yajmae · 2 years
       EACH FINGER BENDS, one after the other, the exposed tendons and bone beneath it coiling and stretching. his flesh moves like clockwork, quivering with every flinch of a joint, and roll of his wrist, everything in place as it should be. he curls his into his palm, and once satisfied, azrael begins to bind his arm anew in a fresh cut of bandages. luckily he is not wholly bound by his human skin, for despite its pitiful state, he can move his arm quite freely. perhaps he should return to the isles in order to complete the healing process--- at least that way, he wouldn’t have to contend with these accursed mortal wounds reopening and bleeding every half an hour.
       he does this where no-one oft ventures; his pain is none but his own, and he loathes the stares. wrinkling his nose, every pass of the bandage beckons a twitch of his lip, the fabric grazing raw muscle and sinew. the wounds are like fire in his veins, and he hates every second of it. however, it appears another has misjudged him for a friendly presence, and approached nonetheless. lowering his brow, the angel shifts his gaze aside, his arm only partially wrapped.
       he would have considered admonishing the presence... if it weren’t for a familiar face greeting him in that moment. recognition flashes across his features, staying his words... before he wrinkles his nose, averting that gaze. he permits no-one and nothing to his shame--- not even kimihiro.
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             “  leave me.  ” he curtly dismisses the other, hoping to banish him so that he may toil in peace.
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elfcast · 1 year
✲ Marcille being Marcille, just couldn't sit still when she had so many questions. The problem was finding someone to help answer them. In lieu of not being able to find anyone who could help her just yet, she had sought a library. But when she couldn't find one? She'd settled for a small, old-fashioned bookstore.
When she had begun speaking to the shopkeeper about what she was looking for though? They had mentioned a regular that might be of help to her. And it just so happened he was perusing the books in the back of the shop.
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"Um... Hello!" She approached slowly, stewing on what to say. "I don't mean to be a bother, but do you have a free moment? I'm new to this city and the clerk said you "have the air of someone that knows things"... which I guess is kind of presumptuous... But I've been trying to find someone to help confirm some things for me."
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corpsebell · 1 year
the modern era was....overwhelming, to put it lightly. overwhelming and a place in which she did not belong. the lights far exceeded the brightness of the sun, the noise was as irritating as naraku's saimyosho and, above all else, it was too crowded. incapable of hearing herself even breathe, what could she do except leave? this city was not a village and the buildings offered little interest for her. what she craved was the woods. the tranquility of the silence the trees offered. a place to think and wonder: why am I alive again?
the strange object given to kikyō upon her resurrection (for what else could it be? she had made peace and yet she continues to live. ) is cast to the side. thrown upon the ground with no interest or care. whatever the wishes of these 'Stars' are, she cares not. there it rests upon the ground as the priestess moves to continue on, intent to walk until she escapes this wretched grouping of metal and living souls.
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an unknown voice calls out to her, halting retreating steps. kikyō turns to spare a glance over her shoulder, eyes narrowed at the device held within the stranger's hands. the intention must be to return it. an honest one but pointless overall.
" Leave it. I've no use nor want for what this era holds."
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phantommirrored · 1 year
Spirale had begun to feel lonelier and lonelier for quite sometime, minus his roommate in the treehouse, it just seemed like everyone he could fathom tolerating had long been gone.  The shadow had grown quite accustomed to it at this point, but it still stung.  
He’d found himself at a stall giving out hot cocoa for anyone braving the winter fair.  The abrasive teenager figured it was a no brainer, and gloved hands cupped the paper cup, letting the piping hot cup’s heat warm his hands more effectively than the mittens he was wearing.
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“Oh, it’s you.”  Shadow had not even realized he’d sidled up near Watanuki.  He didn’t exactly want to acknowledge the other, but he figured if he didn’t say something, Watanuki would.  “I’m not here to make idle chit chat.  So don’t even think about it.”
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leafslash · 2 years
TODAY   hadn’t been very remarkable in the grand scheme of things. Ashton had taken a quiet commute to work by foot in the morning, the autumn chill having had him don his scarf for the journey. His shift had been pretty typical too, save for an out of the blue eclipse past his lunch break. By the time he wraps up for the day, shops for the week’s groceries, and begins the path back home it’s well past nighttime—and suffice to say, he’s going to be glad to land face first in bed after dinner and sleep in tomorrow. He’s already thinking of the imminent and hopefully fantastic snooze he’s in for as he unlocks the front door, Gyoro and Ururun sharing the fantasy by sighing longingly through their noses. But it’s as he turns the lock behind him that he realizes... ... He left some of the lights on? That can’t be right, can it? Without any real thought behind it, he walks down the foyer to survey what else he’s left running in the house while away at work, only to find—— “K-...”
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“—iro?” A familiar face standing there in the living room, reflecting the same sort of relief and surprise back at him. Immediately, the surge of ‘I missed you’s and the bone-deep ache of wishing to see him again come rushing back like the most turbulent wave rolling against the shoreline. And then Ashton’s blustering halfway across the living room, dragons trailing after him, and wrapping him in his arms so tightly it brings the other to a tiptoe against their wooden flooring. “Kimihiro!”
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“I— You’re here!” His hand runs through Kimihiro’s hair, as if to fully cement in his mind that he truly is here and in his arms. “When did you— Was it, earlier?” @existentialismee​  —— reunion!
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isolaradiale · 2 years
hello! i’d like to reapply as kimihiro watanuki from xxxHOLiC if possible! his application can be found under /app. i’d also like for him to be moved back into ashton anchors’ home (cotes ward), please! thank you!
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Forehead!
You will be housed in Ashton Anchors’ home!
You’ll retain everything you’ve unlocked during your previous stay.
