muu-kun · 1 year
koko vc: o.O w- wait wym daddy wh huh???
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"I challenge Coco."
Whoever grew up into being beefier and more handsome could have the rights as boss. No, Ten does not get to be included in the challenge.
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hopeful-hugz · 1 year
A Masked Stranger Called Out: Notes echo out from another world... ^ < < ^ A >
@pureposer Called Out: Shout it he will - even deciding to use his Normal Vocals. After all, that's like two people Talking at once! (At least, it sounds like it). Though he shall not say it, rather, he'll Scream it! Scream it as Loud as Possible - "LILLIUM!!" - as he stood a top the Government Building. Blowing his Voice out is a Small Price to pay for having a Hand in Saving STM's Greatest Doctor, after all. He even decided to roll out the -um part, hoping that'd help somehow. He hopes it does.
@fallenphxtxgrapher Called Out: “ ^ < < ^ A > “ Joel....may be passed out on the couch right now but Lee...well the noise managed to get to the reaper's guitar and pluck out the right melody. don't ask why he knows how to do that
@strawberry-barista / @falseapostle / @enchantedbrew Called Out: Espresso: ^ < < ^ A > Nitro: "Lillium!" Decaf: ^ < < ^ A > . . . "Lillium." Haruto: "Lillium." ∎∎∎∎∎: ^ < < ^ A >
A Masked Stranger Called Out: ^ < < ^ A >
@abstractreign Called Out: From within his own corner of the cosmos, a worn-down Composer hisses out, "Lillium."
@fairymint Called Out: ^ < < ^ A >
@kingsmedley Called Out: ^ < < ^ A > Leeky is playing his piccolo!
@kingsmedley Called Out: Every single instrument in Highness's Shibuya comes to life at once, all blaring the same tune, over and over again. ^ < < ^ A >
@lollipopsandgunshots Called Out: There's yelling from a certain Reaper couple. "Give up, Lilliyum! Hope's got a lot of friends that love her, and we're not backing down!" - Kariya "This is for Hope and for all you've done to her, so leave her alone, Lilliyum!" - Uzuki
@the-rat-house​ Called Out: Lillium!!!
389 Other Masked Voices From Across Space and Time in Unison: Lillium
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One by one, the voices flood through the the air of Meyth; the aether name and the spoken one. No one had come to the group’s aid before, only checked in- she’d been watching. “How!? No one was responding before! I made sure of it!”
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“It seems they were just waiting for the right moment.” A hand is thrust forward, a void tendril piercing the the space directly between the eyes of Hope’s body. Naturally there’s an attempt to fight back, but against the bonds and the flood of music and voices, there’s no way for Maria to keep controlling the body properly. Though Teal does rush in to further restrict the aether as well, as to make sure Cam isn’t harmed during the procedure.
“I believe it’s about time you gave the good doctor back her form, Mother.” Chamyle yanks at the string of shadow and void, pulling the purebred out and flinging her down the beach. The creation being tumbles and roll, sliding to a halt at the feet of a shadow, who looks from Maria, to her now-slumped and hollow identity, then to her best friend. The one smiling right at her.
“I’ve dealt my judgement as Archivist, as has the entire multiverse you’ve saved before you. Now it’s time to deal yours.”
To this there’s a nod and Hope sprints for her body.
What follows is a blinding light that shoots into the air with a force that prompts Teal, Chamyle and Noir to all step back and shield their eyes from the scattering sands. In the sky it fades enough to catch the form of a half breed, powered up by the remnants of raw aether energy. She stays in the air for a moment, the elements of creation itself seeming to react to her presence as she relishes in being reunited with who she is. Then Hope sets her gaze on her mother, the woman who had caused her loved ones nothing but suffering and peace quickly turns to rage.
A beat. Then she charges directly into Maria; vanishing from sight for a moment.
From the decrepit lab on the cliffs, where the weapon had been born and abandoned; raised by a monster- there’s a blinding light. Maria being dragged through equipment and thrown into the building’s old walls relentlessly. White blood coats the floors and countertops, stains tools as she tries to fight back against her daughter and successors unending assault, but she’s powerless to stop it. The moment there’s a pause, she tries to flee to the skies, only to find a barrier in place made by her own son; aiding his sister in ensuring the weakened aether purebred falls here and now.
The entire world is set into stasis and Hope, having gotten her anger out speaks.
“Lillium “Maria” Hugz. The multiverse has found you guilty of countless crimes against nature, the laws of space-time and of individual universes.” With every word she draws closer, taking out the world core of Meyth itself.
