#extasy summit
eyelectricmoon · 2 years
hide talking about Sugizo - 1993 EXTASY BOOK excerpt (English)
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(from the TOSHI, HIDE, PATA & HEATH interview, p. 18)
– How was “Silent Iyarashi~zu”*?    [*T/N: made-up band name they used during the group performance]
HIDE: It was kinda ridiculous…… But that's okay! The image of NORI playing guitar as hard as he could, you just couldn’t help but find it cute. And as for SUGIZO, he really got into it.
– When you formed that invincible band “Silent Iyarashi~zu” to perform together, HIDE, SUGIZO and KEN lined up on the right side of the stage, right? But afterwards, KEN of ZI:KILL said this: “HIDE-san and SUGIZO were both playing so precisely, while I couldn’t follow the song closely and I ended up falling behind.” 
HIDE: But, while SUGIZO played everything properly at the rehearsal, at the actual live performance he didn’t, not at all ! Even though I was playing the solo guitar part, all SUGIZO did was move his body in front of me like he was doing gymnastics or whatever that was! Aren't you holding a guitar! C’mon now! I was like, “You fucker~” (laughs) If everyone acted like that, what would happen to the music? (laughs) Stop thinking only about yourself! If everyone's like “Oh, the other guy is playing, so it’s alright” then nothing will come out of it!
But afterwards I was really happy that the members of MAD GEORGE & PSYCHOSIS enjoyed it!
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[T/N: original Japanese transcription under cut, as always lmk if i got anything wrong! also lmao get his ass hide]
original Japanese excerpt
HIDE: なんか、おかしかった.....、いいよね。NORIが一生けん命ギターを弾いてる姿が、かわいくてしょうがなかった。SUGIZOは、その気になってやってたけど。
HIDE: でも、SUGIZOはリハーサルのときはちゃんと弾いていたくせに、本番になったらぜんぜん! オレがソロ・パートでギターを弾いてるのに、SUGIZOはオレの前で体操みたいに体を動かしているだけなんだもん。ギターを持ってないの!もう「おのれ~!」って(笑)。みんながそうなったら、音楽はどうなるんだ、って(笑)。自分だけはという考えは、やめなさい!みんなが、「ほかのヤツが弾いてるからいいや」って思ったら、何にもなくなっちゃうんだからね。
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turtleations · 9 months
Interview with KIYOSHI (Guitarist of hide with Spread Beaver, currently active with Lucy, machine, Madbeavers) (summarized)
Published in the hide BIBLE (by Akemi Oshima) 2008
Note: The usual. Still not good at Japanese. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong about something.
Things Kiyoshi tells us:
- Kiyoshi almost met hide for the first time in 1985 at Kagurazaka EXPLOSION. He was with JEWEL, hide was with SAVER TIGER. They knew about each other but didn’t talk. The recording for the omnibus album “Heavy Metal Force III” happened there, which also featured X. He doesn’t remember if he went to see SAVER TIGER play, or if hide came to see Kyoshi’s band. In any case, they did almost, but not quite, meet.
- The first time he saw hide for real was when KYO joined SAVER TIGER. At the time, Kiyoshi was working part time at the Funabashi shopping- and entertainment centre and he made some introductions for KYO, who had finished high school and was also looking for a part time job. At the time, he told Kiyoshi that he had joined SAVER TIGER. And in the blink of an eye, his appearance became extremely extravagant and flashy.
- Kiyoshi himself was jobbing in a jeans store with blonde hair. KYO at first only had his hair bleached. Then, when he joined SAVER TIGER, he rapidly started looking more and more like Michael Munroe and the transformation was quite interesting to watch. It was also around that time that he met hide for the first time.
- Kiyoshi first met hide for real at an Extasy Summit. Kiyoshi performed the first round with VIRUS, the second with Media Youth. When he met hide, whom he hadn’t seen for a long time, hide talked about how cool he thought the guitarist of VIRUS was, and that he figured it had to be Kiyoshi. He didn’t immediately recognize him, since Kiyoshi’s look had changed quite a bit since his time with JEWEL, where he had had much longer hair and a different style.
- They didn’t become friends then because they fought a lot. Kiyoshi shares a story about how much later, they once met by chance at Paranoia Cafe, Mad George’s place in Roppongi, and started drinking together. Hide told Kiyoshi that he was going solo and asked Kiyoshi to come along as a guitarist, which Kiyoshi easily agreed to. But they got drunk, had some sort of disagreement over this or that band, which turned into another fight, and then into a fist fight. Hide told Kiyoshi he never wanted to have anything to do with him again, which Kiyoshi returned in kind. And that was it.
- The reason for the fight was something stupid. Kiyoshi thinks now that he insulted a band hide liked. He figured eventually that he didn’t have this problem with Imai (from Buck Tick), with whom he was in Lucy together, for example, even if they disagreed on something, because they just had different viewpoints. But he and hide came from the same musical background of hard rock, heavy metal, and glam, and so didn’t give each other any kind of leeway in their opinions. Kiyoshi points out that he wasn’t a bad guy, though, it was just that hide quickly turned into a monster when drunk, and back then Kiyoshi hadn’t yet learned to just agree with him at those times to avoid setting him off.
