#fake forensic analysis
russianreader · 1 year
The Sasha Skochilenko Trial: Olga Safonova's "Slightly Misleading" Expert Analysis
Sasha Skochilenko (center) at her criminal trial in Petersburg, 25 May 2023. Photo: Nadezhda Skochilenko At today’s hearing [in Sasha Skochilenko’s criminal trial on charges of disseminating knowingly false information about the Russian army], Sasha’s defense lawyers and Svetlana Drugoveyko-Dolzhanskaya, a linguist who conducted an independent forensic examination and found no knowingly false…
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zooophagous · 10 months
What's something cool to look up that'll send me down a rabbit hole of information binging?
My current fixation is nuclear accidents and incidents. If that's not quite your cup of tea, some lighter fare can be found in the case of the Ruby slippers.
Dorothy's red shoes from the Wizard of Oz are a highly sought after piece of film history that collectors pay obscene amounts of money for (there were several pairs used in production)
And when a pair was stolen from a museum in Minnesota, a whole team of art history experts and forensics researchers were called upon to not only find the shoes but to prove that the ones they found were the real thing and not another clever fake. It goes all the way down to things like doing materials analysis on sequins to prove that they aren't modern plastic reproductions because the fakes are just that good.
It's my favorite non murder related true crime tale.
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
AI's gone too far man. It's even taking work away from the racists
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So much racism all around us that we need to manufacture it, this is a fairly common theme over the last decade and change, thankfully he's getting in trouble for this unlike so many others that just claim they wanted to start a conversation or some bs like that.
A Maryland high school teacher has been arrested for allegedly using AI to deepfake a bogus recording of his principal making racist comments.
Dazhon Darien, 31, is accused of creating the hoax audio of Pikesville High School Principal Eric Eiswert.
Mr Eiswert was placed on leave and had police outside his home amid death threats he received over the fake clip.
Mr Darien was held at an airport after a security check over a gun in his bag found an arrest warrant against him.
He faces charges of stalking, theft, disruption of school operations and retaliation against a witness.
Baltimore County Schools Superintendent Myriam Rogers said the school, as well as the Baltimore County Police Department, launched an investigation on 17 January when they were made aware of the voice recording.
Detectives requested a forensic analysis of the audio, which found it was not authentic.
In the recording, Mr Eiswert's deepfaked voice is heard making disparaging comments about black students' test scores, black teachers and Jews.
Police believe Mr Darien, the Baltimore-area school's athletic director, made the recording to retaliate against Mr Eiswert because he was pursuing an investigation into potential mishandling of district funds.
Mr Darien had authorised a payment of nearly $2,000 (£1,600) to his roommate, falsely claiming the roommate was an assistant coach for the Pikesville girls' soccer team, reports the Baltimore Sun newspaper. ____________________________
This is just the start of all of this, it's gonna get worse too
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lightwing-s · 1 year
So I was thinking about the request for Dick. Again. And here's what I came up with.
Dick s/o being a forensic scientist. And while Grayson himself is a detective, they made a bet who will crack the work case faster. One night, when Nightwing and batfamily are on mission, she sneaks into batcave to access the newest technology and software. Ofc Dick catches her red handed and calls a cheater. It all leads to teasing and fooling around (I'm thinking fluff and comedy style), up to the point where she's forced to admit he's better (maybe he kisses or tickling her to the point of surrender).
TY 🙃
There was no denying you and your boyfriend, Dick Grayson, were competitive. Hell, even your own  relationship started out of a silly competition where some friends from your precinct had a bet over which of you could go longer without any dates or hookups. Safe to say, you both lost at  the same time/ night.
Dating him also came with an exclusive pack of friends and family that would eventually become your own. To you, in particular, Alfred ended up coming  really close, trading recipes and him even teaching you Dick’s favorite dishes. He was your relationship unofficial keeper, and also your greatest accomplice.
That’s how you ended up sneaking into the Batcave one thursday night. 
The entire family was out on patrol, and you really could use the computer’s substance scan your boyfriend loved to mention. A couple had recently been murdered in one of the city’s most expensive apartment complexes, but barely any clues could be found, taking you and your team a thorough job to get even the smallest of fingerprints. Dick had also been assigned the same case, thus starting your competition of the week(s). I know, it looks very unprofessional, and borderline unethical, but your dedication to win showed very productive for the force.
Sitting in front of the large computer, waiting for the analysis of an orange substance you found in several places on the crime scene but conveniently kept it a secret from your boyfriend, you took in the environment you were once crazy to see. You had never been to the cave with anyone, let alone by yourself, so it took a lot of convincing (and some bribery) for Alfred to allow you in.
You could already feel the taste of victory on your tongue when the sound of defeat reached your ears.
“What do we have here?” you heard your boyfriend say from the elevator door. “A cheater!”
Immediately hiding under the desk, you mentally cursed yourself for not being more careful and for all the fun Dick was going to take out of your situation. Damn it, I was so close!
His silent steps reached your location, and you could see his groin leveled with your eyes under the tight suit. In any other conditions, you’d appreciate how you stood, but right now, it took everything in you not to punch it.
“If you say anything, I swear…”
“Me!” he feigned indignation, giving you his hand to pull you back up. “You’re the one showing terrible sportsmanship.”
“Oh, like you never cheated in any of our games before!”
“Never!” he faked his innocence, gaining a punch from you on his shoulder. He really could piss you off sometimes. “What are you doing, babe?” he questioned, grabbing at your hips and lacing his arms around them, trying to make you uncross your arms and hug him back.
“Nothing…” you faked, but he saw right through you, as usual, lifting an eyebrow in disbelief. “I found something in the crime scene, okay? Yes, I didn’t tell you, but I know that in the Nichols’ murder you hid information from me too. Consider this revenge! But the precinct’s scanner can’t make out what it is because it’s mixed with something else and keeps giving me inconclusive results. I knew Bruce had this new top of the line scanner that according to Tim can identify every substance imaginable so I kind of bribed Alfred with two dinners a month if he let me get into the cave.”
“You promised Alfred what?!” he asked, brushing off everything else you said.
“Shut it, Grayson. You love his food anyway and…” you were about to tell him off when the AI’s voice announce “Scan finalized.”
You instantly turned around, leaving the comfortable embrace of your boyfriend, too anxious to know what the orange powder you had been studying for days finally was. However, when your boyfriend’s boisterous laugh filled the room and you saw the bright letters spelling out CHEETOS on the screen, you knew everything you did to get where you were ended up being for absolutely absolutely nothing.
“I can’t believe it.” you said in disbelief, as your boyfriend was out of breath behind you. And worse: “Thompson was eating cheetos while we looked for evidence.”
Fuck Thompson. Your fucking lab parter and dumbest person in the world had ruined your chances, again.
“Ah, babe.” he hugged you from behind, kissing you cheek and resting his head on your shoulder. “Admit it, I’ve always been the better detective.”
Dead in the eyes, you refuse to answer. But Dick knows how to break you better than anyone, so he starts pecking all over your face, forcing a smile to spread on your lips.”
“Say it, Bart…”
Sighting in defeat, you finish: “You’re the better detective. You win the game.”
requests are open. you can also check out my updated masterlist ♡
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Forensic science - the "CSI stuff" is one of the least tested areas of the sciences there is, and deserves an overhaul. It does nothing but break peoples lives apart with false courtroom testimonies. The CSI effect means that people believe it is real when it's mostly bullshit.
Stop believing the courts every time an expert testifies. (Or at all. Most judges are cop-loving bootlickers who will gladly send you to your ruin if it speeds up their case log.)
