gymequipment18 · 3 months
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PROPRIOCEPTIVE NEUROMUSCULAR FACILITATION (or PNF) STRETCHING is a a relatively underused stretching technique. 💪It involves CONTRACTING muscles lightly against a resistance, before STRETCHING. When muscles contract, the STRETCH-REFLEX, which prevents muscles from stretching excessively far, is ❌INHIBITED, allowing muscles to ➡️STRETCH FURTHER. This leads to ➡️greater MICROTEARS and greater reparations to ✅increase FLEXIBILITY. 💪PNF stretching can involve 1️⃣ALTERNATING between contracting and relaxing a muscle group (above) or 2️⃣CONTRACTING a RECIPRICOL MUSCLE group, so the target muscle group is lengthened (below). In addition, PNF stretching involves 💪light MUSCLE ACTIVITY, building 💥NEUROMUSCULAR PATTERNS through a certain range of motion, ↗️works best when range of motion is INCREASED every 5-10 seconds, 🌬 is supported by EXHALING, and ⏰ is most effective at least TWICE per week AFTER workouts. 💪 Reposted from @exercise_science #anatomy Https://www.HarpendenSportsMassage.co.uk/Personal-Training 💪🏻 #Acupuncture 👍🏽👌🏽✌🏽💪🏽👊🏽🙌🏽 #massage #backpain #neckpain #rsi #health #wellness #therapy #harpenden #watford #stalbans #herts #hertfordshire #sportsmassage #remedialmassage #deeptissuemassage #fitness #fitfam #tcm #RotatorCuff #ShoulderInjury #TriggerPoint (at Harpenden Sports Massage) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7qgCcOBgUY/?igshid=w1d2t8eibfsh
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mulomotivation · 4 years
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🛑Scrolling✋🏿 - PUSH PULL WEEK Shoulders / Triceps / Biceps 💥Chasing the pump💥 - Quote of the day🔻 - You've got to take the initiative to play your game. Confidence makes the difference. —Chris Evert - SHARE📥 BOOKMARK🔖 TAG SOMEONE👤 - Read 🔻 - Today we focused on having the workout fast and intense. Can in warm up and finished within 45 minutes. Didn’t put much detail into the recording because of timing but we still managed to get some footage. Enjoy and like always get better everyday “Optimize Yourself” - - - @bodybuildingcom @bodyengineers @workoutroutine @briandecosta @workouts_by_katya @getbsf @exercise_science - (at Nova Scotia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B56DsrdjNIz/?igshid=trklewzuw66r
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jmeador4-blog · 7 years
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#Repost @exercise_science with @repostapp ・・・ Both chocolate milk and Gatorade recovery contain the two key recovery ingredients: protein (to build and repair tissues) and carbohydrate (to increase insulin, which sends nutrients into cells, and to replenish muscle glycogen, which is depleted in long and intense exercise) in comparable amounts, depending on the chocolate milk brand. As drinks, both help to body to rehydrate, which is a benefit over recovery bars. Chocolate milk contains far more calcium, an important component in muscle contraction that strengthens bones, and is cheaper and easier to find. Gatorade recovery is slightly more tailored for sports, containing leucine, the most powerful whey amino acid in muscle reparation and more sodium to replenish sweat loss. 💪@exercise_science💪 (at Angelo State University)
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