- Three years after this fight, hide called Kiyoshi from L.A. and invited him to play with him again. Once again, Kiyoshi agreed easily. When hide then told him, “Let’s not fight this time,” he just stared at the receiver.
- In the three years in between, they didn’t have any contact at all.
- Kiyoshi agreed to join the tour because he liked hide’s music; he thought it was simple and awesome. He felt like doing something new and didn’t hesitate.
- Kiyoshi is the type who usually forgets about it right away when he fights with someone. He didn’t obsess over the whole “Let’s never meet again!” thing. He doesn’t think there are a lot of people who would hold a grudge like that.
- The next day, Kiyoshi started copying all the songs from the PSYENCE album. His first impression of the album and the tour was that this was something he wanted to do. At that time, he was still listening to music on cassette tapes.
-The first song they rehearsed together was Beauty & Stupid.
- Before that, there was a recording for TV, which happened a lot with hide. Hide, whom Kiyoshi was meeting in person for the first time in years, had just come back from L.A. and was dizzy during the recording due to jet lag. Kiyoshi was doing an interview for the tour pamphlet that day, which was done as a dialogue between two members. He was paired with Joe. This was the first time he met any of them, so he said, “Nice to meet you” and went right into the interview, which upon further thought was a pretty terrible start.
- In the beginning, he thought that everyone in the band was pretty nuts, but interesting. DIE in particular was pretty scary and showed him no courtesy at all. When they met for the first time at NHK, he was in a particularly scary mode. Then, at the end of the day, they all went drinking together.
- hide had just come back from L.A. but he was still in the mood for drinking. He always went drinking after a TV recording, and they had an after party after basically anything. Like three months after the tour, when they did the TV recording for Hi-Ho. Hide’s manager (and brother) Hiroshi mentioned that hide hadn’t had any sleep at all the day before, and hide explained that he had been too excited that he’d get to meet everyone to get any sleep. Kiyoshi was surprised about this, and declared it very stupid, and they laughed a lot about it. It was pretty cute, though.
- None the less, hide was always there for the rehearsals. He liked rehearsals. Since there were many, long songs, the rehearsals also lasted a long time. They ended when Joe declared that he couldn’t move his legs anymore. Their length was not determined by time but by the limits of human durability. Afterwards, they went out to drink.
- During the tour, there were a lot of injuries. Kiyoshi pulled a muscle in his left leg when jumping around on the stage and the doctor recommended using crutches. But since DIE was already in a wheelchair at that time, and he was told it would be okay if he didn’t run, Kiyoshi didn’t use them. Chirolyn also managed to get a secondary fracture somewhere.
- Since DIE wasn’t allowed to drink because of his broken foot, he was the only one who often stayed behind at the hotel room while the others went out for drinks. Hide would worry that he would get bored and have the place they were drinking at send onigiri to DIE’s room, where he had already ordered room service. Since he had already eaten, DIE left the plates outside the door. When hide saw those, he would get embarrassed and take the Onigiri home.
- hide liked to watch their lives on TV. One day Kiyoshi was about to take a shower when hide knocked on the door, telling him to come quickly as soon as he was done. But when he was finished, Kiyoshi forgot about it and had a beer. So hide called him on the phone, asking him again to come over. Kiyoshi went over to his room and hide was like "Doesn't this tuning sound different?" Kiyoshi listened closely and indeed, his guitar was tuned differently. The technician had given him the wrong guitar by mistake, but Kiyoshi had played without noticing it, and the others didn't notice either. Hide noticed now, but even though he pointed it out, he accepted that it was too late to do anything about it anyway.
- Things like that also happened during rehearsal, when only Kiyoshi's guitar would be tuned half a tone too low and the result sounded bad, but while they played, no one noticed. They came to understand that everyone only hears their own sound.
- A part of hide was very nervous, and a part of him was very rough.
- It was okay if Kiyoshi played something different from the original version. The intro to “Tell Me” is monosyllabic with a delay, but since Kiyoshi found that tiresome, he played it differently, and after he explained his motivation, hide gave his okay.
- Kiyoshi would sometimes be able to play everything during rehearsal but not during a live performance. When they went out to drink, hide told him that he understood, because he was in the same position when he was with X, but asked him to play anyway. Except at the end in Yoyogi, where he played the next song because hide asked him to, but then the one after he again didn’t play because he couldn’t
-The chaos on stage was fun.
- hide couldn't sing if he had alcohol the day before, so he didn't drink the day before a live. At the same time, he was the type who needed to drink, but he still didn't do it.
- hide was often nervous about singing; if he was feeling that way before a live, the others would always encourage him.
- hide being hide, he was always ready to mess with someone, and that threat was hanging over all of them during the tour. Kiyoshi started to embrace being involved with hide, and they started to have fun together, even with things they would have fought about before.