Bite mark analysis is indisputibly fake and wrong, but courts still use it. The very first case was later proven to have had the results faked to fit, but any results after are also
Travel analysis (Where a person has been) from shoes is impossible to prove
Fingernail evidence is easy to fuck up, or confuse the courts with because many cosmetics and foods may distort findings
Hair analysis, hard to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, as it's interpretive. It uses a shitty test that can false positive hairspray or shampoo to frame people as alcoholic or drug-using (which should not be a crime). It also is used to this day. Look up Motherisk Lab for how garbage the science can be!!! None of the lab members were ever trained. This practice is same all over the world. The science is pretty bad
Fingerprints. Both not unique to each person, and the results easy to fudge. Super interpretive and hard to prove it was them or another with a similar print. Partials used as evidence too often imo
Roadside drug tests cops give? Eaaaasy to set off that mouthwash residue, aspirin, or even chewing gum can get you a positive.
DNA is also interpretive. Sure, you may be able to match it with someone, but what markers say about that person is nothing but a maybe. This is doubled or tripled as a maybe for animals - animal DNA testing is absolutely terribly regulated
Actual science welcomes challenge. Forensics often bars it, and stands by faulty labs and science that often was just imagined up as giving results by a random guy a century ago
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
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Palestine Now on X, formerly known as Twitter writes: JUST NOW: More than 1,000 Israeli soldiers and more than 100 vehicles storm the Jenin camp in the occupied West Bank, and the occupation completely cuts off communications, electricity, and water. X/formerly known as Twitter user: @ PalestineNW Posted: November 18th, 7:57pm (EST)
The IOF has been and is continuing to terrorize Palestinian people in West Bank where there is ZERO Hamas presence.
This was not and will never be about Hamas.
We ALL know the IOF is going to come up with hanging by a cheeto thread of an excuse, and I can't imagine what they're going to say, but it is despicable, nevertheless.
The IDF killed their own civilians (as recently confirmed, MOST of them), yet western mainstream media hasn't spoken about this yet). Any why? Apart from the US government's complicity and funding of this ongoing mass genocide, Israel is already denying it vehemently; gaslighting like they know best, calling it a baseless story essentially in an article in the Times of Israel despite, they themselves:
Lied about Hamas beheading 40 babies heads -and despite it being DEBUNKED, it spread like wildfire on western media -and even recently Biden STILL used it as a legitimate 'horrendous act of Hamas.'
Tried to EDIT the only ground footage we had proving Hamas did not send a rocket to the first hospital the IDF attacked, killing and injuring up to 500 innocent Palestinian civilians at Al-Ahli hospital
Lied about Israeli women being raped, and a German woman being attacked
Created a FAKE crime scene -wherein they accused Hamas of beheading Israeli children's heads -it was professional forensic scientists, who are experts in blood splatter analysis and teeth that DEBUNKED Israeli claims
Have made COUNTLESS 'trendy,' tiktok's of their IDF soliders, usually very young woman, to water down the genocide of Palestinian people
LIED about bringing medical supplies to Al-Shifa hospital -it was all FAKE -we saw them carrying weightless boxes to each other -and people called out how a lot of sensitive materials would be in Styrofoam boxes, not cardboard!!
LIED about there being a Hamas headquarters inside of an MRI centre at Al-Shifa (a place where nothing MAGNETIZABLE can be...)
Said they found Mein Kampf in a children's room that was being used a Hamas base -a European book with an English translation in a Hamas base... the sheer LIES
Also, the amount of times representatives for Israel at the UN have denied their war crimes, and instead said Palestine was BREAKING international laws...
Some of these posts were even deleted...
There was also a recent Israeli government official who said 'burn Gaza to the ground,' essentially, and countless more, including Netanyahu himself who called Palestinian children, "children of the darkness," (which was later deleted)
When many Palestinian voices and activists have said -be wary of Israeli 'intelligence,' and 'facts' and 'investigations,' because they have chronically lied in order to paint a perfect picture for the international community that they are just targeting terrorists, while committing war crimes and terrorizing Palestinian people (ongoingly, mind you, for decades) themselves. This is literally part of their Zionist strategies, and they have spoken about wanting to tear Gaza apart and burn it down.
I will continue to say, as so many of the global community has demanded:
End the occupation, ceasefire now, and free Palestine!!
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mariacallous · 6 months
Social media has been flooded with graphic footage and images showing casualties and destruction since Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October.
Such content emerges from all modern conflicts. However, this one has also seen a slew of demonstrably fake or mis-contextualised content being produced at a scale that has shocked even long-time observers of such conflicts.
"This is a new level," compared to other wars - including the one in Ukraine - says Dina Sadek, Middle East research fellow at the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab.
"We have been seeing misinformation, disinformation, and unverified and misleading content of everything under the sun," she added.
So, what is so different this time? Who is contributing to the problem, and what are their strategies and motivations?
General users amplifying false claims
"I think that's amplified the amount of people that are sharing misinformation and disinformation, perhaps unknowingly, online," said Charley Maher, social media editor from Bellingcat, an investigative website specialising in online research and image analysis.
Ms Maher said that unlike other conflicts there is a perceived need among people in many countries to publicly state a position about what is happening in the region.
The content many of those people are sharing often comes from media companies in the region, or with interests in the outcome of the conflict.
While much of the media content coming from Israeli and Arab outlets, and outlets in the wider Middle East, is accurate, some of it has been shown to be heavily skewed or incorrect.
Media Misinformation
The prominent Palestinian news agency Quds News Network, among others, has shared misleading footage and amplified false narratives.
Quds News Network reports extensively from Gaza and has been considered by the Palestinian Authority and US State Department to be affiliated with Hamas and the other Gaza-based armed group, Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
It is independently owned and has a strong social media presence in both Arabic and English. As a result, its footage of attacks and destruction in Gaza is consistently shared widely online.
However, those online posts are not always reliable.
In one instance on 9 November, Quds cited "media coverage" to amplify false claims circulated on social media purporting to show a video from an Israeli Apache helicopter firing on people attending the SuperNova music festival.
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More than 350 people were killed at the festival during the Hamas attacks of 7 October, out of a total of over 1,200 people killed across southern Israel.
In response to the Hamas attacks, the Israeli military launched a massive air campaign that it said targeted Hamas-linked locations in Gaza.
Two days later, on 9 October, the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) posted footage taken from planes and helicopters of the airborne operations. The footage that Quds later described as being of the Israeli military attacking the music festival was included within that IDF footage.
However, when Quds News Network reposted the video it incorrectly claimed it showed evidence that Israeli helicopters had shot at festival-goers.
That claim was analysed and debunked, including by researchers for the group GeoConfirmed and the BBC. They concluded it had been taken in an area nearer the Israeli-Gaza border, inside Gaza, not at the location of the festival.
Furthermore, the footage in the video published by the Israeli military was infrared, indicating it was recorded in the dark, while the attack on the festival began around 7am, well after dawn.
Other high-profile pro-Palestinian accounts amplified to the same claim about the footage. It was also posted on 19 November by Iranian state-affiliated news platform Tasnim News Agency.
The tweet posted by Quds has not been deleted or removed by X (formerly Twitter), and has been seen more than 550,000 times, and reposted almost 4,000 times.
It is just one of many examples of media misinformation since 7 October.
In this instance, researchers say the false claims may have been part of an attempt by Hamas, or elements sympathetic to them, to push back against criticism for killing civilians.
"That helicopter footage was being used to [say] that Hamas did not actually kill the rave concert goers, that it was the Israeli government. And that has been taken out of context," according to Moustafa Ayad, Executive Director of the Africa, the Middle East and Asia programme at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD).
Russian social accounts have also been promoting claims relating to the Israel-Hamas conflict.
One heavily promoted claim was that Ukraine had provided weapons to Hamas. It was circulated on social media by Russian Telegram accounts through the production of a fake BBC News video report.
