#face claim POC
phanthereal · 5 months
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Good girls, big gifts
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lookalikelist · 3 months
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Naomi Watanabe b. 1987 Japanese
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tokyicons · 1 month
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mishti rahman icons
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jackiequick · 25 days
The sounds of somebody take me home~ X-Men 🎵
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Full Name: Evangeline Villanueva—Armas
- Vani: A playful and affectionate nickname, adding a touch of spunk and personality to her character.
- Eva: Classic and elegant, providing a sense of familiarity and warmth.
- Other nicknames include Lina, Angel, Sol and Genie
Other Identity: Vani Armas
Age: 23–28
Birthday: May 21st
Height: 5'3" (or 5'5" in heels)
— Evangeline possesses a fine beauty with delicate features and a graceful presence. She has dark, flowing hair that cascades around her shoulders, framing her soft complexion and piercing eyes. Her gentle beauty captivates with an air of intrigue, drawing others in with her enigmatic presence and hinting at the unique qualities she possesses.
— Often quiet but has a kind smile. Gentle, yet outspoken and sometimes sarcastic, with a sharp wit. Alongside her sarcasm, she has a bit of a playful sense of humor, enjoying lighthearted banter. Fiercely independent and unafraid to speak her mind. Compassionate and loyal to those she cares about. Not only compassionate but also an attentive listener, offering support to others. She demonstrates resilience, willing to eventually bounce back from setbacks with determination and grace.
Fluent in Spanish and English.
Occasionally struggles with language barriers and forgets certain words or phrases. This can lead to moments of frustration or embarrassment, especially when she is unable to effectively communicate her thoughts or needs. However, she compensates for this by using creative methods to convey her meaning, such as describing objects or looking up translations on her phone.
Born and raised in Mar Azul, (later on become Genosha), a coastal town known for its pristine beaches and azure waters, situated on the southern coast of a fictional country.
Her mixed heritage includes roots from Argentina and the Dominican Republic and Cuba, contributing to her vibrant cultural background.
Immersed in the vibrant sights and sounds of her Latin American culture, surrounded by myths and legends of sirenas (mermaids) and sea creatures.
Powers and Abilities:
Canary Cry (Siren's Call): Evangeline's primary ability remains her powerful sonic scream, known as the Canary Cry, which functions as her Siren's call. This ability allows her to emit powerful sonic waves capable of disorienting opponents, shattering objects, and creating a mesmerizing effect on those who hear it, potentially influencing their thoughts or actions.
Aquatic Affinity: Evangeline possesses an innate affinity for water, granting her enhanced abilities when submerged or surrounded by aquatic environments. She can hold her breath for extended periods, allowing her to stay submerged for longer durations than a normal human. However, she still requires air to breathe, so prolonged periods underwater can leave her gasping for breath when she resurfaces.
Hydrokinesis: Evangeline can manipulate water to some extent, particularly when submerged or in close proximity to bodies of water. She can telekinetically control water molecules, shaping them into various forms or manipulating currents to her advantage. This ability allows her to create whirlpools, tidal waves, or even manipulate water pressure to repel or immobilize adversaries.
Challenges and Struggles:
Navigates language barriers and occasional forgetfulness with creative methods of communication.
Grapples with the complexities of her identity as a mutant with mixed heritage, confronting issues of prejudice and discrimination. Struggles with mastering her powers and coming to terms with her name given to her by a friend as "La Sirena de la Canción." Which means “The Siren of Song” in English.
—Expanding on Evangeline's immediate family dynamics
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— Diana Villanueva (née Ramirez): Evangeline's mother, originally from the Dominican Republic, is a warm and nurturing presence in her life. Diana is known for her kindness, patience, and unwavering love for her children. Despite her initial reluctance to enter a relationship, she fell deeply in love with German and embraced their life together in Mar Azul. Diana instilled in Evangeline a strong sense of compassion and empathy, encouraging her to always lend a helping hand to those in need.
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— German Villanueva: Evangeline's father, hailing from a mixed heritage of Argentinean and Cuban descent, is a charismatic and passionate individual. German's romantic nature and adventurous spirit endeared him to Diana, and their chance encounter at a beach party in Mar Azul sparked a lifelong love story. While German can be strict at times, especially when it comes to matters of responsibility and discipline, he is also playful, silly, and deeply devoted to his family. He encourages Evangeline to pursue her dreams and aspirations, instilling in her a sense of determination and resilience.
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— Mateo “Matt” Villanueva: Evangeline's older brother, Mateo, is her steadfast protector and confidant. He inherited their father's adventurous spirit and their mother's compassionate nature, making him a source of support and guidance for Evangeline throughout her life. However he somehow managed to inherit a competitive spirt, as he tends to challenge himself and his siblings for daily tasks around the house. Other than that, Mateo shares a close bond with his sister, often teasing her affectionately but always standing by her side when she needs him most.
