Do any of you ship Dwayne Junior with Carrie?
this is a total takes blog
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ttroti interest check
Hello all! as I haven't written for tts itself since action, and both myself and mod ghost will be busy with university-related things in the upcoming future, I'm extending an interest check to see if any writers out there would be interested in taking on gen 2
There's also a possibility of co-writing with myself (mod ghost cannot as they are in a more intensive program and have no long breaks) if that makes you more comfortable :)
here is a link to the google form for the interest check
-mod joner
additional details under the cut:
mod joner did daily releases while mod ghost writes longer chapters and is busier, so they do weekly. either works!
depending on the length of the chapter (we try to go for at least 1k words) writing an episode takes about 2 hours, 3 max. that includes editing.
your only other responsibility is scheduling the posts on time! adding director's commentary (aka notes about your own writing) is totally optional
ttroti will also include a new cast of characters, aka mods that haven't been featured in tts yet. i'll open submissions for them some time in the future. cameos from the old cast are welcome, but you'll get the creative freedom to do whatever with the new characters!
and as per boundaries, we ask that inappropriate subject matter isn't included. that means jokes, too. we understand that these are teenagers, not babies, and that a lot of them are based on older characters, but most of them are still minors! please be cautious of this
finally, this is not a paid position. mod ghost volunteered, and I (joner) do it for free, too. basically a volunteer thing! so if that doesn't interest you, don't take us up on it
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Hello all! No episode today, I've had personal matters to attend to. See you next week!
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director's commentary
***spoilers again!***
that somehow ended up being like, 20 pages. BUT ANYWAY... lots happened. this episode went through several layers of production hell- michela and max were the eliminees in the first draft, then I changed it, changed it again, and then we ended up right back at square one. I feel like the end to their story was rather anti-climactic, but that's kind of the point: their arc was based off of insecurity and misunderstanding, so a big blowout or some crazy shenanigans with a dramatic, heroic ending (like assney's) just wouldn't have fit. I wanted to put their arc to rest peacefully, both for their character's and to further albert's own.
I know some people will be disappointed that noco didn't have his maxulia moment, but in truth, he was never destined to. my only goal now is to torture that man. also noculia was funnier.
FROLLO IS BACK! finally. I've been waiting for this- and yet, still, there's a little more I'd like to do with him and mal before julia's whole arc unfolds. after all, he's been revealed, but him and mal haven't really been introduced as a package deal yet. expect more of them soon.
things heating up in the tt fandom.
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ttwt episode 15
“Last time, on Total Takes, World Tour: our remaining competitors had a sweet Swedish time in lovely Scandinavia! Hearts were broken, spirits were crushed, and shrines dedicated to tumultuous relationships were built! Team Friendship got a little ahead of themselves, heh- and Team Mojo swept in to steal first class. Luckily, this was a non-elimination round, meaning that every loser got to stay. Who will be immortalized in plywood today? And who will finally take the drop of shame? Find out now, on Total Takes: World Tour!”
The entirety of economy class feels as if it’s stuck in a time loop. 
Max sulks. Kelly shifts uncomfortably and stares out the window. Phillip hums and sharpens a rock into a spearhead. Julia glares. Courtney sighs. And Mal is nowhere to be found. 
Complete stillness, as if everyone had transformed into a painting. For hours, nothing changes. 
In the early hours of the morning, the distant sound of door creaking accentuates the sighs and groans of the hull. Mal walks in, yawning, her soft footsteps are the loudest noise anyone’s heard in hours. 
“Morning!” she says cheerily, breezing past the toxic energy of the room. She takes a curt seat between Julia and Courtney, humming merrily as she taps on her phone. 
Julia’s eyes narrow. “And where have you been?”
“Uh, duh, I told you. My fave VTuber was streaming for their 100k sub special, and I needed to get to the cockpit for a better connection,” she rolls her eyes. “You wouldn’t get it.”
The blonde’s tone sharpens and she glares back. “No. I don’t think I do,”
Mal shrugs and pops in her earbuds, humming along to a KPop song merrily and pacing around the room. Julia leans over to Courtney, lowering her voice to a dull hiss. 
“She’s conning us. Somehow, she’s conning us,”
Courtney taps their chin, thinking. “Well… in the second season of Total Drama, DJ was getting secret help from Chef. This could be a similar situation. Maybe she has an alliance with Albert or Michela, and she was talking to either one of them. Or she could be using her phone to hack into the Total Takes mainframe to see what our next challenges are going to be, and have access to all the cameras and footage, so on and so forth,”
Julia snorts. “Please. As if she’s smart enough to pull that off,”
“You’d be surprised. She got into my computer webcam once and livestreamed me sleeping when I told her to stop sending me thirst traps of her favorite anime boy,”
Julia blinks, and then shakes her head. “Okay, whatever. But I highly doubt it anyway. The Total Takes firewall has to be pretty impenetrable, or someone would have tried it before. It’s more likely that she’s meeting with someone behind our backs,”
“Like an alliance?”
“No, like…” Julia sighs. “She’s got someone on the inside. She’s a plant.”
“A plant? Hah. Mal is a lot of things, but her crazy is genuine,” Courtney crosses their arms. “She does all that for free.”
The blonde leans back, gazing out the window. “We’ll see. We’ll see…”
JULIA: “Back to my good old scheming self. It feels nice, you know- back in my element! Who cares about being a good leader when I can slink back into the shadows where I work my magic,” her eye twitches. 
Michela refuses another smoothie from a well-dressed flight attendant. 
“Again, not hungry. Thanks,”
The attendant walks over to Albert, who accepts the drink. He stirs the straw around it for a few moments before taking a long sip. “Still upset?”
Michela sighs, putting her chin in her palm and slouching forward. “Yeah. But now I feel crappy about ignoring Max, too. I know he feels bad. Maybe I should just-”
She attempts to stand, to which Albert grabs her wrist and pulls her back to her seat. 
“Why should you? He betrayed your trust. You deserve the time to heal, Michela,”
She sighs and resigns to her seat, slouching again. “Yeah. You’re right. I deal with it later,”
“There you go,” Albert smiles contentedly, kicking up his feet as another attendant delivers a plate of breakfast sausages. He skewers one with a fork and takes a bite. 
Michela lowers her eyes at him. 
ALBERT: “It’s all going according to plan. I have Michela wrapped around my finger, Team Friendship is falling apart, and Team Yaoi is on the brink. Chaos unfolds so nicely, doesn’t it?”
MICHELA: “He was eating meat. He was eating meat,”
“Welcome one, welcome all, to fabulous Las Vegas, USA!” Chris’ ever-annoying voice trills over the intercom. “We’ll be landing shortly, so buckle up and enjoy those desert views!”
Kelly turns and leans to stare out the window, eyes widening. “Ooh… pretty!”
“If you like the desolate, barren soul of late-stage capitalism,” Max mutters, head in his hands. 
Phillip pops up to stare out the window with Kelly. “Ooh… desolate!”
The plane begins its descent as Max groans. 
PHILLIP: “I can feel my power… increasing… it runs through my veins… with each poem I write, I grow closer to my destiny…”
The plane lurches and Phillip goes flying, the pages of his notebook scattering around the cabin. Julia picks one up and raises an eyebrow. 
“Don’t. It’s his original poetry,” Max warns. 
She drops the paper. 
The plane lands amongst one of Las Vegas’ many massive 4-lane roads, coming to a stark stop right in front of the Luxor Pyramid. 
The plane door opens with a hiss and the teens stumble out, falling onto the hot asphalt. Courtney rises first, and then helps Michela to her feet. Julia pops up next. 
“What’s this weird feeling? Like I’m being strangled by the air?” she asks, looking around. 
“That would be the aridity, and the 110 Fahrenheit weather!” Chris says, stepping out in front of the group with a sunhat and a handheld fan. “Welcome to the desert- with a low 10% humidity level in the summer, this is one of the most torturous paradises on earth.”
“110 degrees? 44 celsius? This can’t be humane,” Max says, fanning his face. 
Chris chuckles. “Well, you better get used to it. Don’t worry, though- the casinos are air-conditioned,”
The teens stop their whining to ooh and ah. Mal jumps up, squeaking. “OMG, I am like, SO lucky when it comes to gambling! It only takes four or five microtransactions for me to pull my faves in gacha games!”
Chris rolls his eyes. A large, sleek black limousine pulls up behind them and the doors pop open. The teens eye it nervously. 
“Yeah, we’ll talk about that when we get there. This limo will be driving you right to one of Vegas’ main attractions- the Stratosphere! Your next instructions will be awaiting you there,”
The group mumbles to themselves and file into the limo, squishing between each other awkwardly as it sets off. There are only so many seats, so only about three lucky people- Julia, Albert, and Kelly- manage to secure themselves a spot on the plush bench. Everyone else sits on the floor, feeling every bump in the road. 
Max pulls his knees to his chest and makes momentary eye contact with Michela. She offers a small smile and waves. Albert glares. 
“If anyone would like my seat, I’m more than willing to give it up,” Kelly says. “Or someone could sit on my lap! The more the merrier, after all.”
“You don’t have to do that, Kelly, but that’s really sweet,” Courtney smiles. 
“You really don’t have to,” Albert murmurs. 
The limo speeds up. 
“Since the gambling age in the United States prevents minors from being on the casino floor, I welcome you all to the main attraction: the lounge! These 360 windows give you the most beautiful views of the city, and there’s a lovely-”
“Just get on with it!” Julia and Max snap in unison. 
Chris grins. “Fair enough. But before we get to the challenge, we have a special surprise for you all,”
The teens groan in unison. 
Michela sighs. “Let me guess: a bear? Spike traps? Poison darts?”