The content of the video claimed that the investigative website Bellingcat had obtained secret data containing evidence that Ukraine had sold arms to Hamas. The video was branded with the BBC logo and the text on screen was in the font and design style used in all online BBC videos.
"It's unclear if this is a Russian government disinformation campaign or a grassroots effort, but it's 100% fake," Eliot Higgins, the founder of Bellingcat, tweeted.
A professor briefly featured in the video told Reuters that claims attributed to him in it were "entirely fake. Never said that".
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Russian state-controlled media accounts, diplomatic accounts, and politicians on X, had pushed the same narrative since around 7 October.
The Russian Embassy in Kenya shared a post from a user 'Orwellian Nightmare', which said "Hamas openly thanked Ukraine for selling them weapons".
The post included an 11-second video of unknown origin showing weapons, with the voice of someone heard in the background speaking Arabic.
The same claims reached, or were pushed by, senior Russian politicians and state-funded media.
On Telegram, Dmitry Medvedev, former Russian president, and current deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia, also claimed weapons provided to Ukraine were being used by Hamas.
State-funded TV channel RT subsequently reported on Mr Medvedev’s "warning".
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Officials Sources
Disinformation and misinformation are also being produced and amplified by officials and spokespeople involved in the conflict.
The Israeli Prime Minister's Arabic language spokesperson shared footage that he claimed was evidence Palestinians regularly fake injuries to blame Israel for civilian casualties caused by air strikes.
In one such case, the spokesperson, Ofir Gendelman, posted a video showing a young girl with blood on her face on a gurney with emergency workers.
"Watch how makeup is applied to the unharmed child and how 'treatment is provided' to civilians who were not injured, in front of the cameras," he tweeted in Arabic.
He then makes reference, as he has done so at numerous time over recent years, to "Pallywood".
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Pallywood is a term used by accounts and people who say Palestinians are creating fake ‘Hollywood’ scenes and trying to pass them off as news footage.
In fact, the footage was not being distributed as news footage, it was taken a short Lebanese film about the suffering of Palestinians called 'The Reality'.
The source video was posted on the film director's Instagram account on 28 October. In a later video posted on 9 November, the director said it had been taken out of context by some trying to add to the Pallywood narrative.
Referring to other scenes in the original film, he asked why there would be balloons, confetti, and musical instruments in "staged war content".
"The Pallywood discourse, which has been promoted by the State of Israel's official X accounts are still getting a lot of traction," Mr Ayad of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue said.
"At one point, I think we had clocked something like there were 450,000-plus references to Pallywood and there were 350,000 unique accounts that were referencing the Pallywood sort of trope in and of itself," Mr Ayad said.
References to 'Pallywood’ are not new, and tend to peak online during times of increased Israeli-Palestinian tension, according to Ms Sadek of Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab.
"That was the case back during 2021 crisis, and again before that in 2014, and before that in 2009 and 2006."
"It is essentially saying that Palestinians are faking deaths," said Mr Ayad. "And on top of it, it's being layered with what you could say is just like mockery of civilian casualties."
Misleading or false narratives shared by official accounts not only dilute the online conversation but can have more serious consequences, says Ms Maher from Bellingcat.
"I think it can be highly problematic because it can sway political responses, which obviously have a direct impact on the conflict itself."
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tta episode 6
“Last time, on Total Takes Action: The campers lived out a DIY challenge in a found footage-themed horror flick- there were scares, screams, and spooks- but most of it was Caesar talking to himself. In the end, Caesar selflessly let Joner take the win to make it up to Michela, and he gracefully took the Lame-o-Sine home. Who will be walking the carpet of shame today? And who will be winning another one of these gorgeous Gilded Chris awards? Find out now, on Total! Takes! Action!”
It’s a beautiful morning in Toronto (if there is such a thing) and the remaining campers are scattered across the film lot as they mentally prepare themselves for the next challenge- namely by sleeping in. 
Joner and Sha-Mod are both up bright and early, though, getting stale bagels at the craft services tent. Only Scary is sitting in the corner, taking notes and mumbling to herself erratically. 
The boys approach the breakfast line as Fren leaves, and both hold out their platters with big grins (Sha-Mod’s implied). Chef rolls his eyes and drops some slimy eggs and toasted bagels, and they hurry off to sit on either side of Fren, who’s eating in relative silence. 
He chews to himself for a few moments before his eyes dart off to the side and the camera zooms out on Sha-Mod and Joner staring at him and smiling. 
He swallows. “Can I help you?”
They both take a deep breath.
“How do you get your hair like that?”
“Is that its natural color?”
“And how do you do the challenges with all that jewelry?”
“Are you hot in that outfit? Temperature-wise, of course,”
“Is it true that you can swim across the English Channel without getting your hair wet?”
Fren blinks. 
FREN: “I’m not surprised. I have a habit of attracting attention, both good and bad. If I didn’t love it, it’d be kind of weird,”
“Alright, settle down,” Fren says. “Let’s just focus on not letting our eggs go cold yet.”
The two nod and Scary rolls her eyes from afar. 
SCARY: “The people on this set are so juvenile,”
The intercom crackles to life. “Good morning, players! Report to the crime scene from last episode in five for your next challenge!” 
Scary sighs, flipping their notebook closed. 
Chris stands before the crime scene from the found footage episode, hands on his hips. He’s dressed in a cop outfit, smiling brightly as the teams arrive. 
“I’m sure you all remember this colorful scene,”
Scary rolls her eyes and speaks sarcastically. “Ooh, did you reapply the corn starch? I’m so scared!”
“I wouldn’t complain so soon,” Chris says, crossing his arms. “This challenge is right up your ally. After the events of last episode, the “police” have captured the murderer who left this body and put him in custody. Your job today is to put together evidence to either prove his guilt- or his innocence. That’s right, today’s theme is a legal drama!”
The campers grumble. 
“Anons- Scary, Scruffy, Sha-Mod, and Joner- you’ll be the defendants, proving your client is innocent. Fujos- Michael, O, Fren, and Peter- you’ll be the prosecutors, proving your opponent is guilty. As in all good legal cases, your first move is to collect the evidence, starting here at the crime scene,” Chris grins. “After that, you’ll report to the medical bay set for a forensic analysis.”
Peter raises an eyebrow. “What’s that?”
“An autopsy,”
The entire cast winces, aside from Scary, who jumps up and down and claps her hands. "Ooh, yay!"
“Don’t worry, the body is fake,”
Scary sulks. "Aww,"
“In three hours, you’ll report to our brand-new court room set, where you’ll present your case. The Chef Jury will decide the winners,” Chris begins walking away. “Good luck!”
The Anons turn to each other. “Let’s split,” Scary says. “I doubt there’s anything to be found here, but it’d be stupid not to check just in case. Joner and Sha-Mod, you stay here and comb the area. Scruffy and I will begin the autopsy.”
“Hey, not fair!” Sha-Mod says. “Why don’t we get to cut up a dead body?”
Joner nods in agreement. “Totally unfair,”
“You can join us when you’re done,” Scary snaps, grabbing Scruffy’s wrist and dragging them away. 
The Fujoshis stay in place, drifting around the crime scene. Fren ties his hair up and kneels to start snapping pictures of the scene. 
“I don’t get this,” Michela complains, looking for strands of hair on the asphalt. “We’re lawyers, not detectives, right?”
“We’re also not doctors, but we’re still doing an autopsy,” Peter mutters. “I have half a mind to complain.”
“You can. Everyone’s thinking the same thing, anyway,”
PETER: “I have some… problems with putting my feelings first. It’s a bad habit, I know… I just can’t shake it!”