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— Isabella "Isa" Villanueva: Evangeline's younger sister, Isa, is a lively and spirited presence in the family. She inherited their father's charisma and their mother's charm, making her a natural social butterfly with a knack for making friends wherever she goes. Isa looks up to Evangeline as a role model and often seeks her advice and guidance, strengthening their sisterly bond. Despite her repeated efforts to wanting to be alone and independent in her own life.
Extended Family:
— Evangeline's extended family includes a colorful cast of characters from both her Argentinean-Cuban and Dominican heritage. From doting grandparents to fun-loving aunts, uncles, and cousins, her family gatherings are always filled with laughter, love, and lively conversation. Despite the cultural differences between her parents' backgrounds, Evangeline cherishes the unique blend of traditions and customs that make up her diverse family tree.
—Evangeline's likes and dislikes
1. Disney Movies: Films such as “Moana” and “The Little Mermaid” bring a level of vibrant visuals, storytelling and memorable soundtracks (she enjoys different types of movies & series as well)
2. Dogs: She enjoys the loyalty and joy animals can bring into someones life
3. Family & Friendships: She cherishes the close bonds she shares with her parents, siblings, and extended relatives. She also values the friendships she has cultivated over the years, finding strength, support, and laughter in others.
4. Music: Evangeline has a diverse taste in music, but she has a special fondness for Latin music artists like Natti Natasha and others who celebrate the rhythms and melodies of her cultural heritage.
5. Photography: Evangeline has a keen eye for capturing moments of beauty and wonder through photography. Whether she's exploring new landscapes, documenting cultural events, or simply capturing everyday moments with her loved ones
6. Creative Expression: Whether it's through dance, art, music, or photography, Evangeline finds joy and fulfillment in creative expression.
1. Horror Movies: While Evangeline appreciates a good story, she prefers to avoid horror movies altogether. The suspense, jump scares, and graphic content unsettle her, leaving her feeling anxious and on edge rather than entertained.
2. Messy Environments: Evangeline thrives in clean and organized spaces, so she dislikes clutter, chaos, and disarray. A messy apartment or workspace can make her feel stressed and overwhelmed, prompting her to tidy up and restore order as soon as possible.
3. Big Crowds: Despite her personality, Evangeline feels uncomfortable in large crowds or crowded spaces. The noise, congestion, and lack of personal space can be overwhelming for her, making her prefer smaller gatherings or more intimate settings.
4. Heavy Snow: Growing up in a coastal town with temperate weather, Evangeline is not a fan of heavy snowfall or extremely cold winters. She finds the cold temperatures and slippery conditions inconvenient and uncomfortable, longing for warmer climates and sunny skies instead.
5. Cold Coffee: As a coffee lover, Evangeline enjoys her daily dose of caffeine, but she can't stand the taste of cold or lukewarm coffee. She prefers her coffee piping hot and freshly brewed, savoring the rich aroma and bold flavor with each sip.
6. Loud Chewers: Evangeline is sensitive to sounds, especially loud or repetitive noises like chewing. She finds the sound of loud chewers distracting and irritating, preferring a quiet and peaceful environment when enjoying meals or snacks.
7. Injustice: Evangeline has a strong sense of justice and fairness, so she dislikes witnessing or experiencing injustice in any form. Whether it's discrimination, inequality, or acts of cruelty, she feels compelled to speak out and advocate for positive change.
8. Wasting Food: Having grown up in a close-knit community where resources were valued and shared, Evangeline dislikes wasting food. She believes in mindful consumption, minimizing food waste, and appreciating the abundance of nourishing food available to her.
—Her small story
At 15 years old, Evangeline Villanueva experienced a life-altering event that set her on a path of curiosity and self awareness.
Living in the United States at the time, she found herself amidst a heated argument at a friend's house just a week after her birthday. As tempers flared and voices rose, the chaos peaked with an overwhelming surge of emotion from Evangeline.
Unleashing a primal scream, she shattered the silence and a nearby window, sending glass shards flying and leaving everyone in shock, including herself.
Her parents, Diana and German, rushed to the scene, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of their daughter's newfound abilities. They were deeply loving and supportive but chose to handle the situation on their own, without seeking outside help. Her brother on the other hand decided to take a step towards trying to help his young sister however never found a true answer, despite all of the love he had for her.
It just wasn’t in his favor, in none of there favors it seemed.
Their efforts to normalize Evangeline's life worked for a while, but as months passed, their confidence waned, and Evangeline felt increasingly isolated.
Seeking refuge from her turbulent emotions, Evangeline often visited the beach, where the rhythmic waves provided a soothing backdrop. It was in this tranquil setting that she began to explore the extent of her abilities, start testing her control and finding moments of peace.
However, fear and confusion about her powers eventually led her to stop experimenting and focus instead on simply enjoying the calming presence of the ocean.