“All lovely and creative ideas, Michael, but no,” the host beams. “On the last episode of the Aftermath show, your former castmate Caesar held a second-chance challenge. One loser will be rejoining you on your world trek today!”
Everyone gasps- though some are far more delighted than others. Mal squeals “This is gonna do NUMBERS on my blog!” and begins typing away- Julia rolls her eyes, but can’t seem to contain her own excitement as she smiles. 
JULIA: “Having Scruffy back would be a huge advantage for me- I mean, for the game. Not like, having a friend around will improve my performance,”
“See? Not all of my surprises are bad!” Chris chuckles. “Or are they..? Nonetheless, our winner has asked to perform a little opening musical number for you.”
“I hope it’s Staci! I’ve missed our bestie talks,” Kelly says, clapping their hands together. Albert rolls his eyes. 
ALBERT: “Another cruel twist of fate. I should’ve seen this coming,”
“He’s a lean, mean drama machine in too many layers, and he’s banned from 16 convention centers across North America: it’ssssss NOCO!”
The teens pause, their excitement falling flat. Julia crosses her arms, another sharp expression on her face. “Who?”
The elevator dings and opens as a jazzy tune starts up. The doors slide apart to reveal a tall boy in too many layers, holding in a microphone. 
“No-no-no-no-Nocorific is my name, dishing dirt is my game, invading your TV with my Nocolicious frame!”
Julia’s jaw drops. 
Mal nods along to the beat, typing excitedly on her phone. “No-Nocorific, S-s-so terrific!”
“I’m a j-j-journalist. Journalist!” Noco goes on, pacing the room. 
Max crosses his arms. “This is so against the rules, does Chris think we’re a bunch of fools?”
“Rules? This ain’t no Sunday School! Mr. Thang up there’s a rating tool!”
Julia hisses. “M-M-Make me si-ick!”
“I’m a j-j-journalist. Journalist! Get me a full-blown, proof-read and edited paragraph on why I should care about you! I’m quite specific,” Noco says, crossing his arms. 
Kelly claps and squeals. “He’s Nocorific!”
“I’m a j-j-journalist-”
Michela blinks, leaning over to Albert. “Who’s that guy?”
“Excuse me?” Noco snaps, whirling around. “Who am I? Who am I?! Who are you? I’m the host of the Total Takes Aftermath! My writing was featured in Reality! I stalked your lame fellow actors for Celebrity Manhunt! It’s a fact and scientific, I’m still Nocorific!” 
Albert and Julia snicker. “He’s not a journalist, turns out he’s not a journalist!” 
Noco scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Whatever,” 
Chris surveys the scene with sharp eyes, grinning as the original cast scans him over with some vague sense of unease. 
JULIA: “There’s something very… off about him,”
ALBERT: “Ah, yes. The little twerp from Celebrity Manhunt. Prattled on about “maxulia” for thirty minutes before I went on air. He was… oddly obsessed with proving himself. Definitely a vulnerable pattern to exploit. But the others don’t need to know that,”
“That guy gives me the creeps,” Michela murmurs, watching him walk past the main group and take a seat on one of the plush seats in the room. 
Albert shrugs, giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “I think your issues with Max might be clouding your vision. He’s just another contestant,”
She sighs, her eyes drifting over to the aforementioned boyfriend as he sulks in the corner. Noco pulls out a phone and begins taking pictures of the scenery. 
He drifts over to Julia, snapping a pic with the flash on. She hisses. “What’s your deal?”
“Collecting evidence,” he finally slips the phone back in his pocket. “So which of these lame teams am I on?”
Chris beams. “As of now? None! Because there are no more teams! Welcome to the merge, dudes!”
“YES!” Courtney, Julia, and Mal chirp in unison. 
Kelly turns to the rest of the now-annulled Team Friendship with a bright- somewhat strained- smile. “Well… I’m proud to have-”
“Outta my way,” Max hisses, shoving past them to sit alone in the corner. 
Phillip scurries off to hide under one of the couches and Kelly frowns. 
KELLY: “You’d think, with all my efforts, that we’d be a little closer by now. But I guess… I just didn’t try hard enough. They were eager to leave, just like everyone else,”
The merge hit at a very inconvenient time- that’s what Albert thinks, anyway, and his discontent is written all over his face. He turns to Michela. “So… this is the end,”
She had been staring at Max across the room when he spoke, and hummed a little note of confusion when she looked back. “What? Oh… yes. Well, you’ve been a great teammate,”
“Yes, it’s just…” He sighs. “I’m worried about you, you know? What if Max tries to get you voted off next? His connections outnumber your own.”
Michela raises an eyebrow. “I don’t think he would-”
“You haven’t spoken to him in days, remember? What kind of misery-induced rage is bubbling just beneath the surface?”
As Chris paces the lounge, explaining the rules of the merger to all those inclined, Michela’s eyes drift to stare out of the glass walls and down at the sunset falling over the desert city. It definitely felt isolated. 
“I simply wouldn’t feel right leaving you on your own. You have my vote,” he says, quite proudly, putting a hand on her shoulder. “I’m only looking out for you, you know. My ex turned on me out of nowhere, too.”
She raises an eyebrow. “Your…”
“Long story,”
ALBERT: “I haven’t had good experiences with relationships, to put it lightly. Turns out that even things you think are set in stone are just as random and chaotic as the rest,”
Chef, clothed in a fancy, sparkly show dress, walks out from around the corner pushing a massive slot machine, a male contestant’s face decorating each reel. Chris chuckles. “Just on time. While you dudes can’t really gamble, most of you are above the age of eighteen, which means you can get hitched!”
“This country is so backwards,” Julia snaps, crossing her arms. “What’s with the slot machine?”
“Since we are in fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada- the land of bad decisions and Elvis-officiated eloping, our theme today isn’t about gambling money- it’s about fortune. Each girl or girl-adjacent will try their luck at pulling a husband from the machine. Your chosen beau will be your teammate for the rest of the day,”
Almost everyone snaps what? At once. Chef begins hauling over the male contestants, throwing them into a compartment at the top of the massive machine. Noco scoffs. 
“Hah, very funny. “Luck.” Haha,” 
Chris raises an amused eyebrow. “What? Not a fan of playing Lady Fortune?”
“This is all staged. I know this is rigged so the most popular pairings will be spit out, the truth concealed again. I’ll probably end up with one of these poor single things, like Kelly,”
Kelly sulks. Albert watches from nearby, his usual demeanor of calmness dropping. He looks to Noco. “You really think this is planned? How stupid would- I mean, why?”
Noco crosses his arms with a scoff. “I’m a journalist, remember? I know everything about this show. I’ve read the illegitimate scripts online, I’ve collected testimonies from former interns’ grieving families, I’ve perused the forums- I’m basically a college graduate in all things Chris McLean doesn’t want general audiences to know,”
This seems to only amuse the host, and he grins. Albert’s expression grows more and more sour by the minute. 
ALBERT: “If there’s anything I can’t stand, it’s people who believe in fate. There’s no way that this show- even if it was scripted- would be 100% acting. There’s some things you… you just can’t fake!”
“Well, well. Since you’re such a seeker of the truth, I’m sure you can guess what we’ll be using to even out our currently uneven player-to-player ratio!” Chris chirps, a smug grin on his face. 
Noco rolls his eyes. “Duh. You’re going to have some surprise reveal that Frollo was on the plane all along, and then act like you didn’t know,”
The host stops. Chef raises an eyebrow. Mal shifts uncomfortably, and then chuckles: “But that’s just a guess, right? Heh,”
“Oh, no, I’m serious. He’s probably still waiting in the plane now,”
Chris’ eyebrows knit and he waves away a few interns pushing a caged bear into the lounge. He puts on a chipper smile. “...Of course! I knew that! Chef, could you-”
“On it,” the aforementioned says plainly, collecting a rope and empty sack and walking off. 
“Hah… haha, well, while Chef is collecting our surprise contestant, let’s get this started, shall we?” he says. “Noco, if you would…?”
“Way ahead of you,” the boy sighs, climbing into the slot machine of his own free will. 
The host beams. “Let’s see, let’s see… Courtney! Care to take a gamble?”
Courtney sighs and stands from where they’d been sitting on the grimy lounge carpet. They trudge over to the machine and pull on the lever, igniting a shower of colorful lights and chimes. “This is kind of heteronormative of you, by the way,”
“Hey, if it floats your boat, you can wear the suit,” Chris chuckles. Courtney rolls their eyes. 
The rolls stop on the ever-pouty face of a certain poet, and Phillip comes tumbling out. “YEOWCH!” he hisses, rising to his feet to dust off his pants. 
Courtney sighs a breath of relief. “Phillip. You’re… normal, right?”
“Why? Did someone say something about me? Who was it?”
They shake their head and drag him away. As they do, the elevator dings and the doors part to reveal Chef, walking in with a full bag. He dumps it in the top of the slot machine and backs off, shaking his head and murmuring about rats in the cargo hold. 
The pink-haired girl approaches the machine cautiously, crossing her fingers. “Please don’t be Max… please don’t be Max…”
Albert whispers a similar prayer from within the machine. 
She pulls the lever and a familiar face comes tumbling out. Albert hisses under his breath and Michela holds hers. Max rises to his feet without her help and the two step back awkwardly, neither uttering a word.
“For the record, I think this is really stupid,” she says, approaching the hulking, brightly-colored metal beast. “And I would’ve killed in a gambling challenge. I do numbers in online poker.”
She violently pulls down the lever and all three rolls land on the face of a bear- but, of course, no bear comes. Julia cringes in disgust. “NO! No way, I am not marrying that FREAK! Anyone but him!”
Frollo rolls his eyes. 