“I think this is enough,” Michela zips up a plastic bag. “Come on, let’s go find that dead body.”
While the rest of the team jogs off, Peter lags behind for a second. He thoroughly scans the area one last time and gasps when he sees something in the bushes off-screen.
He picks it up, putting it in his pocket and rushing to catch up with the team.
Joner and Sha-Mod remain at the scene, both kicking around rocks and pointing out birds in the sky. 
“Man, this stinks,” Joner sighs, throwing a rock at the gate. 
“What do we even do here?” Sha-Mod adds on. “I mean, seriously. This show is so useless.”
“I’m only still here cause I wanna make amends with Michela. Otherwise… eh,” Joner shrugs. “It’s a lot less fun when you remember everyone hates you. What would I do if you got eliminated, right? I’d have no bros left on the show!”
Sha-Mod nods. “Ridiculous stuff. We should’ve just gone on a road trip,”
Scruffy hands Scary a scalpel as they fix their medical mask over their face. He pulls his orange hair back and stretches. “What’s the 1-0?”
Scruffy pokes the corpse. “Looks like rubber,”
“I can work with that,”
Michela, Fren, and Peter look over the corpse, all staring uncomfortably at its blue skin and slack expression. 
Fren turns to his teammates. “So… any volunteers?”
O suddenly steps forward, snapping on a pair of medical gloves and fastening his mask. He approaches the body and studies a hole in the stomach. 
“Okay, I’m going to need a scalpel,”
Everyone else blinks and stares. He turns. “The sharp shiny thing,”
Peter rushes to grab the device and hand it to him. He hones in on the hole and begins cutting, much to everyone’s discomfort. 
With expert precision, he makes an “x” shaped incision and turns back again. “Tweezers,”
“Oh, I know those,” Fren says, picking up the metal tongs and handing them over to O. 
He uses them to enter the incision and remove a bullet. 
Michela opens a plastic bag and O drops the bullet inside. He takes off his gloves and grabs the notepad on the cart. “I think it’s safe to say that the cause of death was a bullet to the gut. If we take a deeper look- magnifying glass, please,” Peter hands him the device and he studies the plastic-covered bullet, and then the hole. “It looks like there was some fragmentation as well. From this position, I’d say the large and small intestines took the brunt of the damage, probably around 40-50%, and the liver at 40%. The victim likely died of blood loss.”
He turns around again and everyone stares in silent shock. 
O: “What? A psychologist is still a doctor- it’s useful to know these things!”
“Okay, so it was definitely a bullet wound,” Scary says, covered in fake blood and bits. She turns, holding the bullet in her ungloved hand. Scruffy winces. 
“What? I’m a physics prodigy and an environmental analyst, not a doctor. It’s not even a real body,”
Scruffy still stares at her. She groans. “Whatever! Let’s just put all this evidence together,”
The teams shuffle into the courtroom, taking their seats at their respective tables. One member on each team is dressed in a sharp suit- Scruffy on the defendants, Michela on the prosecutors. Chris adjusts his massive white wig and sits in the judges seat while Chef kicks back alone in the jury. 
“Hope you guys got to put together a good profile on your murderer,” Chris grins. “Cause this challenge is very, very special.”
Everyone looks at each other, confused and a bit worried. They turn back to Chris as he chuckles. 
“What are you talking about?” Scary demands. 
“Let’s just say our legal team isn’t the best,” Chris pulls out his gavel. “There are a lot of loopholes in these contracts, dudes. The prize for today’s winners is avoiding an elimination ceremony and adding a brand-new-old player to their team, thanks to some convincing from your very own Joner.” 
Scary turns and glares at Joner, while Sha-Mod and Scruffy give him a perplexed look. He leans forward over the table and waves at Michela, who raises an eyebrow. 
The doors at the back of the courtroom fly open and two interns walk in with their hands around the arms of a hand-cuffed individual, a bag over their head. They sit them down at the stands next to Chris. 
“You don’t mean-” Scary’s eyes widen. 
Chris grins. “That’s right- the murderer you’re defending in this trial is none other than-”
The interns pull the sack off the mystery player’s head and the crowd gasps. 
O: “I did not see that coming,”
SCARY: “Out of EVERYONE they could’ve brought back!”
Most of the crowd protests loudly, shouting at Chris. Only one person seems happy, standing from her seat before being forcefully pushed back down by the same interns. 
“Stay in your seat, Michela,” Chris says. “You can have a heartwarming reunion after the trial. Just remember that the team that wins today’s challenge gets to keep him, and avoid elimination.”
“Risking the chance of getting that thing for not getting eliminated,” Scary sighs. “Truly a win-lose situation.”
“Hey!” Max shouts. “Watch it!”
“Make me!”
“Hey, Scary?” Scruffy puts a hand on Scary’s shoulder and sits her back down. “We’re the defense, remember? Let’s just focus on winning.”
Chris slams his gavel. “Defense, give your case,”
Scary puts her head in her hands as Scruffy stands. 
“Your Honor, our client has done nothing wrong,”
“Debatable,” Scary mutters. Joner shushes her as Scruffy goes on. 
“The simplest way to put this is that there’s just no evidence connecting our client to the crime! I advocate that this case be thrown out or put on hold until more evidence can be collected,”
“Interesting,” Chris says. “Prosecution, your rebuttal?”
Michela sighs and stands up, organizing a stack of papers and turning to Scruffy. “Given the… circumstances, I regretfully have to inform everyone that the subject is, indeed, the murderer of the John Doe. Based on our forensic evidence, the gunshot indicates a right-handed gunman-”
“Objection, your honor, but 90% of people are right-handed!” Scruffy says. “It means nothing!”
“Prosecution, your response?”
“I wasn’t finished,” Michela snaps. “The bullet used suggests that the weapon is not a recent model. If you’ll take a look at Max’s character bio on the Total Takes website, you’ll notice that his father is listed as a gun collector.”
“Not so fast!” Scruffy interjects. “While my opponent is correct, your honor, she is intentionally leaving out information to her benefit. The gun used was a Beholla Pistol, which, if you’d done any research, was only manufactured for World War 1 between 1915 and 1918. Only 45,000 were made, making it incredibly rare and expensive, even for a gun collector.”
Michela raises a finger. “If I may, my client clearly hasn’t done their research, since this model of the Beholla is not from the original run, but from the 1921-1932 improved run, which were sold to police agencies in Austria!”
“Still a rare find, and an unusual choice for a quick murder!” Scruffy says passionately. “Speaking of which, there is no clear motive from my client, nor a connection with the victim. My client has no history of violence, therefore, it’d be illogical to accuse him based on nothing!”
Michela sits back, rubbing her temples. Peter sucks in his breath and stands, running out of the courtroom. 
“Hey!” O yells. 
Chris chuckles. “Not looking too good for the prosecution, huh?”
“If I may continue?” Scruffy asks. 
“I’ll allow it,”
SCRUFFY: “Finally, back in my element! If only every challenge was about collecting and cataloging information,” they sigh dreamily.
“...Therefore, there’s no reason to assume that my client would ever commit such a crime,” Scruffy sits down, crossing their arms with a triumphant smile on their face. 
Chris nods. “Well, if the prosecution has no further points, then I’ll have no choice but to-”
“Wait!” Peter yells, throwing the doors open. Everyone turns back as he runs back in with a concealed bag and a slip of paper. He pants as he reaches the prosecutor’s table, shoving the items into Michela’s hands. “Read this.”
Michela stands with the slip of paper and gasps. She opens the concealed bag and dumps out a pistol on the table. 
The courtroom gasps as she reads the slip of paper. “This gun was found hidden at the crime scene- and the fingerprints on the surface are a perfect match for Max’s!” she turns the paper around and shows the Jury. Chef raises an eyebrow. 