- Guitarists were a topic hide was particularly strict about, since he was a guitarist himself. The two of them would talk about how they had to be super thin as guitarists, and if they got old and fat they would stop. Whatever happened, they wanted to remain thin. Because guitarists had to fit an idealized image, and it made their fans sad if they looked at someone whom they used to like  but who got older and gained weight, and then the fans would walk away with a feeling of “I didn’t want to see that”. It was something they both agreed on. They were also strict about technical aspects, but if your looks wasn’t right, then it didn’t matter how good you were otherwise.
- hide would always share exciting music he discovered with Kiyoshi and teach him the things he learned in the US. He’d bring a lot of CDs and stuff back to Japan and showed it to Kiyoshi when he visited.
- hide liked to mess with people doing his lives. Those interludes weren’t planned, but Chirolyn and DIE were always active participants in them.
- When Kiyoshi joined the team, Chirolyn was living not far from him, so he invited him to go home together. They looked like a pair of little boys going home from school. Hide would ask them, “You leave together every evening and seem to be having fun. Where are you going all the time?” and they would tell him, “No, no, we’re actually just going home.” When people looked like they were having fun, hide certainly wanted to join in. To Kiyoshi, this time felt like he was a student who changed from elementary school to the first year of middle school and was taken in by hide’s group of students who were already in year three.
- Hide was the class president as well as the general of brats. But looking back, Kiyoshi feels like he was constantly testing things out, trying to find out how far he could go. Since Kyoshi was similar in nature, that worked out for him.
- There was a balance between fooling around and working hard that everyone understood well.
- At that time, Kiyoshi was worried because his own band, Media Youth, didn’t do well. Just when they debuted, the director of the recording company complained that they didn’t let the vocals stand out. Kiyoshi didn’t quite understand what he meant by that and wanted to take a step back in reaction, thinking that would fix the problem. Just at that time, hide’s band came along and it was an eye-opener to him. He figured that that if he did take a step back in that band, he would die, because he would be killed on stage. At the same time he also realized that stepping back wasn’t necessary. You can’t get more than 100 percent from everyone if you substract from them; you need to add or multiply. He learned that lesson from hide, who immediately noticed that something was different if someone pulled back even a little.
- If, for example, they would slack off during a TV recording because it was just a camera rehearsal, hide would pick up on it immediately and call them out, trying to get them motivated. Because they were the way they were, they wanted to do things the way hide was most comfortable with.
- There were many things Kiyoshi took away from that tour. His way to think about music changed, he reacted differently to small annoyances and had a new view on rock music. This caused a bit of a dilemma when he returned to his own band, but the benefits outweighed that.
- After the tour, Kiyoshi moved to a place close to hide’s apartment. When hide told him Kiyoshi’s new address was close to his own, Kiyoshi didn’t quite understand just how close, but it was just across the street – fatally close. After that, they went drinking together basically every day. Hide would call and tell Kiyoshi that he’d just arrived downstairs. Thinking he was lying, Kiyoshi would then look out of his window to see hide’s Jaguar waiting for him outside the building.
- When the interviewer brings up that according to INA’s interview, Kiyoshi came over to hide’s whenever he was in Japan, Kiyoshi says this isn’t true, he only came when he was invited. He heard that whenever hide was working in his studio and read a magazine that mentioned Kiyoshi, he would say, “Kiyoshi, what are you doing? Cotta call him,” and then do that, so the music magazines allegedly all got hidden from him.
- Since their houses were so close, they often went out to drink, went to the studio together, hide would come to visit Kiyoshi, they’d take turns visiting each other. But regardless of whose home they were in, all they did was watch videos of the PSYENCE tour together. “Let’s watch Matsuyama today,” or “Today, let’s watch the second day at Nagoya.” Without growing tired of it, and without really talking; just laughing a lot.
- When Kiyoshi later started to record his own album, hide constantly came to visit him at the studio. And then he suddenly stopped. A few days earlier, they had gone out drinking together, and hide had hit his head, but he had seemed okay at the time. But then he didn’t come anymore, didn’t call either. Kiyoshi thought that was strange. About a week later, hide showed up again, and when Kiyoshi asked him what he had been doing, he was surprised to learn that hide had been hospitalized with a cracked skull, which Kiyoshi figured must have happened when they were drinking together.
- Kiyoshi joined the Mixed LEMONed Jelly event, and afterwards, they went drinking again. Originally, he had meant to join Sugizo’s band for the event “Fuji Rock”, but that was cancelled due to a typhoon. The day before the event, they arrived at the pension where they were to meet, and there were blood-covered people getting carried in, the heat was on despite it being the middle of summer, and the place gave the impression of a field hospital. The next morning, they got the expected call that the live was cancelled and went home. Hide was in L.A. at that time, but he called Kiyoshi when he got home, saying, “Fuji Rock got cancelled, huh? That’s because you did it when I wasn’t there.”
Kiyoshi: “Did you call just to say that?”
Hide: “Yes.”
Hide had also wanted to participate in that event. He also often said that he wanted to do Lollapalooza. That’s probably what inspired Mixed LEMONed Jelly.