“I demand a re-roll! NOW!”
Mal winces and hurries over, helping Frollo off the floor before Julia’s fit can get any worse. “I’ll take him. She won’t stop without a fight,”
Chris shrugs as the two walk off. Julia’s eyes narrow at the two, but she doesn’t utter a word of complaint as she rolls again. This time, a shadow of gloom slides out. 
The host turns to Julia. “Is this one acceptable, your majesty?”
“Whatever,” she sighs, dragging Noco to his feet. He grimaces in turn. 
“This isn’t ideal for me either, you know. I know good and well that you’d rather be with your real lover,”
Julia pauses and turns to him, her gaze turning sharp. “You don’t know anything. Shut your trap,”
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me,” he chuckles, patting her head. “I would never want to get in the way of your miserable relationship.”
“First of all, we’re not miserable. Second of all, we’re not in a relationship. We’re just… friends,”
Noco shrugs. “Oh, you don’t have to hide around me. I’m sure the producers will cut this out in the final draft, anyway,”
JULIA: “Could… Noco really know about Scruffy?”
NOCO: “I'm onto you, Maxulia,”
Kelly grimaces as they approach the machine. They don't need to pull the lever, after all- there’s only one unclaimed man. 
Still, for formality's sake, they do so anyway. The familiar flashing lights and cheery music play, and Albert comes tumbling out. 
“That settles that. Onto the next part of the challenge!” Chris grins. 
“In our sister episode, Niagara Brawls, our leading ladies were led through a blindfolded field of obstacles by their one true loves,” the host pauses to chuckle. “As an audience-favorite challenge, you’ll be recreating that right here, right now!”
The contestants gaze across the floor of the hotel, where an expansive field of obstacles, including, but not limited to tubs of mud, giant cakes, and sand pits. 
“Each lucky groom will be using a megaphone to guide their blindfolded spouses through this tumultuous maze of humiliation!”
Julia grumbles, deeply unhappy as an intern fastens a blindfold around her eyes. Courtney is taking some deep breaths beside her, trying to remember the original layout from their “sister episode”. Mal is humming. Both Michela and Kelly seem tense. 
The men themselves are seated upon five large columns, holding one red megaphone each. None look particularly enthused at all. 
“At the end of the maze, you’ll find a wedding dress- or suit- for your spouses. Any couple without formal attire byt the end of this is out. GO!”
Michela swallows a lump in her throat. “Max, we’re in this together, okay? Just treat me like you would any other player!”
“I was… planning on it,” he raises an eyebrow. “Four short steps- or two long steps- forward!”
Julia listens to their scuffle and sighs, silently waiting for Noco’s command. Nothing follows. The groom himself is sitting on his elevated platform, swinging his legs back and forth while taking notes. 
NOCO: “What? As if she’d really get hurt on a staged show,”
“Noco! I’m waiting!”
Still, nothing. Julia grumbles and takes a cautious step forward. 
“Kelly, you’re going to want to go about four paces forward, then turn left,” Albert shouts into his megaphone, sounding rather annoyed as he watches Max and Michela. When he looks back, Kelly hasn’t moved. “Kelly?”
Their knees are shaking. “I- I can’t see,”
“Uh, yeah. That’s the point of the challenge,”
“B-but I- I don’t know where I’m going!” they tremble. “I can’t do this on my own!”
“We’re supposed to work as a team,”
“How do I know you won’t leave me?” 
Albert grumbles under his breath. “I could ask the same thing,”
“Six forward, then turn right, then straight again,” Frollo says dully, waving around the megaphone like a toy. “Then you’re going to want to-”
“Don’t worry about it! I got this!” Mal shouts back, grinning wildly. 
She squeals with excitement and bounds through the maze, shoving Julia into a mud pit in the process. The blonde coughs out a mouthful of dirt and growls. “NOCO!”
Noco rolls his eyes. Mal reaches the end of the obstacle course without a scratch, crashing into and toppling over the mannequin with her dress in the process. Her blindfold goes flying off and she claps her hands. 
The other grooms turn to Frollo. He shrugs. “She’s good,”
MAL: “Please- I’ve seen the Niagara Brawls episode like, six hundred and forty-four times. I could walk this obstacle course in my sleep,”
Julia inches along the course, feeling out for the edges of tubs and sand pits. She loses her footing and stumbles forward, crashing into a large cake. 
“UGH! You know, when you said you’d butt out of my love life, I was still expecting you to HELP!” she shouts at Noco. He does nothing. 
Max squints, trying to plan the path ahead from where he was sitting. “Okay, just- just keep going forward. No- watch out for that bell!”
A loud ringing sounds and he winces. Michela falls flat on her butt, massaging her temples. “I’m- I’m sorry! I’m a little scatterbrained today!”
She groans, and stands uneasily. “Can I trust you or not?” she shouts back to him. 
His heart stops for a moment. “What?”
“Can I trust you or not? Cause if we don’t have any faith in each other, I can just keep going on my own!”
“But- but then you’d be blind!” he shouts. “You’d be blind and alone!”
MAX: “I know, logically, that she was only referring to the challenge. But… on a deeper level, maybe her words held some symbolic value for me, too,”
“It’s better than being blind and misguided!”
Max takes a deep breath, looking from side to side for a moment before standing. “You can trust me. And I trust you. I won’t let you go on blind. Three steps forward, one to the right!”
Albert watches the display from his own column, grimacing. 
ALBERT: “Great. They’re making up. Ew,”
“Kelly! Are you still with me?”
The blond forces a grin, giving a shaky thumbs up as their legs tremble. They’re still at the beginning of the course, not having moved an inch. 
Albert takes a deep breath. “I know it’s scary, I know it’s unpredictable- but I’ve got you. I need you to understand- I won’t leave you!”
Kelly wrings their hands for a moment, their smile dropping. But then, they take a deep breath, and move forward slightly. 
“That’s it! Another step forward- one at a time, Kelly!”
They inch their platforms along the course, narrowly avoiding the wooden brims of the sand pits and the plastic tubs of mud. They keep going, one tiny shuffle at a time, one foot in front of the other, until they’ve passed Julia (who’s currently embedded in a thick pool of mud). 
They pass Courtney, who’s still cautiously taking steps out of memory, and Michela, who’s crawling along at Max’s behest. 
“And our second winner- Kelly!” Chris says. Albert breathes a deep sigh of relief as they pull off their blindfold, squealing at the gorgeous sequin-embroidered dress in front of them. 
Michela and Courtney arrive shortly after, wheezing. Finally- eventually- Julia manages to drag her cake, mud, and sand-covered self across the finish line, collapsing into the suit she was given. 
“And that makes five,” the host chuckles. “Onto our final act!”
“Welcome one, welcome all, to the edge of the world!”
The sky- now completely darkened- is the only thing surrounding the players as the wind whips around them. They’re at the very top of the building, hundreds of feet in the air. A few shiver as the cold desert air breezes past them. 
“Not only is the Stratosphere known for its casinos and world-class views, it’s also known for its thrill-seeking rides! Where you’re standing is the SkyJump- the highest decelerator, ever! It’s a sharp 253 meter drop to the ground, folks- and you’ll be climbing it!”
“Excuse me? Climbing?” Noco chuckles. “Isn’t this the part where we go back to our trailers and someone does some special effects.”
Chris stares. Noco raises an eyebrow. 
“Stunt doubles?”
Chris stares. A small nervous look begins to creep up Noco's face. 
“Green screen?”
He is promptly ignored. “Grooms will be carrying their spouses over their shoulders as they descend the side of the building on two measly ropes. But don’t worry- Chef installed a net to catch strays,”
The teens peer over the edge of the building to a measly, thin tightrope net at the bottom. They grimace. 
Noco chuckles nervously. “This is- when are we cutting the cameras, guys?”
“I’d suggest you get moving,” Chris says. The cheer in his tone is almost infectious. “First ones to the bottom win immunity.”
The players grumble amongst themselves and start gearing up as Noco looks between them anxiously. “Guys? Guys?”
Phillip puffs out his chest, putting his hands on his hips with some semblance of masculine pride. “Don’t worry, fair lady. I won’t drop you!”
Courtney rolls their eyes and picks him up, slinging him over their shoulder and beginning their descent as he whines and protests. Albert and Kelly follow, and then Frollo and Mal. 
Michela and Max stare between each other. The former speaks first. “Are you sure you-”
“It’s fine,” he responds, holding out his arms. Michela awkwardly piggybacks him and he begins climbing, only shaking a little. 
The silence is heavy. 
A loud gust of wind whistles past them, and Max white-knuckles the ropes. She grimaces. And then she attempts to small-talk. “It’s really windy,”
No response comes out of him for a long time. The wind picks back up and he clutches the ropes again. 
“If we die here,” he finally says. “I want you to know that I really am sorry. I should have trusted you.”
“I should’ve given you better reason to trust me,” she sighs. “This whole thing has been really messing with my head.”
Max shrugs. “This show is evil. But, no, if anyone’s to blame, it’s me. I was just so worried that I ended up sabotaging myself. You didn’t deserve that,”
“I don’t care. Really, I don’t. And I’ve been meaning to talk to you so we could get over this, but…”
“Albert,” he grits his teeth. “Don’t even mention it. I don’t hold anything against you- I thought you were mad at me.”
“I was for like, a second! But I’ve been more lonely than anything lately, and…” Michela pauses, looking off at the sparkling lights of the city. “I love you. I don’t even want to do this stupid show anymore.”
Max’s painfully tight grip on the ropes loosens for a moment, and then he sighs a breath of pure relief. “I don’t either. I love you, too. Let’s get out of here,”
“Yeah, no kidding. 800 feet in the air isn’t an ideal date spot,” She snorts. 
