#extasy summit 1993
eyelectricmoon · 2 years
hide talking about Sugizo - 1993 EXTASY BOOK excerpt (English)
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(from the TOSHI, HIDE, PATA & HEATH interview, p. 18)
– How was “Silent Iyarashi~zu”*?    [*T/N: made-up band name they used during the group performance]
HIDE: It was kinda ridiculous…… But that's okay! The image of NORI playing guitar as hard as he could, you just couldn’t help but find it cute. And as for SUGIZO, he really got into it.
– When you formed that invincible band “Silent Iyarashi~zu” to perform together, HIDE, SUGIZO and KEN lined up on the right side of the stage, right? But afterwards, KEN of ZI:KILL said this: “HIDE-san and SUGIZO were both playing so precisely, while I couldn’t follow the song closely and I ended up falling behind.” 
HIDE: But, while SUGIZO played everything properly at the rehearsal, at the actual live performance he didn’t, not at all ! Even though I was playing the solo guitar part, all SUGIZO did was move his body in front of me like he was doing gymnastics or whatever that was! Aren't you holding a guitar! C’mon now! I was like, “You fucker~” (laughs) If everyone acted like that, what would happen to the music? (laughs) Stop thinking only about yourself! If everyone's like “Oh, the other guy is playing, so it’s alright” then nothing will come out of it!
But afterwards I was really happy that the members of MAD GEORGE & PSYCHOSIS enjoyed it!
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[T/N: original Japanese transcription under cut, as always lmk if i got anything wrong! also lmao get his ass hide]
original Japanese excerpt
HIDE: なんか、おかしかった.....、いいよね。NORIが一生けん命ギターを弾いてる姿が、かわいくてしょうがなかった。SUGIZOは、その気になってやってたけど。
HIDE: でも、SUGIZOはリハーサルのときはちゃんと弾いていたくせに、本番になったらぜんぜん! オレがソロ・パートでギターを弾いてるのに、SUGIZOはオレの前で体操みたいに体を動かしているだけなんだもん。ギターを持ってないの!もう「おのれ~!」って(笑)。みんながそうなったら、音楽はどうなるんだ、って(笑)。自分だけはという考えは、やめなさい!みんなが、「ほかのヤツが弾いてるからいいや」って思ったら、何にもなくなっちゃうんだからね。
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eyelectricmoon · 2 years
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i need everyone to see this photo of heath with the starlight yoshiki doll (extasy book 1993)
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