“The gun is definitely Max’s, and the bullets match the gun- Max is the murderer!” 
The Anons look between each other nervously, although Scary sighs in relief. 
Chef nods to himself. Chris turns. “What’s the verdict, Jury?”
He thinks for a moment, then writes on a large board. He turns it around- “Guilty”.
“The Fujoshis have won the challenge, meaning they’re adding Max to their team and sending the Anons to the elimination ceremony tonight!”
The Fujoshis cheer and Michela says a small “thank you” to Joner before running across the courtroom, stopping at the stand and looking up at Max. 
“How did you even-”
He shrugs. “You’d be surprised at how terrible the law syndicate at Total Drama is,” he holds up his wrists. “Can we figure out a way to get these cuffs off now? Chris threw the key in a lake.”
Michela helps him down and they start walking outside together. “Come on. Let’s go smash the chain with a rock,”
MICHELA: “I’m not really sure if things will ever be the same between Joner and I, but he’s risking elimination just to make me happy, so he obviously feels pretty bad,”
The campers mill around outside the craft services tent, waiting for dinner. Joner takes a seat outside on the grass as Sha-Mod jogs to the communal bathrooms. 
Michela peeks her head outside and sits down next to him once she’s sure he’s alone. 
“Hey,” Joner says. 
“Hi,” Michela smiles. “I wanted to thank you for doing that for me.”
“It was no problem, really. Chris is super easy to sway when you say the word “ratings” enough,”
She puts a hand on his shoulder. “Seriously. Thank you,”
“Let’s just call it even. After everything that happened, it’s the least I could do,” Joner smiles, then pauses for a moment. “I’m really sorry about everything. We don’t have to be friends, but I hope you know that I still care about you. You’re still my best bro.”
Michela smiles back. “I appreciate that. Thanks for being so supportive,”
“Anons, award ceremony in five!” Chris’ voice blares over the speakers. 
Sha-Mod walks out of the restroom and Michela stands, brushing the grass and dirt off her skirt. “Good luck,”
“This time, I’ll be cheering you on when you win!” Joner says, weakly pumping his fist. Michela waves before walking back inside the tent. 
“Anons, what a valiant effort you made, and just before the merge,” Chris sighs, shaking his head. “Just two more episodes and you would’ve been free!”
Scary grumbles to herself. 
“Scruffy, you’re safe. Scary, you too,” Chris dishes out the Gilded Chris awards. Scary immediately bites the head off of hers, wrapper and all. 
“Sha-Mod and Joner, you’re both responsible for not searching the crime scene and finding the murder weapon first… but ultimately, Sha-Mod didn’t push the other team to win with the boyfriend incentive,” Chris says solemnly. “Joner, you might’ve made amends with your friend, but you just made enemies with everyone else. See you, bud.”
Joner sighs and stands. Sha-Mod salutes him as he walks. 
JONER: “Well, I didn’t win, but I came out of this feeling a little less terrible about myself, and I know not all TT contestants can say the same,”
“What does the future have in store for the Fujoshis? Who will make the merge? Find out next time, on Total! Takes! Island!”
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its-moopoint · 8 months
Have they come out yet?
No? Divorce must be taking longer than expected.
I believe GRO is waiting to examine the fake rings to determine which ones are real and which are props.
Forensic analysis.
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Turin shroud analysis:
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(Turin shroud pictures from Wikipedia
When they tested Turin shroud results results came from the medieval period, but these dates are probably wrong.
(I would like to leave a comment here: Please note for many Christians the fact that the Turin shroud is fake or real does not prove Jesus to be fake or real. Jesus and Turin shroud, are two different issues, i.e., one does not disprove or prove the other, as there are lots of documents that have proven Jesus existed)
If these dates are correct, nobody is giving a plausible way the Turin shroud was made in the medieval period which is the interesting thing in this whole subject as the technology and knowledge that could have helped make it was not available until the 1800s at the advent of photography. I.e. not available in the medieval period.
Below is an interesting video on the subject. Please note that the person in the video does not discuss his personal views on the subject only from an academic view on the subject 
Also please note other tests have also been done on the cloth and the results have found there is no dye or paint on the cloth only the image, which some say was done with an unknown process, but probably not available in the medieval period.
Another interesting fact is that the image is negative,  if you take a photograph of the image on the cloth, the negative of the photo comes out the camera the right way around.
Also a Forensic expert has looked at the image and the wounds are the same as, that of someone,  being crucified in the Roman period, again people in the medieval period would not have known this as graves of people crucified by the Romans have only been found recently in history and not in the medieval period.
Apart from the issue that they tested a medieval repair, below is an article by PBS explaining another problem that may have incurred when testing the turin shroud.
The problem highlighted in the research is if you test with Cabon dating something that was wrapped around someone dead, i.e., a dead body, it will sometimes give a false reading as it is testing the bacteria, not the cloth.
The research has highlighted that previous tests of mummy wraps may have given false readings and therefore wrong, the article also highlights the problem with testing the Turin shroud this way.
Also, the cloth is consistent with cloth made in 1st century Israel and not the medieval period.
As to the claims, there is no blood on the shroud. These claims were rejected by most of the other people on the team. It was only McCrone who said there was no blood on the shroud. but later, tests found these results were false.
"McCrone also found that the "bloodstains" in the image had been highlighted with vermilion (a bright red pigment made from mercury sulfide), also in a collagen tempera medium. McCrone reported that no actual blood was present in the samples taken from the Shroud.[5]
Other members of STURP rejected McCrone's conclusions and concluded, based on their own examination of the Shroud and the tape samples, that the image on the Shroud could not be explained by the presence of pigments.[17] Mark Anderson, who was working for McCrone, analyzed the Shroud samples.[79] In his book, Ray Rogers states that Anderson, who was McCrone's Raman microscopy expert, concluded that the samples acted as organic material when he subjected them to the laser.[80]: 61  McCrone resigned from STURP in June 1980, after giving back all of the tape samples in his possession to Ray Rogers.[81]: 124 "
Other links on the subjects of Jesus and the Shroud:
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officecyborg · 5 months
spoilers for the game Her Story. like I’m literally talking about the solution to the mystery here, don’t read this if you’re intending to play it
So I knew Hannah and Eve were two people going in. What I did not know was, uh—okay, a lot of people talking about it, tvtropes, even wikipedia, seemed to come away thinking it was “ambiguously” a case of two personalities rather than two people. Which, after actually playing it, flabbergasts me, because the points you’re likely to notice that might make you think “is this a different person played by the same actress?” are concrete, physical pieces of evidence. Like aside from multiple personalities being a trite and harmful trope, I think it would be difficult to fake an old tattoo after not having one the previous day. And the key evidence in the case is the police proving that she was in two places at once. I mean maybe I was more conditioned to accept the premise because it’s shared with a certain book/famous movie, but I’ll be honest: if ambiguity was Barlow’s intention (which again, I don’t think it was) it wasn’t conveyed successfully.
I kinda think people just didn’t like the solution to the mystery? So they’re coming up with something less outlandish that doesn’t actually work? TBF I was so-so on it. I mostly just liked the character of Eve enough that I didn’t care too much. Emily Short’s analysis of it as “gothic” rather than “forensic” won me over, though. Yeah, I guess it is operating in that space rather than a police procedural.
(Actually the ending ambiguity I’d really like to discuss, and why I was looking it up at all, was what happens to Hannah at the end. It sounds like she wasn’t arrested. Did Eve kill her? Did she run off and let Eve take the fall? Did they both agree that Eve should take over the Hannah identity, since her fingerprints wouldn’t match the crime? etc.)