He looks back at her. “I didn’t mean the challenge,”
Courtney hisses as Phillip sinks his nails into their shoulder, screaming in pure fear as he scrambles to hold on. “Would you calm down?” they plead for the millionth time. 
“I’m going to die here, and I haven’t even fulfilled my prophecy!”
“Shut up! You’re fine, we’re barely ten feet off the ground,” 
He cowers like a puppy who’s tail had been stepped on. “I just can’t do anything right… I can’t even kill a person… I’m a failure…”
Courtney raises an eyebrow. “What-?”
Phillip suddenly lets go, spreading his arms out wide and falling backwards into the confines of the net. Courtney gasps as he throws himself. 
“Move it or lose it, economy class!” Mal shouts as she and Frollo whiz down the rope, sliding right past Courtney. Their feet touch the soft asphalt first, and Mal gives a little bow. 
“Mal and Frollo have won immunity!” Chris shouts into his megaphone. The other pairs groan. 
At the very top of the building, not even touching the ropes, Noco stares down in fear. Julia whacks him upside the head and he stumbles forward, falling off the side of the building with a long shriek. She grins. 
JULIA: “Well, it’s like they say- til death do us part,”
Phillip’s eyes widen and he manages to scramble out of the way seconds before Noco falls into the net. Chris beams. 
“Did… did I win?” Noco asks weakly. 
“Not even close,” The host chuckles, unable to keep the sadistic enthusiasm out of his voice. “How’s that staging for ‘ya?”
Julia steps out of the building, brushing off her shirt with a deeply unamused expression. Courtney raises an eyebrow. “Where’d you come from?”
“The elevator,” she rolls her eyes. “Thanks to Captain Conspiracy over here, I didn’t even touch that rope.”
“You’re not missing out on anything,” Kelly mumbles, looking dazed as they hold their head. 
Albert offers a small pat to their shoulder. “You did surprisingly well for someone of your… disposition. Are you alright?”
They wave him off. “I’ll be fine… I just need a little… TLC, that’s all…” and with that, they pass out on the ground. 
Mal and Frollo both grin at the display. Julia narrows her eyes at them. 
Courtney clears their throat. “Hey… where are Max and Michela?” 
That pulls everyone’s attention away from glaring at each other, and they turn from side to side. 
“No sign of ‘em,” Chef walks back around the corner with an empty shovel in hand. 
Chris rubs his chin. “So they didn’t go splat… what could’ve…” he sighs. “Fine. Due to… unexpected circumstances, it looks like we won’t be needing an elimination ceremony tonight. Everyone who hasn’t gone missing gets to stay another day.”
The teens cheer. 
Julia takes a curt seat in economy class, glaring daggers in Noco’s direction as he tries to cozy up on the bench to no avail. He squirms around for some time before finally sighing, slumping on the wooden surface. 
“Do you people really sleep on these things?”
Phillip stares. “Have you never seen Total Takes?”
“Don’t entertain him. He’s a lunatic,” Julia murmurs. Noco doesn’t respond this time.
Albert has been sulking in the corner of the room for some time, gazing between the floor and the single window in the cabin as if waiting for something. A familiar presence- now holding an ice pack to their forehead- takes a seat next to him. 
Kelly offers him a reassuring smile. “Worried about Michela?”
“Yeah… um, worried,” he mutters. His gaze sharpens and he curses at himself. “It just feels like no matter how I prepare for the unexpected, it always catches me off-guard.”
“Well…” they think aloud. “Maybe that’s because you only expect the worst-case scenario. You don’t see the bright side of things. If I had to guess…”
They pause to stare out the window, their expression shifting to one of both happiness and faint longing. “They probably ran off together, and they’re living their own happily ever after.”
A bus stops somewhere in the southwest, amongst a landscape of red and orange, kicking up a cloud of sand as it comes to a screeching halt. The early light of morning has just settled in, the sun rising off in the distance, shrouding everything in a haze of soft golds and periwinkle blues. 
The door hisses open and a crowd of tourists shuffle out, going in all manners of directions. Two figures, holding hands, step out last. 
They stand on the precipice of a cliff, staring over the landscape sprawled out in front of them for miles in every direction. 
“You know… I’ve always thought tourist attractions were overhyped,” Max says. “But this was worth it.”
Michela squeezes his hand as they stare out over the vast, ancient canyon. “It was all worth it,”
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Is mod ghost design using an ella base
yes :) here's the full thing
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he's nocorific
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nocorific is my name
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aftermath 3
A dark blue, fish-eyed globe turns itself across the screen, starting in Canada and traveling eastwards around the world. Five words flash over the globe: TOTAL - TAKES - WORLD - TOUR - AFTERMATH!
A static flash to Fiji, at the beach: 
Ass looks back to the other teams, all waiting in anticipation. Chris rubs his hands together, chuckling to himself as if he’s been waiting for this. 
“Albert and Michela never kissed. Mal lied to… well… to cover for us,” Ass says. “Courtney and I are the ones who kissed.”
Max’s expression drops. Michela sighs a breath of relief. 
Julia turns red. 
Then to in the plane, on the way to Sweden:
Max trails off again, and sighs. “I feel like if this doesn’t work out, nothing ever will,”
Kelly’s smile droops a bit and they turn away from Max. 
The Title Card flashes again and fades into a pink, warm-lit studio. The peanut gallery is crowded now as former contestant upon contestant squeezes into the narrow rows. Patrick steps onto the platform and forces himself a seat between Alistair and O, elbowing them both out of the way to make room. Scruffy smiles as the camera settles on them, though they don’t look entirely happy. Peter waves both hands merrily. 
In the other corner of the room, Joner, McLovin, and Sha-Mod are crowded around an amplifier, each holding a different colored plug as they scratch their chins and flip coins to see what goes where. 
Finally, the lights dim. The audience chatter dies, blowing out like a candle. McLovin shoves a red plug into a blue socket and electrocutes himself, then lies flat on the ground as a single spotlight hovers over the center of the stage. 
The audience waits for a little longer. The peanut gallery begins to exchange confused glances. Joner and Sha-Mod poke McLovin’s unconscious form until even he stirs. 
A harsh whisper comes from backstage. “I don’t want to,”
“Well, I’m busy!”
“I’m busier!”
Finally, the sound of dull footsteps echoes across the dead-silent stage. Noco- shoulders slumped and eyes focused on his feet- trudges into the spotlight. He sighs dramatically as he pulls out a cue card and reads off it in a voice so monotone it sucks every ounce of charisma from everyone else on stage. 
“Welcome. To the Total Takes Aftermath. I’m your no-co-host, Noco. Today we have a very special episode. So get ready for mayhem. Drama. And more drama,”
He sighs and tosses the cue card aside. The audience responds with scattered applause- though before Noco can say anything to sour the already rotten entrance, Caesar slides in. 
“Thank you for your patience, everyone! We’re a little behind schedule today, but don’t worry- we’ve got an action-packed episode,” he winks. “Unfortunately, due to… a scheduling mishap,” 
He pauses to glare sharply at Noco. 
“Your would-be old-new co-host, Bonnie, has been sent out on the field! They’re traveling from continent to continent, interviewing Total Takes superfans!” Caesar says. His eye twitches. “Stay tuned for our first superfan, who is inexplicably Noco-Obsessed! Somehow!”
The peanut gallery seems to let out a collective groan. 
“Didn’t you take that blonde bimbo out last episode? What happened to her?” Scary snaps. “Darwin help me, you romantics must have some kind of brain damage...”
Noco shrugs. “The date went fine. I picked her up, we went to a fancy restaurant, and then I talked to her about my theories for two hours. She hasn’t called back,”
“Unbelievable.” Scary says, completely monotone. 
“ANYWAY! The schedule,” Caesar says, tapping his watch. His smile is as bright as always, but he seems far more jittery today. He leans in to mutter to Noco. “Remember that your little stunt has prevented me from even one conversation with Bonnie since they came back. You are on thin ice!”
Noco rolls his eyes. “What? I don’t like travel. I didn’t want to do it,”
Caesar looks like he’s about to wring his neck, but quickly straightens his posture and turns back to the audience as the overhead monitor lowers. “Now, let’s check in with Bonnie in… somewhere in the desert, USA?”
A loud static screech jolts the peanut gallery, forcing everyone to cover their ears as the monitor hums itself to life. The image finally settles in on the beloved goth, shielding their eyes from a cloud of dust whipping around them. Nothing besides Bonnie against the grayish-brown backdrop of sand is visible. 
“H-hello? Can you hear me in there?” they shout into the microphone in their hand. 
Caesar runs before the monitor, shouting as if they’re separated by a pane of glass. “BONBON! Are you okay!? Where are you?”
“Hell- I mean, California!” they shout back. “Who is that?”
“It’s me, Caesar! I’m so sorry about the scheduling conflict, if I had known-”
“BOOO! Get on with it!” Noco says, kicking back on the couch. He sets his feet on the table. Caesar’s eye twitches again. 
“Alright… yeah, okay!” Bonnie shouts. “I’m here with, uh… um… What was your name again?”
The camera zooms out to an annoyed-looking teenage girl in khaki shorts and Tevas. She scoffs. “It’s Anna, interview-person-thing”
Bonnie grits their teeth and points at her. “Listen, you hippie-wannabe, I didn’t sign up for this, I’m not a people person, and if mauling you with my bare hands is what it would take to get back to the studio and see my best friend again for the first time in weeks, I would gladly do so. You do not get to push me around!”
“Wow,” Noco clicks his tongue. “Ruler of boundaries over here, huh?”