“When did you get that-” 
“But I’m not going to sentence you for those, as much as I’d like to: As the Aether Being of multiple iterations of Shibuya, you’ve committed several wrongs against the people in those cities; as well as against me, personally.” The aether throws the core into the air, charging and taking hold of the the part of Maria’s tail that connected her body to her torso. A hand is held out for the core to return to her free hand and it’s held against her mother’s rune marking. Naturally there’s struggling, which is put a stop to by her own tail, not caring how much of her mothers blood stains her fur and body. “I learned my lesson of what your plans are if I kill you. Your remaining fragments will join the ones already scattered throughout space and time; among your alternates. So I’m not going to give you the satisfaction of a true death.”
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“I sentence you to be sealed away with your creations, and for this core to be sealed away further still. You will never see the light of the moon or Aether Realms again. I’m sure the Composers and Producers I’m under won’t have an issue with this.”
The Barrier is released as Hope sends Chamyle, Teal and Noir out of the universe, as well as any of their belongings that remained in this universe. Then the core is pushed into Maria’s rune...
“...Goodbye Mother... I’m sorry it had to end like this...”
...And the elder aether is absorbed into it with a finally high pitched frequency. 
The world around Hope starts following suit and crumbling around her as she touches the ground, tail returning to wings and the full aether status fading from her form. She looks out over the town she grew up in; a world she barely got to know... and she can’t help tearing up a little.
“Goodbye Meyth... Goodbye Comalia... I hope you find peace in your eternal rest.” With that, the half breed vanishes from view, leaving the world to be sealed in the core she now held.
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pureposer · 1 year
☆ Get to know the Mun ☆
What's your Phone Wallpaper: Joshua and Neku is my Lock Screen, but my open Background is an Owl.
Last Song you listened to: Open and Close Demons and the Dead - Hachi.
Currently reading: Nothing. :(
Last Movie: Tusk.
What are you Wearing: White Button up with a bow, a Cardigan, Black pants and my socks and shoes.
Piercings / Tattoos: not yet....
Glasses / Contacts Or both?: Glasses!
Last thing you Ate: Banana.
Favorite Colour(s): Black (even tho it's a Shade) and Emerald Green.
Current Obsession: SPLATOOOOOON. And TWEWY :p
Do you have a crush?: Nope!
Favorite Fictional Characters?: I have too many but to name a few Emperor, Volo, Kai Shimada.
Tagged by Stolen from: @fallenphxtxgrapher
Tagging: Steal it. NOW.
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lunarscaled · 1 year
Koko, walks up to them and hands them a note
Lyric...right? i was...um...told you were a brat...? no one's gonna tell me what that means huh fucki-
(pologies Lyric, his dad told him to)
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-> Lyric reminds themselves preemptively that despite their age closeness, Koko is Roman's child, and children are to be treated gently. It doesn't matter that they're irritated Koko has been sent to them with a letter asking them what a brat was, only that they were in a position which necessitated their gentleness towards the other. The note is a small, folded piece of paper, and Lyric stares at it silently for a long moment---they take a deep breath in, visibly calm their wrinkled brow before speaking, and return the note to Koko.
"No. Your dad is the brat here, sending a kid with a note like this is grade school.
I'm the leader of the Dragons Guild. Unsurprisingly, I'm a dragon myself, but your father already knows that."
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strebcrarchivess · 1 year
💅 Do you have a comfort show, game, or book?
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My comfort shows are smiling friends, final space, regular show, and Bob's burgers!
As for comfort games they are Mad rat dead, undertale/deltarune, helltaker, one shot, sonic, and hatoful boyfriend!
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galactia · 1 year
Raven vc: a dragon you sa-
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"I assure you, I am little more than a historian and consultant. The age of dragons has long since passed." Except the narrow orange pupils, sharp and focused, told an entirely different story, smoldering mildly as they observed Raven.
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🍓 fallenphxtxgrapher asked: 🍓 🍓 "HEART" for spirit & twewy aku? 🍓
SFWday Special
🍓 Spirit:
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Aku doesn't get very many opportunities at affection, being cut off from other living beings like she is. But something she often finds herself daydreaming about is someone brushing her hair for her. She was given a comb by a visitor in the past, and it's become one of her favorite pastimes because it feels so nice. She can only imagine that it must feel even better when sharing the feelings of love between two people!
🍓 Twewy:
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If she's being perfectly honest, there is something incredibly unsatisfying and heart-wrenching about finding her love inside her own dreams and imagination. In the moment its very nice, but sometimes she takes a step back away from herself and she feels pathetic for playing pretend. Her self-hatred consumers for a moment and she'll cry. She always falls back on it, though, when the loneliness threatens to collapse on top of her, and she'll forget how she feels and she'll be happy again.