- Then, X Japan had their Last Live at the Tokyo Dome. Hide asked them all to please come, so they all went to see them. At that time, Spread Beaver’s name was still unofficial. The next morning, New Year’s Day, “hide with SPREAD BEAVER” was announced on a full page in the morning paper. They waited for it at a bar, hide, drunk, constantly asking if the paper was there yet. When it finally came, he was very enthusiastic, but in the process spilled wine all over it.
- Kiyoshi had known about the band name before, as hide always referred to the project as Spread Beaver.
- When asked if hide ever said anything about Kiyoshi joining the band “machine”, he points out that that happened in 1999, so no, he did not. But after the PSYENCE tour, Kiyoshi played in the solo band of PENICILLIN’s vocalist HAKUEI. Around that time, HAKUEI met hide in some bar and hide kept going on about how awesome Kiyoshi was. Kiyoshi only learned about that later from HAUKUEI, though. Hide himself never mentioned it to him.
- hide asked Kiyoshi why he was plying for HAKUEI, and Kiyoshi told him it was because he had been invited to do so. Hide just said, “Hm…”, seeing uninterested and distracted. Then he asked, “Did you ever meet HAKUEI-kun?”, and Kiyoshi explained, “I met everyone from PENICILLIN – O, JIRO as well,” causing hide to pout and say, “What about it?” Why he was sulking about that, Kiyoshi did not know. It was just one of hide’s unique characteristics.
- Hide was like a school kid in things like this, but Kiyoshi explains that he was similar himself, in that he always got envious when he saw someone tall for example. He always wanted to look like HAKUEI, or Acchan (Buck Tick’s Atsushi Sakurai). Somehow it often happened that a band was made of people who were all roughly the same size, and hide’s band was no different.
- They often talked to each other about their style and about how to do tings now that they were past 30. A part of them wanted to go with the momentum, but they weren’t kids anymore. They didn’t want to get stuck at a strange style, but that was in conflict with that pink head. They talked about hair and clothes a lot.
- hide and Kiyoshi had similar interest. During the PSYENCE tour, they gave off a “psychedelic and sporty” vibe. It wasn’t really something found among people who did industrial music, so they thought about adding some glam on top of it.
- Kiyoshi had long orange hair at the time. He actually got tired of it after the PSYENCE tour and dyed it blue, but when he was out drinking with hide, hide told him, “Kiyoshi, you’re pale so that colour doesn’t suit you. It makes you look like a sick child.” Hide always nagged when you did something he thought wasn’t good. When it came to fashion and hair, he did that a lot.
- At the suggestion that maybe hide just wanted Kiyoshi to look cool, Kiyoshi speculates that hide wanted his own band because he was after some idealized image. He was strict at a high level – they had to be cool, but just being cool wasn’t enough.
- Spead Beaver came to life on New Year’s Day 1998, then they filmed a video [for “Rocket Dive”] right after. For that, they all gathered at the studio in Nishiabazu [a part of Tokyo]. Normally, they would go drinking after finishing, this time, they spend the night in a business hotel after. They checked in at 1 or 2 AM, and when they were all in the lobby, hide happily declared, “This is just like being on tour, right?”, only to add that since it was like being on tour, they should all get up at 7 AM. So they all just got a few hours of sleep. They couldn’t go drinking that early, but hide was happy just to hang out in the lobby with everyone.
- After that, they went to L.A. to film the PVs for ever free and Pink Spider. The day they arrived, they were called to the studio for what they were told would be a “trial shoot”. Only Kiyoshi was a day late because of other work. When he arrived, he was handed a guitar and had a moment of “This song? I don’t know it,” regarding ever free. When he said he had never heard that song, hide said, “Don’t say that!”
- The next day, they filmed the PV for Pink Spider, which also took a long time. The filming happened in a famous, aging hotel that had been turned into an apartment building, and it was pretty harsh once again. The residents were shouting at them from the windows and syringes were falling on them from above. Since it was a rather dangerous place, they were accompanied by a policeman, but it was especially bad for the staff operating the equipment. When they happened to ride the elevator with a brawny western resident, he suddenly damaged their machine. But when confronted with the bandmembers with their strange makeup and colourful hair, they mostly just looked away. They must have been strange lifeforms for them – scary but fascinating.
- Regarding the photos of the “7 Idiots”, Kiyoshi thought something like that won’t happen again. They thought about doing it and then didn’t. At that time, they were all feeling numb, while also thinking about how to move on. There were 40 – 50 lives planned for the Ja, Zoo tour. DIE also had an additional 50 – 60 stops touring with the band Glay, putting him at around 100 lives in one year. They talked about things like that a lot, all of them feeling a little overwhelmed.
- hide also had Zilch and the tour in the US coming up. But if Kiyoshi thinks about it, he feels like hide was conflicted about that at the time. When he was drunk, he would say, “Play guitar for Zilch”, and when Kiyoshi answered, “Okay,” he would get angry and go, “Don’t just say Okay!”