I also wonder how many people actually saw the sixth interview with Hannah, because certain things people say, like “you can tell who is speaking by whether their hair is up or down” and some timeline stuff are disproven by that one. (Though I guess if you thought that was true you might just assume it was Eve?) Which, like, we also had trouble finding it and only got one clip by cheating with a line from the trailer. I think there’s one obvious keyword someone might search from it, but we didn’t watch most of it until we went through all the videos chronologically. Short and not a lot of monologuing/content.
Side note: It was funny when we realized you could just go through the videos in chronological order. I think this was intentional rather than a mistake—like, yeah, you can do this if you want. It’s the most time-consuming way to do it, and doesn’t have the “I’m a genius” factor of making a good database search that gets you a meaty video. But you can.
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Empath Part 1- Malcolm Bright x OC
Malcolm Bright x Elena Nadis
Description: Elena has a special ability that she successfully managed to hide from the rest of her team. That is, until today. 
Word Count: 2.1k
It was during her college years that Elena found out about her "ability.” She had been taking a forensic class in order to test her ability to work in the field. Though the body was just a dummy, it was lifelike enough for her to practically stumble back as she examined the fake crime scene. 
She barely had any evidence to go off of, yet she still managed to perfectly describe what happened to the body and the possible events leading up to the “death.” At first her professor thought she had cheated, that she somehow managed to get a peek at the answers while he wasn’t looking. However, upon questioning her, Elena’s professor concluded that she had the ability to empathize with the killer(s). That empathy manifests as the ability to assume the point of view of criminals and psychopaths so she can vividly construct the mentality and motives of such individuals, even with limited data.
That gave her quite the advantage during her courses, and she had even been offered a job at the Behavioral Analysis Unit at the FBI after graduating. As tempting as it was, Elena found that seeing such gory bodies affected her negatively, more than she would have liked. So, instead she just went to work for the NYPD, only to become a detective under Gil Arroyo. She never let him know about her special ability, fearing that he would take advantage of it, and instead preferred to look at the crime  scene after the body had been moved, and look at the body after it had been examined by Edrisa. The rest of the team, including Malcolm, thought that it was an odd way to work, but they said nothing. She got the job done either way so there was no real problem. It worked rather well until today. 
Elena was still relatively new to the team, and she was only a secondary detective, so usually she was put on the backburner while the others examined the scene firsthand. Today however, they had no time to drop the girl off at the station so she was forced to come along with them. She (very hesitantly) walked in behind JT and began looking around the room, already beginning to form a theory. 
“What do you guys think?” Gil questioned, though she didn’t really pay attention to it. 
“Well, they’re a pretty well off family,” JT pointed out. “Maybe it was a theft gone wrong.” That already didn’t sound right to Elena, but she said nothing. 
As Gil, Malcolm, Dani, JT and Edrisa formed a small circle to discuss possible motives, Elena crouched beside the body. Though initially hesitant, she had to be sure about her theory, so she finally pulled the sheet back to look at the dead woman. As soon as her eyes landed on the dead woman, a breathless gasp left her lips. She froze in place, clutching the sheet tightly. She could faintly hear Malcolm call her name worriedly, but she couldn’t pay attention as her eyes squeezed closed, her imagination beginning to paint a picture of the crime. 
Evidence: No scratches or marks on the windowsills or doorway, so it wasn’t a forced entry.  The victim knew the killer enough to willingly let them in, or maybe she was threatened. No signs of struggle. She wasn’t threatened. Nothing was stolen and everything seemed to be in place. Theft was not the motive. No weapons were present aside from a stray 9 mm bullet on the floor. They expected no danger in the killer’s presence. Blood and a little brain matter splattered the wall adjacent to where the body was covered up. She was killed execution style with a bullet to the back of her head, a Sig P365 to be exact based on how small the bullet was. 
In her mind, Elena stood, glancing around the scene, then walked towards the door. She stepped outside, closing the door behind her, only to turn around and knock on the door twice. It was dark outside, but she was suddenly lit up by someone turning on the porch light. She barely had to wait a minute before the door opened with the victim standing on the other side. 
“Hello ____, what brings you here?” She questioned, leaning against the doorway with a polite smile. Elena copied her expression and shoved her hands in her jacket pockets, feeling the gun in her hand. 
“Hey Jan, I was wondering if Mark was in,” she responded, attempting to sound hopeful. “I wanted to talk to him about some arrangements he made for the conference this weekend.” 
“Oh, I’m so sorry ____. You just missed him, he had to go back to Long Branch to visit his sister for the weekend.” Elena feigned disappointment, which made Jan continue. “Would you like to come in for a drink before you head out? I know our home is a bit out of your way,” she offered. Elena smirked internally, but shot her a grateful smile. 
“That would be wonderful, thank you,” she responded, stepping inside when Jan opened the door wider for her. She followed the woman to the living room and grasped the gun still inside her pocket. As she waited for Jan to fix her a glass of tea, she looked around the living room, making sure that no one else was in the house. She couldn’t afford witnesses. 
“Here we are,” Jan said as she walked back in, handing the girl a glass. Elena thanked her, taking the glass with her free hand though she didn’t take a drink from it. Instead, she set it down as Jan took a seat in the arm chair that Elena assumed she had been in before. It faced away from the front door. Perfect. 
“So, you said that Mark was visiting his sister? Is there an occasion?” She questioned casually as she strolled around the living room once more. 
“Oh no, he just missed her. He’s always been a family man,” Jan responded absentmindedly before chuckling. “It’s funny, before he left, he kept asking me to go with him. He said he had a bad feeling about this weekend.” Elena chuckled fakely as she finally moved behind Jan’s chair. 
“He was right.” Jan didn’t even have time to turn her head before Elena took out the gun and shot her in the back of the head, watching the blood splatter across the wall in front of her as the woman fell to the ground. She exhaled deeply then rolled her neck before shoving the gun back in her pocket, walking back to the front door. She locked the door as she stepped out then walked away without a second thought. 
Elena was aggressively pulled out of her own imagination, and she found herself falling back. She nearly flinched when a pair of arms caught her and she looked around wildly, looking disoriented. Her hearing finally came back and Malcolm’s voice was the first one she heard. 
“Lena, what happened?” He asked frantically, looking her over. Her mind was running a million miles a minute, the murder replaying in her head over and over. 
“It wasn’t a theft,” she gasped out. 
“What?” Gil questioned confusedly, crouching beside her as well. 
“The motive wasn’t theft,” she repeated. “This was an attack against Mark, he’s the end goal.” The others looked between themselves unsurely. 
“How do you know?” Dani asked curiously. 
“There’s no malice shown against her,” she nodded towards the body. “Don’t you think that it’s odd that she was killed the weekend that Mark was visiting his sister out of town? And the kids are at summer camp for the next week, which means that Mark was meant to find her. She was just a casualty to get to him.” Her breathing was heavy by the time she finished, and Gil decided that it was enough. 
“Alright Edrisa, since you’re just about done here you’re taking her back to the station, we’ll be there once we wrap up here and confirm Elena’s theory,” he instructed, standing up and resting his hands on his hips. The woman nodded and stood as well. JT opted to help Malcolm stand Elena up, then Edrisa took her hand. Malcolm could do nothing but watch as the girl was led out. He was fascinated by what he’d just witnessed. It’s not often that a woman, or anyone really, can scare him like that. He finally found his feet after a second and ran out to Edrisa’s car, where Elena was already in the passenger seat. 
“Edrisa,” he called, pulling the woman off to the side. “Hey, you recognized Elena’s mannerisms which means you’ve seen them before. That means she’s done this before, do you know what it is?” He questioned hopefully. Edrisa smiled sympathetically. 