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yoroiis · 2 years
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✦ @fallen-phxtxgrapher​​ sent: “Um, excuse me. Sorry for asking but do you happen to know where I am?” He kinda just found himself passed out at a nearby shore and needed to get his bearings.
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“ And you think I’m the ideal person to ask because...? ”
Heizou’s retort definitely had its share of a sarcastic undertone to it, but a blink up a moment later would have the young detective’s attention shifted to quietly survey this newcomer. Foreign attire? Check. A clueless attitude? On point for a traveler. And...soaking wet clothes? Hmm..something didn’t add up here.
“ You’re on Ritou, an island in Inazuma, ” Heizou would share a moment later, suddenly intrigued. “ I’m guessing you were traveling here from somewhere else and...fell off the boat that brought you here or something? ”
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grassius · 1 year
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“ I wouldn’t file a restraining order against the poor man. though that does sound very promising…. ”
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kingsmedley · 1 year
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@fallenphxtxgrapher asked: Who’s your favorite character from your muse’s source, excluding your muse? Do you have any unconventional headcanons?
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Who's your favorite character from your muse's source, excluding your muse? (also asked by @strawberry-barista)
Neku! He has such an amazing arc, and he's a fun, interesting, and subtle character who subverts the expected relatability of a player character, which I think is really cool. I love his relationships with all three of his partners and just... how he interacts with everyone, honestly. It's the point of the game. His characterization and growth is the beating heart and soul of the game, and I love him so much.
Do you have any unconventional headcanons?
Joshua’s Noise form being a dove. Look, I. I didn't know that most of the fandom accepted his Noise form as some variation of Draco Cantus, and I spent so long thinking about what his Noise form would be, looking into symbolism and shit, figuring out what works thematically and might feasibly become a dragon when fused with a snake, but it can't be a phoenix because that's already taken. And I'm really happy with what I ended up with! Dragons are cool, but I don't think that fits my Joshua, and it created the "dove" nickname, which is so important now tbh.
Also, the eye. If you know you know.
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hopeful-hugz · 1 year
Send Me Your URL and I’ll talk about you! || Accepting
🥚 Gonna do these in a giant Positivity Post for y’all!
@electricea asked: My URL?
@fallenphxtxgrapher asked: fallenphxtxgrapher ...? if you'd like :3
@kingsmedley asked: kingsmedley 💜
@fairymint asked: gotta send my url aaaaa
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pureposer · 1 year
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this but haz would be funny i think
Help me Finish my SketchBook
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You're right it is
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the-grim-heaper · 1 year
💜: Finds them sexually attractive. 💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive. 💗: Finds them romantically attractive.
Joel givin Sho the heart eyes dhfghdfg
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"I know damn well I'm irresistible..."
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strebcrarchivess · 1 year
may i offer a crocissant....?
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"Thank you! I'll pair it with my crushi!!" :^)
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frozenambiguity · 1 year
dash comm. | @fallen-phxtxgrapher
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Addressing a specific soup type as The Soup makes it sound rather ominous. Kaeya wonders just what exactly the soup contains to leave someone so distressed.
«So… what exactly is The Soup made of?»
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
6. is roleplaying the only writing-based hobby you have, or are there other things you like to write? 9. when you look at a new blog, what is it that makes you press the follow button? is it the muse, the aesthetics, the writing–?
Yeee, Writing on Tumblr / Discord is my only outlet. I used to write fanfiction / short stories for myself but stopped that some time ago. RPing with others was more rewarding for me cause I could delve hella deep into stories and things without getting stuck on my own limitations.
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It's a bit on a whim most the time. I don't really go out my way to follow others after looking through things - it's usually a 'oh i like this thread they have with a mutual' and then I click a follow and see if they wanna follow back. Then when we talk about rpin', I take that time to then fixate on their blog and learn what I can so I can give something in return to an offering of what to play with. EG; the character/idea spams I sometimes give out to those that vibe with me.
Don't really care for the aesthetics of a blog as much as the writer but I do enjoy seeing edits / themes / writing styles and stuff be with some effort. Just lets me know that they prolly won't abandon the blog too fast in the future if we get something started.
Writing style is usually already sussed out because they are a mutual with my mutuals so I've clocked that. I try not to judge too much on the writing because it's nice to see different styles but one style I cannae do is any self insert tones / first person writers --- that just really puts me off. Drabbles and things that need those perspectives are fine but - not a whole blog based on it. Makes me move away.
Super Negativity / Passion Aggressive Weeping in the tags, hard nos.
And a few more but I cannae word right so, I'll leave it here xo
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