Caesar shoots him a glare. Back on the screen, Anna looks sheet-white. Bonnie sighs, mumbles an indistinct “Sorry” and then clears their throat. “Okay, so… You’re a Noco fan, huh? What’d you hit your head on?”
Noco glares at the screen while Caesar chuckles. The teenage girl on screen looks more than displeased. “He’s a hell of a lot better than you phonies. Noco keeps it real,”
Bonnie rolls their eyes as Noco cheers and snaps his fingers. “She gets it,”
“I like, like Total Takes, or whatever, but the drama is so fake! And I like, totally value honesty and genuineness,” she goes on. “I mean, let’s be real, these plot points- it’s like they were written in a drama show. Like, the ships? Totally rushed! The hate is so contrived! When Noco started pointing out the inconsistencies, I listened. As president of the Noco Fan Club in the Pursuit of Truth, I say Chris McLean RELEASE THE RECORDS!”
Bonnie grits their teeth while Noco claps in the studio again. “Again, nothing on Total Takes is staged,” they sigh, massaging their temples. “What the hell happened while I was on World Tour?”
Caesar shakes his head. “So much, Bonbon. I wish I could catch you up, but-” 
The dust storm suddenly picks up and the two scream right before the screen fizzles out. 
“Bonnie? BONNIE?”
Noco pops a stick of gum in his mouth and slouches on the sofa again while Caesar runs around the room, trying to get a better connection by pulling at cables and shouting at interns. He runs back in view of the camera, looking disheveled. “We’ll be right back!”
The studio fades back into view, scattered applause following. A silence hangs over the room for a moment before Noco sighs dramatically, sitting up and spitting his gum onto the floor. 
“Welcome back. I’m your substitute host. Or whatever. I think Caesar’s on the roof, waving around the antenna to get a better connection. But while I’m here…” he stands, walking back and forth on the stage. “Let’s talk about my theories.”
“Do we have to?” Scary mumbles. 
Patrick nods. “Yes, I’m with the freak. I’m tired of listening to you prattle on,”
“You’re just scared of the truth!” Noco hisses, pointing at the peanut gallery with pure malice. “I have proof!”
A sudden scoff from backstage. The peanut gallery turns to the source of the intrusion as a brunette in a bow walks into the spotlight, rolling their eyes. The audience cheers and they wave. 
Noco says nothing for a long moment, his arms crossed and gaze pointed in no particular direction. Then, finally, he mumbles. “Staci, everyone,”
The crowd cheers again, and the aforementioned takes a seat on one of the plush chairs adjacent to the couch. “Hi, everyone! It’s so great being back!”
Another round of applause. Noco rolls his eyes. 
“Sorry for the intrusion, but I just couldn’t help myself,” Staci says, gesturing towards Noco. “I read the evidence binder you left on the coffee table backstage, and I’ve gotta say- as an aspiring PhD student, that’s some sloppy work.”
Noco raises an eyebrow. “Sloppy? Please. I could put your whole life on blast without even trying,”
“That’s the problem! None of your research is academic, or even investigative, like someone would expect from a journalist making such a big deal. It’s “gotcha” journalism at best, and at worst… pure speculation with some unreliable sources. You know that eyewitness testimony is the lowest form of evidence in any field of science, right?” Staci goes on. 
Scary snaps their fingers from across the room. Alistair shouts “Gettem!” and Patrick rolls his eyes. 
“The majority of your “findings” are based on internet theories- and yes, I source-checked- and testimonies from former employees. As someone who was on Total Takes, I can say that none of the interns are reliable sources. Memory is fickle, and going through trauma- like all of us have on TT- can totes skew perception and behavior,” she pauses to smile. “I started a psych class last week. It’s really helping me understand people.”
The peanut gallery claps again, and Noco’s eyes lower. 
“You know nothing. You’re like the rest of them- plants!” he snaps. “I’m a journalist!”
Staci scoffs again. “You’re a gossip columnist at best. Stalking someone’s social media isn’t “gathering evidence” it’s being a teenager,” 
“And it’s immature- and rude!” Peter shouts from the audience. Staci nods. 
Noco grits his teeth. “As if I’d trust any of you. Chris is paying you to keep quiet. All of you! My fans know!”
“Ahem- as an engineer, as well as an expert in friendship and romance, I’m pretty sure those girls just think you’re cute,” Staci crosses their arms. She looks thoroughly unamused. “You can go ahead and dig up whatever dirt you want on me- I’m a clean record. My blogs are all public access!”
Noco growls, standing up to shout before Caesar jogs back in the room, covered in wires and holding an antenna. “Back!”
The peanut gallery breathes a collective sigh of relief as their usual host tries to untangle the web of cords he’d cocooned himself in. “We, uh- had a little trouble with the connection, but I called some guys to check it out. Where are we?”
“Nowhere, really,” Scary grumbles. 
Caesar’s eyes turn to Staci. “Stace! Got your segment done already?”
She shrugs. “Kind of. Ass is still backstage, though,”
“Perfect, someone bring them out. We’ve got a very special treat for you all today- welcome to our second-ever Second Chance Challenge!” Caesar says, pacing the stage quickly. “By popular audience demand, five former contestants will be competing right here, right now, for a chance to get back on that plane!”
The peanut gallery turns to each other as the audience ooh’s. 
“No way,” a voice says from behind the benches. Ass walks back on stage, arms crossed. “No one in their right minds would get back on that death trap!”
“Not even for a million dollars?” O asks, eyes wide. 
“Not even for romance?” Peter says. “You and Courtney-”
“Courtney is perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. They’re not stupid,” Ass says. “Besides, I had my moment. Let someone else take my place on death row.”
Caesar shrugs. “Fair enough. Now-”
A sudden ringing interrupts him and an intern rushes in with a phone. Caesar flips it open to listen to an indistinct voice on the other line. He nods along before suddenly going pale. “Grounded? What do you mean, grounded?”
The voice says something else and then the line goes cold. Caesar tries to put on a smile, but to no avail. “Haha… looks like Bonnie’s plane is experiencing some technical issues… and they’re stuck there for the time being! Hahahaha. Isn’t this great?”
“Mmm… I love my cell reception!” Noco says merrily, holding up his phone like a holy artifact. Caesar looks like he’s about to kill him as Ass steps into frame and leans in to whisper. 
“Hey, Loverboy. I don’t wanna dig myself a grave in your personal biz, but before I left, Mal was blabbering something about one of the upcoming challenges being in the southwest U.S.. She’s a nutcase, but she’s good at predicting that crap,” they mumble. “Just saying.”
Caesar thinks for a moment, and then nods. He turns to face the audience. “And we’ll be right back- I’ll be right back, I mean. In the meantime, your co-host Noco will explain the rules of the game.”
“Game?” Alistair asks from the peanut gallery.
They turn to Noco expectedly as Caesar hurries off stage, pulling the Takes Three Trio with him. The sullen boy stares for a moment, and then sighs. 
“We’ll be distributing these lame cans of peanuts. Some of them have a ticket back on that flying death trap. Blah, blah,”
“Let me guess- this is staged, too?” Scary says, rolling their eyes. 
Noco sighs, his shoulders slumping. “Unfortunately, this one is real. I packed the peanuts myself,”
The peanut gallery cheers as a few interns distribute the goods. Scruffy and Staci clink their cans together, Scary tosses hers to the side and returns to her chemistry book, and O, Peter, and Alistair hold hands around theirs to manifest good luck. 
“And one for Mr. Deep Blue Sea,” Noco sighs, tossing a can aside for Caesar. “This is dumb.”
The first cans open- O, Peter, and Scruffy sulk as they dump out their cans of regular old peanuts. Patrick growls in frustration (not in the metaphorical sense- he actually growls like a dog) and attempts to crush the tin can in his fist. After trying two or three times to make a dent, he chucks it across the room, nailing McLovin in the head as the Trio returns from backstage. 
He storms over to Noco. “I demand a new can,” 
“No can do,” Noco says, chuckling to himself before his expression turns sharp again. “All sales are final.”
“Listen here, you miserable little emo-”
Scary rolls their eyes. “Stop whining. You can have mine,” they kick their can over to him, and he nabs it with a victorious smile. 
“Nerd,” he says to Noco as he tears open the can lid. A tiny, spring-loaded solid-gold Chris head pops out and punches his eye. 
Ass pops a peanut in their mouth, watching as a Chris head jumps out of Staci’s can. She squeals. Alistair claps behind her as another shining golden host appears. 
Caesar looks from side to side, cautiously surveying the stage as if he might be attacked as he clutches the can in his hand. He peels back the lid with a loud scrape, and… nothing. “Dammit,” he mutters. 
“Hey, don’t worry, bud!” Joner says, holding his own Chris-infested can. Behind him, Sha-Mod and McLovin struggle to peel back the top on the latter’s peanuts. “If I get back on, I’ll get Bonnie for you!”
He sighs. “Thank you, Joner, but... I hope you don’t take offense to this, but I don’t have a lot of faith in you boys,”
“None taken!” Joner grins as the two other members of their trio open their can behind them, unleashing the spring-loaded Chris directly on McLovin’s chest, sending him flying backwards. 
“And that’s our five,” Noco says, rolling his eyes. 
Patrick walks up to the center of the stage with swagger, not unlike a peacock. Staci and Alistair follow, while Joner helps drag McLovin alongside them.
Caesar surveys the lineup and sulks, his shoulders slumping. Another intern appears, waving a phone out to him, which he begrudgingly takes. “Hello? OH! We’ve got a connection, someone lower the monitor!”
The large TV screen comes down with a mechanical whir, and flickers to life. Bonnie is standing in the middle of a sandstorm, shielding their eyes while coughing. “C-Caesar?”
“Talk about a mouthful,” Noco comments, standing.  
