: A damaged roof can decrease your home's value. Regular repairs help maintain its market value.
Ensure Safety: A compromised roof can pose safety risks to the occupants of the house.
Common Roofing Problems in Helena, Alabama
Shingle Damage: Shingles can become cracked, curled, or missing due to severe weather or aging.
Leaks and Moisture: Leaks can develop from damaged shingles, flashing, or roof valleys, leading to water damage.
Ponding Water: Flat or low-slope roofs may experience ponding water, causing deterioration over time.
Flashing Issues: Improperly installed or damaged flashing around chimneys, vents, and skylights can lead to leaks.
Roof Ventilation Problems: Poor ventilation can cause heat and moisture buildup, leading to roof deterioration and mold growth.
Why Choose AA Roofing for Your Roofing Repair Needs
AA Roofing has established itself as a trusted roofing contractor in Helena, Alabama, known for its quality workmanship and excellent customer service. Here are a few reasons why AA Roofing should be your go-to choice for roofing repair:
Experienced Professionals: The team at AA Roofing consists of skilled and experienced professionals who are well-versed in handling various roofing issues.
Quality Materials: AA Roofing uses high-quality materials to ensure the longevity and durability of your roof.
Comprehensive Services: From minor repairs to complete roof replacements, AA Roofing offers a wide range of services to meet your needs.
Customer Satisfaction: AA Roofing is committed to providing excellent customer service, ensuring that you are satisfied with the results.
Affordable Pricing: They offer competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of work.
Steps Involved in Roofing Repair
Inspection and Assessment: The first step involves a thorough inspection of your roof to identify the extent of the damage and the necessary repairs.
Estimate and Consultation: AA Roofing provides a detailed estimate of the repair costs and discusses the repair plan with you.
Repair Work: Skilled technicians carry out the repair work using quality materials and techniques.
Final Inspection: After the repairs are completed, a final inspection is conducted to ensure everything is in order and the roof is secure.
Maintaining your roof in Helena, Alabama, is crucial for the safety, comfort, and value of your home. Regular roofing repairs can prevent minor issues from turning into major problems, saving you time and money in the long run. Roofing Repair in Helena Alabama With AA Roofing by your side, you can rest assured that your roofing repair needs will be handled with professionalism and expertise. Don't wait until it's too late; contact AA Roofing today for all your roofing repair needs in Helena, Alabama.
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buildwise · 10 days
Finding the Best Roofing Company in Jackson GA
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Your roof is more than just a layer of protection; it's the shield that guards your home against the elements, keeping your family safe and secure. Maintaining or repairing this vital part of your house roofing company Jackson GA, is not just important but crucial.
Why Roofing Contractors Matter
Roofing is not just about fixing shingles or patching leaks; it's about ensuring the structural integrity of your entire home. A well-maintained roof enhances the aesthetic appeal and adds value to your property. Conversely, a poorly done job can lead to costly repairs and compromise the safety of your loved ones.
Expertise That Matters
The best roofing company in Jackson GA, brings expertise. Professional contractors have the knowledge and experience to accurately assess your roof's condition. They can identify underlying issues that an untrained eye might miss, preventing potential problems.
Moreover, reputable roofing contractors use high-quality materials and follow industry best practices during installations or repairs. This ensures durability and longevity, saving you from frequent maintenance hassles and expenses.
Safety First
Roofing projects can be risky, especially for those who need the proper training and equipment. Professional roofing contractors prioritize safety, both for their team and your property. They adhere to safety protocols, use protective gear, and have insurance coverage, giving you peace of mind in untoward incidents.
Compliance and Permits
Navigating local regulations and obtaining permits for roofing work can be daunting. The best roofing company in Jackson GA, handles all the necessary paperwork and ensures compliance with building codes. This saves you time and effort and prevents potential legal issues in the future.
Warranty and Guarantees
Reputable roofing contractors stand behind their work with warranties and guarantees. If any issues arise post-installation or repair within the specified period, they will rectify them at no extra cost. Such assurances reflect the confidence and reliability of a trusted roofing company.
Cost-Effectiveness in the Long Run
While it may be tempting to opt for cheaper alternatives, investing in a reputable roofing company ultimately proves cost-effective. Quality workmanship and durable materials translate to fewer repairs and replacements over time, saving you money and adding value to your property.
Customer Satisfaction Matters
A reliable roofing company values customer satisfaction. They communicate transparently, provide detailed estimates, and keep you informed throughout the project. Excellent customer service ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience, making you a satisfied client and a potential referral in the future.