At 19, overwhelmed by uncertainty and the burden of her powers, Evangeline made the difficult decision to leave home. Adopting the alias Vani Armas, her great grandmother’s surname, she embarked on a journey across the world, seeking a sense of normalcy and belonging.
Despite her parents' wishes, she traveled through various towns and cities, ultimately finding a semblance of peace in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at the age of 23.
In Rio, Evangeline found a job at a small shop that sold trinkets and also served as a café and restaurant. She enjoyed the vibrant culture, the beaches, and the music, which reminded her of home.
Here, she rarely used her powers, preferring to keep them hidden.
Occasionally, she would use a small whistle to catch a dog’s attention or subtly manipulate water in a glass, but she avoided drawing attention to herself.
One evening, Evangeline was invited to a house party by a co-worker, Lorena, near the De Costa side of the city. The party was lively until a gang of thieves broke in, seeking to steal valuables and take hostages.
As chaos erupted and Lorena was about to be assaulted, Evangeline’s fear and anxiety culminated in a piercing scream that shattered glasses and forced the thieves to retreat in pain.
Her scream, mixed with fear and a desperate plea for help, temporarily incapacitated the thieves. Some fled, while others attempted to gather what they could. The police arrived soon after, arresting the thieves and questioning Lorena’s younger brother, Hector, who seemed to be the cause of the intrusion.
The incident left Evangeline physically and emotionally drained, her throat sore from the powerful scream. She stayed home for a few days, drinking warm beverages to soothe her voice and avoiding work.
On the third night, a knock on her door brought an unexpected visitor: a tall woman with long grey-white curly hair, rich dark skin, and warm brown eyes, dressed in a fine yet casual outfit.
The woman introduced herself as Ororo, known to many as Storm.
That’s all folks (for now)! Please let me know what you think about her and any thoughts you have
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Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @topgun-imagines @gcthvile @letsgotothefantasyworlds-blog @t-nd-rfoot @djs8891 @missstrawbs2001 @hardballoonlove @hangmanbrainrot @theloveoftoms @cherrysft @starkleila @buckysteveloki-me @ximehs @parisparker269 @yetanotherwells @bluboirick and etc
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bunnysrph · 11 months
would you be able to suggest some male actors of latina / south american descent? preferably in their twenties?
thank you <3
below are some  SOUTH AMERICAN face claims, in their 20s. they are listed in alphabetical order, with their birth years && ethnicities. those in bold are my personal recommendations. please  LIKE / REBLOG  if you find this useful.
alejandro speitzer (1995, mexican && unspecified other)
andrew matarazzo (1997, brazilian, italian && unspecified other)
benjamin wadsworth (1999, mexican, iranian, swedish, dutch && english)
booboo stewart (1994, argentinian, italian, french-canadian, english, scottish, japanese, chinese && korean)
chance perez (1997, mexican, english && irish)
d’pharaoh woon-a-tai (2001, oji-cree, guyanese, english, irish, german, dutch, chinese && african)
diego tinoco (1997, mexican && colombian)
eduardo franco (1994, mexican)
froy gutierrez (1998, mexican, caxcan && unspecified white)
gabriel conte (1994, cuban && colombian)
gavin leatherwood (1994, mexican, irish, british, german && cherokee)
jake t. austin (1994, puerto rican, argentinian, spanish, polish, english && irish)
lino facioli (2000, brazilian, austrian, italian, portuguese && german)
matt hunter (1998, colombian, scottish && italian)
michael garza (2000, mexican)
nico greetham (1995, colombian && scottish)
noah urrea (2001, mexican, dutch/frisian, english, scottish && german)
omar rudberg (1998, venezuelan)
ricardo hoyos (1995, ecuadorian, peruvian, irish, british, french-canadian && guernsey)
william shewfelt (1995, guyanese, indian && german)
xolo maridueña (2001, cuban, ecuadorian && mexican)
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geeekygifhunts · 10 months
Amara Vayder gif hunt (full)
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bijoumikhawal · 1 year
also it really is shit how several popular bloggers were like. Horribly bigoted towards ace people when it was cool, but once it stopped being trendy they 1) deleted those posts so receipts couldn't be pulled 2) maybe put up claimed "redactions" or said "omg its been years if you really wanna know wether i still hate those people dm me" but never apologized for their behavior lmao. I don't think any of the people who did that actually changed, I just think they know it's not such an acceptable/fun target to bully anymore. It's really sick how that type of bullying was encouraged for years and how few people repented for their behavior.