“Sorry Malcolm, I’m afraid that’s something she has to be the one to tell you,” she responded, which made the man’s shoulders slump in defeat. “If it makes you feel better, I don’t think she has much of a choice now that everyone has seen it.” With that, she patted his arm then moved around the car and got into the driver’s seat. Malcolm watched the car drive off then sighed, beginning to head back inside. 
To everyone’s surprise, Elena had gotten the profile right to a T. The killer wanted to get back at Mark for a deal gone bad a few years ago that landed him in jail. Luckily they were able to apprehend him and put him back behind bars by the end of the day. Elena was glad to just stick with helping Edrisa in the lab when need be, and once the others had made the arrest, she was ready to just go home. She was putting on her jacket when everyone walked into the station. 
“Don’t think that you’re leaving yet,” JT laughed as they reached her. “You still gotta explain how you knew all that just by looking at the body. You were like a wizard.” Elena rolled her eyes at that.
“Don’t be so dramatic, JT,” she responded simply, pulling her hair out of her jacket. The man laughed and leaned against her desk. 
“Seriously though,” he said. “What was all that?” The girl visibly hesitated. She knew that she would have to tell them eventually, she just never thought it would be so soon. Upon seeing the girl’s reluctance, Dani spoke. 
“Elena, you really scared us this morning. If there’s anything we can do to help you, we want to know.” The girl finally sighed, then nodded. 
“Alright, fine,” she said. “My professor said that I had the ability to empathize with the killer or killers. It can manifest as the ability to assume the point of view of criminals and psychopaths so I can reconstruct the mentality and motives of people like that, even with limited data.” The group looked surprised by her answer. 
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Gil questioned. Elena looked down with a small shrug. 
“I didn’t want you guys to think I was weird,” she muttered in response. 
“Lena, you do realize we have a psychopath profiler on our team, I don’t think you can get much weirder than that,” JT chuckled. That seemed to cheer the girl up because she laughed with him. 
“I guess so.” 
“Hey,” Malcolm called, looking offended. That made the others join into the laughter. 
“Elena, your ability doesn’t make us view you any differently,” Gil said once the laughter had settled. “You’re still a vital part of the team and you’ll be treated like one. If anyone doesn’t follow that, they can deal with me.” He shot a pointed look around his team, which made Elena smile and nod. 
“Thanks guys, but I’m really tired now. You mind if I head out early?” She questioned hopefully, receiving a nod from her captain. The others wished her goodnight and she began heading out. It wasn’t until she was outside that she heard her name being called. 
“Elena,” Malcolm called as he jogged out after her. She stopped and turned around just in time for him to reach her and stared at him confused. 
“Hey,” he called breathlessly, which made her giggle. 
“Hey,” she repeated, resting her hands in her pockets. 
“Uh, would you want to get dinner right now? I know that Gil said if we treated you any differently we’d have to deal with him but-” Elena cut him off before he could begin rambling.
“I’d love to,” she responded with an earnest smile. “I know this really good Italian place just around the corner.” Malcolm looked relieved at her answer, and a charming smile appeared on his face. 
“Well then, lead the way,” he instructed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and allowing her to guide him to the restaurant.
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simonrriley · 2 years
4 years of French and he can't speak a word - jdjd me with Spanish.
Do you have any more Spencer headcanons pls 👉🏻👈🏻
Like I mentioned before he has a hyperfixation on bugs and biology
He talks a lot about nature and food chains and he can identify bugs with their full scientific name by just looking at them
This also makes him the designated spider wrangler in the office
Which he loves to do ^^
Garcia is terrified of spiders and is slowly slowly slowly warming up to them bc of Spence
He picks them up and shows them to everyone and absolutely nobody else wants to hold them
He got a microscope for Christmas after talking about the one he had as a kid that he lost when moving
It’s really high quality and he even makes some of the slides himself when he has the time
If he hadn’t gone into behavior analysis, he would’ve done forensics
I also think he perhaps should use neopronouns
Because he has the ‘tism
I also think he’s interested in horror movies, not for the horror aspect but because the science behind it and how good movies will build the tension and mess with your mind
He also likes to point out behind the scenes things like what the fake blood is made up of
also i think he’s neither a dog or a cat person but
And wait for it
A tarantula person
Or just any exotic pet
He does have a cat tho they get along rlly well
He also reminds me of a theater kid,,, he feels like a theater kid,,, and a techie,,, look at him,,,
He took so many goddamn extracurriculars in high school his college applications looked like a damn choose your own adventure novel
Onto trans spencer hcs
Uses he/him and some neos idk which ones tho
Started testosterone when he was in 8th grade which was the earliest they could let him on
Bc i think i mentioned before for his hcs that he made it clear he was trans really early on bc of being young and autism
Chronic boyliker syndrome
Also he paints his nails often, usually just warm colors that match his normal wardrobe but he’s done matching nails with Garcia for fun during like holidays or something
Halloween is his favorite holiday btw <3
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Securing Your Financial Future: A Guide to Funds Recovery Services
It's a disheartening experience that leaves many feeling powerless. However, hope is still possible. Funds recovery services are specialized avenues designed to help individuals retrieve money lost to fraud and scams. In this comprehensive look, we will explore how funds recovery experts work tirelessly to reverse the damage and restore financial stability to victims of online deception.
The Rise of Online Scams and the Need for Recovery Solutions
In the digital age, the convenience of online transactions comes with its fair share of risks—predominantly the increasing prevalence of online scams. From phishing emails to fake investment platforms, the tactics used by scammers have evolved. Significant financial losses have resulted from the inability of individuals to differentiate between legitimate and fraudulent activities due to the sophistication of these schemes. This challenge underscores the crucial role of funds recovery services online.
How Funds Recovery Services Work
Funds recovery services operate by combining legal expertise, financial forensics, and cyber investigations to trace and reclaim lost funds. The process begins with an in-depth consultation where victims present their cases and evidence of the scam. Funds recovery experts then assess the viability of a recovery case based on the details provided and the nature of the scam.
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The recovery operation is a meticulous journey through transaction audits, scam analysis, and liaisons with banks and legal bodies. Funds recovery services online utilize a range of tools and technologies to track down the digital footprints left by scammers. By adopting this all-encompassing strategy, not only are the funds of the victim recovered, but a stronger case is also constructed against the wrongdoers.
Real-Life Success Stories
The effectiveness of funds recovery services can be seen in numerous success stories. Many victims who once thought their lost funds were unrecoverable have seen significant portions of their investments returned. These success stories function as a symbol of optimism and validation of the proficiency and resolve of recovery professionals who maneuver intricate recovery procedures in order to rectify financial wrongdoings.
Choosing the Right Funds Recovery Service
Selecting the right fund's recovery service is crucial. Prospective clients should look for services with a proven track record, transparency in operations, and positive client testimonials. Experts in the field should be well-versed in both the legal and financial aspects of fund recovery. Additionally, a reputable service will operate on a clear fee structure and maintain open communication throughout the recovery process.
While the digital age presents new challenges in financial security, the support available through funds recovery services provides a tangible solution for victims of online scams. By enlisting the help of funds recovery experts, individuals have a fighting chance to reclaim their funds and hold scammers accountable. For those seeking assistance, visiting paybackeasy.com offers the first step towards financial recovery and peace of mind, ensuring that professionals guide your journey to reclaim lost funds.
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cryptonewsnetwork1 · 22 days
Best recovery experts for cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency has revolutionized the way we think about money and transactions, offering unprecedented levels of security, privacy, and decentralization. However, as with any innovation, it has also attracted its fair share of malicious actors. The rise of cryptocurrency scams and thefts has created a significant demand for expert recovery services. This chapter delves into the fundamentals of cryptocurrency recovery, the challenges involved, and why professional assistance is crucial.