Choosing Wisely
When selecting a roofing contractor in Jackson GA, consider factors such as experience, reputation, certifications, and customer reviews. Ask for references and examples of past work to gauge their expertise. Remember, the best roofing company may not always be the cheapest, but they offer value, reliability, and peace of mind.
Your roof is the crown of your home, and entrusting its care to the best roofing company in Jackson GA, is a decision you won't regret. From expert craftsmanship to unmatched customer service, they ensure that your roof looks great and stands strong against the test of time and weather. So, choose wisely, and let your roof be a testament to quality and reliability.
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The Importance of Home Maintenance: Keeping Your Space in Top Condition
Home is where the heart is, they say. It's the sanctuary we retreat to after a long day, the place where cherished memories are made, and the embodiment of our personal style and comfort. However, to ensure our homes remain havens of tranquillity and functionality, regular maintenance is key. In this article, we delve into the importance of home maintenance and how it contributes to keeping your space in top condition.
Why Home Maintenance Matters
Home maintenance goes beyond mere aesthetics; it's about preserving the structural integrity of your property and safeguarding its value over time. Neglecting routine maintenance can lead to a myriad of issues, ranging from minor inconveniences to costly repairs. By staying proactive and addressing issues promptly, homeowners can avoid larger, more expensive problems down the line.
Protecting Your Investment
Your home is likely one of the most significant investments you'll ever make. Regular maintenance is essential for protecting this investment and ensuring its long-term appreciation. A well-maintained home not only enhances your quality of life but also increases its resale value should you decide to put it on the market in the future.
Preventing Costly Repairs
One of the primary benefits of regular home maintenance is the prevention of costly repairs. Small issues, such as leaky faucets, clogged gutters, or cracked seals, may seem insignificant at first glance. However, if left unattended, these seemingly minor problems can escalate into major headaches, resulting in extensive damage and expensive repairs. By addressing issues proactively, homeowners can save themselves both time and money in the long run.
Maintaining Health and Safety
Beyond financial considerations, home maintenance also plays a crucial role in ensuring the health and safety of your household. From inspecting electrical systems to testing smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms, regular maintenance helps identify potential hazards and mitigate risks. Additionally, addressing issues such as mold, pests, or poor indoor air quality promotes a healthier living environment for you and your loved ones.
Enhancing Comfort and Liveability
A well-maintained home is a comfortable home. From repairing squeaky doors to insulating windows and doors for better energy efficiency, proactive maintenance measures enhance the comfort and liveability of your space. By staying on top of routine maintenance tasks, homeowners can create an environment that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and enjoyable to live in.
The Role of Professional Contractors
While many home maintenance tasks can be tackled as DIY projects, some may require the expertise of a professional contractor. Whether it's roof repairs, HVAC maintenance, or plumbing upgrades, hiring a qualified house renovation contractor ensures that the job is done correctly and safely. When selecting a contractor for your home maintenance needs, be sure to research and vet potential candidates thoroughly.
In conclusion, home improvement and maintenance is a vital aspect of homeownership that should not be overlooked. By staying proactive and addressing issues as they arise, homeowners can protect their investment, prevent costly repairs, and maintain a safe, comfortable living environment for themselves and their families. Whether it's a simple DIY project or a larger renovation undertaking, prioritizing home maintenance is key to keeping your space in top condition.
For expert home improvement services in Wichita, KS, including house renovation, home remodelling, and kitchen remodelling, trust Elite Custom Construction. Our team of experienced contractors is dedicated to helping homeowners enhance their living spaces with quality craftsmanship and exceptional service. Contact us today for all your home improvement needs.
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rubbishrusblog · 17 days
Best Townsville Roofing Contractors
At Hutchison Roofing, We are the best in doing Roofing in Townsville. We were well versed in re-roofing of dated homes with prepared versatility programs is a little neighborhood family run business, and has been for the beyond twenty years. We are here to give you top rack, premium quality, productive assistance for any of your rooftop fix or redesign related needs. Defective and broken rooftops can make superfluous pressure you and all the more significantly YOUR HOME. Since we have been around so lengthy we promise you and effective and quality updates and fixes to your property. We do provide different services such as Colorbond Roofing, Re-Roofing Old Style Homes and Roof & Gutter Repair.
To find out about Colorbond Roofing Townsville supplies store for both homegrown and business structures, then, at that point, the specialists at Hutchison Roofing and House Renovations will actually want to direct you. Colorbond roofing colors arrive in a scope of north of 20 engaging tones. It is sturdy, enduring and can endure the super Australian climates and temperatures. Colorbond steel items can be utilized in guttering, downpipes, roofing, and furthermore sashes. As we are likewise Colorbond roofing providers, we likewise realize that this accompanies a long guarantee as it can get through erosions, oxidation, and hole for quite a while.