- Maybe he was struggling a lot. There was talk about performing with Marylin Manson at Budokan, but in the middle of that, he also talked about doing it with Spread Beaver as well. In the beginning, hide divided his activities into Japan = Spread Beaver, international = Zilch. Then he came to think that rock made by the Japanese might be enjoyed elsewhere as well. Nowadays, V-Kei has made it aboard, but hide already saw that 10 years earlier and figured it would be interesting to take Spread Beaver to America as well as Zilch. Kiyoshi feels that that was why hide wanted him to play with Zilch. He probably had a lot of conflicted feelings like that about his music. They often talked about it. They had all started doing music because they admired western music, so unconsciously they aimed for a sound like that. On the other hand, rock made in Japan was fun, and westerners weren’t exposed to melodies written by the Japanese at all. Kiyoshi thinks that Spread Beaver would have been better for incorporating that. Zilch didn’t care about the melody. Hide struggled with that a lot.
- Spread Beaver offered a lot of possibilities – also the possibility to fight with each other again. When they were drunk, they quarrelled all the time. That never changed.
- When Chirolyn, drunk, would say, “This crime scene –”, hide would go, “Don’t call it a crime scene! It’s a band!”, flip the table and rampage around. Recognizing the pattern, Kiyoshi would stop it. Quarrels like that happened every night.
- Regarding Spread Beaver’s prospects, Kiyoshi can only say that hide seemed to have solid plans for the tour. After that, he wanted to record with everyone. Until Ja, Zoo, he had done all the recording himself, but he said he wanted to do something with everyone.
- He wanted them to be a real band, because he really liked that hand. He hated it when the band didn’t have a name yet, and Kiyoshi thinks he called it Spread Beaver because he didn’t like it when people called it “hide Band”. They all understood that hide made the band to realize his own ideals. Being in it felt good. It was an environment where they made music while mutually respecting each other. It was fun, and there was a balance between hide’s wishes and theirs. Hide also said he later wanted to make a band where everyone could sing.
- What hide meant to Kiyoshi: A strange person. A friend. A friend with whom he could talk about all kinds of things, fight, do lives together, and with whom he shared a mutual respect. A guy with whom he could fool around even as their bodies calmed with age, and who was a stimulating influence. There were a lot of things only hide could do. A lot of people wanted to be like him, but no one could. Kiyoshi thinks there were a lot of things only hide could do, a lot of things only he possessed. A strange person Kiyoshi did not understand. He did something important for him when he invited him into his band, which was a turning point in his life. And all that is always going to live on inside him.
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madamcrimson · 2 years
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Fly me to the moon, boys
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electricsp1der · 3 years
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Pati Pati Rock n’ Roll (January, 1993)
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sexer-sexer · 5 years
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thepearlprincess · 3 years
its 4am i cant sleep thinkin ab how i put my dad on extasy summit 92 and zikill
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ghostcitycowboy · 3 years
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extasy summit ‘91
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learntoloveme · 3 years
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extasy summit (1991)
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honey-blade · 3 years
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EXTASY BOOK: Extasy summit '91 pt. 3
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sandlowe · 3 years
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Issay, extasy summit '91
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eyelectricmoon · 2 years
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i need everyone to see this photo of heath with the starlight yoshiki doll (extasy book 1993)
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turtleations · 1 year
Interview with HEATH (summarized)
Published in the hide BIBLE (by Akemi Oshima) 2008
Note: The usual. Still not good at Japanese. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong about something.
Heath first met hide in May 1990, when X was having a two-day performance at the Budokan-stadium. Heath hadn’t yet left for Tokyo for good. He was there to visit someone and they suggested going to the stadium to see X. It was a really big place, though, and there were a lot of people there. The first time they really met was when Heath was in a band in Osaka. His bandmates told hide about a bass player in Osaka and they were introduced at an afterparty. When Heath mentioned that he wanted to go and do something in Tokyo, hide offered to introduce him to some people and immediately did introduce him to quite a lot. Even though they had only just met for the first time, hide pulled Heath by the hand and they left the party together.
Heath wasn’t in a band at that time and wanted to see what Tokyo was like.
He knew about X and hide before, of course. He had seen X perform when there were still only four of them and had even participated in an event with them. But that was before hide joined.
He’d never seen hide live before, but there was an Iassakaya where you could play videos for a few coins and “Kurenai” was popular, so Heath saw hide on video quite often.
Before Heath ever met hide, a lot of mutual acquaintances had told him about how kind and caring hide was and how almost everyone adored him. When he really met him for the first time, Heath found hide to come off a bit strict and stern, but at the same time, he was also very calm, not harsh or arrogant at all, listened earnestly to those around him, and plenty of adoring people came to get his advice on various matters.
At this occasion, hide also gave Heath his phone number, telling him to call if he needed anything. Heath did call several times, but usually for no particular reason, so they just exchanged gossip and hung out on the phone. One day, Heath told hide that he was thinking about going to Tokyo for good, since there was nothing for him to do in Osaka, and hide suggested he should just do it. So the next day, Heath got on the Shinkansen with his suitcase and two bass guitars and upon arrival at Tokyo asked a friend to let him crash at his place for a while. Then he called hide to tell him, “Hey, remember how you told me to move to Tokyo yesterday? Well, I just did that.” hide was a bit surprised by this rapid development, but he invited Heath over to his place for a drink at once.