 The Rise of Cryptocurrency Scams
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others operate on decentralized networks, meaning they are not controlled by any central authority. While this offers numerous benefits, it also makes them a prime target for scammers and hackers. Common types of cryptocurrency scams include phishing attacks, Ponzi schemes, fake exchanges, and fraudulent ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings).
The anonymous nature of cryptocurrency transactions complicates the recovery process. Once a transaction is made, it is recorded on the blockchain and cannot be reversed. Scammers exploit this feature, making it difficult for victims to retrieve their stolen funds without expert help.
 The Role of Cryptocurrency Recovery Experts
Cryptocurrency recovery experts specialize in tracing and retrieving lost or stolen digital assets. These professionals combine expertise in cybersecurity, digital forensics, and legal knowledge to navigate the complex landscape of blockchain technology. Their role is to track the movement of stolen funds, identify the perpetrators, and recover the assets.
One of the leading names in the field of cryptocurrency recovery is Recuva Hacker Solutions. Known for their comprehensive and effective recovery services, they have established a reputation for helping victims reclaim their lost assets.
 Why Recuva Hacker Solutions?
Recuva Hacker Solutions stands out for several reasons:
1. Proven Expertise: With a team of seasoned professionals in cybersecurity and digital forensics, Recuva Hacker Solutions has successfully handled numerous recovery cases, bringing back millions in lost funds to their rightful owners.
2. Advanced Technology: They utilize state-of-the-art technology to trace and analyze blockchain transactions, making it possible to follow the digital trail left by cybercriminals.
3. Legal and Ethical Standards: Recuva Hacker Solutions operates within the bounds of legal and regulatory frameworks, ensuring that all their actions are both ethical and legally sound.
4. Transparency and Trust: They maintain transparent practices, providing clients with clear information about the recovery process, potential outcomes, and associated costs.
 Challenges in Cryptocurrency Recovery
Recovering lost cryptocurrency is fraught with challenges. These include:
- Anonymity and Irreversibility: The anonymous nature of cryptocurrency transactions and the irreversibility of blockchain entries make tracking and recovering stolen assets exceptionally difficult.
- Global Jurisdiction Issues: Cryptocurrency transactions can involve parties from multiple countries, each with its own legal system and regulations, complicating the recovery process.
- Evolving Tactics of Scammers: Cybercriminals continually evolve their methods to stay ahead of law enforcement and recovery experts, requiring constant adaptation and updating of recovery techniques.
 The Process of Cryptocurrency Recovery
The recovery process typically involves several steps:
1. Initial Consultation: The recovery firm assesses the situation, gathering all relevant information from the victim.
2. Investigation: Experts conduct a thorough investigation to trace the stolen assets. This includes blockchain analysis and tracking the movement of funds across various wallets and exchanges.
3. Legal Action: If necessary, the recovery firm collaborates with legal authorities to freeze assets and take legal action against the perpetrators.
4. Recovery and Return: Once the assets are recovered, they are returned to the rightful owner, completing the recovery process.
As the popularity of cryptocurrencies continues to rise, so does the sophistication of scams targeting them. Understanding the basics of cryptocurrency recovery is essential for anyone involved in the crypto space. With the expertise and advanced tools offered by firms like Recuva Hacker Solutions, there is hope for victims to reclaim their lost assets. In the following chapters, we will delve deeper into specific case studies, the technical aspects of recovery, and preventive measures to protect against future scams.
For immediate assistance with recovering lost or stolen cryptocurrency, contact Recuva Hacker Solutions:
- Email: recuvahackersolutions @ inbox . lv
- Phone: +1 (315) (756)(1228)
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
You're "tired of hearing Hamas Hamas Hamas when Palestinian civilians are being slaughtered"? You mean the Hamas Hamas Hamas who literally slaughtered 1,400 Israeli civilians a month ago today? The Hamas Hamas Hamas who chased down and shot more than 200 teenagers at a music festival, who burned people alive in their homes, who shot children in front of their parents, who kidnapped toddlers and elderly women, who went door to door slitting throats, beheading, raping and mutilating innocent people and filmed it and put it on the internet and celebrated? I'm tired of NOT hearing Hamas Hamas Hamas when people talk about "free Palestine". Hamas are vile murderous terrorists who commited the worst massacre of jews since the Holocaust just one month ago. And if you honestly think they wouldn't just as happily kill YOU (a white American feminist) as they killed all those innocent people on October 7th, you are a fool. The innocent people of Gaza deserve to be free of these monsters more than anyone. Hamas could surrender and save Palestinian lives. Hamas could agree to a ceasefire and save Palestinian lives. Hamas could refrain from launching rockets from the southern part of the Gaza strip where they know many hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians have fled seeking safety. Hamas could stop endangering every man woman and child in Gaza at any moment. That they will not tells you everything you need to know about who they are and what they really want. They want martyrs. That is all. The more dead children the better. That is not what Israel wants. THAT is Hamas.
Gosh, sometimes I wish some of ya'll weren't anonymous. Also, in case you don't read all of this, I'm ethnically half-Middle Eastern (Persian, to be specific). I ALWAYS acknowledge my white passing privilege (I'm also half Irish/Scottish too), but you don't get to water my ethnicity down. I was also raised in Canada, not America. But I am a feminist, I'm queer, and something new about me -I'm 5'4', but let's begin my response.
I can show you videos of IDF soldiers praising the death of Palestinians and saying all Muslim people should be killed. Where are the videos you mentioned? A lot of this has been debunked already.
I can show you videos of Palestinian journalists on the ground, who talk about the horrors of witnessing Palestinian people killed, and not so long ago a female journalist watched 10 Palestinian babies get beheaded.
Israel has LIED multiple times about the sexual violence against Israeli women, of the beheading and killing of Israeli children (of which they tried to fake a crime scene, but forensic scientists debunked it with blood splatter analysis and teeth analysis). You also always talk about this amount of violence without talking about Palestinian women being raped by the IDF soldiers and officials during interrogations and also when they are in custody. And the amount of children kidnapped, brutally assaulted, arrested, and detained in Israel for crimes of peaceful protest. There are charts you can look at to the huge disparity between civilians being killed, and Palestinian people are murdered astronomically more.
Hamas, to many people, is a resistance group. And the fact that it was co-created by Israel in the first place, is also something people conveniently forget about. And the reason people ARE SICK of hearing about HAMAS is because THIS IS NOT ABOUT HAMAS. If you haven't seen interviews with Bassem Youssef, I highly recommend watching them. This is about Israel fulfilling its' colonial-settler campaign of eliminating Palestinian people and taking over Gaza completely. There are anti-Zionist Israeli Jewish people who are saying "NOT IN OUR NAME" while Israel commits this genocide, so the fact that you're saying all Jewish people will readily ally with Israel is incredibly false.
Hamas has homemade rockets, Israel as Iron Dome and mass nuclear weapons of destruction. That's a huge difference in military weapon and arms.
Israel has also been BOMBING areas they say are 'safe to go,' like the Rafah crossing being the most recent. Between Israel bombing refugee camps, hospitals, and places of worships -where Palestinian people HAVE taken refuge -THOSE are bombed!! So NOWHERE is safe. What on earth are you talking about?
Israel wants to fully settle on historic Palestine. That's what they want -it's ALL over their socials and documents, and in the mouths of their government officials. Do you not listen to any of their addresses, interviews, and tweets they've been sending out almost daily?
Honestly, it doesn't take a lot to bear witness to Palestinian voices and experiences. Instead of saying that somehow the unilateral violence they are and continue to experience is somehow justified?? There was a child in Gaza, when asked what he wants to be when he grows up, he said "Kids don't grow up in Gaza."
This isn't about Hamas, it's about Israel's Zionist agenda.
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