Re Roofing old homes are pretty much removing the existing roofing which is probably damaged which is changed into the new roof. Roof and Gutter Repair Kelso are recommended even if there is minimal damage since replacing everything at once will cost a lot and the damage the building structure. The professionals of Hutchison Roofing and House Renovations will carry out any Townsville re-roofing, roof replacements and its regular maintenance so as to prevent any roof leakage in future. Gutter Repairs. Roof Renovation tips can be asked to our experts who will give some idea’s based on your property. Check out our website to get the quotes.
Useful Links:
Guttering Melbourne
Home Builders Perth
Auto Glass Replacements Brisbane
Asbestos Removal Adelaide
High Pressure Cleaning Sydney
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cdroofingma222 · 18 days
Premier Roofing Services
Trustworthy Roofing Company in New Jersey We are available at all hours to provide roofing services, so please don't hesitate to contact us.
Reliable Rooftop Services in New Haven When two options are almost similar, choose the more established one.
Premier Roofing Services understands the significance of a roof in protecting homes from the elements roofing companies Glastonbury ct You can easily find the top roofing company in Hartford County. Whether it's a roofing emergency or just regular maintenance, our licenced roofers are here for you 24/7.
Meeting or exceeding client expectations is something we are very proud of. Your absence would have altered our course. Have faith in our skills. I will be eternally grateful to you. Trustworthy roofing contractors are easy to get by in Connecticut. You and the people you care about will be affected by this life-altering decision, so there will be no upselling. Making suggestions is our sole purpose. We greatly value your opinion.
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The number of five-star reviews for Premier Roofing Services is higher than that of its competitors.
What Makes a Roofing Company Trustworthy in Connecticut
For many years, Premier Roofing Services has been the go-to for locals and visitors alike. The roofing company consistently goes above and above for customers, which swiftly results in positive recommendations. No one can match our level of reliability and knowledge.
Unmatched Consistent reliability
If you quickly search on Google, Facebook, Yelp, or Home Advisor, you will find countless good reviews written by satisfied consumers. This will only add to our already stellar reputation. Making ensuring each and every one of our clients is satisfied is our number one priority. When are you going to cave? Please let us know so that we can address the issue.
Our Roofing Services Are Just the Beginning
As a result of our reliability and excellent work, our roofing firm has a perfect reputation. Roof damage may be unnoticed for quite some time. Just sit back and let us take care of your needs.
Practical and Easy to Use Look at this map; maybe you can find the precise location. At any time, you can check the progress of your online reservation. Among the several benefits of strength training is the enhancement of speed and agility.
Our customers' trust in our products is unshakeable, regardless of the circumstances. No matter what's happening, we will investigate thoroughly. Making sure every single one of our customers is happy is our top priority.
Roofing repairs are our speciality. Ensuring the security of people's homes is of utmost importance. Perfectly Timed! The comforts of home will be waiting for you and your family when you get back.
Roofing is only one of many services we offer because to our in-depth familiarity with the construction industry and local codes. As industry experts, we guarantee that the end product will live up to your expectations, if not surpass them.
Never on purpose will we try to deceive our devoted customers into buying things they don't need. Students' analytical and critical thinking skills can be greatly enhanced with the correct materials.
The same tight-knit group of seasoned roofers has been running Premier Roofing Services for nearly 25 years. Making sure our roofing customers are happy has always been our top concern.
Outstanding Outcomes Most roofing materials are waterproof by nature. In cases where a building has collapsed or is drooping, its previous state can be restored. Roof maintenance includes more than just changing the shingles. Reach out to us whenever you need, day or night, at  Filling out this brief form will get you a roofing quote quickly and easily. It is simple to make and doesn't cost anything.
Unless you step in, this roofing company in Connecticut is going down the drain.
Finding a trustworthy roofing company in Connecticut should be your top priority roofing contractors near me Come on in. It is at Premiere Roof SCT that I do my work. Everyone should use ours because every roofing job is unique. Your recognition of our roofing firm as a top provider in the state is greatly appreciated. We are pleased to share our wealth of knowledge and experience in the roofing sector with anyone who contacts us.
Roofing in Connecticut is made easy with Premiere Roof SCT. Because we always follow through with what we say, people trust us. Any size roofing job is within our expertise. Whether they're in Bridgeport or Bristol, our consumers have never been happy. When it comes to roofing, our organisation has seen it all. Any sort of roof can be installed by our professional crew because they have great knowledge of various roofing materials. Roofing supplies might be found here. There are countless other types, including metal, asphalt shingles, flat, and countless more.