#cipher talk#H*stlerose and lgbt*nis in particular come to mind#x***guiw*ng too tbh#They did a weird heel turn of being normal about ace people to insinuating most ace people are homophobic and self centered#And that believing a society which strictly controls your sex life doesn't like you not having sex and may punish you is a 'white thing'#As though the pressures around sex are not MORE strongly felt by PoC#I don't wanna say 'imagine if there was a mass movement of people who said they hated gay men and homophobia wasn't real and they never#Apologized or faced consequences' bc I know that exists. It's on Twitter and it's why I'm cagey around how people on tumblr say f*g#(I do mean like other lgbtq people tbc)#But like it's ridiculously fucked up that it happened. That people allowed it. That most people have forgotten about it either bc#They were targeted or bc they did the targeting#Remember when a real human being who had recently come out as ace was murdered for rejecting a man and people turned her into a fucking#Discourse topic? And posted decapitation photos claiming they were of her in tags about ace people/spread rumors about that?#I do. I fucking do.#Remember all the discussions about how 'denying your partner sex' was abuse? How ace people were p*dos for forcing discussions of sexuality#Onto kids? How wanting non alcoholic non sex forward spaces- something ND people and addicts also discussed- became a fucking crime?#Because ace people also thought it was cool?#Like g-d I know this was painful and I'm not saying we should do discourse again but forgetting all that isn't helpful either
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face-claims-central · 2 months
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Geenah Philander - South African, Unknown
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fanfic-socialmedia · 10 days
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ashley moore 🤎
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wednesdayddams · 2 years
List of Romani fc:s pt 2.🤍
• Jésus Castro, actor - Spanish-Romani, Spanish (1993)
• Óscar Jaenada, actor - Spanish Romani (1975)
• Rosario Flores, singer - Spanish Romani, Spanish (1963)
• Jan Cina, dancer & actor - Czech Romani (1988)
• Pavlína Matiová, singer - Czech Romani (1988)
• Vlastimil Horváth, singer - Czech Romani (1977)
• Kendji Girac, singer - Catalan Romani (1996)
• Bianca Mihai, singer - Romanian Romani (2001)
• Gratiela Brancusi, actress - Romanian Romani, Greek (1989)
• Renata Mihaly, fashion designer - Romanian Romani, Hungarian (2000)
• Cher Lloyd, singer - English Romani, English (1993)
• Riah May Knight, singer - English Romani, English (1996)
• Mónika Lakatos, singer - Hungarian Romani (1978)
• Bálint Jaskó, actor - Hungarian Romani (1986)
• Gigi Radics, singer - Hungarian Romani (1996)
• Irini Merkouri, singer - Greek Romani (1981)
• Hamze Bytyçi, actor - Kosovo Romani (1982)
• Anjeza Shahini, singer - Albanian Romani (1987)
• Sofi Marinova, singer - Bulgarian Romani (1975)
• Sarah Kreuz, singer - German Romani (1989)
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solanacreatesgifs · 1 year
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Sofia Boutella as Ahmanet in The Mummy (2017) Part One (1/2)
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lookalikelist · 3 months
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Iñaki Godoy b. 2003
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ssecretwrld · 9 months
older female face claims !
jang heize. 1991. south korean
in nana. 1991. south korean
wang feifei. 1987. chinese
victoria monét. 1993. african american
marina lambrini diamandis. 1985. welsh-greek
rina sawayama. 1990. japanese-british
moon hyuna. 1987. south korean
ari lennox. 1991. african american
megan fox. 1986. american
kim eugene. 1981. south korean
youngest: victoria monét (1993) oldest : kim eugene (1981)
from left to right, in order of list:
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tokyicons · 19 days
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simone ashley icons
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Simone Ashley (b. March 30, 1995)
Her parents are Indian Tamil, her household was more academically aligned
Her first acting role was in a fantasy drama show called Wolfsblood
Signed with a modeling agency and started auditioning at 18
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bunnysrph · 3 months
Hiya! Do you have any recommendations for faceclaims that are non-binary?
below are some  NON-BINARY face claims. they are listed in alphabetical order, with their birth years && ethnicities. those in bold are my personal recommendations. please  LIKE / REBLOG  if you find this useful.
amandla stenberg (1998, african-american, danish && greenlandic inuit)
asia kate dillon (1984, ashkenazi jewish)
bella ramsey (2003, scottish && english)
bex taylor-klaus (1994, ashkenazi jewish)
brigette lundy-paine (1994, english && french)
celeste o'connor (1998, kenyan && irish)
dua saleh (1994, sudanese)
emma corrin (1995, english && argentinian)
emma d'arcy (1992, english && irish)
ian alexander (2001, vietnamese && unspecified white)
indya moore (1995, haitian, puerto rican && dominican)
lachlan watson (2001, unspecified white)
liv hewson (1995, irish)
olly alexander (1990, english && welsh)
quintessa swindell (1997, african-american)
rain dove (1989, french-canadian, polish && english)
rose mcgowan (1973, english, irish && french-canadian)
vanessa lengies (1985, german && egyptian)
vice ganda (1976, filipino)
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