Alistair scowls at him. “Is this really the time for your twisted sense of humor?”
The audio blips in and out as they speak. Caesar runs up to the screen, putting his hand on it as if it were a pane of glass. “Bonnie, can you hear me?”
“I can-”
The monitor suddenly falls dead, a black screen replacing Bonnie’s shuddering form. Caesar’s pupils shrink and he stares in disbelief as Noco walks back on stage, holding a plug. 
“What? We have a schedule to keep, don’t we?”
Caesar’s eye twitches again. The five selected players, standing off to the side now, shake their heads in disapproval. 
Staci crosses their arms. “Is it your job to make everyone miserable?”
“Uh, duh? I’m not called Noco for nothing,”
A distant-sounding voice comes alongside them. “You know what?” Caesar says. “He’s right.”
“Caesar, you don’t have to-” Staci starts, but he holds a finger to his lips to shush them. 
“We’re keeping a schedule. Takes Three Trio- myself- we’ve prepared a special little song for Noco, to express our gratitude,” he smiles. “It’s all water under the bridge now.”
Noco raises an eyebrow, suspicious. Joner and McLovin salute, and Sha-Mod runs up between them, and all three of them pull various instruments from behind their backs. 
Caesar adjusts his bowtie, looking rather calm, and then taps his microphone. “Hit it!”
The Takes Three Trio starts up a jolly jig as the host clears his throat. “Here’s an open letter to a treasure of a guy!”
Noco nods along. “Uh-Huh,”
“Whose behavior on this show always makes us sigh,”
“He’s a nasty, lying schemer, who calls himself “your host!” Without the help of social media, his job would be toast!”
Noco opens his mouth to say something back, but every member of the peanut gallery delivers a quick “Hush!”
“He’ll call himself a journalist, but he failed his English class! He’s just so full of you-know-what, he has to double wipe his-”
“HEY!” Noco snaps. Caesar brushes him off. 
“He started his own rumor show, under Blaineley and Josh’s nose, and when they found out he was fired and sent down here to host!” 
Caesar points directly in his face. “He’s not the guy you think he is, so don’t drive yourself loco. He plagiarizes all his work, and his real name isn’t Noco!”
“He’s a phony, scheming, wannabe-host, and his real name isn’t Noco! He steals and lies, he’s evil, folks, and his real name isn’t Noco!”
Caesar stops between the Takes Three Trio and they shout the last line together. “It’s Isaac!”
Noco crosses his arms, glaring. He has nothing to say for a few moments, before finally clearing his throat. “You couldn’t come up with anything better? I-”
“Meep! Meep!” Caesar holds out his hand, folded to resemble a mouth. 
Noco stares in silence for a few minutes. “Lies, and-”
“Meep! Meep!” the host flaps open the hand-mouth, cutting him off. 
“Really? This is so immature. You’re-”
“Meep! Meep! Meep! Now, let’s get on with the show,” Caesar says, straightening his tie again. “Time for our Second Chance Challenge! One out of five of these players is about to play for another chance at the million! Staci, Alistair, Joner, McLovin, and Patrick- are you guys ready?”
No response. Caesar goes on anyway. “Time for Total Takes; The Board Game! Each of these squares in front of you represents one of our final contestants. Each has their own personalized challenge, depending on who you land on.” He tosses Staci a large foam die. 
“Fail, and you’re out! Once you’re off the board, I’ll be asking you your final question. Whoever gets this query right gets a one-way ticket back to Total Takes. Ready?”
Everyone shakes their heads- except for McLovin and Joner, who high-five. “Looks like Staci is up first,”
Staci bounces the die in her hands for a moment before tossing it across the board. It lands on five, and she claps excitedly and runs across the spaces, standing on a tile decorated with Julia’s face. 
“The Julia challenge- safe pick!” Caesar says. A table with a computer on it drops from the ceiling. “You’ve got two minutes to hack into this government website. Time!”
Staci stares as Caesar clicks his watch. “But I-”
“C’mon, Stace! You’re an engineer!” Alistair shouts from the other end of the board. 
“Civil engineer, not software!” they cry back. They hurriedly type on the computer, but to no avail. As Caesar’s watch rings, they grunt in frustration. 
“A valiant effort. Patrick?”
Staci kicks the die to the beginning of the board, and the aforementioned picks it up with a smirk. “Please… a little board game? What am I, five?”
Caesar rolls his eyes. “Just toss the die,”
Four. Patrick steps on Albert’s square and chuckles. “What? Do I have to hug a tree?”
“Close!” the host chimes. A tree falls from the ceiling, landing before him. Patrick raises an eyebrow as a belt of chains lands on his head, sending him to the floor. He begrudgingly stands, holding the iron. 
“What’s this?”
“Your challenge is to chain yourself to this tree as this intern attempts to cut it down with a chainsaw! Chicken out, and you’re done,” Caesar says merrily, gesturing to a uniformed blond man, revving the biggest chainsaw Patrick had ever seen. 
He gulped, but picked up the chains anyway, fastening himself to the trunk. “No big deal. I’m not chicken,”
The chainsaw whirs to life, but before the intern can even step onto the game board, Patrick wiggles free of his constraints and scampers across the stage. 
“That’s what I thought,” Caesar smirks. “Joner-”
“Can we go together? As buds?” Joner says, holding McLovin’s hands with a pout. The host sighs, and then relents. “I suppose it’d save us some time. Joner and McLovin, you’re up,”
Two. They take exactly two steps forward, and stare at the pink tile beneath them. 
“Oh, this is delightful,” Caesar grins. “Michela’s challenge: defend yourself from eighty-three hungry rats with nothing but a hockey stick.”
“What?” Ass snaps from the peanut gallery. “That makes no sense!”
Joner shakes his head. “No, that’s Miccy,”
“Very Miccy,” McLovin sighs. 
Caesar hands them exactly one hockey stick and backs away as a nearby cage opens, and dozens of rats clamber out. The host watches with the peanut gallery, wincing as the two boys shriek. 
“Okay…” Caesar says, making no attempt to stop the rats from carrying McLovin and Joner away with them. “Alistair- it’s all on you. If you can make it across the board and answer the final question, you’re back in the running.”
“Wooo! Go Alistair!” Peter and O cheer. He waves to them. 
“I’m pretty confident,”
“Sure,” Noco murmurs from the suede couch. “All this friendship and smiles crap is making me sick.”
Alistair picks up the die and gives it a few good shakes before tossing it. It lands on a six, and he steps across the board. 
“Kelly’s challenge- write a nice haiku about someone everyone hates,” Caesar reads off the cue card, tucking it back in his coat. “Say… Julia!”
“Hey!” Scruffy shouts from the peanut gallery. They are ignored. 
“Oh, performance poetry! Simple,” Alistair says, crossing his arms. “Julia, so smart. She hacks, attacks, and bites back. What a piece of art!”
Caesar hums to himself for a moment. “I suppose I’ll count that as positive. Roll again!”
Scruffy crosses their arms and grumbles to themselves. “I could’ve done a better one,” Staci pats their shoulder.
Noco rolls his eyes. “Can we get on with this?”
Fren tosses the die again, rolling a five. That sends him off the board, and to the final question. Caesar pulls another card from his blazer pocket and clears his throat. 
“As the rules dictate, anyone who answers this question correctly earns themselves a non refundable trip straight to Total Takes. Alistair- are you ready?”
The British boy nods, crossing his arms. 
“Alright. Here’s your question: “What is Albert’s philosophical school of choice?””
Alistair pauses for a moment, rubbing his chin as he thinks. “It’s just at the tip of my tongue… it’s… Nigeria- no, that’s a country. Nickel? No…”
“You people can’t be serious. Are you all so happy-go-lucky and gullible that you can’t even recognize the core fundamentals of misery?” Noco snaps. Caesar tries to hush him, but to no avail. 
“And you think I’m the phony. Well, I think all of you are naive, immature, annoying little rays of sunshine who don’t even know what nihilism is!”
A faint ding sounds, and the stage lights up in colors. The peanut audience gasps. Caesar glares. “Great! Look what you’ve done!”
Noco raises an eyebrow. “What’s-”
“Isaac, you’ve just won yourself a chance at a million dollars,” Caesar grumbles, massaging his temples. “You know what? This is fine. Fine! I can’t trust anyone to rescue Bonnie, but hey- at least we’re getting rid of him!”
“That boy’s gonna get eaten alive,” Ass shakes their head. The peanut gallery nods in solemn agreement. 
A long pause follows, and then a wide, terrible grin spreads across Noco’s face. “Please. This is great! I’m finally going to prove everything I already know! Total Takes is pre-written, Max and Julia have been dating in secret, and everyone is miserable. I’ll see you suckers on TV, when I’m running my own show! This is my break!”
Caesar rolls his eyes as the former co-host walks off, making sure to flip off the audience before he disappears backstage. 
“Well… that’s our time. Our next aftermath will be at the finale, so stay tuned!” he sighs, turning away from the audience. “I need to lie down.”
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woww... official pfp!!! now including mod ghost official secret design
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His real name isn't noco...
I am tempted...
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nocorific soon
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sooo if there's nine players on the plane when noco gets there, who's gonna get the bear in the Niagara brawls challenge?
There will be ten players on the plane when noco gets there. Youre forgetting someone
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director's commentary
***spoiler tiem***
originally I was going to include mod abba of that swedish takes blog but I couldn't find a good place to put them in :( sorry everyone, maybe we'll see them again soon.
anyway! mixed feelings on this ep from me personally. we're getting to some really juicy stuff, which means less challenge-focus and more character focus (not that anyone minds?). I heart mal. I heart kelly. I heart albert. julia's got a lot going on for her rn that not even i know about yet. but i'll get there
they built chel's face
oh my god. nocorific is coming.