Right away, Heath started to look for a band to join in Tokyo and ended up with the indies band Media Youth. Apparently, there were a lot of stories about them, but to Heath they were fun people.
He did get quite good at drinking while living in Tokyo.
Eventually, Heath got a job at a bar in Roppongi through someone from another band. Hide often came by to visit him in the morning when there were no other customers, chatting with Heath while drinking his drinks.
His previous job he got through hide. One day, hide called him to the Extasy offices, saying he wanted to “show him how to do something”. Once Heath arrived, hide pointed at the piles of records of the Jealousy album and said, “Here, pack these!” So Heath got his first properly paid job in Tokyo packing boxes with the album to ship, all the while thinking about recording his own music, doing lives etc. So far, he had only recorded something once.
Heath had participated at one of the Extasy Summits, but not as a performer. He was one of the people carrying banners during the “Anarchy in the UK” performance, where hide was also singing. The band had asked him to do this during an urgent meeting just before. Things with X were always urgent.
By that time, Heath wasn’t with Media Youth anymore. After leaving them, he joined a band called Majestic Isabell, but was only with them for a very short time.
In the end, there was only about a year between him coming to Tokyo and him joining X Japan. In this time, he and hide stayed in casual contact. Eventually, X lost their bassist and started looking for a new one, even advertising for it in magazines. One day, hide called Heath and asked him if he was aware of the band’s bassist-issue, which he was, of course. Hide then invited Heath to the studio, giving him 5 X-songs to practice. Since the word “audition” was never used, Heath was pretty relaxed about the whole thing and didn’t even bother to properly tune his bass.
The songs he had to play where Blue Blood, Kurenai, Weekend, Endless Rain, and something fast he couldn’t quite remember anymore – probably Celebration or Joker.
He copied the songs off cassette tapes, because that was a long time ago.
The day before the date at the studio, Heath was once again invited to drink with hide. He initially hesitated, because the trip there was rather long, but then it did seem like a good idea to loosen up a little for the next day. In the end, he didn’t really relax, though, he just got drunk. He drank with hide until 9 AM, and even though hide advised him to get some sleep before the appointment, there was no time for it. Heath went home, dozed for an hour or two, then grabbed his bass and left again.
He wasn’t hungover for his studio session with X, because he didn’t get any sleep for the hungover to settle in. Instead, he was still kind of drunk.
The session itself was unproblematic. Afterwards, Heath went home, got some sleep, and then hide called the same day to ask how he liked it. Heath told him it had been great and thanked him for the opportunity. hide informed him that the others had liked him, too, and asked him what he thought about it. And Heath was like, “…about what?”
Heath had just agreed to return to his very first band and didn’t want to let them down, so he declined the invitation to join X. hide understood, but asked him to talk to Yoshiki first, saying, “You might change your mind.”
Heath agreed to meet Yoshiki, determined to just reinforce his decision to not join X. Yoshiki picked him up at the station and took him to his home, where they talked about their plans and prospects for a while. Eventually Yoshiki showed him X’s newest work, saying, “This is the new song we’re recording, it is 30 minutes long.” Finally, Heath gave in and agreed to join.
The others appeared suspiciously quickly after Yoshiki called them to raise their glasses to their new bassist. hide did seem rather smug that his prediction had come true, though he refrained from going “I told you so!” on Heath.
After joining X, Heath’s life didn’t really change. At that time, X was basically an indies band again, having separated from SONY just before. And there was a long time between Heath deciding to join and it being announced, so he had to keep it a secret.
He didn’t introduce himself to hide’s friends as hide’s bandmate. One time hide had an appointment at a radio station. Heath went there with him, but if he had gone inside, there would have been rumours, so he had to wait outside in the rain among the fans that had gathered there. Afterwards, hide took him out for drinks.
There was about a year between Heath joining X and it being announced. In this time, they didn’t just stay in Japan, but also moved to LA.  But to keep the others’ activities from leaking out, Heath had to travel ahead alone. Eventually, the others came and they finally united.
It was the first time Heath left Japan and he was a bit nervous and lonely about it. At that time, hide predicted that since Heath was easy to influence, they would probably be covered in tatoos by the time they left. Getting his plane ticket, Heath was somewhat worried that there might be no one who looked like him over there, and that he wouldn’t be able to communicate. But then he saw a lot of people who were just like him in the lobby, which was a relief.
His first apartment in LA was right next to hide’s, so he had fun every evening.
He wasn’t really anxious about working with X because he didn’t have the time to be. In that sense, he considered himself lucky to have been so busy back then.
In those days, hide would warn Heath to be prepared for what was to come. They would go from Roppongi to Yokosuka and end up in one of the establishments frequented by foreigners, where they and the bar staff where the only Japanese, and hide would tell him that there would be many things from now on that would seem astonishing to him but were actually pretty normal. And then, “As you make music (for the band), keep putting in more and more, as if making your own material. I am doing the same." He told Heath to get good at absorbing things and turning them into ideas, since LA offered a lot of inspiration, but also warned him that he needed to be able to store those ideas if he wanted to be able to keep them.