– ⋆ diadem.
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bigshot · 1 year
1 & 3
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autumnalrefrain · 2 years
@existentialismee​ asked: " there’s some hope left for you, too, you know. don’t give it away too quickly. ”
"Is there, really?" Wirt looked glum, his shoulders hunched forward as he hugged himself. "Some days, it's hard not to feel like I'm overwhelmed by it all."
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"Is it the same for you? How do you find hope in a place like this?"
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divineshadows · 3 years
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Subversion p1 ask meme @existentialismee​ said:
🍄 - Who are your muse’s friends?
He’s. An anxious person and he tends to struggle with reaching out to people so he doesn’t really think of many people as friends? But I’d say Zal and Lloyd both count, and honestly it really doesn’t take much to be his friend. Just be nice to him,
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workaho1ic · 2 years
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*: ・゚✧   friendship prompts. (NOT ACCEPTING)
@existentialismee sent:  [drunk] (hopefully sei drinks-)
sender helps a drunk receiver get home safe
“ --senpai. “
Turning to Watanuki who’s wearing a hint of a smirk Seiichirou frowns. Waking up he feels himself supported, arm over the shoulder of the oh so sweet kouhai that he remembers talking in a certain café few weeks back. 
“ ....in another life maybe “, Seiichirou laughs a little, eyes closed, “ it’s Kondou-san, now. Speak respectfully.... “
He wonders if he’s heavy. Aresh always says he weighs nothing but he’s a big, very well toned man, he doesn’t know about the noodle arms of this one. He doesn’t seem very strong, so he should probably walk himself.
“ Alright. “
His tone is even but still glowing with drunken  determination. 
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“ You can let me walk now. “ 
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kujoutengu · 3 years
Now that the ordeal of the ark had passed, and the moon was moving out of the new moon phase, Waka slowly felt himself returning to some sort of normal. He was still lethargic and unusually quiet, but he was able to focus more and pass to most as if nothing had happened. He still could not sleep and had low energy, but it was improving.
It had improved more once he found himself back in the familiar forest of Cotes. A part of him desired to move here at some point, for he felt more at ease surrounded by quiet and nature than in the more busier wards of the city. He would miss his roommate, though he could always invite Siebren over. ...assuming he was allowed to move, that is.
Pushing those thoughts aside, Waka turned at the sound of approaching footsteps.
“Bonjour~ Are you here to enjoy the scenery, as well?”
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aprentis · 3 years
   “ e-excuse me, i’m so sorry-- ”   in the interest of speed, coco presses her feet together to quickly push herself forward alongside a flap of her wings, for if she didn’t, the reason for her apology would get away from her.  she stretches out her arms and forcefully snatches the creature from the air and away from the poor man it wouldn’t leave alone.
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   “ brushbuddy, ”   she grumbles, the exasperation in her voice implying this hadn’t been the first time she’s had to do this,   “ you can’t keep bugging other people like this!  at this rate, you’ll get both our wings confiscated!! ”   
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missmiseery · 3 years
Les fléaux, en effet, sont une chose commune, mais on croit difficilement aux fléaux lorsqu'ils vous tombent sur la tête. Il y a eu dans le monde autant de pestes que de guerres. Et pourtant pestes et guerres trouvent les gens toujour aussi dépourvus.
Albert Camus, La peste
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underteika · 3 years
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For the next five asks, my muse cannot tell a lie (2/5) -- @existentialismee​​​ said: "Do your powers frighten you?"
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“When do they not scare me. I’m terrified of losing control on a large scale and doing... I don’t even know. Sometimes I’m afraid I’ll erase someone’s entire life. I don’t want that to happen. And that’s not even all of it. Like, what happens if I stop caring and just let it do its thing? I don’t know...”
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phantommirrored · 3 years
The sound of creaky door is what woke the teen at first, and then the light rushing into the immediate entrance of the warehouse alerted him that someone miiight be looking for him, no one had looked here before so it was only natural someone would finally check here.  As Shadow was hidden behind a blind corner, he managed to slip into a closet, now, he just had to wait it out.
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“(C’mon let this be a confused janitor or something.)”
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leafslash · 3 years
When he awakes again, it’s not while laying limply on the cold stone of the cavern grounds, slowly waiting for death to claim him. Instead, it’s in the comfort of his own home. And when he does, everything sharpens. His vision, his hearing, his sense of physical being – they all surge back to him at max velocity, collapsing inward like he’d imagine they might under the immense pressure of a forming star. It jolts him awake with a flinch of severity, rattling the whole mattress with it, abruptly waking the sleeping form of – somebody beside him. He shouldn’t be here. Right? Here... In— In where? Ashton doesn’t know that he’s gotten to his feet. Nor does he realize that he’s taken their bedside lamp with it, knocking it off the table onto wooden flooring, partially dragging open one of the drawers as he’d tried to grasp around for his balance. All he knows is that his back suddenly meets a wall, that Gyoro and Ururun are hissing, and that the somebody of before is up now, racing around the bedframe and calling out to him. Kimihiro. Why is he here?
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Kimihiro says something to him. It’s raised, sounding frantic, but Ashton... doesn’t understand it. Then he says it again, and Ashton still doesn’t understand, but he tries to answer. “ Gh— Hhn! ” They’re nothing more than frightened noises choked out between gasps for air. What is he doing here? Shouldn’t he... have died? In the cavern? Why is he alive? They remain there, watching each other in a tense standstill half a room apart. Kimihiro maintains distance – is he scared of something? ( Or is it Ashton who is afraid? Of him...? ) And they wait, until one of them does something first.
                                                ❱❱:   (  @existentialismee​;  planned  thread.   )
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