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ttwt episode 14
“Last time on Total Takes, World Tour: Fiji, baby! Our remaining teams raced from island-to-island across this beautiful oceanic paradise, collecting flags- and losing teammates- along the way. Courtney and Ass had a heart-to-heart, which mended more than one nasty breakup… partially, anyway. In the end, Team Yaoi was handed their loss on a silver platter and Ass willingly took the jump. I know, right? Will anyone else have a sudden change of character? What’s in store for our remaining players? Find out now, on Total Takes: World Tour!”
Economy is tense, to say the least. 
Everyone else is shrinking in on themselves as two very, very ticked off girls are seething on their respective sides of the cabin. 
In one corner of the ring, Julia is mumbling under her breath, still hot-headed and scarlet-faced from the last challenge’s proceedings. Mal, as per usual, is nowhere to be found, and Courtney looks like death itself, pale and hunched over on the opposite end of the bench. 
In the other corner, Albert warily watches Michela as she grumbles to herself, drumming her fingers on the splinter-infested wood of the bench. 
ALBERT: “Honestly- the situation is resolved, can’t those two just get over themselves and move on?” he paused to shiver. “Human drama- is this how people saw me when I cared about the coalition? Stupid, petty, so wrapped up in trying to make a futile difference that I couldn’t look at the big picture and see how pointless it all is?”
First class isn’t much better. Max is sitting in one of the soft, plush seats, surrounded by conventional heating and plates of warm cookies, and he looks as miserable as can be. 
Beside him, Kelly watches nervously, twiddling their thumbs and holding their breath. They look uncomfortable, to say the least. 
After a long silence, they open their mouth. “Maybe you two-”
“No!” Max hisses sharply before groaning and sinking into his seat. 
Despite the uncomfortable energy radiating out of the boy, Phillip is none the wiser. He’s lying on his stomach on the scratchy carpet of the aisle, kicking his legs back and forth and giggling menacingly. His face is contorted into a wicked grin as he scribbles in his notebook. 
Kelly looks between the two boys- one’s eyes brimming with tears, the other’s with pure malice- and they hunch over, looking quite ill, as if taking psychic damage just from being around them. 
KELLY: “I don’t handle relationship conflict very well- but there’s gotta be something I can do to put a sweet smile back on my boy’s faces!”
“Maybe she’ll understand if you just explain your side of the story to her!” they insist. 
Max sinks lower in his seat. “No,”
“How about a heartfelt apology?”
Kelly pouts, again put-off by his sullen demeanor. Nonetheless, they’re a non-stop ideas machine, and they smile again. “What if you came up with some grand romantic gesture for her? That always works!”
Max sighs and sits up, massaging his temples. “This isn’t a movie, Kelly. Chel is seriously mad at me, and I don’t know if I can bounce back. I’ve never messed up this badly,”
The blond, again, frowns. 
KELLY: “Okay, so he’s a bit of a fixer-upper: I can still work with this!”
“Maybe you just need to look on the bright side of things,” they offer, gesturing around the warm, cushy interior of first class. Max shoves another plate of cookies away from him. “This can be a way to rekindle your flame, like renewing your vows!”
He grits his teeth. “Kelly. I don’t think you understand what I’m-”
“Tell me everything you like about her,” they don’t let him finish, clapping their hands. “It’ll remind you just how strong your bond is!”
Max opens his mouth to fire back a retort, but he can’t. He sighs instead. “I like everything about her. She’s smart, but not pretentious about it. She’s funny, and nice, and not even a little “intimidated” by me, even though I was of her for so long- not that I’d ever admit it to her face! She’s capable, but she’s down-to-earth, and she’s got the best laugh…”
He trails off again, and sighs. “I feel like if this doesn’t work out, nothing ever will,”
Kelly’s smile droops a bit and they turn away from Max. 
KELLY: “I know it’s a bit selfish to make this about myself, but… I understand perfectly. Sometimes I feel like ever since Austin and I split- amicably!- everyone’s left me behind. I’m just... never anyone’s first choice,”
After a moment, they force a smile and turn back. “Great exercise! I’ll go get more cookies for you,”
“Wait-” Max tries to stop them, but it’s too late- they breeze out of the room. 
“Welcome one, welcome all, back to the lovely country of Sweden! Hinga dinga durgen!” Chris chimes merrily, a horned helmet placed snugly on his perfectly coiffed head. “That’s right- after our little mix-up in Rome, we’re finally doing our throwback challenge!”
Courtney sighs with relief, a relaxed smile crossing their face. 
COURTNEY: “I know that if we lose again, I’m next- no way Mal and Julia are gonna vote for each other. So for now, my strategy is… don’t lose,”
“This, I can do,” Courtney says cheerily, putting their hands on their hips. “In the original episode of Total Drama, the challenge was to build-”
“HUSHHHHHH!” Chris hisses, shoving a finger in their face. “Not everyone needs to know! You’re ruining my fun!”
Julia rolls her eyes. 
“Anyway, as I was saying… we stand here at the edge of this epic taiga forest, a Scandinavian hallmark. Right up ahead you’ll find some building materials, as stated by Mr. Know-it-All,” the host pauses to glare. “...And no instructions. Your task is to find out what you’re building, how to build it, and what you’ll be doing next. Go!”
The teams immediately divulge, racing through the conifer trees to the mouth of a large, partially-frozen lake. 
“I wish this was an eating challenge or something,” Albert says, picking up a mysteriously shaped plank of wood. “I could go for some vegan meatballs.”
Michela sighs, half-heartedly digging through a bag of screws and nails. “Yeah… I guess…”
Albert’s brow furrows. 
Some distance away, Courtney stands before their teams supplies- each individual plank of wood, each nail, each tool has been sorted into its own category. They huff, admiring their handiwork, and turn back to the group. Julia looks thoroughly unamused. 
“We’re building a boat,” they offer, holding out a wrench. 
Julia grabs it from them. “Yeah. I figured,” she spats, breezing by. Courtney sighs. 
Mal hums a familiar tune to herself as she hammers plank-to-plank, working with an expertise that leaves even Courtney slightly suspicious. “Where did you learn to do all that?”
“I’ve been brushing up on my carpentry. Jesus was a carpenter, you know,” she says merrily, attaching the bow to the hull as if the heavy pieces weighed nothing. 
Courtney and Julia make fleeting eye contact, and then turn away. 
“Well, it’s official. She’s really lost it this time,” the former whispers. “Just when I thought she couldn't get any crazier…”
“There’s something up with her,” Julia hisses, pushing two large sections of wood together. “Does no one else find it suspicious how she conveniently disappears every time we enter the plane? She knows something.”
Courtney looks off to the side- allying themselves with Julia was a risky move, but… “Usually, I would brush it off as her usual crazies, but I think you’re right. She’s been a little odd lately. More than she usually is,”
“Mhm. Then again, I thought you and Ass were acting normal, so what do I know?” the blonde retorts sharply, walking away. 
“A house?” Kelly offers. 
“A weapon?” Phillip says. 
Max massages his temples. “I don’t know. I don’t want to be here,”
Michela and Albert’s bickering picks up across the space as they heatedly discuss what goes where. Their tense energy starkly contrasts Team Friendship’s slow, melancholy feel. 
Max sighs, Kelly’s words from earlier echoing around in his mind. A romantic gesture…
“I think I have an idea,”
Albert squints, trying to see through the careful cover of trees at the other teams as Michela lugs planks of wood behind him. 
“I’m getting nothing,”
She sighs, dropping a heavy bow at his feet. “There has to be some kind of logic to this, right? We’re in a forest, at the mouth of a lake…”
“Good, good, keep at it. Logic helps,” Albert says, smiling. 
ALBERT: “Perhaps I underestimated Michela… she’s emotional, but it seems as if her anger drives her… I can work with this,”
Albert rushes to her side to help her with the rest of the curved pieces. As they lug the final plank into a single pile, he wipes the sweat off her forehead with his windbreaker sleeve. 
“You’re doing very well for yourself, all things considered,” he says, momentarily tilting her chin up to meet his eyes. “Now, that’s the spirit- you should be showing that little traitor just what you’re made of.”
Michela frowns for a moment, her eyes drifting over to the thin spaces between the trees. She could just barely catch a glimpse at the moving colors of Team Friendship’s clothing against the green backdrop. 
“You’re right, I suppose…”
“You suppose? I think you know,” Albert chuckles. “He humiliated you- both of us, really- and then he comes crawling back, demanding forgiveness as if he doesn’t even care how it affected you at all? You have every right to be angry.”
Her brow furrowed. “Yeah…”
“He had the gall to call you a traitor, without even letting you explain yourself. He’d take the word of a certifiable psych ward princess over his own girlfriend,” Albert egged her on, his grip on her chin never loosening. “You deserve the time to grieve. You deserve to let him squirm. It’s only fair.”
Michela’s gaze tightened, her eyes turning back to Team Friendship. “I just need time to consider some things. That’s all…”
And with that, she walked off. Albert smirked to himself and twirled a hammer between his fingers, whistling as he walked along. 
Julia whistled. “Look at that,” 
The three remaining Yaois stand before an admittedly impressive viking-styled ship, anchored in the shallow water at the mouth of the lake. 
“Three sailing challenges in a row… you’ve gotta be kidding me,” Courtney shakes their head. “Our next better be on dry land, Chris is getting pretty lazy.”
“It’s the budget. Boat-based challenges are cheaper than something fancy like esports,” Mal says, wiggling her fingers while she scrolls through her phone. “They are in like, massive financial debt, LOL.”
Julia and Courtney make the same fleeting eye contact, sharing the same knowing gaze. 