Even after Heath joined the band, the others were still his respected seniors and his relationship with them did not really change just because they were now making music side by side.
Heath liked living in LA – at least at the time when hide was there to take care of him. hide would make sure he ate well, recommend places for him, take him on trips in his car.
There was one particular incident with a drunk hide that made it to Heath’s top 3 drunken misadventures. Heath and some non-specified others had a favourite bar/club in downtown LA, which hide had never been to. He also wanted to go, though, so one day they decided to take him. Except there was some worry about it going to go well, since hide had already been drinking quite a lot of bourbon before. So to be safe, they left the place early and once they were in the elevator descending to the underground parking garage, hide started to rampage. He ran around the garage with a fire extinguisher he had gotten from somewhere, with the others running after him until they managed to catch him and shove him into the car.
A “tough looking black security guard” was alerted by the tumult and not amused by what he saw. Hide started yelling at him from the car window, something along the lines of “How long do you think I’ve been living here?”. He had indeed been living there for a long time by then, but he was yelling it in Japanese, so it was unlikely that the guard understood him. The others did their best to apologize, while also trying to calm hide down, telling him that they should just go home to enjoy some more drinks there. On the ride home, there was more uproar, however. To Heath it felt like the drive took three days.
At the apartment building everyone involved lived in, hide chose the emergency bells as his next target. The alarm system was activated by what looked like breaker handles. There were several of them lining the corridor and hide ran off and pulled every single one of them.
All the alarm bells started blaring. It was incredibly loud, and it was also 3 AM. So while hide pulled down the last of the breakers, everyone decided that it was time to run. Heath wasn’t that drunk in comparison and managed to get his own apartment open, while hide failed to unlock his door because he had lost his key in his drunk state. Seeing Heath’s door open, he escaped into Heath’s room (as did everyone else), while a number of fire trucks appeared in the distance. The other residents of the floor, who had been summoned by the alarms, saw them go in. Hiding in the dark behind the locked door, they could hear them tell the firemen, when they arrived, “It was the one from this apartment!” And so Heath suddenly turned into the main suspect!
There was a knock on the door and peeping through the key hole, they could see the silver clothes of a fire man while they kept pretending not to be home. Again, they heard the neighbours go, “No, it was definitely that guy!”
When they looked around they found that hide had relocated and was now fast asleep in Heath’s bed, his limps spread out to take up all the space. At this point their coordinator (manager) arrived and took care of the situation.
Heath was scheduled to record the bass-parts of “Art of Life” the next day, and he would rather have liked to get some sleep. Unfortunately, hide had left no space for him on the bed, so Heath had to take the couch. In the morning, when Heath had to go, hide was still sleeping soundly, so Heath left him a note saying, “Take it slow. I’m off to the studio,” and left.
The recording was done without any issue. When Heath got back home, hide had returned to his own place. He didn’t remember what he had done the night before and just cheerfully asked Heath how recording had gone. Heath did tell him about the events he was missing from his memory – at least about the funny parts.
[Note: I wrote down this story as Heath told it in the interview, even though he left out a few rather significant details. If you are interested in a more complete version of the same story, you can find it here. This is how INA, who had also been with them, described the events 10 years later in his book “Kimi No Inai Sekai”.]
Heath eventually moved out of that apartment, but this incident wasn’t the reason. In the beginning, Toshi and Pata also lived in the same building, but people moved out one by one until only Heath and hide were left.
hide bought a barbeque-set and often held barbeque-parties on the building’s roof, where everyone would gather and be noisy. If he had to go to the recording studio the next day, Heath would try to decline the invitation, but hide would keep calling him and tell him that they couldn’t end the event until he had shown up, so he ended up going anyway.
hide was someone who easily got lonely. Consequently, he was also someone who was good at taking care of people and he was very kind. During their conversations, he would often say things that moved Heath’s heart without even meaning to.
When asked for his opinion, hide would look at the matter from different angels, consider various view-points and also take people’s feelings into account.
After the press conference in New York, during which Heath was announced as the new member of X Japan, they were invited to “The Phantom of the Opera”. Having heard that you needed to dress up to be allowed in, Heath wore a suit and tie. Hide showed up wearing a flashy white-and-grey outfit that definitely stood out from everyone else at the gathering place. They wondered if he would even be allowed in like that.
hide always seemed like a fashion-leader whom everyone tried to imitate. Heath would always wonder what kind of outfit he would show up in this time.
In terms of fashion advice, hide would say things like, “Hi-chan, you should bring out of the lines of your body more.” Or, “Won’t you cut your hair? I will, too.” And then Heath got a short hairstyle. Before the Last Live, hide asked Heath to cut his hair for him, but that was too much responsibility for Heath to take on.
Overall, it was up to Heath to dress as he wanted, since they were a band with no common dress code. hide was someone who liked to express himself through shocking looks, so he worked with a wide variety of clothes.
During recording with X Japan, there were a lot of times when there was no one else around.