Premiere Roof SCT, a leading roofing contractor in Connecticut, claims that roofing isn't limited to homes. Because we employ state-of-the-art methods and only high-quality materials, you can be sure that our work will live up to your expectations. Until your roof is both visually beautiful and long-lasting, we will not consider our job done. We have become the premier roofing business in Connecticut by always going the extra mile for our consumers. Maintaining a high level of professionalism and dependability is crucial to our success. Because they care deeply about your satisfaction, they provide incredibly low pricing and lightning-fast service. Any time of year, roofing firms in Connecticut can reach out to us. Our crew is the best in the business when it comes to roofing. In the state of Connecticut, no roofing company can compare to us. Any time, day or night, feel free to phone or text us.
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The Ultimate Overview to Discovering the Right Roofer for Your Home
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When it concerns preserving the stability of your home, your roof plays an important duty in shielding you and your family members from the elements. In time, as a result of deterioration, severe weather conditions, or just age, your roof covering might require repair services or replacement. Discovering the ideal roofing professional for the work is necessary to guarantee that the job is done successfully and successfully. In this overview, we will certainly explore vital elements to take into consideration when picking a roofing contractor for your home. Firstly, when seeking a contractor, it is necessary to check chula vista roofer credentials. A respectable roofing professional needs to be licensed, bound, and guaranteed. This not only protects you as the home owner however additionally makes sure that the roofer has actually fulfilled the required demands to carry out the job securely and up to code. In addition, a specialist roofing professional must have accreditations from producers showing that they are educated and approved to mount their roofing materials. Experience is an additional vital factor to take into consideration when selecting a roofer. A seasoned roofer will have the knowledge and abilities to manage a selection of roofing issues successfully. They will certainly likewise be familiar with various sorts of roofing materials and installation methods as you can see this page for more information. When speaking with potential contractors, don't think twice to ask about their experience and request recommendations from past clients to assess the top quality of their work. Interaction is crucial when working with a contractor. A great roofer should be receptive to your inquiries, be clear concerning the project timeline, expenses, and any kind of prospective concerns that may occur. They should want to resolve your problems and keep you informed throughout the roof covering procedure. A roofing professional that connects successfully helps make certain that the job runs efficiently which you are satisfied with the outcomes. Lastly, before working with a contractor, make certain to get thorough composed price quotes from several roofing firms. Compare the costs, materials, labor expenses, and guarantees supplied by each roofer to make an informed choice. Remember that the most affordable option is not constantly the very best alternative. It's necessary to weigh the expenses versus the high quality of work and credibility of the roofing professional to figure out the very best suitable for your roof covering project. By thinking about these essential variables-- credentials, experience, interaction, and price-- you can with confidence pick the appropriate roofing contractor for your home. Keep in mind that your roofing system is a considerable investment in your home, so put in the time to research study and select a contractor that will ensure that your roof covering remains in leading problem for many years to find.
You can get more enlightened on this topic by reading here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roof.
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bestrockwallpainter · 20 days
The Importance of Hiring a Professional Roofing Contractor
When it comes to your home, the roof is one of the most critical components. It not only protects you and your family from the elements but also plays a significant role in the overall structural integrity of your house. Therefore, when it's time to repair or replace your roof, hiring a professional roofing contractor is essential.
Professional roofing contractors have the expertise and experience necessary to ensure that your roof is installed or repaired correctly. They are trained in the latest roofing techniques and best practices, and they have access to the right tools and equipment to get the job done efficiently and safely.
Additionally, professional roofing contractors are licensed and insured, which means you are protected in case of any accidents or damages during the roof installation or repair process. This gives you peace of mind knowing that you won't be held liable for any unforeseen incidents that may occur on the job.
Another benefit of hiring a professional roofing contractor is that they can help you choose the right materials for your roof. With their industry knowledge, they can recommend high-quality materials that are durable and energy-efficient, which can save you money in the long run on your energy bills.
Furthermore, professional roofing contractors typically offer warranties on their work, so if something goes wrong with your roof after the installation or repair, they will come back and fix it at no additional cost to you. This level of aftercare is invaluable and gives you an extra layer of protection for your investment.
In conclusion, when it comes to something as important as your roof, hiring a professional roofing contractor is not just recommended – it's necessary. From their expertise and experience to their access to quality materials and warranties on their work, professional roofers provide a level of service and peace of mind that you simply can't get by attempting to do it yourself or hiring an inexperienced handyman. So, when it's time to work on your roof, make sure to do your research and choose a reputable roofing contractor to ensure the job is done right.
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