JULIA: “I’ve been suspicious of Mal for a while now, and seeing that she's essentially useless to the team again, I think it’s time to find out what’s up,” she pauses to sigh, slumping a bit. “I thought I was being a good leader… maybe I’m just meant to be the villain.”
“Time to set sail!” Chris’ voice appears out of nowhere as Albert struggles to nail another plank together. 
“Sail… so this is another water-based challenge,” Michela raises an eyebrow. “Well… at least we have… something.”
She gestures to the tiny, shabbily-crafted raft in front of them. 
Albert helps her push the craft into the water, and to both their relief (and amazement) it stays afloat.
The two turn to each other. “Let's do this thing,”
As Chris' voice fades out, Team Friendship turns to each other. None of them want to say it, but they're all thinking the same thing: they're screwed.
“Uh-oh,” Max says quietly, gazing up at the terrible Frankenstein’s Monster before him. 
Kelly forces another grin. “It-it’s the thought that counts?”
“It’s just gotta float, right?” He looks at the blond. Behind them, Phillip raises a saw. 
Team Yaoi pushes out first, their shimmering beacon of craftsmanship making Max grit his teeth. Both Kelly and Phillip wince. “A BOAT?!”
“Hey, I like what we built!” the blonde offers him the small words of praise, which he quickly shoots down with a glare. 
Phillip twirls his thumbs. “I liked sawing the top off,”
“I should’ve known… am I stupid?” he kicks the inside of the wooden structure and yelps in pain. “DAMMIT! Stupid love! Stupid romance!”
Kelly winces. 
Across the lake, Team Mojo’s tiny raft floats onto the frigid waters. Michela tightens their tiny sail as Albert picks up a plank of wood to row, before promptly dropping it in the water in shock. “Oh… my God…”
“What?” Michela asks, turning. Her face goes pale, an expression of pure horror taking it over. “Is that ME?”
Courtney snorts, watching a massive wooden replica of Michela’s head bob in the water behind their boat. They put their hands on their hips, a smile on their face. “History really does repeat itself, huh?”
Mal snaps a quick picture just as the wind picks up, careening their boat forward. 
Back on the S.S. Michela, Max stomps his feet and groans. “FINE! I guess we can work with this!”
Kelly grins. “That’s the spirit! Think positive thoughts- manifest success!”
“CAN IT!” 
Before Max can berate them any further, a distant ding makes him visibly cringe. He jabs his thumb out to Team Yaoi’s perfect ship. 
“They’re way ahead, so we’ve got to go,” he sighs. “We should’ve built something to sail, something we can row-ow!”
“It doesn’t have to be a boat, as long as it stays afloat-” Kelly chimes in. 
The three Team Friendship sing together, all exchanging glances. “Oh, why did we build Chel’s face?”
Across the water, Courtney grins. “We’re always ready, to set sail- just watch us win, we won’t fail!”
“We really did this fast-” Mal sings along, snapping a quick selfie. 
Julia rolls her eyes. “We better be back in first class!”
“Because they built Chel’s face!”
Phillip blows in their hastily set-up sail, as if trying to summon the winds himself. Max smacks his forehead. 
“We built Chel’s face!”
Even Team Mojo’s tiny raft breezes by their monstrous creation. Michela grins. “We’re gonna take first place-”
“Because we built Chel’s face!”
Kelly sighs, throwing out their arms. “Ah-ee-yeah-yeah-ah!” 
“We built Chel’s face!”
“Yeah-ee-yeah-ee-yeah-ee-yeahhhhh!” Phillip screeches, forcing everyone on board to cover their ears. 
The song slows to an end and Max sighs, falling backwards. He lands on the wooden floor of the boat- or, rather, head- with a thump and both Phillip and Kelly gasp. 
“I can’t believe it,” Michela sighs, watching Team Friendship’s creation fall behind them. “They lobotomized me.”
“A tragic disfigurement of beauty,” Albert shakes his head. “They’re mocking you.”
“Really? I don’t think Max would… I mean, he’s seemed pretty torn up. Maybe he’s… coping?”
Albert sucks in his breath. “Eating a gallon of ice cream is coping. Going for a lame walk in your pj’s after sixteen hours of telenovelas is coping. Making a massive replica of your girlfriend’s head, then sawing the top off so you can live inside it? That might just be insanity,”
Michela sulks just as Chris’ voice blares from a loudspeaker back on shore. “Attention, passengers! You are now in a race to the DEATH! First intact boat to reach that buoy wins!”
Back in Team Friendship’s floating head, Max finally sits up, looking tired and disheveled. “Let’s just kill ourselves now and get it over with,”
Kelly bites their lip. “Did he say to the death?”
Phillip watches the two, and a sudden look of determination crosses his face. He stands, grabs a hold of the sail, and begins careening the boat-like-head forward. 
PHILLIP: “The vikings were like, these super cool guys who plundered and pillaged and murdered, right? Maybe this is my chance to finally fulfill my destiny, and please my bloodline!”
The wind finally picks up and Michela’s head goes soaring past Team Mojo, much to the real Michela’s annoyance. 
Kelly’s eyes light up. “Yes! Go Phillip! Go!”
“Heh, you’re welcome. I’m pretty sure I’m like, a direct descendent of Julius Caesar, by the way,” he smirks. Max groans and lies back down on the floor. 
The finish line- a single red flag tied to a buoy- comes into view in the distance. Courtney cheers and does a tiny dance. “We’re gonna make it! We’re gonna make it!”
A small grin finally breaks across Julia’s face, but before she can reply, Mal scoffs. “Yeah, I wouldn’t be so sure about that,”
The pink-haired player turns, a mystified expression on their face. “What does that-”
A sudden explosion throws everyone off their feet. Their boat creaks and groans as it fills with water, the collision with Michela’s head having torn a sizable hole in their hull. 
“Ha! Murder!” Phillip says, pointing from Team Friendship’s boat as it, too, fills with water. 
“You idiot! You’re going to disqualify us both!” Julia snaps, throwing her arms out. Phillip’s smug expression drops as she begins pelting him with the ice chunks floating into the now-water covered deck. 
Max sighs. “Just let me drown,”
As the two teams bicker (and as Phillip attempts, and fails, to dodge Julia’s ice storm), Team Mojo flies by, passing the designated buoy. 
Michela cheers. “Take that, boat! Take that, my head!” 
Albert rolls his eyes, though there’s a small, self-satisfied smile on his face. 
“Team Mojo has won immunity- The rest of you will be up for a dual-team elimination, seeing as neither of you crossed the finish line at all!” Chris shouts. Julia growls, turning her sharp gaze on Courtney, before the host yells into his loudspeaker again. “That is- IF this were an elimination episode! Congrats, everyone is safe!”
Phillip stops scampering around the head to cheer, just to be hit in the back of the throat with a particularly hard chunk of ice. He chokes and falls over. 
Kelly winces and helps him up, then pulls Max out of the lake. He’s dripping with ice water, barely moving. He blinks slowly. 
Max rocks back and forth on the bench, swatting away Kelly whenever they try to console him. “Just leave me here to rot…”
“Action is always better than inaction, you know! Making a move raises a 0% chance- and anything above zero means it’s possible!” they insist, attempting to drag him out of his fetal position. He doesn’t budge. 
Phillip shivers, wrapped in several blankets. Julia rolls her eyes at the display. 
“Tsk… I’m gonna go search for a better connection. My favorite gacha game is having an event, and I can not miss out on this card,” Mal says, suddenly standing. She tucks her phone in her back pocket and saunters out, much to both Courtney and Julia’s annoyance. 
The pink-haired player starts. “Should we-”
“Leave it. I’ll figure something out,”
JULIA: “You know what? Fine. Maybe I’m not a good leader. Maybe I can’t keep my team together. But I can sure as hell be a villain, and if that’s what they want, that’s what they’re going to get!” After a long pause, Julia sighs. She digs in her shirt, pulling out an obsidian necklace from under the cloth. She stares at it for a good, long while, and then forces her expression to harden. 
Max swats Kelly away for the thousandth time, and they finally relent. No touching- got it! They could still work with this. 
 “I’ll go get you something to eat, then! Being low on energy never improves anyone’s mood,” they wink, offering a smile (which is quickly rebuffed by a dramatic sigh). 
Kelly leaves the cabin, walking along the halls of the plane alone. As soon as they’re out of sight of the others, they let their shoulders droop and their smile disappear. A tired look crosses their face, worry wrinkles instantly aging them by at least twenty years. 
“Something troubling you?” a voice asks. They jump, and quickly straighten their posture. 
“No- who is it?”
Albert walks out of the galley, hands folded behind his back. “Really? You look pretty tired… been working overtime, have you?”
Kelly stiffens, and then crosses their arms. “My team works very hard, thank you,”
“Oh, please,” he says, leaning against the wall. “You know what I meant. Being everyone’s everything- their therapist, their mother, their nurse. You can’t save them, you know, and you’re just going to destroy yourself trying.”
“I’m-I’m just being a good friend,”
“You’re trying to prove something to yourself,” he rebuffs, rather sharply. “I would know. I’ve been in those shoes before. Trust me, it’s better to give up while you’re ahead.”
Albert looks away, staring at a cockroach as it scuttles across the floor. Kelly’s expression softens for a moment, and they take a cautious step closer. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”
He sighs. “You’re just not getting it. No matter,” he stands straight again quite abruptly, pushing past her. He hovers in the doorway to first class for a moment before turning back. “I know you’re hiding something repulsive down there. No one is this nice- not for long, anyway.”
And with that, he disappears. Kelly stares at the floor for a moment, letting his words settle in, before coming to their senses and hurrying back to economy. 
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Miss them even more <3
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