When they recorded SCARS, hide heard Heath’s footsteps outside his place when he got home, so he called him immediately to ask if he had gotten the tape, and then came over so they could listen to it together. He made suggestions on what Heath might do here or there, but ultimately they only worked on nuances, without hide telling Heath he absolutely had to do something this way or that.
Since hide and Heath listened to similar music at that time, they understood each other quickly.
When Heath was recording his solo works in Tokyo, hide came to the studio to bring provisions. He appeared with sweets and a smile on his face, but Heath had asked him not to come and now sent him home again, because he absolutely wouldn’t let hide listen to his songs until they were completely finished, so as long as he was there, Heath couldn’t start. Hide left, looking lonely.
After Heath finished recording, hide slid a letter under his door, full of praise for his work, which made Heath very happy. He kept the letter, as it is important to him.
Face-to-face, hide didn’t say anything about it, probably embarrassed to express himself in words.
When it came to his solo performances, hide didn’t give Heath any advice. The first time he had to do a solo corner for X, it was decided that Heath should go first, since he was the youngest. Just before the performance he fired himself up, only to be told, “Heath, you’re going to be okay. You’re from Kansai!”
In the end, he just went out and did it. It was probably for the best that he was the first to do his solo corner, since like this he didn’t have time to hesitate and think about it. Time didn’t flow normally.
When hide finished his own solo music, he called Heath into his room and let him listen to it. Before he started his solo career, when they were in LA, he also showed Heath the video he did with Tusk, and eagerly asked Heath for his opinion. Heath gave his opinion honestly, sometimes in detail, sometimes he simply thought it was cool.
If Heath said something positive, hide would smile, if he said something negative, hide would say, “Is that so?” and the smile would disappear.
Heath and hide went to the live performances of other artists and orchestras together when they were in LA. They didn’t just go for fun, instead it seemed that hide always took something home from the experience, observing, for example, how other artists did the performance of industrial music and learning something for his own performances. He was very attuned to things like that, even though he didn’t go to those shows for that specific reason. And Heath came to understand that hide didn’t just finish his creations within one day due to some genius input that came from heaven, he worked very, very hard for what he accomplished, to the point of collapse. Heath had a lot of respect for that, and was also motivated and inspired by it.
Heath office was also at hide’s company HEADWAX, and he got a glimpse of hide as the person in control of the company there. LEMONed had been created because the focus of the company were people who were different from other people, and this didn’t just exist as an idea in words, but was really lived there, and Heath saw hide time and time again as someone who had the power to move the company and the people in it. Heath didn’t have the impression of a company head, though, but saw hide more as a creator who was focused not only on music but also had a sense for fashion, visuals etc.
Heath knew about Zilch – he could hear the noise often in his room in LA. Hide once said that he could do Spread Beaver because Zilch existed. It probably created a balance of the different things he wanted to do.
They didn’t really talk about the dissolution of X Japan. But hide said things like, “Even though it’s over, it’s not over”, and “Until the reunion, good night.” Because of this, Heath understood that even though it was over, there was still a future. After the Last Live they participated in an NHK New Year’s event, and afterwards, in the dressing room, hide said, “For the time being, this is it,” and “Why does it end in this NHK dressing room?”
The question whether there was anything he was angry at hide for, Heath answers with a resounding “No.”
There were, however, plenty of moments where he would go, “hide-san, please stop!” Even though he was a guy, there were just a few things hide would do that were pretty cute. When everyone would make a fool of themselves, he would remain serious. One time they went to the bar of an acquaintance, and hide was asked to spring some tasty alcohol. So he threw his bag on the chair, sat down, and said in a low voice, “For now, Cola.” The staff of the bar all fell over. Whatever he did, he was a person you couldn’t hate.
About the reunion of X Japan, Heath notes that it is a fantastic band. They didn’t do anything together for ten years and then just got back into it within three days. It wasn’t just a reunion concert, it also carried the story of those ten years. There aren’t many bands who can give a concert like that. The stories of the five members in those ten years accumulated in the form of X Japan. Tokyo Dome was a truly great place for it, not just because of the sound but also because it gave the concert itself a sense of vitality.
Even though hide is gone, Heath felt the entire time like he was right there. When Heath played something, hide’s sound would answer. Since he never looked to the left side of the stage, he could ignore that it was empty. During Rusty Nail, they had a live-size image of hide projected with them, but it felt more like hide himself. Not only there, but in various places it felt like hide was there to tell them they did a good job.
It’s too vague to say that hide was like an older brother to Heath. He was a rocker in sound and in the way he lived. What he was to Heath goes beyond being a good older brother, but going into it more deeply would make the interview too long, so that answer will have to be enough.
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katavamp · 7 years
30 Days Luna Sea MEME Day 1: How did you discover LUNA SEA?
Honestly, I don’t remember... I discovered them in 2009, and that time I was an X Japan fan already, so I because of Sugizo, I guess. :D Or maybe I watched that Extasy Summit from 1992? Something like that. :D
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thepearlprincess · 4 years
i miss extasy summit
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acheterecstasy-blog · 7 years
Achat Extasy Drogue Ecstasy Achat
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learntoloveme · 3 years
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extasy summit (1991)
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